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Celt $o>t.'t (ij
comaNN NQ ssRi'BeaNN saeOit/Se
Mac Ckuitin.
poRQs peasa an sirinn
SeaCRCiN C61C1NN, t).t).
_• *
seacRUN ceiciNN, d.d.
fiiN DQRa imLeaDoR
1 n-A OptJit
tintpoR AH c4ix)teAbAm ■oen stair
« FixubuB occidoit describitur optima tellus
Nomine et antiquis Scotia dicta libris.''
■O'A tijAiiMt) lace l^gw d|\ ^ipeAiiti ftAlniAp caiI,"
Translation bj A. oa n.
Celt (^z)
Printio at th«
cnAOibe ah c4iciriniS
connnAX) ha SAe-Qitge
seAtnun ceirinn
suAin riA heineAtin
inA]\ 6tiiThnitigA<6 Af a f aoca|\
pAt)nAi5 tJA t)tiinniii
"Oa tnb'eot t>AOibfe, a Jteoifiiiit)e dAtiAf ^Ab^n,
b]\6nlA0ice if i:6f jtiiothAfxcA Oiliolt tiA ^ceAixt),
n6 beodAOine if beoiLihilfeAdc dtAntiA li^p b^in
30 "oeo Af If til c65f Ai^e lib |\AiinAi]teAcu ftnAil.
mdi'oigitn 50 |\6fio|\ T)A mb'ACftiiiin 'OAOib z\k^6c
At\ ti6f Cuinn a|v a f6ffAi<>e if Af ©ACCf a a lAifi,
no pdf intipTic CA^ leotiAigeA-of Ati OfCAfx bA cai<)
Do gldf gAiL 11AC corhdAOin tiAC f Ai-Of eAb pb pAi|\c.
ttllllATfl tiA leATIIIAin.
Preface, . ... . . . xi
Introduction, xiii
-poriAS ireASA An 6minn: The History
OF Ireland:—
tlbetl pnitntIS : Book I. :—
Ale A XT., 2
XVI • . 12
XTII., 24
XVIII., 3a
XIX., . . : 60
XX., 64
XXI 78
XXII., 86
XXIV., 106
XXV., 116
XXVI., 128
XXVIII., 152
XXIX., 160
XXX., 172
XXXI., ........ 182
XXXII., 190
XXXIII., 198
XXXIV., 206
XXXV., 212
XXXVI., 220
XXXVII., 228
XL., 264
Ul>efl pimntlS: Book I. ( wfimwirf) ;^
aU a hi 268
XLTV., 812
XLV., 324
XLVI 838
ILVII., 354
XLVin.. 372
XLIX, 382
L., 392
LI., 400
LIL, 408
Tesxual Nont AMD CoBmBcnoat, 415
An edition of Keating's fopA.f 'Pe-b.fA., with translation and
notes, was undertaken for the Irish Texts Society some ten
years ago, by the late lamented Mr. David Comyn ; and the
first volume appeared in 1902. Mr. Comyn, however, while
engaged in the preparation of the second volume, was over-
taken by a serious illness, which made it necessary for him
to abandon the undertaking. In February, 1907, the present
editor reluctantly undertook the completion of the work, as
far as text and translation are concerned. Mr. Comyn's plan
included a supplementary volume of notes ; and in the two
volumes now issued, the lines of the text are numbered con-
tinuously, and thus a system of reference is secured for the
purpose of future annotation. The plan of the work and the
size to which these volumes have grown made the insertion
of notes other than textual ones impracticable. The reasons
which induced the editor to follow a text differing consider-
ably in style from that mainly used by Mr. Comyn are given
fully elsewhere in this volume.
The volume edited by Mr. Comyn contains the 'Oion-
bjiolt^c or Introduction, together with a portion of Book I.
of the iro]t^i^ pe^f A. or History, that portion amounting to
almost an eighth of the entire 'Poi^^.f "Pe^f ^. The first of the
two volumes now issued gives Book I. of the fo^i^i* "Pe^f a. from
the point at which Mr. Comyn's volume left off to the end.
The second volume gives the whole of Book ll. Thus the
present volumes contain rather more than seven-eighths of
the entire 'Pojt^^.f l^e^f^j^, excluding the Introduction. There
only remain the Genealogies and Synchronisms, which, with
indices, etc., must find a place in the volume of notes without
which the work cannot be regarded as complete.
These volumes are issued at a time when the Irish text
they contain will have a far lax^er circle of readers than they
would have had at any time during the past hundred years.
The work, too, is one of great and many-sided interest It
is of interest to the historian, the antiquarian, the ethnologist^
the philologist, the littirateur. In some of the byways of Irish
history, it is our only source of information. It is a store*
house of excellent Irish prose, almost modem in style and
language. The second book, which is contained in the second
of the volumes now issued, giving the History of Ireland from
the coming of St Patrick to the Norman Invasion, is as
interesting as a fairy tale.
The 'PoitAf pe^^f ^ was finished probably in 1633 or 1634 ;
and now, after a lapse of nearly three centuries, it appears in
print, in full, for the first time. The annotation of the pof Af
pe^i.f ^ — a work scarcely less important or less difficult than
the annotation of the " Annals of the Four Masters " — will
require years of patient labour and research. Still it is no
inconsiderable advantage to the student to have the entire
text in a convenient form accompanied by a translation, and
to have, moreover, a system of reference which will facilitate
the work of research.
The editor has to acknowledge gratefully the kindness he
received from authorities and assistants while using, in the
preparation of this work, the libraries of Trinity College, the
Royal Irish Academy, the Franciscan Convent, Merchants'
Quay, and the King's Inns, as well as the National Library.
He has, moreover, to thank his friends U^t>s O 'Oonnc^t^
and Hife^i^t) H^ poglu'd^ for help given in reading the
t>Aite ACA ell AC, beAllcAine, 1908.
The poiA^f 'pe^f4>. has been preserved in several good
manuscript copies, although the original appears to have been
lost No Irish work of equal extent ever became so popular.
There are more complete copies of the work extant than of
any other work in the Irish language of the same length.
The work seems to have been finished in 1633 or 1634, The
former date is mentioned in a copy in the Franciscan Library,
Merchants' Quay, and the same date is given elsewhere. In
the second book a collection of letters made by Ussher is
quoted. Now, these letters were published in 1632. Hence
it is certain that the work was not finished earlier than, say,
the close of that year. There are some dozen copies of the
•po]^-^f "pe-^i'-^ in Dublin alone dating from the seventeenth
century. Of these probably six were written in the author's
lifetime. Of the two excellent manuscripts in the Franciscan
library (Fi, F2), one (F2) bears dates ranging between 1638
and 1652, and the other, though undated, is at least equally
early. There are four early manuscript copies in the T. C. D.
library. Three of these by the same scribe are undated.
To one of them (Mj), as we shall see later, the date 1645 ^^^
been assigned ; and the others are probably not much later.
The fourth (D) bears date 1646. A copy, now imperfect,
the property of Rev. Patrick Power, of Waterford (P), was
made in 1647. The copy in the King's Inns' library (Ms)
bears date 1657. The copy in the Reeves' Collection,
R. I. A., is dated 1641 for the first part of the book. Other
copies in the same library bear date 1666, etc. There is
an imperfect copy of Book ll. in the same library, dated
1643. A copy in the British Museum (Eg. 107) was finished
in 1638.
Though some good copies of the work were made in the
early part of the eighteenth century, still a rough division
might be made between the copies written in the seventeenth
and in the later centuries, the former being naturally the more
reliable. If, then, we divide the copies of the poji^f pe^f^
broadly into early and late, the year 1700 will form a good
line of division between them. But there is another division
which has to be made of the manuscript copies of this work.
They may be divided into copies written in an archaic style,
and copies written in a more modem style. If we take a
copy of each of these classes of the same date or thereabouts,.
we shall find the matter of both substantially the same»
paragraph for paragraph, and the words mostly the same, the
language having, however, got an archaic setting in the one,
while it tends towards the modern in the other; the syn-
tactical system, too, differs somewhat in both classes : thus
sometimes the passive construction of the one corresponds to
the active of the other. The language of the archaic copies-
is, on the whole, more elegant There is a marked effort in
them to avoid unnecessary repetitions of the same noun
several times in the same sentence. There is, too, an effort
made to use a more precise terminology. Thus, in the
modem copies, the petty prince is usually called |ti, in the
archaic copies the word used is fl^ic.
The phrase j^b jtioj^cc Cn\eo.nn, which is used of the
kings so often in the modem copies, becomes j^b ^n ^tige
in the archaic copies. The order of words, and even the
words themselves, are so different in the same sentence in
both copies that to supply * various readings ' to the one from
the other would amount to practically printing the two
versions. On the whole, greater care and accuracy are dis-
played in the verse quotations, and in the forms of some
proper names, and in the inflections of nouns, etc, in the
archaic copies than in the modern ones. The verbal forms
are a shade older also.
Now, it is certain that the difference between the two classes
of copies does not arise from these copies having been made
at different periods. The oldest copies we have are modem in
style, such as the Franciscan copies, the Reeves copy, M4, M,
Eg. 107, etc. Of these early copies so many exist that there
cannot be any reasonable doubt that the work not only
existed, but was widely known in its modern form, during the
author's lifetime. It is perhaps needless to state that all the
eighteenth-century copies are modern in style. On the other
hand, archaic copies must have existed at an early date.
Indeed, it seems highly probable that an archaic version
existed in the author's lifetime. Father Power's copy is dated
1647 — that is, it is stated in the manuscript, in a later
hand, that 1647 was its date. Keating was probably still
alive in that year. Only four archaic copies are known to
me, and none of them is now complete. These are Mi, T.CD.,
a copy made by the celebrated scribe, John son of Toma
O'Mulchonry ; the latter portion of Ma, which has been
ascribed to Michael O'Clery ; Father Power's copy made in
1647 J 2Lnd a copy (S) in the Stowe MS. C. iv. i, which, like
Father Power's, only contains portions of Book I. and Book II.,
the 'Oionbiioll-6.c being lost. The Stowe copy is undated,
except that the year 1696 is to be found in the marginal
scribbling ; but it is probably earlier than 1650. O'Donovan
speaks highly of Mi in several passages of his works ; but, as
he died in 1861, he could not have seen M», and he certainly
never draws attention to the difference in style between Mi
and the other copies available in his time. O'Curry speaks
in terms of the highest praise of both Mi and M» (he could
only have seen Mj the year of his death), and states that they
are by the same scribe, and are probably the best copies ever
made of the work, * not excepting the original'; but never does
he point out that, though covering the same ground, they
are essentially difTerent Similarly, neither Mr. Comyn nor
Dr. Joyce, nor any previous writer who has written on
Keating, or discussed his works, or edited his text, has pointed
out the difference in style that is to be found between the
two classes of MSS. referred to. Dr. Joyce's version of the
portion of Book I. he has published is in the archaic style.
Mr. Comyn's edition of the 'OioTib|toUA<$ and a portion of
Book L is in the same style; Dr. Joyce, however, adheres
rigidly to all the archaic word-forms to be found in Mi ;
while Mr. Comyn softens down and modernizes some of
them when the modern forms are to be found in other copies
of the work. Haliday's text is of the modem type.
The question now arises, How came these two classes of
copies to co-exist in the lifetime, or close to the lifetime,
of the author? The first consideration to be borne in
mind is that these versions are by no means independent
One must have been derived from the other. The same
author using the same facts could not have written both as
independent works. One of these versions must therefore
have been derived from the other by a careful writer, whether
that writer be the author or another. Which version, then,
was the original ? I think there can be little doubt that it
was the more modem version. This version agrees in style
and language with Keating's other works, such as the C|\i
bio|\5^oice, and the 6oc-<M|t-Sci^c ^n Aif|\inn. The style of
this version is so simple and natural that it is difficult to
imagine how it could have been derived from any pre-
existing copy. It bears on the face evidence of a first
creation. On the other hand, it is quite easy to understand
how its simple language could have been dressed up some-
what to bring it into line with what was regarded as the
traditional style of chroniclers. Then the modem version is the
one that became at once widely known and frequently copied
throughout the country. It is the version found in the copies
of the work used in the Franciscan Library of Donegal
Convent, and afterwards transferred to Lou vain and Rome. It
is to be found in all parts of the country and in places abroad.
The earliest known copies are in the modem style, and a
few of them were made only a couple of years after the work
was finished ; while of the archaic version no single complete
copy is known to me, and scarcely could a complete copy be
made from the four imperfect copies that have come down to
us. It would appear, then, that the modern version was the
one intended by the author for general use. The question
arises, Did the author himself produce the archaic version from
the modern one ? It seems certain that the archaic version
was made in the author's lifetime. The date 1647 claimed for
P brings us at least very near the author's lifetime, if not
actually to it. S also seems a very early copy, though its
precise date cannot be determined. Then the author's name
is used in the archaic version, just as in the modern ; and the
few passages in which there is a personal note are given with
the same simplicit)^ and directness. It is improbable that
any scribe would have taken on himself the task of re-writing
Keating's book in a more archaic form, and using the author's
name during his lifetime without his express consent. In the
same way it is scarcely likely that a scribe of repute would
transform a well-known author's work after his death, and
affix his name to it. It does not seem probable, therefore, that
the archaic version was made without the author's knowledge
and consent. We must infer, then, that the author either
made the adapted version himself or employed a scribe to do
it in his name. It is more likely that he employed a first-class
scribe than that he did the work himself.
The earlier copies of the modem .version that have come
down to us may be roughly divided into two classes, the
classification being based on orthographical considerations.
As types of these two classes we may take Mj and R. In Mj
the orthography is on the whole precise ; it is what I may call
full-dress — the aspiration -points and the accents are attended
to with reasonable care, and the contractions are but few.
The orthography, too, inclines to the modem. Thus we only
rarely find cc for 5, e for e^ or eu, etc. In R, on the other hand,
there are numerous contractions, ccis used for 5, ^ for e^ or eu ;.
aspiration-points and accents are used irregularly. Now Fi, F3,
though very careful copies, are orthographically akin to R (R,
D, and H write f c, while Fj, Fa write fj). There is, on the other
hand, a decided kinship between M, Mi, M,, M3, M4, Ms, S
in orthography, while there is no copy of the archaic version
known to me in what may be called the archaic orthography.
It seems highly probable that the author himself used the
species of orthography represented by R, Fi, Fj, etc., and that
the more precise and careful system of spelling in M, Mi, M2,
M3, M4, Mj, S, etc., is due to the scribes, who were all of the
O'Mulchonry family. Hence, if the author himself made the
archaic version, it is likely that some copy or portion of a
copy of it would have survived in the archaic orthography.
On the whole, then, it seems likely that the archaic version was
produced in the author's lifetime, and with his permission,
and probably at his instance, by some first-rate scribe. It
was certainly made with great care and accuracy. It seems to
have been made as a concession to the traditional style of the
scribes. Thus the Annals of the Four Masters were compiled
by contemporaries of Keating ; still they use a style that is, in
many respects, much older than the age they lived in.
Now, as to the respective merits of the two versions, it
cannot be doubted that the archaic version is superior to
the modem, inasmuch as it avoids unnecessary repetitions
of words and phrases, and as regards precision in using
certain terms ; also its inflections are, on the whole, more
strongly marked, and in many passages a more precise and
accurate idiom is used ; but from a literary point of view, in
those passages which are not purely a chronicle of events,
and where style tells, the modem version is superior. It is
simple, natural, unaffected. Indeed, in some of the narrative
passages, the modem version exhibits prose of no mean
Although these volumes only continue the popA.f t^cA^f a.
from the point at which Mr. Comyn left off, still it seemed
better to give the modem version in preference to the archaic^
as the former represents the original work of Keating, and
as it is the one most widely known. The student of modem
Irish will find himself more at home with this version than
with the other. Still the convenience of the student was not
the motive that induced the editor to make choice of this
version, i It should be observed that Mr. Comyn, though in
Tthe main he followed Mi, still supplied the gaps in it from Ma^
iand that he speaks of Mi^and_M8 as if they were one source,
^-'^n'^ selecting the MS. to follow mainly in "thTs'^"dition==^
as there are several good MSS. of the modern type — I
took the trouble to copy out passages from certain good
MSS., and collate them with others. I copied a considerable
portion of the work from Fj, and then, by collation, brought it
into harmony with Ma, and discovered in the process that the
variations in the text, apart from differences in orthography,
are neither serious nor important. I finally decided to follow
M2 altogether, except in a couple of short sentences, where the
■ ■— ■ • - — —
variations from it will be duly noticed. The MS. I selected
for the basis of my text, Ms, is carefully written ; it tends
towards the modern in orthography, and is not much con-
tracted. The portion at the end which is wanting in Mj is
supplied from M3, having been all first copied out from Fj
and collated with Fi.
Now, as to the relation my text bears to its sources, a
general statement of the case will preclude the necessity of
detailed various readings, which are only orthographical varia-
tions. After I had formed my text from Mi, with the aid of
the others I have been referring to, I lighted on a passage in
the preface to the Globe edition of Chaucer which expresses
clearly the principles on which I endeavoured to construct
my text. This passage expresses the opinion of the four
editors (Messrs. Pollard, Heath, Liddel, and MacCormick) :
" We have endeavoured," they say, *' as far as may be, to
produce texts /which shall offer an accurate reflection of that
MS., or group of MSS., which critical investigation has shown
to be the best', with only such emendation upon the evidence
of other MSS. as appeared to be absolutely necessary, and
with the utmost parsimony of * conjecture.' . . .
" As regards spelling, we are agreed in our dislike to any
attempt at a uniform orthography determined by philological
considerations. In the present state of our knowledge, any
such attempt must come perilously near that * putting our
own crotchets in place of the old scribes' habits* which
Mr. Bradshaw once deprecated in editions of medieval
Latin, and which is as little to be desired as it is difficult to
carry out. At the same time, every manuscript has its per-
centage of clerical errors or unusually repellent forms ; and to
reproduce these in a popular edition would be in the former
case absurd, in the latter more or less undesirable. . . . With
our common belief that the difficulties raised by variations of
spelling have been absurdly exaggerated, and our know-
ledge of how the balance of advantage shifts with every
change of manuscripts, we see no reason to regret that, while
in some cases a few uncouth forms have been left, in order
that it might be understood that the text is taken with
only specified alterations from a given manuscript, in other
instances it has seemed advisable to do more to conciliate
the eye of a modem reader."
These remarks represent fairly my attitude towards the
MSS. of Keating in the preparation of my text, making
allowances for the difference in age and some other differences
between Chaucer and Keating. I tried to * conciliate the eye
of the modern reader,* and at the same time give a fair
representation of what I considered to be the best MSS., noting
every emendation from the other MSS. which I considered
necessary or desirable. A diplomatic text would not answer
the purpose for which these volumes are issued. The more
the ortho{2fraphy is brought into harmony with what the eye
of the modern reader is accustomed to, without doing violence
to the earlier forms of the language as given in the MSS., the
better. But the reader and the student of the language should
be put in possession of the exact relation that exists between
the text he is reading and the source or sources whence that
text is derived. Dr. Joyce published a small portion of Book I.
of the pop^i^ Te^f -6., and made only very few deviations from
the MS. (Ml). I have already stated my reasons for following
Ms in the text of these volumes, and Ms towards the end
where M2 fails. Now I shall state in what way I have differed
from the orthography of the MSS.
My entire prose text corresponds word for word with
Ms (as far as it extends) and M| where Mt fails, except in
a few short sentences to be noted in their proper places.
There are a few slight omissions of words or phrases in Ma-
mere scribal errors. These, of course, I made good ; and they
will be noticed in due course. The contractions for ^juf,
such as 7, etc., I have expanded into -^juf or if, according as
either word seemed to me to suit the sentence better. I think
the usual contractions for A^juf offensive to the modem eye
in printed matter, especially when they are of very frequent
occurrence. Other contractions— and they comparatively few
— are silently expanded. Sc, yp, fc are written throughout.
So, fp, fc are the spelling used in D, R, and H (and largely
in M4) — all early and accurate manuscripts. I have used e^
for 10 in short non-accented syllables generally, except in a
few proper names. Thus 6i]te-^Tin for 4i|iionn, muinnceA.'p for
niuinTicio]\, etc. In M3, the ist pi. perf. act. usually ends in
m^ijt, as cuijie^TTiMp ; but in several early copies, the form
in^|i or iDo^A is used, as also often in Ms. I have invariably
written in^|\. I have written J^^'^^^U S-^®*^®^^?* ^tc.,.
instead of S^oi'^^^U S^oite-^tg, etc. The latter spelling is
that regularly given in M| and Ms. I have given the preposition
as 1 instead of the ^ of most MSS., and the assertive verb if
instead of ^f of most MSS. I have written 6^ for eu and ^u
of the MSS. The MSS. sometimes write 6 in a few words like
01 ten. In such cases I write otle^n. A few proper names,
however, are excepted. In these e is retained, as it is also in
some words occurring in the verse-quotations, as 065, eg, etc.
For cu, where it means eclipsis, I write t)c ; for cc, 5c, etc. The
MS. aspirates invariably the m of tn^c and meic in a pedigree —
thus, T)o g^b diqn^L lii^c l|vi^il pi.i^ meic ^ipeMTioin pioj-
^cc 4i|te^nn. This aspiration of m I have not marked, nor
did Mr. Comyn mark it It is to be found in Mi and Mj,
also in Ms, etc., and, of course, has a phonetic basis.
I have followed Mj, M4, Mi, etc., in marking the aspiration
in the adjectival part of a proper name like Con;i.LL Ce^i^n^d
in the genitive after a, word like mo.c, thus m^c Con^ilt
CeA^jAn^ij, etc. In such cases when both words begin with p,
aspiration is usually unrecorded,; when the noun begins with
a vowel, the adjective is irregularly aspirated. I have put the
sineadhfada on the preposition le throughout; Mi, M3, M,, Ms,
S generally accent it, and M* invariably. The same applies to
the preposition |Ae. As regards •oo^, except when it is a com-
pound of a preposition and a pronoun, it is accented in text.
The forms o'a. and t>'i, which are used by some editors for
the pronominal compound, are not, I think, calculated to
* conciliate the modem eye.' I dropped the accent in this
case, as it is very largely dropped in MSS. like Mi and M,.
I have not dared to discriminate between the prepositions
-oe and t)o in form, they being both written 00 in all the MSS.
I have used generally Irish letters in place-names, such as
C^ncepbupie, and personal names, such asCoflfc-6.ncine,bei>-6.,
which are in some MSS. given in Roman letters. This led to
the aspiration of the initial letter sometimes, as po ]teip bet)^,
not 00 |iei|\ be-oA.. Words like bet)-^, etc., commonly written
in Roman characters, I do not accent. Numerals have often
been expanded to words, but in general accordance with the
system employed in other passages in the MS. The suffixes f o
and f e have been connected by a hyphen with the words to
which they are added ; fe is written in. preference to p, which
is more common in the MSS. ; A^nn pn has been retained as
two words. The word pn unstressed is very generally written
foin in MS. when following a word ending in a broad syllable :
it is written foirj after a broad syllable always in the text.
The dative case of ]ii is usually jiij in MS. : it is made
always so in printed text. The equality in value of the
letters a, o, u in certain syllables in these manuscripts is
a cause of some trouble to an editor. Thus we meet with
i^^ij^j moige, muije, as genitives of m^j. The interchange of
these letters does not affect the sound. 'Oi^^imuit) and 'Oi-^]w
m^i-o are found even in the same line. The scribes do not seem
to have troubled themselves as to consistency in this matter.
In the text I believe there is a certain preference given to the
letter ^ ; but absolute uniformity is not attained or aimed at.
The word coTho]^b^ is written generally in MS., but sometimes
it is coth^-pbA.. For verbals like cv]\ oul, etc., Mi and M2 often
write co-p, T)ol, but not invariably. One still hears in some
places t)ol and cop ; but as the forms cun and •out are largely
used in all the best MSS., they have been retained in
conformity with modern usage. Words like Opiuige,
CiA.'P]\-Mt>e, etc., occur in endless variety. I have not studied
uniformity in these forms. I have given the words generally
as I find them.
The words |ie and 16 are given as they occur in M2,
without any change. One finds ]\h and le interchanged in
some passages in the MSS. I thought it best to keep them
as they stood in the MS. I am mainly following : so, too, as
regards |ie and jii^— they have not been disturbed. Mj writes
vo b]iio5 invariably, Mi 00 b^Aig. In this I have followed M,.
The few instances of an earlier form, like t^^if for leif , that
occur in M2 I have retained, as they are so few as not to
I I ■i w. '^ M ■ ■ ■ ■' ■ ! ■ « ■> . jL mm ^^i^m^if^mm
offend the eye. t)^ is always used in MS. before 3^6 and b^p.
This I have retained. As to the forms of the irregular verbs,
they have been carefully retained as in Ms ; but e, eu, and ^u
have been written ^. A hyphen has been also used between
the particle t>o and the body of the verb.
There is a distressing irregularity in the MSS. as to some
of the proper names, I have written tTlili-b in nom. and
tri'ile^^ in gen. throughout, and have left tleinii'b undecHned.
The forms Tle^MiUi^L and Tle^nuL occur ; I have kept the
latter. The nominative form of such genitives as jTi^qt^c,
po^c^Cy 6oc^c, is often shrouded in a contraction, but
'Pi^b.c^t-o is the usual form in M«, as in some earlier MSS. I
have written its termination ^it> in all these cases, although
po^q^^ and po.c^ are the common forms. Of the two forms
cotn^ipce and coitneijice, the latter seems the better, and is of
the more frequent occurrence. Still as the former got into my
text imperceptibly, I have retained it. I have kept the form
fe^nc^ in the nom. case as being the simplest, as it is also
of the most frequent occurrence. Final e has been preferred
to final 1, thus 6^5^ilfe rather than O^g^ilp ; the 1, how-
ever, is far more common in MS. The gen. of bi 45.16, /ood^
is found in M2 in a few cases as bi. I have added a o, as it is a
radical letter in the word, and is now sounded (as 5). Follow-
ing the manuscript I have joined ce^t> and ^on to the
following nouns. I have not followed Mj in writing cfoLuif ,
■00 cfiol, "00 cfiol^t), etc., but have written foLuif, x>o fiol,
■00 polo.'b, instead, as m Mi, etc. Ms regularly aspirates
the initial letter of a noun preceded by a feminine nom. ;
this has been adhered to in text, but there are some
obvious exceptions. Also certain plural nominatives mas-
culine aspirate, as P|t ttluTh^n, etc. Masculine nominatives
singular produce aspiration irregularly on personal or place
names : thus cottio|tb^ P^^T^^^5> cac Cuite t)|\eithne ;
sometimes we find, however, bif ]5i.t)itAi5, ciof l^i^'Of 0.15,
C^c Ctu^n^ U^^pb, etc. A|t (prep.) does not usually aspirate
the initial of a word like fliocc, bf u^c, etc. ; usually also 6.\^
111^15, rather than i6.|i th-Mj. I have omitted the t in a few
words like pcce, pcce^^t), AicfpeAnn, etc As a general law
a preposition followed by the article eclipses the initial of the
sing, noun following (when it begins with an eclipsible letter) ;
t)on is usually an exception, and f ^n ; these often only aspirate.
Mi wavers between t)on THtim^irj and t)on itluiri^in, also
between -p-6.rj*TnuThiMti and f^n itluTh^in. I have aspirated
in these cases, but have kept 6n Tnuiii4).irj throughout in
accordance with the MS. Oite is the regular form in Ma,
Ml (now eile), and has been retained. ca^jaI^, a|\ (poss. pr.)
are not accented in MS. I write mic for tneic of Ms, also
T)ibipc for t)ibeiiic, etc. In the verbal termination -pot)
10 has been retained, but not in a termination like -pot)
as in cuippot). Sometimes two genitive forms, like 6^|ic<:>.
and eijic from 6a|\c, jiig and 1^105 from |\i, occur. These I
thought it well not to disturb. For a form like tjibfr ei^Ag of
MS. I write tjibfeifj ; for 1:015 I write C15. For coi5e4>.cc I
write cige-cvcc, though the MS. forms in these cases might
have been retained.
There is a good deal of irregularity in the use of aspira-
tion after numerals, thus r]Ai mite, r:|^l triite, ye tnile, .f§
mile, Z]\S c^oj-^t), c-pi c-6.05^t), etc.
As to the accent, or sineadhfada^ I have in general followed
the MS., except that it sometimes accents ia, which is now
not accented. I accent the verb fi. throughout. It is generally
accented in Mi and M2, and always in M^. I have not, how-
ever, accented the diphthong eo, which, of course, is usually
long, nor do I accent the triphthongs, as an accent adds to
their cumbrousness, and is used to mark the long sound
rather than placed over a definite vowel. As to the use of
capital letters, punctuation, etc., there are some departures
from the MS. usage. The MS. paragraphs are often too long ;
and it was found necessary to break them up. The division
into sections is arbitrary, and would not have been made were
it not for its having been employed in vol. I. ; but no titles are
given to the sections in these volumes. The sub-headings
that occur in a portion of the work are the author's. It should
be noted that Mi has more frequent sub-headings than M, and
the^ MSS. of the modem type generally. In a few personal
names like CpioTTiC4^nTi and tlg^me I have omitted the accent
usually put on the first syllable. I find also that I have
written t>Tp|\c for ■oip'pc and le^CAn4^c for te<yci.n^c of MS.
In the verse passages I have often used readings of Mi, but
have always given the variants in the notes. In the verse, I
have but rarely inserted emendations from MSS. outside of
those of the foi^^f fe^f ii., though I have sometimes given
variants from older MSS. in the notes. .
It should be borne in mind that even the best scribes hiad
no definite invariable rules in the matter of aspiration, eclipsis,
and in some other matters. Thus Mi, M,, Mj, Ms, S are the
work of the same scribe. Still they differ in the use of
aspiration-points, eclipsis, accents, etc., which are part of the
small change of Irish spelling. No doubt some points were
often omitted, but understood in reading. The same scribe
would not use these points exactly, perhaps, on two successive
days, or on two successive pages of the same work. Still there
are certain broad principles to which good scribes adhered.
Although, as has already been said, to give an account of
the variants, in Mi would be practically to print the entire
version, still, in the use of certain word-forms, inflections,
points of aspiration, etc., it has been consulted with advan-
tage ; and variations of interest given in the notes or incor-
porated in the text. The pronominal combination le (3rd sing,
fem.) is normal in these MSS., and has not been disturbed,
though it is now usually written tei. It should be noted
that the verb ^n ^im, * I stay,' appears throughout without the
initial p ;also nim, not snim, throughout -o^niu ^ to-day,' ^^.ne
'yesterday,' are the usual forms, though ^niug is sometimes
found. Coije-^o is more common in the MSS. (Mi and Mt)
than cui5eA.T), and 0615 than cuig. Still the w-forms are given
in text, except in the verse. The imperfect and conditional
forms of the assertive verb are generally written in contracted
form in the MSS. I have, in general, used b^ for imperf.,
and btix) for cond. and future.
The word b]ieA.T:4vin and kindred words deserve notice.
In Ml and Mj, in the earlier passage, where this family of
words occur, we have t>oti D]iioccAin, n^ biiioccAinij, 4>.n
bjiiocc^inif, 6 Mmpji Opiocci^in, too ^iiogMb n^ 'bjMOCCA.ine
on mbjiioccime. At a later point, however, Mj gives n-o.
bpe^cn A.i5> ^^ bpe^CA^in, ^n bpe^rnM^p, etc., which forms are
those employed in the text throughout. I have accented the
preposition ip<y (fo), though it is usually unaccented in the MSS.
I have mentioned the principal points of deviation of my
text from the manuscripts. Anything further worth setting
down will be recorded in the notes.
The following are the principal manuscripts consulted in
the preparation of the text. M, Ci, Ca, though often con-
sulted, are not much quoted from : —
In the T. C. D. Library the principal MSS. used are : —
Ml (H. 5. 26). — An excellent MS. in the archaic style. The
date is not given ; but it is probably as old as 1650.
The handwriting proves the scribe to be John son of Toma
O'Mulchonry. It has some gaps : one of six pages between
lines 367 1 and 4301 in the first book ; and a gap extending from
line 223 to line 377 in the second book. It is fortunately com-
plete at the end. This copy has been highly praised by
0*Donovan, who stated, in his edition of the Four Masters
(vol. i., p. xxxiii), that he had read every word of it. It is
the copy used by Joyce and Comyn.
Ma (H. 5. 32).— This MS., as far as it extends— that is, to
Book II., line 4539 — is the principal source of the present
text, the remainder of the text being taken from Mj.
It is a large folio, containing the T^ii bio]i5^oite ^.n b^if,
and the Poji^f "pe^f^^ up to line 4539, Book n., all in the
handwriting of John son of Torna O'Mulchonry. The
remaining part of the 'Pof ^f Te^f ^, up to and including the
genealogy of O Eidirsceoil, where it breaks off, is in the
archaic style, and in a different hand, with h's used instead
of dots. In the first part of the Fo|t^f pe^f ^, the writing is
exceedingly close, and the page large. Thus a single page
of the M6. contains from line 175 to line 435 of our text. At
line 1464, the writing gets more roomy, and so continues to
the end. The MS. is an excellent and accurate copy of the
work. There are a few scribal gaps of a few words here and
there. There are but few contractions. The orthography is
" full dress," with, however, some clerical errors and incon-
sistencies in inflexion and aspiration. The scribe had had a
long experience of copying Keating. We find a copy of the
U|^i biop5^oice from his pen, bearing date 1645. Ms was
bought at the sale of Archbishop Tenison's library in 186 1.
Here is the way in which the MS. is recorded in the cata-
logue of Dr. Tenison's MSS., with a view to the sale which
took place on Monday, July 21st, 1861. (Gall. il. 44, T. C. D.)
" Keating (Geoffrey). — Three Shafts of Death, composed
in the year 1631. History of Ireland, by the same author, in
the Irish character, with Genealogies and a few marginal
" Excellent copies, written at Donegal in the year 1645,
partly in the handwriting of John O'Mulchonry of Ardcoill,
near Sixmile Bridge, in the County of Clare, and partly in
that of Michael O'Clery, an eminent scholar, and one of the
compilers of the Annals of the Four Masters.
" At the end of the volume are copies of Recognisances of
some Irish people to be faithful subjects in the twelfth year
of Queen Elizabeth's reign. On the covers and on a blank
leaf are pasted three pages of Irish poetry."
The MS., in its present state, affords no proof of the date
1645 or of the place, Donegal, though the writing in the latter
part, as well as some entries at the end, savours of the
Donegal school of scribes. As to the handwriting of the
final portion being O'Clery's, all that the present writer
undertakes to say is that the writing bears a resemblance to
that in the Annals of the Four Masters (ist Part) and the
work on the Irish Kings, which are to be found in the
Franciscan Library. The date of O'Clery's death, given in
the Diet. Nat. Biog.^ is 1643.
Mfi (F. 3. 21). — A copy also in the handwriting of John
son of Toma O'Mulchonry, but undated. It is an excellent
copy, and has but few contractions.
D (H. 5. 22). — A copy made by " pe^^ifc^f a. o 'Ouib-
5e-6.nnA.1n A. ccom ^n b|\uic \tn conx)^e |\i-^b^c, 21® Decem-
ber, Anno Domini 1646." This is at the end of the first book.
This is a good manuscript, and uses but few contractions ;
but it employs the earlier spellings cc for 5, etc., and is
parsimonious as regards accents. The 'Oionb|iolt^c and
most of the Synchronisms are wanting.
In the R. I. Academy, the principal MSS. consulted are : —
S. — A MS. in the Stowe Collection (c. iv. i), containing,
among things early and modem, a beautiful copy of the
foji^'P 'Pe^.f^, imperfect at beginning and end. It begins
at Book I., "p6f cion ^5 ^n tTib|Ae^t:nAC ^^a n^. feAnc-^t)uib,'*
about line 1053 of the text of this volume, and ends at
Book II., line 4176, " C|\i ca^oja^t) D^b^ch pen 6 l/OctonnA.ib
Ac<s Cli4>.t."
In this MS., which begins with fol. 28, fols. 31-37 are
missing. Fols. 72-75 and fols. 100-109 are also missing.
The last folio is 123. This MS. was unknown to Mr. Comyn.
It is a very clearly written and accurate MS. ; and the
writing closely resembles that of Mi. It is in the archaic
style. The date is not given ; but 1696 is scribbled on the
margin. It probably dates back to 1650 or thereabouts.
The scribe is John son of Toma O'Mulchonry.
R. — A MS. in the Reeves' Collection (24 P. 23). It is a
very good copy of the ^0]!^^ pe^T-^. The first page is p. 7 ;
but the previous portion is supplied in a later hand. The
first book was finished on 26th September, 1641 ; the
second book (up to the Genealogies), on 25rd February,
1646. The first half of the book is better written than the
second half.
H (24 N. 3). — ^This is a MS. which belonged to the late
W. H. Hennessey. The first page is 5 ; but the missing part
is restored in a modem hand. The MS. was written by
and the first book was finished on the 23rd of November,
1666. The MS. is very beautifully written. It is accurate,
and corresponds closely to R. A portion of the genealogical
section is wanting at the end.
W (23 Q. 14). — This MS. contains the entire po^^f
pe^f ^, including the Grenealogies, but not the Synchronisms.
A page is missing in the body of the work. It was written
by Uom^f U^ p^oli^in, who began it in 1662. It is an
excellent and accurate copy of the poit4\|' pe^f ^.
Ci (23 0. 10). — A copy made by Andrew MacCruitin in
1703. The verges of a good many of the leaves in the latter
part of the MS. are damaged, but the body of the book is
Ct (23 E. 10). — A copy by Andrew Mac Cruitin, made in
1736, somewhat imperfect at beginning and end. On p. 27,
at beginning of first book, the date 1638 is given, which
may be taken perhaps as the date of a revised edition of
the work. This date, 1638, at the beginning of the first
book, is found also in other copies. See under Fs, tn/rcL
M4 (23 0. 19). — This is a copy of the second book, ending
with the Genealogies, but not giving the Synchronisms.
Folios 1 26, 1 27, and 1 28 are missing. O'Curry, speaking of
this manuscript, says : " The writing is beautiful, and superior
to anything that we have hitherto met in the progress of this
Catalogue. It is small and close, but elegant and uniform."
(H. and S. Cat., p. 270.) At the end we have TTlip loLtAnn
vn6.c Co]tTi^e mic Tnuijtif mic Uo|ATi^e Hi Tri^olconoi-pi \\o
Sqiiob ^gtif ^r\ ceA^t]\^m^'t t^ 20 •do ttii ^n Apivit po 1:o^^btlf
^, Anno Domini 1643, -6. cctA^on Ach^t) a. cc]A^T)poi5.
O'Curry says Claon Achadh, where lollann O'Mulchonry
wrote this MS.^is near Bunratty Castle, in the county of Clare.
In the Franciscan Library, Merchants' Quay, Dublin :-^
Fi (A. 14). — An undated MS. which was begun in the
Convent of Kildare, on the 4th of September, but the year is
not given. The entry (end of first book) is as follows :
A cconueinc ciLte t)-^p^ t>o cionn]*cnA.t) ^.n teA^b^.]! fo x>o
fcpiob^t) 4 Sepcemb. ^.^uf CA^ninicc a. 'pc-piob^'o 28 t)on mi
ce^T)iiA.. 54 fcu^5^ 50 teic ^0 bA.01 if in^i]iT: t)on
chx> te^b^^ji fo ^juf cuicc ^cua^ja. 50 teit ipn fe^^ncuf.
This copy was in the Franciscan Library of Donegal, and
was thence removed to Louvain, and afterwards to Rome.
There are several pages of indices, etc., prefixed, and many
marginal notes, all bearing on the history. The MS. con-
tains the Genealogies and Synchronisms, and is complete.
It is an excellent MS.; but it is careless as regards aspiration-
points, accents, etc. The writing bears a family resemblance
to that employed in the copy of the first part of the Annals
of the Four Masters and the work on the Irish Kings, both
in the Franciscan Library. The writing is certainly of the
same school of penmanship as that to which Michael
O'Clery's belonged.
This MS. was found in Fr. Colgan's chamber after his
death, and appears to have been the MS. of Keating, from
which he made his quotation from the 'Po]A^>.f 'pe/sf-o., in
his " Acta Sanctorum," Vol. i, p. 654, published at Louvain
in 1645. This is rendered highly probable, not to say
certain, from a consideration of the passage. The phrase
* bissextili et embolismali anno * is thus written in F, :
*bis sextili et simbolii mali anno.' Now, Colgan quoting
this writes 'bissextili et symboli mali anno.' I do not
recollect finding the error * simboli mali ' for * embolismali *
in any other copy, though nearly all have 'embolis mali/
Ft reads plainly 'embolis mail.' Also the names of the
bishops of Limerick and Waterford are given in Colgan,
just as they are given in Fi (making allowance for caol le
caol) : thus, Uoifciuf Fi, Tostius Colgan ; Uoitjefciuf Fi,
Torgestius Colgan ; while in Ft the names are Toislius and
Torgeslius. Moreover Fi and Colgan have 'in Damaso,'
while Fa has ' in Damasco,' which is the general reading.
Ft (A. is). — At the beginning of the first book in this
MS., after the words fe ^ bf A^ipieif T)iob, we have the entry
^S^T T ^ ^*^T ^" ci^jAftn^ A.noi|' 1638; and at the end
of the same book we read : ** "Pitiif tib|ii P]iimi 20® Maii
1641." This, therefore, is one of the earliest copies known
of the work. There is one leaf of the opening of the
Introduction in vellum at the beginning. The writing in
the vellum bears a resemblance to that in the body of this
MS. In a considerable portion of the MS. the writing is
blurred from the interaction of the pages being damp, but
it is all legible. This is an excellent and accurate MS.,
though it has a few curious scribal gaps, and deserves to
rank among the most valuable copies of the work known.
Other MSS. made use of are : —
P. — A portion of the Pop^f Fe^f^i., containing all the
portion of Book I. in these volumes, and also a part of Book II.
It is undated ; but at fol. 1 10 there is this entry : " This book
is written since the year 1647. Nic Foran, Bally ieen, county
of Waterford, parish of Dunhill." The MS. certainly does
not belie so early a date. It is in the archaic style. I have
only used "it in collating some of the poetry of Book I.
M. — A MS. in bad preservation, which belonged to
Mr. Comyn, and which he also refers to as M. It was
written in the year 1643 by James O'Mulconry, of Ballyme-
cuda, in the county of Clare.
Ms. — A MS. in the King's Inns' Library, written by John
son of Toma O'Mulchonry, in 1657. The entire copy was
■ m < «■(■
INTR0DUCTI0:N. xxxiii
made between June 3rd and July 20th of that year. This
copy of the 'Foji-ft^f fe^f a. is excellent, and the writing is
very distinct.
Egerton 107 in the British Museum contains a copy of
the T^r^r T^^r^j which was finished in 1638. It is by one of
the O'Duigenans. It is in the modem style ; but the ortho-
graphy is in the old style, and there are many contractions.
Other copies of interest that may be mentioned are a
copy by Egan O'Rahilly, made in 1722, which is in the
National Library, Kildare Street, and a copy, 23 Q. 17 R.I.A.,
made by Malachy Curry, from a copy made by Sean Clarach
MacDonnell in 1720. This copy is a good one, and con-
tains some interesting marginal notes. Thus he tells us that
O'Mulchonry made a copy of the ^0^^^ fe^fA, in 1643, which
was in Dr. Riordan's Library in Limerick, He does not say
which of the O'Mulchonrys, or give any indication of the
precise copy to which he alludes. It was in Dr. Riordan's
Library in Limerick that Malachy Curry made his copy in
1 8 16. Eugene O^Curry praises extravagantly his brother's
To give the student an idea of the differences that exist
between the archaic version and the modern, I give two
passages just as they occur in Mi, only lengthening the
contractions, which are very few. It should be observed
that the difference between the versions appears more
marked in the telling of certain old tales than in the course
of the ordinat}' narrative : —
Ueit) C^'65 i^>.]AOtT» in A. c^jibAX) 6c cpi cp6cc^ 6 t]\h
•pLe^JA^ib ^i-p 6c jAAi-oif |Ae rn^ jiott^ Jb^r\ c^-pb^T) 'oo ^ftiojaj^'o
•00 foigit) n^ ce^TTip-^c goccusA^T) 1 t)on teit -6.^^15 •00
ciTTiciotL6.'6 -6. CA.]AbMT) ^r\ ti. pn. CiM^ttuit) 50 jieinroniioc
]iomp^ 6c 'C-^'65 A.5 •cot -6.nett 50 meinic 6 pbco -6. fot^ c^ja
^ cpeuccMb, 6c ia.]i iiocc-Mn t^itti |ie h^t ch^t •661b
p-^l^AUipf CA.'Og T)on jiotW -Ml ccugf^t) ce^Th^ijA ieo if in
ccimcioLt^x) pn. Tli cusfom 61 -^n giolt^. teif pn m^pb-Mf
c-d.165 eipoTTi, ©c i^|t n-o. itiApbA^'6 ^66 rug Coi^bm^c 'oo li^u^ip
6r i^p bf-Mgpn 6p6^dc "66 cug ^p ^n Lia.1^ b^oi ha.
pocA^ip •oi^f ed|tn^ 00 co|\ -^jqtecc t>on-^ Cjtib cpeudc-Mb
iTi6|\^ bi^t)^!! yAi]t. tJoiitb beo f^n o^p^ cpecc ©c fgoLb t>o
jiinn 5^ f At! c|teA.f q^ecc, Cr cne^ftig^ib u^p50ith -oo "ben^m
0|i|\^, lonnuf 50 |tA.ibe c^o5 ye^^t bli-d^ion^ ^ f^^PSl'iS© "o^
bian 50 nt)e-d.ctii'6 lugAit) l^g^ t>on tTluth^tn ^p ce^nn ^n
ci.icte-6.5^, 50 cuAinij o^n ciicti^ij 5on^ cpi 'o^tc^'dMb 50
n^ ceux^TTiAipge 6 c^t>j;, qieuTO b^ f ^cuin t)i. cne^o t)o coLg
fo 61 feipoTi. l/i.|\ gclof ^n -o^p^ m^ipge Wib po^ppuigif
d. 1i-^t)bo|i 'oon '0A|\^ x)aIca.. cne^t) x>o itiioL bed fO ol ye.
gceu-on-d. TDon cpe^f 'oa.Lc^. cne^t) "oo pinn ^ipm 1*0 oL f eipon,
lA.p pocc^in f^n C15 ^mbo.01 c^-og -oon caicIiaij, ctiipif
coic-c^p l^poiTin ^cre^LLAC, 50 n'oe-o.pn4\ c^oip nxjeipg -oe,
6c innlif A.p bpoinn c^mj e i^^ppn, 7c. (Book I., 4554-84.)
Variants from S : — — lon^ — ple^guib — p6— t)iop-
5^^6 — ifcig — cpi^Ltuit) 50 pemi'oipeA.c — i mutt— 6 ceipTjin ^
pot^ — cpeccuib — i-d.p — p-^rr^iST — ©ipoiti — bf.d.iccpn —
t)c^i'65 — tt^ig — c^pgoith — ionn-6.f — ceu-orhAipgi — ]:^c-(Mn —
tn-Mpge — h-ft.'bbx^p — p^fpo^igif.
Again :
An ci -6^ nt)ion5n^iTn pn ot ^.n ingion -00 ■btigpo'b t)iOTn
cinet bu^ mo oa mbeic ^p tno <5timo.p C^i^e -6. -(s^inm 6t
CopTn4i.c. buiaot) bptigtii'o ot pp. An e pn buice-c^t) bi^c-^c
vo t-<M5nib 4^CA lomp-iiccioc -6. n4ipinn ot Copbm^c. Ap e 50
flop 6t pfe. ITlApe-d.'o ot CopmA^c ^f ctip^ ©icne ingion
*Ountoin5 ^ t^tc-o.. Ap me ot p. lH^it c-6.pt45. -ouic ot
Copbm^c, 6ip ^f cu bup ^oinbe^n •OA.mpo. 6 po -<ym-6.c. Hi
liAjom pein o^ci. mo "oiot ^p 6icne, ^cc 50m oixje. Leip pn
ceit) Copm^c 6n ^r\ ingion umm^ p-6.on pip 50 buiaot) 6c
ge^ttuio cumA.1'6 "66 cpep ^n ingin op^giit u-6.1t). Aoncuigip
buicio-o pn -oo. (Book I., 4719-29.)
S variants — nx)ion5nui!n— -dtigfeA*— b^^io— cm^i— ol
Co|\btnA.c — buice-^t) twice — bi a.cca.6 — iom]tA.iccei^c — ot
Co^ibtn-^c — ^x) 4!|iiTiti— (^f) tne ol |H — ^t)Uit>— -bA.5A.Tn— buid*
eA.c je^lt-Mp— cotbA.1'6— buideA^t).
In the Translation a few words are kept as they stand
in the original, as senacha, senchus, geasa (sometimes
translated * restrictions,* etc.), dun, lios, comorbha, 616 (trans-
lated * poet* often where a poem is introduced), etc Most
of these words cannot be exactly rendered in English by a
single word ; and they are of too frequent occurrence to be
rendered by an explanatory phrase.
The date 1638, found at the opening of Book I. of the
po|\A.f peA.f A. in some MSS., may have been inserted by the
author, and may represent the date of a second and improved
edition of the work. There seems to be a family likeness
between Fi, Mi, D, and perhaps S, as regards passages not
found in them, pointing to a common original. Indeed, Fi is
remarkable for the number of passages it wants that are to
be found in other MSS. This affords, I think, a confirmation
of its early date.
In this Introduction I have confined myself to the MS.
sources of the text. A treatise on the style and language of
the author has been found too lengthy for insertion in the
present volumes.
poRQs peasa an ^irinn.
poRas peasa or €irinn.
TTie-6.f belt 50 p6i-eot^6 fn^ hilbe^fWib c^p eif ^n
6 coiThtheAfCCA c^|\l-d. ci-6.n poirhe pn -d^p tia. ce^ngu^ib ^5
co]t n^ b^ibiotoine t)o bi "Oa cogbi^tt C|t6 u^b^^ii |\e \\e t)i
pcit) btii^'OiMi 0.5 Hetn|\oc 50 n-o. it^nnc^ib. Oi|\ fuL CAinig
^n coiitiThe^fC^D foin j^\\ x\^ ce^ngc^ib ^5 ^n cop, ij* ^om-
ce-d^nj-^ ^m-iin coicce-MiTi vo bi ^5 n-o. 'O-o.oinib uiLe vo bi ^]i
l^e^b^^p S^bil^ '6^ So^r^^S^T^j ^niid^it ^oei-p ^mi pie :
"Oo bf A^ fTiAC 04 X)eAgeAp$11A,
Agtlf A^ pot i[l6A1lh UAIfy
16 116 ^ctiiht)Ad AH ctii|\ T1eAiiii\tiAi'6.
Agtif If e Mtim gAifTTiit) ugD^i-p TiA l^^i-one -61 lingua
humana .1. ^n ce^nj-o. t^^^onn^. 5it>eA'6 ^p mbeic ^^5 cog- ^n ctii|t T)o tlempoc 50 n-c b]ii.ic|tib m-6.]\ c-iinig coiih-
TTie^fC^^ ^|t -^ ■oce^njCAib x)^ 'oconiineAfc 6 cpiocnug^'o ^n
2oCtiif T)o ciOTiTifCTiA'o leo Cf e xi-6^b>6.]i, "00 be^nA^'o ^n ce^nj-d.
t)^oiin^ fUA^f A.'o^f 6 A'b-o.rh 'oiob, ^n lion x>o bo.t>^p ^5
cogb-iil ^n cuif. S'*^^-^^ ^<> ^" r ^5 ^be^]^ m^c S^kile
^jtif ^5 A Cf eib lonnuf gup h-d^irnnnige^'b u^it) '1 ; m^jt 50
'0Cti5AX)^|\ 6^bp^ uiffe 6 6ibe^|i. A|t n-o. clo-p iomop|\o
26 x>' 6ibe-6.|\ guf A.b e ^"bb^it ipi. fii.b-d.Tj^p ^5 cdjbiil o.n cuif
^p ci lAt) f6in t)o d^oitin-d. -o^p ^n o^p^ 'oilinn -oo bi 1
BOOK I. (continued).
The doings of Feimiu Fanaidh the graadfather of Gaedhaal till bii return from
the Plain of Seanair, and till his death, ai loUowi.
When Feinius Farsaidh became king of Scythia, he de-
termined to become perfectly acquainted with the various
languages which had sprung up after the confusion of
tongues that had taken place long before at the tower of
Babel, which was being erected through pride for the space
of forty years by Nimrod and his followers. For before
that' confusion of tongues took place at the tower, the entire
human race had but one common language which had existed
amongst them from the time of Adam. And the name the
Book of Invasions gives this language is Gortighern, as the
poet says :
Gortighem the name of the language
X7aed by the eon of God of goodly sdenoe,
And br the race of Adam erst
Ere the building of Nimrod' s tower.
And Latin authors call it lingua humana^ that is, the human
language. But when Nimrod and his kinsfolk were building
the tower, as the confusion of tongues set in and prevented
them from finishing a structure they had begun through
pride, the human language they derived from Adam was
taken from them, as many as were engaged in building
the tower. However, it remained with Eibhear son of Saile,
and with his tribe, so that it was named from him ; for
they called it Hebrew from Eibhear. Now when Eibhear
had learned the cause of their erecting the tower, that it was
with a view to protecting themselves against the second
B 2
4 PORAS peASA AH 4miTlTl. [BOOK I.
/ x)CA.i'P'pii5i'pe t)o ce^dc ^p n ^ T>AOiTiib— t)o ihe^f ^t>^|i tia^c biA.c
A.n t)^!!^ t)itiTin ni-f^ ^oi'p'oe loni. ^.n ceiT>T)itiiiii a.5U|* t)o
<Hii'pe^t)^|i 'pomp^ ^n cop t)o ^e^n^ih dotti h^pt> foin 50 n^c
sopoicfe^^ ^n 1)1111111 50 n^ hi^puf^ib u^dc^|t^6^ t>o bi^^ ^tiii»
^gtif t)A pei-p pn 50 bfeAT>f At)AOif HA. hu^ifte t>o bi opp^
beic 50 hinnitL lonnc^ 5^11 b^o^^t iia oite^nti— ^gu-p m^p
tK) <hjAWii6 4ibe^p gtipA^b e pti pic: pi p^b^t>^p ^5 cdgb^it
tx\ cuip, At)ubAipc x\^t ciubp^-b congn^m -bdib ^gup n^c
ssp^ibe ^cc t)ioniAOiiieAp t)6ib-peAii jlioc^p t^'i^pp^i-o 1
n-^g^ix) coite'Oe t)o conhLion^^. Ajtip m^p pn t)o Toe^tuij
piu go^n comm^oiTi ^p bic t)o c^b^^ipc T>6ib pe cogbAit ^n
^^^fJ ^5^r F^r ^^ ^^" C0.11115 coiihihe^pc^^ ^p tLt t)o pi^g^ib
tXi^ m^p coiTi^pc^ bui^oe^c^ip ^p Cibe^p ^n ce^ng^ 'b^onn^
40 ttt) ciX\ cpnnpp 50 h^ori^piin^c ^ije pein ip ^5 ^ cpeib t>A.
If e A'ob^p lomoppo ip mo p^ nt>e^c^i'6 p^mitip 'P^pp^i'6
50 tno.15 Se^TiAip m^p f^oxK pe n-^ pcoit m^^p ce^nn^c ^p
beic 1 bpoc^ip TiA. opumge T)Ap ce^ng^ ^iie^p ^n ^^.bp^,
46ionntip 50 t)aocpA.T6 ^e pn ppeoL^p popupc^d. t)o beic A^ige
pein ip 0.5 0. pcoiL p^n ce^o^ng^no C'^bp^.
•OaI^ peiniup^, o.p mbeic t>o pun ^ije beic eot^c pn^
TiitbeApL^ib, o^ihA^it A t)tibpAni^p, ctiipip t)i ^eipaob^^t t)6^5
ip cpi pci-o -d^p ^ copu^p pein pi. cpioc^ib e^gpo^iht^ n^ t)cpi
sop^nn-po t>on 'ooiti-6.n -oo bi ^p AicitigA.^ ^n CA.n poin ; ^gtip
ctig opp^ ^nm^in ^tnuig pe^cc mbli-d.^n^ 50 bpojjt^niA.'o g^c
^on t>iob ce^nj^ n^ cpice 'n-^ mbi^'o pein ^n pe^^ pom, Agup
1 gcionn pe^cc mbtiA^io^n ciLlit) c^p ^ n-^ip 50 f^initip
■oon Saci^; A^jup c6it) peiniup teo 50 TTlA^ig Se^n^ip m^p
66 ^on pe hiotn^T) tj'oj^ib n^ Scicio. i^p bpi5bi.1L An ihic pi
pne Aije .1. Tle^mji 1 jce^nnA^p n^ Saci^, Aih^it ^-oeip
pte t)'iipice p^n 'ou^in T)ApAb cop^^c, C^n^m bunA.'OAp n^
nJ^eioeAt :
T)o laT6 p^Tiiuf Af An Scicia
60 pO|\ ATI f UiAgA^ ;
peAp oipeA^A eAgnvrb eolAd,
bpUCttlAp bt]At>AC.
flood which it was foretold would come upon the people —
they imagined that the second flood would not be higher
than the first, and proposed to make the tower so high
that the flood would not reach its upper stories, and that
accordingly their nobles could be securely situated in these
without fear of the flood — and when Eibhear learned that
that was the cause of their building the tower, he declared
that he would not help them, and that it was sheer idleness
on their part to have recourse to ingenuity for the purpose
of resisting the fulfilment of God's will Thereupon he
separated from them without taking any part whatever with
them in the building of the tower. Moreover, when the con-
fusion came on all, God left to Eibhear alone and to his tribe
after him, as a mark of good will, that human language of
our ancestors.
The principal reason why Feinius Farsaidh went to the
Plain of Seanair, together with his school, was that he might
be with the people whose native language was Hebrew, and
that it might thus come about that he and his school would
acquire a full and perfect knowledge of that language.
Now, when Feinius, as we have said, had resolved to acquire
the various languages, he sent, at his own expense, seventy-
two disciples into the various countries of the three continents
of the world that were then inhabited, and charged them to
remain abroad seven years, so that each of them might learn
the language of the country in which he stayed during that
time. And at the end of seven years they returned to Feinius
to Scythia ; and Feinius went with them to the Plain of
Seanair, together with a large number of the youths of
Scythia, leaving his eldest son Neanual to rule Scythia in
his stead, as a certain poet says, in the poem which begins,
" Let us relate the origin of the Gaels " :
Feinius went from Scythia
On the expedition,
A man renowned, wise, learned,
Ardent, triumphant ;
6 POTIAS ireASA ATI ^UlltlTl. [BOOK I.
niA|\ oo ^Abf AT) ;
i6 tXA Ma|\Ia T>^Ag If q\{ pdit)
Cah |\o fCAitfAX).
Scot ifi6^ La ip^ttitif Ag fo^laim
Af 5a6 ©Af jtiA ;
VeA|\ A^Aih|\A eA^urb eolA^
70 1 n^Ai b^AflA.
Agu-p A'oei|tit> ctiiT) •00 TiA. i^^ncAi^i'b guf^b cpi ^6*0 bli^.'b^n
i>o bi 6 'de^nAtti ^n cui]t 50 tjci^inig peiniu-p 50 n-^ fcoil
^t>i:uAi<> on SciciA. 50 tn^ij Se^HAij^, ^m^il ^ve^Jy pie
•o'^ipice f^n HAtiTi-fo :
7& Cpi p6ii> bliA^Afi 50 mblAit),
If ^Ab AO^ifo ^a6 fOAndAit^,
"So t>CAiiiiS 'p^maf At>a]Ai'6,
lA|\ 5Ctimt>A<i ATI Ctl1|\ tleAlflfHAlf).
80 ^p ITIA15 Se^ni.i|\ f^n sc^cp^ij t)^ njAi-pmed.Tin Cm 'Opom^
Sne^ccA 6^ceTiA, A.mi6.iL ^t)eip ^x) pie f ^n p^nti-f pof :
1 1tlA1$ SeAHAip, 1A|\f An "OCOf ,
Ho aondileAi6 ah <i^AQfCoU
1 ^CACA1|\ eAC6l1Ay
8S T)o fo^iaim tia n-ilb^AplA.
Ajuf cionoilit) ^Of 65 n^ gcpioc -oo b'poigfe ooib t)'f05ltJim
no. ri-ilt)eo.|tlo."6 u^co.; Aguf \y io.t) C|\i fo^oice -oo bi i n-o.i|\t)-
ceo^nnowf no. fcoile pn peiniuf po.pf0.1t) pein on Scicio., if
5^e*eo.l mo.c 6o.c6ip -oo fliocc 50"^^^ ^^ ^'S\^^^Z» T ^^^^
90 Co! on Iti-oeo., no 1o.p tno.c Tle^mo., o.t)eip o.n
pie :
AjS fO AnmAtlTlA TIA fttAt>,
, Acb^A|\-f A ]\ib ^o ]\6tuAC ;
^AebeAl TnAC eAc6i|\ ^o n-iuf,
96 lAt\ HI AC neATIIA If V^HIttf.
A5 yo Tno.p o.x)eip pie oile 2
pdlTHtlf ATI f A01 f]>eACA<^,
SAe<>eAL If Caoi CAOirib|\eACAd ;
U|\iA|\ t>o C|\eib fC|\ibiTiTi riA fcol,
100 "00 leATi tJ'fi]^e1Tl5 ha n-ufoof .
There wm but one tongue in the world
When tbey eet out ;
There were eeTonty-two tongues
When they parted ;
FeiniuB had a great eohool learning
Each aeienoe,
A man renowned, wite» learned
In each language.
And some seanchas assert that there was a space of sixty
years from the building of the tower until Feinius and his
school came southwards from Scythia to the Plain of Seanair,
as a certain poet says in this stanza :
Thrice twenty years of renown,
So every aeancha says,
Till FeiniuB came southwards,
From the building of Kimrod*s tower.
Feinius established schools for the teaching of the various
languages on the Plain of Seanair in the city which Cin
Droma Sneachta calls Eathena, as the poet says in the
following stanza :
In the Plain of Seanair after the tower,
The first school was assembled,
In the city of Eathena,
To learn the yarious tongues.
And they assembled the youths of the countries next them
to learn the various tongues from them ; and the three sages
who presided over this school were Feinius Farsaidh himself
from Scythia, and Gaedheal son of Eathor of the race of
Gomer from Greece, and Caoi Caoinbhreathach from Judea,
or lar son of Nqama, as the poet says :
Here are the names of the sages —
I shall rereal them to you speedily—-
Gaedheal son of Ethor of wisdom,
lar son of Neama and Feinius.
Another poet speaks thus :
Feinius the eloquent sage,
Gaedheal and Caoi Caoinbhreathach,
Three of the writers of the schools
Who followed in the true track of the authors.
8 poiiAS peASA AK 6iiiinn. [book i.
If lAt) All CjM^ii-fo ryo fqtiob i jqt A^ntici^ibtib ^ibgicpe n^.
|tei|t m^ji cunteA^f CeAtinp^ot^iX) tiA. fo^tum^ pop e f^n
tlft^ice^pc vo fqiiob f6 i n-^impjt Coluim Cille. A-oei]! 6>x\
108 c-ug-o^f ce^T)n^ S^T^^b e tlioti m^c \)hil mic Tleni^toc f i
h^ii'OftAic f^n oorii^n ^.n c^n foiii. Atjei^t fOf guf ^b ip^n
^m foin iAU5^i6 Tliul .1. m^c ci^n-MfCe pemmf^ p^pf^ix), if
guf Ftii|ti5 A.11 peiniuf ce-^t>Ti^ pee bLiA^^A^n 6f aonn riA.
pjoite mA|t ce^nno^c ^yi ^n m^c foiti pu^A^ -oo x>o beic eot^d
nofn^ hilb^^pl^ib.
tDo bj^ig guf^b 1 gcionn -oo. bLi^-d^n if t)i pcit) t)o
ft^ice^f Tlion mic b^iL ^^oeifio t)f onj |ie fe^ncuf "00 fui'O-
e^io fcot ^\\ tn^ig SeATiiii|t le peiniuf p^ffo.i'6, meA.f^iTn
jtiji c^ic fe "Deic mbLi^^Tixi. t)o flo^ice^f Hion mic beit if
iw-oeid mbti-o.'bnA -o^ eif pn <^p "Hl^ij Se^ni.i]\ fuL t)o ciLl on
fcoil t)on SciciiN, 6i|i ^t>ei|iit) r)c>. fe-Mi64Mi6e uile juf ^b
pee bb^^o^n "oo c*mc 6f ciotiti n^ fcoite fe ' c^p ^
^if t)6. ITIe^f^im fof gtip^b 1 gcionn -o-i bLi^s.'OiMi if x)i.
pcit) ^f "dxi ce^t) -o'eif n^ t)ite^nn -00 ftn-oe^^b ^mi fcoL le
laof^initif ^f ITI^ig Se^nAi]i, T)o feif ^n i.ifim ^impf e t>o-tii
beLt^fmintif *n-^ Cf oinic, m^^ ^ n-^b^if 5U|iAb e ^Of ^n
t> mile if pec gce^o if fe bli-o.otiA -06^5 if oi. pat) ^n
c^n 'DO ciOTiiifc-d.iTi tlion m^c beil ^jiofl^ice^f -00 j^b^iU
toTi-(Min pn t)0 feif <Nifim n^ nB^bf^noe^c le^nC45.p le
W6 bell-^f minuf ^^guf guf-o^b vi^ ce^t> bli^-o^n T)*eif 'Oileo.nn t)0
cionrifC-Mn fl^ice^f Hioti. "Oo bf 15 t)o \\e^\\ n^ o.iX)e^c
juf ^b mile if fe ce^t) if fe bliA-on-^ t)6^5 if t)o. pcit> -00 bi
6 cuf t) 50 t)ilinTi ; ctiip ceA.|i leif pn vi^ bli^-o^in if
vi. pcit) t)o fl-d^ice^f Hion t)o c^icei6.'6 pil t)0 aonnfc^^in
isop^iniuf ^n fcol, lonnuf v^ feif pr\ juj^^b 1 jaonn t)A
bliid.'o^n If t)^ pcit) Af vi. ce-^t) t)'eif n-o. t)ile-d.nn x>o cionn-
fc^in 1, Aguf 5ti]t c^ic pee bli^io^n 6f ^ cionn, m^^ ^^ci n^
t)eic mbli^-on^ t)o bi foime t)o pl^ice^f Tlion if t^eic mbli^'6-
x}^ t)A eif.
It was this trio who wrote on wooden tablets the alpha-
bets of the three chief languages, namely, Hebrew, Greek,
and Latin, as Ceannfaolaidh the Learned asserts in the
Accidence which he wrote in the time of Columcille. The
same author states that Nion son of Beil, son of Nimrod, was
monarch of the world at that time. He also states that it
was about this time that Niul, the tanist son of Feinius
Farsaidh, was born, and that the same Feinius continued
in charge of the school for twenty years in order that this son
who was born to him might be acquainted with the several
As some seanchas assert that it was when Nion son
of Beil had reigned forty-two years that Feinius Farsaidh
established a school in the Plain of Seanair, I am of opinion
that he passed ten years of the reign of Nion son of Beil, and
ten years thereafter, in the Plain of Seanair before he returned
from the school to Scythia. For all the seanchas say that
he passed twenty years in charge of the school before his
return. I am also of opinion that it was two hundred and
forty-two years after the Deluge that Feinius established the
school in the Plain of Seanair, according to the computation
Bellarminus makes in his chronicle, where he says that the
age of the world was one thousand eight hundred and fifty-
six years when Nion son of Beil began his sovereignty.
This is the same, according to the Hebrew chronology
which Bellarminus follows, as to say that the reign of Nion
began two hundred years after the Deluge, since according
to the Hebrews one thousand six hundred and fifty-six years
elapsed from the beginning of the world to the Deluge. Add
to this forty-two years of the reign of Nion that had passed
before Feinius began the school, and it thus appears that it
was two hundred and forty -two years after the Deluge he
began it, and that he passed twenty years directing it,
namely, the ten years that remained to him of the reign
of Nion, and ten years thereafter.
10 poHAS peASA x\R ^iHinn. - [book l
U5 Ace ce^^Ti^ 1 5cionp pce^t) bli^x)^n C15 peiniuf c^p ^.
A.if 'oon Scici^ If cuinif fcoL^ 'n-A fui^e innce if t>o jAiriTie
CAOifeA.c t)0 $Aei6eAt tn^c 0^c6i|t 6f ^ gaonn. If A.nn pn
ctij peiniuf fi t)e^p^ ^p §^ei6e^t ^n S^e^e^lg t>o cuf
1 11-6^5^11 If 1 ii-o|tt>u5^'6 -00 f^if m^p ^CA p *ti-6. CU15
I4o^ot)c^ib, m-o^f i^c-i be^pl^ ti^ p^ine, b6-d.pL^ n^ bpite^-o,
be^pL^ *^n C^^o^pfc^f c^, bec^pl^ Ueibit^e if 5i^iicbe^fl-d.;
^5^r ^ li^inmTiiuj^t) 50 cintice uato feiti, t)^ peif pn
50114^16 6 S^eifte^t mo^c 6^c6if 5-d.tfmceA.f .5^et)e^L5 -oi
Ajuf Ti4^c 6 $-(^e6e-^i St-^f, 4i.m^il ^t)eif it) "Of ong oile ; <^5Uf
146 f Of If cpe b0.1t) fe 5-^®^®-^^ ^^^ 6^t6if cuj Tlitit mo.c
ITeiniuf ^ p^f f M-o J^^'^^^L ^f ^ ^^c fein f uj Scocii. inje^n
'p^f ^o Cincfif x)6, ^ih^il o.t)eif CexMirif ^oL^i-d n^ pogtuTn-d.
fATi tl|\^pc.
5it)ed.t) If ceifc o^f ujtj-^f -Mb cpeo.o 6 bfuiL ^n foc^t-fo
iM J^e'oeo.L. At>eif bec^nuf gtif ^b on foc^l-fo joeTJin
.1. goechin .1. u^f^t, if on froc^L-j'O ^It .1. uiLe ^oeifce^f
Jo^e^e^l .1. ti^f^t uile; no on foc^l 6^bf^i'6eA.c 5^t)ho.L
.1. mof , t)o bfi5 50 f ^ibe 5^et>e-d.i m-^c 6^c6if f e nt)tibf ^t)
J^e-oeo^L ^\\ t)cuf mof 1 bfojtuim if 1 n-eA5n-^ if o^nn \no^
iwce^ngc-Mb. 5T6ei(i.t> ^t)eifit) n^^it)e guf^b untie
5^if ce^p 5^®*^©^!- "oe on jconifocist-fo 5^016 t>il .1. 5po.t)-
uijreoip n^ 'heiO.jnxj.. Oif if lono^nn j/iwOic if e-^gno.i'oe
^5Uf If lon^nn t>it if 5p^t)^c, ^"oeip ^n Jpeige^c
phttofophof .1. jp-i'ouijceoif n^ he^gn-o. p e t)uine e^gn^i-oe*
iM 'OaL^s. peiniuf^ p^pf^i-o ni h-o^icpifce-^p X)o ctoinn t>o
beic ^ige ^cc '01-o.f tn^c, m^p ^ci 11e-6.nut if Hiut,^i1>
^t>eip ^n pie f ^n p^nn-f o :
X>A. in AC A^ f 6l11ttlf, pO]\ ^AITI,
neATivl If nitat b^ hi^tfiAp ;
186 Hi]^Ai nitjl A5 Atl x>co\^ COt|\,
ne^Lftut f An SciciA fCiACjloin.
Ap mbeic t)A bli45.t>Mn if pee t)'^einiuf 1 bfli^1ce-^f n^
Scici^, iApt)CilleAO 6 ttl^ig Se^niip t>6, "oo ciom^jn, o^guf e
Now after twenty years Feinius returned to Scythia, and
established schools there, and appointed Gaedheal son of
Eathor to take charge of them. Then did Feinius command
Gaedheal to arrange and regulate the Gaelic language as it
is into five divisions, that is, Bearla na Feine, Bearla na
bhFileadh, Bearla an Eaderscartha, Bearla Teibidhe, and
Gnaithbhearla, and to name it precisely from himself ; hence
it is from Gaedheal son of Eathor it is called Gaelic, and not
from Gaedheal Glas, as others assert. Moreover, it was
through friendship for Gaedheal son of Eathor that Niul son
of Feinius Farsaidh gave the name Gaedheal to the son whom
Scota daughter of Pharao Cincris bore him, as Ceannfaolaidh
the Learned says in the Uraicheapt
Now, it is disputed among authors whence is this word
' Gaedheal/ Becanus says that it is from the word goedin^
that is, goethifiy * noble,' and from the word ' all,' that is, uiUy
that Gaedheal is named, that is, ' all noble'; or from the
Hebrew word gadhal, meaning ' great,' because Gaedheal son
of Eathor, the first who was called Gaedheal, was great in
learning, in wisdom, and in the languages. However, the
seanchas say that he is called Gaedheal from the two words
gaoith dhil^ that is, 'lover of wisdom*; for gaoith means
* wise' and dil 'loving,' as the Greeks call a sage philosophoSy
that is, * a lover of wisdom.'
As to Feinius Farsaidh we are not told that he had any
children except two sons, namely, Neanul and Niul, as the
poet says in this stanza :
Two tons had Feixxiue, truth I tell,
Neanul and Niul, the raliant ;
Niul was bom at the tower in the east,
Neanul in shield-bright Scythia.
When Feinius had been twenty-two years sovereign of
Scythia, after his return from the Plain of Seanair, being at
the point of death, he bequeathed the sovereignty of Scythia
12 ponAS peASA AH 4minti. [book l
170 ^ije; If nioit pij^ib aj Tliul 6.r\ mA.c fi hdi^e ^6c fod^p n^
fcol^ib coicce^TiTi^ n^ qtice.
50 "bpiAiit bdf :
X7B Sul l^ibeop^m ^|t cpi^lL Tlitiil on Saci^ t)Oti ^ijipc,
fe^c m^p -d.'oeiiA he|\ot)octif gup-^b 6n mb^ibioLom, cimij
po|* Ai-ptje |\e^Lc^r)Ti ^n c^oibe cu^ii6 if foinn n^ n-u^in-
e^TiTi guf n^ 5r^^5^'^ f ^5^r ^"oeiit Soton n^c p^ibe pof
fe^nctif^ ^5 TiA 5l^^^5^^^ "^ 5^r fojluinipot) 6 luce n^
i8oh6i5ipce e. At>eif lofephuf f^n ceiT)te^bAp t)^ Se^ncuf
n^c f ^ibe leic|\e ^5 tia 5p^^5^'^ 5^ h-MtTip|\ homef , Af
n^ hujo^p-Mb-fe if loncuigte n^c on ngpeij pe |\iit)ceA.'p
Ati $f eig ^noif "00 cu^m Ipf x\6. ne^c oite x>o feol^^ n^
n-eA.L^'do.n -oo fliocc n^ h^igipce, ^cc tliuL m^c peiniuf^
185 'Pifi.f f o^iti -00 cti^i'6 on Scici^ t)o feoL^ti n^ n-e^W'b^n ^nn.
Aguf cibe ^•oeii.f^t) n^c cufc^ t)o bi fojtuim fo^n Scici^,
Of tliut, loni. fd^n Cigipc, ni pof t)6 e, ■oo ffeif poli-
t)Of tif f ^n deiT)Le^b^f f o f cf 10b " De Rerum Inventoribus,"
mo.f ifi. n-^b-Mf : d^" If f ^t)^ ^n c-imf e-^f ^n t)o bi it)if luce
190 n^ h^igipce if luce n^^ Scici^, ^5«f f^n jleic pn •00
conn^fc^f, ^f mbeic clo.oit>ce vo luce n-d. h^jipee, guf
cio^n^ofe^ luce n^ Sciei^ loni. i^t)/' Af fo if loneuigee
guf ^b eufCA. "oa bi feol-d.^ if pogluim 0.5 luce n^ Sciei^
loni. ^5 luce n^ h^ijipee ^guf ■oo bf 15, t)o f 6if n^ n-ugxj^f
i95cuo.f, guf^b eufc^ "00 bi fogluim f^n ^igipe lonA f^n
Sfeij, ni h^ Ipf on njfeig ni. ne^c oile t)A. f-d^rti^il t)0
cu^io on njf ©15 "00 feol-d.-b fcol -oon ^igipe -o^ce Hiul tnid^c
a. Magna diu inter Aegyptios et Scythos conteotio fuit in quo cota-
mint tnperatii Aegyptis Scythae andquiom Tin sunt.
to Neanul, his eldest son, and left to Niul, his youngest son,
only what profit he derived from the sciences and the various
languages which he used to teach in the public schools of the
Of the journeying of Niul to Bgypt from Scythia, and of hie doings there until
Idi death as foUowi: (
Before we speak of the journeying of Niul from Scythia
to Egypt, we may observe that Herodotus says that it was
from Babylon the Greeks derived the knowledge of the
position of the north star, and the division of the hours ;
and Solon asserts that the Greeks had not a knowledge
of history until they obtained it from the Egyptians.
Josephus says, in the first book of his History, that the
Greeks had not an alphabet till the time of Homer.
From these authors it appears that it was not from Greece,
so named to-day, that Isis or anyone else went to teach the
sciences to the Egyptians ; but it was Niul, the son of
Feinius Farsaidh, who went from Scythia to teach the sciences
there. And whoever should say that there was not learning
in Scythia, from whence Niul came, earlier than in Egypt,
would not be stating truth, according to Polydorus, in the
first book he has written, " De rerum inventoribus," where he
says : " There was a long dispute between the Egyptians and
the Scythians ; and, in that struggle, the Egyptians having
been overcome, it appeared that the Scythians were more
ancient than they were." From this it may be inferred that
the Scythians possessed education and learning earlier than
the Egyptians, and since, according to the above authors,
learning was earlier in Egypt than in Greece, it was not
Isis of Greece or any such person who went from Greece
to Egypt to conduct schools, but Niul son of Feinius Farsaidh
14 TTOiiAS peASA Ati 4minn. [book l
200 1 jqt'ic riA. bA^ibioloine, ^guf fi^ hi ^n ce^-OfcoL i ttoi^ii6
Aft mbeic -oo Tliul ^itnfeA|\ TniciA.n ^5 feolA.16 fcol gcoic-
ce^nn f^n Scici^ t)© du^ii^ ^ dtu x>o teic eot^f^ i-p e^gn^
206 p-i tiA. cpiod^it) 1 jcoicdinne, lonnuf ^p rheit) n^ cti^|\^f5bAtA.
T)o bi A.i|\ gup 6vi^f p^^^^o Cincjiif pi ^ijipce ce^cc-^ 'n-^
•oiil '5^ i^ppxi.i'b T)on 6151PC |\e feolA.'b n^ n-e-^l^-o^n if n^
n-ilb6^|\l^t) -o'dgAib n^ h^gipce. 'Oo cpi^ll Hiul t>on
6151PC m^p pn, ^rh^il ^-oeiii ^n pie f^ti |t-6.nn-fO •00 be^d.n-o.'b
210 A|* ^Ti 'ou^iTi t>-d.]i-a.b cof^c, C^n^m btm-o.'b^f xy^ n5^ex>e^l :
beAfit^ ATI beACA.
216 U|MA.ttAif ionio|t|io HiuL le ce^cc^ib "p^i^^o •oon Oigipc,
^S^r ^^S ^" "P^ fe^|t^nn v^ x\'^^y\(tej^\[ Cii.p^cy|Aonr (no
C-iMTipti'p Cif cic) li^ith |^e TTIui]! tlu^Mt) t)6 ; ^ju-p p6f "OO- pof
^ iTije-Mi fein |\e pii'6ce^|\ Scor^ ^e Hiut, ^tti-mI -^T>ei|i
Jioll^ C^orti^m I'^MTi • '0^]i^b cof^c: SAe-oeid S^^f ^
220T)CA1t) 5^^^^ •
"Oo <hlA1<> f An 6lppC lAf fOIHy
So f\1AdU 'POfATin popcAiTiAil;
So "DCtis ScocA s^ti fceiift nSAitifi
iTigeAn ^AigAfCA lfo|\Aiitn.
226 'l^p bpoy^t) ,Scoc^ -00 Hiut cuii^i-p fcol^ 'n-^ fume ^^5
C^mpti'p Ci|\cic '00 feoL-o.t) n^ n-e^l^t>^n if n^ Ti-itbeid.|\tA.^
T>'65-o.ib n^ h^igipce; ^guf if ^nti pn -oo ftij Scoc^ 5^®^^^^
Tn-d.c Tlitiil. TJo fe-(^'0fAi'6e 50 gcuijife^'o ne^c eigin t
n-ioii5^nCi6.f cionntif but) eit)if Tliul, ^n cuige^^ glt^ti 6
23o1^pec, t)o beic 1 gcorri-MTnpf ^6 Tni(i.oife ^nn, -^guf gup-^b
fe^cc mbli^tn-o. "oe^g if ceicfe pat) ^p fe-^cc jceA^t) 6
from Scythia, who was born in the Plain of Seanair, and
was then trained in learning in the first school that was
established in the country of Babylon ; and this was the first
school after the copfusion of the languages of the world, as
we have stated above.
When Niul had been a long time conducting the public
schools in Scythia, his fame for knowledge and wisdom
spread through the nations generally, so that on account
of his great reputation Pharao Cincris, king of Egypt, sent
envoys to him, inviting him to Egypt to teach the sciences
and the various languages to the youths of that country.
Niul accordingly proceeded to Egypt, as the poet says
in this stanza, which is taken from the poem beginning,
" Let us relate the origin of the Gaels " ;
Tidings reached Forann
With great acdaim
Of Kiul son of Feinius knowing
The languages of the world.
Niul then went to Egypt with the envoys of Pharao ; and
the king gave him the land called Capacyront (or Campus
Circit) beside the Red Sea. He also gave his own daughter
Scota in marriage to Niul, as GioUa Caomhain says in the
poem beginning *' Gaedheal Glas, from whom are the Gaels " :
He then went into Egypt
And reached the mighty Forann,
And married Scota of charms not few,
The generous, cleyer daughter of Forann.
When Niul had married Scota, he established schools at
Campus Circit for teaching the sciences and the various
languages to the youths of Egypt And it was there
that Scota gave birth to Gaedheal son of Niul. Perhaps
some one might wonder how Niul, the fifth in descent from
Japhet, could be a contemporary of Moses, seeing that
seven hundred and ninety-seven years elapsed between the
16 potiAS peASA Ati 4minti. [bcxdk i.
•bitmn guf ^n ^m fi^yt j^b tn^oife ceAtin^f Ctoinrie Ifn^^U
TTIo fp^^SP^ ^P r^» ^^^ t)oidpeit>ce 50 Tn^t|\pe^^ TltuL
lotn^'o t)o d§AX)^ib bli^'o^n, 6i|t t>o-5eibt)if tia. t>AOiiie pe
236 f^T)^ pAH ^m fom ; biOTi ^ pa.i6ti^i|^ pri ^p ^be^p m^c
S^ite, o.n ce^C]i^tTiA'6 glun 6 S^itn ^nUid.f, tjo Th^i|\ ceicpe
bti^^n^ i|* cpi pdiT) ^p ceicpe 66^*0, o^suf o^p S6im •00 ih^ip
t^^gc^p f^n ^OTith^'b CAibi-oiL t>^^5 in Genesi ; uime pn n-o^d
240cuipt:e 1 5COTinc4kb-d.ipc 50 bf^^of-^'b Tliut ni^nc^in on oo^p^
bliAt>Ain If t)^ pcit) T)0 fl^ice^f Tlion mic beiL, ^m^il
id.t)tjb]i^m^p, 50 1iA.inip|\ ttl^oife. Aguf fdf if lu5^it)e if
lOTicuif ce 1 n-iorij^TiCAf ^n f e pj^ip tliul ^5Uf 50 mbe^p^o
A^jt ^imp]t itlAOife f^n ^ijipc, m^'f po]\ ^n ni ^t)ei|t
246in-^|\i-<yTiuf Scocuf mi^|t 50 n-o^b^if- gtif^b 1 gcionn o^oin-
bliAt)n^ ^^^5 ^P pa-o -^p cpi c^^t) 'o'6if 'OiteAnn CAIT115
coiniTTie-^fC^^ TiA ■oce^njc-i.'b fo^n 0^ibiot6in ^guf •oo peif
niAip o.oubf-MTi^f cu^f 5Uf ^b CI An T)'eif cothmbtio.i'oeAf ca
n^ t)-Mbiol6ine pug^t) TliuU 'Oo |\eif a nt)ub]i-^mAp if
260 incf ei-oce u^D^ip fe^ncuf ^ cinixi Sctiic •00 leic ^^.oife TliuiL
mic l^einitif A ' ai^, Aguf 50 f A.ibe 'n-^ pof coitio^inipf e
^5 tn^oife f ^n 6151PC.
"OaI-^ tliuil Af mbeic ^5 0.10115^*6 ^g C^po^cyfonc liiih
l§ tTluif HuAi-d, Agtif Af mbeic -oo S^e^eo^t ^f n-^ bf eic 6
266ScocA, If d.nn pn t>o e^tco^f mic Iff ^el 6 t^^f ao if t)o
cfi-6.llAt)Af 50 bfu^d tn^f A tluAi^e, 50 n'oeA.fnAt)Af fof-
tongpof c lAim f e C^p^cyf one m^f ^ n-iicije^^ Tliiil. Af
n-A clof pn lomof f o "oo Tliut, ceit) 'n-^ n-oiil v^ rx'^-^^XX^m
If "OA pof CIA t)o bi Ann. UAf Ia AAf on vo leACCAOib An
28onfLuAi5 Aif Aguf -00 innif fc^AiA mAcnlfp Ael if ttlAOif^ x>6
Aguf nA miofbAite pAiinAifeACA t)o imif 'Oia Af ]5Af ao if
Af A fluAg cf^ "bAOiffe cioinne Iff acU t)© deAn^Ail
lomoff o Hiul If AAf on cum Ann if CAf At>f ai6 fe c§ite; A5Uf
vo fiAff tiig tliut t)0 AAf on An f AbA-OAf biAiDA nAiT) loince
266 aca; Aguf AOubAifC fOf An fAibe '00 cfuicneAcc if -oo
iTiAiteAf Aige fein 50 mbiAi6 uile Af a gcumAf-fAn. P-i
Deluge and the assuming by Moses of the leadership of the
children .of Israel. My reply to that is that it is not incredible
that Niul should live several hundred years ; for people used to
live a long time at that period ; witness Eibear son of Saile
the fourth in descent from Seim who lived four hundred and
sixty-four years, and Seim who lived five hundred years after
Arphaxad was born to him, as we read in the eleventh chapter
of Genesis ; that it is not to be doubted, therefore, that Niul
might have lived from the forty-second year of the reign
of Nion son of Beil, as we have said, to the time of Moses.
And moreover, the length of life granted to Niul and that he
should have survived till the time of Moses in Egypt is still
less to be wondered at, if what Marianus Scotus states be
true ; for he says that it was three hundred and thirty-one
years after the Deluge that the Confusion of Tongues took
place at Babylon, while, according to what we have stated
above, it was long after the Babylonian Confusion that Niul
was born. From what we have said, we should trust the authors
of the seanchus of the Scotic race as regards the age of Niul
son of Feinius Farsaidh, and believe that he was a contem-
porary of Moses in Egypt.
As to Niul, it was when he was sojourning at Capacyront
beside the Red Sea, and when Scota had given birth to
Gaedheal, that the children of Israel escaped from Pharao and
marched to the shore of the Red Sea, and made an encamp-
ment beside Capacyront where Niul dwelt When Niul
heard of this, he went to meet them and discourse with them,
and to find out who they were. At the outposts of the host
he met Aaron who told him the story of the children of Israel
and of Moses and the witness-bearing miracles that Grod had
wrought against Pharao and his army, because of the bondage
of the children of Israel. Now Niul and Aaron entered into
an alliance and friendship with one another ; and Niul inquired
of Aaron whether they had food or provisions, and further
informed him that whatever corn and means he had would
18 poRAS peASA AR 4iRinn. [book I.
bui-6e^c AA|tOTi t>e cjiit) pn, Uaitiij iotnap|\o ^n oii6ce i^p
foin, ^y ceit) A-^iton 50 fll^oife ^gu-p tjo innif txj n^ c^i^tj-
poriA. ctij tliut -06, Agtjf pi. bui-6e^d m^oife ip A^i^on t)e
270C|\it) pn. '
loinciif^ Hiuil pi^tms 50 n-^ ttitiiiinan f^iti i^p pn, ^guf
■00 ititiif T)6ib n»c IpiAel t>o belt l-iirh |\it3; ^guf -oo inni-p
5^0 ni -00 i6i.lA.ib mA.c x)6ib. Aguf ^n oi'ode (5e^T>n^
c^l^t^ n^c^ip neinie t)o $^ei6e^l m^c Tliuil ip § ^5 fnini,
275 5U|t dp^ACcnuig 6, 30 |i^ibe 1 nju^^if b^if. Aguf ^t)ei|Mt>
■onions oiLe suft^b on ciinig v^ 6p6Adnu5^-6 'n-^
Le^b^it). At)ubf-6.t)i6.|t -6. TTiuinnce^|t \\e Tliul ^n mci^c •00
b|\eic 1 nt)Ait ttl^oife ; ^Jtif beifif leif 5^®*^^^^ "oo li^c^ip
ttl^oife. tDo ]tinne TTI^oife 5ui^e 50 tDi^ ^S^f "oo ^^ic ^n
280fWic t)o bi *n-^ ti^m pi-p A.n gpite^cc suji fli^ntiig Tn-d^ji pti e,
Ajtif ^•oub^ifc 1Ho.oife -o^n iic ^ mbio.^ c]Ae^b ^n
Thic pn, n^c bi^t) bjAij i n^c^ijt neirhe ^nn 50 b|\i.c; ^guf
^ci. pn poLtuf A.|\ Cpec^, oiLe^n d.c-i f-^n nJp^iS ^^p -^
bp:iil cuit) "OA. fbocc, ni bpjiL n^c^ip neirhe ^nn ^cc m^p
286 6ipinn. Agtif CA.|\ ceATiti 50 p^bAX)^p n^cp^c^ neithe 1
n4ipinn 50 ce^cc l!)AT)p^i5, ni f a^oiIitti 50 p^ibe neith lonnc^;
n6 f^oilim Jtip^b -oo n^ x)eATtin^ib g^ipTnce-6.p nAcp<i.c^
neithe 1 mbeid.c^i'd 'p^'op^ig.
A-oeipit) cvw t>o n^ pe^nc-o.i'Oib 5tip cuip m^oipe gt^f -cp
290 ^n bfteifc -00 bi fi n-o. lo^irh pein ^.p bpi.5-Mt> $, Agup
gup^b uitne pn g^ipce^p 5^^*^^-^^ S^^f "O®- "Oo bio-d
lotnoppo ^n c^n pom pte^pc p-i tiirh 5^0^ c^oipg m^p
coTTi^pCA ce^nn^ip pe^'dnA, ^gup ip UAi'b pn ^t>eipceAp
pie^pcAC tiApA.1 pe ce^nn bunone ^noip. If v^ p^ipn6ip
296 5up^b 6 pn^p nA. n^cpid.c neithe -oo te^n vo bpig^m S^d^e^iL
5^ipceA.p S^e^e^t 'S^^V ^^» T ^^ poillpti5A.-6 gup^b 6
m^oipe "oo p6ip 6, Acim n^ p^inn-fe piof :
S^e^eAt S^T cionntif 'oo pA^
tlif in bf eA|\ 5q\icip igcoihtAn P
300 An Tif 6 bpiil SAei6*Al S^^Af »
if ceApc ^A bftiil A feAndAf.
all be at their service. For this Aaron was grateful to him.
Then night came on ; and Aaron went to Moses and told him
of the offers which Niul had made to them ; and Moses and
Aaron were grateful to him accordingly.
Now Niul went to his own people after this, and told them
that the children of Israel were nigh unto them ; and he
told them all that had befallen the children of Israel. And
that same night a serpent came upon Gaedheal as he was
swimming, and wounded him so that he was at the point
of death ; and others say that it was from the desert it
came and wounded him in bed. His people told Niul to
take the lad to Moses ; and he took Gaedheal into the
presence of Moses. Moses prayed to God, and applied the rod
he held in his hand to the wound, and thus healed it And
Moses said that, in what place soever the stock of that youth
would settle, there no serpent would ever have venom, and
this is verified in Crete, an island in Greece, in which some
of his posterity are; it is without serpents as Ireland is.
And although there were serpents in Ireland up to the
coming of Patrick, I do not think they had venom ; or
I imagine it is the demons that are called serpents in the
life of Patrick.
Some seanchas state that Moses fastened with a lock
around the neck of Gaedheal the bracelet that he had on his
own arm, and that it was from this he was called Gaedheal
Glas. At that time each chieftain wore a bracelet on the
arm as a mark of his tribal supremacy ; and hence the head of
a company is now called a noble fleascach or * bracelet-bearer.'
To set forth that it was from the trail of the serpent that
clung to GaedheaPs neck that he is called Gaedheal Glas,
and to show that it was Moses who healed him, we have the
following stanzas :
(Gaedheal Glas, irhy was the name given
To that hrilliant, perfect man P
The event whence Qaedheal it &2m,
Few are those who know its history ;
20 pOnAS peASA AH 611111111. [BOOK I.
An d $lAf n^ 6eAdAiib De
116 ^f ^1^ ^o niAi^ niAoip ;
If eA<> ^ipT> eolAig Af
3ofiA6 T>e ACA S^e^oAt S^f*
510 A-oeiitit) 'O'ponj oile jujt^b uime 5^i|tt:eA|i 5^^^^^ S^^F "^^
6 jtAife ^ -d^ijitn If ^ eitji^. 5^^^'^ uitne pn t)0 piTiTie pie
eigin ATI ^to^nn-fo :
HU^ SCOCA niAC t>0 Yll^t 11A|t
6|\ <^Ti tndp gcitieAi& ^coiiitAti ;
329 1?A S^e^eAt Z^T Atnm ah fi|\
6 $lAife A Ai^m Y A ^T>1^.
Agu-p If on nj^e^^^l fom AintnnijteAf 5^^"^^^ ^^^^ 5 gon-d.o
tiitne pn "oo f inne ^n pie ^n |AATiTi-fO :
^^ne 6 l^^itiitsf Acb•A|^CA,
320 t>t\ig3;An t>oecA;
5a«6iI 6 $Ae69At $lAf $Apcd,
Sctiic 6 SCOCA.
gme^'o A-oeifit) "oi^on^ oile 5tif ^.b uiine cuj-d.'b Scoca ^p
ThACAi|t S^eoil, -00 b|\i5 guf ^b t>o cine Sctnc 6r\ Scicia
329 A.CAi'p S-6.e'6il, Agtif jup n6f 6^ca^ n a mni -oo floinne^'d o n-o.
bfeA|\Aib, Uuig n-6.c 1 fo <^x\ Scoca f-i be^n -co $Al-Mh -00^
ngAijice^li TTlili-b 6Afpiinne ^Jtif pu^ feifeo.'p m^c t>6. 6i|\
inge^n f^^f ao Cincpif f-i tnic^if t>o S^eoe^l ^suf if -o^ije
•00 b-it)Ait mic Iff ^el 1 nt)Aoif fe. An ji^f ao ce-^n^ -OAf b
33oin5e'&n be-6.n itlile-d.t), fA li6 ^.n cuige-^'b 'pApAO 'oeA.g 'n-^
i6i-d.ii6 pn e. jS-d^f ao neccombuf fi. h-Mnm T>d.
lomcttf-d. H1U1I lomoff -6.T>ubAif c f ^ tn^oife 50 mbi^-d
fA^l^ "pAf A.O Cinq\if fif f6in Cf6 fi^ilce -oo c^b^ifc t)6.
" in-6.feAi6/* Af TTlAoife, " Cfi^ll-fA linne, ^5tif t>A
33gfOiceAni An cif t)0 CAfns^if TDia t)tjinn T>o-seAbAif-fe
f oinn T)i; no fnAi6 thaic leAC, -oo-b^Af ahi lomgeAf lJ)Af ao Af
While b&tbed in the itrong •tream
Gtedbeal ton of Niul of good diipodtion,
A lerpent bit hit ikin ;
It was not eaiy to beal it;
The grey^Uue mirk did not leaye 1dm
Till MoMt kindly healed it.
What the learned nnderttand from thie
If that thence comes Oaedheal Qlas.
Others assert that he was called Gaedheal Glas from the
grey-blue colour of his arms and armour. Hence someone
has composed the following stanza :
Scota bore a son to Niul the modest,
From whom sprang many noble tribes ;
Gaedheal Glas was the name of the man,
From the grey^blue colour of his arms and annonr.
And it is from this Gaedheal that all the Gaels are named.
Hence the poet composed this stanza :
The Feni are named from Feinius,
The meaning is not difficult ;
The Gaels from comely Gaedbeal Glas,
The Scots from Soota.
Others, however, say that the mother of Gaedheal was called
Scota because his father was of the Scotic race from Sc3^hia,
and that it was their custom to call the women after their
husbands. Understand that this is not the Scota who was
wife of Galamh, who is called Milidh of Spain, and bore him
six sons. For the mother of Gaedheal was daughter to
Pharao Cincris ; and it was he who held the children of
Israel in bondage. But the Pharao whose daughter was wife
of Milidh was .the fifteenth Pharao after him. He was called
Pharao Nectonibus.
Now as to Niul, he told Moses that Pharao Cincris
would be angry with himself for having welcomed him.
" In that case,** said Moses, ** come along with us ; and if
we reach the land which God has fore-appointed to us,
thou shalt get a share of it ; or, if thou wilt, we will deliver
iBn tmmm*nm^r-tm . »■■ — " mnmmii^i*'T*r^mimmw^*i .. t » m im n tmi i » ii > i
22 poiiAS treASA All 6minn. [book i.
t>o cutn^f |reiTi t)tiic, o^guf eijiig lonnc^ a]i intii]t 50 bfe^f ^ip
ciOTinuf fCA^ff^m ij* 'p^p^o |i6 ceite." If 1 pti lomop^o
coth^ipie j^^ o^p 6nTi Hiut. X>o ctiipe^'b t:|\-i mile fe^jt
S4on-^]ini^c 1 Tit)Ait T1A long teif ^Jtif cug^^ t)6 i^t) ^p ^
ctfm^f fein, ^gtif ceit) lonnc^ 50 bf^c^i-d gniottip^'d ^n l^oi
^p n-A mi^^iA^c, m^p ^ca Ofcl^t) n^ tn^p-o* ]ie gcloinn If^i^el,
If A T)LuitieA'6 *n-^ n'oi^i'6 ^]i "p^jt^o if ^p 0. flu^g, t>^
mbACATl), ATh^it ^"oeif ^n pte f^n p^nn-fo •00 be^n^t) ^f
3«^ti 'ouAin t)^]i^b cof^c : A t)tiine n^^c cf eit) i^p scoiji :
SeAfCAt) tnite -6^ob "Oa ^coif »
CAO^At> mile fnA|\CA6oif ;
Atlf A TTIA^A 1lOfhA1|\ HUAI^
llof foltiig tiit» 1 n-AOntiAip.
580 Ufi pax> lotnoffo mite coip^e if caoj^t) mite mApc^c 0.
tion. Se^cc gce-o.'o if fe^^cc mbti-«i.t)Ti^ ^^^5 if ceicpe
pci-o 1 TTOi^i^ Hid. -oite^nn -oo'o p^^p^o, ^m^it ^t)u-
bpxsm^p iu^f. (5*0 coTin^ipc lomoppo tlitit po.p^o 50 n-4^
ftuAg t)o bic^t), -00 -<Mi fein f^n bfe^p^nn gce^on-^, oip
356 ni p^ibe e^gt-d. ^ip 6 -oo b-icA."6 "p^p^o, ^guf "oo fi^y ^
ctid^nn If A fiot 50 beic lon^ipm xxSib. 1 gaonn ^.imppe
t)^ eif pn ftJA^ip tliut b-if , If. "00 j^b 5-6.e^e^t if ^ m-<kc-6^ip
^n fe^pid^nn. Kuj^t) i^pAm m^c t)o ^-d.e'deA.t f^ti 4i5ipc
.1. C^^fpij m^c S^ebit, ^guf 1 gcionn cpeimfe 'n-^ ^i^it) pn
jwpugAt) m^c DO pn ^pif, Spu misc C^fpu mic J-*^®^^^* ^S^f
■DO 5-d.bA'OA.p pn ^n feA^p^nn ceid.T)n^ ^S^T *^o i^icij p-6.t)
X)iX,^ H^^iS n^ h^jipce, lomoppo, j^b^if v^ eif pn
"p^p^o Incuip n^ ndijipce o'eif 'pAp^o Cincpif
366 "00 bi^c^'6. 'Oo s^ipci ce-6.ri^ po^p^o t)^ 5^6 pij po jA^b
^n 6151PC 6 "p^p^o Cincpif -oo b-ic-d.'b f^n ITIuip 'Rua.i'O
50 'p^p.o^o Tlecconibtif ^^.n cuije^t) pi t)e^5 1 nt)iAio p^pA^o
the fleet of Pharao into thy hands, and do thou go on sea
in it so that thou mayest learn how we shall separate from
Pharao." Niul followed this latter counsel. A thousand
armed men were sent with him to the ships ; and these
were delivered over to him ; and he embarked in them, and
beheld the events of the ensuing day, namely, the opening
of the sea before the children of Israel, and its dispersion
after them on Pharao and on his host, drowning them, as
the poet says in this stanza, which is taken from the poem
beginning, " O thou who believest not according to truth":
Sixty thousand of them on foot.
Fifty tbouiand on horseback,
A storm of the Eed Sea of Romhar
OTerwhelmed them all at once.
Sixty thousand foot, then, and fifty thousand horse was
their number. It was seven hundred and ninety-seven years
after the Deluge that Pharao was drowned, as we have
stated above. And Niul having seen Pharao and his
host drown, remained in the same territory, as he was
not afraid after the drowning of Pharao ; and his children
and progeny grew up until they were able to bear arms.
Some time afterwards Niul died ; and Gaedheal and his
mother took possession of his lands. Thereafter a son was
born to Gaedheal in Egypt, namely Easru son of Gaedheal,
and some time after that a son was born to him in turn, Sru
son of Easru, son of Gaedheal, and these possessed the same
lands and dwelt thereon. Now, as to the Egyptians, Pharao
Intuir assumed sovereignty over them after the drowning of
Pharao Cincris. Pharao was a name given to every king who
ruled over Egypt from Pharao Cincris who was drowned in
the Red Sea to Pharao Nectonibus the fifteenth king after
Pharao Cincris.
m l u t i - im ■■WBWWWW— ^i»^fl^—w^—^
24 pOttAS pCASA AH 4itiitin. [book I.
^S r' r^^r ^^^^ lonnAfibA^ DO |\iniie t^A|VM> Inctnp Ajt ftio^c $Ae^l Af
570 All &sipc.
^\\ mbeic cpe-6.Ti f ^n cip tioib t>o duithiii5eAt)A|\ ^n Cfe^n-
jp^t^ t>o ct^TiTi^ib Hiuit If t>'pne $^e<>it .1. A.n CAi]tT)e^f x)o
|\6nf^t) pe clAnn4i.ib Ifp^el Ajuf toinge^f ]!)^p^o Cinc|Mf
376 "00 b|\eic teif -00 Hiut, ^n c^n t)o e^tot>^|\ tnic Ifp^eL 'Oo
coTTiTno^t^t) uiTTie pTi cog^^ leo 1 gcoiTine ^icine S^et)il 5ti|\
hiontiA^Abxi.'o 50 h^iTh^eoTiAC ^ h^jipc i^x). U15 Uom^f
tJ^lpngh^m leif ^n ni pn 1 nlpo'oijtn-d.ce tn^p o. n-o.b^i|i :
a"lA|\ TnbACAt> Lucca tia. b^gipce, ^.n t>|\oTi3'oon ci^t -oo ttiai|\
380t>A rj-eif '00 i^UidiijpoiJ "ouine ua.^ ^t "o'Ai|tice, Scice^-oe^c no
bi 'n-6^ coTTintii'oe e^cop-p^s, 50 n^c ge^b^'o ft-Mce^f 6f i^
5C10TI11. A|\ mbeic -oo a|\ ti-<s. •6ibi|\c 50 n-A. cpeib, ci^inij
juf ^n Sp-iinn, m^^ -^p i^icig fe lomAt) bti^-o^n ^gui^TTiAp ^
nt)eAC-^t)A|\ A fliocc 1 UonTTiAi|\ 50 mo-p, o^gtJf^'OAix
5«6 A^f pn 50 h^ipinn .'*
bioio A pof AjA^c, A le^gcdip, Jtif^b 6 Spu m^c O^ptu
mic S^e^il ^n^-ouine uA.f-d.l-f0 ^JUf n^c e 5^^^^^ f^i^»
g^Ti ce-6.T> *oo heccoji boeuiuf, if fof 56.11 ce^^v t)o b6.f6.TtiL6.ib
116. nu6.$6.LL fCf iob6.f 6.f 6if inn f 6.oiLe6.f juf 6.b e 5-^^®^^^^
390f6in ciinij -oon Sp6.inn. (5if vo feif pfinne fe6.r.cuf6.
n6. 1iCife6.nn, T>6.f6.b coif f6.n ni-fe, if 6.nn
f6.n ^jipu fuj Scoc6., in5e6.n lI)6.f6.o Cincfif, 5^®'^^'^
6.5Uf If innce*oo coninui^ 50 bfU6.if b6.f ; 6.5Uf ni hon ngfeij,
m6.f 6.T)eifit) t)fon5 oiLe, CAinij, 6.dc 6. 6.C6.if '06.fb 6.inni
300 tliuL CAinij on Scici6.. Aguf C6.f ce6.nn 50 n-6.b6.if 6.n
c-u5X)6.f-fo t)o li6.icLe6.56.'6 6.56.inn 5Uf6.b t>on Sp6.inn
a. Aegyptiis in Man Rubro submeniBy illi qui superfueront
expulenint a se quemdam nobilem Scyticam qui degebat apud eos ne
dominium super eos invaderet; expulsus ille cum familia perrenit ad
Hispaniam ubi et habitayit per annoa multoa et progenies ipsius familiae
multae multiplicata est nimis et inde yenerunt in Hibemiam.
Of the expulsion by Phano Intuir of the race of Gtedheal from Egypt
u f olloirs :
As to Pharao Intuir and the Egyptians thereafter, when they
had become powerful in the country, they remembered their old
enmity against the children of Niul and the race of Gaedheal,
that is, the friendship into which they had entered with the
•children of Israel, and Niul's having carried off the fleet of
Pharao Cincris on the escape of the children of Israel. They
accordingly made war upon the race of Gaedheal and
banished them against their will from Egypt. Thomas
Walsingham agrees with this account in Hypodigmata, where
he says : ^ When the Egyptians had been dro^^iied, the portion
of the inhabitants who lived after them expelled a certain
Scythian nobleman who dwelt amongst them, lest he might
assume sovereignty over them. When he had been expelled
with his tribe, he came to Spain, where he resided many
years, and where his progeny multiplied exceedingly, and
thence they came to Ireland.'*
Know, O reader, that this nobleman was Sru son of Easru,
son of Gaedheal, and not Gaedheal himself, notwithstanding
Hector Boetius, and not^^ithstanding also the opinion of the
■modern English authors who have written on Ireland, and
who imagine that it was Gaedheal himself who came to Spain.
Because, according to the truth of the seanchus of Ireland,
which one should believe in this matter, it was in Egypt that
Scota daughter of Pharao Cincris gave birth to Gaedheal, and
it was there that he lived till his death ; and he did not come
from Greece, as others assert, but his father, who was called
Niul, came from Scythia. And although the author whom
ive have quoted states that it was to Spain the nobleman to
W t I »i ' <■ >»
26 pOKAS peASA AH 4lll1Tin. [BOOK I.
c^inig ^Ti t>tiine u^f^L t>o tuA.i'^lt, ni heA.i6» ^cc T>on
Scici^ t>o cu^i'D, A.5U]* i|* e ^n cui^e^'O 5tun t>e^5 u^i'6
^tw6^f t>^ n5^i^ci l>^^c^ m^c t>eA5i^c^ p^ini^ t>oii Sp^mn
m^c ^Afjttj f^ c^oij^^c ^5 C]ti^il 6fi 6131PC 6.p e^ccji^-
yOf ^ihAit ^t>ei]t 3^0^^ C^oihAin f^n t>u^in t>^p^b ccyp^c^
406 Ap feAfiACAiji fUiA$«f AOilro ;
6 x>o tar6 f a t>ciiAr6 6 a coi$
A|i pro mA|\A RaAtt) 1lomoi|\.
Xutz ceicfie ion^ Uon a ftiiAi§
Aft pro ihA^ HoiiiAi^t 1liiAr6 ;
410 CaLL 1 n^A6 clAjiAtibA rf ceAO
Ceicpe U&nAihiiA pceAO.
CAOif e^c f^n eAcr]iA ft)in 50 ping^' 50 hoited^n Cjtec^,
50 bpiAiji bif Ann pn, 5ti]t g^b a ttiac Cibe^p Scoc ce^nnAf
4X5feAi6nA CAic 50 poccAin t>on Scicia '661b. 5^^^"^ uime pn
At>ei]t ti5'0A|i T)*Ai|tice jtii^Ab e eibe^jA Scoc fi. CAOifeAC
0|t|\A f An cupAf fO-in Aguf JujtAb on pojiAinm -do bi ai|i
.1. Scoc gAipmceAp ane Sctiic "oo $Ae6eAtAib. lon^nn
lomopiio Scou *oo ]teip ujDAi-p t)'Aifice if f AigDeoip. 6ip ni
42op^ibe 'n-A coihAinip|t F^^p 1>0S^ "oo b^feAjijA lonA e, Aguf on
bfOjtAinm pn pAinig e "oo ftonnA^ An fbocc CAinij uai'O ;
Agiif vo cleAdcAio teo bojA mA|\ A|ini a^i Airpif nA fCAn
gtif An Aimp-p ntjei-oeAnAij teAC ifcij '0A|\ jctiiihne pein.
Ji^e^t) ni leAnfAm bAjiAihAii An ujoAip-fe vo b-pij gtn^Ab
4261 ceAOfAit) coicceAnn nA feAncA*© 5ti|tAb uime 5Ai|\ceAp cine
Sctiic "00 fLiocc S^^^^l* ^r^ he^t a]i t)ceACC on SaciA t>6ib
T)0 |t ei|\ A TTlbunAOAf A.
UU15, A leAgcoiii, S^t^b feA|\ coTtiAimp|\e oo ttlAOife
5^ei6eAl, Aguf t>A iteijt pn 50 pAibe ceicpe pat) bliAOAn
430'o*AOif An CAn 00 bACA'6 pAfAO, Agtii* 50 ^Aibe An ceAC«
ItATTiAO jlun UAix> f^in poj* A|t n-A b]teic rriAp aca 6ibeA|\
whom we have referred came, such is not the fact ; for it was
to Scythia he went, and it was the fifteenth in descent from
him, called Bratha son of Deaghaidh, who first came to Spain.
Here is the seancha's statement of the fact that it was
Sru son of Easru who was the leader of this expedition on its
setting out from Egypt, as GioUa Caomhain says in the poem
beginning, " Gaedheal Glas from whom are the Gaels " :
Sra aon of Easru aon of Gaedbeal,
Our ancestor of the joyous host,
It vas he who went northwards from his house
Over the Bed Sea of Eomhax.
Four shipfuls were his host
Upon the Bed Sea of Bomhar ;
Found room in each wooden dwelling, as was right.
Four and twenty wedded couples.
Know, as we have said, that it was Sru son of Easru
who headed this expedition till they reached the Island of
Crete where he died, and that his son Eibhear Scot assumed
the supreme authority till they arrived in Scythia. It is
for this reason that a certain author says that Eibhear Scot
was their leader in this expedition, and that it was from his
cognomen, namely, Scot, that the Gaels are called the Scotic
race. For, according to a certain author, Scot means * archer,'
and there was in his time no bowman superior to him ; and
from this cognomen given him the name was given to his
posterity ; and they practised the bow as a weapon in imita-
tion of the ancients down to a recent period within our own
memory. However, we shall not adopt the view of this
author, since it is the common opinion of the seanchas
that the race of the Gaels were called the Scotic race from
their having come originally from Scythia.
Understand, O reader, that Gaedheal was a contemporary
of Moses, and that accordingly he was fourscore years of age
when Pharao was drowned, and that the fourth in descent
from himself, namely, Eibhear Scot son of Easru, son of
28 poiiAS peASA AH 6ininn. [book i.
Scoc m^c S^iiJ mic 6Afpu mic 5^©^^^ f^^ *oo cpiALL^T>-6.p mic
1f]tAei cpef ^r\ T(^vi^^ KuA.^•6 ^.guf TTlAOife i gce^nn^f pe^'bti^
6f ^ gcionti. TneA.fA.1t) tjpotij t)o ha. feA^ncA^iioib guf^^b
4»6eic|te c§At> if t)A fi6t> btiA'6An 6 bi^CA^t^ f)A]tA.o f^n TTIuip
Ru^m 50 cigeACC ctoinne TniteA^ift 1 n^fitin, Ajuf t)^
^eAitbujA.*© pn ^5 f o niAf At)ei|t u^daii ^lob f An f A.nn-fo :
440 6 no hunt CaAic t>^, x>eAf b '6ttib,
UAf mtiifideAnn tiiAfA HoifiAtft.
'SojK $AbfAX> fceinn T>on ttltii^ TTIeAnti
tnic 1TI{leA'6 1 T>a'[\ n&^eAnn.
Acc 6eATiA T)o f eif An Ai|^iTh T)o-ni An LeAbAf 5-^^^^^
445 ni pill Acc feACC mbliAionA -oeAg ceAfCA 'oo cpi ceAt) on
cpAC f A]i JAb TTlAOife ceAnnAf ctoinne IfpAel f An Cijipc
50 reACC ctoinne tTlileA'6 1 n^i^imn. 6if 1 gcionn feACC
jceAt) If feACC mbLiA'OAn "oeAg Af ceicfe pa-o •o'eif t)ileA.nn
t)o jAb TTlAOife ceAnnAf mA.c nlfpAel fAn ^igipc, A^guf vo
45Qfei|t nA liAimppe T)o-beif feAncuf 4ifeAnn •00 $AbA.lA.ib
4ifeAnn, if 1 gaonn mite A]t ceic]te pcit) btiAt)An T)'eif
•oiteAnn t)o jAbAtDAf mic ltliteAt> feAtb OifeA^nn. A5 fo
mAf A.t>eif An LeAbAf 5^^^^ S^F^b ^ gcionn cpi ceA.t>
btiA^A^n iAp n*oitinn CAinig pAf CAton, Agtif guf A.b cpi ceAp
466btiAi6An T)o b-At)A|i A ftiocc 1 feitb 6ifeAnn, Aguf gufA^b
•oeic mbtiA.'onA pceAX) vo bi 6i|ie 'n-A fAfAC 50 ceACC
ctoinne tleirtiit) innce, Ajuf jupAb feACC mbtiAonA. tJeAg a|\
•6a. ceAT) f At) ftAiceAf A nA. ctoinne pn a|i 6if inn, Agtif f§
btl A-On A T)eA5 Af pcit) -oo bAT)A|t Pif botg 1 bftAlCeAf, Agllf
46oUuA.CA. '06'OAnAnn cpi btiA-onA. ceAfCA. t>o 'oi. c^At>; ^guf
|\e cu|t An Aifim-fe uite 1 n-Aoncfuim if ceic|\e pcit) ^\k
mite btiA^An A^n nuimi^i 10m tin t)o-nit> 6 "Oitinn 50 cijeAwCC
mA.c TTliteA'D 1 n6ifinn. Aguf t)A bfeA^ccAf An c-aiji eAih-fO
fif nA feACC mbtiA-dnAib t)eA5 if ceic|\e pcit) Af feACc
485 gceAt) t)o bi 6 -oitinn 50 bApi^nCAf TTlAOife Af ctoinn IfpA^et,
Gaedheal, had been born before the children of Israel passed
through the Red Sea with Moses as leader over them. Certain
seanchas are of opinion that there were four hundred and
forty years from the drowning of Pharao in the Red Sea
to the coming to Ireland of the sons of Milidh. And in
confirmation of this, one of these authors thus speaks in this
stanza :
Forty and four hundred
Years, it it not a falaeliood,
From the going of the people of God, I auure you.
Over the surface of the sea of Romhar
Till sped across the sea of Meann
The sons of Milidh to the land of Erin.
However, according to the computation made by the
Book of Invasions, there were only three hundred years
less by seventeen from the time that Moses assumed
the leadership of the children of Israel in Egypt until the
coming of the sons of Milidh to Ireland. For Moses assumed
the leadership of the children of Israel in Egypt seven hundred
and ninety-seven years after the Deluge; and according to the
time Irish history allows to the Invasions of Ireland, it was
one thousand and eighty years after the Deluge that the sons
of Milidh took possession of Ireland. Thus the Book of
Invasions states that it was three hundred years after the
Deluge that Parthalon came, and that his descendants
remained in possession of Ireland three hundred years, and
that Ireland remained a waste for thirty years, till the descen-
dants of Neimhidh arrived there, and that these descendants
ruled Ireland two hundred and seventeen years, and that the
Firbolg held the sovereignty thirty-six years, and the Tuatha
De Danann two hundred years less by three : and, adding all
these together, they make a total of one thousand and eighty
years from the Deluge to the coming of the sons of Milidh to
Ireland. And if this number be taken in connexion with the
seven hundred and ninety-seven years that elapsed from the
Deluge to the leadership of Moses over the children of Israel,.
30 ponAS peASA An 6ininn. [book i.
If folttif r\^6 ytiil on ^m foin 50 ce^cc cloitine TTlite^'b 1
Ti6i]^iTin 4^cc mbti^'on^ "06^5 ce^fc^ •do t\\\ ce^*o, Aguf
t)^ f eif pn gtif -6.b bf e^g^d ^n ce^t)f ^m cu^^f ^t>ei|^ gup^b
1 gciotin "oi ficii> iO.p ceicjte ce^x) btiAO^n T)*eif m^c nlfpA-et
470 x)o "otit cpef ATI TTItiip llu^i'6 pin5-6.t)Ai\ mic ltlileA^'6 1
A-oeifiT) t)f ong f e fe^nctif guf ^b e f ^on 'n-^f g^b Spu
m^c 6A.fpu 50 n-d. fuif inn ^p -^.n THut-p tlu^it) ^guf fOi|\ buio
'oe-o.f fo^n Aige^n, ti^irh t>e-6.f |ie obo^ni^, if Liirh cte pif
476 ^n ApA. foi|A, -^^S^if li^iTTi cte cimce^ll but> cu-o.i'O t)i, ^guf ^f
pn 50 finn SLeibe 1life f^n leic ci^p cu^i-o t)on Ap^, ^guf
f^n c^otmuif 6 -oe^f f CA.|\^f ^n 6oftiip if ^n Ap^ fe ceile,
^jtif -^f pn t)on SciciA.. jToe^o ni he pn p^on -00 g^^b
Sfiu ^5 qii^Ll on ^igipc tjon Scicia 50 luce ceicp e long if
48ocpioc-^'o 1 ng^c luing t)iob; ^cc ^ bun fpoc*^. Hil ^p tTluif
T)Uof-d.inn 50 CjiecA fif ^ pii^ce^f C^n-oi^ d.niu, iic ^p
coninuij f e fe^lo^t) ^impp e 50 bfu^xip bo^f xi.nn ^guf 'n-^p
fig^ib cuit) "O-c fliocc -oiAiX) 1 ntji^it); gono.x) 150. bicin pn -oo
peip uj-o^p ^n cfe^ncuf^ n^^c bi n^c^ip neirhe 1 gCpeCA TTiA^p 6ipinn ; ^.guf cpiA.llA.i-o A.f pn -oon Scicia. ^.guf
Cibe-6.p Scoc 'n-A. Ci^oif e^^c oppA. ; ^.guf gibe AoeA^p^.^ n^^p
V eiTJip "oul on eigipc 'oon Scicio. 1 luing no i n-e^CA^p vo
peip x)^ ponnA. "OO bi A.p A.n Scicio. A.n CA.n foin, ni pop vo e
•00 bpig gup folluf A.f gA.c A.onfCA.pui^e cp^cc-^f A.p
490 cuA.pA.fgbi.1l nA. gcpioc go bfuil A.n c-innbeA.p -oa. ngoipceA.p
UA.nA.if A.g fnige go Uluip lA.pcA.lrtiA.n A.guf A.n thuip pn A.g
fnige guf A.n 6igipc niA.p a. bfuil fptic till ; A.guf -00 peip nA.
ponnA. t)o bi A.p A.n Scicia. A.n CA.n foin A.ipThigceA.p fpuc
CA.nA.if A.p A.ibnib n^ Scicia. t^o p^ip peA.nug'OA.ip bA.pA.ncA.ThA.1l
496llepot)ocuf fA.n ceA.cpA.niA.t) leA.bA.p mA.p a. n-A.bA.ip : a" Spue
UA.nA.if cotiipoinneA.f A.n ApA. on 6opuip A.ipThigceA.p e it)ip
nA. fpocA.ib A.CA. A.g luce nA. SciciA.." -^g^f ^P t)on
Scicia. -doib CA.plA. cogA.t> if coinbliocc eA.coppA. fein if a.
a. TanaU fluvius diyidess Aaiam ib Europa enumentur inter flumina
quae apud Scitas sunt.
it is plain that there were only three hundred years less by
seventeen from that time till the coming of the sonsof Milidh
to Ireland ; and hence that the opinion above-mentioned is
false which states that it was four hundred and forty years
after the children of Israel had passed through the Red Sea
that the sons of Milidh came to Ireland.
Some seanchas state that the route taken by Sru son of
Easru and his followers was through the Red Sea and south-
eastward through the ocean, having Taprobana on their right,
and Asia on their left to the east, and then turning northwards,
having it still on the left, and thence to the extremity of Sliabh
Rife, in the north-west part of Asia, and southward through the
strait that separates Europe and Asia, and thence to Sc}^hia.
However, this was not the route Sru took as he proceeded
from Egypt to Scythia with the crews of four ships, and
each ship containing thirty men ; but from the mouth of the
Nile through the Torrian Sea to Crete, which is now called
Candia, where he dwelt for a time, and where h^ died, and
where he left succeeding generations of his descendants ;
and hence, according to the authors of our records there
are no serpents in Crete as there are none in Ireland. And
thence they proceeded to Scythia, with Eibhear Scot for their
leader ; and whoever should state that it was not possible to
go from Egypt to Scythia by ship or vessel, considering how
Scythia was bounded at that time, would not be stating a
fact, since it is plain from every writer who has treated
of geography that the river called Tanais flows into the
Mediterranean Sea, and that that sea extends to Egypt, where
the river Nile is ; and according to the limits of Scythia at
that time the river Tanais is reckoned among the rivers of
Scythia, according to Herodotus, an ancient author of weight,
in the fourth book, where he says : " The river Tanais, which
separates Asia from Europe, is reckoned among the rivers of
the Scythians." And when they had arrived in Scythia, war
and strife arose between themselves and their kinsmen, namely.
32 poiiAS peASA ATI 4minn. [book l
5coitiinb|tAiciie, m^\^ ^ci fliocc He^nuil mic "pfeitiiufA.
qiice 50 'OC^(tl^ t>'A5Ti6ii m^c U^ic, ^n cui^e^'b ^luti 6
fLiocc TIeAniiil, t)o th^^tb^^ ^S^f ^ ''^•^ T^S ^T^ ^" Saa^
An CAti foin, ATTiAil A'oei'p S^^'^^'^ CA.oihiin f ^n -otiAin x>A|ti0.b
606 cop AC : 5^^^^^ S^-^r ^ t)CA1t) J^^^l* •
1leAfl6i]\ If A$n6Ti ^An on,
Se^dc mhlAAbtiA fi^ tomdofnotfi ;
^o T>cofd4^ip HeAfl6i|\ ^o ti^tdtp
5X0 "0011 iOTitiA|tbAf» tK) f inneA'b A\i flio<ic $Ae^iL Af ^n ScictA.
lomcuf A ctoinne KeAfLoi]! mic tlipLL, ca]iIa t)iAf m^c
Ai^e, mA|t ACA HeAfitjt ly* llipLl tf cionoilitj fluAJ 1
jcoinne fleACCA g^^'^il' 'O'^ n-ionnApb^'b Af ati T)cip uiLe;
Agtif coinicioTi6ilit> pne Sac'DiL if cpiALLAit> ■o*AonbtJi'6iTi
616 A|* AH 5q\ic Cf e ci|t ha 5CioctoifceAC t)A n5Ai|\ceA|t Atha-
zonef 50 himeAll th Aft a CAifp ; if gAbAit) lomjeAf Ann pn 5a
n'oeACA'OA|\ Af An muif ahiac guf ^AbAOAf cif 1 n-oileAn
ACA Af muif CAifp A1C Af cothntngpot) feAt> bliAt^nA; Ajuf
if 1AX) f A CA0ip5 tjoib A|\ An eACUf A foin Aj;n6n if 6ibeAf ,
820 'OA TT1AC Uaic mic AgnAmAin mic beo^AniAin mic 6ibi|\
Sctiic mic Sfu mic CAff u mic S^^^^l-*
tDo bA-OAf Cf iijf mAC Ag Ajnon Af An eACCf a foin, mA]t
ACA 6Alt6ic t^Aimfionn if LAmjlAf, 'Oo bA-OAf t)iAf mAC
Aj ^beAf mAC Uaic, mAf aca CAice^t if Cing; Ajuf fUAi|\
626A5n6n bAf fAn oiteAn foin ; A5Uf ci^iaIIaix) cac 1 jcionn
bliA"6nA Af An oil^An fom luce C|ti long, if Cf 1 pcit) 1 njAC
tuing •010b, Aguf beAn A5 An Cf eAf fOAf t)iob. SeifeAp
CAOIfeAC -OOlb A^t An eACCf A fOin ; 50 T)CU5AX)Af ucc Af An ,
5CAolmtl1|^ ACA 6 muif CAifp pAft guf An bf Aif ^ige jcaoiI
630 C15 on AigCAn AX)CUAi'6 Aguf mAf f An5At)Af An mui|t pn
the children of Neanul son of.Feinius Farsaidh; and they
contended with one another for the mastery of the country
until it happened that Aghnon son of Tat, the fifth in descent
from Eibhear Scot, slew his own cousin, Reafloir son of Rifill,
of the race of Neanul, who was then king of Sc)rthia, as Giolla
Caomhain says in the poem beginning, *' Gaedheal Glas, from
whom are the Gaels " :
!B«afloir and Aghnon without lanlv
Were seren yean contending for matterr,
Till Reafloir fell with glorj
By the lucceitfnl hand of Aghnon.
Of the expuliion of the race of Oaedheal from Bcythia.
Now, as to the children of Reafloir son of RifiU, he had
two sons, to wit, Neanul and Rifill, and they collected an army
against the descendants of Gaedheal, to banish them com-
pletely from the country ; and the descendants of Gaedheal
came together, and left the country in a body, going through
the land of the Breast-Seared, who are called Amazons, to
the border of the Caspian Sea. There they took ship and
went on sea, and landed on an island in the Caspian Sea^
where they remained a year; and their leaders in that expedi-
tion were Aghnon and Eibhear, two sons of Tat son of
Aghnaman, son of Beodhaman, son of Eibhear Scot, son of
Sru, son of Easru, son of Gaedheal.
Aghnon had three sons with him on that expedition,
namely, Ealloit, Laimhfhionn, and Lamhghlas. Eibhear
son of Tat had two sons, namely Caicher and Cing. And
Aghnon died on that island. And at the end of a year they
all quitted the island, the crews of three ships, there being
sixty in each ship, and every third man having a wife
with him. They had six leaders in that expedition ; and
they made for the strait that leads westward from the
Caspian Sea to the narrow sea that comes in from the
northern ocean ; and when they reached that sea, a storm
34 ponAS peASA AR 6minn. [book i.
x>o 6i|\i5 ATifA.'d 0|t|\A ^1171 f^ot^i6 1 n-oiL^Ati i^-o |\6 ^lAi-b-
ceA]A CAjtoni^ 1 Tnuijt 'poncic gti^t coihnuijpot) bb^-d^in if
piite ^1111 ; ^gtif f^n oite^n foin pti^i]t ^ibe^jt m^c Uaic
If l/Aihgl^f TTiA^c ^5116111 bif. Ufi^lt^it) A^f foin, ce^tf ^f
Wc^oife^c t)6ib .1. C^Ltdic t^AiThfiotin C1115 if C^id^ a.
n-^nm^nti^y ^S^f c^fl^ muff^tid-d.inT! ^|t ^n mtiif pomp^
If t)o dA.TTOA.oif ceot -00 x\^ toinjfeA^CA^ib vo bio^ A.5 CfiA^tl
CA^ffTiA. 50 5ctnft)if cot)LA.'6 Off A. if 50 "Linj-oif fein off a.
T)-6k niA.fhA.'b; A.5Uf If e leige^^f x)0 finne C^^idef "Of A.01 A.if
640 pn, ceif -00 le^.g^^'o 'n-A. 5ctuA.fA.1b go r\^6 scLtmroif A.n
ceoL 'o'eA.jtA. cox>A.tcA. f if ; niA.f pn t)6ib jtif 5A.bA.t)A.f ctiA.n
A.5 finn St6ibe Rife ttiA.i'6; A^jUf if A.nn pri -oo pinne CA.icef
fAifCine 1661b nA.f b'loriA.'b comntu'de ^6ib A^onA^ic 50 pod- 6if eA^nn -odib, A^guf nA.c ia.t) f^in vo f oiCfeA^To 1, a.
546ftlOCr. CflA.lLA.I'O A.f ptl gO f A.tlJ^A.'OA.f gO JOCIA. A^gtlf
CA^flA. 50 f A.lbe TTIA^C OlfOeifC A.5 t>A.1TTipOnT1 "OA. TljA^lftl
4lbeA.f JtuiTlflOTin A^gUf -00 C0ThTltl15eA.T)A.p fllOCU 5^^^^
fA.Ti cif pn "oeic mbiiA.'onA. pceA.t) if 00 A.nA.*0A^f luce -oiob
A.nii 6 foin 1 te; soriA.'d t)A. ■oeA.fbA.o pn A.'oeif 5^^^^^
fifiOCA.OThA.1T1 A.T1 f A.nT1-f0 :
fine $^01*61 1 $AfCA <)lt,
TpiodAT) btiA^AH f AH ci]\-pn ;
AnAit) Irtidc Txiob Ann 6 f Ain,
So T>d T>ei^eA6 An "OothAin.
666 TneA.f A.!!) "Of OTi^ oite f e feA.nctif gtif A.b CA.05A.-0 A.f ceA.*©
bliA.'dA.n vo coTTintii5pot> fliocc 5A.ewt fA.Ti $ocia., A.5tif if
1 pTl CeA.'Of A.1'6 If pflTlTllge. 6lf If foLtuf 5Uf CA.ICeA.'OA.f
A.icme $ occ Ti5luiTie tJA. Ti5eiTieA.tA.15 fA.n Jocia. TnA.f
A.CA. 6 ^beA.f StuiTiponn 50 bf a.c:a.. A5 fo lomoff o a.ti
660 5eiTieA.tA.C gtun pTI : bfA.CA. TnA.C 'OeA.g-iCA. TTIIC C'A.fCA.'bA.
mic 6A.tt6ic inic Hua.'Oa.c ttiic neA.Tiuit mic 6ibf ic mic 4ibif
$tuinpTiTi fti5A.i6 fA.Ti $ociA. feiTi inic l.A.iTTipnn a.ti ceA.t>-
CA.oifeA.c CA.iTn5 von cfic pTi 'o'A.icme $A.ef)it; A.5Uf -oo bfig
nA.CA.f b'eit)if A.T1 oif eA.*© foiTi 5tuTi -00 -ooTi teic ifci5
came upon them, and they were driven to an island called
Caronia in the Pontic Sea, where they abode for a year and a
quarter ; and it was in that island Eibhear son of Tat and
Lamhghlas son of Aghnon died. Thence they set out, having
four leaders, namely Ealloit, Laimhfhionn, Cing, and Caicher ;
and mermaids came on the sea before them, and these used
to discourse music to the sailors as they passed them, so that
they might lull them to sleep, and then fall upon them and
slay them ; and Caicher the Druid applied a remedy to this
by melting wax in their ears so that they could not hear the
music lest it might put them to sleep. They went on in this
way till they put into port at the extremity of Sliabh Rife in
the north; and it was there that Caicher foretold them that
they would not find a dwelling-place anywhere till they
reached Ireland, and that it was not they themselves who
would reach it but their descendants. Thence they set out
and reached Gothia ; and to Laimhfhionn was bom a
renowned son called Eibhear Gluinfhionn, and the race of
Gaedhael dwelt in that country thirty years, and some of
their progeny are there to this day. In proof of this GioUa
Caomhain composed this stanza :
The race of ikillul, beloved Gaedbeal
Were thirty years in that land ;
Some of their tribe remain there ever nnce
Until the end of the world.
Other seanchas are of opinion that the race of Gaedheal
dwelt in Gothia a hundred and fifty years; and this is the most
probable opinion. For it is plain that the race of Gaedheal
spent eight generations in Gothia, namely, from Eibhear
Gluinfhionn to Bratha. These generations are as follows :
Bratha son of Deaghaidh, son of Earchaidh, son of Ealloit,
son of Nuadha, son of Neanul, son of Eibric, son of Eibhear
Gluinfhionn, who was born in Gothia itself, son of Laimh-
fhionn, the first leader of the race of Gaedheal that came into
that country ; and since so many generations could not come
36 ponAS peASA AR 4mitin. [book i.
661 t)o cjiiod^t) bliA^A^ti If t)eA|tb liotn 5U|t^b i ^r\ ce^t>f^ii^
A-oet^tit) "Of oti5 oile f 6 fe^n^f su^t^b z\\S ce^t) bli^'6^fi
X)o cothntiigpot) ftio<5c S^^'i^ f^" $oa^. 51^6^16 ni heit)i|«
pn t)o belt pitinne^d, vo b|ti5,.t)0 p^]t ry^ ns^bi^tc^f, t)o
870]tei]t tn^^t ^'oubf^m^lt cu^f, n^c jt^ibe lomLi^n cjti ce^t>
bti^iOA^T) 6n cjiAC fA|i bit^-b "p^^t^o f^ri Uluip tlu^no 50
cije^cc ni6.c tnite^io 1 n4i|\inti, Uime pn ni heit)i|t ^r\
c6^t)fAi'6 pti t)o beic pjtiTineAC, tjo bpig Stiyt^b t)on Leic
ifag 'oon ^imp|t pn t)o ]tiTitieAt>A|t pne>it 5^6 cti|iA.p
576 1)^ TiT)e^|\nA.T)A|t on ^5ipc 50 Cpec^, ^S^f ^ C|tecA tjon
Sciui^, If on SaciA 50 5o^^^» ^^ Soci^ guf ^n Sp^inn, on
Spi^inn t)on Saci^, if on Scici^ 50 h^ijipc, if on ©ijipc 50
U|i^ci-6., on Up^ciA 50 goci^, If on Joci^ 50 h^^fp^inn, if
on e-^fpo^inn 1 nOifinn.
within thirty years, I am convinced that the latter opinion is
the true one.
Other seanchas assert that it was three hundred years the
race of Gaedheal dwelt in Gothia. But this cannot be true,
since, according to the times of the Invasions, as we have said
above, there were not three hundred years in full from the
time Pharao was drowned in the Red Sea until the coming
of the sons of Milidh to Ireland. Hence this opinion cannot
be true, since within that period the race of Gaedheal went
through the whole of their wanderings from Egypt to Crete,
and from Crete to Scythia, and from Scythia to Gothia, from
Gothia to Spain, from Spain to Scythia, and from Scythia to
Egypt, and from Egypt to Thrace, from Thrace to Gothia,
and from Gothia to Spain, and from Spain to Ireland.
!»■•<•«■ t ntm' "" ■
38 trotiAS peASA An 4minii. . [book l
580 ^ST^ H^r ^^ ^iaLI fine SAefnt Af An n^oa^k ^o YieAfpAinn.
bpicA lOTnofpo m^c "Oeo^s^c^ ^n c-odcTh^'6 gtun 6
4ibe^|t StuiTifiOTin A.nuA.f,if 6 t)0 t^ti^tl ^f ^n njoci^ Iaitti
|ie C|iec-6. If |te Sicilid. 'oeife^l ^Ofp^ 50 hC^fpiinn, 5a
tucc ceicj^e long leif, ^m^iL ^-oei^ 5^^^^^^ C^othim f^vn
586 p^nn-fo :
b|\ACA niAC "OeAgACA "Oil
CAini^ "oo 6|\eic "oo Sicil ;
tudc deiq\e ton^ feolcA ft ah
T>eifeAt Co|\pA ^o li^AfpAn.
■oiuice n^ bp^g^Mif^. A5 fo n^ ceicpe c^oifij CAimg m^it
^on pe bp-ic^ f ^n cup^f foin 'oon 6/sfpiinn .1. Oige ^Stif
tlige '0iAf m^c 6^tl6ic mic ne^nuit, Tn-(i.nTici.n if C^ice^.
Ceicpe lo^n^niiri^ "oe-o.g if feife^^p ^yrhtif 1 nj-^c luing "Oiob
M8 ^5tif cug-c'o^p cpi m^'OTn^Min^ ^p tucc n^ cpice i-cp "oce^cc
1 vz\\\ "ooib .1. fliocc Utib^t mic l^^^fec. Ace ce-^n^, "o^ eif
pn ci^inij ^onli^ice 50 muinnci-p mic 6^ltoic gu-p
e^S-d.'o^p uile 50 'oeicnei^b-d.p. Ui^miS f-o^f 'n-^ 161-6.1-6 pn
oppo., -cguf ptij^t) bpeog-Mi in^c b|AAC6..
500 AT)eip cfoinic coicceo^nn no. SpAinne "oo fqtiobo.f) te
•ouine uo^fo^L Ppo^ngco^c 'oo.p Vo^inm t^obo^oif, 'oo peip mo^p
leo^gto^p 0.5 ^o.'obo.p'o 5piiTjfC0Ti fo.n cpeo.f, gtip-cb
e ceit>pi -00 5o.b ceo.nno.f iomto.n no. Sp-iinne o.n ci t)o.
ngo^ipci bpigtif lep cojbo.'o iomo.t) CAifleo^n ; o^juf if e pn
806 ^n CI -oo. ngoifceo.p fo.n J-^^-'^l-^ b-peojo.n, feo.n-
o.CAi'p itlileo.t) 6o.fpo.inne, o.5Uf if -po.i'oceo.p bpigo^ncef ;
o.5Uf if uo.m, •00 peip no. cf oinice ceo.'ono., 00 5o.ipci bpi5io.
1 n-o.lto'o -oon dpic p§ po.ii6ceo.p o.noif Co.fCilio.; ^.guf if
co.ifleo.n fo. fUo.iceo.nco.f 'n-o. fceic, 0.C0. o.niu 0.5 pig
810 no. Spo.inne.
Of the journeying of the nee of Gtedheal from Oothia to Spain as follows.
Now Bratha son of Deaghaidh, the eighth in descent
from Eibhear Gluinfhionn, proceeded from Gothia by Crete
arfd Sicily, having Europe on the right, to Spain, there being
with him the crews of four ships, as GioUa Caomhain says in
this stanza :
Biatha son of Deaghaidh the beloTed
Came to Crete to Sicily ;
The crews of four well-rigged ahips safely came,
Having Europe on the right, to Spain.
From Bratha Braganza in Portugal is named, where lies
the duchy of Braganza. Here are the four leaders that came
with Bratha to Spain on that expedition : Oige and Uige,
two sons of Ealloit son of Neanul, Manntan and Caicher.
There were fourteen wedded couples and six servants in
each of the ships ; and they routed the natives thrice, after
they had come to land, that is^ the race of Tubal son of
japhet. However, a one-day's plague came afterwards upon
the followers of the son of Ealloit ; and they died all but ten.
But after this they increased ; and Breoghan son of Bratha
was born.
The general chronicle of Spain, which was written by a
French gentleman called Lobhaois, as we read in Edward
Grimston, page 3, says that the first king who obtained
sovereignty over all Spain was a person called Brigus, who
built many castles ; and it is he who, in the Book of Invasions,
is called fireoghan, the grandfather of Milidh of Spain ; and
it is from him the Brigantes are so called ; and, according to
the same chronicle, it is from him that the country now called
Castile was given the name Brigia in olden times ; and a
castle was the emblem on his shield, as is the case with the
king of Spain now.
|Bi*HP«i^l«IWP^IK>^^^P^I f .11 I '"■--"- ' --'-I-
40 potiAS i:eASA ATI ^minti. [book i.
If e pdf ^n l!)|\eoso.n foin 'oo bjtif lotn^t) ca.c o.|\ ^n
C^fpiinn, ^guf If ^ t>o ctiiiit)tii5 n6 t)o c65^ib bfij^np^
Iaiiti |tif ATI gCfuiTiTie, -^Jtif cof bf eog^in f^n jCf urnne
f§in ; goriA^ tume pr\ vo finne 5^^^^^ C-d^oitiiin ^n
Oo b|\if in6^ ^coihlAnti if ^cac
Af fltiA$ eAfpAintie tf aIIa^,
t^ n«A TroeAjxtiAf) bixi^AiipA.
820 tDo bAt)^f oeic TDic -(i.5 ^n mbfeoj^n foiti .1. bfeoj^
'Pu^'o ITItiifceiiTjtie Cu^ilgne Cu^l^ ht^i) 6ible Hi.f loc
If bile; goti^'o Aifefin t)o finne ^n c-uj-o^f ce^'on^ o^n
f i^nn-fo :
"Oeid mic bfieogAiti jah lYieifibe,
tt25 b|\eogA f tiAi> If TTltii|\ceiiiitie
CuAil^ne CtiAVA blA^) Atnne.
eible TlA|\ loc If bite.
TTli^c lomoffo t)on bile pn 5^^^^^ "^^ nj^ifci TTIilitb
6o.fp-iiiiTie; -^juf c^f ce^nn guf ^b 6 bile "otune •oei'oe^no.c
«30 -iif rhigce^f "oo cloinn bfeoj^in fxMi f^nn tu^yyy Tn-d.fe-ct)
-d.'oeifi'o uj'o-d.if o.n Cfe^nduf ^ S^f -^b e bile m-d.c fi. pne ^5
Af bf Af loniof f o "00 fliocc bf eoj^in ^Jtif ^f nj^b-iil
neifc ufiTidif n^ Spi^inne *66ib, c-(i.fW m;i.c ^ff^cc^
636 oif be-6.f c-^c ^5 bile m-d.c bf eog-d^in v^ n^-^if ci Jxi^l^rti, ^gtif
If fif fAioceAf mili-o 6^fpi.iTine; -^gtif 00 j^b mi4i.n §
•oul lion§ 'o'cgb^it) Ti^ Spiinne -ooti Saci^ •o'pof -6.
bf ^icf e^c If vo 'oe^n^Th fe^'om^ "ooib. Agtif i^f 5cinne-6.'6
Af ^n jcoTTi Aif le pn t)d, coif igce-d^f Cfioc-6.'o long leif, if 00
e4octiif ^ bfofc^inn l^ocftii'6e lotinc-d. -^gtif ceit) ^f THtiif
•oUoiff i-(Mi, If -DO Cfi^ll 50 f eitirdif e-d^c foif bti'd cuo.i-6 oo
Sialic If 00 Cfec^ 50 fi^inij A.n Scici-o.; ^gtif ^f focc^Mti
1 ocif ^nti pn 06 00 cuif fc6^l-6. UA.i'b 50 tle-6.fl6if m^c
TleomA^inn .i, ^t\ fi 00 bi ^f ^n Scici^ -6.ti c^n foin; ^guf fi.
646*00 fliocc He^floif TDic Tlipll 00 lu^i'beo.mAf cu^f ah
tleAfl6if-fe vna^c tleonjAinn. tn^f f^itiij lomoffo TTIiliid
.- i
It was this Breoghan, too, who defeated Spain in many
battles ; and it was he who finished or built Brigansia near
Corunna, and the tower of Breoghan in Corunna itself
Whence Giolla Caomhain composed this stanza :
Mas J contetts and battlee
Over the proud host of Spain
Won Breogban of oonfiicts and itiifes,
Who built Brigantia.
This Breoghan had ten sons, namely, Breogha, Fuad,
Muirtheimhne, Cuailgne, Cuala, Bladh, Eibhle, Nar, loth,
and Bile. And hereupon the same author composed this
stanza :
The ten aons of Breogban without faltering :
Breogha, Fuad, and Huirtheimhne,
CuaUgne, Cual&, noble Bladh,
Eibhle, Kar, loth, and Bile.
Now Galamh, who is called Milidh of Spain, was a son of
the Bile here mentioned ; and although Bile be the last-named
of the sons of Breoghan in the stanza given above, the
authors of our records assert that he was the eldest of
Breoghan's sons.
And when the race of Breoghan bad multiplied and
had conquered the greater part of Spain, a mighty son
of renowned deeds called Galamh was born to Bile son of
Breoghan ; and it is he who is named Milidh of Spain ; and he
was seized by a desire to go to Scythia with a fleetful of the
young men of Spain to visit his kinsmen and to serve under
them. Having resolved on this undertaking, he equipped
thirty ships, placing in them their complement of warriors,
launched on the Torrian Sea, and proceeded directly north-
eastward to Sicily and to Crete, until he reached Scythia ';
and when he had landed there, he sent word to Reafloir son
of Neomann, who was king of Scythia at that time ; and this
Reafloir son of Neomann was of the race of Reafloir son of
RifiU, whom we have mentioned above. Now when Milidh
42 ponAS peASA AR 4initin. [book i.
■00 Iac^i|\ tleApl6i|t,fAilci5if itoiihe; ^juf i gciotin ^c^i^ -o^
eif pn T>o pinne ^n |ti c^oife^6 ^\\ fLu^g tia. Scici^ te;
^5U|* -oo p6f ^ inge^n fein pif -o^it b'^inm Se^ng itige^n
880 He^f l6i|\, ^S^if jitig fi t)i^f m^c t)6 m^^i ^ca 'Ootin if
Ai|tiod pei^bfu^'6.
1a]i gc-Mcex^th ce^riA. fe^t^t) ^itTip|te 'oo itliLiii -p^n
Scici^ ^o ei]ii5 lotn^tj Aicif teif i n-^g-M-b 'oibfe^i^j^c if
ludC4^ fogl^ -00 "66^11-6.111 f^n jqiic, lonnuf cfit) pn guf
e66 5pi,i6ui5e^t)-<i.]i luce n^ q\ice 50 mdf e. Aguf m-d^jt tjo
iiioctiig 4i.n fi Re^floii^ pn t)o 5<^b e^jl^ e 50 •ociocf^o
tTlitit) 'n-4i. ^5^1*6 fe bu-^in fioj^cc-o. n^ Scici^ te; -d^guf "oo
co5i6.i|t -o^ bicin pn TMitio "oo ni^fb^'6 ca|i ce^nn 50 |t^ibe
fe 'n-^ cti^rh-MTi ^ige; ^guf ni^]i tjo cu^t^i^ TMiti'b pn
880i^|\|\Aif if AC Af An fig ReAfLoif guf niAfbAib leif e; Aguf
teif pn cuifif CfuinnitiJA'O if coiiTicion6t Af a ititiinncif
•oilif f6in, Agtif C15 Af tntiif 50 lion cj\i bpcit> long Aguf
vo cfiAll 50 f eim'oif e-AC Af TTIuif -oCoiffiAn 50 f Ainig bun
ff OCA Till; Aguf Af •QceACc 1 •ocif Ann pn tjo, oo duif ceACCA
886 go |iAf Ao flecconibuf 'gA f Aifneif -oo e fein -oo ceACC "oon
cif ; Aguf cuifif An f 1 ceACCA 1 gcoinne TMileAO, Aguf Af
f occAin ■OA lACAif '06, f Ailcigif f oiiTie, Aguf cug feAf Ann v6
fein If -OA thuinncif f6 AiciugA^ f An cif; gonA"© Ag f Aipieif
An cufAif pn T11ileAi6 on Scicia go h6igipc aca JioIIa^
870CAOtTiAin fAn f Ann-fo :
Uo goin niitr6 ^a ihaic cIauti
Hepeldi^ iiodA]\ b'Atibf Atin ;
Ho fctid ^o c^tiAif) 611 d]\ CAlt
So fptic n^t 50 bftiAi|\ feAfAiin.
«75 Uuig, A leAgcoif , go f AbAtJAf An "oiAf iTiAC fug SeAng
ingeAn UeAfloif -oo TTTili'6, niAf aca 'Oonn if Aifioc
ITeAbfUA-b, mAf Aon fif Ag ceACC oon ^gipc lAf n-CAg a
niACAf fAn SaciA.
UAflA fAn Am foin cogA"6 mof i-oif An fig )!)Af ao if fig
880nA AeciopiA. tDo-ni 'pAfAO CAOifeAC fluAig vo thilio,
lAf meAf A cf 616ACCA If A caIhiacca t>6, 1 gcoinne fluAig n a
came into the presence of Reafloir, the latter welcomed him ;
and shortly afterwards that king made him commander of the
forces of Scythia, and gave him in marriage his own daughter,
whose name was Seang daughter of Reafloir, anid she bore
him two sons, namely, Donn and Airioch Feabhruadh.
And when Milidh had passed some time in Scythia, he
had much success against rebels and plunderers in that
country, so that the inhabitants loved him greatly. When
Reafloir the king perceived this, he grew afraid lest Milidh
should oppose him and deprive him of the kingdom of
Scythia ; and accordingly he conspired to kill him, notwith-
standing that he was his son-in-law. And when Milidh heard
this, he sought an opportunity and killed Reafloir the king ;
and he then assembled and brought together his own followers
and put to sea with the crews of threescore ships, and pro-
ceeded by direct route through the Torrian Sea till he reached
the mouth of the Nile; and when he had landed there, he sent
messengers to Pharao Nectonibus, informing him that he bad
arrived in the country ; and that king sent messengers to
Milidh ; and when the latter came into his presence, he bade
him welcome, and gave territory in that country to himself
and his followers to abide in. This expedition of Milidh
from Scythia to Egypt is related by Giolla Caomhain in this
stanza :
Milidb, whose progeny was good,
Slew Eeafloir, who was not weak ;
Hastily did he fly from yon land
To the river Nile, where he obtained territory.
Understand, O reader, that the two sons whom Seang
daughter of Reafloir bore to Mileadh, that is, Donn and
Airioch Feabhruadh, were with him on his vojrage to Egypt,
their mother having died in Scythia.
At this time a great war took place between king Pharao
and the king of Aethiopia. Pharao, when he had satisfied
himself as to the valour and prowess of Milidh, made him
44 ponAS peASA All 4iTiitin. [book l
AeciopiA, ^guf CU5 fein if flti^g ha AeciopiA lom^tj cac if
coinbtiocc t>A ceite juf ^P^S lom^x) i^icif le mili'6 if 50
n'oe^dAi'6 ^ ctij if ^ oif^e^jtc^f f-i n^ cpiod^ib; lonnuf 50
«8 T)CAini5 -de pn 50 tjcuj li^p^o a itige^n fdin 'n-^ tun ^01 <>6;
x^guf Scoc^ 5Aif ce^f t>i ^f mbeic 'n-^^. mn^oi ^5 H1 1 tit) t>o
bi oo cine Scuic. Agtif pug fi tji^f m^c v6 f ati eijipc tn^f
AC-i 4ibe^f pionn if Airhiiijin ; o^gtif t>o l^c-d^if i^f f
n4^ h^igipce xyo tlliti^ -00 cui|i t)A peAji ^6^5 'oo n^ h65-6.ib
680*00 bi 'n-6. foc^if 'o'fojtuim pfinice4i.|it) n^ h^ijipce 50 beic
v^ 5^c ^on -oiob clifce 'n-^ ceift) pein 1 gcionn x\^
mbli^-o-dNTi vo coiTintiig fe f^n ^i^ipc.
loTTicuf A triite^o t)o fiTitiAiTi 'n-^ The^nm^in 5ti|t c-o^if jinjif
C-^^icep 'Of A01 ci^n f oithe fin *o^ finnfe^f , t)0 Liinifionn, 5tif-
«w ^h 1 n6if inn •oo-geo.b'OAOif ^ fliocc fLo^ice^f 50 bun^ib^f ac,
^gtif olLrhtiijte^f cfi pcit) tong teif guf ctiif fOfc^inn
flti-d.5 lonnc^, -^juf ceile^bf^if -oo p^f^o. Ufi^LL^if
lomoff o leif pn 6 bun ff oc-d. TJii ^f THuif •oUoiffi-d.n 50
fiiinij 1 -ocif 1 n-oiLe^n ^c-i t-iiih f6 Uf -d.a-dt, Ifeno. goif-
700 ce^f. "oe; ^Jtif if ^nn f 115^^ If m^c TTIite^t). Up i^tl^if ^f
pn 50 hoiLexi.n -o^ nj^if te^f S^^'^^^ -^^^ f^" l^f -^^T^T^S^ cxi^oil
ceiT) f^n -Mge^n bu-o cu-d.i'O, ^suf "oo finne fe^L cothntiigce
^nn pn, gon-d.'d ^nn f uj Scoc^ m^c no v^ njxMfci Colp^
^n Ctoi'oiiTi. Ufi^tLo^it) Af pn f^n gc^olihtiif bti-o cu-d.i'6
706fc-6.f -6wf i^n Ap^ If ^n e-of Aip f ^ c^ite, -d.jtif Iaiiti cle fif ^n
6of ^ip p^f, 50 fi^inij Cftiice-o^ncu^ic f e^f Alb^.
Aif 5te^f lomoff o ime^lt n^ cfice pn teo -^Jtif^it)
T)^ eif pn Liiih -oe^f fif ^n mbf e^c^m ttloif , 50 f -in54^t)^f
bun ffoc^ Hem, ^5Uf ti.iih cl^ fif ^n bpf ^ingc p^f bu^
TiO'be-d.f, guf g^bf^t) cu^n t)^ eif pn f ^n DiofCAin.
Af f occ^in lomoff o f ^n cf ic pn -ooib, ci5i'o ^ bf Aitf e
t)' f-iitaug-^t) fe TTlitit); ^guf nocc^it) -oo n^j. goci 50
SEC xviil] history OF IRELAND. 4&
commander of his army to oppose the army of the Aethiopians^
and he fought the Aethiopian army in many battles and con-
flicts ; and Milidh was most successful, so that his fame and
renown spread throughout the nations, so that, as a con-
sequence, Pharao gave him his own daughter to wife, who was
called Scbta, from being the wife of Milidh, who was of the
race of Scot And she bore him two sons in Egypt, namely,
Eibhear Fionn and Aimhirgin ; and immediately on Milidh's
reaching Egypt, he set twelve of the youths who accompanied
him to learn the principal crafts of Egypt, so that each of
them might become proficient in his own craft at the end of
the seven years that he dwelt in Egypt.
As for Milidh, he bethought him that Caicher the Druid
had foretold, long before, to his ancestor Laimhfhionn,
that it was in Ireland his descendants would obtain
permanent sovereignty ; and accordingly he fitted out
sixty ships, putting the full number of warriors into
them, and bade farewell to Pharao. Thereupon, he pro-
ceeded from the mouth of the river Nile through the
Torrian Sea till he landed on an island close to Thrace, which
is called Irena ; and it was here that Ir son of Milidh was
bom. Thence he proceeded to an island called Gothia, which
lies in the channel leading to the northern ocean; and he
dwelt there for some time, and it was there that Scota bore
him a son called Colpa of the Sword. Thence they pro-
ceeded into the narrow sea which separates Asia from
Europe on the north, and continued in a westerly direction,,
having Europe on the left, till they came to Cruithentuaith,
which is called Alba. They plundered the coasts of that
country, and afterwards proceeded, having Great Britain on
their right, and reached the mouth of the river Rhine, and
continued in a south-westerly direction, having France on.
the left, and after that they landed in Biscay.
Now, when they had arrived in that country, Milidh's
kinsmen came to bid him welcome ; and they informed him
46 pottAS peASA AH 4mititi. [book l
n-iom^t) eA6c|t^iiii oile t>o beic ^0^5 coihfnbu^mjte^ni n^
cpce pn If n^ tiC^fpiintie uite. Ap n^ clof pn iOTno|t|to
711 1)0 TtTiti<>, t)o dtup ciOTiot ^p ^ |t^ntic^ib feiti fe^^ tia
h6-6.fpAiiiTie; ^gtif ^|t jqiuintittij^'b Ajt ^onli^c^ip t>6ib,
cpi^ll^if teo Agtif 16 tion ^Ti 6^bt^i5 t>o <hj^if» pif lph^r^
•pA^n ci-p 1 11-^5^110 n^ njoci if n^ ti-eA^ccp^nri, 50 t)cu5
ceicjte TTii^'Oin^nTio. oe^j if x5i ficix> o-p-p^, guf tACf-<MnTi ^f
7«o^n e-A.fpAiTiTi i^t) -^gtjf jujt 5^b f^m 50 ti-^ bp^icpib, m^p
AC-iit) CWnn Of eog^in mic bft^c^, uy^thop n^ h^Afpiinne
Tooib fein. "00 bi lomo-ppo f ^n ^m-fo t)A ttiac ^eA.5 if pee
Ag TMiti'o, ^th-d^it ^-oeif ^Ti pie:
rpio^At) rriAC ^pif t>A niAC
725 ^S mib^ 50 n^le n^lAC ;
Tli ]\Aiiii5 -bioby t)aiifiiTi tmn,
Acc AOno^CAp 50 h4i|\inii.
"Do b^k-o^p lOTnojipo ceitpe mic pce-^t) "oiob pn fug-d.'O a|i
te^nnAnc^CT: t)6, ful "oo cpi^lt ^f ^n Sp^inn -oon Scici-(5.;
730^5t!f Afi 'OiAf bo^n T)o bi 'oi-6.i'6 1 nt^i^TO ^ige pofu^ pug -mi
c-occ^li 01 te '66, m-c|t o^ci, Se^ng ingexMi Tle4^fL6ip ft-<MC
TiiC Scici-d. ]itig tji^f "oiob fo.n Scicixi., m4i.|\ ^c-i 'Conn if
Ai|iioc ' UA'6, If Scoc^ inge^n lI)^f-fi.o Tlecconibuf fug
o.n feife-c]i oite t^iob, m-cp ^ci. "oi^f f ^n 6igipr ,1. 4ibe4S.f
736poTin If AiTTiipgin, 1p o.f #H1ui|\ Up^ci-^, Colp^ ^n 0101*61111
1 njoci^, A]i-MinAn o^gtif ^ipe^Mhon f^n 5^^^r^> o<iti4>.il
^"oeiii Coning pie fo<n l-o.oio feo^ncuf^-fo pof :
Ode tnic jAlAitti HA TijAipe,
t>Afvb Aitim mill* eAfpAine,
740 Ho fteA<^CA'OAf mite mA$ ;
CiT>ne d]\e a njempoDA^ ?
Ai^ioc f eAb|\tiAt> *f t)onti 50 115I1A6,
Ho jeineA'o iat> f ati Scicia ;
Hu^A-b f An 6151PC Aibtiig
745 4ibeAp f lonn if ^^itiiippii.
that the Goths, and many other foreign tribes, were harassing
both that country and all Spain. Upon hearing this,
Milidh summoned his own supporters throughout Spain ; and
when they had assembled in one place, he set out with
them, and with the fleetful that had come into the country
with him, against the Goths and the foreign tribes, and
defeated them in fifty-four battles, and banished them from
Spain ; and he himself and his kinsmen, that is, the de-
scendants of Breoghan son of Bratha, took possession of
the greater part of that country. At this time, Milidh had
thirty-two sons, as the poet says :
Thirty sona and two aons
Had Milidh of bright handi ;
There came of these, we are certain,
Onlr a single eight to Ireland.
Twenty-four of these were born to him in concubinage before
he set out from Spaiii for Scythia, and the other eight were
borne to him by the two wives he had in succession, namely,
Seang daughter of Reafloir, prince of Scythia, who gave
birth to two of them in Scythia, namely Donn and Aerioch
Feabhruadh, and Scota, the daughter of Pharao Nectonibus,
who gave birth to the remaining six of them, to wit, two in
Egypt, Eibhear Fionn and Aimhirgin, Ir on the Thracian Sea,
Colpa of the Sword in Gothia, Arannan and Eireamhon in
Galicia, as Conaing the poet says in the following historical
poem :
Dight sons of Galamh of the shouts,
Who was called Hilidh of Spain,
They hewed down a thousand fields;
In what countries were they bom ?
Airioch Feabhruadh and Donn of conflicts
Were bom in Scythia;
There were born in stream -filled Egypt
Eibhear Fionn and Aimhirgin;
48 -potiAS peASA AH 4minn. [book i.
Ao ^eiiAif 1 ocAob Cf AC1A ;
Ho geiiAif ColpA Ati ClAi^iifi
1 n^tionn Colp^ i nS'^oct^i'bib.
760 fttt^A A^ cuf bf eogAiti gAii bf 6n
X>A f*6ifeA|\ iiA Iao^ 5^11 to^Cy
TTlAC De |\o cfAOC A T>cocodc. Ode.
Ir, no wanior was greater.
Was bom beside Thrace ;
Colpa of tbe Sword was bom
In Colpa*s Glen in Gaothlaidhe ;
There were bom at fireoghan*s tower without grief
Arannan and Eireamhon,
The two youngest of the faultless wairion ;
The Son of God subdued their strength. Eight.
50 FonAS peASA AR 4iiiinii. [book l
Ap bfAf T)oti Cftiote-foin bjieog^in mic bf At^ do bAt)^|t
766 neA]tCTTiAp tJAOineAd f ^n ©AfpAinn ; Aguf ^j^ theiT) ^
n •oi|\be^|\c, t)0 <iuipeiO.'OA|t potnp^ cuilteAi6]:tAicif tjog-^bi^it
•00 teic ^ijiti 01 te. At>b^f oile fof t)0 bi aca, tti^ia c^jtl^
|te tinn n^ h^imp^te pn cei-pce bii6 f^n 6Afpi.inn ipe^t ye
mbli^^^n bpce^T), C|\e iottiat) cioi^tn^ij n^ b^iTnp|\e mi
780feo.'6 foiTi, ^guf fof C|\6 lom^tj coinbLiocc c^ft^ e^cof|\^
If n^ Joci If 5-6.0 -oponj oile e^cc]iATiii pe p^b^'o^f aj
jteic fi^ lOtncofTiMh r\^ h^Afpiirine. Cmnit) uitne pn
cottiMfte 01^ ^n cfioc o^jt x\ nt)e^Tit)^oif bf mc no a^ *oo
cuifp'oe t>o. bf^c. 1f 1 coni^ifLe o^p -d^ji annpot), loc
785Tn^c bfeoJMTi mic t)|\ic45. x>o bi 'n-ow oume 5Mfce-6.TiiA.1L,
If t)0 bi f6f eAgTiM'oe eot^c yxM>^ he-6.l^onMb, t)o cog-^ |\e
t)uL -oo b|iMC oilein n^. h6ife6.nn. A5Uf if e mc ^p 6.|i
cinne^.'OA.ii o^jt ^n gconiMfle-fe ^5 co|i b-peoJMn f6.Ti
770 If Tn4i.]i pn CA.|\t-^ "ooib loc t)o cu]i 50 h^ifinn, ^.guf tii
m6.f A.'oeiiii'o "oponj oite 5«|i6.b 1 ne-d^llMb ninie omce
geirhfi^ t)o conTi-6.i|ic -oo tTiutt6.c cui|t bfeojMn i. Oif t>o
bi CMtj-pe^TTi If f ointi f oiiiie pn mif ^ijiinn if ^n 66.fp-iinn,
on cfi^c fi "octis 6ocM'6 ni6.c 6ifc |\i 'oeit)e6.n6.c pe^^f
775rTibot5 U-6.iltce inje^^n lil6.5ni6i|\ fi C^^fp^mne 'n-4\ Tnn-6.01.
t^o cte6.ccT0-6.oif cpi. Ie6.c 6.f le6.c beic 6.5>
If 6.5 m^lMf c 6. n-e^ff A^ if 6. feot) 6.|t g^d C6.oib f e deite,
lonnuf 50 n^be 6.icit)e n6. h^ife^nn ^5 C6.fpMnne6.C6.ib
6.5Uf 6.icne n6. hC^fpiinne 6.5 6ife6.nncMb pil ftig^o
780 loc ni6.c bjieoJMn ; lonnuf 'O6. f6if pn n^c 6 6.Th6.fc
6.onoit>de t)' "oo itiuLt^c cuif b| pi6.i|\ loc
nMX) ci6.nn eot^f 6.p 6ifinn, 6>|ie.6.TTi
iina^n Mtnpfe |ioiThe pn -oo beic itjip 6.n e'6.fp.iinn if
When the race of Breoghan son of Bratha had increased,
they were strong and numerous in Spain ; and because
of the greatness of their exploits, they resolved to extend
their sway in other directions. They had another motive
also. For, at that time, there was a scarcity of food iii
Spain for the space of twenty-six years, on account of the
great drought that existed during that period, and also
because of the many conflicts that took place between them
■and the Goths, and the other foreign races, with whom they
were contending for the mastery of Spain. They accordingly
took counsel together as to what country they should
explore, and who should be sent to explore it What they
resolved on was, to elect loth son of Breoghan, son of Bratha,
who was a valiant man, and also wise and learned in the
sciences, for the purpose of exploring the island of Ireland.
And the place where they adopted this counsel was at the
tower of Breoghan in Galicia.
It was in this manner that they sent loth to Ireland, and
not, as others assert, that he had seen it in the clouds of
heaven on a winter's night from the summit of the tower of
Breoghan. For there had been familiarity and intercourse
before then between Ireland and Spain since the time when
Eochaidh son of Earc, the last king of the Fir Bolg, took
Taillte daughter of Maghmhor, king of Spain, to wife. They
thus had been in the habit of trading with one another,
a,nd of exchanging their wares and valuables, so that the
Spaniards were familiar with Ireland, and the Irish had a
knowledge of Spain before loth son of Breoghan was born.
Hence it was not from a view obtained in a single night
from the summit of the tower of Breoghan that loth, or the
children of Breoghan, acquired a knowledge of Ireland, but
from there having been intercourse for a long time previouslj^
between Spain and Ireland.
52 trouAS peASA Aa 4minii. [book i-
7» 'Oi^l^ loc^ lomofpo ollihuigfeeAp long leif if ctiipif
C]ti 6^05^0 t^od cogc^ iTince, If cpi^Ll^if ^jt muif 50
|ti.n3^t)^|t t)on teic cuA.116 -o' 6i]tinTi, gu^t 5^b^t)^|t cuA^n
t mb|\^^ncpi.5c ttl^ige iot^; ^guf tn^p p^inig ioc 1 "ocip
^nn t)o ]tiiiTie lo^b^nic t>o tle^pcum, t)iA n^ m^jt^, if t)o
790|Mnne^T)Ap n^ t)e^TTio.iTi "oi^occu-^ii t>6. l^eif pn CAngA-o^iv
t)|ton5 t>o lu<5c n^ qtice -oo tAb^i^tc |iif 1 Scoicbe^plA. .i.
1 nSA.e'oitj, If t)o fpe^gAitt feife^n f^n ce^ng-o^io de^on^
i-6."0, ^gtif ^'oub^ifc 5ti|\^b 6 ttl^gog ci^inij pein ^thA^il
cinj^tj^f -f-6.11 ; o^guf guf ^b Scoicbe^pL^, f a ce^nj^ bun^t)-
7» 4.f ^c t)6 fein ^.tti^it "00 b'e^t> 1661b pn. Aci^it) n ^ feo.Tic^it>e^
^1^ tof5 n^ f ^n LeiO^b^p J^bi^l-^, ^5 o^ \\ix> gup^b
e ^Ti Scoicbe^pt^, fe p^ioce^p 5^^^^^5» f^ ce^ngo^
buTi-6.'6^f^c "00 neiniio if -o^ ^icine, ^guf "OA iteiji pn ^5
pe-^]\Aib boLg if ^5 Uu^c^ib "Oe X)^nAnn, 6if if in-
aoac^iei-oce pn A.f ^n ni ^-otibii^mAli cu^f gu-p^b e g^^eiDe^).!.
m^c 6^c6i|i ^\\ p)x^i.^te^m peitiiufo. p^ff-^^io fi no. Saci^^
vb ctiif ^n Scoicbe^ft-^. 1 n-e^g^f if 1 n-Ofoug^t); gon^O'
on n5^et>eA.t foin f -imce-^p>eAtg fif o^n Scoicbe^pLo.^
^.ihi^it ^oubf o^mo^f cu^f.
806 If cufc^ cf-i -00 bi ^r\ S^^^^^^^r^ ^5 i^un^-b fcoL
gcoicce^nn f^n Saci^ loni. -oo cjM^it T)eiTTiii6 ^p e^ccp^^.
on Scicio. go h^ifinn; ^guf 6f 6 4>n Scoicbeid^fl^ fOw ce^ng^
coicce^nn f^n Scici^ o^n cpi^c x>o cpi^tL neiiriio o^ifce, -oo
feif no. fe-d.ncA'6, if e ^n Scoicbe-6.fl^ fi ceo^ng^ 'Oiieo.f
si^-oo Heinii'O if -o^ fuifinn ^g ce^cc 1 n^ifinn t)6ib ; ^guf -oo^
]\6\^ pn c^g g^c g^b-itc-6.f t)^ -ociiinig ^f 6ifinn uai*d no
x)^ ftiocc ; ni i^ifTtiiin mic tTlite^^ -o^f ce^ng^ t>ite^f ^n
Scoicbe^ft^ 6 -oo fo^g-d^ib Tliul o.n Scicio. guf ^n ^m-fo.
Utg HifceA.f'o Cf^ob^c pfiotho^io ^ife^nn teif ^n ni-fe
8i5f-^n teo.b-6.f -oo fcpiob f6 -oo bun^io^f niO^ J-^^^^^S® T ^'C^®"
§Ae6it Ag fo tn^f ^-oeif : a^Ac-i" ^f fe "^n $A.e^eo.lg
1 ngni.cugii.o 1 n4ifinn o ce^cr Tleiniit> 630 mbli^'o^n i^p
n-oitinn guf ^n 16 ^niu." *Oo feif ^ n-oubf ^m^p ni x)i*
a, Ghielica locatio eat in ota in Hibemia ab adrentu Nemedii anno 630
a DiluTio in hone uaque diem.
Now, loth equipped a ship and manned it with thrice
fifty chosen warriors, and put out to sea until they reached
the northern part of Ireland, and put into port at Breantracht
Mhaighe Iotha« And when loth landed there, he sacrificed
to Neptune, the god of the sea, and the demons gave him
bad omens. Thereupon, a company of the natives came
and spoke with him in Scoitbhearla, that is, in Gaelic ; and
he replied to them in the same tongue, and said that it
was from Magog he himself was descended, as they were, and
that Scoitbhearla was his native language as it was theirs.
Taking their cue from this passage in the Book of Inva-
sions, the seanchas state that Scoitbhearla, which is called
Gaelic, was the mother tongue of Neimhidh and his tribe,
and therefore also of the Fir Bolg and the Tuatha De
Danann. For this may be believed from what we have
stated above, that it was Gaedheal son of Eathor, at the
command of Feinius Farsaidh, king of Scythia, who regulated
and set in order the Scoitbhearla; and it is from this
Gaedheal that it was called Gaelic as we have said above.
Now, this Gaedheal had been teaching the public schools
in Scythia before Neimhidh proceeded from Scythia on an
expedition to Ireland ; and since Scoitbhearla was the common
tongue of Scythia when Neimhidh set out from that country,
according to the seanchas, the Scoitbhearla must have been the
mother tongue ofNeimhidh and of his followers when they came
to Ireland, and accordingly of every colony sprung from him or
from his descendants who came to Ireland, not to mention the
descendants of Milidh, whose native language was the Scoit-
bhearla from the time that Niul left Scythia to the present time.
Richard Creagh, primate of Ireland, supports this view in the
book he has written on the origin of Gaelic and of the race
of Gaedheal. He speaks as follows : " The Gaelic speech," he
says, " has been in common use in Ireland from the coming
of Neimidh, six hundred and thirty years after the Deluge,
to this day." From what we have said, it is not improbable
, .^ ... , „„ -. .. ■ .i. ^ w. 1 — r *m — .. i j m ■ » ■■ ■'■■ ! ' ■ ■<» ■ ' •^
54 ponAS peASA All 6minti. [book l
cpeiT5ce gtiii^b i Scoicbe^pt^ "oo Ag^iLl loc if Cuac^^ 'Oe-
lotncij-p^ lot A, t)0 pAfjiuij -o^ eif pn ^inm tia cpice
^lob ^5tif ci^ t)0 bi 1 bfl^ite^f tii|\]ie ^d^n c^n foin. tlocco.i'D
ATI pji^teo.rrn foin c^itt^ ^ip -6.p t)cuf gut^^b Inif d^Lg^ fi^
h^iTiTTi -oon qtic, if jutt^b i-6.'0 C|\i mic CeAfTti4^t)A TTIilbeoiL
«25mic An tDAgibA t)o bi i bft^iceAf innce a|a feAlAiiDeACC
JAC f e TnbtiAt>Ain, attiaiI At)ubf Am^p cuAf, 50 t)CA|^lA An
cf AC foin lAT) 1 n die AC Heit) 1 "OCtiAifceAfC UtAt), Aguf
iAt> 1 n-imfeAfAn fA feo'OAib a feAn. UfiAtlAif ioiTiof|AO
loc Af n-A ctof pn TnA|t Aon f e "oa -ocjiiAn nA foifne CAinij
«M*n-A Luing leif, Aguf if e tion 'oo bi *n-A tuinj C]ii dAOjA-o
Iaoc, Aguf mA|\ CAinig -oo Iacaiji ctoinne CeAptriAOA f Ait*
cijit) |ioinie, If foiLtpji-o f ac a n-inif eAf Ain t)6. TlocCAip
feifeAn t)6ib-feAn -oon teic oiLe 5U|\Ab z^e itieA|\u5A"6 mA|iA
CAinij fein t)on cf ic, if nAC |iAibe a bA|tA f aoi coiTintiit)e "oo.
856t)eAnATh innce, Acc cpiAlt ca^ a Aif "Oa cip fein. 5i'6eA'6
mAp vo tneAf A'6 leo-f An loc tdo beic fojtumcA, t)0 cogAtJAjt
'n-A bpeiceAih f An impeAf An t)0 bi eACopf a e, Aguf if t
bpeAcpti5,nAfeoi'oe'oofOinn cpeAnAceACOff a; Ajuf leif pn
t)o jAb Ag itioIao nA h4ipeAnn if A-oubAipc jupAb eAgcoiji
840 t)o bi inrpeAfAn eACoppA ^guf lionniAipe nA hinfe pA triil
If fA itieAf, fA lAfC If fA IaCC, fA IOC If fA AfbAf, A5tlf
meAfAft)ACc A tiAieoip Af ceAf if Ap fUACC. A-otibAipc
fOf t)A foinnci An cif CfeAnAd eACOfpA 50 fAibe a
bfopcAinn uile innce. CeileAbf Aif loc t)A eif pn -ooib
845 ^S^f cfiAllAif niAf Aon f 6 n-A ceAt) Iaoc x)'pof a luinge.
DaIa cloinne CeAfniA-OA cujAOAf -oa n-Aipe rnei'o ah
iholcA cti5 loc Af 6ifinn ; Ajtif if eAt> -oo meAfAt) leo t)A
fOiceA-b lAif t)ul -DA Cfic f6in 50 -ocitibf a-o loniAt) fluAj
leif t)o JAbAil nA ti4if eAnn ; Aguf if e ni Af a]i anneA-OAp
aeoTTiAC Cuill 50 lion cpi caojat) Iaoc -oo dup 'n-A copAToeACC ;
If pujA-OAp Aip, If t)0 5Ab ioc fein t)eipeAt> Ap a itiuinncip.
that it was in Scoitbhearla that loth and the Tuatha De
Danann conversed with one another.
As to loth, he proceeded to ask them the name of the
country and who held the sovereignty of it at that time.
The company he had first fallen in with explained that the
name of the country was Inis Ealga, and that the three sons of
Cearmad Milbheoil son of the Daghaidh held the sovereignty
of it yearly, in succession, as we have said above, that they
were at that time at Oileach Neid, in the north of Ulster,
contending with one another about the valuables of their
ancestors. Upon hearing this, loth set out with two-thirds
of the company who had come with him in the ship, the
full number manning the ship being thrice fifty warriors.
And when he had come into the presence of the sons of
Cearmad, they bade him welcome, and made known to him
the cause of their contention. He, on his part, informed them
that it was through stress of weather at sea he had landed in
the country, and that he did not intend to dwell there, but to
return to his own country. But as they deemed loth a
learned man, they chose him as a judge in the dispute that
was between them, and his decision was that the valuables
be divided into three equal parts between them; and he
thereupon proceeded to praise Ireland, and said it was
wrong for them to dispute with one another, seeing that the
island so abounded in honey, in fruit, in fish, and in milk, in
grain and corn, and that the climate was so temperate as
regards heat and cold. He further said that, if a tripartite
division were made of the country between them, it would be
sufficient for them all. loth then took his leave of them, and
with his hundred warriors set out for his ship.
As to the sons of Cearmad, they observed how highly loth
had praised Ireland ; and they believed that, were he to reach
his own country, he would return with a large host to conquer
Ireland ; and they resolved to send the son of Coll with thrice
fifty warriors in pursuit of him. These overtook him, and
56 poHAS peASA All 6ininn. [book i.
If T^tij leif i^t) 50 TIl^^S loc^ btj^ ctj^i-b, gup |re^|iAf>
coiThe^fCA]! e^^copi^A, gup ctiic lot ^nn ; ^juf pu5^t)^|A a.
TTiuinnce^p leo e 'n-^^ tuing, gup ^^5 y^ o^p tnuip ac^, ^S^f
SMgtip h^i6n^iceAOfAn C^fpi^iriTi eio.p t>CAifpe^nAt> ^ ctiipp
50 h^ipinn ^p ctoiTiTi Ce^pm^t)^,^ If c6o.t)fAit> x)o t>ptiin5
p§ fe^ncttf Jtip^b ^p 'Opuim tige^n tjo mA^pb^io ioc if
jup^b ^p tn^ig I0CA x)0 h^^Ti^ice^i6 6. Jii^e^t) if annce
880 ^guf If fipintiije -6.n ce^t)f ^1^ tvi^y.
X>o §AbAit liiAC m^teA'6 A^ ^pitin Aniif o, ^^^tif t>a noi^Wib, A^f cia Ati
C|\io6 Af A T>CAn^A'OAp ^o li^finn.
A-oeip heccop boeciuf, f^n cpe^f c^ibix)iL -oo fc^ip
TiA hAlb-d^n, gtip^b cL^nn vo '^^^e^t Oibe^p if Btpe^ihon.
886 35ii6e-6.o ni hei-oip pn -00 beic ppinne^c, "oo bpig, 00 peip
Copm-G^ic tnic Cuite^nni^in 'n-o. dpoinic, gup b' fe^p coth^iTn-
ppe •00 ttl^oife S^^^^^'-J ^S^r ^"oeip m-o^p ^n gce^-on^ t)o
peip ^n Le^b^ip S^bi.t^ 5t3p-6.b 1 gcionti cpi Tnbli-6.'6^n 4^p
<5eicpe pc\x> ^p ti^ c^^t) i^p TnbikC4^^ li)4>.po.o Cxin5-6.t)4^p
870 mic ltlite^t> 1 nCipinn, ^guf t)-^ peip pr\ n^p b'^i-oip
5^OTe^t "00 beic 'n-4^ ^c^ip 0.5 6ibe^p tia ^5 Bipe^nidn.
If fotluf fOf t)0 peip Copmo^ic fo^n gLun t)o-ni 6
$^LATh t)^ ng^ipci Tn'iii'o 6-^fpi.iTine, fi. h^Ci^ip t>'6ibe^p
if 'o'6ipe^ni6ii, 50 Hoe, n^p V^ 5^^^^^^ F^ h^c-6.ip v6^X>,
875 A5 fo, -DO peip CopTn-6.ic, ^n jeine^tA^c 50 tloe: ^^t^th
m^c bile mic bpeog^m mrc bp-ic^ mic '^CA mic
C^pc^i6^ mic 6-^lt6ic mic Hu-^o^c mic Tle-o^ntjit mic Ctbpic
Jl^if mic Cibip Jtuinfinn mic LAimfiTin mic Agnoin mic
Uaic mic Oj^m^in mic beo'O-o.m-Mn mic 6ibip Scuic mic
880 Spu mic 6-d.fpu mic g^^*^"*^ St^if ^^c Tliuit mic p6ir»itif 0.
P4\pf^i'6 mic b^^c mic Tn^goj mic l^fec mic Hoe.
loth placed himself in the rear of his party, and conducted
them to northwards Magh lotha ; and a conflict took place
between them, and loth fell there; and his followers took him
with them in their ship, and he died at sea in their midst,
and was buried in Spain, his body having been previously
exhibited to the sons of Milidh in order to incite them to
come to Ireland to avenge him on the sons of Cearmad.
Some seanchas are of opinion that it was at Druim Lighean
that loth was slain, and that he was buried at Magh lotha.
But the above view is better established and more probable.
Of the invasion of Ireland bj the tone of Milidli, and of their doingB,
and from what country they came to Irehind.
Hector Boetius, in the third chapter of the History of
Scotland, states that Eibhear and Eireamhon were sons of
Gaedheal. Now this cannot be true, since, according to
Cormac son of Cuileannan in his chronicle, Gaedheal was a
contemporary of Moses ; and he says, moreover, according to
the Book of Invasions, that it was two hundred and eighty*
three years after the drowning of Pharao that the sons of
Milidh came to Ireland, and therefore Gaedheal could not
have been the father of Eibhear or of Eireamhon. It is plain
also, according to Cormac, in the enumeration of the genera-
tions he has made from Galamh, called Milidh of Spain,
who was father of Eibhear and of Eireamhon, to Noe, that it
was not Gaedheal who was their father. Here is the pedigree
to Noe, according to Cormac : Galamh son of Bile, son of
Breoghan, son of Bratha, son of Deaghaidh, son of
Earchaidh, son of Ealloit, son of Nuadha, son of Neanul,
son of Eibric Glas, son of Eibhear Gluinfhionn, son of
Laimhfionn, son of Aghnon, son of Tat, son of Ogaman,
son of Beodhaman, son of Eibhear Scot, son of Sru, son of
Easru, son of Gaedheal Glas, son of Niul, son of Feinius
Farsaidh, son of Baath, son of Magog, son of Japhet, son
of Noe.
58 poiiAS peASA AH 6minn. [book i.
Jibe x)o le^gf ^^ fc^iji llecco|t boeciuf •oo nie^fpo^^ 5a
f^oite^nn fe 5U]tAb 6 $Ae6e^t ©^S^ti oile ci.tij^'o^i^ 5^^^^^
886 If ^^^1^ ^'^^ ^5^^P bA^it^TiCAih^it Atb^n^d, v^ nj^ijice^p.
loATinep m^ioii, ^5 ^ ^lA-o 5U|tAb 6 S-d^we^l^ib 6i]>eAnn.
c-in5^t)^|\ 5^et>tl Atb^n. A5 fo m a|\ ^-oei-p : a" Ax)enAitn <^ii
An A-obA^it |X)in " A|t fe "gibe •OfeAin 6 bfuit btin^'OAf n^
n^pe^nn^c, gun^b on n'opuing 5ceAt)nA ci.n5At)A|\ ALb^n-
8900.15." U15 bet)<^ teif o.n ni-fe 1 ScAi^t e^Ajl^ife n^
S^qpiO^n m^\K 4^ n-A.bAi|t,tib|to I**, c^p. i®, d"1 gcionn fei^t^o
d^impf e x>o §1^0 ^n Dne^CAin, 1 nwA^it) n-^ TnO|\eAcnAC \\^
n^ bpicc, ^n cpe^f cine 1 gcuit) no 1 ini|\ no. bpicr, ane "oo
C|\ 0. h8ipinn m^^ o.on |\e n^ t)co.oifeo.c tlheo.t)o., •00
896 Spco^tntiij 1 meowfc no. bpicc iono.16 fui-be t)6ib fein, le
CAi'p'oeo.f no te h^i^m, ^c-i 'n-o. feitb guf o^n ^m fO.'*
Af fo If loncuijte -oo f eiji uet)o. Jti-po.b 0. h6ifinn vo
duo.'oo.f cine Scuic leTlheo.t)o. ^ •oco.oifeo.c f em 50^
Owguf 50 bfuilit) 0. fliocc o.nn 6 fom o^juf 5t>|\o.b x)iob
900 5o.i|tniceo.|\ Sctiic. A5 fo mo^f o.'oeii^ htimfi^eDUf, uj-oo^f
b]teo.cno.c, r" Aci. 0. t>eo.]\b 0.C0. fein if 0.5 co.c gtifo^b clo.nn
'OCTfeo.nnco.ib no. Sctiic if guf o.b o^ono^mtn o^niim go.ipmi-o
Luce o.|i t)Cif e-ne (.1. no. bpeo.cno.15) t)iob mo.f 0.C0. 5o.ex)it/'
AcA fof Co.mbf enf fo.n co.ibi'oit "060.5 ^^^ C|ieo.f -oif*
goecmcc -oon t)0 fcpiob o.|t no. h4ifeo.nn,.
•00. fOillpu5o.x> 5tnio.b f e linn Tleilt 110.01510.110.15 -oo beic v
bflo.iceo.f Ci'peo.nn -oo ctio.i'6 feifeo.|i nio.c ttluif eo.'oo.ig ^105
tHo.^ 50 5ti|t'p neo.f c if o.f po.cco.f o.nn ;:
o.5tif 5tif o.b fo.n o.m foin cti5o.o Scocio. -oVinTn o.f
910 ^P t)cuf, o.5Uf 5tif o.b on 5cloinn pn |tio5 tllo.t) 50.1^ mceo.p.
cine Sctiic t)' Atbo.nco.ib. A5 fO mo.f o.T)eif, 0.5 o.f.
a. Bico ergo a quibuacunqae Hibemici origiziem duxeie.ab ixadtm.
Scoti exordium capiunt.
b. Procedente aatem tempore Britannia post Britones et Pictos tertiam
Scotorum nationem in Pictorom parte recepit qui duce Eheada de Hibemia.
egressi Tel amicitia Tel ferro sibimet inter eoe sedes quas hactenus habent
Whoever reads the Histor>' of Hector Boetius would
imagine that he is of opinion that the Gaels of Alba
sprang from a different Gaedheal from the Gaedheal whence
the Irish sprang. However, I am content with the opinion
of a reputable Scotch author, Johannes Major, who asserts
that it is from the Gaels of Ireland the Gaels of Alba sprang.
He speaks in these terms : " For this reason, I assert," says
he, " that whatever stock the Irish be from, the Albanians are
from the same stock." Beda agrees with this view in the
first chapter of the first book of the History of the Church
of Sacsa, where he says : " In the course of time," says he,
" Britain received, after the Britons and the Picts,a third race
in the portion or division of the Picts, a race that came from
Ireland together with their chief Rheada, who seized on a
settlement for themselves among the Picts by friendship or
with arms, which they retain to the present time."
From this it is to be inferred, in accordance with Beda^
that it was from Ireland the Scotic race, together with their
chief Rhe'ada, went to Scotland, and that their descendants
are there to this day, and that it is they who are called
Scots. Humphredus, a Welsh author, speaks thus : " The
Scots themselves, and all besides, know well that they
are the descendants of the Irish ; and our countrymen (that
is, the Welsh) call them by the same name, that is, Gaels."
Moreover, Cambrensis, in the sixteenth chapter of the third
distinction of the book he has written describing Ireland,
points out that it was when Niall Naoighiallach held the
sovereignty of Ireland that the six sons of Muiredhach, king
of Ulster, went to Alba, that they acquired power and
supremacy there, and that it was at this time that the
name Scotia was first given to Alba, and that it is from
these sons of the king of Ulster that the Albanians are
called the Scotic race. Of these sons he speaks as follows :
r. Scotoe Hibernorum proles et ipsi et omnes optinie norunt eodemque
nomine a noetratibus sdlieet Gaidhil appellantur.
• 1,1 «i
60 foiiAS peASA An eminn. [booki.
AH jctoinn pn, tf" Aguf ^f pn," ^p fe, "if uaco. t>o qt-^ob-
fCAOile^^ If t>o 5^i|tme^^ 50 fpeip^tc^ ane Scuic t)o
5A.e6e^LAib ALb^n on ^tn foin guf ahiu."
necco|t boeciuf 1 Sc4M|\ n^ bAlb^n : ^n ce4^x)Tii t)iob, m^^
f ^oileA^f gujt^b ^ 5^®^^^^ F^ b^CAif 'oo cloinn ttlite^t> ;
Ajuf AH t)ApA ni TTi^f TTie^fAf gun^b 6 $Aet>e-6.t eijin ^^
leic CAtigA-oAf pne S^e-oil n^ hAtb^Mi feoc ^r\ J^e'beA.t 6
«20t)C4NH5A'OA|t mic ITTiteo.t) le^ g^b^t^ 4i|\e.
At)ei|i bucc^n^ntif tJjt)^]! Albo^n^c f ^n Sc<i.i|t po fcpiob
A|t Albo^in 5U]tAb 6ti bPjiAitigc ci.n5o.t)o.f mic itlite^'b 1
Ti6i]tiTiTi; Ajuf T)o-bei|i, -o^it teif fein, cpi |\eo.fuin pif pn; ^n
ceit)f e^fun t)iob, m^p ^ n-^b^iji 50 f ^ibe ^n ppo^mjc coih
W6 15 AoiTieAwC foin 50 nt)eineAt> ^n ctJit) t)OTi Pp ^injc |te |\|\
J^ltiA tuj-ounenpf cpi ce^t) mile pe^it infe^^-om^; ^juf
uime pn 5ti|\ coprio^it gtiji bjiijcc p foif ne u-Mce o* o^iciti5A"6
Cjtioc oile, ^juf tJA |\ei|\ pn jup cui|\ p pii|\eAnn ■o'o.icitijA'o
n^ h6i-pe-6.nn, m^jt <^zi^\v pne $AeT>iL. TPo n^e^gp^ o.|t ^n
930 pe^fun-f o, n^p b'pe^f -oon u5t)A|i-fo ci. c|to.c co^ng^oo^p mic
VOSte^X) 1 nBipinn, ^juf m^f pn n^p b'feo^f no o.\k "o^oineAd
no A|t b't«Ai5neACt)on Pp^mgc ^n c^n ci^nj^tj^f mictniLe^^
1 n^pinn. 'Oi. mbeic fof 50 mbio^-o ^n ^p-Mngc com lionm^p
if At)eif feife^n ^^ beic yi^ t)AOinib ^n c^n co^nj^tjo^f mic
955 ttlite^t) 1 n4ifinn, ni hioncuijte 50 heije-^nc-^c ^f pn 5ti|iA.b
on bPf ^injc ciocf A-OAOif mic ttlite^-o. 6i|\ ciot) fi.f c6|\a
•oon ^p^injc beic tionm^p y6. -o^oinib o.n Cf -o^c foin lono. x>on
Sp^inn 6 t)CAn5At)A|i mic ttlite^TO? "Oo^ ^FS P^ T ^^^"
cuijce sup^b fUAf AC An peAfun-fO cuifeAf buccAnAnuf
940 pof Ag A cfucujA-o jtifAb 6x\ b^PpAinjc CAnjAtJAf mic
ITliteA'6 t)0 peip a mbunA'OAfA,
An t)Af A bAf ATTiAit bAOCAncA t)o-beif jupAb on bl^pAingc
CAn5A"0Af mic itliteA-o 1 n4ifinn, -oo bpij 50 bfuilix) fOCAit
PpAinjafe if ^Ae-oilge lonAnn, mAp aca t)f if ^guf "oun aca
a. TJnde et gens ab his propagata et speci£cato vocabulo Scotica ?ocata
usque in hodierniuD.
*' And hence," says he, " it is from them that the Gaels of
Scotland are descended, and are specially called the Scotic
race to this day/*
.According to what we have said the two opinions ad-
vanced by Hector Boetius in the History of Scotland are
false : the first in which he imagines that Gaedheal was the
father of the children of Milidh ; and the second in which he
thinks that the Gaedheal from whom the Gaelic race of Alba
are descended was a different person from the Gaedheal from
whom sprang the sons of Milidh who conquered Ireland.
Buchanan, a Scotch author, in the History of Scotland
which he has written, asserts that it was from France
the sons of Milidh came to Ireland ; and he advances,
as he thinks, three reasons for this. The first of these
reasons is that in which he says that France was so
populous that the portion of it called Gallia Lugdunensis
could supply three hundred thousand fighting men, and
hence that it is likely that she sent out surplus forces
to occupy other countries, and that accordingly she sent
forth a company to occupy Ireland, namely, the tribe of
Gaedheal. My reply to this reason is, that this author did
not know when the sons of Milidh came to Ireland, and
accordingly did not know whether France was populous
or waste when the sons of Milidh came to Ireland. Moreover,
granted that France was as populous as he represents it to
have been when the sons of Milidh came to Ireland, it does
not necessarily follow from this that it was from France the
sons of Milidh came. For why should France be populous at
that time rather than Spain, whence the sons of Milidh came ?
It thus appears how trifling is this reason that Buchanan
advances to prove that it was from France that the sons of
Milidh originally came.
The second silly argument he gives for supposing that it
was from France the sons of Milidh came to Ireland is, that
certain French and Irish words are identical, such as dris
62 ponAS peASA Att 4miiiii. [book I.
946ion^TYfi 1 bpp^ingcif If 1 nj^e^itg, ^5«f be^g-in oile -o^
jcopriAileAf. TTIo ffe^5p^ A|t o^n ]ie^fUTi-'po 56 bpuiti-o
foc^it Af 5^0^i'o a|i ^i]tteA.5Ai6 f ^n ce^Cf ^iri^io
min t)oti S^e^itj |te pii^ce^]! t!>6^|itA Ceibi^e 6 ^im-p^t
peiniufA. p^i^fAi-o ^ntiAf ; ^gtjf m^p pn ^th^iL o^ci^it) foCAil
950 on bPfo^ingcif tntice o^ci^it) f0cA.1t on Spi^intiif on 6^t)i.iLif
on ngp^igif on ^^bf ^ on if 6 5^6^
oiLe innce. Ajuf uime pn ni fui'ditij^'o o^p S^ex)e^l^ib
vo cige^cc on bpjiAinjc 50 mbi^t) be^gi^n foc^a^t lon^nn
1 nJ^e^iLs If 1 bVf^iTigcif. Ajuf fOf ^n be^g-in poc^L
W6 ^ci^ lon^nn e^coff a, me^f jtif ^b 6 8if inn f uj.i.'o -oon
fl^Aingc i^t>, ^guf if moioe Ttie^f^iTTi pn mo^f ^oeifi C^efo^f
fo^n feife^^ le^b^f v^ Sc^if jun^b 6 oiieAnid.ib n-o. bfe^.-
c^n "00 cti^t>4^f t)f 4i.oice t)on Pp^mjc vo biot> *n-A. mbf eic-
ed^rhn-Mb aca, ^guf 0.5 ^ Tnbioi6 ce^pm^nn if fd^oiffe if
Moc^o^f 6 u-<Mflib n^ Pji^ingce.
and dufiy which are identical in Irish and in French, and a
few others of a similar kind. My reply to this reason is,
that there are words from every language as loan-words in
the fourth division of Irish which is called Bearla Teibidhe
from the time of Fenius Farsaidh onwards. And thus as
there are words from French in it, so there are words in it
from Spanish, from Italian, from Greek, from Hebrew, from
Latin, and from every other chief language. And hence it is
no proof of the Gaels having come from France that a few
words should be identical in Irish and in French ; and, more*
over, I believe that the few words that are common to them
were taken from Ireland to France ; and I hold this view all
the more because Caesar says, in the sixth book of his History,
that it was from the islands of Britain that druids went to
France, where they became judges, and got termon lands and
immunities and honour from the nobles of that country.
64 ponAS peASA An ^minn. [book i.
If iniiieAfC^ S^r^ ^ n^ h6i|ieATiTi ^n c-oile^n
I^Ti ^f A. c|ii ^11^*0^11 n^ -of^oite t)on Pf^mc x>o bpij
guji b' 1 ^ijie uob^t^ T)|i^oi'6e^6c^ i^|\c^i|\ ©oiip^ ^n" c^n
foiti, ^5Uf gup b' 1 ^ti $^ex>eAl5 fi. ce^n5^ t)o n^ t)|i^oicib
986ceAt)n^. Tlo m^Y ^'^ tn^n^inii -oo cpi^lt^t)^!!, if polLuf
guji^b 1 ^n §^ei6e^t5 fi. ce^nj.^ liite^f ^nn pn, -oo |iei]i
Ojtcelitif ^gL^b^ipc A|iltlATiAinn,m^lt ^ n--<^b^i|\: a^Jni^c-
uigiT) " ^1[\ fe "ce^nj^ n^ Scoc no o.n Jo^e^e^tg 4nca.
970 T)^ |iei|\ pn, pe tmn beic 0.5 Tniin^'o t)0 ha •ofo.oicib f o^n
bPiiAinjc, if coftiiAil 5up c65bAt)A|t AOf 65 n^ Pt^^insce, 6
beic 1 5CAit)|ieAih tia n-o-puAio, fuim ^ijin t)'fOctAib n^
'^^ei>^t'^e if 50 bfuilit) ^ji ^ici'oe 1 me^fC n^ 'Pjto.mjcife 6
foin 1 Le ; ^Jtif fof 50 n-^bo^if Co^m-oetiuf, f o^n te^b^f -o^^
976 njAif ceAji bfico^nniA CATTiT)eTii, 5Uf ^b mo •00 teAj^fCDo^oif
TiA '0110.01C6 fi^n Am foin 6 ce^gAfC beoiL iotia 6 fcpibinn
t)A f cot Alb.
Ai6bA|i oile fOf Af TiAf b'longTiAO focAiL $Ae'6iL5e vo
beic 1 meAfC tia "Fp^mscife, Af meit) ati CAi-o-pim vo bi A5
980 6lfeATlTlCAlb |ie Pf ATlgCAlb, Olf AOeif ATI l/eAbA|l 5^^^^^
5Uf b' mjeATi -00 fig Pf atijc pA beAH t>'tl5Aine ttlof fA
TlAlfOfl Af 6lflTlTl, 'd.gUf vo CUAlt) ATI CtlJAlTie-fe "OO
JAbAit neifc TIA "Pf Aingce. IDo cuAit) fOf AifX)fi oite vo
bl Af ^flTin .1. TllAtt TlAOlglAttAC, AimfCAf imciATi 'o'eif
986 UJAlTie, -OO gAbAll Tieif C TIA Pf AlTlJCe, gtif mAf bAiO Ag ff ut
Loeif f All bpf Ainjc e Le hCocAio mAC ^atitia CiniifeAlAij
fi LAijeATi, "Oo ctiAit) CfiomcATin mAC piooAig fi 6if eAnn
f lA tllAtt tJOTl "FT^AIflgC. *00 CtlAI"© f6f AlfOfl Olte vo bl Af
6lflTlTl, mAf ACA 'OaCI mAC jTlACf AC t)'lAff AID TieifC t>a
990 5AbAil Af An bPfAingc guf TTiAfb CAOf ceincige fAn Leic
coif t>on Pf Ainjc lAim fe ftiAb AtpA e. At)eif mAf An
5ceAt)nA Cofneliuf UACicuf 50 f Aibe fomn if CAix)feAm
a. Lingua Scotica, seu Hibemica quae eadem est, utuntur.
••*«,^- '^^^•fc* •"' — ^"^
It is probable that this island whence the druids went to
France was the island of Ireland, since Ireland was the
fountain of druidism for western Europe at that time, and
that accordingly Gaelic was the language of these druids.
Or if it was from Manainn they went thither, it is well known
that Gaelic was the mother-tongue there, according to
Ortelius, who, treating of Manainn, says : " They use," he
says, " the Scotic lang^uage, or Gaelic, which is the same."
Accordingly it is probable that, when these druids were
teaching in France, the youth of France, from their inter-
course with the druids, caught up a certain number of Irish
words, and that these have ever since been in use in the
French language ; and, moreover, Camden states in the book
called " Britannia Camdeni," that the druids taught in their
schools more from oral tradition than from writing.
Another reason why it should not seem strange that
Irish words should be embodied in French is, the great
intercourse that existed between the Irish and the French.
For the Book of Invasions says that the wife of Ughaine Mor,
high king of Ireland, was a daughter of the king of the French,
and this Ughaine went to conquer France. In like manner
another high king of Ireland, Niall Naoighiallach, a long time
after Ughaine, went to conquer France, and was slain at the
river Leor, in France, by Eochaidh son of Eanna Cinnseal-
ach, king of Leinster. Criomhthann son of Fiodhach, king
of Ireland, went to France before Niall. Another high king
of Ireland also, whose name was Dathi son of Fiachraidh,
went on an expedition of conquest to France; but he was
^lain by lightning in the east of France, beside the Alp
mountains. Similarly, Cornelius Tacitus says that commercial
66 ponAS peASA Ati 4miiin. [book i
hionctiijte ^f pn go tieigeAiic^d 5ti|t4.b on bPiiAinjc -oo
C|ti^tt^'o^|t pne $^e6il i n6i|titiTi. tliine pr\ if fuo^i^^d ^n
t)^|t^ b^l^^ih^it t)o-bei|t bticc^n^nuf.
If bjteAj^d fof ^n C|teAf bAjtAni^it "oo bei|t buccAn^ntif,
loooTtiAjt A. n-^bAi|t 5U|t^b lon^Tin noif if be^fA. t)o Pp^ngCAib if
•o'^ife^TincAib. Cibe loinoffo Ifeigfe^f loA^nnef bohetnuf
f ^n le^b^f po fqiiob no be-6.f ^ib if 'oo nof ^ib ^n uile 6ni'6,
'oo-j^-d.b^ 50 folluf ^nn n^c lon^nn noif n^io be^f^ n^
bpf ^njCAC If n^ n4if e^nn^c ^noif n-i 1 n-^lLoD. t)^ f 6if
1005 pn If bf e^5^c ^n cp e^f f e^fun tjo-beiit ni^|\ cpticujA.^ ^f
ftiodc 5^6*611 x>o Cfi^lt ^f •ocuf on bpf ^ingc 1 n4if inn.
Atjeifit) ctii'O t)o n^ nuA$^tt^ib-fe ^5 fqtiob^io A|t
6ifinn 5ti|\A.b on DfeAC^m ttloif CAnj^o^^f mic TTIileA.-o
^f t>cuf ; ^gtif If e fi^c fi. f^oilit) pn, t)o bjtij 50 bpiiLit)
lOioiotn^T) foc^L ion-6.nn 1 ng^eoilj if 1 mbjie^cn^if. TTIo
p\eA5it^ ^f ^n f e^pjn-fo n^c fui'^itig^'o ^f A^icme S^OTit
■oo on bpe^c^in ttloif e ^f 'ociif. 'Oi. ^iDb^f ^ci^
pif pn. An c6i^x)^t)bAf •6iob,'Oo bfig guf-d^b 1 ^n J^eoe^lg
fik ce^i^ng-o. liile^f vo bfioc-in m^c feA.fgtif^ Leicoeifj
1015 tnic neirtii'o, ^5Uf JupA^b ti^.i'o fi.ii6ceA.|t bfic^nnio. pe
b|te^CAin x>o feif CofiriA^ic niic Cuilte^nnim if Le^b^|i
nJ^bAl-dw n-6. h6if e-6.nn ; ^guf Jtif ^b 1 mbf e^CA^in -oo iicig
f# f^in If ^ ftiocc T)^ 6if ; gtif cuif ^ife^ihon m^c initeA.'6
Cftiicnig fe fi.i'^ce^f Picci -6.5 coth|toinn n^ hAlb^n |mi3,
1020 ^5tJf 50 •ocAinig b^ttictif niAC Situi^f, m^\ pof tjo cuit) v^
jqioinicib fein, ifce^c off ^ if Hdrti-inAig 'n-^ -bi^it^ pn, -d.gtif
Saxones x>Jb^ 6if pn, -d.guf t/OctonnA.15 if fi. i6eif e^^ Uilti^m
Concuf If n^ Pf ^TiSCAij, lonntif 50 tJCAintj ^r\ oif e-6.t) foin
•o* Of t^^nn e^ccf^nn off a. n^f Viongn^-o o.n Scoiu-
> I mm^
exchange and intercourse existed between Ireland and
France. From what we have said, it is not strange that
there should have been a borrowing of words from Irish into
French and from French into Irish. However, it does not
necessarily follow from this that it was from France the race
of Gaedheal came to Ireland. Hence, the second argument
that Buchanan advances is trivial.
False again is the third argument that Buchanan gives
in which he says that the manners and customs of the French
and of the Irish are the same. Now, whoever reads Joannes
Bohemus, in the book which he has written on the manners
and customs of all nations, will find plainly there that neither
the manners nor the customs of the French and the Irish are
the same at present, nor were they the same in the distant
past. Accordingly false is the third reason he alleges as a
proof that the race of Gaedheal came first to Ireland from
Some modem English writers treating of Ireland state
that it was from Great Britain that the sons of Milidh first
came, and their reason for that view is, that there are many
words identical in Irish and Welsh. My reply to this reason
is, that it is not a proof of the race of Gaedheal having first
come from Great Britain. There are two reasons for this.
The first reason is, that Gaelic was the mother tongue of
Briotan son of Fearghus Leithdhearg, son of Neimhidh, and
that it was from him Britain was called Britannia, according
to Cormac son of Cuileannan and the Books of Invasion of
Ireland, and that it was in Britain he and his descendants
after him dwelt; that Eireamhon son of Milidh sent the
Cruithnigh, who are called Picts, to share Alba with them ;
and that Brutus son of Silvias, if we may believe some of their
own chronicles, invaded them, and after him the Romans,
and then the Saxons and the Lochlonnaigh, and finally
William the Conqueror and the French, so that they suffered
so much oppression from foreigners that it was not strange
68 trouAS peASA AU 4itiinii. [book l
X025be^|iiid^, fik ce^TigA t)0 b|tiocAn if x)a. ftiocc t)^ eif, •oo
•6ul 1 nibic^'6. 51^6^*6, An c-i^f iiiA|i be^g ^zi^ Af tnApc^in
•01 5^11 niu(5Ai6 uiLe, aca fi |f6in ^gtif ^n $^^60^15 lon^nn,
ATI tti^it) ACA 6 Aimp-p DfioCAin j^n ttiaIaii^u t)i.
An t)AitA liA'6bA|t Af n^d longnA-b lotnAt) focAt t)0 beic
losaton^nn f^n upeAcnAif if f^n S^e^ilj, gion juit^b 6n
mb-pCACAin CAnjAt)^^ mic ltlileAi6 1 n6i|\inn, t)0 bjiij guj^
Vi 4i|iefA cuit-oiTjintJo D|teAtn Alb pe linn 5^(5 leAcrptiim oa
lingeA^ 0|\|\A, t)o bicin nA HoniAnAd if nA SACfAnAcnd 5AC
t)]itnn5e oile -oa n-im|^eAt) foiiineApc 0f]iA, lonnuf 50 t)ci5-
i035T)tf foi|tne lonroA 50 n-A mtii|teA|t if 50 n-A mtJinnceApAib
If 50 n-A niAoin Af ceiceAf) 1 n^ifinn 'oiob, 50 •ocujT^AOif
UAiflenA h4ifeAnn feAf Ann Aft f eAi6 a gctiApcA 1661b; Aguf
An fliocc cijeAt) uaca |te linn a nt)eo|iAii6eACCA, •00 fog-
Iahicaoi An SatocaIj leo, Agtif 50 bfuilit) bAilce 1 n4ifinn
1040 AinmnijueAf tiACA niAf aca 5|\ai5 nA mb-peAcnAC if bAile
nA mbfeAcnAC if "Oun nA mbfeAcnAC 7c; A5tif lAp
t)CilleA'6 t)on DfeACAin CAf a n-Aif "ooib 00 biot> lOTnA-o
focAl t)on SAex)il5 Af jnACUjAt) aca if Ag a fliocc -OA
n-^f . 'Oo f eif A nt)ubf AniAf ni hinmeAfCA 50 hei5eAncAC
i046 5tif Ab on inbfeACAin CAn3At)Af mic TTIileAio Af ocuf, cAf
ceAnn 30 bftnliij focAil lonAnnA fAn bfeAcnAif if 1
n5Aex)il5. 5ib6 AoeAf a^ fOf gtif Ab cofrriAil nA bfeAC-
nAig If nA jAe^il *n-A nof Aib if 'n-A mbeAfAib fe ceile,
6if THAf biof An 5^^®^^ neAThcoihuijteAC fA biA^o t)o
loeacAbAifC 1 n-AifCi'6 uai'D, if mAf pn biof An bfCACnAc; niAf
biof f6f cion Aj An eifeAnnAd Af nA fCAndAi-dib, Af An
AOf t)AnA, Af nA bAf tJAlb, If Af AOf feAniHA n A gclAlf fCAC,
bi A f AitiAil pn T)0 cion Ag An mbf eAcnAC Af An Of uinj
ceAt)nA Agtif bit) rriAf pn cofniAil fe c6ile 1 tndf An -oo
1066 beAf Alb oile; ji-deAio ni ftii-ditigAib pn Af $Ae6eAlAib
"DO cigeACC on tnbf eACAin a<5c if mo if pii'ditigATO e A|t
Aici-de "oo beic Ag bf eAcnAib 1 n^ifinn, aitiaiI A'oubf AmAf
^-^r; -^S^r '^^ r^^T^ r^ "^ bioncuigte Af nA f6AfunAib
feAthf Ai-oce gufAb 6n mbfeACAin TTloif CAnjA'OAf mic
that Scoitbhearla, which was the language of Briotan and
of his descendants after him, should fail. Still the little of it
that remains alive without being completely extinguished
is identical with Gaelic, as much of it as has remained from
the time of Briotan without change.
The second reason why it is not strange that many words
are the same in Irish and in Welsh, without supposing the
sons of Milidh to have come to Ireland from Britain, is that
Ireland was a place of refuge for Britons whenever they
suffered persecution from the Romans or the Saxons, or from
any other races that oppressed them, so that lai^ companies of
them, with their families and followers, and with their wealth,
used to fly for refuge to Ireland ; and the Irish nobles used to
give them land during their stay ; and the children they had
during their time of exile used to learn Irish, and there
are townlands in Ireland named from them, as Graig na
mBreathnach, Baile na mBreathnach, Dun na mBreathnach,
etc. ; and after they returned to Britain they themselves, and
their descendants after them, had many Irish words in
constant use. From what we have said it is not necessarily
to be inferred that it was from Britain the sons of Milidh first
came, notwithstanding that there are some words identical
in Welsh and in Irish. Furthermore, if anyone were to say
that the Welsh and the Irish are alike in their manners and
customs, since as the Irishman is hospitable in bestowing
food without payment so is the Welshman ; as, moreover,
the Irishman loves seanchas, poets and bards and harp-
players, the Welshman has a similar love for these classes,
and in the same way they resemble one another in several
other customs ; this is not a proof that the Gaels came from
Britain, but is rather a proof that the Welsh were familiar
with Ireland, as we have said above ; ^nd hence it is not to be
inferred from the forementioned reasons that it was from
Great Britain the sons of Milidh first came. It may, however,
be stated with truth that a company of the race of Breoghan
r0it*i' V r^M mm
70 ponAS peASA ATI ^ininn. [book i-
nt)e^CAt>Alt opofij T)o ftiocc Dtteo§Aiti ^ h^itmn o'iiaujA'o
n^ bjie^C'd^Ti TT16i|te9 iTiAjt ^ci. ctiix) t)o ftiocc tia 'oc^oife^c
•00 ctAtirt-c^ib b^teojAifl ci^ini^ l^ tn^c^ib tnite^'b 1 n6i|tiTin.
A5 fo Atim^nn^ tiid. m^c foiti bj^eo^^in CAIT115 1 ii4i|tiTin
Cu^ilgne Cu^l^ 6i1ite hl^t if 11i]t. If x)-©. fliocc-fo 50
cmnce vo |i§if fe^ndtif^ n a h^iite^nn ^n ijf e^m f ^ f i.i'bce^it
bfij^Ticef ; ^gtifif cof Ai-oe pn -oo nie^^f 'n-d. fifinne m^p
^oeif UotnApuf f^n bfocldif L^i-one |^o fqiiob j;tif ^b
lOTopob^L 6 6i|titin r\j^ bpij^ncef .1. ct^nn bjieojAin.
A'Deiji tij-OAjt Spi^inne'diC t^^p^b -dlinm flopi-c^ntif t)eL
C^mpo, ^5 ce^cc te feAticuf tia h^ijie^nn, ^titt^b Spi^innij
t)0 peijt A^ TnbtinA.t)Aif n-6. bf ij^ncef A^Jtif Sti^^b on SpAinn^'o^ii 1 n^ifinn d^guf 6 6ifiiin oon mbf e^c^iti.
1076 If Tn6it>e If lOTicf eit)ce 5^0 ni t)^. nt)ub|t^niAf *oo teic
c-G.i'OfiTh x\j^ mbfe^CTiAC le hCif e-6knncA.ib ; ^JUf 5U|t b' t
6ife f-i ctiii "oioin -ooib, mA.|i ^xjei-p C^^fiO^'ooctif tiJT)^.^
bf e^cniOwC 'n-4i. cfoinic ^o^suf Albion 'n-A. qtoinic, ^gtif lom^'O
t)'u5'0Af^ib oile n^ mbfe^cn^c, 50 'ocij'oif mop An 00
1080 pf lonnf Aiwb nA. bpe-o.CA.n ^guf o^a. n-u^iflib 50 n-d. mtiif e^p
^5^r 5^ ^"^ muinncif 1 n^i^iinn, tn^it a nj-o^bcAoi f 113, ^guf
Tn-d^p ^ njtACCAOi 50 cinei^lcA 1-6.0, ^guf m^p -6. 'octigc^ot
fOAf Ann f e h-iicitiJAO ooib, attiaiI At)tibf Am^p ctiAf. t)o-
ni fof 'Ooccuif hAnmep 'n-A cf oinic fpeipAtcAcc Ap cuio
1086 oiob. Af -ocuf, A*oei|i gup x)ib|ieAt> 50 h^jtinn t§ CDtiin
niAC Achetfpi-o, pt 00 bi ^p An mbf eACAin, OAp bVinm
CAOUAlin, An CAn fA hAOif -oon UigeAiinA 635, ^guf 50
bfUAif jAbAil pif 50 gpA-OAC Ann, Agttf ftiAif congnATh
ftuAij tef bAin fe a ftAiceAf f^n AniAd ^pif. At>ei|t fOf
low 50 ocAngAtJAit t)A pfionnf A 6 bjieACAin, niAf aca hAjtAlc
Agtif ConAn, 50 b6ifinn, An CAn f a liAOif t)on UigeAf nA
1050, A^guf 50 bpjAf A-OAf A ngtACA-O ^gtlf f6f CA1t)|ieAm
Ajuf ctiTTTOAC 6 ^f CAnncAib. A'oeiii niA]i An gccAonA 50
•ocAinig Allgop lAftA Chefcef on tnbf eACAin Ap ceiceAO
went from Ireland to settle in Great Britain, to wit, some of
the descendants of the chiefs of the race of Breoghan who
came with the sons of Milidh to Ireland.
The following are the names of those sons of Breoghan
who came with the sons of Milidh to Ireland, namely,
Breagha, Fuad, Muirtheimhne, Cuailgne, Cuala, Eibhle, Bladh,
and Nar. It is precisely from the progeny of these, according
to the records of Ireland, that the race called Brigantes are
descended ; and the truth of this should be the more readily
admitted, as Thomasius, in the Latin Dictionary which he has
written, says that the Brigantes, that is, the descendants of
Breoghan, were an Irish tribe.
A Spanish author named Florianus del Campo, agreeing
with the Irish records, says that the Brigantes were Spanish
by origin, and that it was from Spain they came to Ireland,
and from Ireland they went to Britain.
All that we have stated concerning the intercourse of
the Britons with the Irish, and Ireland's being a place
of refuge for the Britons, is the more probable, because
Caradocus, a Welsh author, in his chronicle, and Albion in his
chronicle, and many other Welsh authors, state that many
British princes and nobles, with their families and followers,
used to come to Ireland, where they were received and kindly
entertained, and where they got land to settle down in, as we
have said above. Moreover, Doctor Hanmer, in his chronicle,
makes special mention of some of them. In the first place,
he says that a king of Wales named Cadualin was banished
to Ireland by Edwin son of Athelfred in the year of the
Lord 635, and that he was kindly received there, and got a
reinforcement for his army, by means of which he recovered
his own kingdom. He also states that two princes from
Britain, namely, Haralt and Conan, came to Ireland ' in the
year of the Lord 1050, and that they were received and even
treated in a friendly manner and protected by the Irish. He
says likewise that Allgor, Earl of Chester, fled from Britain to
72 poftAS v^ASA AH 6iiiinn. [book l
e^|tn^ 1054. UAinig A.|tif p|\ionnfA. oile t)© bite^cn^ib
•o^p V A^iTini bteicin ^p Con^n A|t ceice^'6 1 Ti4i|Mnn ^r\
c^n fiw h^oif t)oti Uige^itTi-c. 1087 ; ^guf fu^ip coTi5bi.1t ^1^
uoofe^'6 A. dtiAjtCA. innce. TT1a]i pn t)6ib 1 gcte^thn^f yy 1 gCA^it)-
jte^th 6 ^imp-p 50 h^impi^.
L^ iOTno|t|\o 1 5q\oiT)ic h^nmeit guft pof Aitnttlpu-p
iA.]itA. peTnb|toc inge^n tT1ui|\ce-6.iiCAi5 Hi Ojii^in jtioj
6i|ieA.nii, ^n c^n fi. h^^oif von Zy^e^^iin^ IIOI. Ajuf t>o
uospof^o An 'OA|iA hmge^n x)6 le tn^gTitif m^c A|\aiIc, jii
11-6. nOite^n. 1 n-AiTnp|\ po-p ^n ceAt)-1len|ii 1 jtiogA^cc So^c-
f An, •00 bi p|iionnf A a|i An mbjieACAin T)A|t b' Aintn ^P^FPi^
Ap ConAn '00 HiAoi-oeAt) 50 mmic gup beAn ^j^eAnnAC fA
mACAip t)6 fein, Agtif pof fA feAnTTiACAi|i, A5tif gUfiAb
mo 1 n6i|Mnn ittijA^o Aguf x)o beApriiJineAt) 6. X)© j^eip An ti^DAi^i
c6At)nA, -00 bi If Of p|\ionnf A oile aj\ An TnT!)|\eACAin fe
linn An -OAitA henyti, bij^AOtif tuac 5^^^®^^^ F^ liAintn t)d,
Ajtif fA beAn 6i|\eAnnAC a ttiacai]!. TTlAp pn no bio'6
lomAt) CAmpiiti CAijitjeAfA If cleATTinAfA it5i|\ ^AebeAlAib
1116 If nA bj^eAcnAij, lonntif x)a peif pn nAC lonctiiji 1 n-ionjAn-
CAf lomAt) pocAl lonAnn t)o beic 'n-A iJceAnjCAib leAC A]t
leAC Aguf cofthAileAf 'n-A mbeAf Aib Agtif *n-A nof Aib f ^
c6ile, gion gu-pAb on mbfeACAin CAngAtJAf jAeoil piAih
vo f 6i]t A nibtinAt)Af A.
1120 At)enA CAnroen niA|\ An gc^A-onA 5ti|t AicijeADAjt nA
bf ijAncef fnA d|\ib-fe pof t)on b|teACAin ttloif , mAjt aca
cpioc Yof ke cf 10c LAncAfce|\ cpioc '6u|\hAni qiioc Wef cmon-
lAnx) If qiioc Cunibe|\lAnt) ; Aguf ni hiongnA^, -oo ]^6iit a
nt)tibf AtnAf, bfeAoiAig if ^peAnnAig -oo beic cophAil
U26f§ ceile 'n-A mbeAf Aib if 'n-A nofAib A^uf mopAn focAl
lonAnn tjo beic 'n-A oceAngcAib leAC a|i leAC jion 50
t)CAn5AX)Ap mic ttlileAt) -oo f ei|^ a tnbtinA^Af a 6 nA b^teAC-
nAib fiATTi, gAn ceAt) 00 CAtiroen Atjeif juf Ab on mbfic-
CAniA c-ingAtJAp Aiagceoif e Aft "octif 1 nCifinn, If cof a
Ireland for refuge, and that the Irish sent a force with him
by means of which he regained his own territory in the year
of the Lord 1054. There came also for refuge to Ireland
another Welsh prince whose name was Bleithin ap Conan in
the year of the Lord 1087 ; and he was maintained during
his visit there. Thus from age to age did they cultivate
alliance and intercourse with one another.
In Hanmer's chronicle, also, we read that Amulfus, Earl
of Pembroke, married the daughter of Muircheartach O'Brien,
King of Ireland, in the year of the Lord iioi. And his
second daughter was married to Maghnus son of Aralt, king
of the Isles. Moreover, when Henry the First was on the
throne of England, there was a prince over Wales whose
name was Griffin ap Conan, who used often boast that his
mother was an Irishwoman, and also his grandmother, and
that it was in Ireland he was born and educated in politeness.
According to the same author there was also another prince
of Wales in the time of Henry the Second, whose name was
Biradus son of Guineth, who had an Irishwoman for his
mother. In this manner there used to be much intercourse
of friendship and of alliance between the Irish and Welsh, so
that therefore it is not to be wondered at that there are many
words common to their languages, and that they resemble
one another in their manners and customs, without supposing
that the Gaels ever came originally from Britain.
Camden says, in like manner, that the Brigantes settled
in the following territories of Great Britain, to wit, the
district of York, the district of Lancaster, the district of
Durham, the district of Westmoreland, and the district of
Cumberland ; and it is not strange, from what we have said^
that the Welsh and the Irish should resemble one another in
their manners and customs, and that there should be many
words common to both their languages without supposing the
sons of Milidh to have ever come from Britain originally,
notwithstanding Camden, who says that it was from Britain
74 potiAS peASA AH 4ininti. [book i. pif n^p l^g Se^ndtif 6i|te^nn o^ jiun |ti^ih Af ^
mbeit pof t)Al n^ h6i|te^nn o^ige.
1135 At)ei|t C^mbferif, ^g fq\iob-6^"6 ^jt 4i|tinn, gup^b ^ji
futonj 1^105 -00 bi Ajt -6.n T116i|t rAin5A.x)A.|t inio
ttliteA.t) on mbiof CAin ; A^gtif fOf gti-pAb A.|t a. CA^itjAAinj
c-injA.'OA.p 'n-A. •oia.i'o 50 hOf\CAt)ef, o^guf gup ctii|t pji^teA^nn
teo 30 h4i|^inn n^ hi.iciti5A.X), a]\ 50 mbeit)if pein if a.
U40fliocc utTiA.1 t)6 fein if t)o iiioJA^ib nA. b|teA.CA.ine Tn6i|ie t)o
r^t^ ; ^5^r T ^ A^mm g^if meA^f CA^mbf enf •oon fig-fe
5o|t5unciUf mA.c beilin. TTIo fl^eA^gpA. niA^p A.n 5ceAt)nA. A.f
CA^mbfenf jupA^b foLtuf a. beic bpeA^gA^c. Cibe iOTno|t|t(>
leigfeA^f Cpoinic Scoo • 50 foLluf nA.c pjit
U46beA.5A.n te cpi ceA.t) bliA.'OA.n 6 flA.iceA.f A.n Sopjunciuf foin
A.|\ A.n mb|\ ttldip 50 luLiuf CA.ef a.|\ -oa. gA^b^iL
A.n c-occiiiA.t) bLiA.t) tdo ftA.iceA.f CA.pbellA.ntif A.f A.n ttloif ; A.5Uf leA.5CA.f A.5 A.n ug'OA.f 5c6A.T)nA. nA^c
f A.ibe A.CC cuA.ifiin vk btiA.i6A.n 'oeA.g if n/\ pao 6 luliup
ii5oCA.efA.f 50 bfeic CpiofC, lonnuf, •00 feif Aifirti Scoo, nA.c
f A.ibe coithlionA.'o ceicf e ceA.T) bliA.'OA.n 6 A.inipf $of gunciup
50 gem Cfiofc. g'*^^^* A.'oeif Cof ttia.c niA^c if
LeA.bA.if SA.bA.tA. 6ifeA.nn guf A.b ciiA.ifiTn cfi ceA.T) t)eA.5
bliA.OA.n f oiTTi Cf iofc CAn5o.t5A.f mic TttiLeA.'b 1 n6if inn. Agtif
1156 A.CA. policf onicon A.5 leo A.f A.n -iif eA.tTi 5ceA.t)nA., mA.f
A. t)Cf A.ccA.nn A.f 6ifinn. A5 fo TTiA.f A.t)eif : a "*' A.f fe
"mile If occ 5ceA.t) btiA.'dA.n 6 nA. n4if eA.nnA.c 50 bA.f
lI)A.T)f A.15." lonA.nn foin fe a. f A.'d if 5iif A.b cuA.ifim cjti
ceA.t)T)eA.5 btiA."6A.n ful fugA.^ Cfio^x CA.n5A.'0A.f micltliteA.'o
11801 n4ifinn. 6tf , beA.n A.n t)a. bliA.' T)eA.5 if ceicf e pat>
A.f ceicf e ceA.t> 6 5ein Cf lOfC 50 bA.f 'pA.'Of A.15 00 nA. hocc
a. Ab adrentu Ibemensiuiii usque ad obituxn Sancti Patricii sunt
anni mille octingenti.
that the first inhabitants came to Ireland. Now the seanchus
of Ireland, whose function it is to investigate and preserve an
exact account of every event that ever happened in Ireland,
is more deserving of credit than the opinion of Camden, to
whom Irish history never gave up its secret from which he
could derive a knowlege of the affairs of Ireland.
Cambrensis, writing of Ireland, says that it was by
permission of the King of Great Britain that the sons of
Milidh came from Biscay, and that, moreover, it was at
his inducement they came after him to the Orcades, and
that he sent a company with them to Ireland so that they
might settle down there on condition that themselves and
their descendants should be subject to him and to the
kings of Great Britain for ever; and Cambrensis gives the
king's name as Gorguntius son of Beilin. In the same way
my reply to Cambrensis is, that it is plain that his statement
is false. For, whoever will read Stowe*s Chronicle will plainly
find that there is little more than three hundred years from
the reign of that Gorguntius over Great Britain till the
coming of Julius Caesar to conquer it, the eighth year of the
reign of Cassibellanus over Great Britain; and we read in the
same author that there were only about forty-two years from
Julius Cssar to the birth of Christ, so that, according to the
computation of Stowe, there were not four hundred years in
full from the time of Gorguntius to the birth of Christ. Now
Cormac son of Cuileannan and the Books of Invasion of Ireland
state that it was about thirteen hundred years before the birth
of Christ that the sons of Milidh came to Ireland. And the
Polycbronicon agrees with them in the same computation
where it treats of Ireland. It thus speaks : " There are,*^ it says,
" one thousand eight hundred years from the arrival of the
Irish to the death of Patrick." This is equivalent to saying
that it was about thirteen hundred years before Christ that
the sons of Milidh came to Ireland. For deduct the four
hundred and ninet>'-two years from the birth of Christ to the
•"~'*^"^'^'~m'^"~~'~"~T '~Tin ~i — I 1 ira~»->r " — mwf If iM~~i T«~wii I !■! ■ ._■ r
76 vonAS peASA AH ^ininn, [book i.
5c6At> t>§A5 bliA-bA^n u-o i^iftnieAf poliqtOTiicon x>o beic 6
cige^cc niAC tTlile^'O i n^ipiTiTi 50 bAf pi^tjpA.ig, o^suf v^
]i6i|i pn ^ci^m occ Tnbli^t)ndk ^|\ C|ti ce^x) "O^^g 6 cige^dc
ussrhi^c TTliteA.'o 1 ti^i-pinn 50 gein CjiiOfC, lonntif 50 t)ci5 poli-
qtonicofl If Coi^m^c if n^ l/e^b^if ^^b^t^
16 ceite Af Aif e^m n^ h-6.imp]ie 6 g^bo^il liiAc TTIile^'o 50
gein Cpiof c ; ^guf x>i. bfp oitica|\, t)o f eif Cpoinic Scoo, ^n
c-o.if eAih ^impi^e ^ci. 6 ^ofgtiTicitif 50 geiti Cfiofc, Agtif
ii70TnA.|^ ^n 5ce^t)n^, ^n c-i.i]ieAni ^iinp|\c t)o*ni poLiqtonicon
If Cof TTiAc m^c Cuile-6.nnAin if ha. Le^b^if ^^b^xl^ ^\\ ^n
Aife-o.iTi ^itnpfe Aci. 6 cige^d^dc ttia>c TTIiieA.'O 1 nOifinn 50
jein CfiofT -oo-j^AbcAf 50 foltuf 50 f ^.b^'O^f mic thite-o^io
1 ii6ifinn cuitle^^o if tiaoi jce^t) bli^-OAn ful t)o j^b
U75 5^f5unauf ft^^ice^f n^ bf e^c^itie tTloif e. t)o peif ^
TTOubf iMTi-ft^f, If foLtuf gtif bf eA.5 5^n b^f ATicuf x)o finne
CAnib]\enf 'n-^ cf oinic tn^f ^ n-^b^i-p guf ^b e ^n S^T^S^^-
ciuf cti^f vo t)Ait mic ttlite^'D 'n-^ •oi^i'o 50 hOf CA.t)ef, ^guf
t)o ctiif Af pn 50 h^ifinn i^t), Oif aonnuf btio eiT)i|t tjo
U80 $of jtinauf ^ jctif 1 Ti6ifiTiTi ^gtif ti^c fug^^ e fein, t)o
f eif 5^c tjj'OAf Aif t)^ t)cti5^m^]t fiof ^nnfo, 50 ce^nn n^oi
gce^t) bliA'6-Mi T)'6if TT1A.C tniteAX) vo cije^cc 1 n4ifinn ?
death of Patrick from the eighteen hundred years the Poly-
chronicon computes to be between the coming of the sons of
Milidh to Ireland and the death of Patrick, and there will be
one thousand three hundred and eight years from the coming
of the sons of Milidh to Ireland to the birth of Christ, so that
the Polychronicon, Cormac son of Cuileannan, and the Books
of Invasion agree with one another in computing the time
from the invasion of the sons of Milidh to the birth of Christ ;
and if we compare, according to the Chronicle of Stowe, the
space of time between Gorguntius and the birth of Christ, and
similarly the space of time the Polychronicon, and Cormac
son of Cuileannan, and the Books of Invasion compute to be
from the coming of the sons of Milidh to Ireland to the birth
of Christ, we shall plainly find that the sons of Milidh were
in Ireland more than nine hundred years before Gorguntius
assumed the sovereignty of Great Britain. From what we have
said it is obvious that it is a baseless falsehood Cambrensis
states in his chronicle when he says that Gorguntius above-
mentioned brought after him the sons of Milidh to the
Orcades, and sent them thence to Ireland. For how could
Gorguntius send them to Ireland, seeing he was not himself
born, according to authorities we have cited here, until nine
hundred years after the sons of Milidh had come to
Ireland ?
78 ponAS peASA All ^minn. [book i.
A|t n-A ctof T)o iTiACAib tniteA'6 if -00 fliodc biteog^in
U86uile 50 nT)eA}tnA'OA|t ciAiin CeA|tTnAt>A fe^ll A|t loc tuac
biteojAin If A|\ A TtitiiTinci|t, Aguf A|t bf^iqnn a cuij^p
cpeAccnuijce iri^pb, t)0 iheAfAOAjt ce^cc t>A woJAil 1
n6i]iiiiTi Ajt ctoinn CeApniAT)^, Ajuf cioti6ilceAp flu^g Leo
|\6 ceACC 1 n4i]tiTiii t)A 5AbAit A|t tTu^c^ib X)e T)AnAnn 1
uwntjiogAit DA peilbeii^ce t)0 pintieATJAp A]t loc ttiac bi^eojAin
i-p Af A thtiiTinait. At)eii\it> ctiit) t>o n^ fe^ncAt'Oib jujtAb
on mbiofCAin x>o C|tiAtlAt}A{t mic ltliteA'6 1 n^-pinn Af ah
A1C |te jiAi^ceAp moTit)ACA liini |te hlTiTibeA|t tleiiint)o ; Aguf
If uime theAf Alt) pn, •00 b^iig 50 jtAibe TTliti'O 'n-A ^15 a|i An
UMmbiofCAiTi CA|\ eif niAjA t)0 ptJAgAt) le foiftieApc ioihat)
eACCfAnTi A ceAjiclAp HA SpAinne e tjoti biOfCAin, mAp a
f AbA-OAf lOTTiAT) coilLceA"6 If CHOC If 'OAinjneAC f e cofnAih
nA biofCAine a|\ ATifOftAnn eACUftAtin. 5'*^^^^ ^^ ^^ f^
ceAt)f Alt) coicdeAnn ha feAncA'6, acc if CAt) At)enti'o gtif Ab
law 6 cof bi\eo§AiTi fAn jAtipA t>o C|tiAttAT)A|t 1 n^finn; Ajtif
If 1 pn ceA-OfAi*© If mo rheAfAim t)o beic pfintieAd. (5if
teAgCAf f AH LeAbAf 5^^^^^ S^f^b Ag cof bf eoJAin t>o
cinneA-OAf Af loc niAC b^ieojAin t)o cujt -oo bfAic ha
h^lfeAtlTl, Agtif Jtlj^Ab ATIH CAITllg LuJAllb TTIAC lOCA 1A|t
1206'OCilleA^ A h^niinn v6 te copp a acaji -oa CAifpeAnA-o -oo
dloinn TTIiteA'O if "oo niACAib bf eogAiti ; Ajuf meAf Aim -da
|i6if pn gtif Ab Af ATI A1C ceA-OTiA T>o CfiAttAT)A|t 1 n6ifinn
lAf n-eAj -00 ttlilio 50 5f ot) jtoime pn, Aguf vo bijcin bAif
TTIiteA'O, CAIT115 ScocA mAf AOti f 6 ti-a ctoinn i nCif inn, A|t
monibeic -oon SpAinn An c|tAC foin 'n-A cnAim coin^teACA
it>if An bfuifinn -oo bi fAn SpAinn f6in Ajtif lomAX) eACc-
f Ann CAinig a cuAifceAfC nA bCoytpA x>o ^AbAit neifc
Of the ooming of the sons of Hilidh to IieUnd as follows :
When the sons of Milidh and all the descendants of
Breoghan heard that the children of Cearmad had murdered
loth son of Breoghan and his followers, and when they saw his
body mangled and lifeless^ they resolved to come to Ireland
to avenge him on the children of Cearmad, and they assembled
an army to come to Ireland to wrest that country from the
Tuatha De Danann in retribution for the deed of treachery
they had done, against loth son of Breoghan and his followers.
Some seanchas assert that it was from Biscay the sons of
Milidh went to Ireland from the place which is called Mondaca
beside the river-mouth of Verindo ; and their reason for this
opinion is that Milidh was king of Biscay after he had been
banished by the violence of many foreign tribes from the vtry
heart of Spain to Biscay, where there were many woods, hills,
and fastnesses protecting Biscay from the fury of foreign races.
This, however, is not the general opinion of the seanchas.
What they assert is that it was from the tower of Breoghan in
Galicia they came to Ireland, and this is the view I r^^rd as
the most probable. For we read in the Book of Invasions
that it was at Breoghan's tower they resolved on sending loth
son of Breoghan to explore Ireland, and that it was to it
Lughaidh son of loth came when he returned from Ireland,
and showed his father's dead body to the sons of Milidh and
to the sons of Breoghan ; and accordingly I believe that it
was from the same place they proceeded to Ireland very soon
after the death of Milidh. And it was because of the death
of Milidh that Scota came to Ireland with her children, Spain
being at that time a bone of contention between the tribes
who inhabited Spain itself and the numerous foreign tribes
who came from the north of Europe to overcome them.
80 poftAS peASA All 6minTi. [book i.
ViX^ ctoiTitie TTliteA.'b, cion6ilce^|t flu^t leo ne ce^cc
12151 n6l|MT1Tl t)0 WOg^lL lOCAi AJt Cu^C^tb 'Oe t)^11^Tlt1 If ^p
dtoinn CeApTnA^t)^, if t)© g^b^il tia h^ipe^tin o^pj^^ ; ^guf if
e tiofi CAOife^d T)o1ii ^ca jt^ ce^nii^f fe^tiriAi -oo '66^n^fh,
t)A fi^T), T)0 f ei|t m^f te^§t^|t f a.ti t)u^iii 'o^p^b cof^c :
C6ip5 r\e>. luingfe c^p le^|i, t)o f intie ©ocAi-b (5 "plointi :
* •
1220 C6ip$ nA tum^fe CAp LeAt\
'n-A T>CAtigAT>Ap mic Tflfle^^ ;
"btii) me4kbAi|\ liotn-fA |\4ni La
^ ii-AnmAnHy a n«<>i<>eA'6A.
eible piAt) b|\e4^5A bl^i) bmn
1225 tu^Aif) TTlui|\ceiiiitie on tntiiptinii ;
btiAf b^ieAf btiAi<>tie tiA tnb|\<o$ mof ,
'Oonn 1Y\ ^tbe^k]! 6i^eAThdti..
Aithippn ColpA gAn d|v&6
eibeA|\ <d^i]\io6 <d^|\AtinAn ;
1230 CuaIa CtiAit^ne Ha|\ Amtie,
TTltiiiiiiie tuigne if tAt§ne,
palm An TTlAiiTici^n bite f^th,
^ OpbA V©A]\dn pei]tg6iti ;
4n lin eACAii SoifceAn ^le
1236 S^AVgA SobAijtce Siiifge.
pA^Ap niAC 6t]\eAm6in aih
^pif Cai6^i\ mACHlAnnCAiti ;
Do fHo^Ait iocA nA n-eAd
Up^ocA'O 'oeidneAbA|\ c6ifeAd. r6ip§.
1240 Upioc^x) long lion ^ti c-c^blAig t)o bi aca, ^suf cpioc-<^T)
L^oc 1 ng^c luin5 'Oiob, 5^11 o^if e^tii ^ mb^n n^ ^ nx)id.ofCid.]i-
flu^g. A5 fo A ti-o.nm^TinA: bf e^g^ m^c Ijf eo^Ain 6 f i.i'o-
ce^f m^5 bf^^S ^ mi'oe; Cu^b^ ttiac bjteoj-Mn 6 fii'6ceA|\
SLi^b Cu-do.; CUid^ilgne m^c bfeoj^in 6^p Sti^b
1245 CuAilgTie ; puAt) m^c bf eog^in 6 bftaiL Sbi^b pu^i-o ;
TTluifceiTtine m-o^c bfeog^in 6 pAii6ceA|\ tH^^j Tnuificeitrine; m^c loc^ ci.ini5 1 n^finti x)o 16105A1I a ACA.|t if
As to the sons of Milidh, they got together an army to
come to Ireland and avenge loth on the Tuatha De Danann
and on the children of Cearmad, and to wrest Ireland from
them ; and the full number of leaders they had to rule the
warriors was forty, as we read in the poem composed by
Eochaidh OTloinn, b^inning, ** The Leaders of those over-
sea ships " :
The leaden of tbote orer-iea ships
In which the sons of Milidh oame,
I shall remember all m j life
Their names and their fates :
Eibhle, Fiiad, Breagha, excellent Bladb,
Lughaidhy Muirtheimhne from the lake,
Buas, Breas, Boaidhne of great Tigonr,
Bonn, Ir, Eibhear, Eireamhon,
Aimhirgin, Colpa without annoyance,
Eibhear, Aiiioch, Arannan,
Onala, Ouailgne, and generous Nar,*
Muimhne, Luighne, and Laighne,
Fulman, Manntan, gentle Bile,
Br, Orba, Fearon, Feirghein,
£n, Tin, Eatan Goistean bright,
Seadgha, Sobhairce, Suirghe,
Palap son of noble Eireamhon,
And Caicher son of Manntan,
To avenge loth of the steeds —
Ten and thirty leaders. The leaders.
Their fleet was thirty ships in all, with thirty warriors in
each of the ships, besides their women and camp-followers.
The following are their names: Breagha son of Breoghan,
from whom Magh Breagh in Meath is called ; Cuala son of
Breoghan, from whom Sliabh Cuala is called ; Cuailgne son of
Breoghan, from whom Sliabh Cuailgne is called ; Fuad son of
Breoghan, from whom Sliabh Fuaid is called ; Muirtheimhne
son of Breoghan, from whom Magh Muirtheimhne is called ;
Lughaidh son of loth, who came to Ireland to avenge his
82 ponAS peASA An 4minii. [bookl
u^i^ ^'oei]iceA.|t Co]tc^ l^^ige i nT)eifceA.itc TTltiniAn ; 6ib-
tititie TTiA^c b|teosA.m 6 bfuil Sti^b neibtinne f ^.n ;
i28obu^f t>^eA.f If t)ti-d.ii6Tie c|ti mic UigeA^jtribAilt'O inic b^ti^e;
11a|\ 6 jti.i'bceAp llof nii|i i Sti^b btA^^m^; S^^t?^^ "PuLm-in
TTlAntici^n C^idfrp if Suif je ttia^c Cid.ic6|t ; 4f Of b^ pe^^f 6ti
If pe^f ^n^ cencfe mic 6ibif ; 6n Un Ca^c^ti if Jotfce^n ;
Sob^^if ce, ni ye^y 'ouinn ^ ^.c^if ; bile m^c bf ije inic
1265 bf eojA^in ; occ mic itlileA.^ d^fp^iinne, m-^f ^ci. 'Oonn if
Aif IOC pe^bf ti^t> 6ibeA.f pionn if Aimif jin If if Colpo. ati
Ctoi'oim 4ife^m6Ti if Af^nnin -mi foife^f ^S^f c^Cfe
mic ^fe^moin, m-c^f ^ci TTluimtie t/Uigne if L-d^igne if
P^t^p, ^5Uf ^onih^c If .1. 6ibeA.f. If i^t) foin lomoffo
1280 ^ti •oi. p&iv CA.oif e^c uing-^-o^f mic ltliteA.i6 i Ti6if itin. if i^t
pi.i'o m^^c 6if e^moifl, ce^n^, i n6ifiTiti fein fug-c.'b ^.
"O^Ia cloinne tTliteA.'O if a. jc^btAig, ni h-c^iufifce^f
A^oinni v^ fce^t^b guf j^bo.X)^f cu-d^n ^g Innbe^f StAinge
1 n-ioccA^f l^-d^ige^n, aic f if ^ f ^it)ce^f cu^n Loc^ J^f m^ti
1266 ^niu. CptiiTinigix) If coimcionoilit) Uu^c^ 'Oe ' 'n-^
■ocimce-^lt juf ctiifeA.'O^f ceo 'Of^oi'de^cc-d. of ^ jcionn,
lonntif juf c^-obf ige^t) "ooib guf -bf mm muice ah c-oileid.n
^f ^ gcionn, -d^gtjf If -oe pn f Ai-oce^f TTluiciTiif f § h^f inn.
tlti-6.i5te^f lomoff o le -of ^oi-oe^cc "tuid.c-d. 'Oe 'O^n^^nn mic
1270 itlile^-o on t)cif ^m^c, guf j^b-^-o^f cimce^lL 6ife^nn,
A^guf vo g^bf A.T) cu^n 1 nlnnbe^f Sceine i n-i^f u^f ttlum^n ;
^gtif A.f T> 1 -ocif -ooib Cfi^llA.iT) 50 Sti-6.b TTTif 50
•oc^fl^ b^nb^ 50 n-^ b^ncf ^cc if 50 n-^ t)f ^oicib Of f ^
A.nn. pi^fftiijif Aimifgin ^ h^nm i>^, "b^nb^ m'^nm"
1276 ^f fi ** ^5^r T ti^iTn f o^noce^f Inif b^nb^ f if ^.n oit§^n-
fo." Ufi^lLflkit) i^f pn 1 Sti^b 6iblinne 50 'oc^ft-6. pdtDt-o.
boib ^nn, '^guf p^ffuijif. Aimifjin a. Ii^nm t>i. "p6t5L^
m*-Mnm " ^p fi " -^S^f if Uid^im f Ai'oceA.f p6t>l^ f if ^^.n
father, from him Corca Luighe in West Munster is called ;
Eibhlinne son of Breoghan, from whom Sliabh Eibhlinne
in Munster is called ; Buas, Breas, and Buaidhne, three sons
of Tigheambhard son of Brighe ; Nar from whom Ros Nair
in Sliabh Bladhma is called ; Seadgha, Fulman, Manntan,
Caicher, and Suirghe son of Caicher ; Er, Orba, Fearon,
and Feargna, four sons of Eibhear; En, Un, Eatari, and
Goistean ; Sobhairce, we do not know who was his father ;
Bile §on of Brighe, son of Breoghan ; eight sons of Milidh
of Spain, to wit, Donn and Airioch Feabhruadh, Eibhear
Fionn and Aimhirgin, Ir and Colpa of the Sword,
Eireamhon and Arannan the youngest, and four sons of
Eireamhon, to wit Muimhne, Luighne, and Laighne, and
Palap, and one son of Ir, that is Eibhear. These, then,
are the forty leaders of the sons of Milidh who came to
Ireland. It was in Ireland itself that Irial Faidh son of
Eireamhon was born.
As regards the descendants of Milidh and their fleet
there is no account of them until they put into port at
Innbhear Slainghe in the lower part of Leinster, which place
is called the harbour of Loch Garman to-day. The Tuatha
De Danann assembled and congr^ated round them, and
spread a magic mist above them, so that they imagined
that the island in^ front of them was a hog's back, and
hence Ireland is called Muicinis. Accordingly, the Tuatha
De Danann, by means of magic, drove the sons of Milidh
out from the land, and so they went round Ireland and
put into port at Innbhear Sceine in West Munster ; and
when they had landed, they proceeded to Sliabh Mis,
where they met Banbha with her women and her druids.
Aimhirgin asked her her name. " Banbha is my name,"
said she ; *' and it is from me that this island is called Inis
Banbha." Then they proceeded to Sliabh Eibhlinne where
they met Fodla, and Aimhirgin asked her her name. " Fodla
is my name," said she ; " and it is from me that this land is
84 ponAS peASA An 4iinnti. [book l
5q\i<5-fe." CjMAtl^tt) ^f pn 50 hUifne^d ITliiSe, 50 T)c^|tlA
i2»4i|te -bbib fA^n -iic pn ^guf p^n^wigif ^ti pie ^ hAinm
161. " 4ii^e iii'A.inni '' ^jt p " o^gtir T ^^^^ pAi*ceA.|i ^i^ie
|iif A.ti oil*o.n-fo." Agiif If Ag p^ipi^if ^n Tieice-fe cu^f
Aci^ ^n itA.nn-fo Af ^n 'ou^in "o^ft^b cof^c : C^ti^m butiA-dAp
i2i» b^nbA 1 sliAb tnif ^o f l6$Aib
^|\e 1 ntlifneA<5.
IMO Ce^|tniAT)A. ; ^.guf -c^tJeiiMX) ctiiT) t)oii-<5. fe^nc^noib n^c poinn
cite^n^c "00 bi ^\i 4i|iiTin ^5 cIoititi CeA|AtnAT)A, fe^l-
-^.noe^cc bb^-OTi^ ^5 5^0 pe^^t -oiob ^gtip if e mtitti irino.
^n ce ACA T>o bio^ 1 bplAice^f t)o bico -d.f ^ti gcfic a|\
peA.'o n^ bliAt)Ti-d. fotn. A5 fo xjeipnif e^cc ^f ^n fe-d.L^i'o-
1296 e^cc pl-6.icif pn :
'SA.d |\6 mbliA^iAiii T>o bioi6 fotn
rfitl^i b^n r\A tAod \^ndAlmA.
1300 U|\ia.IIait> thic Ttlite^t) Af pn 50 UeATh-6.i|\ 50 "oc^f LAt)A|t
C|t t mic Ce^f m^T^A .1.|\ Ce^cu-p Ue^cup 50 n-^ fttJAg.
•OfAOi'oeACC^ Of |\A. Ann ; Ajtif lAf f Ait> mic itliteA'b cac no
ceAf c utn' ce^nn n^ cfide Af ctoinn CeAfniAt)^, Aguf A'otib-
f A-OAf -f An 50 •ociubf A*OAoif bf eAC Atthif gin a nt)eAf bf ACAf
1309 fein -boib Agtif x)a tnbeif eA-o bf eAC ^Agcdif off a, 50 muifb-
pt)if Cf 6 -Of AOi'deAcc e. If 1 bf cac f uj Aithif gin Af ctoinn
mitdA-o cf iaLI CAf A n-Aif 50 binnbeAf Serine, if lAt) pern
50 tion A ftuAg t)o ^til 'n-A longAib Agtif x)til peAT> nAoi
x>conn f An muif ahiac, Agtjf da foiceA-o leo ceACC 1 t)cif^
called Fodla." They proceeded thence to Uisneach in Meath,
where they met Eire. The poet asked her her name. ** Eire
is my name," said she, *' and it is from me that this island
is called Eire." And as a record of the above events is this
stanza from the poem beginning, '' Let us relate the origin
of the Gaels " :
Banbba on Sliabb Mil, witli hoits ^
Faint and wearied ;
Fodla on Sliabh Eibblinne, with groaninge ;
'Eke on Uisneacb.
These three queens were the wives of the three sons of
Cearmad, and some seanchas say that there was no division
of Ireland into three equal parts among the sons of Cearmad,
but that each of the sons held it for a year in turn ; and the
name the country bore each year was the name of the wife of
him who held the sovereignty that year. Here is a proof of
this alternation of sovereignty :
Everr year by tnmi
Tbe chiefs held the kingdom ;
. Eire, Fodla, and Banbba,
w Tbe three wives of tbe very itiong varrion.
The sons of Milidh proceeded thence to Tara, where they
met the three sons of Cearmad, to wit, Eathur, Ceathur,
Teathur, with their magic host ; and the sons of Milidh
demanded battle or a right to the sovereignty of the country
from the sons of Cearmad, and these replied that they
would act towards them according to the judgment of
Aimhirgin, their own brother, and that if he delivered an
unjust judgment against them, they would kill him by
magic The judgment Aimhirgin gave regarding his brothers
and their host was that they should return to Innbhear
Sceine, and that they should embark with all their host
and go out the distance of nine waves on the high sea,
and if they succeeded in coming to land again in spite of
86 poKAS ireASA ATI 6imnTi. [book i,
1310 *o'A.inr6eoiTi Uu^c^ "Oe *0^n^nn ce^pc aa cpice -oo beic ^ca.
lomcuf^ cioinne iniieA.16 cpiA^llAit) CA^jt ^ n-^if 5a
i3i6hlTiiibe^|\ Sceine, if ck^v p^x) 'n-^ tonj^ib ipe^x) tiaoi t)cotin
f ATI Tntii|\ ^m^c, AiiiAit t)o o|\T)tJi5 Aiitiiitjiti T)6ib, m^p t)o
coTiTicA-o^lt •opA.oice tuAC t)^ 'O^TiATin i4i.t)-f A.n ^p ^n mtii^,
■00 c65bAt)Ap S^oc giiibce^^c jeincli'oe t)o ctii]t ^nfA.'O ^p
d.n mtii|i ; ^jtr-p A.x)tibid.i|\c "OoTin ttiac TMite^'o 5ti|t 5AOC
1380 t>|t Aoi^e^ccA 1. "If eAi^/' ^p Aiihiitjin. teif pti ceit>
ApATinAti foife^p cloiTine TTIileA'o f o.n feotcp-d^nn fUA.f, ^gtif
Le fonn^'o T>A. "ocuj ^n g^d^oc ctticif ApA^nnAn 6^\i cti^p^ib tia
Luinje, guf mAjib^'O ^itit^iio pn h, Aguf teif pn -oo "oeAtuij
lu-6.fCi^i6 TiA 5-6.f b5A0ice ^n tong 'n-^ p^ibe 'Oonn -pe cac,
1326 A5tif 50 5poT) t)A eif pn x>o bi.Ci5.i6 e fein if Luce tia. luinge
m^f Aon f If, mA.|i ^.c-i ce^^Cji^f ^p pciT> t>o Lo.ocf ^1^6 ^.gtif
ciiije^p co.oif e^c, tn-^f ^ci. t>ile m^c bf ige Ai-pioc pe^bpuA-o
bu-d.n t>f e^f If buA.ii6ne ^gtjf "oi itin^oi '66^.5 ^gtif ceA^cp^p
ATTiuf Agtff ocr^f pe hiOTTif AtTi, CAOgA^t) mAco^OTh ^.p ■o^lcACA.f ;
1330 A5tif tf e i.ic *n-Ap bAC^x) i^t) ^g tia 'OtntiAC^ib pe pi^i'dce^p
UeAC 'Ouinn t n-i^pcAp itlutTiAn. Ajuf if 6 'Oonri m^c
TTlite^'o T)o bAC-6.0 -6.nn g^ipmceAp Ue^c 'Ouititi x)e. 5^^^*'^
^5 f Aipieif b-iif 'Ouitin if ti-o. ti-u-o^fo^t-fo "oo bi^c^o tn^p ^on
pif ^zi^ 600^115 6 pLoinn f ati x) tj^p^b cof ac : Uoipj
1336 no. Luinjfe c^p te^p. A5 fo m^p o.t)eif :
'Ooim If bite buAn a. beAn,
X>it If Aif io<5 TUAC TTlileAi6,
bvAf b|\eAf btiAit>ne ^o mbiorb,
t>o bACA:6 A^ 'OttThA^Aib.
1340 1|\ tnA.c TTliteAt^, lotnoffo, -oo fc-6.p ati c-A.nfAt) ati tonj 'n-^
|tA.ibe pif AH gCAbtAC If -oo ctiipeAi6 1 n-i^pcAp 'OeAphurhAn
the Tuatha De Danann, they were to have sway over the
country. And the Tuatha De Danann were satisfied with
this, for they thought that their own magic would be able
to prevent them from returning ever again to the country.
As to the sons of Milidh, they returned to Innbhear
Sceine, and went out on the high sea, the space of nine waves,
as Aimhirgin directed them. When the druids of the Tuatha
De Danann saw them on the sea, they raised a terrific magic
wind which caused a great storm at sea ; and Donn son of
Milidh said that it was a druidical wind. " So it is/' said
Aimhirgin. Thereupon Arannan, the youngest of the sons
of Milidh, climbed the mainmast, and, by reason of a gust
of wind, he fell to the ship's deck, and thus was killed. And
forthwith the rocking of the tempest separated from the rest
the ship in which Donn was, and soon after he was himself
drowned, and the ship's crew along with him, twenty-four
warriors in all, and five leaders, to wit, Bile son of Brighe,
Airioch Feabhruadh, Buan, Breas, and Buaidhne, with twelve
women and four servants, eight oarsmen, and fifty youths
in fosterage ; and the place where they were drowned is
Dumhacha, which is called Teach Duinn, in west Munster.
And it is from Donn son of Milidh, who was drowned
there, that it is called Teach Duinn. And it is the death of
Donn and of those nobles who were drowned with him
that Eochaidh OTloinn narrates in the poem banning,
" The leaders of those over-sea ships." Thus does he
speak :
Donn and Bile and Baan, hii wife,
Dil and Aixiodi ion of Milidb,
Buas, Breas, and Buaidhne, the renowned,
Were drowned at Dumhacha.
The ship in which was Ir son of Milidh was also separated
from the fleet by the storm ; and it was driven ashore in
88 ponAS pe^xsA AR ^minri, [book i.
1 t)ci|t i; 5U|i b^c^o i]t A.nn ^jtif gup h^^n^ice^io aj Sceili5
Illicit e, ^ih^it ^T>ei]i ^n c-u^D^p ce^t>ii^ :
1)49 l1lA|ib 1 ^CAC l^L* Cmn«A6 ;
niA^b i|i A^ SceiU^ iiA fCALy
'8 If fnA|\b f All loni^ AjiAiiiiAii.
5^bA.if 4i]teAth6fi, 50 5CiJn> t>oii lumje^f toA^p ^on pif , tikiii
ct6 j\e h^piTin 50 ]ti^iTii5 bun Innbeip Cotp^ pe ji^i'bre^p
1550 t>|toiceA>T> Ac^ If uime cpi^ 5^i]tce^]i lTitibe^]t Cotp^ t>oii
^b^inn pn, t>o b|ii5 gup^b innce t>o bi^c^o CoLp^ ^n
Ctoiioifh niid^c TMite^o ^5 ce^cc 1 t>cip ^nn Tn^|\ ^on pe
bCipeAihori tn^c TTlite^io. If fotLuf A^f pn jiip b^c^io
ciji^e^p x>o ctoinn itlite^io ful x>o be^ii^t>^]i fe^tb Oipe^riTi
i3tt t>o ^ti^u^ib t>e 'O^n^nn ; 5011^16 tiiine pn t>o pinne pie
eijin An p^nn-fo:
X}o bACAi6 cdi^eA|\ t»tob ftn
T>o dtAiiiiAib meAjiA mftrb ;
1 ^cttAfiCAib 6i^eAmi nA jtAiiti,
1360 \A t>^OT6«ACC CuAC X}6 t>AnAmi :
niA.p ACA 'Oonn if Ip, Ai|\ioc pe^bf ua^o, ApAnnAn if CoLpA
An Clonoim, lonnuf nAC pAibe beo t>on ctoinn ceAT)nA ]te
tinn nA h6ipeAnn t>o buAin t)o tuACAib "Oe X)AnAnn acc
cpiup, TnA]t ACA ^ibeAf 6if eAihdn if Aiihipjin. lomcuf a nA
1366 t>f uin^e 01 te ■oo liiACAib miteATO CAnjAOAp 1 t)cip 1 nInnbeAp
Sceine, niAp aca ^ibeAf 50 n-A fuipinn fein vo CAbtAC.
CAftA ^f e beAn itlic Jpeine a]i StiAb TTlif f nil 1 gcionn cpi
tA iA|t t>ceACc 1 t)ci|t t)6ib, Aguf If Ann pn cugA-o Cac Steibe
tHif i-oif iAt> fein If UuAUA "Oe "DAnAnn, aic a|i cuic ^Af
1370 beAn uin mic tJige, Aguf if UAice pAnoceAji 5^eAnn l^Aif
fif An n^teAnn aca a]\ StiAb TTlif t)A njAipceAp Amu
JteAnn fAif ; ^onA^ t) a loeApbujA'O pn AToeip An pte An
f Ann-fo : .
SteAtin pAtf Y ^ AH fopof pof ,
1375 Sati ini|\eAf An jau inifn4om ;
PAf Ainm tiA mnA ttiArbceAi\ Utin,
X>o iTiA|ibA<> ipn rndp^tiirn.
the west of Desmond ; and there Ir was drowned, and he
was buried at Sceilig Mhichil, as the same author says:
Aimbirgin, poet of the men,
Wm killed in the Battle. of Bile Theineadh ;
]r died in Sceilig of the wenion,
And Arannan died in the ihip.
Eireamhon, accompanied by a division of the fleet, pro-
ceeded, having Ireland on the left, to the mouth of Innbhear
Colpa, which is called Droichead Atha. Now, the river is
called I nnbhear Colpa, from Colpa of the Sword, son of Milidh,
having been drowned there as he was coming ashore with
Eireamhon son of Milidh. It is plain from this that five of
the sons of Milidh were drowned before they took possession
of Ireland from the Tuatha De Danann ; hence some poet
composed this stanza :
FiTe of these were drowned,
Of the swift sons of KiUdh, (^ '
In the harbours of Ireland of the dirisions,
Through the magic of the Tnatha De Danann :
these are Donn and Ir, Airioch Feabhruadh, Arannan, and
Colpa of the Sword ; so that when these sons wrested Ireland
from the Tuatha De Danann, there were only three of
them surviving, to wit, Eibhear, Eireamhon, and Aimhirgin.
As to the remainder of the descendants of Milidh, to wit,
Eibhear with his own division of the fleet, they landed at
Innbhear Sceine. They met Eire, wife of Mac Greine,
on Sliab Mis three days after they had landed, and there
the Battle of Sliabh Mis took place between them and
the Tuatha De Danann, in which fell Fas wife of Un son
of Uige, and from her the name Gleann Fais is given to the
glen which is in Sliabh Mis, and is called at present Gleann
Fais ; and it is to bear testimony to this that the poet com-
posed this stanza :
Gleann Fais, true is the deriTation,
"Without error or difficultT ;
Fas the name of the woman I refer to ^
Who was killed in the great glen.
90 potiAS peASA AH eminn. [book l
If f A.n c-d.c c^Aon^ t)o cuic Scoc^d^ be^n ttl^teA-b, -d.gtif •oon
leic cu^ii5 'Oon nsle^nn foin aca p A.i6to.icce, t-iitn ]t6 tntii^ ;.
fo fiof ^f ^r\ 1^01^6 c§4^'0Ti^ :
If f AH 5ca6 fom f6f, n< d*V,
p3Ai^ ScocA bAf If bic^^ ;
6 nA6 iiiAi]\eATin i ^cU 6Ain
1385 piAi|\ A mA^bAi) f An gl»Anti-f Ain.
X}e pn ACA f ATI leic ctiAi^
l?eA|\c ScocA f An n^lionn ngtAn^Ap ;
1t>i^ An SltAb Iaiiti |>4 bnn
ri{ ciAn t>o cAr6 6n ^coiifitin^.
1590 Pa he pn ATI ceAOCAc cu^a'd it)i|\ iTi-6.CAib ITIibeo.'o if tu^CA.
'Oe t)AnAnn, ^rh^it -6.t>eif ^n L-o^oit) ceAt)TiA :
C^At>dAC tiiAC lTlileA'6 ^o niblAi'6,
A|\ oceAdc A fieAfpAinn ^a6cai£,
A^ SliAb mif f A niAnA teomi
1595 If po^tjf pf If p|\eoiU
If 1-d.t) ATI T)iAf b-6.n UT> x>o luAi'6e-6.niA|\, m^\\ ^c-i Scoca if
V^Ti ^5^r ^" "^^ i6f A01 bA tje^ffctiAijce aca, tn^f ^c-i tJ^p
If eici-6.p, t)|\ e^m b-c. CAfCAfhl^ -o' fine $Ae^it t>Af cuic f ^n
CAC fOITl. Ace C1A -00 TTliO.fbA'O Cfl C^A-O TJlob, gl'De^'O "00
i400TnA|\biG.'6 teo-f^n -oeic gce^o -00 tu^c^ib *0e 'O-d.n-c.nn ^guf
ctiifit) 1 fid^on m^'OTnA attiaiI fein i^tj; ^gtif j^b^if 6i"pe .i.
be^n thic 5r^^ii©'oeif eAO off ^ -^S^f cpiAtt-^.if 50 U^ittceo^n
Agtif nocc-Mf -^ •oiwil -00 ctoinn Ce-6.f m^'Oid.. An-M-o lomof f o
mic triiteo^t) A.f ti^icf e-c^c ^n C6>t^y ^5 -^^-otiacaI n^ -Of tiinge
1406 •OA mtHTiTicif -00 tnAfbA*6, if 50 h-iifice A.5 ^t^ti^cAt a.ti vi^
•bftiid.'o; 50TI-6.16 o.if e pn t)o finne ^n pie tia f oinn fe^nctif a-
irigbAm fAn niAit)in SliAb TTlif,
"ptiAf AmA^ Ag If AiCTf ;
1410 6 clAnnAib An 'OA§t>A 'Otiinn
Do tAnnAib CAtmA corfituinn.
In the same battle fell Scota wife of Milidh ; and it is in the
north side of that glen, beside the sea, she is buried ; and as
a proof of her death and of her burial-place, we have the
two following stanzas from the same poem :
In tkit btttle alao, I will not deny,
Soota found death and extinetion ;
Am ahe if not aliTa in fair form,
She met her death in this glen.
Whence there ii in the north side
The tomb of 8oota in the dear, oold glen,
Between the mountain and the eea ; .
Not far did ahe go from the oonfliet.
This was the first battle that took place between the sons
of Milidh and the Tuatha De Danann, as the same poem says :
The fint battle of the famed eons of Milidh,
On their coming from Spain of renown.
At Sliabh Mia there was caase of woe ;
It is certain history and true knowledge.
The two women we have mentioned, to wit, Scota and Fas
and their two most accomplished druids, that is, Uar and
Eithiar, were the most celebrated of the race of Gaedheal
who fell in that battle. But though three hundred of them
were slain, still they slew ten hundred of the Tuatha De
Danann, and thus routed them ; and Eire wife of Mac
Greine followed in their wake, and proceeded to Taillte,
and related her story to the sons of Cearmad. Now, the sons
of Milidh remained on the field of battle, burying those of
their people who were slain, and in particular burying the
two druids. It is with reference to this that the poet
composed the following historical stanzas:
In the morning we left Sliabh Mis ;
We met with aggression and defiance
From the sons of the noble Daghadh, ^
With strong battle-spears.
92 fouas peASA ar eininti. [book i.
Oa]\ cmc oeid ^c44^t> ce^nn i ^ceAnn
1415 ttnn t>o (uAC^ib X>^ T>AHAnii.
Se CAO^AT) feA]\ t>Ap nT>Aim-ne
T)o ftoA^ A'bbdl GAfp^fTiiie,
^5 pti A T>rO|\6A1]\ PAp fltlAgi
R6 lieAfb^i^ An t>A t>eA^]\ttA6 :
1420 ^^P ^S^r ^^^1^ HA fi-»A6
1 otiiiiAin 1)1 Af t>AnA i&etiimeA^ ;
teAC 6f A ieAdCAib ^o totn,
'tl«A bjreAf CAib V^ne f A^bom.
OccAjt ioTno|i]to oo c^oij'e^CA.ib ^n Cflu^ig "oo ctiic a|\
i425TiitJi]i te 'opAOi'oe^cc tuAice *Oe t>id.n^nn, atti^iI AX)tJb|^^Tn^p
cu^f, Tn-6.]i ^z^ l|i 1 Sceilig ttlidit, Ap^nnin ^f ^n feol6p^nn
'Oonn 50 n-A cuije^p CA.oifeA.c ^|\ ti-c. mbAC^'o ^5 Ue^c
'Otunti. 'Oo ctiice^'OAf fof occ jtiogn^ A.nn .1. x)iAf "oiob
Tn^]i Aon pe 'Oonn, m-6.|\ ^ci^ buo^n be^n DiLe, if 'Oit inge^n
i43oltliteA^ 6/^fpAinTie, be^n if pu|t tDtnnn. t)o bo^c^t) lomofpo
Sceine be-(i.n Ainiifgm 1 n-lntibeAf Sceme, jonAt) UiO^ice
5id.i|vtnceo.j\ Innbe-^f Sceine -ooti ^b^inn ^c-i 1 gCi^ff^d.i'be.
l^ti^if p^^t be^n t.uJA.iX) mic Ioca. bif t)o ti^if e ^|\ bf-d^iq^n
^ tiocc^ 'OA ceite ^f -oce^cc 6 fni^Th "Oi ; gon^t) u^iue
1436 5^if Tnce-6.^ InnbeAf peile ■oon o^b^inn px\ 6 f oin 1 te ;
■00 m-c.jtbid.'b fof Scoc^ if p^f 1 5CAC SLeibe ITIif, o^ttiaiI
^'otibf^Tn-d.]i cu^f. 'Oo e^s-^^o^f fOf x)i^f eite '610b, tn^ji
^ci be^n 1|^ If be^n tnuijAceiTTine inic bf eog^^in ; gon^t) i^t)
pn TiA. hocc jtiogn^ if n^ hocc •ocA.oipg 00 c^itle^^ "OO
i440fLu^5 dtoiTine ITIile^t) 6 ce^cc 1 ti^ifitiTi 'ooib 50 cti|t C^c^
Uid^ittceATi. A5 fo fiof ^nin^nn^ ^n TTi6ipfeip]t pn h^^n
If feAf|\ CAITI15 le m^c^ib tTTile-^io 1 n^ifinn "Oo feif ^n
l^e^b^if $^bAl-6. : Scoc-ii. Ue^ pi^l pif Viobf ^ O-bb-d^ ^S^f
Serine. Ag fo fiof fui-oiuj^io -o^n Cfe^nc^iu o^if pn, ^Jtif
We boldly gare battle
To tbe tprites of tbe isle of Banbha,
Of whioh ten hundred fell together.
By ut, of the Toatha De Danann.
Six fifties of our eompany
Of the great anny of Spain,
That number of our host fell,
With the loss of the two worthy druide :
Uar and &thiar of the eteeds,
BeloTed were the two genuine poeti ;
A stone in bareness above their grares,
In their Fenian tombs we leave them.
Eight also of the leaders of the host fell at sea through
the magic of the Tuatha De Danann, as we have said above,
namely, Ir at Sceilig Mhichil; Arannan, from the mainmast ;
Donn with his five leaders, who were drowned at Teach
Duinn. Eight royal ladies also fell there, two of them
with Donn, namely, Buan wife of Bile, and Dil daughter of
Milidh of Spain, wife and kinswoman of Donn. There were
also drowned Sceine wife of Aimhirgin, in Innbhear Sceine,
and from her the name Innbhear Sceine is given to the river
which is in Kerry. Fial wife of Lughaidh son of loth died
of shame on her husband seeing her naked as she returned
from swimming ; and from her that river has ever since been
called Innbhear Feile ; Scota and Fas were also slain in the
Battle of Sliab Mis, as we have said above. Two others
of them also died, namely, the wife of Ir and the wife of
Muirtheimhne son of Breoghan. These then are the eight
princesses and the eight leaders that perished out of the
host of the descendants of Milidh from their coming into
Ireland up to the Battle of Taillte. Here are the names of
the seven principal women who came to Ireland with the
sons of Milidh, according to the Book of Invasions: Scota,
Tea, Fial, Fas, Liobhra, Odhbha, and Sceine. It is in the fol-
lowing manner the seancha sets forth this, and states who was
94 pORAS peASA AR 6miT1Tl. [BOOK I.
Sm^iz firni. rp fftAf ft CAttn^ t t*
CeA pAi pif r fCAff fVO* ^9
1460 Uob^ 06bA Scoc Sc^n*.
If PaL f6f f A b«Aa tar^deA^ ;
pAf Waii tlTii imc Ot^e tAfi pn,
A^f Sc^tne beAxi Aiim|\pii.
1466 ttob|\A t>eAn piAro, CAOtn a hL^,
ScoCA An AOnCtnifA tf OobA ;
A^ pn TiA mnA tia£a|% meA|%
CAim^ ht mACAib 111fU«A^.
^omtuf6. clomne TTlite^^, ^n t>]ton5 -oiob CA^inig i t)ci|i le
1460 hCibe^jty tep ctii|te^^ C^c SLeibe Tllif, Cfi^iL6>it> i nt>i^il
6i|ie^ihoin 50 bun lTinbi]t Cotp^; ^gtrp m^n ]\^ng^t>A|i ^
ceile ^nn pn t>o fogp^'o^f c^c ^p Cfti fn^c<6.ib Ce'&.ptn^t)^
If A]t Cu^ic^ib 'Oe "0^1111 A.n ^p ce^n^. If ^r\r\ pr\ t>o
cuipeA.'o C^c U^ittce^n e^copp^ ^S^f ^^ cua^i-o ati bpifeAX)
1466 ^|t cioinTi Ce^f m^-o^ ^3 m^c^Mb TTlile^^ ^ic ^f cuic TTl^c
SpeiTie te hAiihifjiTi, VlX^c CuilL Le hCibe^f, ^S^F 1^^<^
Ce^cc te 6i|te^fh6Tiy ^ih^il ^'oeip ^n fe^nc^:
1 t>CAiltceAii te YiAimi]\^eAii ;
1470 niAC CmtL i^ h&beAf An 6t^«
niAC C^<^ 00 LAiih &peAihdin.
"Do ctiice^'O^p fOf ^ t)C|ti fioJTiA. ^nn, tn^ji ^ci. 6ife if
^&otA If D^Tib^ ; gOTiA.^ uiine pn if t>^ -oe^f b^.^ a^ a.ti
•Of eAin tef ctfice^t>^|t, t>o f inne ^n fe^nc^ ^n f ^nn-fo :
1479 1?6oIa t6 HeACAn go n-UAilt,
t^ CAid^ bAnbA go mbtiArb ;
6fp% fonn i^ Sai^e ia|\ pit :
If lAT) oi'6eAt>A An q\i|\ pn.
Uuicit) lomopf o tif thof ftu^^j tTu^c 'Oe tDA.riA.nn ^|t ce-Mi^
i^^juf ^p mbeit ^5 te^niti^in n^ fu^ige vo ftu^j ni^c
married to each of the women whose husband was alive on
their coming to Ireland :
Tbe wven chief iromen who oane thither
With all the ■ont of MiHdh,
Tea, Fiel, Fat, to our delight,
liohhxu, Odhbha, Soot, Soeine ;
Tea wife of Eireamhon of the itaeda,
And Fial too, the wife of Lughaidh,
Fas wife of Un the son of Oige next.
And Soeine wife of Aimhirgin,
Liobhra wife of Fuad, noble her renown, ^
Scota the mairiageable, and Odhbha
These were the women who were not giddy,
Who came with the sons of ICilidh.
As to the descendants of Milidh, the company of them who
landed with Eibhear and fought the Battle of Sliab Mis went
to meet Eireamhon to the mouth of Innbhear Colpa ; and
when they came together there, they gave warning of battle to
the sons of Cearmad and to the Tuatha De Danann in general.
It was then that the Battle of Taillte took place between
them ; and the sons of Cearmad were defeated by the sons of
Milidh, and there fell Mac Greine by Aimhirgin, Mac Cuill by
Eibhear, and Mac Ceacht by Eireamhon, as the seancha says :
The blight Kac Greine fell
In Taillte by Aimhirgin,
Mac Cuill by Eibhear of the gold,
Mac Ceacht by the hand of Eireamhon.
Their three queens also fell, namely, Eire, Fodla, and
Banbha. Hence, and to state by whom they fell, the
seancha composed this stanza:
Fodla slain by Eatan the proud ;
Banbha by Caicher the Tictorious ;
Eire then slain by Suighre :
These are the fates of this trio.
Now the greater part of the host of the Tuatha De Danann
also fell ; and while the host of the sons of Milidh were
96 pORAS peASA ATI 4lR1H11. [BOOK I,
I486 'C^\\ ^if lomojUAO Cu^c T)6 'O^nMin oo •6ibi]tc, if tia.
h6i|\e^Tin t)o beic ^jt ^ gctim^f pein ^.c-d^, poitinif 4ibe^n if
If 1 |toinn t>o finTieA.t> e^coff a, 0.11 le^u cu^iti vo beic ^5
6if e^nion 6 Doinn if 6 Spuib bf oin hwd cu^iio ; if on
1490 ceo|iAiTin ce^-oriA. bu-o te^f 50 Uuinn Clio^n^ ^5 6ibe^|U
A5 fo Tn^|\ A"oei|\ ATI fe^ndA. ^p ^n foinn-fe, 6ipeAiii6n
If ^ibe^f A.|tt>, cofAC T1A 'ouAine:
A[\ All lei6 014^116, beA|\c ^dn b|\6n,
^AbAif AH fiAxt 4ipeATfi6n
^^ 6 df\tiib b|\oiiiy btiA'6A6 Ati pointi,
Ca|\ ^a& mbtn^m $0 b6Aitin.
^beA|\ iTiAC m{teA<> ^o pAC
"Oo $Ab An leAC ceAf T>eA$iiiAid ;
6 t^dinn pJAift, f A C|\6^A An ]\oinn,
J5QQ So ctiinn tnjine 3*Anoinn.
Ueitj lomoff cuije^f vo pfiOThc^oife^CAib ftu^ig m^c
Tnile^X) be h^ii^e^mon ^p a ttii|\ fein t)on poinn, A^guf j^b-
Ait) feA^p^nn u^m, Aguf -oo finne g^d ne^d t)iob -ounpopc
'n-o. |\oiTin f^iti t)on feAp^TiTi. A5 fo 43.n cuije^p c^oife^c
1505 T50 jA^b le h^ife^mon, mAf aca AiniifjiTi JoiftreAn S^^-og-d.
Sob^ifce If Suif 56. A5 fo fiof no. fiojf aca -oo cogbo^o
be h4if edition if be rx^^ cuige^p c^oifeA^c. x^p T)CUf 00
cdjAib fe fein tiiic beice^c 1 nAifge/i.'OfOf A.f bfu^c no.
feoif e 1 nOfpuige. "Oo coj^ib pof Aitriif gin Uuf b^c 1nnbi]\
i6ioltl6if. 'Oo cosbA-b b6 Sob^ifce 'Oun Sob^ifce. 'Oo coj-
b^o be Seck-ojA 'Oun tDeibsmfe 1 gcfic Cu^b^nn. T)o
in pursuit of them towards the north, two leaders of the
Milesian host were slain, namely, Cuailgne son of Breoghan
on Sliabh Cuailgne, and Fuad son of Breoghan on Sliabh
When they had expelled the Tuatha De Danann, and
brought Ireland under their own sway, Eibhear and
Eireamhon divided the country between them ; and, according
to some historians, the division made between them was
this : Eireamhon to have the northern half from the Boyne
and from the Srubh Broin northwards, and Eibhear from the
same boundary southwards to Tonn Cliodhna. Thus does
the seancha speak of this division — '' Eireamhon and noble
Eibhear" is the beginning of the poem :
On the northern eide, an eTent without sorrow,
Eireamhon took eoToreigntv
From the Sruhh Broin, nohle the diTision,
Over every tribe to Bojne.
Eibhear, the prosperous son of Hilidh,
Possessed the excellent southern half
From the Boyne, strong the division,
To the wave of Geanann's daughter.
Now, five of the principal leaders of the host of the sons
of Milidh went with Eireamhon to his division, and received
territory from him ; and each of them built a stronghold in
his own portion of the territory. The five leaders who went
with Eireamhon are Aimhirgin, Goistean, Seadgha, Sobhairce,
and Suirghe. Here follow the royal forts that were built by
Eireamhon and by his five leaders. In the first place he
himself built Raith Beitheach in Airgeadros, on the brink of
the Feoir in Osruighe. Then Aimhirgin built Turloch of
Innbhear Mor; Sobhairce built Dun Sobhairce; Seadgha
98 pottAS peASA AH ^mitin. [book i.
A5 fo ^n cuige^it t>o g^b t6 h^ibe^ft, m^p ^ci^ C^ice]t
pikic teif 5A.C n-AOn t>iob. Ap -ortf t>o cogbA^o le h^ibe^p
pein Haic OoA-iiiAin 1 LA^ije^nih^ig ; te C^icep XDiiTi Inn
1 n-iA|tCAf Ci-pe^nn ; le TTI^nnci^n Cuiht>^c CA.if pje bl^-o-
Ittti-de ; le h6n m^c Oige Ri^ic Aift>e Suipt) ; le pulmi^n Ri.ic
iMo C^ipf je pe^-OA^
CU15 jlume T)eA5 if pee 6 ^ibe^p 50 hA-o^ih, m^^ ^t>ei]i
^n file :
If pde ^bsn ^etneAtoiJ,
1586 C|i^AT> feinneA^ 5^11 cptiAf ttm 6pA^
If 1 ceA.T>fAi'6 i6f uinge oile jte fe^ncuf 5ti|t*5.b 1 |toinn
■oo pinne Cibe^p if on ^f 6if mn, x}^ CuigeA.-o TTltnTi^n
■00 beic ^5 6ibeA.f ; Cuige^o if Cuije^^o l/A^ijeo^n
i»0"OO beic A.5 6if edition ; if Cuijeo^io Vit^-6 x>o beic A.5 Cibe^^f
niA.c If mic niileA.o Aguf 0^5 cuit) oile t)o n^ U4\oifeA.CA^ib
CA^inij le inA.CA.ib TnileA.*©; if UfiocA^ ce^v CopcA La^ij^c
fA.n ceA^f cujA^TOAf x>o Lu^a^i-o niA^c Ioca. iha^c
T>eA.fbf ACAf A. feAnA^CAf. Agtif if moioe iheA^fAim A.n ceA.t>*
iM5f^i^ pn t>o beic pfinneA^c jUfA^b 1 l^ijnib -oo bi pfioih-
lonjpof c 4if eAihoin, mAf aca. Haic t>eiceA.c 1 nAif 5eA.t>f of,
Liiih f ^ "peoif , A^gtif fOf guf A.b f An thuihAin 50 bunA.i6A.f a.c
t)o Aici5eA.t)Af fliocc 6ibif A^guf fliocc ^f eAihoin 1 jConn*
^<5cA.ib If 1 LAignib, Aguf fliocc Ku-ofui^e mic Sicfije
i«o cAinij 6 6ibeA.f niA.c If mic inileA.T6 1 nUllcA^ib. On Huwui'oe
pn lomof f o jA^if mceA^f ClA-nnA. tluof uioe vo nA. pof -UIIcac-
Aib Agtif 5 AC "Of onj t^o nA fleA.ccA.ib-fe •00 cua^i^ 1 5CIJ15-
eA'OAib A. ceile vo 'oeA.nA.m feAf A.inn if 5AbA.lcA.if, mA.f
ACA ceACC cloinne Uu-of uit^e 50 LA^ignib .1. fliocc ConA.ill
built Dun Deilginse in the territory of Cuala ; Gostean built
Cathair Nair ; Suirghe built Dun Eadair.
The following are the five who went with Eibhear,
namely, Caicher, Manntan, En, Oige, and Fulman, and each
of them similarly built a fort First, Eibhear himself built
Raith Eoamhain, in Laigheanmhagh ; Caicher built Dun
Inn, in the west of Ireland ; Manntan built the stronghold of
Carraig Bladhruidhe ; En son of Oige built the fort of Ard
Suird, and Fulman the fort of Carraig Feadha.
From Eibhear to Adam there were thirty-five generations,
as the poet says :
With good upbriaging, fifteen
And twenty geuerationi.
The tribe of braye men laTieh of herds
Up from Eibhear to Adam.
Other seanchas are of opinion that the division of
Ireland made by Eibhear and Eireamhon was this : Eibhear
to have the two provinces of Munster ; Eireamhon the province
of Connaught and the province of Leinster; and Eibhear son
of Ir, son of Milidh, and others of the leaders who came with
the sons of Milidh, to have the province of Ulster ; and the
cantred of Corca Laighdhe, in south Munster, they gave to
Lughaidh s6n of loth, the son of their grandfather's brother.
This opinion I am the more disposed to accept as true, as it
was in Leinster that Eireamhon's chief stronghold was situated,
namely, Raith Beitheach in Airgeadros beside the Feoir, and
also because the descendants of Eibhear originally settled in
Munster, the descendants of Eireamhon in Connaught and
Leinster, and the descendants of Rudhruidhe son of Sith-
righe, who sprang from Eibhear son of L*, son of Milidh, in
Ulster. It is from this Rudhruidhe that the name Clann
Rudhruidhe is given to the real Ultonians, and to every
section of their descendants who went into each other's
provinces to seize upon land and to make conquests, such
as the coming of the children of Rudhruidhe to Leinster
H 2
100 ponAS peASA -ATI 6mitiii, [book I.
1546 Ce^pn^ig 1 l/^oigif ^guf fliocc pe-d^i^juf^ mic TI615 1
5CoTi7ii-6.icTie Conn^dc if 1 gCo-pc^ ino|!u^i6 if 1 gCi^ff ^ii^e
TTluni^n, ^gtif Tnuinnce^f 'Ouilbi'dif 'oo fLiocc C^if bf e Ctuic-
eA.c^i]t tnic Concojtb -00 fliocc L^bf-d.i'b t^oinjpg, ^5Uf
TTiuinnceAf Hi-d^in T50 ftiodc C^CA^oif itloif, 6 t^^igriib c^n-
i66oS^'OAf t)on itluTh^in. If ci^n -o'eif n^ ponn^-fo -oo pirnie
6ibeAf If ^ife^niOTi ^p 6ifiTin pi^ngo^o^p n^ foipne pn
^f ^ gqiiocAib feirj 1 ocipib oile 1 n^ipinn. If foltuf f6f
5upA.b pe Imn ltluipeA'6<5.i5 tTipi^ t>o cu^^'OAp n^ cpi Coll^
50 n-4^ mbpxkicpib 6 CoTin^ccA.ib vo 'oe-d.n^ih g/^if
1563 ^p tltlc^ib, 5up beAn^T)o.p poinn mop 00 Cuige^o Vit^t 010b
^p eijin, m^p ^ci^ Ulab^ipn Hi m^c H^if if Hi CpioiiiCAinn
50 bfuilit> "opong TTiop -oiob -00. hiiciug^'o ^yniu, m^p ^ci.
HAgn^lt TnA^c S^THA^ipte l^pl^ Ancpuim no nAorropotnA. 6
Coll^ U^if ; 1TI^5 tliTjip in^5 m^cg^nin^ if 6 hAnnLu^iri
1560 6 Cotl^ 'Oi. Cpioc.
If p6 linn Copm-^ic mic Aipc fOf co^ng^-o^p "Oeipj ,1.
cine "00 fliocc 6ipe4i.ni6in, -oon ttluni^in, gup g^b^tj^p fe^p-
^nn innce. If pe linn lomoppo P^ca^itj tTluillexi.c-Mn mic
6o5^in ttloip mic Oilioll^ dluim -oo beic 1 pioj^cc ttlumo^n
leesc^inig C^ipbpe TTIufc, tJtiine Uia.f-6.1 t>o fliocc 4ipe^m6in, pe
■oin 50 p^c-c.i'o, 50 bfUxj^ip ^ bfuil t)'fe^p^nn 6 Slige tDo^l-d.
.1. be^l^c tndp Ofpuige 50 Cnoc Aine CI1-6.C 1 n-ou^if ^
•oxkn^, ^m^il le^gc^p 1 Le^b^p Apx> TTI^c^, ^Jtif if on
gC^ipbpe THufc-fo 5^ipce^p Hlufcpunje Uipe -oon -oi.
i67otlpmtiTh^in. Agtif 50 gpot) -oa eif pn pAng^o^^p cui-o -oo
fiol 4ibip m-cp -o^ci. fliocc Copm^ic 5^i^^-^^5 ' gConn^cc^ib,
m^p ^CAit) S^ile^nj^ if tuigne, ^guf if x>^ fliocc 6 h6^x>p-^
If 6 S^'Of ^ f^" ^®i^ cu-d.i'O. Agtif m-o^p pn t)^ 5^.0 ^icme if
•o^ 5A.C cine^l oile pi^inig 1 -ocip oile 1 nCipinn, ni -00 bicin
1575 n^ ponn^ -oo pinne ^ibe^p if Cipe^ttion -oo cti^i.'OA.p lonnc-^;
to wit, the descendants of Conall Ceamach to Laoighis, and
the descendants of Fearghus son of Rogh to Conmhaicne of
Connaught, and to Corca Moruadh and Ciarraidhe in Munster
and the family of Duibhidhir of the race of Cairbre
Cluitheachar son of Cuchorb of the progeny of Labhraidh
Loingseach, and the family of Rian of the race of Cathaoir
Mor, who came from Leinster to Munster. It was long after
this division which Eibhear and Eireamhon made of Ireland
that these tribes went from their own territories into other
districts in Ireland It is also well known that it was in
the time of Muireadhach Tireach that the three CoUas with
their kinsmen left Connaught to win conquests from the
Ultonians, and wrested by force from them a large portion
of the province of Ulster, namely, Modhaim, Ui Mac Uais
and Ui Chriomhthainn ; and many of their descendants hold
possession of these to-day, as Raghnall son of Samhairle,
Earl of Antrim, or Aondrom, descended from CoUa Uais ;
Mag Uidhir Mag Mhathghamhna and O Hannluain descended
from CoUa Da Chrioch.
In the time of Cormac son of Art, also, the Deisigh, a tribe
of the race of Eireamhon, came to Munster and acquired
territory there. And it was while Fiachaidh Muilleathan
son of Eoghan Mor, son of Oilill Olum, was king of Munster,
that Cairbre Muse, a nobleman of the race of Eireamhon,
brought a poem to Fiachaidh, and obtained all the land that
lies between Slighe Dhala, that is, Bealach Mor Osruighe
and Cnoc Aine Cliacb, as a reward for his poem, as we read
in the Book of Ard Macha ; and it is from this Cairbre Muse
that the name Muscruidhe Tire is given to the two Ormonds.
And soon after this, some of the race of Eibhear came to
Connaught, namely, the descendants of Cormac Gaileang,
that is, the Gaileanga and the Luighni, of whom are
O Headhra and O Gadhra in the northern half. And so it
was with every family and tribe who migrated to another
district in Ireland, it was not because of the division made by
102 po«AS peASA AK eiKiTin. [book l
^SUf t)^ |tei]t pn tne^f Aim a^ti c^At>f ai^ i^eioe^iiAC -oo beic
p^iTitie^c ; oiji Til himhe^fCA. ju-p^b f^n tni^t fAiTiij ^ibe^f
'n-d. bfuit AnijeAT)^ Of t)o tdi5eobAi6 4i]teAiii6ti a ce^v-
p|tioih]ti^ic, m^]^ Aci^ Tl^ic beice^c i iiAi^i3eAT>]tof. Uime
I5»pn mea^fA^iin 5U|\Ab 'ti-a m^ ^ein. "oo ]iiniie i, ^juf t)A |tei]i
pn guf^b t>o |ioiiin 4i]teAni6iTi Cuige^o t^Aije^n, ^iri^it
At>ei]t An ceA"OfAi^ "oei-oeATiAC.
UA|ttA pie pjjtutncA If c|itjia|te ceoilbimi .i. Ci|t hiac
Cif An pte, Ajuf dnAOi An qttiici|te, a|\ An t>|\uin5 CAinij
istf Le mACAib TTIiteA^ i n6i]iinn ; Ajuf At>tibAi]tc CibeAjt juyt Ab
Ai5e fein -oo bei-oif ; A-otibAifc 6ifeAih6n ceAnA ju^Ab
Aige pein t>o beiT)if. Ace ceAnA if e ojvoujao "oo ctiAi^
eACO]t]tA A jioinn pe ceite C|\e qtAnncu^ -oo cti^ o\it^ ; Aguf
cuicif cfAnn 8ibin A|t An oi|tpT)eAC Aguf Cf Ann 6i|teAih6in
iS90A|t An bpLe; jonA^ Ag fAipieif An impeAfAin-fe acai-d
nA ]ioinn-fe pof a Pf aIcai^ CAipt :
00 <hii|tpot> c^^Lim^o^ go c6i^
At\ An nxAf nOAnc. ivoiothdi^ ;
30 jv^img "oon fiO|\ A noe^f
IMS An C|\iticii\e cdi]\ coiih^eAf .
flAtm^ f6f oot: po^ a ocv^ro
An c-oLLAin ^r An olXbtiAitt ;
3onA6 "oe pn jtAimg pn^dc
OfDAn A^f oilAfhnAdc,
290O U4robinneAf cttiit CAOine o^e^nn
1 noeAf 1 n-oetfceApc 6i]\eAnn ;
If AihlAi^ biAf go b|\AC nil>|\Af ,
AlhAli ACA f An fOAnCAf .
UAn5At>Af ceic|te mojAio pceAX) te niACAib THiteA-o t
I606n4t]tinny Ajtif x>o beAnAt)A|t ceicpe niAige pceAt) a coitt iA|t
t)ceACc 1 n6i|iinn -ooib, Aguf if uaca fein AinmnijceAit nA
niAi5e pn. A5 fo AnmAnnA nA bfeAf foin : Ai^ne Ai
AfAt m^'oe TTlofbA tni-oe Cuib Cbu CeAf a Heijt StAn
Leige l/icfe t/ine l/ijeAn UpeA 'OuIa At>A|\ Aifiu *Oeife
Eibhear and Eireambon tbey migrated ; and hence I consider
the last-mentioned opinion correct ; for it is not likely that it
was in the portion which fell to Eibhear in which Airgeadros
is situated that Eireamhon would build his first royal fort,
that is, Raith Beitheach in Airgeadros. Hence I think that
it was in his own portion he built it, and that therefore the
province of Leinster belonged to Eireamhon's portion, as the
last opinion states.
A learned poet and a melodious harper, the name of the
poet being Cir son of Cis, and that of the harper Onaoi, were
amongst those who came with the sons of Milidh to Ireland.
And Eibhear said that he should have them, while Eireamhon
maintained that they should be his. Now the arrangement
made between them was to share them with one another by
casting lots for them, and the musician fell by lot to Eibhear
and the poet to Eireamhon. And as a setting forth of this
contest are the following stanzas from the Psalter of Cashel:
They cast lots fairly
For the noble poetic pair,
So that to the man irom the south fell
The correct dextrous harper ;
To the man from the north fell, too,
The poet of great powers ;
And hence came sway
Over honour and learning,
String-harmony of music, beauty, quickness,
In the south and lower part of Ireland :
Thus shaU it be for evermore,
As is recorded in the seanchus.
There came to Ireland with the sons of Milidh twenty-
four slaves who cleared twenty-four plains from wood after
they had come into the countr>' ; and it is from themselves
these plains are named. Here are the names of these men :
Aidhne, Ai, Asal, Meidhe, Morbha, Midhe, Cuibh, Cliu, Ceara,
Reir, Slan, Leighe, Lithfe, Line, Lighean, Trea, Dula, Adhar,
104 pottos pe^A^ SK etRinn. [book i.
fOiTi 50 cinnce di.]i n^ that jib ceAt}nA 1 nCr-pTtiti ^ntti.
Cuj f df Ue^ mje^n Ltnj^eAC mic Ioca .1. be^n 6Tpe^iiidm
f i. t>e^]i^ mu-p -oo co^bo^^tL "Oi pern t Lt^cx>f mm ]te jtAroceAp
1015 Ue^Mh^i^i Txm cut^ij pn .t. muji Ue^.
T)o b^t>^)i rmc ThiLe^-o t jcoTnfLAiceAf CiTteA-nn ipe^x>
bb^'on^ 50 ■oc^pL^ ttn^ieAfA^n e^cofftA fA. feiLb n^ "ociti
TTO-potnonn i|* f^A^f "OO bi t TT^rpinn .1. t>pmm CLAf A15 1
jcrpic ttl^ine If t>ptitTn beiceA.c ^ m^oTtTn^tj tf T>puitn
laajpnjin t ^CoTin^cc^ib. If ^.ttti pn TOtnof]to cuj-a.^ c-^c it)if
6ibeo.p If ^pcAThdn t ntJib pi^ilje ^5 t>pu Dpioo^m Ag
cocoon it)i|i t>A TTiA. 5 1 -ocu Ate SeipLLc. "Do bf rpe^io t)' 6ibeA|t
f AH CAC foin ; If t)o TnAnbA"6 e fetn if Cf t Af CAOifeAC "Oa
Thtjirncif Ann niAf aca Suif je SobAtf ce if 5^T^^^"- -^5
was f o TTiAf At)eif An pte A|t An m-fe aj f Atfnerp A-obAif An
inif eAfAin :
So 'OCAIIM^ aAbA]\ A tnbAD,
1690 biiAOAtn S^n C|%etd gAfi co^'6,
"Oo ]VAf6 beAn eibip tia ^cac
niitTi bcrt» l^ X>ft0iin CAOtTt Ct^f ac^
'Opvnn beiceAdy '0]ittini pTt§ni pirn,
XlAd beic AOnoftd^ 1 nei]\Tnti.
1656 Cop6Ai]i ^beAf, AfibA An -pCA^
\A 1i6i|\eAni6n itiac nflfLeA'6 ;
piAt|\ 1 -ocvAC $^ipite A goni,
Sah mAroin a]% THai^ SmeAjicoiti.
-A5 fo ttiAp At)ei]i An pte UAnxime A5 ceAcc teif An ni
A ^Sfe bAnbA go mblArdy
An f^Af t>AOib n6 An bfeADbAfit,
Cf ^Ai) f A]% cm^eA^ An cac ni6p
Af &ih€A\i t^ li4i^eAYn6n ?
Ainu, Deise, Deala, Fea, Feimhean, and Seara; and these
names are precisely the names of these plains in Ireland
at this day.
Moreover, Tea daughter of Lughaidh son of loth, the wife
of Eireamhon, got a fortress built for herself in Liathdhruim
which is now called Teamhair ; and it is from Tea daughter
of Lughaidh that this hill is called Teamhair, that is, the mur
or house of Tea.
The sons of Milidh ruled Ireland jointly for a year, when
a dispute arose between them about the possession of the
three best hills in Ireland, namely, Druim Clasaigh in the
territory of Maine, Druim Beitheach in Maonmhaigh, and
Druim Finghin in Connaught On that occasion a battle was
fought between Eibhear and Eireamhon in Ui Failghe at
Bru Bhriodain, at a pass between two plains in the district of
Geisill. Eibhear was defeated in that battle ; and he himself
was slain, together with three leaders of his followers, namely,
Suirghe, Sobhairce, and Goistean. The poet treats of this
event, setting forth the cause of the dispute, as follows :
Banbba without g^ief ihaied
Eibhear and Eireamhon,
Tin pride eebed their wivet,
A year without foray, without war.
The wife of Eibhear of the battles said
That unlets she owned the fair Druim Claaach,
Druim Beithech, Druim Finghin bright
She would not remain a night in Erin.
Eibhear fell, great the man.
By Eireamhon son of Hilidh ;
He got his death- wound in the land of Geisill
In tbe morning on Magh Smearthoin.
The poet Tanuidbe, agreeing with the same statement,
speaks thus:
Te bards of renowned Banbba,
Know ye, or can ye tell.
Why the great batUe was fought
Against Eibhear by Eireamhon f
106 poTiAS peASA AR eininti. [book l
1646 Inneof AX> n^im DAOib-fe f Ain-^
An f AC fA nt>eA|\nA An pon^Ait*
Um q\i T>]%omAnnAib ^An t>)\eiin
If feA]%|\ t>o W 1 n6i^eitin ;
Ojimm pngtn t>f tiitn CLAf ai$ caih,
1650 t>|\aim beiceAd i ^ConnA<SCAib ;
*5a JcoptAih pn iri j\A<> ^16,
UagAi» An c*Ai%*fo, a ei^fe.
t>o fiogAib dloinne T1l4teAb ]iia ^CperoeAfh Ann^-o, AgOf f at> a bfVAiceAf a >
1665 t)o j^b 4i]teAni6Ti, lAp mbeic i jconiytAtceAf OijteATiTi
[le hCibe^jt fe^x> btiAiotiAy plaice Af lOTnL^n 6i|teAnTi ceic]te
bliA-oriA "oeAg t)' eif ThAjtbc^ 6ibi]i i 5C0.C Atf 5eAt)]ioif, x>o
Ceicpe bliAxmA "oe^^ ^OD^eAf
IWO t>'^|%eAihdn 1 n-AfiOfiAiteAf ;
1a]% ^Cac ArpjeAtyf oif 50 ti-aJ
ITlAp A]\ caic 6ibeA]\ lomlAii.
5i^©A"6 If 1 ceAT)fAi'6 coicceAnn tia feAncA*© n^c 1 gCAC
Ai|t5eAT)|ioif t)0 TnA]ibA^ 4ibeA|i acc i jCac Jeiplte, attiaiL
1665 At>ub]t aiha]! cuAf. If ]te tiTiti dfeAThoin "oo itinne^'O n^
jnioiiiA-fO fiof, niAp aca Cac CuiteC^Mceip 1 gcionti bti^iOTiA
t)'eif ThA|tbcA 4ibi]\ ; Aguf if Ann pn -oo cuic CAicep .1.
CAOifeAC T)o niuinncifi Cibif, te hAiihifjin iuac ITliteA'O^
1 gaonn bliA'onA "Oa eif pn, x>o ctiic Aithiitjin t6 hCipeAihon
16701 5CAC bile teineAO 1 gCulAib bjieAj ; Agtif if Ann fAn
mbliA-OAin pn t)o tin5eAt)A]\ nAoi mb^tofnACA 6ile if C]^i
htlinnponnA Ua nOiliolLA fA cip 1 n6ifinn. An citeAp
bliA'OAin x>A eif pn tjo ctiir putniAn Ajtif UlAnncAn .1. t>iAp
CAOifeAC x>o Tiiuinnci]i 4ibi|\, te h6if eAihon 1 jCac bjieojAin
16751 bppeATTiAinn. 'Do linjeAT^Ap occ Ioca fo eif 1 neifinn \
I m3rtelf will tell you that—
The reason wby be oornxnitted the fratricide,
fiecaute of three low»lying hills,
The best that were in Erin :
Bniixn Finghio, iair Dniim Clasaigh,
Druim Beitheaeh in Connaoght ;
In struggling ior these, not bright the tale,
This slaughter was wrought, hards.
Of the kings of the children of Milidh before the Faith and of the length of their
soTereignty in Ireland as follows.
Eireamhon, after being a year in the joint sovereignty of
Ireland with Eibhear, held the full sovereignty for fourteen
years after Eibhear was slain in the Battle of Airgeadros,
according to some seanchas, as this stanza says :
Fourteen years, I knov it,
Bid Eireamhon hold chief sovereignty
After the Battle of Airgeadros with ralour,
"WTiere Eibhear fell outright.
However, the common opinion of seanchas is, that it was
not in the Battle of Airgeadros that Eibhear was slain, but in
the Battle of Geisill, as we have stated above. It was in the
time of Eireamhon that the following events took place. The
Battle of Cuil Caicheir, a year after the death of Eibhear, it
was there that Caicher, leader of the followers of Eibhear,
fell by Aimhirgin son of Milidh ; a year after that
Aimhirgin was slain by Eireamhon in the Battle of Bile
Theineadh in Cuil Breagh ; and in that year also the nine
Brosnas of Eile and the three Uinnses of Ui nOilioUa burst
over land in Ireland. The third year after that Fulman and
Manntan, two leaders of the followers of Eibhear, fell by
Eireamhon in the Battle of Breoghan in Freamhainn. Eight
lakes burst over land in Ireland in the reig^ of Eireamhon ^
108 poRAS peASA AR eminn. [book l
"bft^ice^f ^iteAihdin, m^p Aci^ Loc Ctme, A^suf tn^5 Sjteinj
4^111111 ^n ih^c^ijte c^]t ^p tm^ ^n toe ; Loc bu^io^i^ tx>c
bi^^^ l/oc R^n Loc ponnriiA.i5e toe 5r^^^ toe Ri^c, ^SUf
111^5 tn^oin ^min ^n m^CAipe c^p ^ 'oci^mi^ p ; Loc X)i^
iMOC^oc 1 L^i5nib ^5Uf tx)e ^^05 1 nUtlc^Mb. ^n ce^C]\^ni^'6
bti ^-6^6^111 t)A eif pn t>o m^jtb^o IJn 6n if C^c^n 1 5ca.c
Coih]iui]ie 1 TTIiide te h6i|teAnidn, A^guf t)o cojb^^ a. bfe^fCA.
^nn. An bti^^^in ce^t>ii^ t>o tiii5e^t>A|\ n^ cfi Suco^ fi^
1086 AiDeipit) t)|iOTi5 pe fe^ncuf sup^b e 4ipe^ih6ii t)o p oinn
CIJ15 ctji^e^o^ Cipe^nn t>'eif bi.if 6ibip ^p cuit> x>o ha
CAOifeAkCAib t)o bt Aige. Cug ^p -ocuf Cui^e^^ to^ijeAn
'oo CpiofhcATiTi Sa^cbe^t t>o 'OoffinAnncAibj t>uiiie u^fA.^
■o'lApih^p bpe^p tnt)ot5. Uuj jrof t>^ Cui^e^^ 1TluihA.n vo
lawdeicpe tn^c-d^ib 6ibip, m^p aca 6p Opb^. pe^pon i-p pe^pjn^
Uu5 Apif CuijeAO CoTinACC t)' tin m^c Oije ^gtif t)o C^A^c^n,
t)iAf CAOife^c t)A 'OCAinij teif on ^^fpi^inn. Tn^p ^n
5ceAT)nA -oo f o^g^ib Cuige^o Ul^o ^5 Oibe^p m^c Ip .1. m^c
A •de^pbpi^CA.p pein.
1686 If 1 bft^ice^f ^ipe^ihoin lomoppo ci^nj^-OAp Cptiicnij .1.
pica, fluAg -00 cpi^Lt 6n Up^ci^, 50 hCipinn ; ^jtif t)0 peip
Copm^ic mic Cuite^nni^m 'n-A. Pf A>tco.ip if e fi.c ipi^\\ t^S*
b^-OAp A.n Up^ciA cpe m^^p -00 coj^ip poticopntif, pi n^
Up^a^, inge^n ^t^inn Aonctnh^ t)o bi A.5 5ut> ^ptjc-^oifeA^c
iTOon^jCptucne^ct)' eigmtis^'o, ^guf ia"0 fein 1 f eilb bti-^nn^ccA
n^ qtice. Ap n-^ bp^ic ce^n^ vo Jut) ^gtif oa Cptiic-
ne^d-d^ib 50 pA.ibe ^n pi ^p ci n^ hinjine v' eisnitij-o^x),
m-6.pbcAp teo e, ^gtif cpeigit) ^n rip uime pn, ^guf cpi-6.llAit)
6 dpidjo epic 50 poccAin n^lTpAinjce'doib m^p -^ bpi ApAt)Ap
1706 con5bi.1t bu-A^nn^cc-d. ^S^T f^^^^^^ ^ T^S Fl^^"5<^ ^""C ^T^
cosb^o^p CACAip pif A pAioce^p piccxi^uiuiTi 6 n-^ piccib .1.
Cptiicnij t6p cdgb^o 1. Aguf m^p 00 cti<i.t-M'6 pi "Fp^ngc
ceifc f c^iiTie n-A hingne •00 cog^ip ^ beic 'n-^ te^nn An te^pcA
namely, Loch Cime, Magh Sreing being the name of the
plain over which the lake burst, Loch Buadhaigh, Loch
Bagha, Loch Rein, Loch Fionnmhaighe, Loch Greine, Loch
Riach, Magh Maoin being the name of the plain over
which it burst ; Lough Da Chaoch in Leinster, and Loch
Laogh in Ulster. The fourth year after this, Un, En, and
Eatan were slain by Eireamhon in the Battle of Comhruire
in Meath, and their graves were made there. In the same
year the three Sucas burst over land in Connaught.
Some seanchas assert that it was Eireamhon who
portioned the five provinces of Ireland among some of the
leaders who were with him after the death of Eibhear. First
he gave the province of Leinster to Criomhthann Sciathbheal
of the Domhnanncha, a noble of the relicts of the Fir Bolg.
He gave, moreover, the two provinces of Munster to the four
sons of Eibhear, to wit, Er, Orba, Fearon, and Feargna. He
gave besides the province of Connaught to Un son of Oige
and to Eatan, two leaders who had come \iath him from
Spain. Similarly he left the province of Ulster to Eibhear
son of Ir, his own brother's son.
It was in the reign of Eireamhon also that the Cruith-
nigh, or Picts, a tribe who came from Thrace, arrived
in Ireland ; and according to Cormac son of Cuileannan, in
his Psaltair, the reason of their leaving Thrace was that
Policornus, king of Thrace, designed to force a beautiful
marriageable daughter of Gud, chief of the Cruithnigh,
while these latter were at free quarters in the country.
When, however, Gud and his Cruithnigh suspected that
the king was about to force the maiden, they slew him,
and accordingly quitted the country, and went from
country to country till they reached France, where they
were quartered and got lands from the king of the
French, and there they built a city called Pictavium, from
the Picts or Cruithnigh who built it. And when the
king of the French heard of the fame of the maiden's
110 \:oxl^s peASA Ati 4ininii. [bcok i.
Aige feiTi. Ap n-d. cLof pn t)0 $ut) cpi^lL^if 50 lion ^
1710 ihuiiinci|te a|\ ceide^.^ leif A.n injm 50 h4i|\inn, ^guf ^p
mbcic A.p muip -ooib, e^gA^if A.n inge^n a^ca. ; ^.guf 5^b^it> jrein
T)^ eif pn cuA^n 1 nlnnbe^p St^itige. U15 bet)^ leif ^n
Tii-fe f An ceAt>CA.ibit)il t>on ceit>le4i^bAp t>o Sc^ip 60.5A.1lfe
nA S^cf An, ACC AtiiAin 50 n-AbAip gup Ab f An CAob tUAno
1715 t>'|4ipinn CAn5AX>Ap 1 T)cip, niAp a n-AbAip : a" UApl^ t)0 cine
nA bpicc ceACC on Scicia, atiiaiI At)eipceAp, 1 mbeAjAn t>o
luinjeAf fAOA fAn oijiAn le feolAO no le fei-oeA^ no.
njAoc, cigeACC leAC ATntug -oo uile-ceopAnnAib nA bpeAC-
Aine, ceACC 1 n6ipinn, Ajuf Ap bfAJAilcinno nA Scoc pompA
1720 t)o iAppAt>Ap lonAt) coThnunoce t>6ib fein Ann pn, Aguf ni
bfUApAOAp." 5^i6eA* ni 1 -ocuAifceApc 6ipeAnn CAn5At>Ap
1 -ocip, Acc Ag bun Innbip SlAinje 1 gcuAn 1/Oca Jo^pniAn,
AiiiAil At)ubpAniAp. Aguf CAinij CpiothcAnn SciAcbeAl, -oo
bi 1 jceAnnAf LAijeAn 6 6ipeAni6n An uAip pn, 'n-A n-OAil
1725 o.nn pn Aguf -oo pinne CAipoeAf piu.
If lAt) fA CA0ip5 Don CAblAC foin 5^^ ^S^r ^ ^^c
CAcluAn ; Aguf If iiiniet>o ceAngAil CpiomcAnn CAip-oeAf piti,
vo bpij 50 pAbAOAp -oponjo. t>' UAiflib nA bpeACAine da
njAipci UuACA poDJA Ag jAbiil neipc 1 bpocApcAib DO
1750 j^c leic DO bun nA SlAinje. If atiiIaid do bADAp An
Dpongfom Aguf neirh Ap Apm jac AOin aca, lonnuf mo^DbeA^
no mop An cpeAcc D0-nici leo ni JAbAD leijeAf Ap bic
gpeim Don ocAp 50 bf ajad bAf. Aguf do cuaIaid Cpioiri-
CAnn 50 pAibe DpAOi DeigeolAC da njAipci UpofUAn 1
i736bf0CAip nA gCpuicneAC D0-b6ApAD leijeAf do fein Aguf da
TTiumncip 1 jcoinne nA neirhe do bioD Ap Apmo^ib UuAice
pio-bJA; A5Uf DO fiAfpuij DO tpofCAn cpeAD An leijeAf do
DeAnAD 1 n-AgAi-b neithe Apm n a Dpuinje ud do luAi^beAmAp.
" CuipceAp leAC," Ap UpofCAn, " cpi caojad bo ttiaoI ponn
1740 DA jqAUD If CUIpCeAp An IaCC do J^AbCAp UACA 1 I05 Ap
a, Coxitigic gentem Pictorum de Scythia (ut perhibent) longis naribus
non multiB oceanum ingrestam, circumagente flatu Tentoruxn, extra fines
omnes Britanniae Hibemiam penremsse, eiuaque septemtrionalee oran
iiitrasse, atque inrenta ibi gente Scotonun sibi quoque in partibus illiue
sedes petiiese nee impetrare potuiiae.
beauty, he sought to have her as a concubine. When
Gud heard this, he fled with all his people to Ireland
with the maiden ; and while they were on the sea the
maiden died in their midst ; and they themselves afterwards
put into port at Innbhear Slainghe. Beda agrees with
this, except that he sa)'s that it was in the north of Ireland
they landed, in the first chapter of the first book of the
History of the Saxon Church, where he says : " The Pictish
race came from Scythia, as is stated, in a small fleet of
long vessels over the ocean, and being driven by the force
or blowing of the winds outside all the boundaries of Britain,
came to Ireland ; and on finding the Scotic race before them,
they asked for a place of abode there for themselves, but
obtained it not." However, it was not in the north of
Ireland they landed, but at the mouth of Innbhear Slainghe
in the harbour of Loch Garman, as we have said. And
Criomhthann Sciathbheal, who held the sovereignty of
Leinster from Eireamhon at that time, came to meet them
there, and entered into friendship with them.
The leaders of that fleet were Gud and his son Cathluan ;
and the reason why Criomhthann entered into friendship with
them "was because some British nobles, who were called
Tuatha Fiodhgha, were making conquests in the Fotharta
on either side of the mouth of the Slaney. Such were these
people that the weapons of every one of them were poisoned,
so that, be the wound inflicted by them small or great, no
remedy whatever availed the wounded man, but he must
die. Criomhthann heard that there was a skilful druid called
Trostan amongst the Cruithnigh who could furnish himself
and his people with an antidote against the poison with
which the weapons of the Tuatha Fiodhgha were wont to be
charged ; and he asked Triostan what remedy he should use
against the poison of the weapons of those people we have
mentioned. " Get thrice fifty white hornless cows milked,"
said Trostan," and let the milk got from them be placed in a
112 fOKAS peASA SK eminn. ^book l
Lip ^ft m^c^'^e 'n-A ^cLe^^^f Ub beic ^3 ccr*m^c 71U,
Aon t>ot) ihtnmirm loiq^oe^f teo, ceroe^o tHwi I05 t)^
focpuj^o, A5t»f biro ft^n 6 501^ n*. neiihe e. T)o Trnttic-a.^
2741 te Cf.TOThc^nTi ^ nt>tib^r|tc An t>«iAoi, ajii]- rdcnAtr Cac
A]tt>A teAthn,^ccA An CuACA^b ^1005^, Ajuf bnrpf ty^ob 50
t>c«5 A Tit>eAf 5A]t Ann. If on ngn^oih Ajuf on gCAC S^ipceAp
Cac ApOA LeAihnACCA "oon cac pDtn 6 -poin 1 Le; 500^-6 at:
•oeAf bAO An fceoil pn t>o p;nne An pie An Laoi-o peAnctifA-
i»fO pof:
Cf%eAti 6 it^AsnceAft ^anm am
too f .AOitAO Afi A cstfixb ;
SetfeA|% CpmcneAdy )u> crrni Oia*
Soil«n titpiA neACCAifi nifi
Aon Jtrf tcACAfi tf CfiOfcin.
Ho ciODttoic OtA 'DOib cyie gof
T>A fi«ioc A\i geA(\$orrii ocpof,
^755 *S t)A ntm>eAn a|% geijinerrii Aftn
If e ff^eoiAf piAi]\ -odib
OpAOi iiA ^Ct\incneAC, f a deAthSt^
rpi dAO^t) b6 ifiAol "OOfi liiAig
1770 t>o bleodAD 1 Yi-Aon dscAi$.
OO CtttpeA^ All CAC ^O CACC
mti'n tog A pAsbe An leAfhnAdr ;
Do liraid AH CAC go caIhia
Ap ACA^Alb AflobAnbA.
1775 T)aLa tiA gCpuicneAC Ann pn, niAp aca Jut) if CAcluAn
A ttlAC, CtlipitJ pOmpA neApC tAlgOAn 00 ^AbAll; AJUf niAp
hollow in the middle of the plain in which you are wont to
meet them in battle, and offer them battle on that same plain ;
and let each one of your followers who shall have been
wounded by them go to the hollow and bathe, and he will
be healed from the. venom of the poison." Criomhthann
did as the druid had advised, and fought the Battle of Ard
Leamhnachta against the Tuatha Fiodhgha. He defeated
and executed great slaughter on them in that place. From
this event, and from the battle which took place, the battle
has been called the Battle of Ard Leamhnachta ever since.
And in proof of this account the poet has composed the
following historic poem :
Ard Leambnaclita in the aouthem ooxintrj
Each noble and bard may inquire
Whence is derived the name of the land
Which it bat borne from the time of Criomhthann ;
Ciiomhthann Sciaithbheal it was who f ought,
To prevent the slaughter of his warriors,
Protecting them from the sharp poison of the weapons
Of tbe hateful, horrid giants.
Six of the Cruithnigh, God so ordained,
Came from the land of Thrace,
, Soilen, Dlpia, Keachtain the noble,
Aongbus, Leathan, and Trostan.
God granted them, through might
To heal them from the sharp poison of the wounds,
And to protect them from the bitter venom of the weapons
Of the powerful, very fierce gianu.
The true knowledge obtained for them
By the di-uid of ^e Cruithnigb, at once, was
That thrice fifty hornless cows of the plain
fie milked in one deep hollow.
The battle' was presangly fought
Around the hollow where the new milk was,
And tbe battle went strongly against
The giants of high fianbha.
Now as to the Cruithnigh, that is, Gud and his son
Cathluan, they resolved to invade Leinster ; and when
114 pORAS peASA AR 4lR1H11. [BOOK I.
C15 "0^ n-iontiTtiige ; ^gtif tn^\^ vo 6or\nc^v^\{ n^ Cptiicni^
5ATI 1A.T) f^n lion CA^cuigce |tif, ce^ngl^it) poc if ci^ntt^e^f ^
1780 p6 h^ite^mdn. tlocCA^if 6i|\eA.ni6n t>6ib 50 f^ibe oiicA^ig
t>OTi teic to\^ tu^}i) '0*6^]Kmn o^gtif A^pub^i|^c ]iiu t)tit t>^
liAiciugAio. If Ann pn t)o iA|)|^At)A]i n^ C|tuicni5 ^\[ 4i|teA-
Thdn ciiit) t)o n^ mni^ib u^ifle t)o bi 1 n-^oncuTh^ ^15^
p§in, oo TTiniib n^ DCAOife^c ci^inij leif on ^Afp^inn A.5
1786 A|t m^jib^'O A bp]t, -00 CA^b^ipc 'ooib f^in, t>o ]tei|t Oe^^
r^n ceAt)CA>ibi'Oit t)on ceAote^b^li 'oo Sc^d^i^ n^ S^q^^n ;
Aguf t>o ceAnglAX)^]! ]i4^CA jpeine ^juf §A.fCA. o|t|^A pein
3U|\Ab mo vo bi^-o pios^cc Cptnue^ncu^ice, |tif ^ p^i^-
ce^l^ ALbo^ ^niu, aja. fe^lbug^o 6 b^i^Anc^f fle^cc^j. n^
1790 mb^n loni. 6 b^pAnc^f fle^cc^ n^. bfe^p, 50 q\i<5 ^n
be^CA. 'Agtif cug Oif e^tiion ^.p n^ he^cc^ib pn cpiuf b^n
t>6ib, m^p AC^ be^n Opeif e, be^n DuA^if if be^n Du^i-one;
o^guf g^b^if C^cLu^n f i. hA|\t>c-d.oifeA.c tboib be^^n vhoh vo
pein ; ^guf c|tiAiLAit) ^inn fein 50 Cftuice^ncu^c, if -oo j^b
1786 C^clu^n ne^pc n^ c\\\6e ^guf fo. he cei-opi Alb^n t)o
Cf uicne^CAib e. t)© bitj^p -oeic pig if cpi pcit) t>o Cpuic-
ne^CAib .1. n^ picci 1 bfL^ice^^f n^ hAlb^n v^ eif, ^iti^il
le^gc^p 1 Pf ^IcA^ip C^ipl, f d.n t)tiAin t)ApAb cof ac : A eold^
Alb^n uiLe, A5 fo m^p At>eip ^p o.n ni-fe:
1800 CptllCni J t>0 Jdbf AT) 1Af\T>CA111
t>eid ]\i J If f eAfCAT) jx^oJpAn
T>0 $Ab T>10b ATI Of uiceAndlA|\.
CActoAn AH c^t>^i ^ob fAtn,
1803 ififieof At> t>AOib ^o cnHiAif ;
Ho b'^ An ^i t>^i^eAfiA<i rnob
An cti)\ CAtniA CotifCAincin.
Acc ce^nA AnAif UpofC-in 'OpAoi if An cuigeAp Cpuic-
neAC oite luAi-oceAp fAn Iaoi^ cuAf 1 n^ipinn -o'eif Cac-
Eireamhon heard this, he assembled a numerous army, and
went to meet them. When the Cruithnigh saw that they
were not strong enough to fight Eireamhon, they entered
into peace and friendship with him. Eireamhon told them
that there was a country to the north-east of Ireland, and
bade them go and occupy it. Then, according to Beda, in
the first chapter of the first book of the History of Sacsa,
the Cruithnigh asked Eireamhon to give them some of the
noble marriageable ladies he had with him, some of the
wives of the leaders who had come with him from Spain,
and whose husbands were slain ; and they bound themselves
by the sun and moon that the possession of the kingdom
of Cruitheantuath, which is now called Alba, should be
held by right of the female rather than by that of the male
progeny to the end of the world. Upon these conditions
Eireamhon gave them three women, namely, the wife of
Breas, the wife of Buas, and the wife of Buaidhne ; and
Cathluan, who was their supreme leader, took one of these
women to wife ; and after that they proceeded to Cruith-
eantuath; and Cathluan conquered that country, and was
the first king of Alba of the race of the Cruithnigh. There
were seventy kings of the Cruithnigh or Picts on the throne
of Alba after him, as we read in the Psalter of Cashel in the
poem beginning : " All ye learned of Alba." Thus it speaks
on this matter :
The CruithDigh seized it after that,
When they had come from the land of Erin ;
Ten and sixty very noble kin^s
Of those ruled the land of the Cruithnigh.
Cathluan, the first of these Idngs,
I will tell you briefly ;
The last king of them was
The stout champion Constantin.
But Trostan the Druid and the five other Cruithnigh
mentioned in the above poem, remained in Ireland after
116 ponAS peASA ATI 4mitin. [book u
1810 iu^m, 50 bfUAjt^t)^|t fe^p^nn 1 mbpe^^ih^i^ 1 ttli-oe d
4ipe^m6n. An ce^cp^rh^t) bli^i6^in ■06^5 t)'eif biif 6ibif
|:uAi|t 6ipe^iTi6n bo^f 1 nAi|i5eAt)'pof 1 tli^ic beice^c ti^im
ce^'on^ t)o ling ^n ^b^inn -o^p^b A^inm ^n 6icne f^ cijt
ittsi ntlib Tleill; if t)o ling ^n o.b^inn vj^ ng^s^ifce^p Ppe^job^L
fiw t\\\ ^v^\^ TDaI nApui^e if "Oil tlii0^t>^«
•00 5^bfo.T> cpi mic 6ifeA.fTi6in t)4i. eif fein piog^cc
4if e^nn cpi bli^on^, m^p ^ci Tnuirhne Luigne if l/^ijne.
Ufi bli^-on^ t>6ib 1 gcoTTifl^iceo^f 50 bi^f ttluittine 1 ITI-^15
1820 Cpu-6.CAn ^5Uf guf m^pb^tD t^uijne if L^igne 16 m^c-Mb
6ibif 1 gC^c Aft)^ L^t)pAnn.
X)o g^bo.'O^p ceicpe mic 4ibif, 671 Opb^ pe^^pon if
pe^pgn^ piog^dc dipe/ynn bl^-o t>o bli^o^m, gup mxi^pb
1pio.l pi.1t) m^c ^ipeo^moin io^tj 1 ntjiog^il a. "oi bpi.c-^p
1825.1. Luigne If 1^-0.1 gne.
■Qo g^b lpiA.1 "P-im mo^c 4ipeAiTi6in piog^cc ^pe^nn
"oeic mbliA^nA, 6ip ni p^ibe fliocc ^p ^n t)cpiup t)eo.pbpi.c^p
•oo bi ^ige vo b^ pne loni. e fein. U^ipe pn ^^.n c^n pi.inig
Ipi-d f^n piog^cc If x>o g^b oipbeo.pc if ^pp^cc^f pe a -d^if,
1830 x)o mo.pb^t> ceicpe mic 6ibip leif, m-o^p ^c-i 4p Opb^ P^^f"
on pe^pgn^, 1 n-oiog^il ^ -66. bp^CA^p •00 m^^pb^.^ leo-f^n.
X>o pei' fe m^ige t)e^g a. coill 1 neipinn 1^f
IpiAiL Ag fo fiof 0. n--o.nm45.nn^ : ITI^g Heice^x) 1 l/x^oigif ;
m^g Tleiliu 1 l^^ignib; ITI^g Com^ip, Itl-o^g Seiliu 1 nUib
1835 Tleill; m^g S^nA^if 1 gConno^cc^ib; TTl^g ninif 1 ntlllcAib;
m^g TTIi^e, m^g t^uinge 1 gCiAnn4^cc^; TTI^g Ce^cc 1 nUib
mxi.ctJ^if; TTlA^g pe^pnmuige 1 nOipgio^ll^ib ; TPo^g poicin
fn^ hl^j^pc^p^ib; tTI-o^g Cobo^ 1 nUib; TH^g Cumow
• *A>M" iv^tM'M^w^a^*^**^
Cathluan, and got lands from Eireamhon in the Plain of
Breagh in Meath. The fourteenth year after the death of
Eibbear, Eireamhon died in Airgeadros at Raith Beitheach,
beside the Feoir, and there he was buried. The sanie year
the river called the Eithne burst over land in Ui Neill ; and
the river called Freaghobhal burst over land between Dal
nAruidhe and Dal Riada.
The three sons of Eireamhon held the sovereignty of
Ireland after him three years. These were Muimhne,
Luighne, and Laighne. They held the sovereignty jointly for
three years till the death of Muimhne in Magh Cruachan,
and till Luighne and Laighne were slain by the sons of
Eibhear in the Battle of Ard Ladhrann.
The four sons of Eibhear, Er, Orba, Fearon, and Feargna,
held the sovereignty of Ireland a part of a year, when they
were slain by Irial Faidh son of Eireamhon, to avenge his
two brothers Luighne and Laighne.
Irial Faidh son of Eireamhon held the sovereignty of
Ireland ten years, for his three elder brothers had no issue.
Besides, when Irial had assumed the sovereignty and attained
to greatness and power, he slew Eibhear's four sons — namely,
Er, Orba, Fearon, Feargna — to avenge his two brothers who
had been killed by them.
Sixteen plains were freed from wood in Ireland in the
reign of Irial. The following are their names : — Magh
Reichead in Laoighis ; Magh Neiliu in Leinster ; Magh
Comair, Magh Seiliu in Uibh Ndill ; Magh Sanais in
Connaught ; Magh nlnis, in Ulster ; Magh Midhe ; Magh
Luinge in Ciannachta ; Magh Teacht in Ui Mac Uais ; .
Magh Feammhuighe in Oirghialla ; Magh Foithin in the
west ; Magh Cobha in Ui liachach ; Magh Cuma in Ui Neill ;
118 poRAS peASA AH 6minn. [book l
1 ntlib n^ill; 1TI^5 Cuile pe^i6o., TD^j Hi A.t>^, 1X145.5 "-Aif-
*Oo cojAib Ijti-^t 1pi.^'6 m^c 6i|\eArh6iTi fe^cc i^iogpA^c^
1 n^ipinti 'n-d^ ^iinpp feiti, mo^p o^ci. TIaic Ciomb^oic i
nC^tti^iTi ; HAic Cpoicne i TD^ij Itiif; Riic b^c^^itt i
LocA.iin-(Mb; Hiic Coince^t^ i Seirhne; tl-iic tTloc^i^ t
1845 nt)e-6.5c^]tbAt) ; tiiic buiite^c i STLe^cr^ib ; liiic 1/0C^it>
Ati bti'O.TO^in t>^ eif pn t)o bnge^'oo.]! tia. Cjti h^ibne v^
njoiitce-d^f n^ cpi pionn^ ipi. t\\^ i ntlltc^ib. An bb^'
'n-A •6ii6.ii6 pn t)o bfif l^iAt ceicyte c^c^, An c§A.t)dA.c, C^c
i86oA|it>^ lonth^ic 1 T>Ue-d.cbo., Tn^|t ^p cuic Sci-fine m^c t)uib
mic poThoip ; -^.n v^\\^ c^c, C^c Ue^^nnni^ije cuj 1|ai^I
•o'lToTTioiic^ib, i^tc ^|\ cuic pi porhop^c V6>^ bVinm Gccje
Otce^nn ; ^n cpe^f c^c, Cac l/0CTfiA.i5e, i n-A.p cuic t^u^pocr
mo.c ITIog^^ "peibif ; ^n ce^cp^Mh^'O c^c, Co^c CuiLe tTlApc^
1865 m^p o.p bpif t>o ceicpe m^c^ib 6ibip. Jon^i.'o uime pn
^jtif ^5 f-Mfneif n-6. nsnioth foin, ^^.c-i ^.n t)Ud»in "Oi^pAb-
cof^c ^n p^nn-fo fiof :
1]\iaI f6ifeAf tiA clAinne,
ITIAC 1^1 o§ 1P6t>Ia polccAime,
1860 A{ Sleibe mif , pi TTIaca,
T>o bpif deicpe cpvA'dcACA.
An -o^p^ bli-d.'o^in t)^ eif pn pjo^ip Ipi^t 'P^i'o tn^c 6ip-
e^ihoin b^f i 111^15 tTlti-Mioe, ^guf x>o h^x>r\^\ce6.i> ^nn e.
'Oo 5^b Cicpi^L m^c Ipi^yil y^6.^^6 mic ^ipe^rhoin piog^cr
1865 6ipe^nn pee bLiA-o^n. If pe linn ^n 6icpi^il-fe t>o beA.n^'d rti-o^c^ipe ^ coitl i n4ipinn, m-d^p ^ci. Ue^nnrhAj i
jConn^cc^rb; tn^g Li05^c ^gtif ni-0.5 mbe-^l^ij 1 ntlib
Uuipcpe; TnA.5 5^^P^^^ 1 ntlib pi^ilge; tn^g Occ^ip 1 t/^15-
nib; LocTTi^g 1 gCenn^cc^ib ; Tn^5 tl^c 1 ntlib 6^c^c;
1870 ^gtJf i^p gc^ice^rh pcit) bli^'O^yn 1 bfL^ice^f 6ipeA.nn vo-
■00 m^pb^-o le Conih-^ol m^c ^bip e 1 gC^c KAOipe^^nn
Magh Cuile Feadha, Magh Riada, Magh nAirbhrioch, in
Fotharta Airhbrioch, in Leinster.
I rial Faidh son of Eireamhon built seven royal forts in
Ireland in his time, namely, Raith Ciombaoith in Eamhain ;
Raith Croichne in Magh Inis ; Raith Bachaill in Lothama ;
Raith Coincheadha in Seimhne ; Raith Mothaigh in Deagh-
charbad ; Raith Buireach in Sleachta ; Raith Lochaid in
The year after that the three rivers called the three Fionns
burst over land in Ulster. The following year Irial won four
battles. The first battle was the Battle of Ard lonmhaith
in Teathbha, where Stime son of Dubh, son of Fomhor fell ; the
second battle was the Battle of Teannmhagh, which Irial fought
against the Fomoraigh, where the Fomorian king, who was
called Echtghe Ethcheann, fell; the third battle was the Battle
of Lochmhagh, where Lughroth son of Mogh Feibhis fell ;
the fourth battle was the Battle of Cuil Marta, where he
defeated the four sons of Eibhear. Hence, and to narrate
these events, is the poem which begins with this stanza :
Irial, the yoimgest of tbe children.
Sod of the king of Fodhla of curled hair,
King of Sliabh Mis, king of Macha,
Won four hard battles.
The second next year after this Irial Faidh son of
Eireamhon died at Magh Muaidhe, and was buried there.
Eithrial son of Irial Faidh, son of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland for twenty years. In the time of this
Eithrial seven plains were cleared of .wood in Ireland,
namely, Teannmhagh in Connaught ; Magh Lioghat and
Magh mBealaigh in Ui Tuirtre ; Magh Geisill in Ui Failghe ;
Magh Ochtair in Leinster ; Lochmhagh in Connaught ; Magh
Rath in Ui Eachach ; and after he had been twenty years
on the throne of Ireland he was slain by Conmhaol son of
Eibhear in the Battle of Raoire in Leinster.
»tr-JtO:^ > >14 ' » T Tf-^ ■ » ■ ■ M ■ J 'l ^ i '^^
120 poTiAS peASA All 6itiinn. [book i.
mbLiAi6nA pde^-o ; ^5tif f i he ceit>|ti ^jte^nn -00 pol 6ibi|t
1875 6. 'Oo bpif lomop-po'^n Conni^ol-fo CIJ15 c^c^ if pee ^p
fliocc ^pe^nidin. A5 fo pof tiA^oi gc^c^ -diob tn^p ^.ci^
Co^c Uc^; Cac Cnuc^; C^c ^Le; Ca.c Steibe be^c^; if
C^c Jeiptle m^f Af cuic p^t^p m^c ^f e^nioiTi ; C^c
SLeibe Tnot>^ifn m^f ^f cuic S^mji a m^c lonboc^ ; C^c
1880 Loc^ l/6in m^f ^f CUIC ITIujpoc; C^c beipf e ; if Cac
Aon^iJ TnA.CA. m^f ^p cuic ConTTiA^ol pein te h4ibe^f m^c
UijeA^f ntri^if t)o pol 6if e^nioin. A5Uf -oo h^t)n^iceA.i6 T>on
CAOib ce^f t)'Aon^c tTl^c-d. e f ^n -iic x>a ng^if ce^f 'Pe-d.f c
CoTittiAOit ^niu.
1886 *00 5^b Ulje^fTITTl^f TTIAC PoLl^lg TTllC 6lCf1^lt TTIIC
Ifi^it "piix) mic 6if e^Thoin pioj^cc 6if e^nn "oeic mbb^^n^
If t)^ p&ity no "00 f eif Of uinje oile fe^fc^t) bti'b.'OATi ; ^5Uf
t)o bfif ^n Uije^fnth^f-fo gc^d^c^ pce^T> ^f fliocc
. 4ibif , tn^f ^c-i C^c 6iLLe 'n-^f cuic tlocofb tn^c JoLIaiti ;
1880 ^guf Ca.c CuniiMf ; C^c TH^Mge Ue^cc ; C-a^c l/ocm^ije
1 n-^f CUIC 'Oeiji^f n^ mx^c J^^l-^ ^^^ 5^^^^^^ J ^^^ Cuite
hAifX) 1 tn^ig Inif; Cac Cuile PpA.oco^in ; C^c Acjuifc
1 SeiitiTie; C^c Aft)^ T\^6^t 1 sConn^cc^ib ; ^guf C^c C^ifn
l^e^f At>^i5 m^f ii.f cuic pe-d.f At)A.c ttia^c Koduif b tnic 5<^^^*
1886 iir»; C^c Clu^nA. Cu^f^ 1 •oCe^cb^ ; C-6.C CotTinuit)e 1
•0UU-6.1C 6ibe; C^c CLu^n^ TMuififc 1 xjcu^if ce^f c bf eicf-
ne; ^guf Ca.c CuiLe p^b^if ^f C-o.fbuf ; ^guf fe^cc gc-^c^
1 l/ugWcc^ ^f t/Qc Lu5X)-6.c 1 n-^oTiLo ; ^guf "oo. C^^^c Cuile
1 nAif5eAX)fOf, Aguf Co.c tleib m^\y ^f m^fbo.'o ufthof
i800fleAdCA. 4ibif le Ui5e-6.fnTTii6.f.
An bli^' v^ eif pn -oo bfuccAt>^f n^oi Ioca. fi cif
1 n4ifinn, m^]\ ^ca Loc Ce, CA.f TTl^g Sulc^if -00 ling;
-^S^r ^^ nAillinne 1' gConnA^cc^ib; \a>c nl^ifn ; l^oc
Conmhaol son of Eibhear held the sovereignty of Ireland
thirty years ; and he was the first king of Ireland of the race
•of Eibhear. Now this Conmhaol defeated the descendants of
Eireamhon in twenty-five battles. The following are nine of
these battles : to wit, the Battle of Ucha ; the Battle of Cnucha ;
the Battle of Eile ; the Battle of Sliabh Beatha ; and the Battle
•of Geisill, where Palap son of Eireamhon fell ; the Battle of
Sliabh Modhairn, where Samhra son of lonbhoth fell ; the
Battle of Loch Lein, where Mughroth fell ; the Battle of Beirre;
.and the Battle of Aonach Macha, where Conmhaol himself fell
by Eibhear son of Tighearnmhas of the race of Eireamhon ;
.and he was buried on the south side of Aonach Macha in the
place which is called Conmhaol's Mound at this day.
Tighearnmhas son of Follach, son of Eithrial, son of
Irial Faidh, son of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
fifty years, or according to others sixty years ; and this
monarch won twenty-seven battles over the descendants of
Eibhear, namely, the Battle of Eille, in which Rochorb son of
Gollan fell, and the Battle of Cumar, the Battle of Magh
Teacht, the Battle of Lochmhagh, in which fell Deighiarna
■son of Goll son of Gollan, the Battle of Cuil Ard in Magh
Inis, the Battle of Cuil Fraochain, the Battle of Athghart in
Seimhne, the Battle of Ard Niadh in Connaught, and the
Battle of Carn Fearadhaigh, in which Fearadhach son of
Rochorb, son of Gollan, fell, the Battle of Cluain Cuasa in
Teathbha, the Battle of Comhnuidhe in Tuath Eibhe, the
Battle of Cluain Muirisc in the north of Breithfne, the Battle
of Cuil Fabhair on Earbhus, and seven battles in Lugh-
lachta on Loch Lughdhach in one day, and the two battles
of Cuil in Airgeadros, and the Battle of Reibh, where the
greater part of the descendants of Eibher were slain by
The year after that nine lakes burst over land in Ireland,
namely, Loch C^, and it was over Magh Sulchair it burst ;
Loch Aillinne in Connaught ; Loch niairn, Loch nUair,
122 pORAS peASA ATI 4mi1in. [BOOK I,
1906 ^i1i; l/oc jTe^b^il i v'C\\i 605^111, z^\^ pe^b^l tnic l^o-OAin
•ocAinij ^n I06; 'Oubloc Ap-o^ Ci^nn^cc^ if l^oc *0i bo^ilL
1 nOinji^tl^ib, ^5Uf C|\i x)ub^ibne 6i|Ae^Tin, tn^jt ^ci^pobn^
Co-ponn If CA.tloTin.
1910 If e ^n Uijeo^f nrhA^f ce^t)Ti^ fu^ip mi^n^c 6t|t ^p -ocuf
1 n6i|\inn; ^5Uf tlc^'oiin ^inm ^n ce^pt)^ vo bio*© ^5 bpuic-
ne^t ^n 6ip t)6. 1 brocA^pc^ib oif cip l/itfe •00 bio'6 ^'^ ^
be^fb^^. If fe Itnn Ui5eAfTiTtio.if t)0 cinpeo^ij copcAip if
50pm If U45.iTie ^f §-6.t)Ai5ib ^\{ t)cuf 1 nOinitin, If pe n*^
1915 linn fOf T>o ctiifed»"6 jpe^f-d. if cofc^i^ipe if ctiTtit)^i5ce o.p
bf ^c-Mb Af 'ocuf 1 n6if inn. If e m^p ^n ^ce^pno^ 'oo ctiip
m^p nof 1 nCipinn id<onT>id.c 1 n-e^t>o.c inog^ni, x>i. "o^t
1 n-e^T)o.c ckX} A1C15 ; ^ cp'i 1 n-eAt)A.c 4^n ^ih^if no 615C15*
e^pn^., ^ ce^Ci^ip 1 n-e^t)^c bptig^iio, 0. cijig 1 n-^^'o^c fL-d^ice-
1920 cUiG^ice, i^ fe 1 n-e4i.t)^c ollAih^n if 1 n-eo.T)Ai5ib pioj if
b^inpiogd^n. Aguf if e -iic 1 n-o. bfux^ip Uige^ptirhAf fem
boif ^p tn^ij Sle^d^cc ^giif cpi ce^cp^nin^ T>'fe^p^ib Cip-
e^nn m^p ^on pif oi'oce SAMhn^ ^S^f ^^'^ ^5 ^^p-o^^ "oo
Cpotn Cpu^it) pigio-o^l 6ipe^nn. Oip if e ^n Uige^pnihA^f-
1926 fo x)o cionnfc^in iO'6^t^i6p^*6 -oo •oe^n-Mh j^j\ t)cuf -oo Cpom
CpUifi.i'b (^ih^it -00 pinne Zopo^fcpef f^n n5p©i5) cimce-fi^tl
ce^t) bliA'OA.n i^p -oce^cc 1 nCipinn t>6ib ; ^gtif if 6 n^. 'oo-niT5if pp Cipe^nn 'oon 10*6^1 pi.i'bce^p TTlAg'
Ste^cc pif 6.n Tn4i.c^ipe sceiy-on^ pom ^zi. f-6.n nibp6icfne.
1930 A-oeipit) tjpong pe fe^nctif 50 p^^ibe 6ipe pe^cc mbli^-oti^
56.n pig uippe -o'eif biif T^i5eApntTi6.if v m6pt)iit ttl^^ige^
SLeACC, ^.juf 5tip^b e 60C6.116 'P^.ob^psl-d.f ni6.c ConTTi6.oiL
"00 545.b pio5-6iCc 6ipeAnn x>^ eif. 5^*^^^^ ^^ V^V ^^^^ ^>-
6ip 6.x)eip ^n Tleim 1lio5ptiit)e jupc^b e doc^i-b 6^'050CA.d
1956 t)o fLiocc Lui5T6e6.c mic 1oca. 00 g^^b i.
Loch Saighlionn, Loch Gabhair in Meath and in Breagh ;
Loch Feabhail in Tir Eoghain, over Fcabhal of the son of
Lodan it burst, and Magh Fuinnsighe is the name of the
plain over which the lake came ; Dubhloch of Ard Ciannachta
and Loch Da Bhaill in Oirghialla, and the three black rivers
of Ireland, namely, Fobhna, Toronn, and Callonn.
It is the same Tighearnmhas who first found a mine of
gold in Ireland ; and Uchadan was the name of the artificer
who used to refine the gold for him ; fand it was in Fotharta
east of Lithfe he used to smelt it It was in the time of
Tighearnmhas that clothes were first dyed purple, blue, and
green in Ireland. It was also in his time that embroidery*
fringes, and filigree were first put on mantles in Ireland. It
was he, in the same way that introduced into Ireland the
custom of having but one colour in the dress of a slave, two
colours in the dress of a peasant, three in the dress of a
soldier or young lord, four in the dress of a brughaidh,
five in the dress of a district chief, six in the dress of an
oUamh and in the dress of a king or queen. And it was
at Magh Sleacht that Tighearnmhas himself died and three
quarters of the men of Ireland with him on the eve of
Samhain while they were in the act of worshipping Crom
Cruaidh, the chief idol of Ireland. For it was this
Tighearnmhas who first instituted the worship of Crom
Cruaidh (as Zoroastres did in Greece) about a hundred
years after they had come to Ireland ; and it was from
the prostrations of the men of Ireland before this idol
that that plain in Breithfne is called Magh Sleacht. Some
seanchas state that Ireland was seven years without a
king after the death of Tighearnmhas at the convention of
Magh Sleacht, and that it was Eochaidh Faobharghlas son
of Conmhaol who held the sovereignty of Ireland after him.
But they are in error in this ; for the Reim Rioghruidhe
states that it was Eochaidh Eadghothach of the race of
Lughaidh son of loth who held it.
124 potiAS ireASA All 4iiiitin. [book I.
4A."6Am^in mic TTliil' mic Luij-de^d mic loc^ mic bj^eoj^in
mic b|\^CA. piojACC 6iite^nTi ceicpe bliAt)ii^, ju-p cuic 16
IMO 'Oo g^b CeAjitnn^ if Sob^^ipce t)i. ttia^c eibytic mic 6ibi|i
mic 1]t mic Tnile^'6 6^fpiirine fiog^^cc ^pe^nn vi^ pcit)
btiA'6^n, ^gtif po* hi^t) c61t>]^105A. ^ipe^tin -oo UllcAib iA.t) ;
ifi^guf T)o poiTiTieA.'o^li jiiog^dc 4i|\e^nn e^copf^; ^^uf if ^
ceof ^ '00 bi f ^n f oinn pn, 6 Innbe^p Colp.^ ^5 'Opoice^t)
1946 Ac^ 50 Luimne^c ITItim^n, ^guf ^n te^^t hwt cu^it> ^5
Sob^if ce; ^guf t)o pinne ■oun ^p ^ teic pein .1. "Otin Sob^if ce.
*Oo j^b Ce^pmn^ ^n te^c but) "de^f, A^jtif -oo finne vun
ti^im f e f ^iff 5©^ te-6.f .1. "Ouri CeAjimn^ ^S^f T T^T l^^i'^^^^f
'Dun ITIic pi-of-Mji gcfic Cuipfe^c ^niu. *Oo cuiu Sob^if ce
i96ole he-oc-M-b tne^^nn m^c fiog pomoif e. 'Do cuic Ce^fmn^
te Vi^oc-o^it) p^ob^fjt^f m^c Conm^oil 1 gC^i^c tDuin
X)o gA^b 8oc^it> p^obAp5l^f m^c ConmAoil mic 6ibip
priTi mic triile^t) BAfpAinnepiog^cc ^ipe^nn pee btiAt>^n;
1966 ^5^r T ^1^^ "00 S^^r^i ^oc^i-o p^obAf jl-ft^f t)e, oif fi. S^^f
ge^^itf^obf^c ^ "60. fteij. Agtif if e vo cuif n^ c-o.c-6.-fO
f om-6.inn ^f poL 6if e^moin, m^f ^.ci. C-d.c Lu.^Cf ^ 'Oe^jA^it)
1 Ti'Oe-d.fmumAin ; Co.c pof^m X)i. $0fc; C^c Cum^if n^
t)Ufi ntlifce; C^c Cu^^m^ 'OfeA.5-d.iTi i mbf^icpie; if C-cc
1980 'Of om^ t'l^ t)o fei'Oige^'O fe^cc m-Mge ^ coiLt 1
' n^finn teif, m-6.f TTI^j Sme^Cf-6.c 1 nUib pi.il5e ; tTl^j
l/^igTie ^guf TnA.5 t^uif 5 1 5CoTin^6c-6.ib ; Tn-6.5 ^^^nin^,
tn^j nlon^if , tn^g pubn.6. if tn^g 'Oi. $^b-6.L 1 nOif51-0.lL-
^ib. Aguf x>o CUIC ^n c6oc-6.i'6-fe te piAC.0.1^ t/-6.bfuinTie
I966m-6.c Smiofguill mic 4-d.Tiboc-6. mic 1 5C-6.C
X)o 56.b l/ uinne m^c Smiof guilt mic e'^Tiboc-6.
mic U15eA.fnm-6.if mic foitA.ig mic 61CfiA.1t mic Ifi6.1t "P-iix)
Eochaidh Eadghotbach son of Daire, son of Conghal, son
of Eadhaman, son of Mai, son of Luigrhaidb, son of loth, son
of Breoghan, son of Bratha, held the sovereignty of Ireland
four years, and he fell by Cearmna son of Eibric.
Cearmna and Sobhairce, two sons of Eibric son of Eibhear,
son of Ir, son of Midlih of Spain, held the sovereignty of
Ireland forty years, and were the first Ultonian kings of
Ireland ; and they divided the sovereignty of Ireland between
them ; and the boundary of this division extended from
Innbhear Colpa at Droichead Atha to Luimneach of Munster.
Sobhairce obtained the northern part, and built a dun
on his own division, namely. Dun Sobhairce. Cearmna
obtained the southern division, and built a dun beside
the southern sea, namely. Dun Cearmna; and it is now
called Dun Mic Padraig in the Courcys' country.
Sobhairce fell by Eochaidh Meann, son of a Fomorian king.
Cearmna fell by Eochaidh Faobharghlas son of Conmhaol
in the Battle of Dun Cearmna.
Eochaidh Faobharghlas son of Conmhaol, son of Eibhear
Fionn, son of Milidh of Spain, held the sovereignty of Ireland
twenty years. He was called Eochaidh Faobharghlas, for
his two spears were bluish-green and sharp-edged ; and it
was he who defeated the race of Eireamhon in the following
battles, namely, the Battle of Luachair Deaghaidh in
Desmond ; the Battle of Fosadh Da Ghort ; the Battle of
Cumar na dTri nUisce ; the Battle of Tuaim Dreagan in
Breithfne ; and the Battle of Drom Liathain. He cleared
seven plains from wood in Ireland, namely, Magh Smeath-
rach, in Ui • Failghe ; Magh Laighne and Magh Luirg in
Connaught ; Magh Leamhna, Magh nionair, Magh Fubhna,
and Magh Da Ghabhal, in Oirghialla. And this Eochaidh
fell by Fiachaidh Labhruinne son of Smiorghull, son of
Eanbhoth, son of Tigheammhas, in the Battle of Carman.
Fiachaidh Labhruinne son of Smiorghull, son of Eanbhoth,
son of Tighearnmhas, son of Follach, son of Eithrial, son of
126 poHAS peASA ATI ^miTin. [book I.
1970 x>o \\h\\\ t)|\uiti5e oile fe^^dc TubliA.'onA. t)eA.s ^\\ pdw; ^guf if
uime 5^.1^ ce^p pi^d^it) L^b|tuiTine 'oe, fn^|\ if 'n-^ 4i.ifnp|t vo
bng Innbe^i^ Wb|\uiiiiie fi. ti|\ i n^iitinn ; ^.juf if 'n-A jie
x>o tingeAtj^it HA. cpi h^ibne-fe fiof, niA.|i aca 1nTibeA.|t
pLeifce Innbe^ii tn^inje ^gtif Innbe-d^p LAbjiuinne 6 f aix)-
1976 ce^p Pacaii6 l.Ab|tuiTine |tif . If f ^ ti-^ linn f6f t)o bjtucc
X^od 6i|tne fA cif, ^guf tTlAj 5^^^^^^^ ^inm ^n th^c^ife c^|\
A. X)ci.ini5 fi.
If e m^c ^n p^CA.c-fO .i. Aonguf OLtbuA.t>AC vo bpif
lom^t) c^c A.p x)j^ Cpuicne^CAib if ^p n^. feA.nb|\e^cn^ib
1980 t)o bi 1 nALb^^in, ^guf -00 cuif Aib^ fi. loml^n n^.
njA^eioeA^t A.p t)cuf, ca|i ce^^nn 6 A^impp 4if eA.ih6in mic
1TliLeA.ti 50 |i-6.ibe ciofCAin A.5 5^®^^^^^^^ Off a.. Uu-6.if im
00. ceA.t> 50 leic bliA.^A.n xj'eif ttia^c inileA.16 •00 1
n4if inn x>o cuif eA.16 ALbA. f a. if fA. ciof le hAonjtif
1986 OLlbuA.'OA.c mA.c Pa.<Sa.c l^A^bf uinne ; A.5Uf if e A.n pA.CA.i-o
LA.bfuinne-fe cuj ceicpe A.f fioL 6ibif, niA.f Ca.c
pA.iff 56, Ca.c S^^^-^^S* ^^^ Sleibe Reunion, if Ca.c Sleibe
beA.t5A.DA.1n niA.f A.f CU1C fe fein le h6o<iA.i'6 TTlunid niA.c IHo
1980 tDo 5A.5 60CA.1D inuTh6 inA.c TTlo ^eibif mic 6oca.c fA.obA.f -
5lA.if mic ConmA.oil mic 6ibif pnn mic TnileA.16 6A.fpA.inne 6ifeA.nn if pde, 5tif cuic le hAonguf
OlmucA.iD 1 5CA.C CI1A.C.
Irial Faidh, son of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of
Ireland twenty-four years, or, according to others, thirty- seven
years ; and he was called Fiachaidh Labhruinne, for in
his time Innbhear Labhruinne burst over land in Ireland ;
and it was in his time the three following rivers burst forth ;
namely, Innbhear Fleisce, Innbhear Mainge, and Innbhear
Labhruinne, from which he is named Fiachaidh Labhruinne.
It was in his time also that Loch Eime burst over land,
and Magh Geanainn is the name of the plain over which
it came.
It was the son of this Fiachaidh, namely, Aonghus
Ollbhuadhach, who defeated the Cruithnigh and the old
Britons who were in Alba in several battles, and who
first placed Alba under the full sway of the Gaels, though
from the time of Eireamhon son of Milidh the Gaels claimed
a tribute from them (the Albanians). About two hundred and
fifty years after the sons of Milidh came to Ireland, Alba was
brought under sway and tribute by Aonghus Ollbhuadhach
son of Fiachaidh Labhruinne ; and this Fiachaidh Labhruinne
fought four battles against the race of Eibhear, namely,
the Battle of Fairrge, the Battle of Gallach, the Battle of
Sliabh Feimhion, and the Battle of Sliabh Bealgadain, in
which he himself fell by Eochaidh Mumho son of Mo Febhis.
Eochaid Mumho son of Mo Febhis, son of Eochaid
Faobharglas, son of Conmhaol, son of Eibhear Fionn, son
of Milidh of Spain, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-
one years ; and he fell by Aonghus Olmucaidh in the Battle
of Cliu.
128 pouAS peA&A AR 4minn. [book i.
"Oo gd^b Aonguf Olmuc^i^ tha^c p^c^c L^b|tuiTiiie mic
1966 Sfnioiv5uilt mic 6^nboc^ mic Uige^itnm^if mic ^otl^i^ mic
CicpiAit mic l|\iAil pi.i'b mic 6i|ieA.m6in itioj^cc Oiite^Min occ
mbtiA^n^ t)eA5, ^S^f ^<> T^^T^ lopuinje oiLe bli^io^iTi if pee.
If uime JAipce^ji Aotigtif OLmtic^i-o i6e on poc^L-fO oLl .1.
mop Agtif mtJCA, 00 bpij gup^b o^ige "oo b4i.x)^p n^ muc^ y^
2000 mo 1 TiCipmn 'n-o. pe; o^jtif if Leif t)o ctiipe^io n^ c^c-a.-fo
fiof, m^p ^zi. C^c Cteipe, C^c Sleibe Co^itge m^p ^p cuic
bo^ifaonn, ^juf C^c TH^ije ^tifci^c 1 sConn^cc^ib, ^5Uf
Cac 5^^T^ Pp^ocAiTi mo^p 4^p CUIC Pp-^ocAn pi^m, ^guf
c^og^T) CAC Ap Cptncne^CAib if ^.p pe^p^ib boLj ^guf o.p
2006 tucc Opc-o^DOf. Uom^i-om cpi Ipc 'n-o. pe: l/oc 4inbeice 1
nOipji^Lt^Mb, t^oc So^iLje^TJo^in ^guf Loc ng^f^in 1 11145.15
Luipj. If 'n-^ Aimpp -DO pemijeAi.'o n^ m^ige-fe pof 0.
coilt, m^p o.Ci\ tn^j; 5^^"^^ ''O^^T^con 1 jCme^^t Con^iLt;
TH-d^g neiTifCiAC 1 L^i^ignib; TTIaj CuiLe C-o.ot 1 mboj^ine;
2oioAolm^5 1 gC^Llpui-oe; 111^5 tTlucpuime 1 gConn^cc^ib;
111^5 LuAcpo. "Oe^g^m if tn^g ApcAilt 1 gCiApp^me
Lu^cp^. Aguf 1 gC^c Sleibe Cu^ t)o m^pb^^ Aongtif
OtmucAiio fein le h445.nnA m^c Tle^ccAiTi t>o Ttluimne^c^ib;
4\guf ^"oeipiT) CU1X) oite ^ca gup^b e ^^nn^ Aipgcioc 00
2oi5m-d^pb e 1 gC^c C^pm^n; ^gtip if 1 ^n ce^op^m i^ei-oe^n^c if
fipinnige 'oo peip n^ •oUi^iine 'o^pA.b cofo.c, Aonguf OLmuc^i^
4^cb^c. Aguf fOf cig An 1leim Riogpuit)e leif ^n gce^-of ^m
X)o g-d^b 4AnnA Aipgcioc m^c Bodj^^c TPumo mic TTlo
2020'Peibif mic 80CAC pAob^pgl^if mic Conm-c^oit mic 6ibip pnn
mic THiteAX) Co^fp^inne piog^cc Cipe^nn fe^cc mbliAX)n-o.
pce-c.'O ; Aguf if e x>o pinne fceic ^ipgitj 1 nAipge^-opof ^p
t)CUf 1 n^pinn ^guf 'Oo bponn ■o'peo.p-o.ib Cipe^nn ^^x>; ^guf
Aonghus Olmucaidh son of Fiachaidh Labhruinne» son of
Smiorgull, son of Eanbhoth, son of Tighearnmhas, son of
Follach, son of Eithrial, son of Irial Faidh, son of Eireamhon,
held the sovereignty of Ireland eighteen years, and according
to others twenty-one years. He was called Olmucaidh from
the word oil, that is ' great/ and muca, ' hogs/ since he had
the largest hogs that were in Ireland in his time ; and it was
he who fought the following battles : The Battle of Cleire ;
the Battle of Sliabh Cailge, where Baiscionn fell ; and the
Battle of Magh Einsciath in Connaught ; and the Battle of
Glaise Fraochain, where Fraochan Faidh fell ; and fifty battles
against the Cruithnigh and the Fir Bolg, and the inhabitants
of the Orcades. Three lakes burst forth in his time — Loch
Einbheithe in Oirghialla, Loch Sailgheadain, and Loch Gasain
in Magh Luirg. It was in his time that the following plains
were cleared of woods, namely : Magh Glinne Dearcon in
Cineal Conaill ; Magh nEinsciath in Leinster ; Magh Cuile
Caol in Boghaine ; Aolmhagh in Callruidhe ; Magh Mucruimhe
in Connaught ; Magh Luachra Deaghaidh, and Magh Archaill
in Ciarraidhe Luachra. And it was in the Battle of Sliabh
Cua that Aonghus Olmucaidh was slain by Eanna son of
Neachtain, a Munsterman ; and others say that it was Eanna
Airgthioch who slew him in the Battle of Carman ; and this
latter opinion is the more probable, according to the poem
which begins, " Aonghus Olmucaidh died." And moreover
the Reim Rioghruidhe agrees with the same opinion,
Eanna Airgthioch son of Eochaidh Mumho, son of Mo
Feibhis, son of Eochaidh Faobharghlas, son of Conmhaol,
son of Eibhear Fionn, son of Milidh of Spain, held the
sovereignty of Ireland twenty-seven years ; and it was he who,
at Airgeadros, first made silver shields in Ireland ; and he
bestowed them on the men of Ireland ; and he fell in the Battle
130 poHAS peASA All ^itiiTin. [book I.
t)o CU1C fe 1 gc^c tl^ijne le tloice^dc-6.15 m^c ITI^oin mic
2026 o^onjuf ^ OLmucAi'o.
t)o 54^b tloice^cc^ig tn^c ITl^oin mic Aonjtif a OtmiiCA.iTi
mic p^^c^d LA.b|\uinne mic Smio|\5uilL mic ^^.tiboc^ mic
Uije^linm^if mic poll-6.15 mic ©icpi^il mic lpid.1t ^^10 mic
6i|teAm6in piog^cc ^ijie^nn cuig bli^'on^ pce^t> ; ^5tif t)o
2030 CU1C A^n tloice^cc^ig-fe le Se^tDn^ m^c Aijtc mic Aipcpe 1
tliic Cpu^c^n.
'Oo 5^b- Se^t)TiA m^c Aipc mic Aipcpe mic 6ibpic mic
^ibi-p mic Ip pioj^cc 4ipe^nTi cuig bLi^xiriA, ju^t m^pb^-o l§
n-^ m^c fein e -o^p -oce^cc ^'oubtomgif' 50 Cpu^c^in.
2036 t)o 5^b pi^c^it) pioTifCoc^c m^c Se^'OTi^ mic Aipc mic
Aif C|te mic eibpic mic 6ibip mic 1p mic Tnite-^x) ^^pfi^inne
' 6ipe^nn pee bliA"6^n. Ajuf if uime t>o 5^i|ici
Paca.i'O p'tonf coc^c t)e .1. fcoco. poriA. -00 bioi6 pe r\^^ linn i
n4ipinn 50 bfiifcci 1 5copn^ib \c^x>; ^suf ^o m^^pb^t) ^n
2040'pi;G.CA.i'6-fe le TTIuine^mon m^c C^if Cloc^ig.
'Do 5^b TTluine^mon m^c C^if Cloc^ij mic Pp Ap-o^
mic Hoice^cc^ig mic tloff^ mic 5^^T ^^^ Du^t>AC mic
CocAC p^^ob-o.pjl^if mic Conmo.oil mic Cibip pnn piog^cc
4ipec.nn cuig bli^^on^; ^5Uf if ^ ^n TTltiine^mon-fo 'OO
2046oft)ui5 muince^xi^ no fl^bp^-o-o. 6ip f-i bpAigxjib n^ n-u^f^l
^p "ocuf 1 n4ipinn ; ^5Uf 00 6^5 f6 -oo c^m 1 m^i5 Anone.
*Oo gA^b AillToe^pgdit) m^dTliiine^moin micC^if Cloc-Mg
mic pif Apt)^ mic Roice^cc^ij mic HoffA. mic 5^^T ^^^
Hu^io^c 'Oe^gliim mic e-ocAC p^obApgl^if mic Conm^oil
2050 mic ^ibi^t pmn mic TTIile-d^o pioj^cc 4ipeA.nn fe^cc mblKi.'bn^ ;
A^gtif If f 6 n-^ linn t)o cuipeAt> fi.inne^i6^ 6^\\ ^p gl^c^ib n^.
n-UAfA.1 ^f -ocuf 1 n^ipinn ^gtif "OO mo^pb^io le hOll^m
fotjl^ e 1 5C-6.C Ue^mp^c,
'Oo 5-d.b Oll^m PoxjIa m^^c P-6.C-6.C ponfcoc^ij mic
of Raighne by Roitheachtaigh son of Maon, son of Aonghus
Roitheachtaigh son of Maon, son of Aonghus Olmucaidh,
son of Fiachaidh Labhruinne, son of SmiorghoU, son of Ean-
bhoth, son of Tighearnmhas, son of FoUach, son of Eithrial,
son of Irial Faidh, son of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland twenty-five years; and this Roitheachtaigh fell
by Seadna son of Art, son of Airtre, at Raith Cruachan.
Seadna son of Art, son of Airtre, son of Eibric, son of
Eibhear, son of Ir, held the sovereignty of Ireland five years ;
and he was slain by his own son on the coming of * a black
fleet* to Cruachain.
Fiachaidh Fionscothach son of Seadna, son of Art, son of
Airtre, son of Eibric, son of Eibhear, son of Ir, son of Milidh
of Spain, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty years ; and
he was called Fiachaidh Fionscothach, for in his time there
were wine flowers that used to be pressed into goblets ;
and this Fiachaidh was slain by Muineamhon son of Cas
Muineamhon son of Cas Clothach, son of Fear Arda, son
of Roitheachtaigh^ son of Rossa, son of Glas, son of Nuadha,
son of Eochaidh Faobharghlas, son of Conmhaol, son of
Eibhear Fionn, held the sovereignty of Ireland five years ; and
this Muineamhon was the first to decree that, collars or chains
of gold should be worn round the neck by the nobles in
Ireland; and he died of the plague at Magh Aidhne.
Ailldeargoid son of Muineamhon, son of Cas Clothach, son
of Fear Arda, son of Roitheachtaigh, son of Rossa, son of Glas,
son of Nuadha Deaghlaimh, son of Eochaidh Faobharghlas,
son of Conmhaol, son of Eibhear Fionn, son of Milidh, held
the sovereignty of Ireland seven years ; and it was in his time
that gold rings were first put on the fingers of the nobles in
Ireland ; and he was slain by OUamh Fodla in the Battle of
Ollamh Fodla son of Fiachaidh Fionscothach, son of
132 ponAS i:eASA ah 6minn. [book i.
2065Se^t)TiA mic Aipc mic Aipcpe mic 6ib|\ic mic Bibip mic 1p
mic tnile^t) C^fpAinne 6ipe^nn tjeic mbli^oti^
pde^T) Ajuf ^ eA.5 'n-A. iTitj|t, If uime gAipce^p GlLo^m
foot^ t)e, -00 bp5 50 po^ibe 'n-d. oLIaiti 1 n-e^5Ti^ ^S^r ^
n-eotuf pe pe^cc^ib if f e oligcib t>'oft)U5^'6 1 n6if inn 'n-o.
2000 f e, ^guf If teif ^o f inne-6.'6 "Peif Ue^irif a.c ^p t)CUf 1 nCipinn,
^TTiAil o^tjeif ^n pie :
OltAfh fdvlA feodAt|% ^aI
"Oo piTine mvi\\ ha ti-oLtniAn ;
An cetT>|\i ]\An, \i6\m 50 |\ac,
206S 14 n- A tix>e4L|\nA'6 f eif Ue4.m|\Ad.
lon^nn lomopfo peif Ce^itip^c if fio] coicce-^nn,
ATTiAit p^fl^itneinc, TTi^p ^'ocige^'o coithcionot u^f^L if oLL-
^TTi^n ^f e-c.nn 50 Ceo.m-6.ip jaca cpe-6.f bb A' um Sowm^in,
m^\\ i^ 5cte6.ccA0i Leo peo.cuA if tjLigce t>'of ■ouj^'o if t)'6.c-
2070 ntiA'OAio, If ff oth^t) t>o loe^nAiii o.p Ownn-iLAib if ^\\ fe^ncuf
6if e^nn. 1f ^.nn fOf 00 hop t)iJi5ci lon^o fui^e v^ 50.0 ^on
•o'u-Mflib n^ hOipe^nn t)o peip ^ ceime if 0. 5-6.pTTi<^ pein, ^.guf
f Of If 6.nn -00 hoptjuijci ioti-(3.x> ftiii6e t)^. g^c ce^nn fe^.-on^ o-d.
mbio'6 Of cionn n^ l^ocpiM'oe t)0 bio^ ^p buo.nn^cc 0^5 piog^ib
2075 If ^5 cije^pn^ib 6ipex>.nTi. t)o bio-o fOf 00 nof 1 bpeif
Ue^TTif -6.C Gibe T)o-t)eAnA"6 eige^n no 501*0, 00 bu^ileAt!) ne-<^c
no t>'impe-6.t) o.ip, bi.f vo c^b^ipc -oo, ^5tif 5An ne^pc
^5 ^n pi5 fein n-i 4>.5 o.on oile mA^icThe^cAf do c^b^ipc 'oo
f ^n 5nioTTi fom. 'Do cle-fi.cCA0i teo fOf beic ^p ye^v fe ti.
2080-6.5 conioL ful t)o fui-oe^x) 6.n pio5t)i.iL, m^p cpi Li poirh
S^niAin If cpi l-i x>^ li^if, ^5 fn6.'6Tn43.t> fiocci.n6. if 6.5 ceAn5Al
ci.i|\'oe-6.f^ pe ceile. 5on-6.t) ^5 f-6.ifneif no. nof t)© bio-o 1
bpeif Ue-6.TTip-6.c, 600-6.1*6 6otA.c f6.n L^oi-o feAncuf6.-fo
2085 IPwf CeAifi|\A<J jAd cpeAf bliA<>TiA
"Oo dottiAil jxeAdUA If |ma$Ia ,
. Oo-nici Ati CAT! foin 50 ceAnti
Ag ]\io§Aib AtiA. ^f eAnn.
Seadna, son of Art, son of Airtre, son of Eibric, son of
Eibhear, son of Ir, son of Milidh of Spain, held the sovereignty
of Ireland thirty years, and died in his house. He was
called Ollamh Fodla, as he was an ollamh in wisdom and in
knowledge for the establishing of laws and regulations in
Ireland in his time ; and it was he first established the Feis of
Tara, as the poet says :
Ollamh Fodla of furious valotir
Built the ball of oUamhs ;
The first noble king, bappy bis reign,
Who assembled tbe Feis of Tara.
Now the Feis of Tara was a great general assembly like
a parliament, in which the nobles and the oUamhs of Ireland
used to meet at Tara every third year at Samhain, where they
were wont to lay down and to renew rules and laws, and to
approve the annals and records of Ireland. There, too, it
was arranged that each of the nobles of Ireland should have
a seat according to his rank and title. There, also, a seat was
arranged for every leader that commanded the soldiery who
were in the service of the kings and the lords of Ireland. It
was also the custom at the Feis of Tara to put to death anyone
who committed violence or robberj^ who struck another or
who assaulted another with arms, while neither the king him-
self nor anyone else had power to pardon him such a deed. It
was also their custom to pass six days in feasting together
before the sitting of the assembly, namely, three days before
Samhain and three days after it, making peace and entering
into friendly alliances with each other. In the following
historical poem Eochaidh Eolach describes the customs that
were in vogue at the Feis of Tara :
Tbe Feis of Tara CTery tbird year,
For tbe fulfilment of laws and rules,
Was eonvened at tbat time migbtaly
By tbe noble kings of Erin.
134 pono^s peASA ATI eminn. [book i.
2090 ITtif f\6«dA0th HA f^g-teAth^Ad ;
Uaii^a'OA]\ teif , f eip]\t)e "de,
pf 6if«Ann ^o >iAOti bAile.
Cpi Ia \k6 SAlflAltl oo Jp^i
C|\i Ia 'n-A 0!Ai"6 f A -oeigb^f ;
2096 tJoTi CfltiAj |\o bA t>iorh6]\ t>oig
Aj f<0|\6t |\if An feAdctnom.
5An goit) If 5An Join t)ttine
ACA An oi)\eAio fotn ciile ;
3An imifc Ai|\ni jAn aIai6
2100 3An ACpAT>A T>'lOni^Af>A<>.
Cibe T>o-ni<y6 ni <)iob pn
■pA biot>bA C|\od 50 'OC|\oninitfi ;
Hi ^AbcA dp AfiAnn tiAi'6
Adc A AnAm \i6 liAOnuAip.
2106 'Oo j^b ponn^cc^ m^c OttATTi-<i.n 'P6t)l^ tnic Pacac pon-
fCOCAig mic SeiO.'on-^ mic Ai|tu mic Aipc^^e tnic Cib-pic tnic
6ibi]\ mic i'\\ mic tnite^t) jtioj^cc ^i-pe^nn pee blid^^^n ; ^guf
If tiime jAii^ce^p pionn^ccA -oe .1. "FirifneACC-d., "oo b|ii5 ^uj\
pe^l^-^o pon pie^ccA 'n-^ fl^iceo^f; ^juf pi-(M"p fe bxkf 1
2110 Tn^ig Itiif.
t)o j^b StAHolL mo.c OtlA^m^n ]r6t)L-(N mic p^c^c pon-
fCOCAij mic SeAt>ni6. mic Ai]^c mic Aijtcipe mic 6ib|\ic mic
6ibi|\ mic i|\ mic IDile^t) pioj^cc ^i^ie^nn cuij bli-6.t)nA
06^5, -^S^r T ^1^^ JAipce^p Stinolt -oe, lon^nn oil if
2115 m6|t .1. ft-iince m6]t -oo bi ^5 j^d aoti fe^o 0^ fWice^fo.,
6i|t Hi pA.ibe c-im tia 5^1a|\ -d.|t AOTit)tiiTie t)'fe^|tAib 6i|ieA.nn
'n-4^ flAice-d^f. Aguf 1 t)Ui5 niioi6ctiA|\t)o^ 1 t>UeA.m|\rM5 fu^ip
fe b^f ; ^guf AtjeipiT) t>fOTi5 oile ^^6^c fe^f ca g^l-ft^f pug e.
'Oo 5-6.b 5^1^® OllgoCi^c m^c Otl^thAn fTotjl^ micpi-c^c^c
2120 poTif coc^ij mic Se-^"on/s mic Ai|\c mic Aif cf e mic 6ib]\ic mtc
6ibi|\ mic l|i mic Tnite^t> fiog^cc 4i|\e-6.nn mblio^ono.
■06^5; Agufif uime 54M)\teA.f Oltjoc-o^c te j, po^ mof guc
Cathaoir of many nlHanoet aaaembled
The bttiiuteous Feit of Boyal Tara ;
There came to them, it was a plaaiure,
The men of Ireland to one place.
Three days before Samhain, according to oiietom,
Three days thereafter, good the practice,
Bid that high-tpirited company
Pass in constant feasting, a ireek.
Eobbery, personal wounding,
"Were forbidden them all that time ;
Assault at arms, cutting,
Pi-ooeedings by litigation :
Whoever did any of these things
Was a wicked culprit of much venom ;
Eedeeming gold would not be accepted from him,
But his life was at once forfeit.
Fionnachta son of OUamh Fodla, son of Fiachaidh
Fionscothach, son of Seadna, son of Art, son of Airtre, son
of Eibric, son of Eibhear, son of Ir, son of Milidh, held the
sovereignty of Ireland twenty years ; and he was called
Fionnachta, that is, Finshneachta, because it rained showers
of wine-snow in his reign ; and he died in Magh Inis.
SlanoU son of Ollamh Fodla, son of Fiachaidh Fion-
scothach, son of Seadna, son of Art, son of Airtre, son of
Eibric, son of Eibhear, son of Ir, son of Milidh, held the
sovereignty of Ireland fifteen years ; and he was called
Slanoll, for oil means * great,' and everyone in Ireland had
great health during his reign, for none of the men of Ireland
suffered from plague or disease in his reign. And it was in
the banqueting-hall at Tara that he died ; and others say that
the disease that seized him is unknown.
Geidhe Ollghothach son of Ollamh Fodla, son of Fiachaidh
Fionscothach, son of Seadna, son of Art, son of Airtre, son of
Eibric, son of Eibhear, -son of Ir, son of Milidh, held the
sovereignty of Ireland seventeen years ; and he is called
136 voiiAS peASA ATI 6minn. - [book i.
2126 'Oo 5^b P^c^it) m^c 'Ptonn-d.ccA. mic Ott^iiiAri pdpt^ mic
P^CAC 'Pion]-cocA.i5 mic SeA^on^ mic Aijtc mic Ai]icpe mic
db]iic mic 6ibi|i mic Ip mic tTlile^io p'loj^cc 6i|ie-6.nn oeic
mbliAt)n^ pce^t); gup cuic le be^pnj^lm^c Jei-oe Oltjo-
2130 'Do j^a^b be^pngA^t m^c 5eit)e Oltgoc^ij mic Oll^m^n
P6t)1^ mic p^c^c pionfcoc-5.15 mic Se^on^ mic Aipc mic
Aipcpe mic 6ibpic mic 1p mic TTliLe^'d pioj^cc 4ipe^nn t)^
bli^t)^in oeo.5, gup CUIC le hOiLili mic StAnuiLt.
*Oo 5^b O1L1I5I m^c Sti^nuilL mic OlL^mAn "Po-ot^ mic
2i36P^d^c pionfcocAig mic Se^tjno. mic Aipc mic Aipcpe mic
6ibpic mic 6ibip mic 1p mic TTlile^io piog^cc 6ipe^nn fe
bli^x^n^ "oe^g gup cuic le Siopn^ m^c 'Oein.
"00 g^b Siopn^ S^ogl^c m<NC "O^in mic tloice^cc^ig mic
m^oin mic Aotiguf^ Olmuc^it> mic p^c-o.c Wbpuinne mic
2140 Smiopguill mic C-o^nboco. mic Cige^pnm^if mic poll-^ig mic
61cpiA.1l mic lpiA.1l pxNi'O mic 6ipeA.m6in 6ipeA.Tin
bliA.t> A.p pcit>; Aiguf if uime gA.ipceA.p SiopnA. SA.oglAC
•oe, A.p f A.t) riA. pe ]niAip CA.p a. luce comA.imppe ; gup cuic le
tloiceA.ccA.ig mA.c tloA.iTi 1 nAillmn, A.t)eip A.r» t)
2146t)A.pA.b COfA.C, " 6ipe A.p'O ITIIf TIA. T^Og":
flo <5aiC SiO|\tia 50 fiMAtlAlb
Or6i^ ^lOf HA go fleA6cAib
1 tiAiLlinn \k lloiceACCAig.
2160 t)o gA.b HoiceA.ccA.ig mA.c mic pA.ilbe mic CA.if
CeA.'OCA.ingnig mic AillT)eA.pgdit) mic inuiiieA.m6iTi mic CA^ip
ClocA.igmic Pp ApDA. mic TloiceA.ccA.ig micTlo|fA. mic 5lA.if
Ollghothach, for great was the voice of everyone in Ireland in
his reign. And he was slain by Fiachaidh son of Fionnachta.
Fiachaidh son of Fionnachta, son of Ollamh Fodla, son of
Fiachaidh Fionscothach, son of Seadna, son of Art, son of
Airtre, son of Eibric, son of Eibhcar, son of Ir, son of Milidh,
held the sovereignty of Ireland thirty years ; and he fell by
Bearnghal son of Geidhe Ollghothach.
Beamghal son of Geidhe Ollghothach, son of Ollamh
Fodla, son of Fiachaidh Fionscothach, son of Seadna, son of
Art, son of Airtre, son of Eibric, son of Ir, son of Milidh,
held the sovereignty of Ireland twelve years ; and he fell by
Oilill son of Slanoll.
Oilill son of Slanoll, son of Ollamh Fodla, son of Fiach-
aidh Fionscothach, son of Seadna, son of Art, son of Airtre,
son of Eibric, son of Eibhear, son of Milidh, held the
sovereignty of Ireland sixteen years, and he fell by Siorna
son of Dian.
Siorna Saoghlach son of Dian, son of Roitheachtaigh, son of
Maon, son of Aonghus Olmucaidh, son of Fiachaidh Labh-
ruinne, son of Smiorghull, son of Eanbhoth, son of Tighearn-
mhas, son of Follach, son of Eithrial, son of Irial Faidh, son of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-one years ;
and he was called Siorna Saoghlach, from the length of life
granted to him above his contemporaries.; and he fell by
Roitheachtaigh son of Roan, in Aillinn, as says the poem
beginning, ** Noble Eire, island of kings ":
Siorna pasted in govemmeiit
The length of thrice seven noble yean ;
The cutting off of Sioma with slaughter
Was in i^iUinn by Hdtheachtaigh.
Roitheachtaigh son of Roan, son of Failbhe, son of Cas
Ceadchaingneach, son of Ailldeargoid, son of Muineamhon,
son of Cas Clothach, son of F'ear Arda, son of Roitheachtaigh,
son of Rossa, son of Glas, son of Nuadha Deaghlaimh, son of
138 potiAS jreASA ATI 4itimn. [book i.
mic11U4Nt>^ct)e^5lAini mic 6o6^c p^^ob^jAjl-Mf mic Conrri^oil
mic €^h^]^ pnn mic TPiteA-o 6Afpi.inne i^iog-d^cc 6i|\e^nn
2i55feACC Tnbli^t)nA, gujt toifc ceine seiO^lAin 6 i nt)un Sob^i|tce*
^Oo 5^b 4iLim niA^c lloice^ccA.15 mic tlo-iin mic p^ilbe
mic C^if Ce^-odMngnij mic Aittt)e^|i56it) mic TDuine^moin
mic C^if Cloc^ig mic "Pi|i A]iT)id. mic Tloice^^cc^it!) mic tloffo.
mic S^^T ^'^^ tluA-b^c De^§l-iim mic G'Ocac P-^^ob-o^pjlAif
2180 mic Conm^oiL mic 4ibi|i pnn mic THiteAt) pioj^dc 6i|te^nT>
^ombLiAxj^in <i.m<kin, juja cuic le 5^^^^^^*^ ^^^ Oilioll^
"Do g^b 5^^'''-^-M'6 mA.c OiLioLIa 6lcA.oin mic SiO|ino.
SA.05IA15 mic "Gem mic Hoice^cc^ij mic Tn^oin mic Aonju-p^
2166 Oimtic^it) mic p ACAC t^^bpuinne mic Smiopguill mic e-^nboc^
mic Uijeo^pnTti^ij' mic poll^ij mic Gicpi^il mic 1]\i^il po^m
mic 6i|\e^m6in pioj^^^cc ^i-pe^nn n^^oi mbtii^'on^, ju^x cuic 1
m^ij Tnu-<M"6e le hApc Imle^c,
'Do gi^b Ape ImLe^^c m^c 4iLim mic Koice^cc^ij mic
2170 TloxNin mic p^^ilbe mic C^if C^^tocai 11511 15 mic AiLltje^iigoit)
mic HlumeAmoin mic C^^\* CtocA.15 mic pi|\ Aji-oxi. mic tloic-
ei^cc4i.i§ mic tlo]^A. mic 5^^T ^^^ Tlu-^'o^c 'Oe^^glAim mic
6oco^c 'P-d.obApglAif mic Conmi^oiL mic Oibip pitin mic
TTlile-^-o piog^cc 6i]ieAnn x>6^ bb^'OAin if pee, ^u]\ cuic le
2175 Huo.'Oo^ ponn pi.1l.
'Do 5^b HuAt)ii. ponn m^c Si^l'l-c-^tA mic Oilioll^
6lc^oin mic Sio|\n^ S^ojl^ij 'oo pel 6i|Ae^m6in piogo^cc
6i|\e^nn pee bli^t)^ii, no "oo pei|\ -oiiuinje oile c|\i pcro
bli-d.'6-Mi, 5up CUIC le bpeipiij m^c Aipc Imlig.
2180 T)o 5^b t)|ieip\i5 mo^c Aipc Imlij mic 6ilim mic tloic-
e-(^i§ mic tloAin mic po^ilbe mic C^Mf Ceo.-oc^i.ingnig mic
Aill-oeApjoit) mic TDuine^moiTi -oo pel 6ibi]i piog^cc 6i|\e4i.nn
Eochaidh Faobharghlas, son of Conmhaol, son of Eibhear
Fionn, son of Milidh of Spain, held the sovereignty of Ireland
seven years ; and he was burned by a flash of lightning in
Dun Sobhairce.
Eilim son of Roitheachtaigh, son of Roan, son of Failbhe,
son of Cas Ceadchaingneach, son of Ailldeargoid, son of
Muineamhon, son of Cas Clothach, son of Fear Arda, son of
Roitheachtaigh, son of Rossa, son of Glas, son of Nuadha
Deaghlaimh, son of Eochaidh Faobharghlas, son of Conmhaol,
son of Eibhear Fionn, son of Milidh, held the sovereignty of
Ireland one year, till he fell by Giallchaidh son of Oilill
Giallchaidh son of Oilill Olchaoin, son of Siorna Saoghlach,
son of Dian,sonof Roitheachtaigh, son of Maon, son of Aonghus
Olmucaidh, son of Fiachaidh Labhruinne, son of Smiorghull,
son of Eanbhoth, son of Tigheammhas, son of FoUach, son
of Eithrial, son of Irial Faidh, son of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland nine years; and he fell in Magh Muaidhe
by Art Imleach.
Art Imleach son of Eilim, son of Roitheachtaigh, son of
Roan, son of Failbhe, son of Cas Ceadchaingneach, son of
Ailldeargoid, son of Muinemhon, son of Cas Clothach, son of
Fear Arda, son of Roitheachtaigh, son of Rossa, son of Glas,
son of Nuadha Deaghlaimh, son of Eochaidh Faobharghlas,
son of Conmhaol, son of Eibhear Fionn, son of Milidh, held
the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-two years ; and he fell by
Nuadha Fionn Fail.
Nuadha Fionn Fail son of Giallchaidh, son of Oilill
Olchaoin, son of Siorna Saoghlach of the race of Eireamhon,
held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty years, or according to
others sixty years, till he fell by Breisrigh son of Art
Breisrigh son of Art Imleach, son of Eilim, son of
Roitheachtaigh, son of Roan, son of Failbhe, son of Cas
Ceadchaingneach, son of Ailldeargoid, son of Muineamhon
140 i:oaAS i:eASA ah 4minn. [book i.
^r\ pe pn ; ^suf t)o cuic fein yi^ i>e^\^e^t le h^oc^it) O^pc^c t
2i86 5C^pn Connluo^in.
'Do 5^b 600^1*6 ApcAC m^c pnn mic Oiboll^ mic "ploinn
tluA.ii!> mic tlottAin mic TnAi|tcine mic Sitann mic tli^jtAin
^mic C'oinbiiic mic Lui5t)eA.c mic loc^ mic bfeoj^m pioj^cc
6i]\e^nn ^oiiibli^i6^iii ^mo^in ; ^.gtif if uime gMjice^p ^oc^i-o
2190 Apco^c -de, AJ1 ^ b^cc "oo-jeibe^o bAf i n6i|^inn pe n-^ linn.
'Do linjeAX) lomointo ci^m no J^t^p 5^c^ miof^ ^p pe^p^ib
Gipe^nn te mApbc-6.01 lom^T) t)iob, jjon^'o uime pn t>o le^n
60CA1X) ApcTAC -be; lon^^nn ce-o^n^ ^pc^c if mApbc;i.c; gup
CUIC fein le ponn m^c bp-ico..
2195 "Oo 5^b ponn m^c bpi^c-^ mic l/^bp^o^ mic Co^ipbpe mic
Oll^m^n po-olo. mic p^c^c ponfcoc^ig mic Seo^-on^ mic
Aipc mic Aipcpe mic 6ibpic mic Cibip mic 1p mic TTIile^t^ Cipe-o^nn pee bli4^t)^n, no "oo peip -opuinje oile,
cpiocAt) bli-^.'o^n, gup cuic le Se^t)n^ lonn^ppo^TO.
2200 'Oo ji^b Se^on^ lonn^ppM-o m^c bpeifpig mic Aipc
1mli§ -oo fiol 4ibip piog^cc 6ipeo.nn pee bli^t^^n ; o^suf if
uime 5^ipce^p Se^tjn^ lonn^pp^ix) ^e .1. Se^on-o. ^n Cu^p*
45.fCAil, t5o bpig jupo^b e cei-opi t>o t) cu^p^fCA.1 T)Vmuf A^ib
4^p 'ocuf 1 n4ipinn e; lon^nn lomoppo lonn^pp^i-o if cu^p-
2206o.fC4^l. Aguf -00 pi^t)^x> ^ b^ill 6 eerie le Simeon bpe^c,
50 bfu^ip bo^f Athl^it) pn.
'Oo j^b Simeon bpe^c m^c Ao' Sl^if mic tlu^oo^c
ponn p^il mic J^^^^c^t)^ mic Oilioll^ 6lc^oin mic Siopn^
SA05IA.15 t)o pol 6ipe^m6in pio§^cc ^ipe^nn fe bli^^n^
2210 S^p tuic 16 'Ou^c ponn 1 n' ^ ^c^p ^guf a pi^t)^i6
t)o pinne,
'Oo j^b 'OuA.c ponn m^c Seo.'on^ lonn^pp^io mic
bpeifpij mic Aipc Imlig ve pol 4ibip piog^cc ^ipe^nn
cuij bliAX)n^; gup cuic le ItluipeA^o^c bolgp^c.
2215 "Do 5^b TTluipe^'oowC bolgp^c m^c Simeoin bpic mic
of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland nine
years ; and in that time he defeated the Fomorians in
several battles ; and he himself fell at last by Eochaidh
Apthach at Cam Connluain.
Eochaidh Apthach son of Fionn, son of Oilill, son of
Flann Ruadh, son of Rothlan, son of Mairtine, son of
Sithchcann, son of Riaghlan, son of Eoinbhric, son of
Lughaidh, son of loth, son of Breoghan, held the sovereignty
of Ireland one year ; and he was called Eochaidh Apthach
because of the number who died in Ireland in his time ; for
the plague or other disease seized upon the men of Ireland
each month, from which many of them died ; hence the name
Eochaidh Apthach clung to him ; for apthach means ' fatal ' ;
and he himself fell by Fionn son of Bratha.
Fionn son of Bratha, son of Labhraidh, son of Cairbre,
son of Ollamh Fodla, son of Fiachaidh Fionscothach, son
of Seadna, son of Art, son of Airtre, son of Eibric, son of
Eibhear, son of Ir, son of Milidh, held the sovereignty of
Ireland twenty years, or according to others thirty years ; and
he fell by Seadna lonnarraidh.
Seadna lonnarraidh son of Breisrigh, son of Art Imleach
of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty
years ; and he is called Seadna lonnarraidh, that is, Seadna of
the Wages, for he is the first king who gave pay to fighting
men in Ireland ; for ionnarraidh means ' wages.' And his
limbs were torn asunder by Simeon Breac, and so he died.
Simeon Breac son of Aodhan Glas, son of Nuadha Fionn
Fail, son of Giallchaidh, son of Oilill Olchaoin, son of Sioma
Saoghlach of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland six years, till he fell by Duach Fionn to avenge his
father, and the tearing asunder of him which he had done.
Duach Fionn son of Seadna lonnarraidh, son of Breisrigh,
son of Art Imlioch of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty
of Ireland five years ; and he fell by Muiredhach Bolgrach.
Muiredhach Bolgrach son of Simeon Breac, son of
142 voiiAS v^^SA AH 6minti. [book I.
OiIioIIa 6t6^o^t^ mic SiO]tfl^ S^ogl^t^ "oo fiol ^ipe^thom
2220 "Oo 5^b B'^nn^ 'Oe^ltg tn^c "Ou^c pnn mic Se^xDTio. lonn-
^|\|tAit) mic bpeiri^ig mic Ai]\c Imlig t>o pel 6ibip |aio5^cc
6iiie6.nn -oa. bli-d^'O-o^in t)ei^5. If uime t50 J^i^ci 4^1111^
X)e^|i5 x>e .i. "oe^jAg ^ oine^6 .i. ^ Stitiif. If f e n-^ Iititi
•00 bu^ile^-o ^ipje^t) i nAif5e^T)|\of ^^^ t)cuf i n^ifinti.
2226 Aguf fii^i]\ fe bif -oo cim ^p Sli^b ITIif go focpuiT)e m6i|\
m^]\ ^OTl )Mf.
* X>o 5^b Ltig^i'O Wi^-oonn m-^c C^nno. 'Oeijij mic "Ou^c
pnn mic SeA.t>n^ 1onn^f]A^it) mic t)|ieiffi3 mic Aif c Imlig
t)o fioL 4ibi|\ fiogo^cc ^jie^^nn no^ot mbLi^ion^. If uime
223Q5^ipce^]A l/UJA^iio l^|it)onTi -be, lond^nn i^p-oonn if t^ub-oonn ;
gono.t) Cfe f ol-c t)ub^OTin x>o beic «i.if , jti^inij l/UJAit> l^fbonn
t>'fO|\^inm Ai]\ ; guf m^pb^^ te Sionii^m i Haic CLocai|\ e.
'Oo JA^b Siojitim m^c pinn mic b|iAC^ mic t/^bf^io^
mic C-6.ifbfe mic OLL^m^n Fotit^ x>o fioL If mic TMileAO
2235pio5^cc 4ife^nn fe bli^^on^ *oe-6.5. If uime g^ifce^p Siof-
Iatti t)e, lon^nn fiof if f ^t)^ .i. t-imA f-o^t)^ -oo bi ^ige, 6if
-00 foiOTif ^ ti. liim ^n caI^tti ^.guf 6 'n-^ fe^f^MTi ;
^guf If Le h6oc^i^ U^sifce^f t)o mA.fb^'d e.
'Do 5^b 6oc^ii6 tl^if ceA^f m^c t/Ui§6e^c l^fouinn mic
224o4^tin^ 'Oeif5 mic 'Ou^c pnn mic S6^t)n^ lonn^ff^m mic
bf eiffi5 mic Aif c Imtig t)0 fiol cibif f loj^cc 6if e^^nn '6-i
bti^o^in Tje^g. If uime jo^ifce^f e-oc^io tJ^o^ifce^f "oe
.1. ce^f^fUAfA. -00 bioio ^.ige m^f toinge^f ; lon^nn lomoffo
ce<Nf^ If n-d^omogA no cocc^oi ; ^guf t)0 bf 15 50 f ^ibe fei-
2245 fe^n ti. hh^t^m ^p muip if .e A.f 'oeop ^it>e^cc ^ h^pinn,
Aodhan Glas, son of Nuadba Fionn Fail, son of Giallcbadh,
son of Oilill Olchaoin, son of Siorna Saogbalach, of the race
of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland four years; and
he fell by Eanna Dearg son of Duach Fionn.
Eanna Dearg son of Duach Fionn, son of Seadna loitnarr-
aidh, son of Breisrigh, son of Art Imleach of the race of
Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland twelve years; he
was called Eanna Dearg, for his oineach^ that is his coun-
tenance, was red. It was in his time that, at Airgeadros,
money was first coined in Ireland. And he died of the plague
on Sliab Mis, and a large multitude with him.
Lughaidh lardhonn son of Eanna Dearg, son of Duach
Fionn, son of Seadna lonnarraidh, son of Breisrigh, son, of
Art Imleach of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of
Ireland nine years. He was called Lughaidh lardhonn, for
iardhonn means * dark-brown * ; hence through his dark-brown
locks he got the name Lughaidh lardhonn ; and he was slain
by Siorlamh at Raith Clochair.
Siorlamh son of Fionn, son of Bratha, son of Labhraidh,
son of Cairbre, son of OUamh Fodla of the race of Ir, son of
Milidh, held the sovereignty of Ireland sixteen years. He
is called Siorlamh, for sior means * long ' ; and he had long
hands, for when in a standing posture his hands reached the
ground ; and he was slain by Eochaidh Uaircheas.
Eochaidh Uaircheas son of Lughaidh lardhonn, son of
Eanna Dearg, son of Duach Fionn, son of Seadna lonnarr-
aidh, son of Breisrigh, son of Art Imleach of the race of
Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland twelve years. He
was called Eochaidh Uaircheas, for he used to have bare
canoes for a fleet, and ceasa means ' canoes.' or 'coctaoi ' ; and as
he was two years on sea in exile from Ireland, he used to put
144 potiAS peASA SK eminn. [book i.
If ^iht^i-o t>o-iitad futne^nn t)^ muinncin x>o ctij* yn^
ce^f^ib pn "DO 6]te^c^t> imitt 5^c^ C]tice c^|t ^ n^^b^o
^5*T ''^ hc^t)At^ t)o t^b^if c leif pi a ce^f ^ib pti guf ^n
tuiii5e^f ; joiiAO 6 n^ ce^f^ib pn t)o Le^n Oocai-o U^i^tceiO^f
2260 ^e; 5U11 cuic le hCoi^Ai'o ireA-oihtJine if le Conuinj beig-
t)o s^b 6oCAi'6 'piA^niiiine ^Jtif Contiing beije^jlAC
vi^ iTiAC t)uA<5 Ue^ihf AC mic 1T1ui|teA^Ai3 uotgjiAij mic
Simeain ujiic mic Aco^iti Jl^if mic TIua^o^c pmn pi^iL
2260 mic 5^^^^^^^^ ^^^ Oitiolt^ OlcAOin mic SiofTi^ SA05t<d^i5
X)0 fioL 4if e^moin &t\\e^x\r) ; cijig btiAi^n^ 1 jcom-
flAice^f t)6ib. If uime 5AifceA|t 8ocat6 pA^mtiine ^e
vo bjiig 50 ngriACuijeA^ beic ^5 feilg if ^5 p^-OAC 1
mtJini'bib no 1 5coiLlcib; ^guf t)o cuic ^n cCoc^i^-fe le
236ot^u5Ai6 l/Aim-oe^fj m-o^c 6ocac tlAifce^f.
"Oo §Ab Lu5Aii!> L^inrbe^fg m^c e-ocAC tJ^ifce-d^f mic
Luigt^e^d l^foumn mic ^^nn^ 'Oe^PS ^ic X)uac pnn mic
Se^'on^ lonno^f f Aio mic bpeipi 15 mic Aipc Imlij vo poL 6ibi|i
fioj^iSc 6if e^nn fe^cc mbli^-OTiA. If uime g^if ce^p t^uj-
2266^1^ Lo^im-be^pj "oe 00 bpig 50 p ^Nibe ci no b^tl t)eAp5 ^p 0.
t-iim ; gup CUIC ^Conuing beigeAglAC.
'Oo j^b Conuinj beige^gl^c m^c t)uAC Ue^mpAC mic
1HuipeA.i6Ai5 bolgp^ij mic Simeom bpic mic ^l^if
mic tluAt)AC pnn p^il mic SiAltiS^o^ mic Oilioll^ dlc^oin
2270 mic Siopn^ S^ogl^ig t>o poL ^ipe^moin piog^dc ^ipe^nn
oeic mbliAt)nA. If uime g^ipce^p Conuinj beije^gl^c -oe
t)0 bpig ni^p g^b C4^om e^gL-o. pi-o.m e 1 gc^c n^ 1 gcomp^c,
A^juf fOf fi^ cpemfe^p 1 n-iopj^il e; son^t) uime pn t)o
pinne ^n pie ^n p^nn-fo :
2275 Conuing riA gcoingle^c gcle^c^l^n,
n^^^p t34kiihni$ |\e ne^d ]MAih ;
A t>ei^ |\o dA\t fO|\ ^Ad te^c
r\6 gtip niApb Ape TTiAC taigt>eAd.
X)o JAb Ape mAC Luij-oeAC LAimt>eip5 mic 6ocac tlAip-
22M<5eAf mic tuig-oeAC lApx)uinn mic 6AnnA 'Oeipg mic 'Ouac
, y -I . ^ ,
a party of his followers in these canoes to plunder the borders
of every country he passed by, and to bring the booty in
these canoes to the fleet ; and it was from these canoes that
the name Eochaidh Uaircheas clung to him ; and he fell by
Eochaidh Fiadhmhuine and by Conuing Beigeaglach.
Eochaidh Fiadhmhuine and Conuing Beigeaglach, two
sons of Duach Teamhrach son of Muireadhach Bolgrach, son
of Simeon Breac, son of Aodhan Glas, son of Nuadha Fionn
Fail, son of Giallchaidh, son of Oilill Olchaoin, son of Sioma
Saoghlach of the race of Eireamhon, held conjointly the
sovereignty of Ireland five years. Eochaidh Fiadhmhuine
was so called^ for he used to hunt and chase amidst thickets
or in woods ; and this Eochaidh fell by Lughaidh Laimh-
dheargh son of Eochaidh Uaircheas.
Lughaidh Laimhdhearg son of Eochaidh Uaircheas, son
of Lughaidh lardhonn, son of Eanna Dearg, son of Duach
Fionn, son of Seadna lonnarraidh, son of Breisrigh, son of
Art Imleach of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of
Ireland seven years. He was called Lughaidh Laimhdhearg,
as there was a red // or spot on his hand ; and he fell by
Conuing Beigeaglach.
Conuing Beigeaglach son of Duach Teamhrach, son of
Muireadhach Bolgrach, son of Simeon Breac, son of Aodhan
Glas, son of Nuadha Fionn Fail, son of Giallchaidh, son of
Oilill Olchaoin son of Siorna Saoghlach of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland ten years. He is
called Conuing Beigeaglach, for he never felt a qualm of fear
in battle or contest, and, moreover, he was a brave man in
an onslaught ; and hence the poet composed this stanza :
Conuing of the fights of the bright epean,
Who never quailed before wight,
Passed a decade ruling over each Half
Till Art son of Lughaidh slew him.
Art son of Lughaidh Laimhdhearg, son of Eochaidh
Uaircheas, son of Lughaidh lardhonn, son of Eanna Dearg,
146 poHAS ipeASA All ^minn. [book i.
pnn tnic S6AX)nA. lontiA^ppArd mic bpeifpig mic Aijtc Imtig
•00 fioL 6ibif i^iogACC 6ifeA.nn f6 bLiA^ti^; guj^ cuic le
'OuAC "L-o.gitA.c mic p^^CAC ColgpAig ^guf l^ p^c-o^itl) pein,
"Do 5^b ITi^cA.i'd UotjiiAC TTid^c mui|teA^Ai5 boLgitAig
2286 mic Simeon Dpic mic ^0*6^111 $t^if mic TluAt)^c Ipmn f^iL
mic J^^^^CA'^A mic OiIioLIa <5lcA.oin mic SiO|\n^ S^ogl^ig
■00 fioL ^nie^moiTi i^iog^cc 6i|ie^nn fe^dc mbLiA.'on-d.; gup
tvi^z le hOilill pionn.
X)o 5^b OiliLl ponn m^c Aipc mic Luigx^eA^c L-iim-deipg
2290 mic ©'OCA.d "U^ipce-^f mic Luijybe^d l^p'ouinn mic 4^nnA
'Oeipg mic tDuAC pnn mic S6^on^ lonn^ipp^it) mic bpeifpij
mic Aipc ImLig 'oo fiol 6tbi]i pioj^cc 4i]ie^nn nA.01 mbli^i6-
n^, gup CUIC le hAipge^-omAp if le p^c^iio if le t)u^c m^^c
2296 "Oo go^b Coc-M'6 m^c Oiliollo. pnn mic Aipc mic Vuig-
t)e^c Liimf)eipg mic 6oc^c U^ipce^f -00 fiol ^bip piog^cc
^ipe^nn pe^cc mbliAt>n-6.; ^^guf niopleig ^.n pige o'Aipge^'o-
mi.p, ^cc '00 pinne fioc pe 'Ou-^i.c L^gpA^c, gup mc.pb^t> le
'Ou-fi.c e 4i.p id^on^c.
2300 X)o g-d.b Aipge^om^p m^c Sioplo^im mic.pnn mic bpo^c^
mic t^^bpid.t>A mic C^ipbpe mic OllAmA.n p6t)l^ -oo fliocc
ip mic TTlile^o 4ipe-Min cpi bli^-on^ pce^t), no t)o
peip "opuinge oile occ mbli^on-d. oe^g ^p pew gup cuic le
'Ou^c L^^gp^c If le t/UgiO.i'o L^ig*6e.
2306 "Go g^b 'OuAC l/^gp^c m^c p^d^c^c UolgpA^ig mic TTluip-
e^*6^ig Oolgp^ig mic Simeoin upic mic AoxD-iin $l^if mic
Tlu^'o^c pnn P-iil mic ^^^Hc^^'d. t>o fiol Cipe^moin piog^cc
6ipe^nn "oeic mbli^-bn^. If uime g^ipce^p 'Ou^c L^gpo^c
t)e, lon^nn lomoppo l^-ogp^ if lu^d^c^a^gpiO., 6ip ni c^bp^^
23ioc4Mpt)e "00 ne-^c i-cp n-oe^n^m e^gcop^ go.n e t)o ^gp^ ^nn
t)o li.CA.ip ; gon-fi.'b "oe pn pi^inig ^n fop^inm 'Ou-^c Wgp^c
son of Duach Fionn, son of Seadna lonnarraidh, son of
Breisrigh, son of Art Imleach of the race of Eibhear, held the
sovereignty of Ireland six years ; and he fell by Duach
Laghrach son of Fiachaidh Tolgrach and by Fiachaidh him-
Fiachaidh Tolgrach son of Muireadhach Bolgrach, son of
Simeon Breac, son of Aodhan Glas, son of Nuadha Fionn
Fail, son of Giallchaidh, son of Oilill Olchaoin, son of Sioma
Saoghlach of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of
Ireland seven years; and he fell by Oilill Fionn.
Oilill Fionn son of Art, son of Lughaidh Laimhdhearg, son
of Eochaidh Uaircheas, son of Lughaidh lardhonn, son of
Eanna Dearg, son of Duach Fionn, son of Seadna lonnarraidh,
son of Breisrigh, son of Art Imleach of the race of Eibhear, held
the sovereignty of Ireland nine years ; and he fell by Argead-
mhar and by Fiachaidh and by Duach son of Fiachaidh.
Eochaidh son of Oilill Fionn, son of Art, son of Lughaidh
Laimhdhearg, son of Eochaidh Uaircheas of the race of
Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland seven years ; and he
did not yield the kingdom to Argeadmhar, but made peace
with Duach Lagrach ; and Duach slew him at a meeting.
Airgeadmhar, son of Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of Bratha,
son of Labhraidh, son of Cairbre, son of OUamh Fodla of
the race of Ir son of Milidh, held the sovereignty of Ireland
twenty-three years, or according to others thirty-eight years ;
and he fell by Duach Laghrach and by Lughaidh Laighdhe.
Duach Laghrach, son of Fiachaidh Tolgrach, son of
Muireadhach Bolgrach, son of Simeon Breac, son of Aodhan
Glas, son of Nuadha Fionn Fail, son of Giallchaidh of the
race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland ten years.
He was called Duach Laghrach, for ladJigra is the same as
luathagra, ' swift retribution ' ; and he used to give respite to
no one who had committed injustice, but exacted retribution
from such on the spot, and hence he was called by the name
of Duach Laghrach.
148 pouAS peASA AH 4itiinii. [book I.
X)o 5^b Xug^i-b L^ig-be m^c 6oc^<! mic OiliolW pnn
mic Ai|tc mic l/Utg'be^c l/^inroeiitg mic &o6^d Uui-pce^f vo
2515 fiot 4ibi|i piog^c ^i^e^nn fe^dc mbli^'bnA 5U|\ ttiic le-
hAo-o KuA'6 iTiAC bo.'6A.i]\n. A'oei|t ^n C6i]t Arnno^riTi 5U|\^b
t>o no. ctii5 tuige^c^ib fi. ct^nn t)o 'Oi.iite 'Ooitrice^c ati
• * *
j^tip ]pAipi6if 'op^oi t) Ai]Mce cpef Aifcme t)o X)Ai|te "OoiThce^c
2320^0 tnbeic m^c ^ije t>-^ n^^ippti^e l/uj^i-b •oo-gei^b^'b fL^ic-
e^f 6ipe^nn ; ^gtif f us^t) ■oa 6if pn cuigeA^p in^c 'Oi^i'6
1 nt)iiM'6 t)6, Agtif cuj l/Ug^m t)'^inTn ^p g^c ^on t)iob.. Ap
bTpAf t)©^ ctoinn c^i-o t)iipe t)'fiof ^n 'op^oi c^^t)tia ip
p^fpuigif t)e CIA ^n LugAio tjon cuige^p t>o-56AbAt> pl^ic-
2325eAf ^ipe^nn. " attiap^c 50 Ua^iILcih " -^p a.ti -opAOf
"m^p Aon peo cuije^p tn^c ^guf cioq:Ai'6 ^mi^p^c 1^0$
^L^inn ^Lt^^fin aotiac ^gtif tinjp'o c-ic if ■do ct^nn a|\
^ topj; ; Ajuf cibe oot) cloinn-fe cinnfeAf ^ip if muipbpof
e bu-o pi eipeA^nn h" tlimig ^n to.05 ^p n-o. itiAp^c fin
2330Aon-d.c If ceit) p\\ Gipe^nn if cLo^nn 'Oi.ipe 'n-o. '61^1-6 5a
pingA-o^p binn 6AT>Aip. Cuipce^p ceo ■o-p^oiii^eACCA i-oip
TTiAC-Mb 'Oiipe Aguf pjK ^pe^nn. Upi^tto^it) mic 'Oi.ipe
1 nTjio^TO An lAOig Af pn 50 X)6X ITlAfcopb L^ijeAn, Ajuf
CAipci'oif LujAix) l/Aijibe An Iaoj Aguf m^pbAif e; gonAO
2235 on lAOg f Oin JAipCeAp t/UJAIt) l/AlgTOe J. l^UJAIli t/AOg^OA "be.
If Ap An LuJAi-o-fe ACA An pnnfC^Al pli-oeACCA mAp
A n-AicpifceAp 50 -ocAptA Aguf 6 Aj feilg 1 ntjicpeib e pe
CAltllj UpjpAnnA Ap A pAlbe CeAltCAip •6pA01X)eACCA, AgUf
50 n'oeACAiii 'n-A teAbAi-d jup beAn a ceALLcAip lipAoi^-
2340eAdCA -oi, gup CAi^bpijeAt) '66 A beic 'n-A h65mnAOi AlAinn
T)A 6if ; Agtif 50 fACAC If 1 4ipe An CAilteAC-fo tep tuij
l/Aijoe, mAp 50 bfUAip "OUAT^ If 'oogpmnj fA a ceAnn Ap
■ocuf Aguf AineAf if foipbeAf "Oa 6if pn.
Tap ceATin 50 n-o-bAip d>n Coip AnmAnti gup itiac 00
Lughaidh Laighdhe son of Eochaidh» son of Oilill Fionn,
son of Art, son of Lughaidh Laimhdhearg, son of Eochaidh
Uaircheas of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of
Ireland seven years ; and he fell by Aodh Ruadh, son of
Badham. The Coir Anmann states that this Lughaidh was one
of the five Lughaidhs, the children of Daire Doimhtheach. The
same book relates that a certain druid revealed prophetically
to Daire Doimhtheach that he would have a son who would
be called Lughaidh who would obtain the sovereignty
of Ireland ; and after this five sons were born to him in
succession, and he called each of them Lughaidh. When
the sons grew up, Daire had recourse to the same druid,
and asked him which of the five Lughaidhs would get the
sovereignty of Ireland " Go to-morrow to Taillte," said the
druid, " with thy five sons, and there will come to-morrow a
beautiful fawn into the fair, and everyone, and thy children
with the rest, will run in pursuit of it, and whichever of thy
children shall outrun the fawn and kill it will be king of
Ireland." The fawp came into the fair on the morrow ; and
the men of Ireland and the children of Daire pursued it till
they reached Beann Eadair. A druidical mist separated the
sons of Daire from the men of Ireland. The sons of Daire
proceeded to hunt the fawn from thence to Dal Maschorb of
Leinster, and Lughaidh Laighdhe overtook and slew it ; and
it was from that fawn that he was called Lughaidh Laighdhe,
that is, Lughaidh Laoghdha.
Of this Lughaidh there is a curious romantic story, in
which it is said that, when he was engaged in hunting in a
desert place, he met a hideous hag who wore a magic mask ;
that he went into her bed, and took off her magic mask, and
dreamt that she would be a beautiful young lady thereafter ;
and by this hag, with whom Lughaidh lay, Ireland is
allegorically meant, for at first he endured toil and torment
on her account, but afterwards enjoyed pleasure and delight
Although the Coir Anmann states that Lughaidh Laighdhe
150 ponAS peASA ar 4minii. [book l
2545'OAi|ie 'OoiTTice^c Lug^ix) 1.0.15^)6, Til the^f^iTTi 5U|t4^b e ^n
Lug^io L^ig^e-fe lu^i-oe^f 4^n Coip Atim^nn pi, pi ^|t
ei]iinn ^r\ Lug^m ut>, c^p ce^nn gup c^ippngipe^TO Leif no.
■op^oiab 50m At) pi 6ipeo.nn tug^ni l^^ij^e tn^c 'O-iipe
2360 "00 g^b Aot) tlUAt) TTIO^C b^TOO^ipn THIC Aipje^tMTIAip TTIIC
SioplAirn mic pnn mic bn-ico. mic WbpAiiA tnic C^mbne
mic OUattiati po-oto. t)0 fbocc 1p mic Tllileo.^ Cip-
eo.nn bLio." ip pee ; gup bi<co.o 0.5 6o.f> e.
X)o jo^b 'Oiocopbo. mo.c tDeo^niAin mic Aipjeo.'OTtio.ip mic
2365SioptAim mic pinn mic bpo^co. mic Lo.bpo.'oo. mic Co^ipbpe
TTiic OlLo^mAn p6t)Lo. *oo fbocc 1p mic TniLeo.0 pioJACc 4ip-
eo.nn bLiAOo^in if pee; gup cuicleip no. Copo.nn
.1. Cuo.n tno^po. Ciio.n TTIuige if Cuo.n Steibe.
"Do jowb Ciombo.oc mo.c ponnco^in mic Aip-geo.'omi.ip mic
256oSioplAim mic ^inn mic bpi^co. mic Lo.bpo.*6o. mic Co.ipbpe mic
Ollo.iTio.n po-olo. "00 fLiocc 1p mic TTIiLeo.'b 6ipeo.nn
pee btio."6o.n, no -oo peip ■6ptiin5e oile occ mbtio^t)no. pceo.T),
5U'p CU1C t>o c-im 1
was a son of Daire Doimhtheach, I do not think that this is
the Lughaidb Laighdhe the Coir Anmann refers to who was
king of Ireland, notwithstanding that the druids foretold that
Lughaid Laighdhe son of Daire Doimhtheach would become
king of Ireland.
Aodh Ruadh son of Badham, son of Airgeadmhar, son of
Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of Bratha, son of Labhraidh, son
of Cairbre, son of OUamh Fodla of the race of Ir son of
Milidh, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-one years;
and he was drowned at Eas Ruaidh.
Diothorba son of Deaman, son of Airgeadmhar, son of
Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of Bratha, son of Labhraidh
son of Cairbre, son of Ollamh Fodla of the race of Ir son of
Milidh, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-one years ;
and he fell in Corann by the Cuans, that is Cuan Mara, Cuan
Muighe, and Cuan Sleibhe.
Ciombaothson of Fionntan, son of Airgeadmhar, son of
Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of Bratha, son of Labhraidh, son
of Cairbre, son of Ollamh Fodla of the race of Ir son of
Milidh, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty years, X)r
according to others twenty-eight years ; and he died of the
plague in Eambain Mhacha.
152 potiAS peASA An eminn. [book l
2366^11*^ niic Aijije^t^iTiAi]! mic Siopl^kim mic pnn mic b^^ic^
mic L^bA^iA-b^ mic CiMpb|\e mic Ott^m^n 'P6t)l^ lAioj^cc
drpe^nn y' mbli^t>n^, juja m^pb Ke^cc^ni Hi5t)e^]^5 i.
Ajuf If |\e n-A tinn vo cosb^t) e^o^m^m TTIac^^. A5 fo
lomof-po ^Ti fAC fA pi.i'dce^p 6^ TTl^c^ pi^ .1. cpi pig
2370 "00 bi 1 bfL-o^ice^f 6i|ie^nn c. htlttc^ib, m^p ^ci^ Aco Tlu-d.t)
m^^c b-c.-o^ipn 6 pi^mce^p 6Af tlu^i-o, ^5111* X)ioco|\b^ m^c
•Oe^mi^in ^ htJi-pneAC TTlme ^guf Ciomb^oc m^c pionrtc^m
^ pionnAb^i|i. Ajtif If ^5 ATI gCiomb^oc fom -00 hoilei^'6
tlj-fl^ine mdp m^c 60.C-6.C bti^'O^ig. Aguf fe^cc mblii(^x>n4y
2376 "OA 5AC fig •010b fi. fe^c Af cimce^tt, 50 •oc^ing^'OAf f-i
Cfi 1 bfl-Mce^^f 4if e^Tin ; -<^5Uf if e Ao-o tlu^t) fti^if bi.f
^\\ tjcuf •010b; ^5tif niof fi^g^Nib -00 fliocc x><^ eif -a^cc 4^oin-
inje^n ^mAin, Tn-6.CA a h^inm. l-^pf A.if TTIaca fe^t 'T>on
fioJACC iA|t 11-6^5 0. h^^CAf ; ^guf A^oub^ifC 'Oiocofb^^
2580 If ^ clATin Ti^c fuijbe^^ be^n uaca fern ; ^guf t)o
fe^f At) CAC eACOff A feiti if ITIaca, 50 fti5 TTIaca buAix)
AH CACA f 01T1 Of f A ; ^gtif t>o g^b ft^iceAf ^f eAnn fe^cc
mbliA-dnA; Aguf fUAif 'Oiocofb^ b^f ^gtif -oo f-ijAib ctJi5-
e^f m^c 'OA eif, m^f aca b^oc bet)Ac bf Af tlAlWc if
2386bofbcAf. "Do iAffAT>Af fL^iceAf 6ifeAnn •061b fein AitiAit
■00 bi Aj A pnfeAf f ompA. AT)tjbAif c ITIaca hac citibf At)
t)6lb ACC CAC CAf CeATin TIA flOgACCA. 'Oo fCAf A^ CAC
eACOff A Aguf fuj tTlACA btiAi-o Off A. Ueixj cLathi t)ioc-
ofbA T)A TiT>iT>eATi feiTi 1 gcoiLLcib t>ofCAt>iAmAife; ^juf ctig
238oTnACA CiombAOC mAC piOTincAin mAf c6ile ^juf mAf ceAtin
feAOTiA Af A lAocf Alt), ^guf OO ctiAi*6 fein Af tof 5 ctoiTine
"OiocofbA 1 fiocc cLAimpge, lAf gcuimiLc CAOif feAgAil
■OA -oeilb, -^gtif fUAif lAO-f AT) 1 gcoiLt -oiAmAif 1 mbuifiTin,
Macha Mhongruadh, daughter of Aodh Riiadh son of
Badham> son of Airgedmhar, son of Siorlamh, son of Fionn,
son of Bratha, son of Labhraidb, son of Cairbre, son of
Ollamh Fodla, held the sovereignty of Ireland seven years,
till Reachtaidh Righdhearg slew her. And it was in her time
that Eamhain Mhacha was built. Now the reason why it is
called Eamhain Mhacha is this : three kings out of Ulster
lield the sovereignty of Ireland, namely, Aodh Ruadh son of
Badham, from whom is named Eas Ruaidh, and Diothorba
son of Deaman of Uisneach in Meath, and Ciombaoth son of
Fionntan from Fionnabhair ; and it was with this Ciombaoth
that Ughaine Mor son of Eochaidh Buadhach was brought
up. And each of these kings reigned seven years in suc-
cession, until each had held the sovereignty of Ireland thrice.
And the first of them to die was Aodh Ruadh ; and he left
no issue but one daughter named Macha. Macha demanded
the sovereignty in her turn after her father's death ; and
Diothorba and his children said that they would not cede
sovereignty to a woman ; and a battle was fought between
themselves and Macha ; and Macha triumphed over them in
that battle, and held the sovereignty of Ireland seven years ;
and Diothorba died and left five sons, namely, Baoth, Bedach,
Bras, Uallach, and Borbchas. These demanded the sove-
reignty of Ireland for themselves, as it was held by their
.ancestors before them. Macha said she would only give
them battle for the sovereignty. A battle was • fought
between them, and Macha defeated them. The children of
Diothorba fled for safety to dark and intricate woods ; and
Macha took Ciombaoth son of Fionntan as her husband, and
made him leader of her warriors, and went herself in pursuit of
the sons of Diothorba in the guise of a leper, having rubbed her
body with the dough of rye, and found them in an intricate
154 potiAS ireASA Ati 6minti. [book i-
^5 b|\uic cui|^c ^Llc^. P-d.ppuigit) cl^nn "Oiocopbd. fce^l^
2396 "oi If cug^'o^i^ tnif •oon biAX) t)i. TloccAif pfe g^c fce^l^
If ^nn pn ^x)tib-o.if c pe4^|i 'oiob gtij^^s^b il^j^inn ^n |\ofc
■oo bi 0.5 ^n gcL^iThpg ^S^f 50 p^ibe mi^n ^p f^in Luige
piA. l-^if pn cpi^Ll^if fein if THo^c^ 1 TTOi^riiAip n^ coille^
2400 ^guf ce^ngl^if tTlAC-d. 4^n fe^p foin, ^guf f-igb^if ^nn pn
^/^S^f cillif 50 c-ic -d^pif. Aguf pi^fpuiji-o "01 " C'iic o^p.
f-igb^if ^n fe4i.|\ -00 cti^i"6 le^c?" 4Kf p^o. "Hi feAX)4^f/'
^f p, " Acc f^oilim 5upA.b n^p lo^if ce^cc "oo. bo.p ti^c^ip-fe-
1 nt)i^i'6 ^OTictngce pe cIaitti." **11i n-ip," ^p i^o-f^n, "oip.
2406'OO-t)eAn^itnne ^n tji c6^onA." UeiT> lotnoppo pif j^c n-^son
^c^ f-i fe/i.c f ^n 5C01LL ; if "oo ce^j^ng^iL uiLe 1^*0, lonntif 50
pug 1 n-^onceAn5-6.L "oo li^c^ip pe^p tlt^t^ 50 bC^Th^in i^k-o,
^S^r r^n^M^ST "^^ th^iab Vit^t cpex^T) ^n -oioL tjo-oeo^n^'o
■oiob. A'Otibp^'OAp uile •o'o.oinitiein bxkf 'Oo c^b^ipc t)6ib.
2410 "til If c6ip," ^p tn^c^, "oip t)o bti-o clAond.16
pe^kCC-d. pn ; ^cc ■o^opc^p i^t) ^gtif cugr-ii^p opp-o^ po^ic 00
cogb^il 'o^tti-f^ buf ppiottic^^c^ip -oon cuige-^.-o 50 bp4\c.'^
Leif pn be^n^if in^c-6. ^n •oe^.tg 6ip x>o hhcyo f^n mbp-^c
■00 bio-o fi. n-di bp^g^it) xmti^c, -d^guf -oo coihi^if leif foip n-o.
2416 pic-o. fi^ heige-fi^n -00 ctoinn tDiocopb^ -oo togbAiU 6^Th^m
lomoppo j^ipmce^p t)on p-iic. 66, ce^Mi^, -d^inin -oo ^oe^Lg^
^5^f tnuin, bp^ige ; gon^^o -oe pn pi.i-ocexi.p 6^ .1. eo
TTiuin, pif j^x} pikic. 116 If uime g^ipce^p G' -oi 6
6^111-0^111 1TI-6.CA. .1. be^n Cptunn mic At^nAtnAin ; ^guf y^
242oheigeAn -oon ihTi-d.oi pn t)^ h^iTh-oeoin "out "oo cortipuic pe
he^CAib Concub^ip piog tH^io, gup fo^pwg i^x) d^gtif 1 copp^c;
Aguf 1 gceii^nn n^c fcpibe pug p mo.c if inge^^n ; A.guf cug.
^ m^^li-o^cc "O^fe^p^Mb tH^^-d, gon^^'o T>e pn CAinig ^n ce^f
nAOi'de-d.n opp-c*; ^guf "oo bi 4^n ceo^f foin opp^ p6 pe r\/^ox
2425 piog .1. 6 Concub^p go^ ft^ice^f TTIi^it mic llocpuix>e
forest in Burenn, cooking a wild boar. The sons of Diothorba
asked news of her, and gave her a portion of the meat. She
told them all the news she had.
And then one of the men said that the leper had
a beautiful eye, and that he desired to lie with her.
Thereupon he and Macha retired into the recesses of the
wood, and Macha bound this man and left him there, and
returned to the rest. And they questioned her, "Where
didst thou leave the man who went with thee?" said they.
" I know not," said she ; " but I think he feels ashamed to
come into your presence after embracing a leper." " It is not
a shame," said they, "since we wU do the same thing.""
Thus she went into the wood with each of them in turn ;
and she bound them all, and so took them bound together
before the men of Ulster at Eamhain ; and she asked the
Ulster nobles what she should do with them. They all said
with one accord that they should be put to death. " That
is not just," said Macha, " for that would be contrary to
law ; but let them be made slaves of, and let the task be im-
posed on them of building a fort for me which shall be the
capital of the province for ever." Thereupon Macha undid
the gold bodkin that was in the mantle on her breast, and
with it measured the site of the fort which the sons of
Diothorba were obliged to build. Now, the fort is called
Eamhain eo being a word for * a bodkin,' while muin means
' the neck,' and hence the fort is called Eamhain, that is,
eo mhuin. Or, it is called Eamhain from Eamhain Mhacha,
that is, the wife of Cronn son of Adhnaman. Now this
woman was forced against her will to run with the horses of
Conchubhar, king of Ulster ; and she, though pregnant, outf an
them ; and at the end of the race she gave birth to a son and a
daughter; and she cursed the men of Ulster, whence they were
visited with the pangs of labour ; and these pangs continued
to afflict them during nine reigns, that is, from Conchubhar
to the reign of Mai son of Rochruidhe. Eamhain accordingly
156 jTonAS treASA An 6miiin. [book i.
6^ThAin, ^itil^i-o pn, .1. ^ifi^on ; d^rti, ^5 ^ i6iulc^'6 n^^c
liloTi5|\UA'6 i^|A pn L6 1le^^ tligibe^ltg.
2430 'Oo jo^b lle^cc^io 1115166^115 niAC t/Ui5t)e^c LAi5t>e niic
6oc^c mic OiLiolL^ pinn mic Ai|\c mic l/Ui5t)ei6kC LiinT6e^|\5
inic Coc^c tlaii|\ce^f "OO pot 6ibip fiog^cc ^i^ieAnn pee
bli^'O^n. If tiime goij^ce^n tle^<5c^i^ ni5'6eo^]^5 "oe .1. 1^15
-06-6.^5 "OO bi -6.150 .1. bun pige •oei|A5 ; ^5Uf if le hUg-MTie TTlof
2495 '00 m-d.i\bo.t> 1 iTOio^ ^ buimi5e e.
'Oo 5^b tl5^ine TTlof m^o 6^c^c biiAt)^i5 mic IDti^c
l/^5pui5 mic piiO^c^^c Uol5]i-6.i5 mic inui|\e^t>A.i5 uoL5f ^15
mic Simeoin uf ic mic Ao^oiin $towif mic Hu^t)^c pnn piil;
mic 5i^tlc-^t)-6. mic OiliolL^ OLco^oin mic Siofn-6. So^ogL^ig
2440 x)o fiol 6h]ie-6.m6in ]iio5^cc Gife^nn -oeic mbti-6.on-^ pce^i.t),
no "00 peif i6ftiin5e oile, x>6. pew bli4^t>^n. If uime 5^if-
ce-cp tl5^ine tTlof t>e, 00 bpi5 5t:i|\ mop o^ ft^ice^f, oip tjo
bi cup ^p oite^n^ib ix^pc-^ip Copp«5. ^150; ^5Uf 00 b^o^p
cui5e-6.p i6.p pcit) "00 cloinn ^5 ^n tlg^i^ine pn, m^^^p ^c-i ■oiiS.f
5446if pc© "00 ctoinn m^c if cpi^^p inge^n. Ap bf^f "oon cloinn
pn vo 5-6.b 5AC a^on oiob fi. leic bm-oe^n 'n-^ "Oi^if) fein.
A5Uf ^n z^ry vo beipci f^opcu-Mpc 8ipe^nn leo, m^p ^ mbioo
mi^coiob ^nocu, t)o bioio ^n m-<^c oiLe o.mi.pAC ^nn. TTl-d^p pn
■ooib t)i-6.r6 1 ntji^iiD lonnuf 5^.6 u^ob 'n-A. T)CU5'Oi^oif ^5^ix> 50
246o5C^iCT:i leo iS. mbiot) -oo bi^-o if 00 Ion ^nn. A5Uf m^^p
cu5A.t)A.p pp 4ipe^nn pn "o^ n-Mpe t)o cu^tjc^p "oo ceipne^m
An -oocAip pn pif ^n pi5 tlg^me. A5Uf if e ni ^^ ^p
cinne^'OAp le^c -o^p le^c 4ipe 00 poinn 1 5CU15 p^nn^ib
pce^t), ^5Uf ^ mip fem -oo c^b^ipc x><^ 5^6 ^on t)on cloinn
j455pn /oi, ^5Uf 5An ^p bpeic t)o ne^c t>iob CAice-6.m ^p cuit>
A ceile ; 5on-6.'6 uime pn t)o pinne pie ei5in /^x) p^nn-fo :
tl^Aine tiAlLdd 4Mti|\A,
t^iAf bA b-ptig btJA'bAC b^nbA ;
UAiiiif AT> A cIahtia ^o ceA|\c
2400 ^^e 1 50615 |\AnnA pdeAt).
is the same as amhaoHy amh denying that it was but one, it
being two,^acha gave birth to on that occasion. And hence it
was called Eamhain Mhacha, according to this opinion. After
this, Macha Mhongruadh was slain by Reachtaidh Righdheai^.
Reachtaidh Righdhearg son of Lughaidh Laighdhe, son
of Eochaidh, son of Oilill Fionn, son of Art, son of Lughaidh
Laimhdhearg, son of Eochaidh Uaircheas of the race of
Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty years. He
was called Reachtaidh Righdhearg from his having a red
fore-arm, that is, the end of a red fore-arm ; and he was slain
by Ughaine Mor to avenge his foster-mother.
Ughaine Mor son of Eochaidh Buadhach, son of Duach
Laghrach, son of Fiachaidh Tolgrach, son of Muireadhach
Bolgrach, son of Simeon Breac, son of Aodhan Glas, son of
Nuadha Fionn Fail, son of Giallchaidh, son of Oilill Olchaoin,
son of Sioma Saoghlach of the race of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland thirty years, or according to others
forty years. He was called Ughaine Mor, as his reign was
great, since he held sway over the islands of western Europe ;
and this Ughaine had twenty-five children, namely twenty-two
sons and three daughters. When these children grew up, each
of them had a special retinue ; and when they went on free
circuit round Ireland, where one of the sons stayed at night,
another son stayed on the morrow. Thus they went on in
succession, so that wherever they directed their steps they
exhausted all the food and provisions in the district. And
when the men of Ireland observed this, they went to complain
of this injury to Ughaine, the king. And it was mutually
agreed on to divide Ireland into twenty-five parts, and to
give each of these children his own part, and not to permit
any one of them to be a burden to another's portion. Hence
some poet composed this stanza :
' Ughaine the proud, the nohle,
Whose Tiotorious dwelling was Banbha,
His children divided rightly
Erin into twenty- fire portions.
158 poHAS peASA All 6ininn. [book i.
A5tif If '00 \\e\\\ n^ ponn^ foin -oo C65CA.01 ciofc^n^ if
'OUAlg-fi.if t)^ 5^c fi5 "o^ |\^ibe A]t 6ifinn y^^t Cfi ce^tj
bli ^-6^11, m^f A.c^ 6 ^imp|\ tlgd^ine 50 h^imp|\ n a jcuijeA-OAC
•00 ThAif f e linn ^06^6 y^e^i>U'^ vo beic 'n-^ 1^15 4i|\e^nn,
2466^ni^il Aoeif ^n pie f^n p^nn-fo:
C|\i c^At) btiA'bAn, buAn Ati oil,
"So t>c^ngAT>A]> c6i^eAtAiS ;
C6i^eA|\ ^Aii d|\eit)eAifi 1 gc]\{
HotinfA'O 6i]Mnn tt^Aini.
2470 If e 6oc-6.1t> peiolioc -oo foinn cuije^o^ Gife^nn i-oif ^n
■Of uinj-fe pof . Uug CuigeA^t) Ul^t> 00 pe^t^SUf Tn-6.c Leit)e.
Uug Cuige^^^t^ L^ige^n -co tloff^i. m^c peA-fjuf^ F^^rrS^-
Uug -oi. Cuige^o tnum^n -oo Uije^pn^c UeiT>beA.nn4i.c m^c
l/ucc^ If "00 tDe^g^it) tn^c Sin. Uug m^]i ^n gce^-on^ CU15-
2476 6-0.0 -00 tfitip, m^p ^^ci. *o'pt)ic m^^c peig "o'^oc^i-o
All^t) if t)o tTinne m^c Connf-6.c, 00 peip m^p cuipfe^m
fiof "045. eif fo An c^n o.p ^oc^c pei-olij
fein. Aguf ni luj^M-oe -oo bi ^n poinn pn cloinne tl§o.ine o.p
6ipinn 50 noe-o.c-o.'O-o.p cl-cnn tlj^ine 5o.n fliocc -oi^f,
248oni-o.p o.c-6. CobcAC C^ol mbpeo.5 if LA05-o.ipeiLopc 6 'ociinig
^ nio.ipeAnn 00 fiol 6ipe.o.TTi6in. Aguf if 16 b-o.obc.o.i'6 nio.c
C' DuA'OA.ij A ■oe^pbpicxs.ip fein -oo m-o.pb-o.*6 Ug^ine
1TI6p 1 •oUeA.l-0.15 o.n Cofco.ip ; ^juf ni p-o.ibe f§in i pige
neipeo.nn -o^cc li. 50 leic o.n c^n 00 m^pb^o le l/-o.05Aipe
2485 LOpC 6 1 n-Oiog^Ml 0. AC^p.
And it was according to these divisions that rents and
duties used to be paid to every king who reigned in Ireland
for three hundred years, that is, from the time of Ughaine
to the time of the provincials who lived when Eochaidh
Feidlioch was king of Ireland, as the poet says in this
quatrain :
Three hundred years lasting the reproach,
Until the proTinciais arose,
Five without faith in their hearts,
Shared hetween them tJghaine's Erin.
It was Eochaidh Feidhlioch who divided the provinces of
Ireland amongst the following. He gave the province of
Ulster to Fearghus son of Leide ; he gave the province of
Leinster to Rossa son of Fearghus Fairrge ; he gave the two
provinces of Munster to Tighearnach Teidbheannach son of
Luchta, and to Deaghaidh son of Sin ; similarly he gave the
province of Connaught to three, namely, to Fidhic son of
Feig, to Eochaidh Allad, and to Tinne son of Connraidh, as
we shall hereafter set forth when we are treating of Eochaidh
Feidhleach's own reign. Still this division of Ireland among
the children of Ughaine held good until the children of
Ughaine had died without issue, except two, namely, Cobh-
thach Caol mBreagh and Laoghaire Lore, from whom come all
that survive of the race of Eireamhon. And Ughaine Mor
himself was slain by Badhbhchaidh son of Eachaidh Buadhach
his own brother in Tealach an Choscair. But Badhbhchaidh
held the sovereignty of Ireland only a day and a half when
he was slain by Laoghaire Lore to avenge his father.
160 ponAS peASA ATI 4iiiinn. [book l
buA-b^ig mic 'OuAC t^A5p^i§ mic pi^c^c Uolgp^ig mic
UltHjieA^Aig Oolspuig tnic Simeoin 0|\ic mic AoiOAin $t^if
mic tlti^TJd.c pinn P-itt mic 5^*^^^^.^^^ mic OiIioIIa Otc-5.oin
2490 mic SiO|iTi^ 8^051^15 t)0 pot 6i]ieo.m6in jiiog^cc 4i]te^Tin vi.
liloip mAC-Mp LAOJiMpe Luipc if CobcAig C^oit mbpe^g.
Agtif If uime s^ipce^p WojAipe l/opc t)e, lonA^nti lope if
ponj^l ^S^r ^^ pintle L^og^ipe fe^^LL i^p D^^bc^iX) m^c
2486 e^c-a^c Ou^TJo.15 gup "oe pn vo ie^n ^n fop^inn X)e .1. l/^og-
^ipe t^opc. If ie CobcA^c C^ol mbpe-0.5 ^ 'oeApbpi.CArp fein
"00 m^pb^o Woj^ipe lx)pc 1 n'Oionn K105 A>p bpti^c tia
If ^ml^i-b lomoppo -oo bi CobcAC C^ol mbpe-^j ^gtif e A.5
2600 f ed.p5 At) cpe fopm^t) p6 Wog^ipe Lope fA pioj^cc 6ipeA.nn
•00 beic Aije; A5«f m^p 'oo cua.I-a.i'o L^oj-^^ipe etf e^n vo beir
eAScpu^m ciinig buii6eAn ^.pmc^ v^ lonrifuige. An c^n
•DO conn^ipc Cobc^c e, if ec.'o o^tjub-d^ipc jup cpti^g v^
bpicAip An neimiocc gn^CAC t>o biot) Aije Af fein -00 pop if
2806 n^c cijeATD t>A lACAip gAn fLuA5buit>in. "TI1 mifce," Ap
LAOgAipe, " ciocf A116 mif e 50 pcoAC t)o lACAip An c^i-of eAcc
Apif gATi bui-oin ApmcA im focAip.*' Leif pn ceiteAbpAif
LAOgAipe t)o CobcAc. "OaIa CobcAig, T)o pinne coihAiple pe
■opAOi vo bi 'n-A focAip cionnuf TOo-geAbA'o a bp-icAip pe a
ssiOrhApbATO. "If eA-d if iTToeAncA," Ap An t)pAoi, "bAf bpeige
t)o leigeAn cug^c Agtif ■out 1 n-eitiocpom attiaiL mApb Aguf
fceAlA vo cup gol^AOJAipe Aip pn, Aguf uiocfAiio Ap beAgAn
btiit)ne -ooc pof Ajuf Ap oceAcc t)o lACAip '66 lui5p'6 Ap
.^••"1. *»»'
Laoghaire Lore son of Ughaine Mor, son of Eochaidh
Buadhach, son of Duacb Laghracb, son of Fiachaidh Tolgrach,
son of Muireadhacb Bolgrach, son of Simeon Breac, son of
Aodan Glas, son of Nuadha Fionn Fail, son of Giallchaidh,
son of Oilill Olchaoin, son of Sioma Saoghalach of the race
of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland two years.
Ceasair Chruthach, daughter of the king of the French, wife
of Ughaine Mor, was the mother of Laoghaire Lore and
Cobhthach Caol mBreagh. And he was called Laoghaire
Lore, for lore means ' murder of a kinsman ' ; and Laoghaire
treacherously slew Badbbbchaid, son of Eacbaidh Buadhach,
whence he got the name Laoghaire Lore. Cobhthach Caol
mBreagh, his own brother, slew Laoghaire Lore at Dionn
Riogh on the brink of the Bearbha.
It happened that Cobhthach Caol mBreagh had been pining
through envy of Laoghaire Lore on account of his holding
the sovereignty of Ireland ; and when Laoghaire heard that he
was sick, he came with an armed force to visit him. When
Cobhthach saw him, he said it was sad that his brother
always had a suspicion of him and would not come into
his presence without an escort " Not so," said Laoghaire ;
** I will come peacefully into thy presence the next time
unattended by an armed escort." Thereupon, Laoghaire
bade farewell to Cobhthach. Now Cobhthach took the
advice of a druid who was with him as to how he could lay
hold on his kinsman to kill him. " What thou hast to do,"
said the druid, '* is to feign death, and go '. into a bier as a
corpse, and to send word of this to Laoghaire ; and he will
come to thee with only a small escort ; and when he will
162 potiAS peASA AH 4minn. [book i.
T)o copp -ooc c^oine^^ A5Uf c^b^ijt fctA^n i n-iocc^p ^ b^tonn
t/^05^if e ^iTit^ii5 pn te Cobc^c 'oo -m^pb^^ Oilitt Aine m^c
L^05^i|ie te Cobc^c, o^gtif ^^\\ rroe^^n^m n^ ngnioih foin v6
fu^if ^ fiAince. Uug fOf pA 'oe^ji^ ie^nb 65 t)Ait bVintn
tllAon y^ TTiAC 'o'Oitilt Ainetjo t^b^ijic x>a. t^xc^if, ^S^f cug
2620 ^if mi|t t)o 6poit)e ^ ^c^p if a. fe^Ti^t^|\ -o'lce if tucdj 50
n-A tof t)o flog^'b, ^juf ci.ims'OOTi t>6ift:in t)o g^b ^n le^nb
gujA be^n^t) 0. ufL^b]\^ "oe; ^guf ^\\ mbeic b^tb t>6 fc^oilif
Cobc-6.c UAit) e. Ufi^lL^if ATI le^nb 50 Copc^ 'Ouibne gu-p
coTTinuij ye^t 1 b]:oc-Ai|\ Scoipi^c fA fi ^p ^n jcfic pn; Agtif
2625C|\iAttAif A.f pn t>on |r|\Ain5c 50 n^onb^p vo cui-oe^cc-Mn
TTiA^f AOTi pif ; Acc ce AT)en\itD "Ofong pe fe^ncuf gtif ^b 50
epic ApmeniA. t>o cuai^. Aguf -oo nocc^i.'OAp mi bui-oe^n t5o
cu-0.1t> l^if 5up Ve -o^MTinA pioj 6if e^nn e; ^guf ci^img -oe pn
50 ntje^pn^ ]ai fp^njc c-^oife^c ce^gL^ij a|\ a itiuinncip t)e,
2630 ^S^r ^^ ^^r^5 lom^o i^icif teif, lonnuf 50 T)C-iini5 ve pn 50
p^ibe lompit) mof if oi|nDe4i.pc4.f ^ob^L 1 nCipmn ^i-p; uime
pn gup te^no^TO^p mopAn t)'fe-o.pAib 6if e^nn -oon Pp^mgc e.
Aguf '00 fuipig Ann fe^L f a-oa "oa Aimpp.
'Do g^b CobcAC CaoI mbpe^g ttiac UtAine ttloip mic
2636e'ACAC DuAt)Ai5 t)0 poL ^rpeATTioin piogAcc GijieAnn "oeic
iTibliA-onA pceAO, no -oo peip ■6]\uin5e oile, 0^05^*0 btiA-OAn.
CeAf Ai|A CpucAC inge^n jxiog Pp^ngc fi. m^CAip -oo. If uime
gAipce^f CobcAC CaoI mbpeA§ "oe .1. gAl^p cpom xjo j^b e
cpe fOftnAt) fe n-A "oeApbf ACAif t/AOg^ipe t^ofc fi. pi
264o4ifeAnn f oittie fein, lonnuf 50 n-oeACAit) 1 feipglit^e if gujt
cpeig A cuit) folA If peolA uiLe, gup caoI §; Aguf 111^5
bf CAJ Ainrn n^ h^ice 'n-A pAibe 'n-A luije, 50 'OcugA'O CaoL
mbf e^j Aip uime pn ; Aguf t)o m^pbAO An CobcAC-fo le
l/AbfAit) tomgfeAC mAC OiIioHa Aine 1 n'Oionn TI105 oitce
2646110'01a5 m6|1 1 n-OIOgAll a ACAp AgUf A feAnACAp T)0
come into thy presence, he will lie on thy body lamenting
thee, and do thou stab him in the abdomen with a dirk, and
thus kill him." When Cobhthach had in this manner finished
the killing of Laoghaire, he slew also Oilill Aine son of
Laoghaire ; and he recovered his health after he had done
these deeds. He also commanded a young lad whose name
was Maon, the son of Oilill Aine, to be brought into his
presence, and made him eat a portion of his father's and
grandfather's hearts, and to swallow a mouse with her young.
But the child lost his speech from the disgust he felt, and
when he became speechless Cobhthach let him go. The
child proceeded to Corca Dhuibhne, where he resided for a
time with Scoiriath, who was king of that country, and
thence went to France with a party of nine, though some
seanchas say that it was to the country of Armenia he
went And the party who accompanied him declared that
he was heir to the kingdom of Ireland ; and from this it came
to pass that the king of the French made him leader of his
household guards ; and he became very successful, and so
was much talked about, and his fame was great in Ireland ;
and consequently many Irishmen followed him to France.
And he remained there a long time of his life.
Cobhthach Caol mBreagh son of Ughaine Mor, son of
Eachaidh Buadhach of the race of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland thirty years, or, according to others,
fifty years. Ceasair Chruthach, daughter of the king of
the French, was his mother. He was called Cobhthach Caol
mBreagh, for a severe disease afflicted him through envying
his brother Laoghaire Lore, who was king of Ireland before
him, so that he got into decline, and his blood and flesh
melted away, so that he was thin ; and Magh Breagh
is the name of the place in which he lay sick, and hence
he was called Caol mBreagh ; and this Cobhthach was .
slain by JLabhraidh Loingseach, son of Oilill Aine, at Dionn
Riogh, on the eve of greater Christmas, to avenge his father
164 pORAS peASA ATI 4mintl. [BOOK L
m^pb^T) leif-fe-d^n ; gon^'b cpit) pn t>o pinne pLe eijin 6^n
Ho 0|\c Cob6A<i 1 nOiotin Kiof ;
2860 So fln^S tAi^ne^d ca^ linn tip,
T>4ob |\o liAinTiimg^A^ t^i^iTi.
"Oo j^^b l/^bp^i'O t-oingfe^c m^c Oilioll^ Aine mic L0.05-
-6.i|te Luij^c mic tlg^ine Til6i|\ 00 fiot Cijie^c^nioin piog^cc
eipe^nn t)eic mbli^on^, gup tuic le TTIeiLge m^c CobcA.15
2666 C-d^oiL TTibpeAg. Agu-p If e ni t)^ •oci.mij ^ bpe^5^*6 on
bppo^ingc 50 h6ipiTin, '^j^^t e^stno^ife^c cuj Tnoipi4i.c inge^n
Scoipi^c P105 q^1ce bpe^p Ulopc 1 n-i<i.pcAp tlluni^n t)6, ^\\
meit) r\^ ctu if n^ "OceAfTr^f -oo bi o.ip. OLlThuigte-^p Le
CpA^ifCine Cf uicipe, oip pt)e^c -oo bi f o^n ^m foin 1 n6ipinn, pe
2660 tjul 'n-^ 'oio.i^ t>on Pp^mgc ^guf 10m ^-o -oo gpeicib ge^n^niL-o.
teif m^p ^on pe l^oi-b ctim^inn 'n-^^p nocc p t^iog^mne ^
'Oiogp^ife t)o itlo^on ; ^gtif pnnif pope pcbinn ^p 45. cpuic o.p
pocc^in no. Pp^injce t)o Cp^ifume 6^r\ c^n p^inij mo.p 0.
p^ibe triA^on ; ^Jtif g^b^if ^n 1^01*6 cum^inn •00 pinne
2668tT1oipi^c inge^n Scoipi^c ■ooltl-d^on. Jo^b^if ^n oipe-d.t> pom
luc^ip-d. pe lioipp'oeA*6 Cpo^ifane e 50 ntjub^ipc gup binn
teif A.n l^oix> If ^n pope ; ^.guf o^p n-^ clof foin t>^ rhtiinncip
if t)o Cp^ifcme, t)o gui-beA-o^^p pi Pp^ngc f a congn^m flu^j
T)o CA.bA.ipc T)6 fi. "OO a. qiice fein A.mA.c; A^guf
2670 ctig A.n pi lion CA.btA.15 tjo .1. t)a. ceA.T) A.p pcit) ceA.!) ; A.5tif
cpiA.ttA.1t) A.p muip ; A.5tif ni hA.icpif ceA.p a. beA.5 t)a. fc6A.tA.ib
gtip gA.bA.'OA.p ctiA.n A.5 Loc 5A.pTnA.n ; A.5Uf A.p ' 1
•ocip 'ooib ftiA.pA.t)A.p fceA.tA. CobcA.c CA.ot inbpeA.5 -oo beic 1
n'Oionn Hiog 50 n-ioinA.t) 'o'uA.iftib 6ipeA.nn 'n-A. focA.ip ; A.5tif
2875 teif pn cpiA.ttA.1t) t)0 to If t)'on3ce 50 t)cti5A.t)A.p A.muf ton5-
pnipC A.1f 5tip ThAipbA.t>A.p CobCA.C mA.p A.OTI pif nA. huA.iftib
pn. If A.nn pn oo pA.fptii5 t)pA.oi t>o bi fA.n mbptn-om cia.
and grandfather whom he had slain. On this some poet
composed this stanza :
Labhnddh LoinMaob, luiEciefit bis anny, ^
He tlew Cobhthach i& Dionn Biogb ;
Witb tbe lance- anned boat beyond tbe aea* water,
It was fxx>m tbese tbat tbe Lagenians were named.
Labhraidh Loingseach son of Oilill Aine, son of
Laoghaire Lore, son of Ughaine Mor of the race of Eireamhon,
held the sovereignty of Ireland ten years ; and he fell by
Meilge son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh. And the way in
which he was allured from France to Ireland was that
Moiriath daughter of Scoiriath, king of the territory of Fesira
More in west Munster, conceived a violent passion for him
on account of the greatness of his name and fame. She
equipped Craiftine the harper, a musician who was in Ireland
at the time, that he might go after him to France with many
love-presents, together with a love-lay in which she set forth
the intensity of her passion for Maon ; and when Craiftine
arrived in France, he played a very sweet tune on his harp
when he came to where Maon was, and sang the love-lay
which Moiriath daughter of Scoiriath had composed for Maon.
He was so delighted with Craiftine's playing that he said he
considered the song and the tune melodious ; and when his
followers and Craiftine had heard this, they besought the
king of the French to give him an auxiliary force so that he
might go and regain his own territory ; and the king gave
him a fieetful, that is, two thousand two hundred, and they
put out to sea ; and no tidings whatever are given of them till
they put into harbour at Loch Garman ; and when they
came ashore, they learned that Cobhthach Caol mBreagh
was in Dionn Riogh and many of the Irish nobles with him,
and thereupon they marched day and night, and attacked
his fortress, and slew Cobhthach together with these nobles.
It was then that a druid who was in the fortress inquired
166 ponAS peASA Ati eminn. [book i-
■00 i^iTine ^n 0|\5d^iTj pn. "An toinjfe^^c" o.p ^n ye^\\ ^mtiig,
"An l-fi.b^i'p ^n loingfeAc" ^|t ^n T)p^oi. "l/^bpA^i^b" ^^ ^n
2580 fe^t^ oile. 5^"^^ ^^ r^ ^^ le^n L^bpowiti> l/Oinji^e^d Tn^|t
popiMnm t)0 ttl^on 6 foin i te. Ajuf if ^®T ^^ f^dn^t)
L-Mgne le^c^njl^fo. ^p octif i ne-ijAinn ; lon^nn lomcppo
L^iTjne If flCift.j^ ^p ^ mbitjif cinn le^c^ngWf^ i^p^inn ;
^guf o n^ l^ignib pn g^ii^mce^p Wigin t)o luce ciiigm
2886 5^ttio.n ]iif j^ |^-iit)ceo.|t Cuige-d^t) L^ije^n o^niu. 5<^^^^
■OA^ '6e-(^pbo.'6 pn ^guf 'o'f^iprjeif ntiiTTi|Ae^c ^n Cflu^ig
ci^inig le l^^b|t-<Mt) l/omgfe^c on bVp-^ingc ^ci. o.n pie f^n
p^nn-fo :
X>i d^AV A^ p6iT) c6ao 3aII,
2500 .50 l^i^ib leAcriA teo AtiAll ,*
6 nA iAiJnib pn jati Oil
jAiptnceAp IaiJiti -oo tAigtub.
Ap m^pb^'o lomoppo Cobc4>.i5 C^oil mbpeo.5 "^^ L^bp^m
l/Oingpexb^c Aguf ^p n"Oul 1 peilb Gipe^nn tjo, ceit) pein if
2606Cp^ifrine "o'lonnftiije o.p ttlotpi^c injin Scoipi-cc injin pig
cpice bpe-6.p triopc, i^n le^nno^n lep ctiipe^t) Cp^ifcine "O^
pof "oon ppAingc. 'Oo pop l-d.bp^M'O 1, ^gtif if 1 f-i p'loj^n^
^ige ^n gcein -00 m^ip.
If e fi^c lomoppo f-i ntDe-G.c-6.1t> TTl^on pe p^i^cei^p
2800 t^^bp^it^ Loin5fei6.c •oon 'Pp-o.mgc 00 bicin 0. g-o^oil pe pig
Pp-d.ngc ; 6ip fxk hi inge-^^n piog Pp-^ngc, Ce^^f^ip Cpuc-o.c ^
h-dnm, fi. be^n 'o'tlg^ine itlop if pi. mo^c^ip v^ cloinn,
tnA^p ^ci^ L-^og^ipe tope if Cobc^c C^ol mbpe^g ^S^f ^^<^
mic "Oon L^og^ipe t^opc foin t^^bp^Mio Loingpe^c. Jon^^-o
2606 cpe n-6. g^ol pe Pp ^ngco^ib -oo cu^iio ^p ^ gcoin^ipce,
At>b^p oile fOf fo. nt>eA.CAi'6 oon Ppo^mgc peoc -ouIa. 1
T)cip oile ; -00 bpig go p^^ibe p^nn cinnce coTTiTnbi^iX)e itJi-p
l/-&.ignib If 'Fp-^ngcMg. 'Oo biot> lomoppo p^nn cinnce c^p^^t)
^g g-(^c cuige^t) 1 n^pinn vor\ leic c-6.ll "o'f-Mppge, ni6.p ^.ci^
2eioit)ip cl^nn^ib Tleill if Alb.6.n6.ig, ixjip fre^p^ib mtiTti4>.n if
who had executed that slaughter. "The mariner" (An
loingseach), replied the man outside. "Does the mariner
speak ?" asked the druid. " He speaks *' (Labhraidh), said
. the other. And hence the name Labhraidh Loingseach clung
to Maon ever since. And it was he who first made in Ireland
spears with broad greenish blue heads ; for laighne means
spears having wide green -blue iron heads ; and from these
> spears the name Laighin is given to the people of the pro-
vince of Gailian, which is now called the province of Leinster.
And the poet proves this, and sets forth the number of the
host which came with Labhraidh Loingseach from France, in
the following stanza :
Two hundred and twenty hundred loreignerBy
With broad tpears they came over ;
From these epears without flaw
The Leinstermen are called Laighin.
Now when Labhraidh Loingseach had slain Cobhthach Caol
mBreagh, and had taken possession of Ireland, he went
along with Craiftine to visit Moiriath daughter of Scoiriath,
king of the territory of Feara More, the lady-love who sent
Craiftine to France to visit him. Labhraidh married her, and
she was his queen during life.
Now the reason why Maon who was called Labhraidh
Loingseach went to France was his relation to the king of
the French. For a daughter of the king of the French called
Ceasair Chruthach was the wife of Ughaine Mor and mother
of his children, namely, Laoghaire Lore and Cobhthach
Caol mBreagh ; and Labhradh Loingseach is a son's son to
that Laoghaire Lore. And it was on account of his relation
to the French that he sought their protection.
Another reason why he went to France rather than to
another country is that there was a special friendly under-
standing between the Leinstermen and the French. Indeed
every province in Ireland had formed a special friendly alliance
beyond the sea, as the alliance between clann Neill and the
? ;:\
168 pOUAS peASA AH 4ltll1111. [BOOK I.
DpeACn^ib If it)if L^ignib if Pp^tiScaiS, ^rti^iL At)eif Sei^n
niAC Uofti^ U'l til^oilcon-d^ife Aft>oit)e ^f e^nn fe fe^i^nctif
fTiA p^nn^ib-fe fiof:
2616 ITpice ^a6 r>A 6ofi^AiteAf,
3ion ^pb lOtiAtiti 4^ mbtitiA'b ;
SACf A111 4kgtif p|\ TfltirfiAn ;
UlAif) Ajiif eAfpAinm J ;
2020 CoiTitithe co^ai^ gAd qxide ;
C0l111AdCA1$ If b]\10CAlt1lg ;
Uiinij t)on coThinbi.i'o "oo bi i-oif n^ CTJige^-b^ib if n^.
cpioc^ fe^rhfi.i'oce 50 f^ibe cofrh^MLe^f 'n-c. mbe^^^f^ib
2026 ©^coff^ leAC ^\\ le^rt)o f6i|\ o^n c-iifoeo.f^ if ^n ctrni^inn
t)o bi f e ceile
biot) 0. pof ^JAC, ^ Le^gcoif, 5t>f -^.b ^f ^of S ^'^ t^^bf ^1*6
l/Oingpj-fe ACAit) ^ m-o^if e-6.nn t)© n^ pof-L^MJnib t)o fiol
^f e^TTfiom -ccc O tlu^Lti^in CAinig vo fliocc Cobc^MJ C^d^oiL
2650 tnbf 6^5. A5 fo pof n^^ pfionifloinnce CAinij -oo L^ijnib,
TTi^f ^z6^ 6 Concub^if pi^ilge 50 n-^ j^bl^ib jeine^l^c
C-(^0TTi-in^i5 Uu^c^it-Mg bf^n^ig TTI^c 5^^^^^ 'pA'Of A15
6 'OuinTi 6 T)iomAf^i5 6 'Ouibi-bif mtiinTiceAf tli^in if 5^6
56^5 t)^|\ S^bluig 6 n-d. ftoitincib pn. 6 C-^CA^oif ltl6|t
2256CATi5^t)Af ufiTiOf L^ije^Ti ; gioev^f) ni u^it) ci.ini5 TTI^c
5iol-tA lI)^T)f A15, 6if t>o fc^f TTIo^c Jiolt^ P4^'0f-6.i5 if e
f6iTi f ^ ceile ^5 bfe^fA^l t)f e-6.c m^c p^CAC poibfic, A.n
ce-d.cpATYiA.0 glun *oe^5 6 C^co^oif ftio^f. X>i^ tti^c lomofpo
■00 bi A.5 ^n mbfe^f^L-fO m^f ^c-i Luj^it) tdicfionn if
8640 Connie; ^juf "oo foinne^t) Cuije^'d L^ije^n i-oif -(mi oi^f
foin, m-d.f ^co. 6 Oe^f b^ f oif ^5 Luj^itj if ^5 ^ fliocc, ^guf
on De^fbo. p^f A.5 Connie if ^5 0. fliocc. Jon^'o ^5
Albanians, between the Munstermen and the Saxons, between
the Ultonians and the Spanish, between the people of Con-
naught and the Welsh, as John son of Toma O Maolchonaire,
chief professor of seanchus in Ireland, says in the following
stanzas :
# ■
£acb is allied to its like,
Though they be not of the same ttook ;
The Ui Kdill and the Albanians ;
The Saxons and the Munstermen ;
The Ultonians and the Spaniards,
The battle-stay of eyery district ;
The Connaughtmen and the Welsli ;
The Leinstermen allied to the French.
From this alliance between the provinces and the above-
named countries they became mutually assimilated in
manners according to their friendship and affection for one
Know, O reader, that all true Leinstermen that survive of
the race of Eireamhon are descended from this Labhraidh
Loingseach, except O Nuallain who sprang from Cobhthach
Caol mBreagh. The following are the principal families that
sprang from the Leinstermen, namely, O Conchubhar Failghe
with his family branches, O Caomhanaigh, O Tuathalaigh,
O Branaigh, Mac Giolla Phadraig, O Duinn, O Diomasaigh,
O Duibhidhir, muinntear Riain, and every branch that sprang
from these families. It was from Cathaoir Mor that most of the
Leinster families sprang. But it was not from him that Mac
Giolla Phadraig sprang, since Mac Giolla Phadraig and himself
separated in pedigree from one another at Breasal Breac son
of Fiachaidh Foibhric, the fourteenth ancestor from Cathaoir
upwards. Now this Breasal had two sons, namely, Lughaidh
Loithfhionn and Connla ; and the province of Leinster was
divided between these two : thus Lughaidh and his descen-
dants obtained from the Bearbha eastward, and Connla and
his descendants from the Bearbha westwards. These sons and
170 ponAS peASA AH 4mitin. [book l
"Ou^iTi T>^p^b cofA<5, 'tlA^oithfeA^nduf n^oih 1n|^ p^it':
2646 tti^Arb If CoTtnlA ^Ati df a^,
t)A liiAC T>o b^^Af aI ty^ ftAC nifi ;
ta^Ai^ feAnACAip lAiJeAn.
6 tug^i-o fof ci^ng^tj^p muinnceAp 'Ombi'dip, ^S^f ^^
268ocui5e^t> gLun 6 C-o.c^oi|t ttlop pj^f f CA.|t-o.iT) fein if C^c^oiji
f e ceile. C^c^oif THof lomofjio tn^c 'pei'dliiniio pof uf jL-o^if
mic Cojim^ic Se^lc-o. 5^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Cofb mic Concofb*
m^c -oon Coincof b-fo C^if bf e CluiciocAif 6 bfuil 6 t)iiib-
iioif ; ^gtif 6 nici mic CpiOTTic-Mnn mic 4o.nTi^ Cintife^l^ig
2666 ^n feo.ccm^t) gltjn 6 C-o^c^oif TTldp Miu^f c^ng^tjo^n mtiinn-
An t>o.f ^ m^c ceA.n^ o'tJj^ine ttlof ^p ^ ■oci^inig fUocc
m^f -^c-i CobcAC Ca>oI mb|\e^5, T ^P ^ fUocc o^co^it) fiol
gCuinn uile it)ip fLiocc p^c^c Sp^ibceine if C'ocai'O 'Ooim-
2880 Lein if 5^c cp^ob coibne^fA. cite t)^p fo^f o Coriii, ^ihA^il
cuiffeo^m fiof t)^ eif fo i jcf ^obfCA^oile^t) m^c TllileA.'O.
these divisions are set forth in the following stanza from
the poem which begins, ' The sacred history of the saints
of Inis Fail ':
Lugbaidh and Con&k without yfxatioii,
Tiro toni of firaual Broao the noble ;
The Ostoxians sprang from Connla of the ▼oundt,
Lughaidh is ancestor of the Lagenians.
From Lughaidh also sprang O Duibhidhir ; and they
separated from Cathaoir in pedigree at the fifth ancestor from
Cathaoir upwards. Now, Cathaoir Mor was son of Feidhlimidh
Fiorurghlas, son of Cormac Gealta Gaoth, son of Nia Corb, son
of Cu Chorb. And a son of this Cu Chorb was Cairbre
Cluithiochair, from whom is O Dubhidhir ; and from Nathi
son of Criomhthann, son of Eanna Cinnsealach, the seventh
in descent from Cathaoir Mor, came muinntear Riain.
Now, the second son of Ughaine Mor who had issue was
Cobhthach Caol mBreagh. From him sprang all the race of
Conn, both the descendants of Fiachaidh Sraibhtheine and of
Eochaidh Doimhlen. and every other branch that sprang from
Conn, as we shall set down hereafter in the genealogy of the
sons of Milidh.
172 troHAS peASA All 6miiin, [book l
l/^^jcA-p ^^iL^bjA^i-b 1.01 njf 6^6 gup ^b cum^ clu^f 5C^p^ll
•00 bi o.p -6. ctu-6.|'^ib; ^gtif uime pn 5^(5 ^on 'oo biox) ^5
be^|tHi^'6 ^ pjilc, t)o TTiA|Abd^'6 t)o LAC^t^i e, 'o'f^icciof 50
28e6mbi^'6 pof n^ h^innie pn ^ige tia ^g ^ontjuine eile. f^
gni^c teif iomo|\|io e pein -oo be^jt-p-^t) 5^0^ bLi^on^, Tn^|i
6^zi^ ^ mbio^ 6 n-^ ti. clu-6.Tpfiof t)^ SP^^^S ^^ ce^fCA^t) "oe.
po^ heige-d^n q\AnTiCii|t vo cti|\ •oo^ pof cia v^ ]^oicpe^'6 ^n pi
T>o be^Nitix^i.'o 5^60. bli^i.'bn^, t)o bytig 50 gcle^^cc^t^ bif t)o
2670 c^bid.i|\c v^ 5^c ^on "o^ Tnbe-6.|\|\At> e. Ace ceo^n^ cuicif ^n
C'pift.nTictut ^p o^onth^c b^inc|\e^bc^i5e "Oo bi 1 n-e^pp ^
h^oife ^guf i ^5 ^iciuj^t) Laiiii |\e longpoixc ^n pioj.
Aguf niAp T)o cti^lo.1'6 o.n cp^nncup t)o cuicim -^|^ -6. m-^c
c^inig •00 5uit>e ^n f 105 ^5 ^ i^p|t^it> ^M-p 5^n 4^ h^oniTi^c
2675*00 b^pjj^'O ^gUf i C^Olb pif t)0 ftlOCC. J^^^^-^T ^^ f^ ^^
5^n ^n m^c -oo th^pb^t^ t)-^. TToe^pn-6.t) pun ^p ^n ni -oo
cife^-o If 5^n ^ 11000^*6 x)o ne^c 50 bi.f. Ajtif i^p mbeo.p'p-
^•6 ^n pioj t)on tti^c^otti x)0 bi co|^Tn^c ^n ^v^^n pn ^5
p4i.T)^^ 'n-^ co-pp 5up b'eige^n t}6 beic 1 luije ocp^sif 50
268on^c^|\ j^b leige^f f-<Nn bic speim te. Ap tnbeic 1 bf-c.t>
1 5C|A6ilite x>6 C15 -of^oi Toeijeot-o^d o^ pof ^juf innpf
t)^ TTii.c-6.i|i S^P^b co|^m^c fceoiL jAunt)^ fo. h^^bo^p cinni-p
■oo, ^gtif n^c bi4i.t> fl^n 50 nocc^.t) ^ pun t30 ni eijin ;
^5Uf ^oub^i|\c pif 6 t)o bi 'o'p4i.c^ib ^if 5^n 0. pun -oo
2688nocc^'6 "OO t)uine t)ul 1 5001115^^ ceicpe pi^n, ^juf citie^t>
^f. ^ lAitti -beif ^guf ^n ce^-ocf ^nn t30 ceijeA.Th^-o t>6 "oo
Ag^ltiTi-^, If ^ pun t)o Leije^n pif. If e ce^txif -d.nn c-i^pLA*
"66, foile^^c Thop, guf Leij ^ pun pi^. Leif pn fcei-oif
^n c-oipceA.f cinnif -oo bi fi. n-^ bpoinn, 50 p^ibe fL^n
2600 t)o ti^c^if, 0.5 cille^'6 50 ce^c ^ niAC-i^f c^p ^if "oo. Ace
ce^n^ 50 spot) •00. eif pn ci^pt^ gup bfife^o cpuic Cp^if-
cine ^guf ceit) 'o'l^ppxsit) -d.'ob^ip Cfuiue 50 oc^pl-o. ^n
Cfoite^c ce^t)n^ pep leig m^c n^^ b^incpeo^bc^ige 0. pun
We read of Labbraidh Loingseacb tbat bis ears were like
tbose of a borse ; and bence be used to kill on tbe spot every-
one wbo cut bis batr, lest be or anyone else migbt be aware
of tbis blemisb. Now be was wont to have bis bair cropped
every year, tbat is, to bave cut off tbe part of bis bair tbat
grew below bis ears. It was necessary to cast lots to deter-
mine who should crop the king each year, since it was his wont
to put to death everyone who cropped him. Now it happened
tbat the lot fell on tbe only son of a widow who approached
the close of her life, and who lived near tbe king's strdngbold.
And when she beard tbat tbe lot bad fallen on her son, she
came and besought tbe king not to put her only son to death,
seeing he was her sole offspring. Tbe king promised her tbat
be would not put her son to death, provided he kept secret
what he should see, and made it known to no one till death.
And when the youth bad cropped tbe king, tbe burden of tbat
secret so oppressed bis body tbat be was obliged to lie in tbe
bed of sickness, and that no medicine availed him. When he
bad lain long in a wasting condition, a skilful druid came to
visit him, and told bis mother tbat the cause of bis sickness
was the burden of a secret, and that he would not be well till
be revealed bis secret to some thing ; and be directed him,
since he was bound not to tell his secret to a person, to go
to a place where four roads met, and to turn to his right and
to address the first tree be met, and to tell his secret to it.
The first tree he met was a large willow, and he disclosed his
secret to it. Thereupon tbe burden of pain that was on bis
body vanished; and he was healed instantly as he returned to
his mother's bouse. Soon after this, however, it happened
tbat Craiftine*s harp got broken, and be went to seek tbe
material for a harp, and came upon the very willow to which
tbe widow's son bad revealed tbe secret, and from it be took the
174 ponAS peASA ATI 6minn. [book i.
T)6, o^guf be^n^if ^-bb^^A qtuice ^ifce A^juf ^p mbeic T)6^ncA.
2896 T)on (Jpuic If 1 gle-^fc^, m^^ x>o pnn Cp^ifcine ui|tpe i-p 6^-6
x)o f-^oilci jAif 5^c n-o.on n^ gcLuineA.* i 5tip^b e^.^ 'oo
c^n^io ATI d|\uic: X)i. 6 pill ^p Wb|tAii6 l/opc .i. Wb|^Ai'6
l^jingfe-d^c .1. X>i. cluAif c^p^ill ^\\ L^bft^i^ Lo|\c ; ^guf
5^0 A mionc^i. -oo femTieAt) o.|t ^.n 5C|^tJ1C pr\ if e o^n ni
270oceAt>n-(5. '00 CU15C1 uAiTD. A5Uf a|i gclof ^n fceoil pn t>on
fi5 "00 g^b Aictheile e cpe n-^f bo^fuige^t) 00 'd^oinib leif
^5 ceilc riA h-Mnthe pn "Oo bi ^ip, ^S^f CiMfpeAHAif ^
cluAfA Of 'oon ce^jl^c ^guf niof cuif ceilc Off ^
6 foin ATn-d.c, If tno f^oilim ^n 6uit)-fe -oonfceAl x>o beic
2706 'n--d. pnTifce4i.l pli^e^^cc^ ion a. 'n-^^ fc-d.if. Aguf if le
TTleilse tn^c Cobc^ig C^oilmbfe^g t^o ctiic d.n Wbf Ait)-fe.
"Oo g^b TTIeilge tTlolbcAC ttiac Cobc^ij C^oil mbf e-6.5
mic UJAine ttloif t)o fiol 6if eAihoiTi fioj^cc 6if e^nn fe^cc
mbliA'ono^ guf cuic le IH05 Cofb m^c Cobc^ig C-<j.oitti.
2710 *Oo j^b TTloj Cofb TTiAC CobcAij Caoitti mic Re^cc^'O-A
Tli3t>eif5 mic Lui5t>eAC L^Mgoe mic Ooc^-oa mic OiIioIIa.
pinn mic Aifc mic Lui5t)eAC l^-iim^eifg mic 6oc-d.c U^if-
ce^^f x>o pol Cibif fioJACC 6ifed^TiTi fe^cc mbli-d^on^. If
uime JAif ce-d.f TTlog Cofb "oe, ^f mbeic -oa mo^c 1 jc^f b-d^t)
2716 lo. n-Aon, bfifce-Q.f b^ll t)0Ti c^fb^t) ^suf coifigte^f le
TTlog Cofb e. 5^11^^ ^P^f ^" bfei-oim pn 00 t)eAn-d.m •o^j.
m^c ■o-d.f bVinm Cofb 5Aifceii.f tTlog Cofb "be; guf ctiic
le hAotiguf OllA.m.
"Oo j^b Aonjuf Oll^m m^c Oilioll-^ mic L-o^bf at6a
272oLoin5p5 mic Oilioll^ Aine mic t/o^oj^ife Luifc mic Ug^ine
TTldif t)o pol dife^moin fiog^cc Cife^nn occ mbli^TDriA.
tje^g guf cuic le hl^f Ainnjleo m^c TTIeilse.
'Oo j^b l^f Ainngleo liT^c^c m^c TTIeilge tTlolbc^ij mic
CobcA.15 C^oil mbf e^g mic tlg^itie ttloif 00 pol 6if e-d^moin
2726fio5ACC ^ife^nti fe^cc mbli^-on^ ; ^guf if tiime go^ifce^f
l^f-d^innjleo ITo^c-i^c -oe -oo bfig 50 f ^ibe feife^n f-ic^m^il
5.I1C g^j^ofm^f ; Aguf f 0. oeif e-d.t) "Oo cuic fe le pe^f Cof b
m^c TTIoJA Cuif b.
material for his harp ; and when the harp was made and set to
tune, as Craiftine played upon it all who listened imagined
that it sang, * Da o phill ar Labhraidh Lore/ that is, Labraidh
Loingseach, meaning, *Two horse's ears on Labhraidh Lore';
and as often as he played on that harp, it was understood to
sing the same thing. And when the king heard this story, he
repented of having put so many people to death to conceal that
deformity of his, and openly exhibited his ears to the house-
hold, and never afterwards concealed them. I think this part
of the story is a romantic tale rather than history. This
Labhraidh fell by Meilge son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh.
Meilge Molbhthach son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh,
son of Ughaine Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland seven years ; and he fell by Mogh Corb
son of Cobhthach Caomh.
Mogh Corb son of Cobhthach Caomh, son of Reach-
thaidh Ridhearg, son of Lughaidh Laighdhe, son of Eochaidh,
son of Oilill Fionn, son of Art, son of Lugaidh Lamhdhearg,
son of Eochaidh Uaircheas of the race of Eibhear, held the
sovereignty of Ireland seven years. He was called Mogh
Corb, because, as his son was one day in a chariot, a portion
of the chariot got broken, and Mogh Corb repaired it, and
through having done this service for his son whose name was
Corb he was called Mogh Corb. He fell by Aonghus Ollamh.
Aonghus Ollamh son of Oilill, son of Labhraidh Loing-
seach, son of Oilill Aine, son of Laoghaire Lore, son of
Ughaine Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland eighteen years, and fell by larainnghleo son of
larainnghleo Fathach son of Meilge Molbhthach, son of
Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of Ughaine Mor of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland seven years ; and
he was called larainnghleo Fathach because he was wise,
skilful, accomplished ; and -at length he fell by Fear Corb
son of Mogh Corb.
176 poRAS peASA All 4iniTin. [book I.
T>o 5^b pe^jt Co|tb m^c ITIo^^ Cui|tb mic Cobc^i^ C^oiih
2730 mic 1le^cCi6^'6^ 1115^601115 -oo fiol ^ibip fi05^<5c ^|te^nfi ^on*
bti^'o^iTi t>e^55U|t CU1C l^ Counts m^c l^t^^inngleo pi^c^ig
t)o go^b Connt^ Cttu^ii6<3e^t5o^c ttiac l^p^mn^teo 'fi^t-
A15 mic meiL5e itlotbcAig mic CobcAi5 C^oit mbfe^g mic
tlg^itie tTldi|t t)o fioi ^iteAihoin pog^cc ^ipeo^nn ceicpe
27»bLi^onA., 5up CHIC 1 TjCed^mpAig.
'Do g^b Oitilt C^ifp^clAc m^c ConnL^ Cpti^i'6<3e^l^i5
mic 1-^|\A.inn5leo pi^c^ig mic tTleiLse ttlolbcAig mic Cobc^ig
C^oit mb|te^5 mic tlg^ine ttldip t)o pot ^ijieAmoin jtiog^cc
6i]ie-6.nn cuij bLi^'onA. pce^^T), 5ti|t ctiic le hA^Am^iji poLc-
2740 c^oiti.
'Do g^b A-o^mAij^ potcc-com m^^c P|\ Cuijib mic THog^
Ctii|\b mic CobcAi5 Caoitti mic tle^cc-o.'OA I^^S^^fS 'oo pot
6ibi|\ pioj^cc 6i|ie^nTi CU15 btio^pn^, 5ti|\ ctiic te hCocAi-o
2746 tDo 5-^b 6oc^i^ potcte^c^n m^c Oitiott^. CAi]:p^ctAi5:
mic Connt^ CpuAi'6ceo.t5Ai5 mic 1-^|ii0.inn5teo 'pi.cAi5 mic-
nieit5e tl1otbc^i5 mic Cobc^ig C^oit mic tlg^ine ttldi|v
t)o pot ^ipe^moin ^tiog^cc ©ijieAnn ^oinbti^'OAin ve^^
5U|t CU1C te Feo^pguf "PojiCAm^it.
2780 "Do s^b pe^psuf poitCATTi-^it m-6.c bjie^f^it 0|\ic mic
Aonguf A. 5^^^^^^ ^''C Oitiott-6. ujiACAin mic L^bp^d.^^ ^01115-
P5 mic Oitiott^ Aine mic t^^05^i|te t^uiftc mic tl5-d.ine itloip
•00 pot 4ineA.m6in |aio5^cc ^jieA^nn -oi. *bti ^'6^111 T)eA5.
A5tif If uime 5^n\ce-^p 'PeA]i5tif 'po'pc^ 'oe .1. b-c. t^occ^
2766 t-ii-oi-p foipcit e 'n-^ ^imp]A fein ; 5U|\ cuic te hAonguf
'Do 5^b Aon5tif Cui-pbe^d m-d^c 6oca.c poitcteAC^in mic
Oitiott^ CAifp^ctAi5 mic Contit^ C|\ti-6ki'6ceAt5A.i5 mic l^jt*
^inii5teo 'pACAig mic TTIeitse ttlotbcAig mic CobcA.15 C^oiU
27MmbiteA5 mic tl5^iTie ttloin 00 pot ^ite^d^moin
^|ie^nn -oeic mbti^Ton^ pce^t), no t)o ]i6i|t t)|itiiTi5e oite,
cpi pciT) bti-o^Ti^n ; ^5tif if tiime 5o.i|ice^|t Aongtif Cui-pbe^a
Fear Corb son of Mogh Corb, son of Cobhthacb Caomh,
son of Reachtaidh Righdhearg of the race of Eibhear, held the
sovereignty of Ireland eleven years ; and he fell by Connla
son of larainnghleo Fathach.
Connla Cruaidhchealgach son of larainnghleo Fathach,
son of Meilge Molbhthach, son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh,
son of Ughaine Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty four years ; and he fell at Tara.
Oilill Caisfhiaclach son of Connla Cruaidhchealgach,
son of larainnghleo Fathach, son of Meilge Molbhthach, son of
Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of Ughaine Mor of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-five years,
till he fell by Adhamair Foltchaoin.
Adhamair Foltchaoin son of Fear Corb, son of Mogh Corb,
son of Cobhthach Caomh, son of Reachtaidh Righdhearg
of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland five
years ; and fell by Eochadh Foiltleathan.
Eochaidh Foiltleathan son of Oilill Caisfhiaclach, son of
Connla Cruaidhchealgach, son of larainnghleo Fathach, son
of Meilge Molbhthach, son of Cobhthach Caol, son of Ughaine
Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
eleven years, and fell by Fearghus Fortamhail.
Fearghus Fortamhail son of Breasal Breac, son of Aonghus
Gaileann, son of Oilill Bracan, son of Labhraidh Loingseach,
son of Oilill Aine, son of Laoghaire Lore, son of Ughaine
Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
twelve years ; and he was called Fearghus Fortamhail, for he
was warlike, strong, vigorous in his own time; and he fell
by Aonghus Tuirbheach.
Aonghus Tuirbheach son of Eochaidh Foiltleathan, son
of Oilill Caisfhiaclach, son of Connla Cruaidhchealgach, son
of larainnghleo Fathach, son of Meilge Molbhthach, son of
Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of Ughaine Mor of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland thirty years, or,
according to others, sixty years ; and he was called Aonghus
178 ipon^s peASA All 4itiinri. [book i.
■oe 6i|t b^ cui|tbe^6 .1. h^ n^jt^c teif A^n m^c t)o |tinne pe
11-^ infill fern C]\e iheifce .1. p^d^it) Fe^p ttl-o^p^ ^inm ^n
2766 fhic pn ; ^Jtif If uitne cu^^^ p^dM<> pe^p TTI^p^ ^ip, t)o
bpijj gtipb A^p miJip t)o ctiiiie-o.T6 1 3cu|\^dikn 6 m^d^p ibifLiug-^-o
^ip 50 feoi'oib uMfle 'ti-A amce^tl bu^ inneAitiML x)o
TTi^c pioj; 50 •^x)A|t lAfc-Mpe^-bo. pif 50 •ocug^.o^'P
1 •ocip e If gup ctiipe^x)Ap ^p oiLeMTi^in 6. "Do bi fOf m^c
2770 p§ ^ rtin^oi pofc^ ^5 Aonjuf Uuipbe^c, ^^niiA Aijne^c
fi. hAiTiTn T)6, ^guf If u^it> c-inj^o-^p fiol gCuinn uile; if
•00 in-o.pb^t) Aonjuf Umpbe^c fein 1 oUeMhp^ig; gon^ft.-o
6 n-^ tti^pb^^ 1 t>CeA.fTipAi5 g^ipce^p Aonguf Uuipbe^c
Ue^TTipA^c t>e.
2775 'Do g^b ConA^tl CollAfTip^c tn^c ©i-oipfceoil Ue^nip^c
mic 6oc^c poitcteAC^in mic Oiliott^ Co.iffiA.ctAi 5 mic
Connie Cpti-Mi6ceAl5Ai5 mic l^pAinnjleo pi.cAij mic ITIeilje
liloLbc4i.i5 mic CobcAig Ca.oiL mbpe^g mic tTgo^ine ttloip 6ipeA.nTi CU15 btiA^onA., gup CU1C 16 TIia. SeA.5A.mA.iTi,
2780 'Do 5A.b Hi A. SeA.5A.mA.1n mA.c A'OA.mA.ip polccA-oiTi mic
Pp Ctiipb mic TTIogA. Cuipb mic CobcA.15 CA.oim mic
a.'6a. tli5^eip5 -00 fiot ^bip CipeA.nTi mbliA.^TiA.;
A.5tif If uime 5A.ipceA.p TIia. SeA.5A.mA.iTi -oe .1. feA.cmA.oiTieA.c,
6ip fA. mop A.T1 bpeif TTiA.oiTie t)6 feoc c-id, mA.p t)o ci5'oif
2786 TIA. heittce A.l»tCA. T)0 CA.bA.ipC Ia.CC A. 50 CeA.TlTlfA.
5A.C boiTi oile 'n-A. pe i n^piiiTi cpe • a. rriA.CA.p
t)A.p b'A.iTim l^tio'bA.if; A.5Uf t>o cuic A.n TIia. SeA.5A.mA.iTi-fe
te h6A.TiTiA. Ai5TieA.c.
t)© 5A.b 6A.riTiA. Ai5neA.c mA.c AoTiguf a. tuipbig UeA.mpA.c
2790 mic C"o<5a.c poilcteA.CAin mic OiliottA^ CA.ifpA.ctA.15 mic
CoTiTitA. CpuA.i'6deAt5A.i$ mic lA.pA.inTi5teo pA.CA.15 mic tlleitse
tTlotbcA.15 mic CobcA.15 CA.oit mbpeA.5 mic t:l5A.ine ttloip vo
pot 4ipeA.TTi6iTi 6ipeA.nTi occ mbtiA.'buA. pceA.x). If
tiime 5A.ipceA.p eA.n.nA. Ai5TieA.c te^ iotia.titi A.i5TieA.c A.5Uf
2795 05 eineA.c .1. oineA.c iomtA.n ; 6ip *oo bponnA.'o 5A.C ni v^
Tuirbheach, for he felt ashamed (tuirbheach) of the son he had
by his own daughter through drunkenness. This son was
called Fiachaidh Fear Mara ; and he was called Fiachaidh Fear
Mara because he was abandoned, being put on the sea in a
canoe with precious valuables around him, such as befitted the
son of a king ; and fishermen came upon him and brought him
ashore, and put him to nurse. Aonghus Tuirbheach had
also a son by his wedded wife, and his name was Eanna
Aighneach, and from him came the entire race of Conn ; and
Aonghus Tuirbheach himself was slain at Tara ; and it is
from his having been slain at Tara that he is called Aonghus
Tuirbheach Teamhrach.
Conall Collamhrach son of Eidirsceol Teamhrach, son
of Eochaidh Foiltleathan, son of Oilill Caisfhiaclach, son of
Connla Cruaidhchealgach, son of larainnghleo Fathach, son
of Meilge Molbhthach, son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of
Ughaine Mor, held the sovereignty of Ireland five years, and
fell by Nia Seaghamain.
Nia Seaghamain son of Adhamair Foltchaoin, son of
Fear Corb, son of Mogh Corb, son of Cobhthach Caomh, son
of Reachtaidh Righdhearg of the race of Eibhear, held the
sovereignty of Ireland seven years ; and he was called Nia
Seaghamain, that is, seachmhaoineach 'surpassing in wealth,' as
his wealth far exceeded that of all others, for the wild does
used to come and yield their milk kindly like any cow in his
reign in Ireland through the magic of his mother, whose
name was Fliodhais ; and this Nia Seaghamain fell by Eanna
Eanna Aighneach son of Aonghus Tuirbheach Teamhrach,
son of Eochaidh Foiltleathan, son of Oilill Caisfhiaclach, son
of Connla Cruaidhchealgach, son of larainnghleo Fathach, son
of Meilge Molbhthach, son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of
Ughaine Mor of the race of Eireambon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland twenty-eight years. He was called Eanna Aigh-
neach, for aighneach is the same as ogh oineach^ that is, 'perfect
180 ITOHAS peASA AR ^Ulltltl. [BOOK I,
t>ceA5niA.'6 'n-d. li^m ; ^iguf t>o cuic f^ l^ Cpioiht^nn
• "Do 5^b CpiothcAnn Cofq\^c m^c pei'dtimi-b jToipcpium
tnic pe^d^pgUfA. mic bpe^^f^il D|\ic mic Aon^tif^
2800 5^itine mic Oilioll^ DjAi^CAin mic l^^bf ^-6^ ^oinjpg mic
OilioltA S^r\e mic Wogd^ijie Lui]\c mic Ug^Mne ltl6i|t t>o fiot
6if e^rtioiTi i^iog^dc 6if e^nn fe^cc mbb^'dn^. 1f uime S^ip-
ce^|i Cuiomc^TiTi Cofcp^c "te o.^ a mionc^ "oo benie^i6 bu^io
cofCAi|t If comt^mti i 115^6 c^c 1 t)ce^5m-6st) ; gujt cuic te
saoo Hu-b-ptiige m^c Sicfije.
'Do 5^b Hu^biitiige m^c Sicpije mic 'Ouib mic |rom6i|\
mic Ai'pjeA.'omint mic SiofLAim mic pmn mic b|\iwC^ mic
Wbi^^t)^ mic CAi]tb|te mic Ott^m^n P6t>La vo ftiocc i|t
mic TTliteA.'b |\ 6nte-o.nn t)eic mbti^^nA. pce^t) no •00
28i0|\ei|t ^ftiinge oile 'oeic mbli^'oriA if C|\i pat) ; jup cuic x>o
CAth 1 TiAi'p5eA.'0|\of .
'Do 5-d.b 1onTi^T)m-i|\ m^c T\^^ Se^5^m^in mic A-o^m-Mp
polccAOin mic Pp Cuipb mic TTloj^ Cuipb mic Cobc^ig
C-o^oim mic tle^ccA.i6A R'^S'oeipj vo fiol ^bip 6ip-
mse^nti cpi bti6.'6ii^; gup cuic le bpe^f^tboi'oiob^'o.
X>o jo^b bpe^fA^L bdmiob^'Q m^c Hu-opuige mic Sicpige
mic t)uib mic pomdip mic Aipje^'omAip mic Sioplo^im -00
fliocc ip mic tnite^'b pioj^cc ^ipe^nn ^oinbli^'b^in t)eA.5,
If uime g^ipce^p bpe^f^t boi-oiob^io -oe .1. bo-^p mop
2KoCApl^ 1 Ti4ipinn pe n--d. tinn. tDo cuic ^n bpe-G.f^l-fo le
Lug^i^ LuAigtie.
t)o g^b 'LugA.i'b l^u^ijne m^c lonn^x)miip mic Hia Se^a^g-
^m^in mic A'O^mA.ip polccA^oin mic Pp Cuipb mic Tno5A.
Cuipb mic CobcAig C^oim mic^ tlig'oeipg "oo fiot
2825 ^^ip 6ipe^nn CU15 bli^"6n^, 5up cuic le CongA^l
X)o 5A.b C0T15A.I ClAipin5neAC mo^c Hu-opuige mic Sicpige
generosity/ for he used to give away whatever came to his
hand ; and he fell by Criomhthann Coscrach.
Criomhthann Coscrach son of Feidhlimidh Foirthriun, son
•of Fearghus Fortamhail, son of Breasal Breac, son of Aonghus
Gaileann, son of Oilill Bracan, son of Labhraidh Loingseach,
son of Oilill Aine, son of Laoghaire Lore, son of Ughaine
Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of
Ireland seven years. He is called Criomhthann Coscrach
from the frequency with which he was victorious in slaughter
and contest in every battle in which he was engaged ; and he
fell by Rudhruighe son of Sithrighe.
Riidruighe son of Sithrighe, son of Dubh, son of Fomhor,
son of Aii^headmhar, son of Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of
Bratha, son of Labhraidh, son of Cairbre, son of OUamh Fodla
of the race of Ir son of Mileadh, held the sovereignty of
Ireland thirty years, or, according to others, seventy years ;
and he died of the plague at Airgeadros.
lonnadmhar son of Nia Seaghamain, son of Adhamair
Foltchaoin, son of Fear Corb, son of Mogh Corb, son of
Cobhthach Caomh, son of Reachtaidh Righdhearg of the
race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of Ireland three years ;
and he fell by Breasal Boidhiobhadh.
Breasal Boidhiobhadh son of Rudhruighe, son of Sithrighe,
son of Dubh, son of Fomhor, son of Airgeadmhar, son of
5iorlamh of the race of Ir son of Milidh, held the sovereignty
of Ireland eleven years. He was called Breasal Boidhiobh*
adh, for a great cow-plague occurred in Ireland in his time.
This Breasal fell by Lughaidh Luaighne.
Lughaidh Luaighne son of lonnadmhar, son of Nia
Seaghamain, son of Adhamair Foltchaoin, son of Fear Corb,
son of Mogh Corb, son of Cobhthach Caomh, son of Reachtaidh
Righdhearg of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of
Ireland five years, and fell by Conghal Clairingneach.
Conghal Clairingneach son of Rudhruighe, son of Sithrighe,
182 poiiAS peASA AH 4ininn. [book l
mtc tDuib mic "PoThoip mic Ai|i5eA.t)Thii|t mic Sio|\1^itti t>o
fliocc l-p mic TTlile^^ |^ 4ipe^nn cuig bli^T^n^ "O^^S ;
2«o5U'p CU1C l^ 'OuAc "OaIIc^ 'OeAjj^i'b,
mic l^uijjoe-^c Lu^ijne mic lonn^'omi.Hi mic TIia Se^g^m-o^in
mic A'DA.m^i^ 'PolccAOin mic P|\ Cuijib mic TTloj^ Ctin\b
mic Cobc^ig Co^oim mic tle^cc^'OA. tligioeipg "oo fiot 4ibi|\
2836t^i05-^cc ^ijie^nn -oeic mbtiA.t)nA. If uime 5^i|it:exi.|i 'Ou^c
X)^ttc^ 'Oe^j-o.i'O 'oe, "O-i mii.c •oo bi ^5 CAi|ib|ie l/Uifc .1.
X)UAC if 'Oeo.gA.i^ ^ n-A^nm^TiTi^, ^S^f ^^ ^^ im-pe^fA^n
e^^cojif A ipi^ pioJACC Bi-pe^nn; 6m(\ b^ hinne-^ m^p ^•ob^p
jiioj 5^c m^c -oiob ^|\ "oeitb if o.|t loe^n^m ^p §niom if
2840^]^ §^ifce^'6. S^'oe^t) -oo co5<m|\ 'Oe^jj^iij ^n m^c x>o Voige
■oon -oif ce^cc f-i b-pAJ^it) ^ ■oeApbfi.c^f vo h^ pne lono^
e fein .1. X)ti-6.c. An c^n x>o conriAipc 'Oti^c ^n ni pn -oo
ctiiit ce-o^cc^ UAi-d A]i 6eA.Tin ^^ 'oe^.pbf ^c^a^f .1. 'Oeo.5^116,
Ui^mij lomoffo 'Oe-o.jxi.i'O 50 h-d.i|tm a. f^ibe 'Ouac ^guf
2846 mA|\ |^A1T^15 "Oo tAC^i|t j^bc^p te 'Oti^.c e, juf be-Mi a. -oa
f^^^ ^r> S<> p^ibe 'n-^ -6^11 50 xje^f bCift. ; gon^-o ve pn -oo
Le-d^n X)ti^c X)^ 'Oe^j^i'o m^|\ fO|\^inm ^if. If ^^5
f Aifneif ^n gniom^ foin "Oo jMnne pte eijin ^n p^nn-fo :
t)o ^Ab^i) OeAgAub '11 -A COIJ
2860 A^ xyuAdf Ag A -6eA|\b|\ACoi^ ;
A^tlf 00 T>AltA<> ^O TMAH
X)o CU1C An 'OtiAC-fo le pACcnA ^acac mAC CAif.
TDo jAb pAdcnA l-ACAC mAC CAif mic tlu-optii^e mic
2866SiC|ii5e mic 'Otiib mic "Pomoip mic Aif ^eA-omAif mic SioflAim
t)o ftiocc if mic THiteAO fiojACC 4jf eAnn f e bliA-onA "oeAj
juf CU1C t# h^ocAi-b pei'olioc.
son of Dubh, son of Fomhor, son of Airgeadmhar, son of
Siorlamh of the race of Ir son of Milidh, held the sovereignty
of Ireland fifteen years, and fell by Duach Dallta Deaghaidh.
Duach Dallta Deaghaidh son of Cairbre Lusc, son of
Lughaidh Luaighne, son of lonnadmhar, son of Nia Seagh-
amain, son of Adhamair Foltchaoin, son of Fear Corb, son of
Mogh Corb, son of Cobhthach Caomh, son of Reachtaidh
Righdhearg of the race of Eibhear, held the sovereignty of
Ireland ten years. He was called Duach Dallta Deaghaidh,
for Cairbre Lusc had two sons, namely Duach and Deaghaidh,
and they disputed the sovereignty of Ireland with one another,
for each of these sons was a fit person for the kingship as
regards shape, make, action, and valour. But Deaghaidh,
the youngest of the sons, sought to supplant his elder
brother Duach. When Duach perceived this, he sent mes-
sengers for his brother Deaghaidh ; and Deaghaidh came
to the place where Duach was ; and when he came into his
presence, Duach seized him, and took out his eyes, so
that he was really a blind man ; hence the name Duach
Dallta Deaghaidh, * Duach who blinded Deaghaidh,' clung
to him. To set forth this deed some poet composed this
stanza :
Deaghaidh was seixed in his house
By Duach, hy his hrother ;
And hlinded by Tiolenoe wm
This Deaghaidh, though sorry was the deed.
This Duach fell by Fachtna Fathach son of Cas.
Fachtna Fathach son of Cas, son of Rudhruighe, son of
Sithrighe, son of Dubh, son of Fomhor, son of Airgeadmhar,
son of Siorlamh of the race of Ir son of Milidh, held the
sovereignty of Ireland sixteen years; and he fell by Eochaidh
184 poiiAS peASA An eitiinn. [book i.
TJo $^b OocAi-b peTdtioc m^c pnn inic ponntog^ inic
tlotgnein Uu^i-b mic 6Af^m^in ^Mtin^. tnic btAC^cc-6. mic
Ue^ni]iAC mic 6oc-6.d 'PoiLcte^c^in mic dliolt^ C^ij-p^ctAij
mic Contit-^ C|itii6.i'6ce^t5^i5 mic l^ji^innjleo pi.CAij mic
1Tleil5e ttlolbc^ij mic CobcA.15 C^oit mb^ie^g mic 115^6.1116
ttldiji -00 pot 4i|\e/MTi6in iaioj^cc 6i]ieA.nn v^ bLi^ib^in -oe^j.
ssaebeini^ inje^^n Cjiiomc-6.inTi mAC^i|t 6oc^c fei-oLig. If uime
5^i|ice^|\ 6o<5i6.i'6 pei-olioc i>e x>o b|ti5 50 ji^ibe oftiA. 1 hip^v
^nn. 1on-6.nTi i6mo]\|io fei'bit if ip^^v^ ; lonA^nn f 6f uc if
Ofn^; tiime pn, if ioTiA.nTi pei'dtioc if fei'OiL uc .1. f^.'oofnA.;
6i|\ niojt i5e-d.lui5 opiA. ]\e n-A. qioi-de 6 t)o m-6.nb^'6 a. m^cA.
2870 leif 1 JCAC "Ofom^ Cfi^^m 50 bfUA.i|\ fem b^f. T\^ c]ii
pnneA.mTi^ x>o 5^ipci -00 n^ C|\i m-d^c^ib pn. Ajtif if uime
t)o s^^ijici 6-d.mnA. •610b on foc^t-fo ^m^onj -o^ ■6iijtcA.T6 TI-6.C
'n»^ A^on^]! t^tij-d.'b TieA.c ^c^» ^cc juf^b 1 n-^^oinfe^cc
f ujA^o 1A.X) ; ^juf Cloicponn mje^n 6oc^c UicclaACiMn
2876 beo^n 6oc-d.c pei-olij f i. mi.c^Tp "ooib, ^juf 'o'a.oh coif be^|\c
fuj p i^t). bfCi^f If Hi^f If tocAf .-6. Ti-i6.nmAnni6.. A^tif
if e ^n c6oc-6.i'6 pei-otioc-fo 00 f ointi if vo ofouig cui^eA^o-
A15 ^f ^f inn ^f T>cuf. 6if t)o f oinn f§ Cuige^'o Conn^cc
'n-A. cfi mifib Af CfiAf .1. pt>e^c m-o^c p^g, 600^10 All^^t),
288oCinne m^c Connf^c. Uuj t)0 "Pube^c Pf n^. Cf^oibe 6
P^e-d.c 50 Ltiimne^c; cug •o'G'odi^it^ All-d.t) loffuf 'Oom-
n^i^nn 6n nS^illim 50 tDuib ^.guf 50 'Ofob/^oif ; ctig t)o
tinne m^c Connf^c m4^5S^1nb ^guf Se^ncu-(sc^ U^i-oe^n
6 p^e-OwC 50 Ue^m-6.if Of 05^6. Tli-6.t> ; cuj fof Cuige^-o tH^-o
2M6 "o'lpe^f guf m^c Leit>e; ctij Cuige^t) t^ige^n vo tloff^
m^c "Fe^f jtif ^ T^^T^rS© ; ^^5 "O-i ctaige^.t) TnumAn -oo tig-
e^f nA.c teA.T)b^nnA.c if t)o 'Oe^g-d.i'o; lonntnf jtif cuif 4ife
f A n-^ If f-i n-^ ofoug^'o fein 50 hiomlAn fe-o.'d ^
f 1-6.1 Clf.
Eochaidh Feidhlioch son of Fionn, son of Fionnlogh, son of
Roighnen Ruadh, son of Easaman Eamhna, son of Blathacht,
son of Labhraidh Lore, son of Eanna Aighneach, son of
AongbusTuirbheachTeamhrach, son of Eochaidh Foiltleathan,
son of Oilill Caisfhiaclach, son of Connla Cruaidhchealgach,.
son of larainnghleo Fathach, son of Meilge Molbhthach, son
of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of Ughaine Mor of the race
of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twelve years.
Benia daughter of Criomhthann was mother of Eochaidh
Feidhlioch. He was called Eochaidh Feidhlioch, for he suffered
long from sighing, ior/etdhil means ' long,' and uch means * a
sigh,' hence Feidhlioch means * a long sigh.' For his heart was
never without a sigh since he slew his sons in the Battle of
Drom Criaidh until his own death. These three sons were
called the three Finneamhnas. And they were called
Eamhna, from the word amkaon, denying that any one of
them was born alone, they being all bom together. And
Cloithfhionn daughter of Eochaidh Uichtleathan, wife of
Eochaidh Feidhlioch, was their mother, and she gave birth
to them together. Their names were Breas and Nar and
Lothar. And this Eochaidh Feidhlioch it was who first
divided Ireland into provinces and instituted provincials.
For he divided the province of Connaught into three parts,
between three, namely, Fidheac son of Feig, Eochaidh AUad,
Tinne son of Connraidh. He gave to Fidheac Fir na Craoibhe,
from Fidheac to Luimneach ; he gave to Eochaidh Allad
lorrus Domhhann, from Gaillimh to Dubh, and to Drobhaois ;
he gave to Tinne son of Connraidh, Magh Sainbh and Sean-
tuatha Taidhean, from Fidheac to Teamhair Bhrogha Niadh ;
he gave, moreover, the province of Ulster to Fearghus
son of Leide ; he gave the province of Leinster to Rossa
son of Fearghus Fairrge ; he gave the two provinces of
Munster to Tighearnach Teadbhannach and to Deaghaidh ;
so that he brought all Ireland under his own sway and rule
during his reign.
186 poiiAS peASA ATI 4ininn. [book i.
2S0O Acc ce^n^ ceit) 6ocaii6 i^|t pn i gCoTin^dc^ib ; ^5tif
agit) n^ c|\i pig pn if C|ti p^nn^ Conn^dc 'n-^ 'oaiU "Oo
lA^pp ^ocAi'b lon^* tonjpuipc piog i gCofin^dc^ib opp^
■66 f^in. AT)ub^i|ic Coc^m Alt^d^T) if pme^c n^c ntib|tA*
T)o.oif fein pn t)6, if juf b'fe^f p teo ^ ciof if o^ •du^tg^.f
2896 "00 cup ctiige 50 CeAiTiAif. 5ii6eAi6 vo b^ coil le Cinne
m^c Connp ^c .1. ati cpe^f fe^p tSoh lon^o tonjptJipc 00
beic ^5 G'ocAi'o. Uu3 ^oca.ix) a. inje-Mi f^in .1. tne^-ob
'n-4i. mnA.01 t)o tinne, ^guf t)o ce^n^l^'o^p CAipt>eAf pe
ceile. 'Oo p^fptiig Ooc^i^ pei-btioc t)^ •op^oicib c'aic o»
2900 ntje^n^t) Ujnjpopc; A^guf ^T)tibpAt)A.p pif ^[oe^ti^ih 1 TiX)ptJitn .
T14X n'Opu-d.^ pif ^ pi.i'oce^p Cpu^d^m. 'Oo cionnfcnA'O ^n
p^ic ^Tin pn teif ^n nJ-d.niA.npiii'O 6 lopptif 'Ootfin^tin ^5tJf
x)o piTiTieA.T)^p ctoio n^ po^c^ foin Coc^c 1 n-^onto, ^th^iL
^T)eip ^n pie :
2906 Uug 1 n«AOiit6 a^ oi^eA^c T>oifiTiAiiii
'O^AiiAth HA TMonjiiA if a ^eitb ;
Hi cti^ ^i pAiL ^o nA fl«A'6Aib
t>AiL "00 11 A feA|\Aib fnti'n bfei^om.
"Oo pinne^'O foipgne^iti io.p pn innce; ^guf cuj 6ocAn>
2910 "oo tinne m^c Connp^c, ^.guf t)o pof Oc
inge^n fein .1. ine^x)b pip *Oo itio^pb Uinne C^oc-a^m All^i.-o
•00. eif pn 6.5tif cti5 pige 'OomnA.nn-d.c x>'Oilill ponn. Uug
cpi. trie^'ob.ce^nn^f tli.c-6. h6oc-6.c t)o Cpoi-beipg
m-icA^ip ttleiibbe fem ; ^guf if on pn g^ipce-d^p
2916 Cpu^c^in t)o K^iic Cpu^c^n o.nii3, ^ -^.tjeip A.n pie y^r\
pA.nn-f o :
t)|\iiim HA n'OfitiA'b if CuIa^ Oi<hie»
flAi6 YieodA^ A liAium iA|\ foiTi ;
Hai^ C|\tiAdAn 6 Ct\6dAin Cf dr6etf ^,
2920 t)o ItiACtiig iti6i|\ fei|\5 fAn woig.
X)o bi TTle^'ob 'n-A. mn^soi 1 bp-d.'O 'n-^ 'oi-c.i'o pn A.5 Uinne
m^c Connp^c, jtip cuic pe 1 t)Ue-d.Thp-M5 "oo l^iTh ttlonuitjip
After this, however, Eochaidh went into Connaught ; and
the three kings and the people of the three divisions of
Connaught came to meet him. Eochaidh asked of them the
site of a royal fortress for himself in Connaught. Eochaidh
AUad and Fidheac said they would not grant him this,
and that they preferred to send him his rent and dues to
Tara. Tinne son of Connraidh, however, the third king,
consented to Eochaidh's having the site of a fortress.
Eochaidh gave his own daughter Meadhbh to wife to
Tinne ; and they formed a friendly alliance with one another.
Eochaidh Feidhlioch inquired of his druids where he should
build the fortress ; and they told him to build it at Druim
na nDruadh, which is called Cruachain. The fort was then
begun by the Gamhanruidh from lorrus Domhnann ; and
they made the rampart of that fort of Eochaidh in one day,,
as the poet says :
He enjobed on the tribe of BomhDann, in one dtj
To nuLke and shape the rampart ;
The king of Fail of the feasts gaye not
Pay to the men for the work.
A residence was then built within it ; and Eochaidh gave the
kingdom of Connaught to Tinne son of Connraidh, and gave
him his own daughter, Meadhbh, in marriage. After this
Tinne slew Eochaidh AUad, and gave the kingdom of Domh-
nann to Oilill Fionn. Now Meadhbh gave the government of
Raith Eochach to Crochain Croidhearg, her own mother ;
and it is from this Crochain that the name Cruachain is now
given to Raith Cruachan, as the poet says in this quatrain :
Bruim na nBraadh and Tulach Oichne,
And then Eaith Eochach was it called ;
Eaith Cruachan from Crochain Croidhearg,
Who sped great wrath on the plain.
Meadhbh continued for a long time afterwards to be the wife
of Tinne son of Connraidh, till he fell at Tara by the hand of
188 ipon^s treASA Ati 4minii. [book i.
^ pij© t)*6if Uinne 5^.11 feif te ye^jt ^-p bic df A^it-o,
^926 A.<5c 5^c fe^|t Of ife^t v^ f^nnctiige^'O feiti -00 bene ^ici.
Uug ITle-d.'ob OililL tnop m^c tloff^ tlu^i-b t)o l/^ignib tn^p
c^le iA|t pn. niA.t)^ Tnui|\ifC be^n Conn^cc^c f-i mic^iii
T>6 ; ^5t»f puj Itle^-bb mdiftfeif e^|t m^c .1. n^. fe^cc tTl^ine.
•o'Oililt; A^juf If e Cofl^tt Ce^pn^c ^j\ mbeic *n-^ fe^n6i|\
2«30i 5C]ttiA.CAin t)o niAfb OilitL 'o'ufcoit x>o 5^1 ; ^guf le4i.Ti-6.1T)
pf CoTiTi^cc e fein if tn^|ib^it) 'ti-^ t>iol fOiTi e.
1f f ^OA lOTTlOf f O t)0 bl COgA.^ If COITlbtlOCC lt)1f COTITI ACCAlb
If tltlc-6.i5fe liTiTi ttlei'bbe -oo beic 1 jce^nn^f Cotiti^cc ^^juf
CoTicub^if DO beic 'ti-^ f 15 tlt^t). loTiTiuf ce^Ti^ 50 mbeic pof
:«36f^c^ TiA. he^f-6.onc^ c^fl^ e^^cojif^ ^5^c, ^ te^gcoi-p, ctiif-
feA.t) fiof 4^tiTifo m^f T>o TTiA^f b^-b cIatiti Uifne^c c^f fi-iTi^t)
T16 c^f coTTi^if ce pe^f guf A. ttiic II615 ^gtif Cof ttiaic CotiIuiti-
giof ^guf 'Oubc^ig'Oi^oil tll^t). A5 fo fiof 50 ctiTn-6.if ^fitn
Ti^ he^cc|\.o..
Monuidhir, who was called Mac Ceacht Now Meadbbh
held for ten years the sovereignty of Connaught after Tinne
without living with any man publicly, but living privately
with whatever man pleased her fancy. After this Meadbbh
took for her husband Oilill Mor son of Rossa Ruadh, a Leinster-
man. Mada Muirisc, a Connaughtwoman, was his mother.
And Meadbh bore to Oilill seven sons, namely, the seven
Maines. And it was Conall Ceamach who when at Cruachain,
in his old age, slew Oilill by a cast of a javelin ; and the men
of Connaught followed and slew him to avenge that deed.
There were war and strife for a long time between the
people of Connaught and those of Ulster while Meadbbh held
sway over Connaught, and Conchubhar was king of Ulster.
And in order that thou mayest know, O reader, the cause of
the enmity that existed between them, I shall set down here
how the children of Uisneach were slain in violation of the
guarantee or protection of Fearghus son of Rogh, of Cormac
Conluingeas, and of Dubthach Daol Uladh. The pith of the
story is briefly as follows.
190 ponAS feASA ATI 4iniiiii. [book i.
2940 1>A Ti-AOti iomo]\no v^ xweD-CA-xt Concub&|\ pi Mt^t t>o
c^ice^TTi plei'6e 50 ci§ peii6liTnii6 mic 13^111, fce-^lun6e Coti-
ctibM]i, ^ju-p |\e linn n^ pleii6e pn pug be^n peiotimi'O
inje^n o^l^^mn, ^S^f •00 jiinne C^.cb-o.'b -op^oi c^pL-o. f^n
coTTix)^il ^n c^n -pom cu^p if c^ippngipe "oon ingin 50
»45T)ciocf^'6 lom^t) •oocAip If tJiocA. T>on cuige^'O t)^ coifc. Ap
n-^ clof pn t)on lo^ocpAit) -00 cogp-^tjo^p ^ m^pb^'O t)o l-ic^ip.
"til t^e^ncA^p" ^p Concub/i^p "^cc be^p^m mipe liom 1 ^guf
cuipfe^t) "OA. hoileo^rh^in 1 50 p^ibe *n-^ h^onrhn^oi ^g^i^m
fein." X)eip'ope -oo g^^ipm ^n t)pA.oi C^.cbo.'O -oi. t)o duip
2i«oConctibA.p 1 bof ^p leic 1 ^guf oibe if btntne^c v^ hoite- ; ^5t>f ni ii^ih^io ne^c "oon cuijeA^-b -otiL 'n-^ t-it^ip ^cc
^ hoi'oe if ^ buimedwC if b^^nc-iince-^c Concub^ip V4^ ng^ipci
Le-d.b^pc^m. 'Oo bi ^p ^n op-oug^To foin 50 beic lonnUiO^CAip
•61, ^gtif gup cinn ^p rhni^ib ^ cothAimppe 1 fc6ini. U^pL^
2966 lomoppo t>o. hoi'oe 1^05 t)0 rh^pbA^x) pe ppoinn t)' otlintij^T^
i6ip Ia fne^cc^; ^gtif i4i.p nt)opc^'6 fol^ ^n tA.015 f^n
pie^cc^ q\otn^if p^c t)ub v^ hoi. Agtif m^i^p cuj tDeip-ope
pn t)^ h^^ipe ^t)ub-Mpr pe te^ gom^t) ttimc le f6in
feA.p -00 belt ^ice ^p ^ nibeit)if n^ cpi t)^t:A ^•oconn^ipc m^p
2960 ^ci. -OAC An f eic ^p a folc, tjac fol^ l^oij ^p a gpuA^io, if
T)AC An CfneAccA ^p a cne^f. " Aca a fArhAil pn o'pop p6
p-ii-oceAp tlAOife niAC tJifne^c, 1 bfocAip Conctib-Aip f^n
ceAglAC." "TTlAfeA-o, a VeAb^pcAm," Ap p, "jtmoitn-fe
cufA A cup t)oni ^5^11x11 A jAn pop" Agtif noccAif Le^bAp-
2966 cAHi An ni pn -oo TlAOipe. teif pn CAinij TlAOife 6f ife^l 1
nOAil tDeiptjpe, Ajtif ctiipif 1 piim m^At) a feipce xyd Agtif
lAppAif Aip 1 fein t)o bpeic Ap §a16'6 6 ConcubAp. Cug
tlAoife AoncA leif pn, gep leAfc leif t)'eA5lA ConctibAip e.
One day Conchubhar, king of Ulster, went to partake of a
feast to the house of Feidhlimidh son of Dall, storyteller to
Conchubhar. In the course of that feast the wife of Feidh-
limidh gave birth to a beautiful daughter ; and Cathbhadh the
druid, who was present at the assembly on that occasion,
foreboded and foretold of this daughter that great misfor-
tune and mischief would befall the province on her account
When the warriors heard this, they sought to put her to
death on the spot. "By no means/* said Conchubhar ; "but I
will take her and put her to nurse so that she may become my
wife." Deirdre was the name that Cathbhadh the druid gave
her. Conchubhar placed her in a dwelling apart, with a tutor
and a nurse to bring her up ; and no one in the province was
permitted to go into her presence but her tutor, her nurse, and
Conchubhar's censorious woman, who was called Leabhar-
cham. She continued under these regulations until she was
marriageable, and until she excelled the women of her time in
beauty. One snowy day it chanced that her tutor killed a calf
to prepare food for her ; and when the calf's blood was shed
on the snow, a raven began to drink it And when Deirdre
observed this, she said to Leabharcham that she would like to
have a husband having the three colours she beheld, namely,
his hair of the colour of the raven, his cheek of the colour,
of the calf's blood, and his skin of the colour of the snow.
" Such a man is in the household with Conchubhar ; he is
called Naoise, son of Uisneach." "Then," said she, " I beseech
thee, O Leabharcham, send him to speak to me in secret";
and Leabharcham informed Naoise of this. Thereupon
Naoise came secretly to visit Deirdre, who revealed to him
how greatly she loved him, and besought him to elope with
her from Conchubhar. Naoise consented to this with reluc-
tance, as he feared Conchubhar. Himself and his two
192 pOtlAS peASA AH ^IttlTin. [BOOK I.
U|MA.ttAif fein If ^ ti^ bjtA.CAi|t .1. Ainle if A]tt)iin ^juf
»70 'Oei|\t>|te If c\\\ 0^05^0 L-6.od tn ^p -o^on f lu, 50 hAtb^in, 4.ic 1
bfu^|t^'0^|t congbiiiL btiAnTi-6.dc^ 6 1^15 Atb^n 50 bfu^iyt
cti^f ^fgb^il f ceiihe t)ei|it)pe if gujt i^pyt 'n-o. ttitiaoi -66 fein
1. S^^^T f^^P5 tl^oife 50 n-^ b|ii^i6|\ib uime pn, ^juf
Cjii^llA^it) ^ hAtb^in 1 n-oileAti ih^f^ ^p ceite^d^t) pe
»75 'OeipT)pe, c^p eif iomAt> coinbLiodc t)o c^^b^ipc 'oo ihuinncip
^n piog If t)6ib f6in -oa. ja^c leic poiihe pn. Ace ce^^nA. ^p
n-A clof 1 nUltcAib 50 p-d.bA.'O^p mic Hifnei^c f ^n eije^iro-iiL
pn At)ubpAt)Ap indp^kn "o'tiAiflib ^r\ CIJ151* pe Conctib-d^p gup
cpuA^ije ctAnn Uifneo^c oo.beic ^p oeop^i^eACC cpe lopoc-
2880TtmA.O1, ^5Uf JOtn^O COip pop -oo cup Opp^ If 0* T)C^bAipC 'OOTI
cip. "Oo-beip Concubo^p ^onc^ pif pn ^p impit^e n^ n-Ui^f ^t
ift^guf cug 'PeA.pjuf m^c II615 if t)ubcA.c X>^ot t1l^t> if
Copm^c Conlumje^f 1 fli.Ti^t> ^o^ip f ein f a beic 'oite^f "ooib.
Ap n^ he^^ccAib pn cuipif V^^rS^f ^^^ "R-o^S Pa.cai'o ^ ttiac
2985f©iti 1 gcoinne dloinne hUipie^c 50 "octij teif 1 n^ipiriTi 10^*0
50 n-^ mbtii^iti ^guf *Oeipt)pe m^p ^on piii ; ^guf ni h^icpif-
ce^p 0. be^g t)A fce^l^^ib 50 podc^in f^icce n^ 1166.111x1^
U^ptA. 605^11 niAC t)uppc^ccA fl-d.ic ITe^pntTiAige opp<^
2990 ^p ^ti bf^icce 50 flu^s ViOTiitixb.p m^ille pip pe fe^lL t)o
loeAwTiA^TTi ^p- ctoinn "Uipie^c ^p fop-iite^iti Conctib-6.ip ; if
m^p pi^ngAitj^p ct^nn tlipieA^c -00 ti^CAip ceiT) Cog^n
t>'f AilciugATD pe n^oife, ^guf pip ^r\ bf AiLce cuipif f-ic^-o
fleige cpiT). m^p -00 connA^ipc p^c^i-o m^^c Pe-d.pguf-o. pn
2W6liTigeAf it>ip ^og^n If n^oife go "ocug 6ogAn ^n 'oo.p^ f-ic^^
^p p^CAi^b gup THA^pb m^p A.0T1 p6 n^oife e ; ^guf t)/^ eif pn
lingif 6og^Ti If ^ ftu^g ^p cloiTin Uipie^c, gup mApb^-b teo
i^t>, -ft^guf go •ocug^t)^p t)eApgowp A. muiTiTicipe.
m^p vo cu^tAi-o lomoppo Pe^pguf if 'Oubc^c m-d.pb-d.'O
300octoiTiTie hUipie^c c^p ^ fti.riA.'O ffein cpi^tlAiti t>'ioTiTifuige
n^ hC^ihrjA, ^guf cugA-o^p fein if mumTice^p Concub^ip
coiitie-^fc^p "Did* ceite gup cuic ttlA^ine ttia^c Condub^ip leo
brothers Ainle and Ardan, having Deirdre and thrice fifty
warriors with them, proceeded to Alba, where they were main-
tained in service by the king of Alba till he was informed
of Deirdre's beauty, and asked her for his wife. Naoise and
his brothers became enraged at this, and fled with Deirdre
from Alba to an island in the sea, having previously had
many conflicts with the king's party. Now when the story
ran in Ulster that the sons of Uisneach were in this sad plight,
many of the nobles of the province said to Conchubhar that it
was a pity that the sons of Uisneach should be in exile on
account of a wicked woman, and that they should be sent for
and brought back to the country. Conchubhar consented to
this at the request of the nobles ; and he gave Fearghus son
of Rogh, Dubhthach Daol Uladh, and Cormac Conluingeas
as sureties that he would act towards them in good faiths
Upon these conditions, Fearghus son of Rogh sent his
own son Fiachaidh to the children of Uisneach ; and he
brought them and their followers to Ireland, and Deirdre
mth them ; and no tidings whatever of them are related till
they reached the green of Eamhain.
On the green they were met by Eoghan son of Durrthacht,
prince of Feammhagh, accompanied by a large host with
intent to deal treacherously with the children of Uisneach
at the direction of Conchubhar ; and when the children of
Uisneach arrived, Eoghan went to bid Naoise welcome,
and in welcoming him thrust a spear through, him. When
Fiachaidh son of Fearghus saw this, he sprang between
Eoghan and Naoise ; and Eoghan dealt his second thrust at
Fiachaidh, and slew him, together with Naoise ; and forthwith
Eoghan and his host fell upon the children of Uisneach, and
slew them, and made dreadful slaughter upon their followers.
Now when Fearghus and Dubhthach heard that the
children of Uisneach had been slain in violation of their
guarantee, they proceeded to Eamhain, and came into conflict
with the party of Conchubhar, and they slew Maine son of
194 poRAS peASA All 6ininn. [book i.
^guf z\(\ ck^'o l^oc t)A thuinnai^ m^jt aoti |tif. lA)ifcce^|i if
^i|\5te^|t 6MTiAiti If niA.|tbc^|i b^ncft^dc Concub^ip teo ;
goos^gtif cpuiTini^ix) ^ f^ntic^ x>^ 5^d leic i^t> fftin if Cojttn^c
Cotituitige^f ; -d^guf f o^ lie lion ^ flu^g ^n z^x\ foin, c|ti ihile
t^oc ; ^Jttf C|tiAtt^it> ^x P" ^ gConn^dCAib 50 tTlei^b if 50
hOiliLt m^f ^ bfUA|tAt>A.p f-iilce if fA.j'cW. Af |\odx:^in
^nn pn "odib ni bit>if ^onoitxie g^n tu<ic fogt^* u^co^ ^5
30io^P5^iTi If A.5 tofCA*6 Ul^-o, m^jt pn T)dib gujt loifceiO^ib
q\ioc CuAilgne teo— gnioni n^ xjcaithj lom^'o t)OCA.i|\ if
X)ibfeif ge it>nt ^n t)^ cuigeA-o ; if 00 c^ice^'o^|t fe^cc
tnbli/^t)nA. ^|\ ATI O'p'ouj^'b foin g^^n Of^o 4).onu^i|ie e^cojtp^;
Agtif If T)0Ti leit ifcig 'oon pe pn X)o cutriAifc pe^f guf ^p
3016 itlei-ob, guf coif ce^-b leif 1, 50 f ug p cpiuf tnA.c -0' ^^.oncoif-
be^f c '06, ni^f ^CA CiAf If Cof if CoTim^Cy ^lii^il ^T>eif -d^n
6 l^eApguf riAp ctiilt CACAOi|\ ;
3020 50 P«5 qxiAf jAti lode nA|\ IaJ
CiA|\ If Cope Ap3f ConiiiAC.
If on gCi^f-fO f Ai'oceA.f Ci^ff Anoe TTluihAn^ ^S^f T ^^ ^
fliocc ^CA 6 Conctib^if Ci^ff Aii5e. 6 Cof c ^ci^ Cof ca tTlo-
f u^-d ^gtif 6 ConTh-6.c p i.i'oce^f 5^.0 Coniti^icne t>^ bfuil 1
3026 5Conn^ccAib; ^gtif cibe l^igfe^ft^f ^r\ "ou^in -00 jiinne Lug^if
pie OiIioIIa -o^f^b cof^c: Cl^^nn pe^a^fjuf^ cl^^nn Of cac:
t>o-5§A.b^io 50 folluf gtif^b mof ^.n c-A.ff^ccA.f if ^n
ne-o^fc T50^f ^.n cfiuf m^^c foin tTleiiobe 1 gConn-
^cC'Mb ^guf f^n biob ^ pA.'on-Mfe pn ^o^p n^.
MMCiofC^ib iyzL ^inmnigce uac-6. f^n t)i. ciiige^'O foin,
'OilA.'Oeif'Of e t)^ 'Ocing^OiO.p n^ gniorii^ x>o lu^i'de^m^f,
-00 bi 1 bfoc^tf Concub^if fe^-b bli4^i6ndk T)'6if rhA^fbcA
<5loinne hHipie^c ; ^gtif ge m^-b beo^g c65bo.1l a. ann no
ge^n gAit?e t)o cige^dc CA.f ^ be^l, ni oe^fnA.116 fif ^n p^
3036 pn 6. tn^f -00 conn-d.ifc Condub^f n^f g^b cluice ni.
c^oineA^f gf eim -oi, ^guf n^c cug ^tb^ccni. ^ine^f ^ft)tig-d.<)
Concbubhar, together with three hundred warriors of his
followers. They burned and plundered Eamhain, and put Con-
chubhar's women to death ; and they and Cormac Conluin-
geas assembled their supporters from all sides ; and their host
at that time numbered three thousand warriors ; and they
thence marched into Connaught to Meadhbh and to OiliU,
where they found welcome and were taken into service. When
they had arrived there, there was no night that they did not
send parties of plunderers to ravage and burn Ulster. They
continued to act thus till they ravaged the district of Cuailgne
— a deed from which sprang much mischief and contention
between the two provinces ; and in this manner they passed
seven years without an hour's truce between them. Within
that time Fearghus knew Meadhbh, and she conceived of
him, and bore him three sons at one birth, namely, Ciar, and
Core, and Conmhac, as the poet says :
MeadhbJi conedTed in ftir Craaohain
Of Faargbtts, who deaerTed not reproach,
And brought forth triplets iaoltleit, atzoDg,
Ciar and Core and Conmhac.
From this Ciar is named Ciarraidhe in Munster, and O Con-
chubhair Ciarraidhe is of his progeny. From Core is named
Corca Moruadh ; and from Conmhac is named every Con-
mhaicne in Connaught ; and whoever reads the poem composed
by Lughair, Oiliirs poet, beginning, " The children of
Fearghus, children beyond all," he will plainly find that these
three sons of Meadhbh wielded great power and authority in
Connaught and in Munster. This is proved by the territo-
ries that are named from them in these two provinces.
Now as to Deirdre, who gave rise to the events we have
narrated, she remained with Conchubhar a year after the slaying
of the children of Uisneach ; and little though it be to raise her
head or let a smile cross her lips, she did not do it during
that time. When Conchubhar saw that neither sport nor
kindness had any effect on her, and neither merriment nor
196 poRAS peASA An 4iRinn, [book l
|\6 'Oei|t'0]te 6 nA<5 fUAi|\ ffein a h^i5neAi6 T)o cl^octo^ 6
3040 n-^ cutTi4i.iid 50 gc-o^icfeo.^ x>ut fe^lAt) oile t^ h^ogo^n, ^gtif
leif pn ctupceA^p ^p cul^ib 605^111 'n-^ c^]ib^T> 1. Ueit)
ConctibAp t>A. t)Cio'6lACAt>, Ajuf c.|\ mbeic -6.5 cpi^Lt -odib t)0-
bei^ie^'o pf e piil fp^occo. o^jt 605^11 i^oimpe ^guf pjil ^p
Conctib-6.p 'n-o^ T)ii6^i<), 6ip ni p^ibe T)iAf o^p c^lrh^in if m6 -o^i.
3045t)Cti5 pi^c loni. i^t) ^pA^on. TTI^p -oo itiocuig lomoppo Con-
dtib^p ipe -d.5 plLe^^f A pe^c -Mp pein ip ^p e^og^n, ^^-oub^ipr
pi^, cpe ^^bb^cc, "A "Oeipope," ^^.p pe, "ip pijit c^op^c it)ip
T>i peice A.T1 cpjil pn -oo-beip cu op^m-pA. ip -o.p 605-6.11.''
Ap n-id. clop pn "oo "Deipope vo g^b beo^TDj^ib pip n^ bpi A^cp^ib
3060 pn 1, 50 octij b^oicleitn o^p ^n gc-c^pbAt) ^.tn^c gup bu^il ^
ceo^nn p-i c-o^ipte cloice -oo bi A.p ^n l^p poimpe, go n-oe^pn^.^
mipe mionbptiicce oa ce^o^nn^ gup ting o. hincinn go hob^nn
^ipce; gon^t) A.nil^i'bpn CAinig -oibipc Fe^pgtip^ tnicTloig ip
Copm^MC Conlumgeo^p mic Concub-6.ip, 'Oubc^ig 'O^oil Ul-o.^,
3066 ^gup b-ip 'Oeip'ope.
X)o bpig gup^b 1 n-^impp Concub-o^ip ip n^ gcup-6.16 -oo bi
TTleA^^b 1 bplA^ice^p Conn^cc ^gtip gup m^ip xjeic mbtiA^^n^
1 nT)i^ii6 bi^ip Uinne mic Connp^c ^n ceiope^xp popc^ vo bi
^ice, ^gttf ceicpe pcit) bb^^/^n -o^ eip pn *n-^ mno.01 o.g
3060OiLilt ttlop, ^gup 1 n-oi-o^i-o b-iip Oiliolt^ occ mbliA'onA. 1
n-d.onctiTTiA gup m^pb^t) le fopbume m^c Conctib^Mp 1,
cuippe-d^tn piop ^nnpo bo^p n^. 'opuinge ip •oe^xppcn> ce t^o n^
ctipAi6-6.ib T)o bi Ann p6 linn ttlei^be, ip cuio t)a nt^Al^^ib go
pleasure raised her spirits, he sent for Eoghan son of Durr-
thacht, prince of Feammhagh ; and when Eoghan had come
into his presence, he said to Deirdre that, since he himself was
unable to turn away her mind from her sorrow, she must pass
another space of time with Eoghan ; and she was thereupon
placed behind Eoghan in his chariot. Conchubhar went to
accompany them ; and as they went along, she cast glances of
rage at Eoghan in front of her and at Conchubhar behind her ;
for there were no two on earth she hated more than these.
And when Conchubhar perceived her glancing by turns at him-
self and Eoghan, he said to her in jest, " Deirdre," said he,
/'thy glancing at me and at Eoghan is the glancing of a sheep
between two rams." When Deirdre heard this, she started
at the words, and sprang lightly from the chariot ; and her
head struck against a ledge of rock that stood before her on
the ground. Her head was broken into fragments, and her
brain straightway issued forth. Thus was brought about
the banishment of Fearghus son of Rogh, and of Cormac
Conluingeas son of Conchubhar, of Dubhthach Daol Uladh,
and the death of Deirdre.
As it was in the time of Conchubhar and the heroes that
Meadhbh held the sovereignty of Connaught, and as she lived
ten years after the death of Tinne son of Connraidh, her first
husband, and for eighty years after that was the wife of Oilill
Mor, and lived eight years unmarried after the death of Oilill
till she was slain by Forbhuidhe son of Conchubhar, we §hall
briefly set down here the manner of death and some account
of the more celebrated of the^heroes who lived in the time
of Meadhbh.
198 fOKAS TpeASA AR ^IKIfltl. [BOOK I.
t16f lomofjto DO %iod f^^n ^m jtwti ^nn tn^n Sfiof^-o ^ji
Itidc 5Aifcr6 |te inbeic CAtiHid^ i ^coiht^nn^ib t>6iby ind>|t ^ri^
fni|i cu|iAr6 iii^|i coiiia|ic^ bu^'O^ t>o c^b^ifc 'oon ri b^
1070 froijici tie t bfefdm ^oinp^iy ^S^ ^5 ^ mbioo bu^i^ t^icpe^c
5^i|xr6 Aft ^ deile coin^i^ic. Uaitiij de^n^ t)oii nof-fo ga
t>c^|iLd^ ifitjie^f^n fi^'n 5cti]t^r6ihi]i itn^i CoTi^tt Ce^pno^c
4^5up Coin 5CuL^iiin ^5Uf l/^05^i]te bu^'o^c i nC^ni^iti ; guji
i^ttp CotiAtt ificitin TtletfceA'ap^ .i. citeitife^Ti Cd^lm^ T>a
Wi t^i5fiib T>o m^jib^'d leif f^n i ^comt^iiTi ^oiTifi]t ; ^gtif ^]t
vzAAfpei.n^x> nicitine ^n cpeiiip]i pn, 'oo teij t^og^i^e if
Ctt Cut^inn t>^ 5COiihiiie^f |te Con^ll, ^|t n-^ ihe^f n^c
t>e4kpti^ ce4kdc^]t 'oiob fein ^ conitn6|t foiti t>o ^nioih 501 te
fiik 5^ipn^ \i^^m, ^a be^f ionio|t|to f^n ^m p>iii abe
1010 C{ieiiife^|t t6 t)ctJiCfeA'6 cpeitifeA^n citpj^ih^il oile, 50
inbe^n^'6 ^ indinn Af -o. ce^nn if 50 gctmiA^pj^TO A^ot C|tice
50 mWoift 'n-^ ti^cfidit) cjitiinn cpu^m ^150 ^5^ c^ipjei.n^i.'o
4^p ^oti^i^ib If 1 5coiiii6o^t^ib coicce^nn^ m^f coiri^fc^
buAii6e g^ifci^, ^S^T ^^T* ^^ conticA-o^p t>A dinihit) 'oo bt
3006 ^5 Coti<hib^p me^X) ^n ce^n^ "00 bioo ^5 ciwC ^f ^n inciniiy
5<d^T>c^f tec ^|i n-^ itii^f ^d ^f ^n jCjtAOib'Oentg CoTictib^i]^ n
Upi hikf uif ioino|t|to t)0 bi<r6 1 ti6A.ihAin ]ie linn Conctibid.ip
niA]t dkCik bf 6in oe^f 5 if Cp ^ob "OeAitj if Cfi^ob Hu^it^-
S^n d6it>ce^d t)0 bit>if ^ n-oc^ip, ^guf if trnne pn f Ai'dce^f
8fliob|i6in DeAf5 |ti^, t)o bjiig 50 Tnbit)if niO. boc^^if t)o bi<r6
innce f^^ b]i6n if f A ih^^l^ 6 501111 r\j^ tijon if n-d. ngo^t^f 00
bio6 Of f ^ mnce. An o^f ^ ce^c v^ ng^^if ci Cf ^ob IDe^f 5
if d^nn T)o bix)if n^ h^ifm if n^ feoit) u^ifle 1 50111110-6.0; ^gtif
If uime pn 00 cuif e^-d indinn itleifceA.'Of ^ 1 'oc^i.ifcit) ^r\r\
tmm^^ S^d feot) u^f^^l oite. An cpe-d^f ze^c vo bio-o ^
H«r« f ollowt ilxBt a brief flumaiAiy of the adTtntim irUoh ltd to the
diftth of CoBohabhar.
Now at that time» in order to incite champions to be brave
in conflict, it was customary to give a champion's prize as a
token of victory to him who proved the stronger in single
combat, and who vanquished his adversary in the field of
valour. From this custom there arose a contest for the
champion's prize between Conall Ceamach, and Cuchulainn
and Laoghaire Buadhach in Eamhain. And Conall asked
for the brain of Meisceadhra,a stout Leinster champion whom
he had himself slain in single combat ; and when the brain of
that valiant man was exhibited, Laoghaire and Cuchulainn
ceased from their contest with Conall, as they judged that
neither of them had ever done so great a deed of bravery or
valour. It was the custom at that time that when any champion
slew in battle another champion of great fame, he took the brain
out of his head and mixed it with lime, so that he had it in the
shape of a hard round ball to show at meetings and public
assemblies as a trophy of valour. And when two jesters whom
Conchubhar kept noticed how highly everyone prized the
brain, they stole it the next day from Conchubhar's Craobh-
dhcarg. Now there were three dwellings in Eamhain in Con-
chubhar's time, namely, Broin Bhearg and Craobh Dhearg and
Craobh Ruaidh. In the first house were their wounded ; and
it was called Broin Bhearg, because the wounded who were in
it felt sorrow and distress from the piercing pain of the wounds,
and of the distempers from which they suffered therein. In
the second house, which was called Craobh Dhearg, were kept
in safety the arms and precious valuables ; and accordingly
Meisceadhra's brain was placed there for security as any other
200 ponAS peASA An 4minn. [book i^
CoTicttb^p, A^n Cfi^ob Huai'O vo s^ijiTnci 161. If innce t)o
pi4^|ic^oi 6 fein tn^jt ^oti pe Vion ^ l^oqt^i^e.
'OaLa ^n T)A oitiniit) ^6^\\ mbjieic incinne tT1eifce-6.^|\^ ^.f
siootio. hCA^rtin^ 50 |^AbA.t)A|t ^5 lomi^in n^ hinciTiTie ^rhc^it
liAcpoixj 6 lAith 50 Iaitti 50 t)ci.ini5 oncij uitc 6>\\ Uttc^c^ib
.1. Ce^r m^c TTIig^c cpemfe^it t)o ConriAcc-Mb, 5ti]i bjieo^g
iTicinn tileifce^ioii^ 6 n-d. h6inTniT)ib if 50 f U5 leif 1 gCon-
n^cc^ib 1, ^SUf 5^c^ TTiioncA *oo cise^'o 1 n-iofg^il no 1 50^6
31061 n--^5^i'6 n^ ntlttc^c vo biot) incinn itleifceA.'Of a ^f ^ cfiof
-o^ije 1 T»x>6i5 e^ccd. •00 •be^TiA.ih o.|t tltlc^(3^ib. 5i|t "oo bi 1
oc^if |\n5ipe TTleif ce^-6f ^ v^ •diog^it fein ^f tJlLco^c^ib -o'eif
^ bi^if ; A5Uf x)o Ttie45.f suf^^^b •oon matin vo ciocfA^t) pof^i6
no. fi^ifcine pn. J^n^o uime pn 00 ctexscc^t) Ce^c incinn
3iiottleifce^t)f 43. -00 beic ^p lomc^p ^ige t)o fuiL fe ne^c eijin
'o'uAiftib Vit^v vo th^itb^^ te. Uei-o ioinof|\o CeAC 50
flu^5 tiontti^f m^ilte f if 00 cf e^d^o tJL^'6, 50 vzw^ CAin
TTiof bo A. 'pe-d.f ^ib noif 1 ntlLlcAib, ^gtif te^n^it) Of onj ni6|t
o'UtlcAib ^; ^Jtif qtuinnijiT) pf vor\ leit o^noij^
3ii6t)' Ceic, o^gtif Concubo^f von leic o.nio.p t)'
ULtco^c. TTlowf "DO ctio.lo.m cf i. Ceo^c 50 f Aibe Concubo^p fo.n
cof o.i', ctii-pif pof 50| vo bi o.p cnoc
0.5 feiceo.TTi o.n vi^ fLuo.5, 0.5 iAffo.i'6 Offo. Concubo.p 00
b|\eo.5o.i6 t)o. fein, o.f mbeic 'n-o. t)tiine focmo.
3120 f CO. "66, 6ift ni teigpiJif t:lltco.i5 e fo.n co.c 1 jcoinne
A|t n-o. ctof lomof f o vo Concubo.f 50 j\o.ibe mio.n o.f o.n § fein 'o'fo.icpn, cfio.ttokif 'n-o. o.ono.f on ctiliO.15
'n-o. f o.ibe t>'pof o.n bo.ncfo.cco.; ^5tif C15 Ceo.c 6f ifeo.t von
3126 teit oite 50 fo.ibe 1 meo.'oon o.n bo.ncfo.cco^ t)'oifcitt o.f
Conctibo.f vo rho.fbo.'d. Af mbeic vo Concubo.f 0.5 1 njo^f t)on eif gif Ceo.c ^guf oo-ni incinn
Ttleifceo.^fo. v' 'n-o^ fe Conctibo.f
precious valuable. The third house that Conchubhar had
was called the Craobh Ruaidh. It was in it himself and all
his warriors used to be served.
As to the two jesters having carried off the brain of
Meisceadhra from the Craobh Dhearg as we have said, they
went on the green of Eamhain, and set to bandying the brain
from hand to hand like a ball, when a fierce wolf of evil to the
Ultonians, to wit, Ceat son of Magha, a valiant Connaughtman,
came and coaxed the brain of Meisceadhra from the jesters,
and took it with him to Connaught ; and as often as he
went to battle or contend against the Ultonians he was wont
to have the brain of Meisceadhra at his girdle in the hope of
bringing disaster on the Ultonians. For it was foretold that
Meisceadhra would avenge himself on the Ultonians after his
death ; and he thought it was by means of the brain this
prophecy would be fulfilled. Whence Ceat was wont to carry
the brain of Meisceadhra about with him in the hope of
claying some one of the nobles of Ulster with it. Now Ceat,
accompanied by a large host, went to plunder Ulster, and
carried off a large herd of cattle from Feara Rois in Ulster ;
and he was pursued by a large force of Ultonians ; and the men
of Connaught flocked eastward to assist Ceat, and Conchubhar
went westward to help the Ultonians. And when Ceat heard
that Conchubhar was in pursuit, he sent word to the women
of Connnaght who were on a hill watching the two hosts
asking them to entice Conchubhar to visit them, as he was a
jovial, affable man, for the Ultonians would not permit him
to take part in the battle against the men of Connaught.
Now when Conchubhar heard that the women wished
to see him, he set out alone from the height on which
he was to visit them ; while Ceat, on the other hand, went
secretly and got into the midst of the women waiting in readi-
ness to kill Conchubhar. When, therefore, Conchubhar was
approaching the women, Ceat arose aiid arranged the brain of
Meisceadhra in his sling to slay Conchubhar. But when
202 poiiAS peASA AH 4minii. [bookl
3130 ^ ^if 1 me^^f c ^ iritiiTiTiape f^n ; ^guf aj t)ijL 50 t)oipe
b|MfeA*6 ^feicnet)on UjidAp fo^i^iSwt^ te^n manti TtleifceA'6|i^
T)^ b^ice^f ; ^guf teif pn cigix) a. fTiuinnceid.|i fein t)^ |r6i|iciTi
3136 6 Ce^c. Cuipit) pof An cpi^c foin 1 gcoinne pnjin piitb^ig
Aguf o^p 'ocije-ACC vo Iacaih if e^.^ o^oub^iltc •oa mbe^ncAOi
An me^lt foin Af a ce^nn 50 bfuijbeAt) b^f vo tACAijt.
"If |reA|if Linn," a|\ CAC/^Ajt fi t)o beic AiniheAd lon^ a
6^5." Leigifce^it 16 pnjin e, Agtif AT>ubAi|tc pif Ainnfein
3140 5An feA|tg t>o -oeAnAfh ni. luige |\6 mn^oi n^ t>ut A|t e^c ni.
fei-om poiiteigneAC t)ot)eAnATh, Ajtif oa nx)eAfn At>, le sluAf-
Adc fpiocbuAitce A in6nne pein, 50 T)ceit5feA'6 An meALL Af^
A ceAnn if 50 bfuigbeA'o bAf .
TTlAp pn 06 feACU mbLiA^nA gtif An Aoine 'n-Af qiocAi6
3i45CpiofC T)o pei|t tjjiuinge |te feAncuf ; Agtif niAp x>o connAifc
cLaocLo^ neATTiJnACAC nA nt>ut if U|it>ubAt) nA gpeine f An
eAfCA lAn, pAfptllglf T)0 UAqiAC -OjlAOl "OO tAlgnib "00 b^
'n-A fOCAiji, cfeAT) t)A t)CAini5 An niAtAifc neAihgnACAd
foin Ap jteAnnAib mthe if CAlniAn. "lofA C|iiOfr triAC "Oe,
3160 A|t An -OpAOl, "aCA Ag A bAfUJA-Q AnOlf AJ lU-OtH-Olb.
**U|tuA5 pn," Ap ConcubAp, ""Oa mbeinn-fe 'n-A lACAip
t)o fhtiipbpnn A pAibe cimceAtt mo W05 "oa bAftijA^";
Agtif leif pn CU5 A ctoiT)eATTi attiac Aguf ceix> fA -boipe
doilte -00 bi Iaiiti pif jup JAb Ag a jeAppAio if aj a btiAin ;-
3156 Aguf if eA"© A-otibAipc t)A mbeic 1 meAf c nA nlu-ouTbeAC
gupb e pn tjiot -oo beApA-o oppA ; Aguf Ap tneit) nA t)Af acca
T)o jAb e vo Ling An meAlt Af a deAnn 50 tJCAinig ctiit>
•OA incinn 'n-A t3iAi^, ^S^f ^^T P^ 5^ bfUAip bAf. CoilU
l/Aihpui^e 1 bpeApAib Hoif goipceAp •oon mtiine coitte pn.
5160 Ap tnbeic ttiApb T)o ConctibAp CAipgceAp piojAdc tItAO-
t>on ci "00 beApAt) copp ConctibAip leif jAn fcic johC'AihAin,
UAplA jioIIa Ag ConctibAp Ap An tACAip pn •OAp b'Ainm
the latter saw Ceat, he retreated to the midst of his own
people ; and as he was proceeding to Doire Da Bhaoth, Ceat
hurled the brain of Meisceadhra after him from his sling, and
struck him on the crown ; and his brain-pan was broken by
that cast, and the brain of Meisceadhra clung to his skull ; and
thereupon his followers came up to protect him against Ceat.
They then sent for Finghin Faithliaigh ; and when he arrived,
he said that if that ball were extracted from his head he would
instantly die. " We had rather," said they all, " that our
king should have a blemish than that he should die." Finghin
cured him, and then told him not to get into a passion,
to avoid sexual intercourse, to avoid riding on horseback, to
abstain from violent exertion— otherwise, that by the repelling
motion of his own brain, he would hurl the ball from his head
and die.
He was seven years in this state up to the Friday on
which Christ was crucified, according to some seanchas. And
when he saw the unwonted transformation of the elements
and the darkening of the sun with the moon full, he inquired
of Bacrach, a Leinster druid who was with him, what was the
cause of that unwonted change in the luminaries of heaven
and earth. " It is that Jesus Christ the Son of God is being
put to death now by the Jews," replied the druid. " That is a
pity," said Conchubhar ; " and if I were present, I would slay
all that are around my King putting Him to death." And
with that he drew forth his sword, and went into an oak-wood
hard by, and set to cutting and felling it, saying that, if he
were amongst the Jews, he would treat them in the same way ;
and through the strength of the fury that seized him the ball
bounded from his head, and a portion of his brain followed it,
and with that he died. Coill Lamhruidhe in Feara Rois is
the name of that wood-thicket.
After Conchubhar's death, the kingdom of Ulster was
offered to whoever should carry his body to Eamhain without
resting. A servant of Conchubhar's named Ceann Bearroide
204 poHAS ireASA AR emiTin. [book i.
3i66Steibe jTuAit) 6, 5U|t bjtif a. dpoi-de ^gtif 50 bpiAijt b^f A^nn
pr). '^or\^'t C|tef ^n njnioih-fo a^ca ah feA^nfoc^L At)ei|t
5U|\b 1 itio^ACC CMvn be^pitoi'oe ia.|\|\a.i|* ne^^c ^n c^n ctiip-
e^f |toittie 50 huAiltniiA.TiA.c c^im x>o jioccAin if A0i|tT5e loni
3170 Ace CIA Ctllj^lt) tlgX)^!]! At! Cfe^nCtlfA pOf ATI fCAIjT-fe
CoTictibAi|\ A5ur gupb feAf cothAimp^e vo CpiofC e, vo |^eif
ppinne ati CfeAncufA ni pugA'o Cpiofc 50 hAiTnp|t imaAti
1 nxjiAi'b CoTicubAif ; Ajuf if AthlAii6 ACAfi]MTinenAfrAipe-fe
5U|\ CAifjiTijip bACjAAC t)|\AOi T)o l/Ai^mb cpe fAifciTie 50
3175 njeinp-be Cpiofc An UAij^-pnji'pceAcmAC'Oe Aguf 50 nj^Ab-
At) colAnn Ajuf 50 n-itneof Aitjif riA li1ot)AiL bAf Ai|t, Ajuf
5ti|\Ab 'oe T)o ciocf A-o fUAfclAio ATI 6ni'6 lOAoniiA A hAnbf oit)
An Aibijif eopA. Aguf a|\ n-A ctof pn -oo ConctabAp -oo JAb
■OAf Acc AITIA1L AtjubpATTiAp e; A5vif '00 gAb Cf 6 commbAi-o
3isope Cfiofc Ag geAjAjtA^ coille LArTi|tuit)e i fiocc nA nlo^At
50 bfUAif bAf -oon bfei-om pn. Cibe lomojipo -oo ctnffeAO
1 n-iongAncAf 50 bpeAOf At) bAqiAC no 'Of aoi oiLe "OA jiAibe
PAjAncA bAf CfiofC -00 CAi|t|\n5i|ie, cio-o fA|t cof a vo nA
SibitlAexjo bi pAgAncA Cpiofc |\ia n-A jein t)o peAnifAicpn
3186 lonA 'OO UAcpAC no t)A fATTiAiL oite ? tJime pn ni -oiciteiijce
An fCAlf THAf fO,
was present, and in the hope of obtaining the kingdom, took
up the body stoutly and carried it to Ardachadh, in Sliabh
Fuaid, but there his heart broke and he died. And this event
has given rise to the saw which says that one seeks the king-
dom of Ceann Bearroide when one aspires ambitiously, to a
rank which it is beyond his power to attain.
But though authors relate this story of Conchubhar,
alleging that he was a contemporary of Christ, still, according
to the truth of history, Christ was not bom for a long time
after Conchubhar ; and the truth of this story is that Bacrach,
a Leinster druid, foretold through prophecy that Christ the
Prophesied One, the Son of God, would be conceived, that He ,
would assume a body, and that the Jews would put Him to
death ; and through Him the human race would be delivered \
from the tyranny of the evil one. And when Conchubhar \
heard this, he became enraged as we have said ; and through
sympathy with Christ, he set to cut down the wood of Lamh-
ruidhe as if the trees were the Jews ; and he died of that effort.
And if anyone should deem it strange that Bacrach or any
other druid, being Pagan, should foretell the death of Christ,
how was it more fitting for the Sybils, who were Pagans, to
have foretold Christ before His birth than for Bacrach or any
of his kind ? Hence the story is not to be thus discredited.
206 pOUAS peASA AU 4iTiinn. [book I.
A^ fo ffof 100 b^f 6eir mie tllAgAd.
tlLlcACAib e fe^t) ^ |ie. Li n-^d^on t)i. iroeAdOki'b ^n Ce^c-
3190 fo 1 ntJlLcACAib t>o ^eA^n^ni ■oibfeiixge m^p fi, jtiac teif;
50 T)C^|tLA fne^ccA md|\ fi.n ^m foin o^tin ; o^guf ^5 €1116^*6
^6 If C|\i cinn t^oc ^156 "oo tnA.|\bAkO Leif f^^n cujio^f foin,
Ceic e, 5ti|\ coTh|\A.icpot) pe ceile gujt ctiic Ce^c f ati corh-
3196 L^nn ^gtif gup cponijon^io Con^lty 5U|\ cuic 1 ne^lL o^p ^n
Iac^i|\ 1-6^11 'ocp^ge-d.n lom^t) fol^ -bd. Aguf leif pn, U15
b^^tcij bpeicpne cpeiTifeA|t x>o Cotin^cc^ib 50 lic^iji ^.n
coTti|\Aic m^p ^ bfti-M-p Ce^c niA|ib if Con^Ll 1 gcpocAib bAif ,
Aguf ^tDub^i-pc juf ih^ic ^Ti fce^L ^n 'Oa oncoin pn -o^
3200 'oci^img ^i'6iiiitteA'6 6i|AeAnTi too beic ftiA. hA.iTi]^ib pn.
" If fiO|\ pn " A]t Con^tt " ^S^r ^ i^t)ioL ^ nt)eA.|\nA. mife vo
^ocA|t '00 Cotin^ccA^ib TnA.|ib-f A. me." If tiinie lomofpo ^t>u-
b^ipc pn t)o b|\i5 gomA*© fe^pit teif loni. ft^ice^f Onteo^nti
L-^oc eigin oiLe v^ 501TI lonnuf n^d bi^^ clu 6. Th^pbc^
3206 Af ^on l^oc Aitii^m vo Conn^cc^ib, "Hi ihuiffeA^t) cu "
Af be^tcu "6if If ge^lt p6 beic ni4i.fb •6uic ah fiocc 'n-A
bfuitif . 5ii6eAi6 be^jt tiotn cu Aguf cuif f e^t) leige^f of c ;
Agtif ttiaY ceAf ti6i6 6*0 oqiAf t>uic X)o-t>eATi conif ac AOinp|\
fioc, 30 nt)i05AtcA|\ liom ope g^d -ooCAp if g^d t)ioc t>Ap
52iohimfeAi6 le^c Af ConnACCAib," 'Ajuf leif pn cuipif lomcAp
f Aoi Agtif beif If leif T>A ceAC f^in ^, gup cuip leige^f Aip
Ann, 50 beic t)A cpe^dCAib cneAfuigce.
TTlAp -00 TTieAf lomoppo b^Alcu eife^n Ag c^Apno^ ^S^r
A neApc fein aj f Af Apif Ann, -oo gAb eAglA pe jConAll
3215 ^, ^Z^V ollihtiigceAp cpiup Iaoc t)A cloinn 16 beAlcoin pe
niApbA^ ConAill 1 bfeAll f An oi-ode Ap a leAbAi'6. 5^'^^^'6
Of the aeatb (tf Otftt ton of Mtglu, m f oUowi.
This Ceat was a valiant man and during his life he was an
«nemy and constant plunderer of the Ultonians. On a certain
day this Ceat proceeded to Ulster to wreak vengeance as was
his wont ; and there was heavy snow at that time ; and as
he was returning with the heads of three warriors whom he
had slain on that expedition, Conall Ceamach pursued him
and seized him at Ath Ceit. They fought; and Ceat fell in the
conflict ; and Conall was severely wounded, and lapsed into a
trance on the spot after he had lost a large quantity of
blood. Thereupon Bealchu of Breithfne, a Connaught cham-
pion, came up to the place of conflict, where he found Ceat
dead and Conall on the point of death, and said that it was
well these two wolves who had caused the ruin of Ireland
were in so sad a plight. " That is true," said Conall ; ** and in
retribution for all the injury I have inflicted on Connaught do
thou kill me." Now he said this because he would give the
kingdom of Ireland that some other warrior should wound
him so that a single Connaught warrior should not have the
renown of slaying him. " I will not slay thee," said Bealchu,
*' since the plight thou art in is almost as bad as death.
However, I will take thee with me and apply remedies to
thee ; and if thou recoverest from thy wounds, I will fight thee
in single combat, so that I may avenge on thee all the injury
and affliction thou hast brought on Connaught." Thereupon
he placed him in a litter and took him to his own house, and
there applied remedies to him, until his wounds were healed.
But when Bealchu saw that Conall was recovering and his
natural strength growing in him once more, he became afraid
of him, and arranged for three warriors, his own sons, to slay
him treacherously in bed by night. But Conall got a hint of
208 pOttAS peASA AR 4ltl1tltl. [BOOK I.
piAip ConA.Lt t>6i5 A|i cogA^p tia ceitse pn. Ajuf <\ti oixice
x)o bi ^ b^jtA fin 5cloinTi ce^cc t>o ^^^n^ni n^ feiLle
^t>ub<6.i]tc Con^tt \\h beo^lcoin 50 jc^icfe^'d in^l^i|\c leo^p*
S220 CA t)'f ^jAit UAfO nd 50 n!Ui|tbfe^i6 e. Asuf leif pn luigif
b^^lctj, geji te^fc fif §, 1 leA.b<M^ Con^iLl ^5uf -oo I1115
Con 0.11 1 leo^bAiio De^Lcon 50 tJCAnjAtjAji An Cfiup t^oc
foin fib cL^nn t)o De^tcoin •o'lonnpiige n^ le^pc^ 'n-d.
mbio-O Con^ll, 5ti|t mAjibAo a n-^CAip 1 piocc Con^ill leo.
SMsTn^lt 'DO itiocuij lomopjio ConA^tL iA.x3-fA.n ^p tn-d^jib^io a
n-AC-d.p 'n-A jtiocc fein, t)o ling 0|t]tA if mA|\bcAp 1^*0 0.
T>c]iiuf teif, ^.guf ■oice^nncAjt leif iat) niA]i A.on f e n-o.
n--d.CAip, 50 yxuj A|t n-A nii.|id.c a. jann t)^ gcoThniAoi'oeAiii
50 hC^rho^in ; gon^i^ 0.5 mAOi'oeAih ^n jniotiiA-fO aca ^n
5250|tAnn-fo Af ^n fe^nctif :
1oiin|\At> m An Ann Ap^Ain mog
If ^oin cpi niAC b^Atdon bf\^cpt*
lAp ngoin tui$x>eAd mic c^{ ^con.
32355011^^ ^ mo.fb^s.'b Ceic mic tni^g^c if De^lcon bpeicfne
50 n-A cpi m^cAib 50 p6 fo. 5^^^^^ T io^"o^ e^cc At)bAL
leif fo t)o f e^tDf Ai-oe "oo connh^oi-oeATh o^p Con^ll fuigfe^m
T)on cuf fO 5An cuf pof.
A5 fO ffof An ni T>A T>CAini5 bif f eAp^f a mic tl6ig.
3240 A|t mbeic lomopf a ^'F^^fS^f ^T^ t)eof Ai-be^dc 1 jConn-
ACCAib, c-d.jilA 1 bfOCAif Oilioll^ If TTIe-d.'bbA ^ 1 m-d^ij A01,
i.ic A f^ibe otinpo^tc conintiijce aca; ^Jtif low n-^on t)Af
6i|t§eAt>Ap A^m^c A|i b|\uAC loc^ -oo bi Iaitti pif ^n liof,
iA|\f A.if Oilill Ajt pe^fjuf -oul x>o fni^ih a|i ^n loc, ^.guf
3246cei'o pe^fguf A^nn. A|t mbeic ce^n^ 'o*'PeA.f$uf ^g piAm
T)o 5A.b miA^n tneAi6b t)til t)o <5othfnAth fif ^guf Af nt)ul
f An loc t)i 1 bfoCAif peAf gtjf A x)o g^b #at> Dili II Aguf C115
Af bf ACAip -oo fein tjo bi 'n-A focAif OAit V^inm Lujaio
t) Aill^igeAf ujicAp fleije t)o CAiceAth |te pe^pjuf go 'OCAplA
this treacherous conspiracy ; and on the night for which it was
arranged that the sons should come to commit the murder,
Conall said to Bealchu that he must exchange beds with him>
else he -would kill him. And accordingly Bealchu lay against
his will in Conall's bed, and Conall lay in Bealchu's bed.
And those three warriors, the sons of Bealchu, came to the bed
in which Conall used to be and slew their father in mistake
for Conall Now when Conall observed that they had slain
their father in mistake for himself, he sprang upon them and
killed all three, and beheaded them and their father; and on
the following day he took their heads to Eamhain in triumph,
and in commemoration of this deed is the following quatrain
from the seanchus :
Among the feats of Conall Ceamach
Was the tack of Manainn, the tpoiling of ilaTee,
And the slaying of the three sons of Bealchu of Breithf ne,
After he had slain Lughaidh eon of three hounds.
So far the murder of Ceat son of Magha and of Bealchu of
Breithfne and his three sons. And there are many great
deeds besides this that might be laid to the credit of Conall
which we shall leave untold on this occasion.
Of the event which led to the death of Fearghns son of Eogb, as follows.
When Fearghus was in banishment in Connaught, it
happened that he was with Oilill and Meadhbh in Magh Ai,
where they had a dwelling-fortress ; and one day, when
they went out ' to the shore of a lake that was near the
lios, Oilill asked Fearghus to go and swim in th^ lake,
and Fearghus did so. Now, while Fearghus was swimming,
Meadhbh was seized by a desire of swimming with him ; and
when she had gone into the lake with Fearghus, Oilill grew
jealous ; and he ordered a kinsman of his called Lughaidh
Dalleigheas who was with him to cast a spear at Fearghus
■■I ll I JJW U^-" -t.-^^— M— wm—— »W— — Wl I>1 igti^-im^WB^^
210 trotiAS peASA An 4mitin. [booki.
3150 cpe n-^ cti^b ^gtjf C15 peAjtsuf 1 'ocif le 50111 ^n ti|Ad^i|^pn,
^guf s^-ouif An CfieA.§ ^f feiti, 50 tjcttj ^muf ti|\CAi|\ 50
hOititi 50 T)CA|tlA C|\e miolcoin vo bi Iaiiti |te n-^ CApbA-o
1; Aguf leif pn cuicif pe^fju]' ^juf pi^ip b^^', gup h^no-
n^ice^'O A|\ b|\uA.<5 A^n tocA. ce^tjn^ e. If e ^n Pe^pjuf-fo
3256 "00 th^pb p^dn^ m^c ConcubAiji ^guf ^n cpempe^ji S^^Pt^"
ge-ATin mAcTnollo.t)A ^S^f ^og^ti m^c 'Ou|^pc-^cCi^ |^1 pe6.|Mi-
intii5e If lom^T) cu|tA^ if cAiCThiteAt) o^p cSe^no. r\^c Iu^mv-
fe^in ATiTifo. If e f6f cuj ^n ci^in rhop leif ^ hUllc^ib
t)AX3ci^ini5 lOTTiAT) tiilc If e^fo^onCA iT5if Conn^cc-d. if Ullc^ij
32601OT11flUf 350 f ^b^'OAf ATI t^ubloiTljeAf CAITllg A|t -OeOf AHOCACC
t4 PeAf juf A hUtlcAib feACC mbliA'OTiA 1 gConriACCAib, no
t)eic mbliA-OTiA x>o fetf t)|tuin5e cite, aj x)eAnAiii pofltiic
if fOjlA Af tlttcA<5Aib cpe b^f mAC ntJfnuig Aguf UlLcAij
niAf An jceA'onA aj T)6AnAni oibfeifje opf A-fAn if Af
5288feApAib ConnACC CfAf An t)CAin fuj FeAfguf uaca, Agtif
Cfef JAC t)ocAf oile t)a n-oeAfnA An •oubloin^eAf .1. An
fLuAJ t)eof Aix)eACT:A x>o duAit) le peAf juf 1 jConnACCAib,
Aguf pf ConnACC fein t)6ib ; lonnuf 50 pAbA-OAjt nA t)iocA
If nA t)0CAif "00 f inneA-OA]! Icac Ap leAC tda ceile coiti mof
5270 foin 50 bfuilit) leAbAiji fqiiobcA of jia bu^ liofCA jie a
luA'o Aguf hui) f A-OA pe A bf Aifneif Annfo.
pile lomopf *oo bi aj ConcubAp da ngAipci Aco iiiac
Ainninn vo liAitinA'b Ap TTlA5Ain beAn ConcubAip; Aguf Ap
3276 n-A fionnocCA-b pn t)6, if 1 bpeAC pug Ap An bplit) a cup t) a
bACAi6 1 l/oc LAojAipe; A5ttf CAnjADAp T)pon5 leif Ap fogpA-b
An piog gtif An loc DA bACA^ ; Aguf Ap n-A f Aicfin pn -oo.
peACCAipe l^AOJAipe Ouadaij ceit> 50 l^AogAipe Aguf
AT)ubAipc nAC pAibe 1 n^ipinn aic 'n-A tnbAicpToe An pie
3280 Ate. 'n-A "bopAf f An. l^eif pn linjif l^AOgAipe ahiac if
which pierced him through the breast ; and Fearghus came
ashore on account of the wound caused by that cast, and
extracted the spear from his body, and cast it in the direction
of Oilill ; and it pierced a greyhound that was near his chariot»
and thereupon Fearghus fell and died, and was buried on the
shore of the same lake. It was this Fearghus who slew
Fiachna son of Conchubbar, and the champion Geirrgheann
son of Mollaidh, and Eoghan son of Durrthacht, king of
Fearnmhuighe, and many heroes and warriors besides whom
we shall not mention here. It was he also who carried off
the great spoil from Ulster which caused much mischief and
discord between Connaughtmen and Ulstermen, so that the
dubhloingeas that went with Fearghus into exile from Ulster
remained seven years in Connaught, or according to others
ten years, spoiling and plundering Ulster on account of
the death of the sons of Uisneach, while the Ulstermen were
in the same way making an onslaught on them and on the
men of Connaught on account of the spoil that Fearghus took
from them, as well as every other injury which the dubhloingeas
— that is, the exile host who went with Fearghus to Con-
naught — and the men of Connaught themselves had done
them ; so that the injury and damage they inflicted on one
another were so great that books have been written about
them which it would be tedious to mention, and would take
too long to describe here.
The cause which led to the death of Laoghairc Buadhach, as follows.
Conchubhar had a poet called Aodh son of Ainneann, who
carried on an intrigue with Maghain, Conchubhar's wife ; and
when Conchubhar discovered this, the judgment he passed on
the poet was that he be drowned in Loch Laoghaire ; and at
the king's command a company went with him to drown
him. And when Laoghaire Buadhach's steward saw this, he
went to Laoghaire and said that there was no place in
Ireland where the poet could be drowned but at his own door.
212 itohas peASA An 4minn. [booki.
CA^l^L^ |:^px)0|t^f ^n cije x>o cuL ^ cinn 5U|t b^ife^^ ^ fei.cne,
o^guf x>Ak eif pn lingif 50 •oif acc^c ^]i 6^6 gup rh^pb ia^tj if
Sti|t poipe^'o ATI pie leif ; ^guf ^^gA^if fem a|\ ah li.C'Mp pn;
gOTiA^io 1 pn q\ioc l^^og^it^e Du-d.^A.15.
I^p mAltbAO iomo|t|io OiIioHa le Con^tl Ceo.|\n-(^c t)o
cuAi^ TneAt>b '00 cottinui'oe 50 hinif CLocp^nn a|\ Loc tlib
^S^r ^1^ mbeic 'n-^ coninun6e ^nn pn t)i b<^ geif -oi i jrein
■o' i'oc|ti0.5A.t> f^t\ cob^p 00 bi 1 nx50|to.f n ^ hitif e 5^0^ m^itjne ;
3290 Aguf ^\K n-A ctof pti t)' popbuiTJe m^c ConctibAip CAinig l^
n-Aon 50 hti-Mgne^c -o' pof ^n cob^ip, ^gtif t>o coth^if te
pi-ic lin 6 bpuAC ^n cobo^ip guf ^n teic oile T)on loc Aguf
beijiif ^n coftiAf ce-o.'on ^ leif 1 titJllc^ib; -^guf if e^io -oo jnio^o,
*oi. cuAille t3o cuf t ■oc^l^m ^guf ce^tin A^n cpi-iiceoo ce^n-
529550.1 o-ii. 54.C cuA^ille otob Agtif ub^ll x>o ctif ^f mull^c
cti-o^ilLe ACA Aguf efein t)o fe^fo^ni ^5 ^n gctio^ille oile ^gtif
beic ^5 poplo^itiAC o^f -6. cpAnncAb^ill 50 •ocuj^'d -©.muf ^p
An ub^ll x)o biot) A|\ bipp An cuAille oile 50 nibuAileA'6 h.
X)o cleACCA^ leif lomopf o An cluicce pn lonnuf 50 pAibe
350oclifce Aif 50 nAC ceibeAT6 AonupcAp ai|\ jAn An c-ubAll
t)' AHlUf , Ua^Ia CpA 50 5pOt) -OA eif pn COTTI-OAiI l-Oip UllCAC-
Aib If ConnACCAij -oa jac leic -oon cSionAinn Ag Inif
ClocpAnn Aguf C15 pop bunoe Anoif 1 gcoitiiOAil nA ntlllcAc.
Aguf tnAit)eAn -oa f Aibe Ann "oo connAipc TDeAob Ag a
3306 f ocpAgA"© f ein ATTiAil fo cleAccA-o fAn cobAf peAm-p-ii-oce;
Aguf leif pn tjo-ni doc v' inneAll 'n-A Cf AnncAbAill 50
ocug uf CAp t)A hionnpjige gup Ainuif 'n-A h^AOAn 1, go
bfUAip bAf Ap An lACAip pn lAp mbeic occ mbliA-bnA -oeAg
p ceicpe pcit) 1 gceAnnAf ConnACC 01, aitiaiI At)ubpATnAp
3310 CU Af .
UugAmAp AnuAf Annfo gAblAn Ap nA cttpA-bAib Ap
mbeic 'n-A ludc coitiAimppe Ag THei-ob 1661b. 5^^^^*^
Thereupon Laoghaire leaped out, and his poll struck against
the upper door* post of the house, and his skull was broken ;
after this he made a sudden onslaught on the company, and
slew them, and rescued the poet ; and he himself died on the
spot Such was the end of Laoghaire Buadhach.
The cause of the death of Meadhhh of Oruachain, as follows.
When Oilill had been slain by Conall Cearnach, Meadhbh
went to Inis Clothrann on Lough Ribh to live; and while she
resided there, she w*as under an obligation to bathe every
morning in the well which was at the entrance to the island.
And when Forbuidhe son of Conchubhar heard this, he visited
the well one day alone, and with a line measured from the
brink of the well to the other side of the lake, and took the
measure with him to Ulster, and practised thus : he inserted
two poles in the ground, and tied an end of the line to each
pole, and placed an apple on one of the poles, and stood him-
self at the other pole, and kept constantly firing from his sling
at the apple that was on the top of the pole till he struck it.
This exercise he practised until he had grown so dexterous
that he would miss no aim at the apple. Soon after this
there was a meeting of the people of Ulster and Connaught
at both sides of the Shannon at Inis Clothrann ; and Forbuidhe
came there from the east with the Ulster gathering. And one
morning while he was there, he saw Meadhbh bathing, as
was her wont, in the fore-mentioned well ; and with that he
fixed a stone in his sling and hurled it at her, and struck her
in the forehead, so that she died on the spot, having been
ninety-eight years on the throne of Connaught, as we have
said above.
Thus far we have digressed into accounts of the heroes
who were contemporaries of Meadhbh. We shall now return
214 potiAS peASA All 6minii. [book l
pLtfe^m A|i 600^1*6 penblioc ^fif. U]\i tnic iotno|^|io ^juf
5515Ldc^|\ ha C|ti mic, ^5«f tiA. cjti hmge^ti^ 6icne U^ca^c
Ctoqi^ if trieiO^'db Cpu^c^n, ^m^il ^oeiji ^n pie fMi
jtAnn-fO :
5520 eicne Uaca^ TTleA-bb dAOirt Ct\tiAd4n
IDo-^e^Ti^m ^cc^f^'o ^pif ^p Concub^|t ^S^f cui|\feAm
pof A^nnfo cult) "Oc. o^L^ib. IFi hi lotnof^^o inge^n 60C-6.C
S'd^lbuiioe t>o Conn^ccAit) a. ThiwC^i|i v^\\ b'^inm Tle^f 0., ^Jtif
3526 "00 s^ipci u^ice e. 5^^^^^ F^ ^^ Paccha pi^c^d mj^c C^if
mic Hu-Oj^uige •00 ftiocc Ip mic mite^o fi hAwC4>.if -06; ^Jtif
^n c^n -00 bAO^i; n^ ci4i5e^iD^i5 ^5 i^fit^i-b ceoji^nn 5^(5^
ctii5i'6 fA teic. If ^nn cug C^n\b|\e Tlio. F^^r T^^ t^^ige^ti 1
jcomm^oin injine Conctib^Mp t)'f ^gbo^il 'n-o. mn^oi i)6 fein,
3330 A.n mif ^cxx 6 t^oc -^.n Cuisi-o 1 mbfe^g^ib ^gtif 6 teAm4M|\
n^ mi|\e pn, o^m^it A.T)ei|\ ^r\ pte :
OiA |\AnTir4^ c6i^ cdip'6 6i|\eAnn
l-oi-p x>A rfitiip, ni6|\ ATI ceAT),
3336 ntij cpi qxittCA ceAt) te a dwb]\eAnn
Con6abA|\, n{o]\ dAOileAn^ beA^.
pei'olim TltiACf oc^c -d^inm n^ hmgine te bpi^if ^n f oc-^f -fo ;
Agtif -00 cu-M^ 50 h-o^inmi^n^c a|\ ^^d^lot) "Le Con^lt Ceo^fti^c
6 jtij l/AijeA^n.
5340 X)AtA CoTicubAif u^pl^ m^c If pee ^.ije ^S«f "oo pinne
coftbA.'d t)0 t>|ttitm meifce f e n-^ mACA.111 fein 50 ftij fi
Co|tm^c Contumge-^f •oo. lon^nn lomof-po Cof m^c if Cofb-
mA.c, -00 bfij gutt^b c-p^ cofbift.'o -00 pinne Cdncub-^f Copm^c
pe ri--d. miiC^ip fein, He-d.f^ fi. h^inm -oi. Ajuf if 1 rroiot ^n
3546mi5niomi0. foin 00 ctiA-OAp 0. mic uile g^n fliocc ^cc cpitip
to Eochaidh Feidhlioch. Now, Eochaidh had three sons and
three daughters, namely, Breas and Nar and Lothar, the three
sons, and Eithne Uathach, Clothra, and Meadhbh Cruachan,
the three daughters, as the poet says in this quatrain :
Three daughters had Eochaidh Feidhlioch,
Fame on a lofty eett :
Eithne Uathach, fair Meadhhh of Cruaohain,
And Clothra.
We shall come back again to Conchubhar, and set down
here part of his storj% His mother was the daughter of
Eochaidh Salbhuidhe of Connaught, who was called Neasa,
and he was named from her. And his father was Fachtna
Fathach son of Cas, son of Rudhruighe of the race of Ir son
of Milidh ; and when the provincial kings were demanding
to have the boundaries of each separate province fixed,
Cairbre Nia Fear, king of Leinster, in consideration of getting
Conchubhar's daughter in marriage, ceded to Ulster the tract
of. land that extends from Loch an Chuighidh in Breagh
and from Tara to the sea ; and this tract consists of three
cantons, as the poet says :
In the diyision of Erin into fifths,
Between two teas, great the pemiafion,
Three cantons with his portion
Took Conchubhar, no small, narrow tract.
The lady through whom he gained this increase was named
Feidhlim Nuachrothach ; and through force of passion she
eloped with Conall Ceamach from the king of Leinster.
As to Conchubhar he had twenty-one sons ; and in a fit
of drunkenness he committed incest with his own mother, and
she bore him Cormac Conluingeas. Now, Cormac is the same
as Corbmac, an incestuous son ; for it was through corbadh or
incest that Cormac was the offspring of Conchubhar by his
own mother, whose name was Neasa. And in punishment of
this misdeed all his sons died without issue except three.
216 poRAS peASA AR eimnn. [bookl
ni piit ne^c beo ^.p fliocc n^ •OftuiTige-fe i n^]iirin ^niii.
If § ^n Concub^p-fo m^c po^ccn^ pi^c^ig ^Jtif -o.
33Mbfi.icite cug C^c AoTi^i^ TTIac^ "00 tD^bA^ll 'Oi^nbuille^c
tn^c Aift)|\io§ Loclonn. b4^ 'oio-i.i|MTTi c|ii ^n ftu^g b^oi
mA|\ ^on |t§ m^c fiog l/octonn ^n c^n foin ^.g ce^cc "oo
5^ 6i|teA.nn. 1 gCuijeo.'O tllo^t) if ^nn ci^ngd.'O^it i T)df ,
5366 pot>ctATin^Tlu'6|tui5e um Concub^ji 1 n-^g-d^i-b n^ n-^ltniuf |t-o.c
t>o CAb^i|\c c^t^ Tooib. A-oub^ifc 5^^"^"^ 5P^^^fol-«f
Tn^c CA.tbAi'o fiA 0. TTiuinnci]i ^n c^n foin. "If ce^fc h^\y
ftti-^5, A^tJllcA," ^f fe, "^guf If 65 ^Ttiuld^c 3A.C Aon ^j^ib."
" C]te^T) 'oo-'O^A.TiA.m tiinie pn,** ^.f c-6.c; "tn^fe^Tj," o^ji
3360 5eA.TiATin, "c^bp^i^ lotn^o "D'otAinn teic lib ^guf cf u^i-o-
ceATigtAi'O ^n olA^nn v^ b^^p n-^igcib lonntif 50 m^t) mon^e
5|tAiTi If e-d^gt^ n^ n-^ttniufp^c f oni^ib ati ni pn ^rh^il but)
fiogt^oic pb." 'Oo finne-d.t)^f\ uile coTh^ifte Je^n^inn
ssaeUuj^'o ati cac 1-d.p foin, if "oo bpife^^ -oo n^ h^llThufitc^ib
^jtif "oo ctiif 6-0.0 ^ n-if o^nn; gon^'O on gc^c foin Aon^MJ
m^c^ ^•oei|tceA|\ titbit) ]iiu.
A5 fo |Hof t)o bif ContdOKi mic Con ^CulAinn.
If e Til lomoff o •OA "ociinig ^ bif, Cu Cul^inn 00 cu^it)
3370 -©'f ojttiiTn cle^f njoite 50 ScAt^ij, b-Mig^ifce^tx^c -oo bi
1 nAtb^^in ; Aguf c^pl^ inge^n iL^inn 1 nAlb^in ^n c^n f oin
•o^p V^inm Aoife inge-d^n Aip-ogeiTne cug gpo^t) e^gm^ife
•00 Coin gCut^inn o^f ^ -<MfT5fce^l^ib 50 t)ci.ini5 -o^ pof
gup cum^ifc p fein if Cu CuL^inn p e ceiLe 50 ■oc^j.pL-^ m^c
3375 'n-^ bpoinn. Aguf ^p mbeic ^5 cpi^Ll 1 n^ipinn t>o Coin
gCul^^inn i^p bfogluim r\^ gcle^f luit 6 Scacaij, ceit) t)o
namely, Beanna, from whom Beanntraigbe is named ; Lanna,
from whom Lannraidbe is named ; and Glaisne, from whom
Glasraidbe is named. But there is no one to-day in Ireland
descended from these.
It was this Conchubhar son of Fachtna Fathach and his
kinsmen that fought the Battle of Aonach Macha against
Dabhall Dianbhuilleach son of the monarch of Lochloinn. An
innumerable host accompanied the son of the king of Loch-
lainn on that occasion on an expedition to invade Ireland. It
was in the province of Ulster they landed, and after that they
proceeded to Magh Macha. The clan Rudhruighe rallied
round Conchubhar against the foreigners, and gave them
battle. Then Geanann Gruadhsholus son of Cathbhadh said
to his followers: "Your host is small, O men of Ulster," he said,
" and ye are all young and beardless." " What shall we do,
then ?" said they all. " Well," said Geanann, •* bring with 5'ou
a large quantity of grey wool, and bind fast the wool to your
faces, so that the foreigners may hate and fear you all the more
for this, as if you were chosen warriors." All those who were
amktdcJtachy that is, those who had not beards, followed the
advice of Geanann. The battle was afterwards fought, and
the foreigners were defeated, and they were slaughtered there ;
and it was from this Battle of Aonach Macha that they were
called Ulaidh or Ulstermen.
The death of Conlach son of Cucliulainn, as follows.
It was thus his death was brought about : Cuchulainn
went to learn feats of valour to Scathach, a female
champion that lived in Alba ; and there was a fair lady in
Scotland at that time called Aoife daughter of Airdgheim,
who cherished a longing affection for Cuchulainn because of
his great fame ; and she came to visit him ; and they had inter-
course with one another, and she conceived a son. Now,
when Cuchulainn was proceeding to Ireland after having
learned the feats of agility from Scathach, he paid a farewell
218 pouAS peASA An 6minri. [book l
ceileAb|\A.i6 x)'Aoife if cug 6|\TiAfc .1. ftiO^bji^^ oi^i t)i ^gur
^T)ubAipc ]^iA A. coiiTi6id^t> 50 beic t)^ m^c infe^'dm^; ^Jtif
^]i mbeic infeAxbmA. td ^n flAb]ii0^t> 00 cti|t teif ^n tn^c
ssaoctiige fein m^yt cotho^liCA. cmnce ^f ^ n-o^iceoti^-d ^; n6 -00
•peiji -oiiuinge oile, 10^ 6i|i, ^gof 4^'oubA.i|^c |tid. mi c^n "oo
bio.t) ^ m^c coin ^-pjiACCA if 50 Lionf^^ a itt^^f ^n lo-o
^ ctif t)^ fiof f^in 1 n6i|\irin ; ^guf fOf vo cui]a C|ti je^f 0.
Jb^^ 4^n mo^c fi^ ' 50 hCi^iinn t>6. An cei^ogeif -oiob
3386 5^Ti fCA^cn^io ftige t>o •o^^n^fh T)'^ondu]t^i6 x\i, 'o'^onc^c-
Thile^o f^n ooiTi^n. An "OAf d. geif j^n ^ ^nm t>o c^b^f c
Cf e u^ni^n o'^onlAoc f-d.n bic. An cf e-6^f jeif j^n cothp^c
^ompp DA Cfeife ^jt c^lniAin o'ob^'o. Ajtif ^^\i ^-^f T
^^\\ bfopb^i^ic ioino|tf o "oon irio^c foin if ia|* bfojtuim cle^f
sswnjoiLe if ng^ifci-o t>6 6 b-6.noit)e n^. ^cuf^'d .1. Sc^c^c,
Cfio^lL^if 1 n6ifinn -a'pof Con jCuL^inn yik ho.c-d.if v6; ^gttf
Af fOCCAin cif e 'oon niACAOTh, c^fL^i. Condubo^f 50 m^icib
Ut^x) 1 nt)iil no 1 n-oif eo^ccAf -^5 UfACC 6ife Af ^ cionn ;
Aguf cuif If Concub^f Iaocoo. rhuinncif X)xk ngiMfCi Cuinnife
3386 t>'f A50.1t fceo.L UAix). TTlAf CAinig lomoffo t)o o.n p^Fpuigif 0. o.inm'oe. "Tli ftonno.iTti mefein T)'o.on«
to.oc o.f -Of uim co.tnio.n '' o.f Conto.o<5. Cittif Cf a
Cuinnife 50 Conctibo.f o.5Uf nodCAif o.n c-o.iceo.fc foin -oo.
l^eif pn ceit) Cu Cuto.inn "Oo fceo.t "oe, J^'oeo.'d
3400 ni bftiAif O.CC o.n ffe^Sf^ ceo.'ono. 6 Conto.oc; o^juf coih-
f o.icceo.f teo 50 fuiteo.c f e* ceite 50 f o.ibe Conto.oc 0.5
Cf AOco."6 Con 5Cuto.inn, gef thof 0. cf 6x) if 0.
1 n5o.c cointo.nn fio.Th f oirhe pn, lonnuf guf Veijin v6 "out
fo.n 0.C t)o b'foigfe t)6 A5Uf 0. fA 'oeowfo. o.f I/O.05
3406ino.c $o.bfo. o.n 50. botj t)' t)6 gtif cuif Cfe
cofp Conto.oic e; gono.'o nio.f pn ciinij 0. bo.f.
visit to Aoife, and gave her an omasc, that is, a chain of gold,
and told her to keep it till her son should be fit for service ;
and when he would be fit for service, to send the chain
with him to himself, as a sure token by which to know
him ; or, according to others7 it was a gold ring, and he
told her to send his son to visit him to Ireland as soon as
he should be so strong that his finger would fill the ring.
Furthermore he imposed three restrictions on the son before
his coming to Ireland. The first restriction was that he
should not give way to any hero or champion in the world ;
the second restriction that he should not give his name
through fear to any warrior in the world ; the third restriction
that he should not refuse single combat to any man on earth,
however strong. Now, when this youth grew up and waxed
strong, and when he had learned exercises of valour and
championship from Scathach, the instructress of champions,
he set out for Ireland to visit Cuchulainn, his father ; and when
the youth reached land, Conchubhar and the nobles of Ulster
were before him at Tracht Else; and Conchubhar sent a
champion called Cuinnire to get an account of himself from
him ; and when he came into the youth's presence, he asked
his name. " I tell my name to no warrior on earth," said
Conlaoch. Then Cuinnire went back to Conchubhar, and
made known to him this answer. Thereupon Cuchulainn went
to get an account from him, but received only the same answer
from Conlaoch ; and they engaged in a bloody encounter, and
Conlaoch was overpowering Cuchulainn, great as had been
his valour and strength in every battle up to that time, so
that he was forced to go to the nearest ford and direct Laogh
son of Rian Gabhra to get ready the ga bolg for him, which
he sent through Conlaoch 's body ; and it was thus he died.
220 f OTiAS peASA All 6miTin. [book i.
Utiij, ^ le^gtoiit, x>6. 5cui|Mnn pof A.nnfo m^\\ no cuic
Cu Cul^inn le cl^nn^i'b Chilian ^guf Fe^]t t)i^t) m^^c
'OATTi^iti le Com gCulAwinn ^S^f ^^ fe^cc tn^ine yi^ cl^t\r\
3410 T)'OililL ltl6|^ If T>o lileit>b ^5tif lomA-o oile "oo ctnt4i.i6^ib
c^Lm^ TiAC iifTTiijte^it ^nnfo, 50 mbiowii e^ccit^ o^x)b^L
pe A hiomluAt) o|t|^^, 5^^^^^ m^Y m^ic le^c a. bpof
50 foiTile^c-d^n T)' le^jt^]! le^c b|tifleAC itluige
TMui-pceinine, Oi-oit) n^ ^Cu^^t, no bo Cu^ilgne, no bo Tle-^5^m^in, no t)eA.p5]AU^c^]\ ConAilt Ce-d.|inAi5,
no peif 6^Thn^, no Uxiin bo ptiO'bA.if, n6 0. f^rh^iL oite fo
"00 fCAipib ^ci. |te A bp^icpn 1 nCipinn ^niu, ^su-p t)o-5eAb-
-(M-p lu^-b 50 lionm^it ^\{ ^r\ opuing cu^f ip ^p lom^^t) t)0
ctip-d.^^ib If -oo CACiTiiLe^t)Aib oite— o.p ^ n-od^t^ib if ^p ^
3420n-inice^ci:Aib lonnc^.
Ace ceA^n-6. me^fo^im n^s^c in'oe^nc^ T>e^pni^t) x)o Coinpi
m^c tJAipe ^nnfo g.i.n f o^c^in ^ b^if t)0 cup fiof, ^p mbeic
'n--d. cpeinfe-d^p v6 if 'n-A. pop cotti^imppe -6.5 ConcubAp
-^guf ^5 niO. cup^t>^ib. TTIop^nn TTl^^n^nn^c mi^t-iMp Conp^oi
3426 rnic 'O^sipe, ^ni^iL ^tjeip ^x\ pie f^n p^nn-fo :
nio|\Aiiii TflAtiAntiAd fMAb n^l^y
In^e^n 1|\ mic tlinnp^e ;
Siap eod^d eA<ibeoil/ f ik hi
niACAi]\ Con|\AOi mic Oi^ipi.
3430 Upi h^icme^t)^ lomoppo vo bi t>o cp6infe^p^ib 1 n6ipinn
1 5COThi0.inipp; Aguf ni p^ibe pomp^ n^ 6 pn ^ leiceit) -oo
th-d^cAib mite^'6 b^ TTio b^. ^pp^cc^ b^ cpo-o^ bA. clifce if
b^ c^lniiO. 1 gc^ctiicpib if 1 gcLe^f^ib joile if jo^fce-d.^
lonik 1^*0, 6 ni.p coihnieAfCA P^n l^^ije^n. piu. An c^a.'O-
3436 ^icme 1610b cu]»^it> n^ Cp^oibe tlu^i-oe fi Condub^p ; ^n
-o^p^ h^icme 5^^^^^^^^ 1opp-d.if 'Ooitinonn f a Oilill ponn,
Know, O reader, that if I were to relate here how Cuchu-
lainn fell by the sons of Cailitin, and Fear Diadh son of
Damhan by Cuchulainn, and the death of the seven Maines
sons of Oilill Mor and of Meadhbh, and of many other
stout heroes who are not mentioned here, a long narrative
would be needed concerning them. But if thou wishest to
get a lengthy account of them, read Brisleach Mhuighe
Muirtheimhne; Oidhidh na gCuradh; or Tain Bo Cuailgne;
or Tain Bo Reaghamain ; or Deargruathar Chonaill Chear-
naigh ; or Feis Eamhnan ; or Tain Bo Fliodhais ; or similar
tales which are now to be seen in Ireland ; and thou shalt find
therein a copious account of the above-mentioned persons
and of many other champions and warriors— of their history
and adventures.
Nevertheless, I think I should not omit mention ofCuraoi
son of Daire here, but should set down the cause of his death,
as he was a valiant man, and a contemporary of Conch ubhar
and of the heroes. Morann Mhanannach was mother of
Curaoi son of Daire, as the poet says in this quatrain :
Morann Mbanannacb of honour pure,
Daughter of Ir son of UinnBcach,
Sister of Eochaidh Eachbheoil was she,
Mother of Curaoi son of Daire.
There were three orders of champions in Ireland at the
same time ; and there lived neither before their time npr ever
since a body of the sons of Milidh who were bigger, stronger,
braver, more skilled, more intrepid on the field of battle,
and in exercises of valour and bravery than they ; for the
Fian of Leinster were not to be compared with them. The
first order of these were the champions of the Craobh Ruadh
under Conchubhar ; the second order the Gamhanruidh of
lorras Domhnonn under Oilill Fionn ; and the third order
222 potiAS peASA ATI eininti. [book i.
^5^r ^^ cpe^f ^icme ct^nn-d. 'Oe^j-d.i'o yi. Coitipi m^c T)in\e
1 Ti-i^|\t^p tTltitii^n.
If e r»i t)A. t)CAini3 bif CoTH\i0.oi : coinientje -00 cu^o^p
3440CU|i^i^ n^ Cji^oibe tlu^i-oe ■o'^ oit§tii Th^]\^ li.iiti |te
hALb^in "oa nj^mce-c.]! TTI^nAinn, m^]t ^ p^ibe lom-^T) dip
If ^if 510 If loLih^oine o^guf lom^.'O vo feoi-oib u^ifLe oile,
A^juf in5e-d.rt At4Mnn ^oncum^ -00 cinn Ap ihniwib ^ com-
Aitnp|ie 1 gcpuc If 1 fceirh ^g r:i§^ ^r\ oiLem. bLin^m
9445 fo^ h^inni x)i. Ajuf m^\\ vo cti^t^ Cup^oi no. cuf^it) 6.5
Cfi^ll fi^n cuf^f foin cuipif e fein cp§ -Of^oioeACC 1
mbfeijfiocc 50 nt)eA.CAi'6 f^n coth'diit; ^.juf ^f mbeic ^p
CI A^ipjce ^n oil6in t)6ib 1 bfofbo^if bfe^p bf^lgo., t)o
TTie45.f^t)^f ■oocAThAl mop "oo beic 1 ^r\ otiin 00 bt
94aof^n oile^n in^p ^ p^ibe bti.n^i'o if feoioe u^ifte ^n oilein
uile, A.p ^^injne ^n T)uin if ^p lom^t) tjp^oioe^cc^ n^
t)puin5e x>o bi ^5 ^ cofnA.TTi. If «^nn pn At)ub^ipc Cup-6.01
T)o bi 1 piocc fip o.n bpuic L^ccn^ -oa bf^g^io poj^j. feoit)e
T)^ p-Mbe f o^n t>un 50 n5eA.b45.'6 pein :>^n -oun t)6ib. 5^^^^^'r
3465 Cu CuL^inn pn x>6 ^Jtif Leif pn cuj^tj^p ucc o.p ^.n -oun
^S^r F®^T^ ^" bpuic l^ccno. 'n-^ ocof^c gup f^fc^'6
An poc geincti^e "OO bi ^p pub^L Ap t>opii.f ^^n T)uno^i'6
teif, 5tip leij ci.c ifce^c, gup ho^ipge^-o ^n T)un Leo, ^gtif
50 ocujf^tj ^s^f 0. p^ibe vq feoioib u^tfLe o.nn
34«0Af. Upi^LL^it) Af pn 1 n6ipinn 50 po<5c* 6-MtinA i^oib
Aguf A.p mbeic d.5 poinn n^ feot> x)6ib t^pp^if fe^p ^n
bpuic L^dcno. 1*05^ feoi'oe ^nio^iL -oo jeALL-d^^o •oo. "'Oo-
g^^b^ip'* ^p Cu CuLA.inn. "tn^ifeAo" ^p fe "if i bLo.n-
, Alt) mo poJA 00 nA feoit)ib." " "Oo pogA 00 n^ f eoi-oib
3486 oiLe ^uic" Ap Cu CuL^inn "acc bLi.nAit> Am^in." "tli
$^Ab A m^LAipc" Ap fe^p An bpuic L^ccnA, l^eif pn
lAppAlf CupAOl ApAC Ap OLAnAm tj'pUA'OAC, gO t)CUg AmUf
6f ifeAL uippe, go pug Leif i 1 gceALLcAip -bpAOi-beACCA.
ttlAp t)0 mocuig Cu CuLAinn eAfbAit) nA hingine Aip t)o
clanna Deaghaidh under Curaoi son of Daire in west
It wns thus that the death of Curaoi came about. The
champions of the Craobh Ruadh went to pillage an island in
the ocean near Alba called Manainn, where there was much
gold and silver and wealth of various kinds, and many precious
valuables besides ; and the lord of the island had a comely,
marriageable daughter who surpassed the women of her time
in form and beauty. Her name was Blanaid. And when
Curaoi heard that the champions were setting out on that
expedition, he put on a disguise by magic, and went with the
party ; and when they were about to plunder the island in the
guise of jugglers, they apprehended great difficulty in seizing
on the dun which was in the island in which was Blanaid, and
all the precious valuables of the island, both on account of its
strength and of the great skill in magic of those who were
defending it. Then Curaoi, who was disguised as a man
with a grey cloak, said that if he got his choice of the
valuables in the dun he would capture it for them. Cuchu-
lainn promised him this ; and thereupon they attacked the
dun with the man in the grey cloak at their head. He stopped
the magic wheel that was in motion at the door of the
fortress, and enabled all to enter ; and they plundered the
dun, and took from it Blanaid and all the precious valuables it
contained. They thence set out for Ireland and reached
Eamhain ; and as they were dividing the valuables, the man
in the grey cloak asked for the valuable he should choose as
was promised to him. " Thou shalt have it," said Cuchulainn.
*' Well, then,'* said be, ** Blanaid is my choice of the valuables."
** Thou mayst have thy choice of the other valuables except-
ing only Blanaid." " I will not accept any but her," said the
man of the grey coat. Thereupon Curaoi sought an oppor-
tunity of carrying off Blanaid, and, seizing her unperceived,
he bore her off in an enchanted mask. When Cuchulainn
noticed that the lady was missing, he concluded that it was
224 potiAS peASA AH ^itiinn. [book I.
50 peim^ipeAC i^t) t)on itluih^in 50 pug opc^ A.5 SoLcoi-o;
^S^r t^ip'^ ^^ cpeinp^t A]i A> ceiLe if t)o nit) 5leic c^tm^
dujt^c^, gup cpA.fcp^'6 Cu CulAinn le Coinpi if 50 "ocug
ce^ng^l T1A. 5CU15 jc-d^oL Aip jtip p^g^ib 'n-^ dime cuibpigte
MTS^nn pn e i^p mbeA^ppo^o a. piiLc Le n-^ cloi-oe^ih. Ajuf
beipif feiTi l)liinAit> teif 1 n-iA-pc^p itluih^n iA>p bfi.5i.1L
Con gCuLo^inn ced.n50.1Lce ^ih^iL At)ubp^inAp. U15 lomoppo
Leif pn t/A05 m^cKiAin ^^bp^ if fC6.oiLif t)o Com 5CuLa.inn
If cpi^LL^i-o o.f pn 50 cuAifce^pc tlL^o, 5UH o.ici5ed.'OAp
348oL^iih pe be^nn^ib boif ce fe^-o bLi^ion^ 5An ce^cr 1 500111-
^iiL fe^p ntlLA-d no 5up fi.f foLc Con 5CuLAinn; ^Stif
1 5ceAnn n^ bLi^on^ foin c^pL^ Cu CuL^inn o.p De^nn^ib
Doipce, 50 bf ACAi'o eo.Lro. mop o'e^n^ib -oub^ ^5 ci^e^cr
ATDCUAi'6 "oo 'Opuim ^n niApA, ^S^f ^P pocc^in 1 'ocip 1661b
34«Led.nAif -a.p 0. Lop5 1^*0, A5Uf TnApbo.if ^f ^ cp^nnuAb^iLL
Leif An 5cLeAf x)a n5Aipci CAicbeitn e^n Af 50.0 cpic-oiob;
5up rfiApb An -ouibeAn "oei^eAnAC "Oiob A5 Spuib bpom
1 n-iApcAp ttluiiiAn. A5Uf A5 ciLLeA-o AniAp -66 fUAi|t
OLi.nAit> 50 huAi5neAC Li.iiii pe pionn5LAife 1 5CiAppAi'6e
5400 niAp A pAibe t)ijnpopc coiiinui5re ConpAOi An CAn foin 50
DCApLA coniA5ALLniA eACoppA ApAon An cpAC foin 5up
nocc pfe -oo nAd pAibe Ap t)puini CALihAn feAp b'AnnfA
Le ion A e; A5Uf lAppAif Aip An cSArhAin bA neAfA *6dib
coAcc Lion fLuAg t)A bpeic fein Ap Aif no Ap ei5in Leif;
3486 ^5Uf 50 niAio c6pAit>e -oo pn -oo -oeAnATh 50 T)Cioq:Ai6 '6^
fein An cpAU fom CupAoi t>o beic 1 n-UACA-o fLuA5 if
f ocAiw. JoALLAif Cu CuLAinn T)i-fe cigeACC f An Am foin
•OA liionnfui5e. CeiLeAbpAif lomop^to Leif pn -oi if cpiALL-
Aif 1 ntlLLcAib A5Uf noccAif An t)AiL t)o ConcubAp,
360C t^ALA. DLAnAiT)e, At)ubAipc pe Coinpi 5U]t b'oipceAf -oo
CACAip t)o ^eAnAiii x>6 fein -oo-beApAO bApjt Ap pio5popcAib
6ipeAnn uiLe; Aguf 5upAb ahiLaio bu^ emijt pn vo -oeAnAih
cLAnnA t)eA5Ar6 t)o cup t)o cnuAf ac if t)o cpumniu^AO a
pAbAt>Ap t)o LiAgAib cLod *n-A feAf Ath 1 n4ipinn x>o 'oeAnAih
Curaoi who carried her off, and he pursued them by direct
route to Munster, and overtook them at Solchoid; and the
champions grappled with one another and engaged in strong,
valorous wrestling ; and Cuchulainn was brought to the
ground by Curaoi, who inflicted on him the binding of the five
smalls, and left him there a bound captive, having cut off his
hair with his sword ; and, leaving Cuchulainn bound as we
have said, he took Blanaid with him to west Munster. But
after this Laogh son of Rian of Gabhra came and unbound
Cuchulainn ; and they proceeded thence to the north of Ulster,
and settled down beside Beanna Boirche for a year without
coming to a meeting of the men of Ulster until Cuchulainn's
hair grew; and at the end of that year Cuchulainn happened to
be on Beanna Boirche, and he saw a large flock of black birds
coming southwards from the surface of the ocean ; and when
they reached land he pursued them, and slew with his sling, by
the exercise called taithbheim or * return-stroke,' a bird out of
each country, till he killed the last black bird of them at Sruibh
Broin in west Munster ; and as he was returning eastwards,
he found Blanaid alone beside the Fionnghlaise in Ciarraidhe,
where Curaoi's dwelling-fortress stood at that time. A con-
versation then took place between them ; and she made known
to him that there was not on the face of the earth a man she
loved more than him, and asked him to come on the following
Samhain \\'ith a full host and carry her off by fraud or force ;
and that he might the more easily do this, she would bring
about that Curaoi should at that time have but few warriors
and attendants. Cuchulainn promised to come to fetch her
at that time. Thereupon he bade her farewell, and proceeded
to Ulster, and gave Conchubhar an account of the incident.
As to Blanaid, she told Curaoi that he ought to build a
stone fortress for himself which would excel all the royal
fortresses of Ireland, and that the way in which that could be
done was to send the clanna Deaghaidh to collect and bring
together all the large stones that were standing in Ireland for
22« jronAS peASA AR 4iiiinn. [book i.
3806 c^t|\^d t)6 fem. Ajuf fi. he fie Dl^n^i'oe jiif pn 50 mbeitjtf
elAtin^ 'Oe^5^i^ f a qtioc^ib itnci^n^ 4i|te^nn 1 bf ^^x) 6 Cotiifti
p4 re^cc Con jCulAinn t)^ b|\eic fern letf. Ap ^ <5lof
lomof^to t)o Com gCulA^inn 50 f AbAt>^ji cl^nno^ "Oe^^^i^ ^p
n-A. fCAnn|^Aki6 fA 6ipiTiTi Tn^|i pn, c|tid.tL4M|' 6f ife^L ^
3510 htlltc-Mb 50 f luAjbui^in leif d^suf ni hAic|\tfceA|\ ^ be^j
t)^ fce^kl^ib 50 f Ainig ^n t)oi]te coitle t>o bt Li^iih ]ie long-
pojtc Conf^oi ; ^guf ^p mbeic ^nn pn t)d, cuipif fce^^l^ 6f
'ife^t 50 blAn^ix) 6 fein t>o beic ^nn pn 50 v^^^S '^'^
foc^ip; Akjuf If e cofh^pc^ vo CM^f^ p cuige 50 n5oit>feAi6
3616 cVoi'oe^m Conp^oi, ^guf leif pn 50 n-ooipcfeA^ D^b^c
ted^inn^dc^ t)o bi f^n liof pif ^n f\\\xt vo h\ ^5 V^^'S^ 61^
mbiite cpef ^n 5001 It 1 ]t^ibe Cti Cul^inn. I^p gcLof ^n
cpih^pc^ •66, ni a^n t)o bi ^n c^n ^cconn^tpc ^x\ fpuc bin
on mb^inne, ^gtif ^T P^ cug^'OAp Amuf ^.p ^n Ipngpopc
3620 ^guf t>o tinge^o^p A^n bof a|\ Coinpi, gup m^)tb^6 leo e ^p
mbetc 'n-^ ^on^|\ j^^n o^pm -66, pionngl^tfo lomoppo fi
h^inm 'oon Cfpuc pe^ihpiit)ce ^p mbeic ponn on mb^inne
Ueit) pteConp^Qi^lTeipceipcne a. Ainm, 1 nx)i^i'6 Dtin^it)e
36281 ntlltc^ib, 1 nt>6ti5[ 50 bpiigbe^'d ip^c ^p Olin^io t>o
in^pbiO^'6 1 n'oioj-d.iL Conp^oi ; ^gtif ^p pocc^tn t nUltc^ib
•06, pJAip Concub^p If Cii Cul4Mnn if btin^it) 50 gcoth^iil
ump^ A.5 pinn Cinn ue^p^i.; ^guf tn^p -oo conn^ipc ^n pie
blin^io 'n^^ feAf Aih ^p bpu^c ^ille ^nn ceit) x>^ hionnpiige
3330 ^S^r lA^^if ^ limA uinipe, gup cuip e fein ^^guf i t>'upcop
pif ^n Aill, gup m^pbAt) ^hiIai-o pn i^t>.
the purpose of making a stone fortress for himself. And
Blanaid's object in this was that clanna Deaghaidh might be
scattered through the distant regions of Ireland far from
Curaoi when Cuchulainn should come to carry her off. Now
when Cuchulainn heard that clanna Deaghaidh were thus
dispersed throughout Ireland, he set out secretly from Ulster
with an army, and no tidings are recorded of him till he
reached the oak wood that lay beside Curaoi*s fortress ; and
when he arrived there, he sent word privately to Blanaid that
he was there with an army ; and the sign she sent him was
that she would steal Curaoi 's sword, and would thereupon pour
a vat of new milk that was in the lios into the stream which
was flowing from the homestead through the wood in which
Cuchulainn was. Not long after he was informed of this
token he saw the stream become white from the milk ; and
with that they attacked the fortress and sprang upon Curaoi
in the lios and slew him alone and unarmed as he was. And
the river referred to was called Fionnghlaise, through its
having become white from the milk.
Curaoi's poet, who was called Feircheirtne, went after
Blanaid to Ulster in the hope of getting an opportunity of
slaying her to avenge Curaoi ; and on reaching Ulster he
found Conchubhar and Cuchulainn and Blanaid, with a large
assembly round them, at Ceann Beara point ; and when the
poet saw Blanaid standing there on the brink of a precipice, he
went towards her and twined his arms round her, and cast
himself and herself suddenly down the precipice, and thus
they were both killed.
228 pOUAS peASA AK ^mitltl. [BOOK I.
'Do 5^b 6o6ai^ Aipioth m^c finti mic ponnlog^ mic
tloisnem tluAi-o mic ^^f^Mii^in Od^rhn^ tnic bticACC^j. mic
'LA.bp-ft.'OA. l/Uiytc mic 4^nnA. Aijnig mic Aonjufo. Uui^^bij
5556tre^mp^c mic ^oc^d poilcle^c^iTi mic Oitiott^ C^Mfp^cL^ij
mic Connie Cpu^it!)ceAL5Ai5 mic l^p^inngleo po.CiO.15 mic
tHeiLge ttlotbc^ig mic Cobc^ig C^oil mbjie^g mic Ujo^ine
ltl6i|i "00 pot 6i|\e^m6in pioJACC 6i|\e^nn ti. bti^'6^iTi t)e-6.5.
If uime -GO s^ipci 600^1*6 Ai|tiom ^e, t>o bjiig 5U|\A.b e 00
3640 u^im ^p ocuf 1 nCipiTin. Aijiiom, lomoppo, ^p u^irtie
.1. i:pe^bA.*6 no coc^itc ti^ime ; ^guf f i. "oeipe^o vo cuic ^n
c^oc^i-o-fe te Sio-om^tt 1 blTpeo^muinn Ue^cb-d..
X>o jd^b Ci-oipfceot m^c 605^111 mic Oitiott^ mic ^^^\\
mic'0e^5-6.nj mic Sin micRoipn mic Cpiuin mictloicpiuin mic
3646 Aipnt)it mic m^ine mic popjA. mic "Pe^p^'OA.ig mic Oitiott^.
^6.nTi mic p^o^c^c pip TTlApA mic Aongup ^ Uuipbij Ue^mp^c
mic 6oc^c poitcte^c^in mic Oitiott^ C^ifp^ct^ig mic
Connt^ Cptj^i-oce^tg^ij mic l^p^innjteo pi.c^ig mic ITIeitse
ITlotbcA.15 mic CobcAig C^oit mbpe^5 mic Ug^ine itloip -oo
5560 pot 6ipeA.m6in piog^cc Cipe^nn fe btiA.'on^, gup cuic te
tlu^-o^ 1 nAittinn.
X)o 5A.b TluA.'bA. mA.c SeA^onA. SiocbA^ic mic l^uig-
'oeA.c txSicpnn mic bpeAf Ait bpic mic Pa.ca6 poibpic mic
OitiottA. $tA.if mic 'PeA.pA.'bA.ig pogtA^if mic T1ua.'6a.c puttoin
3666 mic 6Arttoic mic Aipc mic HIoja Aipc mic CpiomcA^inn Cof cpA.15
mic peA^pA^iOAkig pnn mic pei'btimi'O poipcpitiin mic peA^pgufA. mic Dpe05A.mA.1n mic AongtifA. OttA.mA.n
mic OitiottA. mic t^A.bpA.i6A. I^in5p5 mic OitiottA.
^ine mic LA.05A.ipet^uipc mic H5A.ine TTloip -oo pot 6ipeA.m6in
Eochaidh Airiomh son of Fionn, son of Fionnlogha, son of
Roighnen Ruadh, son of Easamhan Eamhna, son of Blathacht,
son of Labhraidh Lore, son of Eanna Aighneach, son of.
Aonghus Tuirbheach Teamhrach, son of Eochaidh Foilt*
leathan, son of Oiiill Caisfbiaclach, son of Connla Cruaidh-
chealgach, son of larainnghleo Fathach, son of Meilge
Molbthach, son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of Ughaine
Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
twelve years. He was called Eochaidh Airiomh because it
was he who first dug a cave in Ireland. Now Airiomh is the
same as ar uaimAe, that is, ' the ploughing or digging of a
cave ' ; and finally this Eochaidh fell by Siodhmall in
Freamhainn Teathbha.
Eidirsceol son of Eoghan, son of Oilill, son of lar, son of
Peaghaidh» son of Sin, son of Roisin, son of Triun, son of
Roithriun, son of Airndil^ son of Maine, son of Forga, son of
Fearadhach, son of Oiiill Erann, son of Fiachaidh Fear Mara,
son of Aonghus Tuirbheach Teamhrach, son of Eochaidh
Foiltleathan, son of Oiiill Caisfbiaclach, son of Connla
Cruaidhchealgach, son of larannghleo Fathach, son of
Meilge Molbhthach, son of Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, son of
Ughaine Mor of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland six years, and he fell by Nuadha Neacht in Aillinn.
Nuadha Neacht son of Seadna Siothbhac, son of Lughaidh
Loithfhionn, son of Breasal Breac, son of Fiachaidh Foibhric,
son of Oiiill Glas, son of Fearadhach Foghlas, son of Nuadha
FuUon, son of Ealloit, son of Art, son of Mogh Art, son
of Criomhthann Coscrach, son of Fearadhach Fionn, son of
Feilimidh Foirthriun, son of Fearg^hus Fortamhail, son of
Breasal Breoghaman, son of Aonghus Ollamh, son of Oiiill
Bracan, son of Labhraidh Loingseach, son of Oiiill Aine, son
of Laoghaire Lore, son of Ughaine Mor of the race of
230 POTIAS peASA Afl 4mitin. [BOOK I.
366opi05^cc 6ipe^nii tei6bti^'6^in. If uitne vo jA^nxci TIu^^a.
tle^^cc "te, on foc^d^t nix .i. fne-6.dCA. 61]^ t>o f-d.TTiAlcA.oi gile
A dneif jtif ATI fneACCA; Agtif -oo cuic ati HuAT^A-fo le ConAi|ie
tfldf niAd ^t)tpf ceoil.
'Oo g^b ConAife Vl\6\\ ttiac 6iT>t|ifceoit ttiic ^ojAin ttiic
9686 0<iliottA mic lAip TTIIC PeAgAi^ Tnic Sin ttiic Tloipn TnicUpiuin
T111C 1toiC|titiin tTiic Ai|tnt>iL ttiic ItlAirre ttitc "Fouja true pi&Ap-
ai6Ai§ thic OiLioLIa ^Ann ttiic pi a^ac Pp 1T1 a^a ttiic AongufA
Uoi^pbij UeAThpAd 'oo fioL ^iTieATTidTn ]iio§Adc Oipe^nn t)eid
mbliA^nA pceAX)-, no TJCpeij^ ^pumje oite, t)eic TnbliA'6nA if
3670 C|\i pat).
If 6 An ConATjte Tt16p-fO ceA'0t)uine lef cog^A'o eipic a
AicAfi .iv 6it)iff ceoiL Af XATjnib. "Oo c65bAX)Af An tJi^ong-fo
'n-A-p ntMAii^ An ei-pic d^A-onA foin A-p^ LAignib, mAp Aci
Oilili (^\j&m, 6o§An tttac OitioLtA, Piacai-o tntnLteACAn,
3676 OitiLt pLAnn beAg, LuJAm ttiac OiLioIIa ptAnn big, Ajuf
Go|tc tttac Luig^eAC. Pa hi ptiTn nA heApcA foin, t:|TT ceAt>
bo ftonn ; cpi ceAX) teAnn ; tpi ccat) cofc; if tpi ceAT>
ctoi-o^ATTi dp-OA ; Ajuf cujA-o Ofptiije leif An UltiTtiAin -oo
pOinn,iwAp ACA o jAbpAn 50 Spem Aifb Iaitti fetnoin 4ile;
3680 A^tif ctt5AT>A]t fACA nA n-tiitc t)ut |ie hioc n A 1ieA|\CA foin
§0 bpAC, ATTiAiL A'oeT'p ATT fCAncA f An pAnn-f :
Ofi\tiige 6 $4bf An 50 5j\eiti
rtigA'6 T>*di|\ic eiT)i]\fceil,
t^ mtitfiAiii cogtti^e coi§,
3586 -• Tf GottAipe pof CftAti^oil.
Umj, A l^A5c6i|t, gtiTiAb i>o ftiocc An ConAipe^fe ^ApniA
thuTTTAn A5Uf 'OaL Kiaoa 1 nAtbAin, A5Uf jtipAb i n-ATTTifrp
'QuAc'OALtcA'OeAgAi'd CAn5AX>Ap ^ApnA t>on TTIumAin ; ^gtif
■00, jTei|\ Co]\TnAic *n-A PfAtcAi]\ if tat) clAnnA Huio-poTge t>o
36MCACfAinn -oon TTluTTiAin tax) lAp mbfTfeA^ oct gCACA o^jtA;
gup, 5AbAT>A]\ neApc Tnop f An itluTTiAin i>a eif pn 6 Aimp-p
'OtiAC 'OaUca 'OeAgAi* 50 hAiTTipi^ ttlo§A tluA-OAC, lonnuf
5U|t. pU AgApAp -00 ^6Tp An ^AbAlf thtlTpnTg poL eibtjl pA|t
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland half a year. He
was called Nuadha Neacht, from the word nir, that is, * snow';
Tor the whiteness of his skin was likened to snow. And this
Nuadha fell by Conaire Mor son of Eidirsceol.
Conaice Mor son of Eidirsceol, son of Eoghan, son of
Oilill, son of lar, son of Deaghaidh, son of Sin, son of Roisin,
son of Triun, son of Roithriun, son of Aimdil, son of Maine,
son of Foi^a, son of Fearadhach, son of Oilill Erann, son of
Fiachaidh Fear Mara, son of Aonghus Tuirbheach Teamhrach
of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
thirty years, or, according to others, seventy years.
This Conaire Mor was the first who exacted from the
Leinstermen the eiric of his father, Eidirsceol. The following
exacted the same eiric from the Leinstermen, namely, Oilill
Olom, Eoghan son of Oilill, Fiachaidh Muilleathan, Oilill
Flann Beag, Lughaidh son of Oilill Flann Beag, and Core son
of Lughaidh. The amount of this eiric was three hundred
white cows, three hundred mantles, three hundred hogs, and
three hundred golden swords ; and they joined Osruighe with
Munster, that is, from Gabhran to Grian Airbh beside Moin
Eile ; and they gave all the elements as guarantee that they
would pay that eiric for ever, as the seancha says in this stanza :
Osruighe from Grabhrftn to Grian
Was joined, on account of EidirsceorB eiric,
With Munster, select her choice,
It "was Conaire who made the agreement.
Understand, O reader, that the Earna of Munster, and the Dal
Riada of Alba, are descendants of this Conaire, and that it
was in the time of Duach Dallta Deaghaidh that the Earna
came to Munster; and according to Cormac, in his Psalter, it
was the clannaRudhruighe who banished them to Munster after
they had defeated them in eight battles ; and they acquired
great power in Munster after that from the time of Duach
Dallta Deaghaidh to the time of Mogh Nuadhat; so that,
according to the Book ef Munster, they drove the race of
232 poTiAS peASA All 4ininii. [book i.
5M6 ttluihATi iA|i Tij^biil ce^nn^^f T1A qiice'o6ib pein 50 hA^impf
III05A TluAX)AiC leji x)ib|ie^t> i^t). A5Uf ipi. x)e^\\e^i> vo cuic
A.T1 CoTi4Mf\e Tn6|i-fo 1 mbjiuigin t)^ Oe^pg Le hAingce^t
C^oc mi0.c 11105 b|ie^c^Ti.
"Oo 5^b l/U5^it> tli^b n'Oe^^jij m^c n^ t)C|ii b'Pinne-d.rhn^
sfloamic 6oc4yc 'Pei*6ti§ mic pinn mic pinntoj^ mic Roignein
Uu^i'O inic 6^f^TTi^in G-^iTin^ mic bL^c^cc^ nnc L^bji-o.^^
Ltii|ic mic C^nn^ Aignig mic Aonguf^ Uuipbig Ueo^mji^c
■00 fiot 6ipe^m6in jiiogA^cc Cipe^nn pee bLiAt)^n, no x>o yieiji
t)|itiin5e oile, fe bLi^^-bn^ pce^t>, 'Oe^iiboiig^iL linje^n
3806 p^l^g^itt tlioj Loctonn pi. be^n t)o Lu^^it) lli^b nX)e^|\5.
If uime "00 s^ijici l/uj^i^ tlio^b n'Oe^fg -oe x>o bfi^ 50
p^c^ibe ciofCi^iLt 'oe^fj ^ bfi^ji^t) if ciopc^itt
oite cimce^tt <n me-c.'ooin ; oip if i^t) n^ Cf i pmn 00 finne
f 6 n--^ nt>eif bfi^if e, Ctocp^ in^e-o^n 6oc4b.c "pei-otis ^ h^inm,
3«iOAf mbeic <i.f meifce 061b; 5on^o ^5 f^ifneif ^n gniom^
foin ^ci. ^n f ^nn fe45.nctifiO.-fo fiof ^y ^ 'ociii5pt>e45.|\ gup ^b
• • • * ^
i ^n Ctoup^-fo te f u^^x) tug^i-d tlt^b n' •00. t)e^pb-
pi.Cf ^ib fuj Cfiomc^inn t1i^ Tl^p "oon Luj^ix) ce^t)n^ foin
fii m^c -01 fein. Ag fo ^n p ^nn :
If Cto6pA An d|\OCA ^ACA1$
T)A niAC |\0 bA feATIlhACAI'p.
X)o me-6.fA.'6 ^n epic foin gup^b t^ mo.c "Oiob tjiO.p bVinm
362o11i'P f4i cofth^it ^ p^ibe on ciopcA.itt u^cc^ip fu^f t>o
l/Uj^i-o 1liA.b n^Oe^pg ^gtif pe bpe^f ^ p^ibe ix)ip ^n t>iw
6opcAitt, Agtif p6 LocA.p ^ pA.ibe on t>-i <5piof pof. If
^iht^i'6 t)o CU1C ^n l/ti5^ii6-fe .1. tinge^'o ^p ^ ctoi-oe^.m
•00 pinne 50 n'oeA.CA.i'6 cpip.
3626 t)o 5A.b Concub^p Abp^t>puo.i6 m^c pnn pte4i.t> mic
Eibhear back to the territory of Ui Rathach to the borders
and the islands of west Munster, having acquired the
sovereignty of the region for themselves, which they held up
to the time of Mogh Nuadhat, by whom they were expelled ;
and finally this Conaire Mor fell in Bruighean Da Bhearg by
Aingceal Caoch son of the king of Britain.
Lughaidh Riabh nDearg son of the three Finneamhnas,
son of Eochaidh Feidhlioch, son of Fionn, son of Fionnlogha,
son of Roighnen Ruadh, son of Easamhan Eamhna, son of
Blathacht; son of Labhraidh Lore, son of Eanna Aighneach,
son of Aonghus Tuirbheach Teamhrach of the race of Eir-
eamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty years, or,
according to others, twenty-six years. Dearbhorgaill daughter
of Fargall, king of Lochloinn, was wife of Lughaidh Riabh
nDearg. He was called Lughaidh Riabh nDearg because
there was a red circle round his neck, and another circle
round his waist ; for he was the offspring, in their drunken-
ness, of the three Fionns by their sister who was called
Clothra daughter of Eochaidh Feidhlioch ; and as a setting
forth of this deed is the following historical stanza from
which it will be understood that it was this Clothra who bore
Lughaidh Riabh nDearg to her brothers that also bore
Criomhthann Nia Nar to this same Lughaidh who was her
own son. Here is the stanza :
Lughaidh Eiabh nDearg to fair Onomhthaim
Was father and was brother ;
And Clothra of the comely form
Was grandmother to her son.
At that time it was believed that what was above the upper
circle of Lughaidh Riabh nDearg resembled the one of the
youths who was called Nar, and that what was between the
two circles resembled Breas, and that what was below the
waist resembled Lotar. This Lughaidh died by falling on
his swoxd, which cut him through. -
Conchubhar Abhradhruadh son of Fionn File, son of
234 jTOnAS peASA AK ^Itlintl. [BOOK I.
tloff^ tluAfo mic Fe^i^guf^ F^^ffS^ ^^<^ tlu^ib^c tleA^cc
mic Seokt>Ti^ Stocb^ic mic t^ui§i6e^<5 lx>idpnn mic b|te^
D|tic mic p^c^d poibpic mtc OiUoll^ Jl^if mic pe^^t^o^i^
jTogLo^if mic11uAt)^c pulLoin mic 6^ll5ic mic Ai]tc mic tHogiO.
3«3oAi|ic mic CpiomcA^inn CofC|\o.i5 mic ^ei-blimi^ poiitcpium
mic pe^iijiifA. poiic^md^iL mic b^te^f^iL bfeoJA^m^in mic
AonjufA Olt^m^n mic OiliolL^ bpi^ci^in mic Wb]t^t)A
l/Oin5p5 mic OilioLl^ Aine mic l/A^oj^^ipe Luipc mic Uj^ine
ltl6i|i X)0 poL 4i|ie^m6iTi itiogo^dc ^pe^nn ^onbli^i^^iTi
•be, vo bpig jti-p^b p^bpo^-OA pti^-b^ •oo bi ^5 ^ fniiLib ; ^suf
pi. peipe-^io t)o CU1U fe Le CpiomCAnn Hi^ ll^p*.
"00 5^b Cpiomc^nn fli^ tlo^p m^c l/Uig-oe^c tli^b n'Oe^pj
mic n^ t)cpi bpinne^mno. mic 6ocac pei'olig mic pmn mic
364opinnlo5^ mic tloijnem Huo.i'o mic 6o.f^mtiin 6^11111^ mic
blico^ccA mic 1/A05^ipe Luipc mic 4^nn^ Aignig mic Aon-
guf-o. Uuipbig Ue^^mp^c vo fiot Oipe^moin piog^cc Gipe^Tin
pe bLiAt)Ti^ 'oeAg. 1p uime 00 g^ipci CpiomcAnn tlio. Tl^p.
•oe 6ip If lon^nn ni^^ ip g^yipce^'o^c no cpeinpeA^p, ^^S^V
5646 If ^r cug^^ TJAp ^ip t)0 bpig 5up b^ ni.p Leif ^ jeineo^m^m
loip ^ ^e^pbpi^CA^ip If ^ mi^c^Mp-. An T>o^p^ bli^^^in "oe^g
■DO fl^^ice^f An Cpiomd^inn TIia Tliip-pe puj^'O CpiofC.
If ^ml^it) vo bifuijeA.'o ^n Cpiothc^nn-fo .i, cuicim v^ e^c
x>o pinne 50 bfu^ip b-if 50 jpot) v^ eif pn.
3860 'Oo g^b "Pe^p^^AC ponn pe^cuno^d m^c Cpiomc^mn
tliA H^ip mic Luigibe^d Ui^b n'Oe-^pj mic n^ t)cpi bpmn-
e^mn^ mic 6ocac pei^tig vo poL ^ipe^mdin piog^^dc 4ip-
e^nn pee bti^'b^n. flip truACcuAC inje^n Laid mic 'Oi.ipe
i>o Cpuiceid^ncuAic mit^ip pe^pAid^ig pe-o.dcnA.ij. If uime
Rossa Ruadhy son of Feai^hus Fairrge, son of Nuadha
Neacht, son of Seadna Siothbhac, son of Lughaidh Loithr
fhionn, son of Breasal Breac, son of Fiachaidh Foibhric, son
of Oilill Glas, son of Fearadhacb Fogblas, son of Nuadba
FuUon, son of Ealloit, son of Art, son of Mogh Airt, son of
Criomhthann Coscrach, son of Feilimidh Foirthriun, son of
Fearghus Fortamhail, son of Breasal Breoghaman, son of
Aonghus OUamh, son of Oilill Bracan, son of Labhraidh
Loingseach, son of Oilill Ainc, son of Laoghaire Lore, son of
Ughaine Mor of tbe race of Eircamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland one year. And he was called Conchubhar;
Abhradhruadh because he had red eyelashes ; and in the end
he fell by Criomhthann Nia Nar.
■ • ■ ■ ■ ....
Criomhthann Nia Nar son of Lughaidh Riabh nDearg>
son of the three Finneamhnas, son of Eochaidh Feidhlioch,
son of Fionn, son of Fionnlogha, son of Roighnen Ruadh, son
of Easamhian Eamhna, son of Blathacht, son of Laoghaire
Lore, son of Eanna Aighneach, son of Aonghus Tuirbheach
Teamhrach of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
-of Ireland sixteen years. He was called Criomhthann Nia
Nar, for nia is the same as * champion' or * brave man * ; and
he was called Nar, ' ashamed/ for he felt ashamed of being
the offspring of his brother and mother. It was in the twelfth
year of the reign of Criomhthann Nia Nar that Christ was
bom. This Criomhthann met his death by a fall from his
horse, soon after which he expired.
Fearadhach Fiotm Feachtnach son of Criomhthann Nia
Nar, son of Lughaidh Riabh nDearg, son of the three Finn-
eamhnas, son of Eochaidh Feidhlioch of the race of Eir-
eamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty years. Nar
Tuathehuach daughter of Loch son of Daire of Cruithean-
tuaith was the mother of Fearadhach Feachtnach. He was
236 pouAS peASA AH 6miiin. [book I.
3«8« §AipceA.p pe^pAk^A^c pe^dcnAC ^e vo bjiij 50 |tAibe ce^jtc
If ppiTirie vi^ gcoiiii^^T) \\e n-A. linn 1 n^jiinn. lon^nn
tomoftpo fe^dcn^d if fifinne^c. If 'n-^ f6iihe^f -oo bi
ino|ti6.nn niAC ttlA^oin ^nn .1, ^r\ ceifcbf eide^ih ^5 ^ f ^ibe
^n 1016 ino|ti6.inn ; ^guf tjo b^ t)o bu^t^^ib n^ hiibe-fe cib6
3060 00 duiffeA.^ f^n-A^ bfi^5^it) 1 pe linn bfeice^nin^if eigceifc
x>o 'oe^n^fh 50 n-iAt)^'6 ^n iot> 50 t)^in5eAn cimce^^ll ^
bf Ag^t), A5Uf 50 mbioo ^5 fi^f cat6 i5.p a. bf o^j^it) 50 mbeif •
e^^ ^n bfeA^c d6if. A5Uf t)o-niot) m^p ^.n 5ce^x)nA. fif
^n ci ci^e^^ t)o •oe^n^th f^ifneife bf eije 50 h^x)m^il n^
3668fipinne tbo. Jon^^o dn 1*6 pn ^ci ^n fe^nfoc^l m^p ^
n-ofDuige^nn ne^^c ^x\ 10*6 ITIof ^inn -oo beic f^ bfij^iT)
A.n ui biof Ag T)6An^m p^^^n^^ife \ nT)di5 50 nxjiongn^o
fifinne. Ajuf ftiAif pe^^f^io^c |re^ccn-d.c b^f 1 Xj\6>i
-5870 t)o 5^b pio^c^c pionn, a quo X)iX bpo^c^c, tn^c X)iif e
mic 'Oluc^ig mic 'Oeicpn mic Coc^c mic Sin mic Koipn
mic Upiuin mic Koicfitiin mic ^Sif nt)il mic Hl^ine mic popg^
mic pe^o^f^'o^ig mic Oilioll^ O^p^nn mic pi^c^c Pf TTl^f a.
mic O^onguf^ Uuipbij a.c t)o pol Cipe^mom pioj-^cc
5e76^peAnn cfi bliAt)n^, gtif cuic le P-«^c^it> ponnol-d.t).
'Oo g^b ITiAC^iib ponnol^'o m^c pe-o^p^'bAij pnn pe^cc-
nA.15 mic Cf lomcAinn TIia. tl^if mic Luijioe-d^c Tli^b n'OeApg
mic n^ •ocfi bpnne^mn^ mic 6oc^c pei-olig vo fiol ^tjie^-
mom pioj^cc Cipe^nn fe^cc mbli^ion^ pce-o^t). If uime
»8o5^if^eA.f p^cAit) ponnol^-b -oe, ol^tD ^inm x>o boin, ^guf
ponn t)0 bi^t>'d.f ufihof bo 6i|\e^nn f e n-^ linn; gon^t) oe
pn cug^^ pi^Ciii.i'o ponnol^o Aif. Uuig, vo feif Cpoinic
Scoo, 50 f ^b^T>^f Scuic ^5 ^icix)e 1 n^^lb^in Anno 'Oomini
73 5^ Sr^^ ^ nDi^io p^d^ii6 ponnol^ib -oo beic 1 bflo^ice^f
,3686 ^f ^^^11 ^5^r f^ c^ofc^ pn loni C^ifbfe tli^t)^ vo m^f-
c^in. Aguf If le h^c^ccu^c^ib 6ipe^nn vo m^^fb^o ^n
p^cAiTO-fe 1 bf e^lL
X)o 5-d.b C^if bf e Cinn C^ic m^c 'OubcA.ig mic Tlu'Ofuige
called Fearadhach Feachtnach because justice and truth
were maintained in Ireland in his time. For feachtnach
means 'truthful/ It was in his reign that Morann son of
Maon lived, the just judge who possessed the Morann collar ;
and one of the virtues of this collar was that whoever wore it
round his neck while delivering an unjust judgment the collar
would close in tightl}^ on his neck till he delivered a just
judgment. It behaved similarly as regards one who came
to give false testimony until he had confessed the truth.
From this collar comes the old saw, that is, when one orders
that Morann's collar be round the neck of one giving evidence
so that he might tell the truth ; and Fearadhach Feachtnach
died in Liath Druim.
Fiatach Fionn, a quo the Dal bhFiatach, son of Daire,
son of Dluthach, son of Deitsin, son of Eochaidh, son of Sin,
son of Roisin, son of Triun, son of Roithriun, son of Aimdil,
son of Maine, son of Forga, son of Fearadhach, son of Oilill
Earann, son of Fiachaidh Fear Mara, son of Aonghus
Tuirbheach Teamhrach of the race of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland three years ; and he fell by Fiachaidh
Fiachaidh Fionnoladh son of Fearadhach Fionn Feacht-
nach, son of Criomhthann Nia Nar, son of Lughaidh Riabh
nDearg, son of the three Finneamhnas, son of Eochaidh
Feidhlioch of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland twenty-seven years. He is called Fiachaidh
Fionnoladh, for oladh is a name for a cow, and most of the
cows of Ireland were white {fionn) in his time; hence he
was called Fiachaidh Fionnoladh. Know that, according to
Stowe's Chronicle, there were Scots residing in Alba in the
year of the Lord 73, very soon after Fiachaidh Fionnoladh
held the sovereignty of Ireland, and that was before Cairbre
Riada lived. And this Fiachaidh was treacherously slain by
the rustic tribes of Ireland.
Cairbre Chinn Chait son of Dubhthach, son of Rudhruighe,
238 f ORAS peASA AH ^IRItltl. [BOOK L
mic 'Oiocon U^t^tiof^Ti^tg mic Ui^ic Ue^t!)tn^nn^i|g micUu^itne
3690 L^nDonn mic Oi|tif 6^ctonn^i§ mic CA^pn-ouilb mic tlionn^it
'OAjApm^ig mic tlioj todlonn ci^ims m^^p ^on |i6 t/^bji^i^
Loingfe^o go buiioiti Uu^m^ Ue^nnb^oc A^gui* ^oeiftit)
•oponj oile guf^b t)'pe^|i^ib boLj 6, pio^AiCC ^ijie^nn.
Cuir bli^tn^ i fioj^dc v6 ju^t ^^g vo CAih, Arur ir uime
3696 gA^nice^p C^ijibpe Cmn C^ic T)e, t>o bjiig gu|i b^ co]ThA.iL jte
ctu^f Alb CA1C A diuAf A AffiAil At>ei|i An pie f^n ]<AnTi-|'o :
"Oo gAb ^i\e ccAf If tuAtt :
"Oa dtuAif dAic um A deAfin CAin,
5700 potifif a6 caic q\^ n-A dlu^rAtb.
If e coji A]\ A pAiTiig ]no§ACC 6i|\eAnn CAipbjie, pe^LL t>o
holtmu5At> le "OAopcLAnnAib no le bACAdcuACAib ^|\eAnn
uile 1 gcoinne piog if UAifte Cipe^nn ; Aguf if e mo-o ^p A|t
ctiifeAt)A|t |iompA An feALt-fo t)ot)eAnAm fleAt) T>'oLtmu5A*6
3708 pe n-A 'OAil t)o piogAib If t>*UAiflib CipoAnn ; Aguf if e aic
'n-Af tJAilcAt) An fteA<) fom i TTlAig Cpu i gConnACCAib
Agtif T)0 bA-OAf Cfl bllAt)nA Ag A hoLlmUgA^; AgUf Ap feAO
UA hAimppe pn t)o coigitpoo cpiAn a ocopAii i n-oi|iciLt
nA fiei-^e ; Agtif CAngAxjAjt f AopctAnnA 6if eAnn mAf Aon pe
3710 cpi piogAib "OA CAiteAth .u ^lA^Am FionnolA-b pi CipeAnn if
©icne ingeAn piog Alb An a be An ; peig mAC pt>eic Caoi(3
pi niumAn Aguf beApcA ingCAn SoipcniAT) pi bpeACAn f a
beAn XX& ; bpeAf aI m ac pipb pi tJlA-o if ingeAn piog SACf An
f A beAn •DO ; Ame a h Ainm, Aguf CAinneAlL Ainm a hACAp.
3715 Upi CAOip$ t)o bi Ag An ACACCUAic mAp ACA tTlonACybuAn if
CAipbpe CAicceAnn; Aguf if e An CAipbpe-pe f a ceAnn opcA
uile, TIaoi Ia t>o bAt)Ap Ag CAiceAfh nA plei-be pn Aguf f a
tei|ieAt> -00 lingpoD An acaccuaijc: Ap f AopclAnnAib 6ipeAnn
t)A mApbA*6 gup cuicpot) uite leo Ap An licAip pn acc nA
3720 cpi geme x)0 bi i mbpuinnib An cpiAp bAn t)o bi Ag nA cpi
son of Diochun Uairiodhnach, son of Tat Teadhmannach,
son of Luaighne Laidhdnn, son of Oiris Eachlonnach,
son of Earndolbh, son of Rionnal Dagharmagh, son of the
king of Lochloinn» who came with Labhraidh Loingscach
to the fortress of Tuaim Teannbhaoth, and others say that
he was of the Fir Bolg, assumed the sovereignty of Ireland ;
he reigned five years, and died of the plague. And he was
called Cairbre Chinn Chait because his ears were like the
ears of a cat, as the poet says in this stanza :
Thus waa Cairbre the hardy,
Who ruled Ireland eouth and north :
Two cat's ears on his fair head,
Cat's fur upon his ears.
Cairbre obtained the sovereignty of Ireland in this manner.
The serfs or rustic tribes of all Ireland devised a treacherous
plot against the king and the nobles of the country ; and
they resolved to carry out this plot by getting ready a feast
to be given to the kings and the nobles of Ireland ; and the
place in which that feast was given was Magh Cru in Con-
naught ; and they were three years preparing it, and during
that time they set apart a third of their crops with a view
to the feast ; and the free tribes of Ireland came to partake
of it ; and with them came three kings, namely, Fiachaidh
Fionnoladh, king of Ireland, whose wife was Eithne daughter
of the king of Alba ; Feig son of Fidheic Caoch, king of
Munster, whose wife was Beartha daughter of Goirtniad,
king of Britain ; Breasal son of Firb, king of Ulster, whose
wife was the daughter of the king of Sacsa ; her name was
Aine, and her father's name was CainnealL The rustic tribes
had three chiefs, namely, Monach, Buan, and Cairbre Cait-
cheann ; and this Cairbre was chief of them all. They had
been partaking of the feast for nine days when at length
the rustic tribes sprang upon the free tribes of Ireland and
slew them, so that they all fell by them on the spot, except
the three unborn children who were in the wombs of the
240 ponAS peASA Ati 4ininn. [book l
fioj^ib oo tu^i-be^mAiit, ^^tuigix) lotnopfto ti^ nmi go
hAtb^in ^gtif itu5^T)Ai|\ cpiA^p m^c A^nn tn^jt ^ci. Uu^t^L
Ue^dcrh^jt, UiobitAit)e Ui|te^d if Cojtb dtom. 'O^t^ 4i]teA.nn
t)o fi^f sopcA ih6]t ^guf cei|ice cop^i6 if iofn^T> miof ^t^ ^p
3725 4i]iinn A^guf T)o bi pn uif pe 50 beic tjo Cf i^p m^c r\j^ -octti
11105 r^^^ ""^^ ni^jibfo^x) 1 bfe^Ll lon^ijitn, Ajuf o.p n-A. clof
T)*feA|iAib 6i]ieAnii gup iTi^ipe^t)^p cpi^p m^c n^ piog foin
t>o duif e^xj^p fe^^f^ if ce^dc^ 'n-^ n'O^il x>^ iA.ppA.1t> oppA.
fL^^iceA^f ^ f e^^n if a. ptifeo^p pein 'oo 5IA.CA16 A^pif A^gtif t>o
3730 6uipeo^t>A.p 5piA.ti If e^^fCA. 1 flAnA.t> no 1 gcop^.i'beA.dc opp^.
feiTi fi. uttiIacc vo CA^bo^ipc 'ooib, if f a. beic t)iteAf 50 bpi^c
A^pif t>6ib. Leif pti co.n5A^t>A.p r\^ mA^cA^oini if "OO 5tA.CA.t)A.p
oigpeo^cc ^ n-o.cpA.c 50 •oCAinig o^ p^^c f^in A.p 4ipinn A^pif
■oe pn, Agtif T>o eA.5 CA.ipbpe Cinn Ca^ic t)o catti.
3735 X)o 5Aib eiLitn iTiA^c ConnpA^c mic TloffA. tluA.i'o mic tlu'o-
puige mic Sicpige mic t)uib mic pomoip mic AipgeA^omi^ip
mic SioptAim mic pnn mic bpi^CA. mic WbpA^^A. mic C^^ipbpe
mic OttA.mA.n p6"otAw -oo fliocc Ip mic TTIileA^T^
6ipeA.nn p<5ebliA.i6Awn; jup ctiic leCuACA.L CeA.<5cmA.p 1 jCa^c
3740 Aicte.
three wives of the three kings we have mentioned. Now
the women fled to Alba, and there gave birth to three sons,
namely, Tuathal Teachtmhar, Tiobraide Tireach, and Corb
Olom. As to Ireland great famine and failure of crops and
much adversity came upon that country. And this con
tinued to be her lot till the three sons of the three kings they
had treacherously slain were able to bear arms. And when the
men of Ireland heard that the three sons of these kings were
living, they sent envoys to them asking them to assume the
sovereignty which their ancestors had held before them ; and
they gave the sun and moon as surety or guarantee that
they would yield them obedience and be faithful to them
evermore. Upon this the youths came, and accepted the
inheritance of their fathers ; and this brought back again her
usual prosperity to Ireland. And Cairbre Chinn Chait died
of the plague.
Eilim son of Connra, son of Rossa Ruadh, son of
Rudhruighe, son of Sithrighe, son of Dubh, son of Fomhor,
son of Airgeadmhar, son of Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of
Bratha, son of Labhraidh, son of Cairbre, son of Ollamh
Fodla of the race of Ir son of Milidh, held the sovereignty
of Ireland twenty years ; and he fell by Tuathal Teachtmhar
in the Battle of Aichill.
242 ponAS peASA All 6minn. [book l
"Do 5^1^ Uu^CA^t Ce-d^ccth^p m^c p^d^c ponnolA'6 mic
|re^]tA.t)A.i5 pnn peAdcriA.ig mic CpioiiiCA.inn Hia Hai^ inic
Luigt^e^c Hi^b n'OeApj mic n^ "ocpi bpmTie^ihn^ mic ^oc^c
^01^)115 t)0 pot 4t|^e^m6in |\i05^6c ^ife^nti t)eic mbLiA^on^
374«pce^t>. If uime^g^ipce^H Uu^c^l Ue^ccm^p te 6 ce^cc
5^c^ mA^ice^f^ pe n-6. linn. Hio|\ fi^j^ib iomo]i|io p^c^ix>
Ponnolo^ T)o cloinn ^cc ^d^onm^c x>i. nj^iiici Uu^c^l
Ue^ccm^|t. Aguf i mb|ioinn eicne ingine piog Atb^n t>o
du6.\x> ^p 6^16*6 ^ h^n5Ain THo^ige Cpu i gCoTiTiACCAib •oo bi
3780 o.n mA.c foin ^.n z^r\ vo m^pb^OAp ^n Aco^ccu^ic po^c^no
ponnot^T) If f ^opci^tino^ eipe-cnn. A5Uf i^p mbpeic tTuA^c-
^il 1 TiAlbo^m t)0 hoileo^TJ if vo beAfmuine^Ti ^r\r\ e 50 beic
1 jcionn 4>. cuig mbLiA.'b^n pceo.T> -oo; ^.^uf fe^-b tia pe pn -oo
bi miopA.c ^p 6ipinn ; ^juf A.p mbeic 1 5cptiA.Ti'OAit moif
3766 t)on Au^ccu^iu '00 ctio.'o^p "00 cinne^^ com^ipLe pe n-A.
TTop^oicib t)^ pof cionnuf no cpe^T> ^n mo-o t)^ 'ociinij ^n
miop^c t)o bi ^p ^pinn ^n epic foin, no cionnuf t)o foipp-oe
UAi^ 1. If e^i6 A-oubp^tj^p no. T)p^oice jup-d^b mme x>o bi
<^n miop-6.c uippe cpe mo^p t)o pinne^T)^p ^n fe-d.Lt ^p piogo^ib
3760 If ^p f ^opctA.nn45.ib Cipe^nn ; ^T)tibpA.T5^p fof x\^c pttf e^i6
^ p^c fein ^p ^pinn 50 n5^b^t> neo^c eigin t>o ftio<5c nc.
P105 foin -00 m^pb^o ce^nn-d.f 4ipeo.nn. Aguf if fi.n ^m
foin tDo cuAitAtDAp o.n Au^ccu^ic 50 p-d.ibe m^c ^5 p^c^i^
ponnot^^ 1 nAtb^in t)^p V^inm Uu^c^t CeA.ccmA.p; o^juf t)o
3766 cu^o^p 'opon^^ m5p^ -oon Ac^ccu^ic 1 ^com^ipte Ajuf if
e^x) vo cinneo.^ teo ce^cc^ t)o cup 1 gcoinne Cu^c^it 50
tiAtb^m. "Oo bi.'OA.p fOf x>pon5^ "o* i-^pm^p f ^opct^nn
^ipe^nn m^p ^c-iiT> cto^nn ^n 'Otiinn 'Oe^.f^ -oo Lo^ignib
p^c-Mt) CA.f An if ponnbo^tt -d. bp^c^ip ^guf f^ ce^t) fog-
3770 tuit)e m^p Aon piti 0*5 A^pg^in ^ipe^nn 1 noiog^it n^ feitte
Tuathal Teachtmhar son of Fiachaidh Fionnoladh, son of
Fearadhach Fionn Feachtnachi son of Criomhthann Nia
Nar, son of Lughaidh Riabh nDearg, son of the three
Finneamhnas, son of Eochaidh Feidhlioch of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland thirty years. He
was called Tuathal Teachtmhar, as every good came in his
time. Now Fiachaidh Fionnoladh left no issue but one son,
who was called Tuathal Teachtmhar ; and that son was in the
womb of Eithne daughter of the king of Alba, who escaped
by flight from the destruction of Magh Cru in Connaught,
when the Athachthuaith slew Fiachaidh Fionnoladh and the
free tribes of Ireland. And after the birth of Tuathal in Alba
he was brought up and educated in politeness there till be
had reached the age of twenty-five years ; and during that time
Ireland had been in adversity ; and the Athachthuaith being
in a great difficulty went and consulted their druids as to the
cause and origin of the adversity in which Ireland was at that
time, and as to the way in which she might be freed from it.
The druids replied that the cause of her adversity was that
they had acted treacherously towards the kings and the
free tribes of Ireland., and added that her wonted prosperity
would not come back to Ireland until some one of the
descendants of those kings who were slain assumed the
sovereignty of the country. And it was about this time that
the Athachthuaith heard that there was in Scotland a son of
Fiachaidh Fionnoladh, whose name was Tuathal Teachtmhar;
and a large party of the Athachthuaith took counsel together,
and they agreed to send envoys to Tuathal to Alba.
There were also companies of the remnant of the free races
of Ireland, namely, clann an Duinn Deasa of Leinster, Fiach-
aidh Casan and Fionnbhall his brother, and six hundred
pirates with them, devastating Ireland to avenge the treachery
244 poTiAS peASA ATI 4minn. [book l
d|t6ATin. . .
A|i gctof ATI fceoil pTi T)o tTuACAl CeACcniAp cpiAllAij"
feiT> If A TiiACAiit .1. Gicne iTijeATT pioj Atb^Ti i Ti6i|iiTin 50
5775fluA5 liontTiAp iTiAilte jtiij. Cuig bliA'OTiA pceAT) tjo b'^oif
•00 tuAC^L ATI CfiC fOin AjUf T)0 5AbAT>Ap CtlATl 1 nl0|^]1tlf
'OOThTlATlTI 50 T)CAftA ^lACAI'D CAfATl gO Tl-A bfACAl]! ]1114
AtlTl pTl. UpiAtlAlt) Af pTl gO, UeATTipAlJ If ClOTlOlllT) A
f AnnCA Af 5AC Alft) •o'6lf1TlTl 1 TTOAll UUA^Alt gO CeATTlf Alg
3780 AgUf gAlf TTICeAJt tcO fl 4lf eATlTl 'Oe. Uig ©lllTTl TTIAC ConT1|tAC-
•00 bl 1 bflAlCeAf 4ipeATlTl ATI Cf AC fOITl Af Tl-A COJA te
hACACCUACAlb T>' eif bAlf CAIf bf e ClTin CaiC t)0 CAbAlf c
Caca AicLe i Ti-A5Ait) CuacaiI. bfifceAf t)'©ilim if -d'Acac-
UtlACAlb If THAfbCAf 6 feiTl If Uf tflOf A flUAlg fATl CAC fOlTl.
3786 Uug UuACaI If A f ATITICA UCC Af ACACCUACAlb feA^ 6lf eATlTl
Ann pn guf bf if C1315 caca pceA*o 1 nUllcAib AjUf ctJig
CACA pceAt) 1 l^Aignib If CU15 CACA pceAt) 1 gConnACCAib'
Aguf CU15 CACA "oeA^ If pee f An ttltiThAin off a,
lAf TnbflfeAti lOTTIOf f O nA gCAC fOin -OO CuACaI AgUf lAf
37Wbf6ificin fAOfcLAnn 4ifeAnn a hAnbfoi'onA n-AcAccuAC, ^o
finneA-o peif UeAthf ac leif, attiaiI if jnAC fif jac fig i
■ocuf A fLAicif fioJTOAil coicceAnn -oo CfuinnitijAt) if x)(>
coirticionot f e bofOtiJA'o f eACc if nof nA Cf ice. U-injA^Af
UAifle S^^^^^l* ^r S^c ciJigeAt) 1 n4if inn ctiige 1 Af pn ; Agup
3798 -00 JAbAOAf THAf fij fif Cfe HIAf t)0 fAOf 1A^ fein 6 TTlog-
fAine nA n-OAOfclAnn .1. nA nAcAccuAc; Ajuf ctigAtJAf
f ACA nA nt>tjt f ^ f 105ACC 4if eAnn t)o leigeAn -06 fein if -oa
cloinn, AiTiAit '00 5eALtA'd f oiThe pn t)' tIjAine itlof .
If Ann pn fdf fuAif ceicf e mif e 00 nA cuijeAiOAib t)A
ssoon-oeAfnA fe An mi-oe-fe Ann Anoif niAf feAfAnn cinnce t)a
gAC AifOfig T)A mbiA-o 1 n6ifinn. (5if CAf ccAnn 50 f Aibe
of the Athachthuaith towards the kings and free tribes of
When Tuathal Teachtmhar heard these tidings, he set out
for Ireland with his mother, Eithne daughter of the king of
Alba, accompanied by a large host. Tuathal was twenty-five
years of age at that time. And they put into port at lorrus
Domhnann, where they met Fiachaidh Casan with his brother.
Thence they proceeded to Tara, and there assembled their
supporters from all parts of Ireland to meet Tuathal, and
they proclaimed him king of Ireland. Eilim son of Connra,
who at that time held the sovereignty of Ireland, having
been elected by the Athachthuaith after the death of Cairbre
Chinn Chait, came and fought the Battle of Aichill against
Tuathal. In that battle Eilim and the Athachthuaith were
•defeated, and himself and the greater part of his army slain.
Then Tuathal and his supporters went against the Athach-
thuaith throughout Ireland, and defeated them in twenty-five
battles in Ulster, and twenty-five battles in Leinster, and
twenty-five battles in Connaught, and thirty-five battles in
When Tuathal had won these battles, and rescued the
free races of Ireland from the tyranny of the Athachthuaith, he
convened the Feis of Tara ; as it is customary for every king
in the beginning of his reign to convene and bring together
-a great general assembly to regulate the laws and customs
of the country. Then the nobles of the Gael from every
province in Ireland came to him, and accepted him as their
king, as he had delivered them from the slavery of the serfs
and the Athachthuaith ; and they pledged themselves by the
elements, that they would leave the sovereignty of Ireland to
himself, and to his children, as had formerly been promised
to Ughaine Mor.
It was then, too, that he was given four portions of the
provinces, out of which he made the present Meath, as the
peculiar territory of the successive high kings of Ireland.
246 poKAS peASA AR 4minn. [book l
6 Aitnp|i ctoinne tleiiiim 50 li^imp|\ T^u^c^il, tn-^feA'd r^t
saosMb 50 ho^iTTipit tuAC^it 50 ntjeApriA c|^ioc ^\{ leic 6 n^
cuije^ib^ib 161.
U^p eif iomoTi|to m^jt vo ctii|t Uu^c^l n^ ceic|te tni|te-fe
lie ceiLe 50 ntje^pn-^ AOin cpioc A^thAin -oiob t)A. njoi-pce^ft
ITIi-oe, x>o c65Aib fe ceicpe puioihLonjpuiiAC itince, TnAji ^cA
5810 Lonjpopc 1 ng-fi^c mip -oiob. 'Do cogA^ib ceMii^ ULaccja f ^n
nii|\ t)oti itluitiAin 4^cik leif ^n TTli^e, Ajtif if miti pn t)o
tio|tt>ui jeo.t> Ueine tTLAcqj^ m/^p ^ ^clex^dc^oi teo ^f^oice
ei|te^Tin t>o cpuinniujc^t) if vo coiihcionot oi-dce SAttin^ x>o
te^m^m lo-ob^f CA vo n^ huite i6eib. If ^nti f ^n ceitiiti pn
3815 -00 loifcci A Ti-ioi6bAlic^ teo ^'S^Y fi^ heije^n 1 bpein cati^c
ceinnce Oife^nn vo mvic^t ati oi-^ce pn, ^gtif ni l^th^io
ncAC t)' feA|tAib 4i]ieA.nn ceine v' ^vry^v acc on ceini^ pn ;
Ajtif 5^c ceitie vo bio^o A|t n-^ hA-dn^t^ ^ifce 1 Ti6i|\inifi vo
XAov fCf e^b^tt no Cfi pinginne ^5 ftig TTIuTtiAn vo ciof tii]if e
5880^0 bfig gtif^b -oon thif jAAinij on ITIuTtiMn oon ttli'oe ^n
f onn ^f A bfuiL ULo^ccja.
'Do f inne ^n "o^f a. tonjpof c f ^n mif f iinij vo Cuije^'o
Conn^cc e, niAf <^ca tlifne-^c m6^]\ ^ mbio-d coiri-oiit coicce^nn
fe^-p neif e-^nn ^|\ ^ "octi^c^oi THof^Ail tlifnij ; A^juf um
3829be^llc^ine vo bio-o ^n c-^on^d foin ^nn m^f ^ gcte^cc^oi
teo Tn^t,^i|tc ^ m^oineif ^ n-eAff^-b if a. ye^v t>o "oeAn^n?
f A fe^c. 'Oo cte^dr^oi teo f6f lO'db^f ca -do t^e^n^ih von
^^^vv^^ v^ n-A.'Of -Ck'OA.oif v^ nj^iitci b^l, ^.jtif f a gn^c teo
T)A ceine -00 •6eAnAth 1 n-on6i|i "Oo beit 1 ngAc cuaic 1 n4i|tinn,
38S0 ^5t]f t)eibteAn v^ jac cine^t fpf ei-de t>a mbio-b f^n cuaic
t>o ciomiin it)i|\ An x>a ueim^ tnAf ti|icof c 'oa scAOtTinA A]t
gAc 5AtA]i feA-o nA btiA-dnA foin ; ^guf if on ceinix) pn -oo-
nici 1 n-on6i]i t>o bfeit gAifmceAp beAttcAine T)on feit
For, although Meath was the name of the territory which is
beside Uisneach from the time of the children of Neimhidh
to the time of Tuathal, still Meath was not the name of the
portions that were taken from the provinces until the time of
Tuathal, and he made it into a territory distinct from the
Now, when Tuathal had put these four parts together and
made them into one territory called Meath, he built therein
four chief fortresses, that is, a fortress in each of the portions.
Accordingly he built Tlachtgha in the portion of Munster
which goes with Meath ; and it was there the Fire of
Tlachtgha was instituted, at which it was their custom to
assemble and bring together the druids of Ireland on the eve
of Samhain to offer sacrifice to all the gods. It was at that
fire they used to bum their victims ; and it was of obligation
under penalty of fine to quench the fires of Ireland on that
night, and the men of Ireland were forbidden to kindle fires
except from that fire; and for each fire that was kindled
from it in Ireland the king of Munster received a tax of a
screaball, or three-pence, since the land on which Tlachtgha
is belongs to the part of Munster given to Meath.
On the portion he had acquired from the province of
Connaught he built the second fortress, namely Uisneach,
where a general meeting of the men of Ireland used to be
held, which was called the Convention of Uisneach, and
it was at Bealltaine that this fair took place, at which
it was their custom to exchange with one another their
goods, their wares, and their valuables. They also used to
offer sacrifice to the chief god they adored, who was called
Beil ; and it was their wont to light two fires in honour of
Beil in every district in Ireland, and to drive a weakling of
each species of cattle that were in the district between the
two fires as a preservative to shield them from all diseases
during that year ; and it is from that fire that was made in
honour of Beil that the name of Bealltaine is given to the noble
248 pouAS peASA Ati 4itiiiin. [book I
UAf Alt 6^\y A bftiit tik Ati T>i. Apjx^t tn^jt aca pilip ^gtif
3836 S^ATnuf ; be^llcAine .1. beilceine n6 ceine beiU 'Do bioii
Cui^eo^^ CoTiTiACC pif An ITIioe An aic ^n-A bfuit UipieAC.
An c|teAf tonjpofic "oo cojAib CuacaI, CAitLce a
5640 Ainm, ACA I'An mi|\ pAinij "oo CuigeA-d Vit^t jtif An tUt'de
Aguf if mncetjo-nici AonAcUAitlceAn n1A]^ a jceAnjlA-OAOif
p]^ 6i|\eAnn cteArhnAf if CAiftjeAf ]ie ceile; Ajuf if foi-
b6Af AC An n6f -00 bio^ eACOf ]ia f An cothi6Ail pn, niAp aca
nA p|\ Af teic teo f§in Ajtif nA mni. a]^ leic t>on CAOib otte
3846 AjUf A n-AlCf eACA If A HlAICf CACA AJ fnA^dmAti CACOf f A 50
bpofCAOi f 6 c6ile 5AC lAn AtTiAin "oiob vo f oiceAi6 i n-eACCAib
If 1 jconnAf CAtb A c6ile, attiaiL A-oeif An pte :
Sah mniL 1 bf a|\]vat> bfe^^t bpotingtAii,
5350 Adc ca6 1 ^CA'6Af 6 a t>coi$
I r-Aptlf* AH Afi0AODO1|$.
CAf ceAnn lomof f o guf Ab e Lujai-o LAthf At)A t)o cionnf CAin
AonAC UAittceAn Af "ocuf mAf cuininiugA'O btiAt>nA Af a
btiimij f^n UAillcin ingin TTlASmoif fi 6AfpAinne fA
3866 beAn T)'6t)CAi'6 niAC 6ifc pi t)eii6eAnAC "PeAf mbotj AthAit
At)ub|tAmAf cuAf — Af mbeic cf At)otrAillcin Af n-A hA'onACAt
te LU5A116 f An cuIai5 pn •oo conini6|tA'd AonAC UAittceAn
teif niAf nAf A© n6 niAp ctnihnitigAO uif f e, ^onA^ tnme pn
•00 jAifci l/tign Af A, .1. nAf A-b no cuirhniuJA'b to^A i6on <5eAt>tA
3880 "D'AujUfC Af A bfUlt fClt J^bOAnn 'peAOAip Amu — CAf
ceAnn 50 f Aibe feAfC if AonAd UAittceAn Ann 6 Aimpf
t/ti5t)eAc l/ATTif AtXA niAfeA'o ni f Aibe UAittce 'n-A f logpojic
50 1lAinip|\ CuACAlt UeACCTTlAlf . X)o bfig lOtnOffO gUflAb
festival on which falls the day of the two Apostles, namely,
Philip and James ; Bealltaine, that is Beilteiue, or the fire of
Beil. The horse and the trappings of every chieftain who
came to the great meeting of Uisneach were to be given as a
tax to the king of Connaught, as the place in which Uisneach
is belongs to the part of the province of Connaught given to
The third fortress which Tuathal built, called Taillte, is
in the portion of the province of Ulster joined to Meath ; and
it was here the fair of Taillte was held, in which the men
of Ireland were wont to form alliances of marriage and
friendship with one another. And a most becoming custom
was observed in that assembly, namely, the men kept apart
by themselves on one side, and the women apart by them-
selves on the other side, while their fathers and mothers
were making the contract between them ; and every couple
-who entered into treaty and contract with one another were
married, as the poet says :
The men muit not approach the women,
Nor the women approach the fair blight men,
But every one modestly biding apart
In the dwelling of the great fair.
Although it was Lughaidh Lamhfhada that first instituted
the fair of Taillte as a yearly commemoration of his own
foster-mother, Taillte daughter of Maghmor, king of Spain,
who was the wife of Eochaidh son of Earc, the last king of
the Fir Bolg, as we have said above — now when Taillte had
been buried by Lughaidh in that mound he inaugurated
the fair of Taillte as a nasadh or commemoration of her ;
it was for that reason that the name of Lughnasa, that is the
£raci(nis nasadh or commemoration, was given to the first
day of August, on which is now held the feast of the Chains
of Peter — although the mound and fair of Taillte existed
from the time of Lughaidh Lamhfhada, still Taillte was not
a royal fortress till the time of Tuathal Teachtmhar. Now
250 FOtiAs peASA ATI emitin. [book u
3866 Ce If ^5 pig ttl^^ t)0 blO^ ClOf ^0T1A1§ tAillce^Ti. A5
fo ftiim ^n ciof ^ fom, m^ji ^ci^ uinje "o'^iiijeAt) -^p g^d
L^ignib |iif An ITIi'de m^]! a gcle^cc^oi peif Ue^mit^c "oo
3870'66^ "^^c^ C|\eAf btiA'DAin, ia|\ nx)e6nAtTi ^ n-iot^b^pc^ t>A
n-uiLe ^etb 1 t)ULACC5A (attiaiI At)ub]iATnA|\) |\6 hucc n^^
piojoil^ foin v^ ng^ipci peif UeATti]\Ad m^p a. gcleA^cco^ot
leo |\eACC If noif 'D'o]tt)ti§At>, if fpoih^'b 00 •de^nArh a|v
Ann^t^ib If Af fe^ncuf 4if e^nn ; lonnuf ^n mhw 00 bico
3676t5eAfbcA 'Diob 50 fCfiobT>Aoif Af 'OollATTiAin i^t) 1 HoIIa. r\^
tlio5 T>o^ ngMf ci Pf ^LcMf n^ UeATh|tAc, ^guf J^c nof n6
5^0 fe^nctif oite ^^ mbiot) i n^ij^nn n^c bico t)o f ^if o^n
pf iihle^bA^if pn ni biox) won pfinne of ca. Hi lu^i'dfe^Tn
-d^nnfo 50 cinnce n^ f e^cc^ ni. n^ noif ■oo hofotiije^^ 5a
3880ciTince 1 bpeif Ue^mf^c -oo bfig guf^b li.n leo^bMf j^n
bf eiceATTinAif Uu^ice "diob. Ace Athiin cuif fe^-o fiof ^nnfo
^n n6f t)o hofouigti 1 bpeif Ue^rnf ac ^f fniioitij-d.'O n-6.
n-UAf ^t if n^ t^ocf 0.1*66 f e linn beic 1 jcoih'OAiL ftei'6e *n-4X
bpf oinncigib 0.5 CAice6.Th bi-o 661b.
3886 Til bio^ lomoffo AonooL^TTi f 6 feA.nctif 1 n4ifinn n^c
fqtiob^^ 1 tlott^ n^ UeA^thf AC AnmAnnA no. n-UAfAloo bio'o
'n-A bft^CAib feAf Ainn, 50.6 Aon t>iob t>o f eif a ceime if a
jAfniA fein, AthAit "oo hofotiijti 1 b^Teif UeArhf ac Aguf
jAC ce^nn feo.'onA t)a mbico 6f cionn no. to.ocfo.i'de 'Oo
3890 biot) 1 0.5 cofno.iti if 0.5 coirheo.'o cfice now
h4if eo^nn -oo bio-o 0. o.intn fcfiobro. 0.5 o.n otlo.m niAft o.n
gceOk-ono. ; o.5Uf nt bio-d o.on T>iob fo iT>if
If ceo.nno.ib feo.'dno. jo^n feo.f lomcAif fceice feo. <3oif.
If> fof t)o bit)if no. pfoinncije "OO bio^ aco. C0.0L
3886fo.'OA o.5tif buift) f^ -oi. fliof o.n age Aguf eo.tctiin5 o.f.
50.C fliof T)iob o.5Uf 0. lo.n lonnco. 6f aonn no^
fut'oeo.CAn *n*o. nibit)if o.n ceo.5lAC *n-o. fui-oe if jo^n
since the place in which Taillte is belongs to the part that
was taken from the province of Ulster, the tax on the fair of
Taillte went to the king of Ulster. This was the amount
of that tax, namely, an ounce of silver for each couple that
got married there.
The fourth royal fortress, Tara, is situated in the part of
Leinster given to Meath, and there the Feis of Tara was held
every third year after the sacrifice had been offered to all the
gods at Tlachtgha (as we have said) as a prelude to that
royal assembly called the Feis of Tara, at which they were
wont to institute laws and customs, and to confirm the annals
and the records of Ireland, so that the ardoUamhs might
inscribe all that was approved of them in the Roll of the
kings, which was called the Psalter of Tara; and every
custom and record that was in Ireland that did not agree
with that chief book were not regarded as genuine. We
shall not give here in detail the laws or the customs that
were severally ordained at the Feis of Tara, for the books of
the Breithemhnas Tuaithe are full of them. I shall only give
here the custom that was instituted at the Feis of Tara
regarding the placing of the nobles and warriors for meals
in the banquet-halls when they met for a feast.
There was indeed no doctor of seanchus in Ireland who did
not write in the Roll of Tara the names of the nobles who
were lords of territories, each according to his rank and title
as regulated at the Feis of Tara, and ever>' leader of those
bands of warriors who had free quartering for the defence
and protection of the lands of Ireland, had his name similarly
inscribed by the ollamh ; and there was none of these, either
territorial lords or leaders of bands of warriors, who was not
accompanied by a shield -bearer. Moreover, the banquet-
halls they had were narrow and long, with tables along the
side-walls. Along each of these side-walls there was placed
a beam in which there were numerous hooks above the seats
on which the company used to sit, with only the breadth of a
252 pORAS peASA ATI eitlltlll. [BOOK I.
leice-c»x) fc6ice iT)i|t 50.6 -bi b^ci^n v\6h. Agtif if ^]t ti^
3900 lyn A t-^ocit^i-oe |\e fuiioe ^6ib, 5^.0 ^on 'oiob fi n-6. fceic
ft^icib pe^ji-MTin ^juf ^n ftiof oite ^5 n^ ce^nti-d^ib ye^-bn^,
oite ^5 luce ppe^o.-pcAiL pe fpiteoL^m -^n ce/i^sl^ig.
-3806 'Do b^ nof Tooib fOf g^n ^oinne-d^c ■oo ftii^e 1 bp^'on^ife
^cc 5^c ^on •00 fui-oe t>|\uiTn |\e fpoig i'oi|\ fWc^ib pe^|\i6.inn
If ce-Min^ib pe^-on^ yi^ n-^ fceic pein. Hi cLe^cc^or teo
yof mni. vo beic 'n-^ bp-poinncijib ^cc ijiu-p ^|\ leic t)o beic
^c^ fein m^p ^ pi^fc^oi i^t). p^i jnicuj^'o ^co. fdf p^
39iohticc n-6. coTTiTb^ilia. ■00 pi^|\ fOfC^p'Oii.'o no polthtis^'O vo
■oe^n^m -o^jt ^ti bppoinnceAC 50 n^c 6^r\^x> 6^x\r\ ^cc ciiiup,
Tn^|\ ^ci. fe^nc^ if bollf^if e .1. TYiApufci^t age ^guf }:^^\^
fctiic ^5 A. mbiot) bAf|A bu^b^ilL n6 -<i."6^]tc |\e cogA^ipm
ci.ic t)on pf omnce^c. T)o finne^t) a. fcoc cj\i hu^i|\e. An
3n6 ce^tDf "oo pnne^-o e tjo cion6iLt)if luce lomc^if fci^c
n^ n-ux3.f aI citnce^ll -oof uif Ann pf oinncige ^guf tjo §14^.0^^
^n bollf^ife fci-d^c 5A.C UA^f^it •00 fei|\ ^ g^ptriA. ^5^T
•00 ftii'oeA.'O ^p ofonj^'O An Cfe^nc-o^no 5^6 fci^t "oiob *n-A.
hion^t) cinnce f§in. X)o finneA.x) fe^f ^n fcuic ^n V6^\\a. ^r\ bo^ff buA^b^ili t)o biox> Aige ^.jtif t)o cionoil'oif
tucc iotncA.i|^ fCiA^c n^ lA.odpA.i'oe 50 t)optif ^n p-poinncije
Aguf x)o jlA.cA.'b A.n bolLfA.i|^e n^. fciA^CA. ua^ca. ^.juf t)o
fuit>eA.t> 5AC fciA.c '610b A.|t oiA'otjgA.o An Cfe^n^Ai^ a|\ fttof
oile An cige 6f cionn buijit) nA lA0cpAT6e. X)o finneAt)
3«tt ceAnA feAf An fcuic An bA|\|\ buAbAilt An CjieAf feACC,
Agtif teif pn -00 cion6ilt)if nA huAifLe if nA lAodf ai'6 f An
pjtomnceAd Agtif 'oo fUi-beAio jac Aon x)iob fA n-A fc6ic
f6in lonnuf nA bio-d ioni|\ArAn nA CAf AoncA f a lonA-o fui'de
shield between each two of the hooks, and on these hooks the
seancha hung the shields of the nobles and of the warriors
before they sat down, each under his own shield, both nobles
and warriors. But the territorial lords had the choice of a
side, and the leaders of warriors had the other side ; the upper
end of the hall was occupied by the oUamhs, and the other
end by the attendants who waited on the company.
It was also their custom that no one should sit immediately
opposite to another, but that all, both territorial lords and
leaders of warriors, should have their backs to the wall
and sit each under his own shield. It was their custom also
not to have women in the banquet- halls, but they were given
a separate apartment in which they were served. It was^
moreover, their custom, before the company were served, to
clear out or empty the banquet-hall, so that only three
remained in it, namely, a seancha, a bollsaire^ that is a mar-
shal of the house, and a trumpeter who had a trumpet or
horn to call all the guests to the banquet-hall. He sounded
his trumpet three times. The first time he sounded it, the
shield-bearers of the nobles assembled at the door of the
banquet-hall ; and the bollsaire took the shield of each noble
according to his title, and placed, according to the direction
of the seancha, each of the shields in its own appointed
place. The trumpeter sounded his trumpet a second time^
and the shield-bearers of the leaders of warriors assembled
at the door of the banquet-hall ; and the bollsaire took the
shields from them and placed each shield, according to the
direction of the seancha, at the other side of the house^
over the warriors* table. Then the trumpeter sounded his
trumpet the third time ; and thereupon the nobles and
warriors assembled in the banquet-hall, and each of them
sat beneath his own shield, so that there was no contention
or disagreement between them as to their seats.
254 poRAS peASA Aft 4iftinn. [book i.
.3090 If e ^Ti Uu^c^t CeACCtTi^p-fo A]t ^ bfuiLmio ^5 cpi^ccAt)
T)o ce^nj^it ^n u6pA.iiiie ^p l/^ignib m^p ciin 1 ntjioL biif
A. "bi inge^n .1. ptip if tJiiume ^ n-^ntn^nnA. fti lomopito
T)o bi A.f L^i^nib x)^p bVinm 60CA116 Aince^nn Agtif CU5 fe
'Oi.ipine ingeA^n Uu-d.CA.1l Ce^ccm^i]! t)o rhn^oi, ^juf pug
3935 leif 1 L^ignib v^ longpofc pein .i. 1 tTl^ig t^u^w-o^c 1.
A5Uf 1 jcionn ^iinp]\e v^ eif pn ceit) 50 UeAihit^ij ^5Uf
noccMf t)o tu^c^L 50 bfUA.if 'Oiipine bAf, ^guf i^|i|\Ai]r
6n -oeij^bfiuf oile .1. ptif ^ip, 50 t)cu5 Uu^c^t t)6 1, ^guy
bei]ti|' leif 50 t^ignib v^ longpopc peiti 1. A5iJf m^\\ xyo
-5940 con n^i|\c ptip ^ •oeifbpu-p X)i.i|iine jioimpe beo 'oo lin^
0. h^n^m 50 hob^nn ^ifxre cpe no^ipe ; ^guf CAinig "Oo^iivine
•o^ c-^oiTie^TO ^guf fUAi|\ b^f -00 l^c^if t)^ cuttiai'O ; jon^t)
T)o. f o^ifneif pn x)o f inne ^n pLe A.n f ^nn-fo :
pci|\ Aguf OAi|\itie,
m4k]\b pci|\ DO ni.i|\i$e,
m^kfb Di^ifine T>tA ciittiai<>.
m^H t)o cuaI^i'6 iOTnof|io Uu-d^c^t bi.f n^ t>eife b^n, x>o
5^b fe^l^S ^01^ ^, ^5^f ""^^ ^^^r ceACu^j. uai'o t)o 5^6 teic
3960 50 hu^iflib 6i|\eA.nn 'oo c^f^^oit) n^ feiLbei]ice -00 finne
|Ai l/^igeATi -Mf ; ^guf uime pn cugf ^-o u^ifLe 6i|\e^nn con-
jn^th flti^j If foc^i^e -oo tu^c^t pe ^iog^il ^n Thignioni^
l^oin ; A.5tif m^p t>o bj^eA^cnuig Uu^c^t L^igin t)'id.]i5^in if
x)o Cfe^CA'6 Aguf go^n i^t) lonc^ctiijte |\if, x)o ^OTh^'o^|\.
3966 CAin t>o '610I UAC^ f eiti if 6 n-^ fliocc 'n-^ ti'oiai'6 1 n-'ioc
bi.if n^ TnbA.n foin 00 ^u^c^L if t)A. 5^0 fig t)^ •ociocfA.16
4^p 6. tojtj.
A5 fo fuim n^ cin^ -00 'Oiotc^oi te LAigmb 'Oo itioj^ib
6n\e-6.Tin 5A.CA t)^]^^ bli^io^iTi 1 ttoioI bo^if cloinne Uu^^c^it,
It was this Tuathal Teachtmhar of whom we are speaking
who imposed the 'Boraimhe' on the people of Leinster, as a
tax to avenge the death of his two daughters, whose names
were Fithir and Dairine. Now, there was a king over Leinster
whose name was Eochaidh Aincheann, and he married
Dairine, daughter of Tuathal Teachtmhar, and took her to
Leinster to his own fortress, that is to Magh Luadhat ; and
some time after that he went to Tara, and told Tuathal that
Dairine had died, and asked him to give him his other
daughter, that is Fithir, and Tuathal gave her to him, and he
took her to Leinster to his own fortress ; and when Fithir
saw her sister Dairine alive before her, her soul quitted her
body suddenly through shame ; and Dairine having come to
lament her died of her grief on the spot And it was to*
relate this that the poet composed the following stanza :
Fithir and Dairine
Two daughters of prijjcely Tuathal ;
Fithir died of ahame,
Duiri&e died of her grief.
Now when Tuathal heard of the death of the two ladies he
became enraged, and sent out messengers in all directions to
the nobles of Ireland to complain of the treachery which the
king of Leinster had practised against him ; and accordingly
the nobles of Ireland gave aid in warriors and auxiliaries to
Tuathal with a view to avenge this outrage ; and when Tuathal
resolved to plunder and despoil the people of Leinster
though they were unable to meet him in the field, they
agreed to pay a tribute, themselves and their descendants
after them, to Tuathal, and to each king who should succeed
him, as a retribution for the death of these ladies.
The following is the amount of the tribute that was paid
every second year by the Leinstermen to the kings of Ireland
256 poiiAS peASA ATI 4minn. [book i.
58WTnA|t ^ci C|\i pdiT) ce^x> h6 ; Cjti pci-o ce^t) uitije o'^ipse^t) ;
Cfi ficj*o c6A.t> b]iAC ; cpi p6t> c6^t> cope; cpi pcit) ce^t)
mole; If C|\i pew c6^t> coife utHa^. Ajuf if i foinn -oo
bio'6 ^f ATI jcikiTi pn, A utti^n •o'feA^f Aib Conn^cc, a cpi^n
x)*0if5iAtlA.ib, Aguf A. cfiA^n •00 tlib TIeitL A5 fo m^f.
39e6At)eii\ ATI ScAif TJA TijoifceAit bdfAiThe l/AigeArr friA p^Ti-
TiAib-fe fiof :
Cpi pdn> ceAt) b6 ft^bpAt
W cpi pdro c^4kt> titn^e
3970 t>'AipseA9 Af t)eA<5
W cpi fidit> c6At> ieAnn Uo^a
t^pe A t)coiifif e,
tA cpi p<Ji^ c^AO pd-copc
f A pdlT) p01lfl|^
3076 La cpi fi(hT> c^At) t)o niotcAib, ,
Ctt^Aib tjmne,
La cpi pdit> c^At) coipe n-utiiA
t>o dtirhVAd lAfe
A cpiAn T>o CotinAdCAib)
3M0 A nT>tig»A^ 6 d^n,
A cpi ATI T>0 OipglAtlAlb,
A cpi An T>0 Uib tl4ilt.
If T>OTi CA1T1 pTi -oo gAif CI bof Airhe l/AigeATi Ajtif t)o bt
fi Ag A CAb^d f ^ liTin "OA ficeAt) fiog x>Af g^b fLMce^f
39»6ifeATiTi TTiAf ACA 6 AtTnpf tTuACAil UeACCTTiAif 50 hAimpp
Ponn ACCA vo bei^ i bflAice^f ^f e^riTi, attiaiI At)eif ati pie
f ATI f ATlTl-fO :
C^ACpAdA pig vo paIa
14 pu^A^ AH b6pAlflA
jggQ d Altnpp COACAll CIa^C^A
So liAimp^ l^p ihoTinAdCA.
If e TTlolinj fUAif TTTAiteATh uifjte f ati <5Aift)e piAif 6
PotlllACCA 50 trUATI, Agtlf If ^ LuATl DO CUIJ ITIollTIJJ LuATl
l^AOl ATI Of AtA. 'OO Wo<> lOTTlOff O ATI CAITI pTl* fOAl 'gA
3996-0101 go htlTtlAl Ag LAtJTTeAiJAlb ; Agtlf UAlf eilc TTAC AOTH-
as a penalty for the death of the children of Tuathal, namely,
three score hundred cows, three score hundred ounces of
silver, three score hundred mantles, three score hundred hogs,
three score hundred wethers, three score hundred bronze
caldrons. And this tribute was thus divided : — a third part
of it to the men of Connaught, a third to the Oirghialla,
and a third to the Ui Neill. The tract entitled Boraimhe
Laighean speaks thus in the following verses:
Three score hundred kine with spancek,
Gifts without fault,
With three score hundred ounces
Of silTer in addition,
With three score hundred fine mantles
Of largest measure,
With three score hundred large hogs
Of lusty strength,
With three score hundred wethers.
Generous gift,
With three score hundred hrazen oaldrone
As a bright ornament.
A third part to the men of Connaught,
The ancient law,
A third part to the OirghiUa,
A third to the Hi Neill.
This was the tribute called Boraimhe Laighean, and it
was in force' during the reigns of forty kings who ruled
Ireland, that is from the time of Tuathal Teachtmhar to the
time that Fionnachta held the sovereignty of Ireland, as the
poet says in this stanza :
There were forty kings
Who carried off the Boromha
From the time of Tuathal Tlachtgha
To the time of Fear Fionnachta.
It was Moling who got it remitted by means of the
respite until Monday which he got from Fionnachta ; but
the Monday Moling meant was the Monday of the Day of
Judgment. The Leinstermen. paid this tribute submissively
258 poTiAS veASA aMI emititi. [book i.
t)AoiT ^ t)iol, 50 TJCigeA^^ x)e pn 10m ^t) cog^i-o if coinble^cc
•o'tJAi-plib ^ite^nn ^|i 5^6 CA^oib ^nti. A^uf if le TMi^l
^wo 'Oo 5^b tni^L ni^c 11oc|tuioe mic C^cbAi'6 mic Ji^ltc^o^
fiTiTi mic 'Pionnc^iOA wic Tnui|\eA-6-d.i5 mic pi^cn^ ponti-
ATTiTiA^if mic Ipi^iL $tuniTiAip mic CotiA^itt CeA^nn^ij mic
-Aimijijin 1^i|\5iiJTiA^i5 mic C^if tryiitlpg mic C^if micp^ccn^
mic C^piO^ mic S^ong^ mic Kux)fui5e TTldif 6 fimceAp
4005ct^nnA 1lut>]tui5e •00 ftiocc l|t mic ITIiteA^ pogo^cc Cife^nti
ceicpe bti^ibti^ guyt cuic te pei^trmit) tle^ccmo^p .
"00 5^b pei^timi'6 Ue^ccm^p m^c Uu^c^il Ce^ccm^ip
mic p^Cid^c ponnol^io mic pe^jid^oo^ij pnn pe^ccn^ij mic
Cpiomc^inn TIia. tliip mic t/Ui5f)eAC tli^b n'Oe^pj mic n^
40iot)C|\i bpinne^mTi^ mic 6oc^c pei^tij t)o fioL 6i]ieAm6in
•y^" fiojACC 4i|\eAnn n^oi mbli^on^. bovine inge^n Sci^it
UMlb be^n Uu^u^il Ue^ccm^iji micAijt 'pei'^bmi'6 tle^cc-
mA.i|\ ; ^gtif If uime 00 g^ipci fenblimio Tleo.ccm^]i •oe
Cfe feA^b^f tiA mbjte^c pe^cc^ -00 bei|ici 1 n4i|iinn |\e
4016 n-^ Unn. If e lomofpo pe^cc x>o 0|it)ui5 pei^timm |ie
n-^ linn f6in 1 n6i]iinn f^m^iL ^w t)Ii5i'6 -o^ n^^i^tce^lt
1 L^it)in lex talionis. lon^nn pn ^gtif fAih^iL ^n "ooc^iit
no ^x\ luic t)o-ni ne^c t>o lomne oite 6^ f A^m^it pn tj^imijic
^f fem 'n-^ t)iot, m^f ^ci. cion f-d.n 6on, bo fo^n bom,
4020 li^m f^n liiim, cof f^n coif, piiL f^n cpiiL, ^guf m^p pn
x>o 5^.6 ioc oiLe 6 pn ^m^c. Agtif ci^inij T)on f e^cc foin
pf 6ii\eA.nn -oo le^fujA^ib <^ ngniom |te Linn "feiiotimiio, gon^io
uime pn t)o 5Ai|ta pei^timi^d Re^ccttiAjt ^e* -^S^if fi.
i6ei|teA'6 if b^f le h^i6^]ir piA^ip ^n fe^f -fo.
4025 'Do 5Ab C^c^oi|t md]t m^d^c pei'olimi^ piofuit-
gl^if mic Copm^ic 5^^^c-^ 5^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Co|ib mic Con
at times, but at other times they would not consent to pay it,
whence arose much strife and conflict between both parties,
in which a great number of the nobles of Ireland fell on
either side. And Tuathal Teachmthar fell by Mall son of
Mai son of Rochruidhe, son of Cathbhadh, son of Giall-
chaidh Fionn, son of Fionnchadh, son of Muireadhach, son of
Fiachna Fionnamhnas, son of Irial Glunmhar, son of Conall
Cearnach, son of Aimhirgin . lairghiunach, son of Cas Trill-
seiach, son of Cas, son of Fachtna, son of Capa, son of
Gionga, son of Rudhruighe Mor from whom clanna Rudh-
ruighe are called, of the race of Ir son of Milidh, held the
sovereignty of Ireland four years, and he fell by Feidhlimidh
Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar son of Tuathal Teachtmhar,son of
Fiachaidh Fionnoladh, son of Fearadhach Fionn Feachtnach,
son of Criomhthain Nia Nar, son of Lughaidh Riabh nDearg,
son of the three Finneamhnas, sons of Eochaidh Feidhlioch
of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
nine years. Baine daughter of Seal Balbh, wife of Tuathal
Teachtmhar, was the mother of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar,
and he was called Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar through the
excellence of the legal judgments delivered in Ireland in his
time. Now, the law Feidhlimidh ordained in his own time
in Ireland resembled the law which is called in Latin lex
talionis ; this means that when one injures or wounds
another a similar infliction would be visited on himself in
retribution; thus trespass for trespass, a cow for a cow, a
hand for a hand, a leg for a leg, an eye for an eye, and so on
for every other injury beginning from these. And the result of
this lawwas that the men of Ireland improved in theirbehaviour
in the time of Feidhlimidh, whence he was called Feidhlimidh
Reachtmhar. And at length this man died on his pillow.
.- — Conaire Mor son of Feidhlimidh Fiorurghlas, son of Cormac
Gealta Gaoth, son of Nia Corb, son of Cu Corb, son of Mogh
.. ^ S 2
260 ponAS peASA ATI 6miiin. [book k
Co]tb mic TTlog^ Cojib mic Concub^ijt Ab|tAT6|\u^t) tnic
pnn ple^o tnic Roff-o. Tlu^it) mic peo.pjuf^ F^^t^PB^ ^^^
T\u^i)^z Tle-6»cc mic Se^x)n^ SiocbA^ic mic Luig^e^c toicpnn
4050 mic b-pe^f^it D]tic mic p^c^c foibpic mic OiIioILa St-d.if
inic |re-6»|i^'6-6»i5 Po5Lid.if mic tlu^-d^c puLtoin mic O^lloic
mic Amc mic tnojA Aipc mic Cpiomc^inn Coi^cp^ij mic
' Penolimno poiitcinuin mic pe^pjufo. |ropr^ mic t)|\e^]'^it
bitecb^m^in mic Aongui'd^ OtLAmo.n mic OiLiotl^ D|io^ciin
4036 mic l^^t)o. ^oi^SrS ^^ r^^ ^|ie^m6iTi piog^cc ^ipe^nn
upi bb^^n^. "Do bi.T>4^|i iomo|ipo cpioc^x) m^c ^g C^co^oip, ^"oeiji o^n pie f^n |t^nn-]"o :
Oo 6inn 6 C^^c^oip Cu^L^nn ;
4040 C|\i t)ei6neAbAi|\, fA fcetiti fCoL,
'n-A bpein cleiCf\eArhAi|\ cvf Af).
gi'oe^'O -00 ctt-d.t)^p pee t)OTi cloinn pti j^n cfliocc, ^.guf
CAimj fliocc ^\\ ^n xjeicne^bo^p oile t)iob. Ag fo ^nmo^n-
T)^ n-d. m^d^c A|t 4^ -oci^inig fLiocc : Roff^ fiwilge^c pnnfexxp
4046 n^ cloinne ^p ^ 'oci.iTiig fLiocc, 'O-iipe b^pp^c, bpe-o^f ^t
6inioc5L-6.f, F©^P5^r» OililL, CpiomcAnn, 'Oeo.pgmof ^c, 6oc-
Mt) Ueimin, Aonjuf if P-^c^-o Aice^o^^ foife^p no. cLoinne
c^p ce^nn gup^o^b x^g ^ fliocc f^ gHAC^gepiogACcL^ije-Mi.
Ap fliocc p^CA^c Aice^x)^ mic C^c^oip ttloip ^co. O bpoin
4060 If 6 UuAC^iU Ap fliocc bpe^f^il be^l^ij mic
Aice^-b^ ^ci. TTl^c TTIupcAOo.. Ap fliocc tlofp^ F^'^S'S "^^^
C^c-d.oip TTloip ^CA O Concnb^ip piilge A^guf d 'Oiomo.fMg
^guf O 'Ouinn ^guf cl^nn Colgo^n ^m-o^il ^tjeA^po^m t)^
eif-f0 ^5 cp^obfCAOileAt) mo^c fHile^io ; ^guf if le Conn
4066 C6At)CA.c-6»c '00 ctjic ^n C^c^oip TTIop-fo 1 gC^c TTI-d^ije hAg^.
X>Q 5^b Conn Ce^oc-^c^^c m^c penolimno Ue^ccm^p mic
Uua.cmI Ueo^ccm^ip x)o pol eipe^itioin pioj^cc Oipeo^nn
pee bli^^^n.gup cuic le Uiobp^tje JTipe^c m^j^c THo^il
micKocpui-oe t bfe^ll i t>cu-o.ic te^mp^c ^guf e u-o^igne^c
Corb, son of Conchubhar Abhradhruadh, son of Fionn File,
son of Rossa Ruadh, son of Fearghus Fairrge, son of Nuadha
Neacht, son of Seadna Siothbhac»son of Lughaidh Loithfhionn,
son of Breasal Breac, son of Fiachaidb Foibhric, son of Oilill
Glas, son of Fearadhach Foghlas, son of Nuadha Fullon, son
of Ealloit, son of Art, son of Mogh Airt, son of Criomhthann
CoscrachjSon of Fcidhlimidh Foxrthriun, son of Fearghus Fort-
amhail, son of Breasal Breodhamhan, son of Aonghus Ollamh,
son of OUill Bracain, son of Labhraidh Loingseach of the race
of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland three years.
Now Cathaoir had thirty sons, as the poet says in this stanza :
Thirty tons, good the progeny,
Sprang irom Cathaoir of Cuala ;
Thrioe ten— a beauteous oompaoy,
A troop of champions vitb stout spears.
But twenty of these children went without issue, and the other
ten had issue. Here are the names of the sons who had
issue : — Rossa Failgheach senior of the sons who had issue,
Daire Barrach, Breasal Einiochghlas, Fearghus, Oilill, Criomh-
thann, Deargmhosacb, Eochaidh Teimhin, Aonghus, and
Fiachaidh Aiceadha, the youngest of the children, although
it was his descendants who mostly held the sovereignty of
Leinster. From Fiachaidh Aiceadha son of Cathaoir Mor
sprang O Broin and O Tuathail ; from Breasal Bealach son
of Fiachaidh Aiceadha sprang Mac Murchadha ; from Rossa
Failgheach son of Cathaoir Mor sprang O Conchubhair
Failghe and O Diomasaigh and O Duinn [and clan Colgan,
as we shall afterwards state when we are giving the genealogy
of the sons of Milidh. And this Cathaoir Mor fell by Conn
Ceadchathach in the Battle of Magh hAgha.
Conn Ceadchathach son of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar, son
of Tuathal Teachtmhar of the race of Eireamhon, held the
sovereignty of Ireland twenty years, and was treacherously
slain in the district of Tara, being found alone there by
Tiobraide Tireach son of Mai, son of Rochruidhe, king of
262 poKAS peASA AH 4iiiinn, [book I.
4060 ^nn. C^05A.t) lomojtjto La^oc 'oo tfuip Uiobfo.iT)e i pe^^cc^ib
bd^n t)^ ni^]tb^t> Ajuf If A. hCA^ifiA^in vo i\\^M^^x)6^J{ vo
'be^ TiA. feille pn. tln^, ingeAn |\io5 LoclA^nn, ^i^
mAC^i|\ t>OTi Conn-fo. If "oon Conn-fo vo be^n TTloj
nuA^iOA^c le^c 4i|teAnT» i^p mbjiifeAO t>eic jc^c a|\ Conn
loeo-oo. Sio"0^ inge^n pLoinn tnic pi^c^c x>o ^^pn^ib Tno.c^i|\
ltlo5^ Tlu^'d^.c. If Aml^it) lomoffo t^j^lid. lomi^-o^f^n mi]\
ITI05 ^w^^^c ^.gtif Conn m^n c^fl^ t)'4A.l\n^ib vo ftiocc
P^c^c Pf tn^iio. vo poL ei|te^Th6in ci\eife vo j-d^b^it
f^n itluTh^m ^p poL 6ibif, lonnuf 50 |i^b^x)^|t C|\iu^ T)iob
40701 n-A^oinfe^cc 1 ^ce^nn^f tijo. tTluni^n iiile m^\\ 6.z^ tujj^it)
^AlL^ijte^NC t)i.i]te 'Oofmtn^p ^S^f Aonjuf. A5Uf m^^i vo
conn^if c ino5 tlu^io^c pol 6if e^moin 1 gce^nn^f tnuThd^n
cfi^lt^if 50 L^ignib nr^]! ^p hoiLe-o.^ § ^5 '^e b^pp^c
mic C^c^oip itloif 50 "DCtig flu-6^5 Lionth^p leif t)o donjn^iii
4075 tDi.if e pe ft^tce-o^p TnuTni0.n -oo g^biit ^ttio^iI fo^ waX vo ;
Ajuf ctij ucc ^-p ^Dcuf o^f -oeifce-d^f c tUtiiTiAn 1 n-Uib "Li^CAin
niA^f o.f 5^b ^n cAon^Uf cuo^f cpeife, o^guf bpipf TTIo^
T!tiAt)^c ve Agtif lonn^fb^^if o.f ^n ^ctp e, 50 nt>e^c^i'6
^f pn 'o'l^ conj^ncA o.p Conn ^guf cuj Conn CU15
408oc^c-6» vo .1. cuig Ttiile t)ei^5 fe^p infe^-omo^, Upio^ttAif teip .
A^n ftu^g foin 50 epic Ui^ci^m m^p ^ t)CU5 1TIo§ Hua'd^c
Cac Apx)^ TIeimit) 166 m^p ^p b-pif 'oe ^suf tn^p ^ t)CU5
^p 0* thtiinncipe.
t)A eif pn T)0 CA^cf^inn TPoj tlUA-b^c ^^pn^ ^f
4oe6fnuTh^ny ^n Tneio n^^c p^ibe uthAt vo f^n T)iob 5tip f^f
vi^ bicin cojAO tnop it)ip TTIoj; Tlu^^^c ^gtif Conn jup
bpif triog TluA^^c t)eic jc^CA A^p Conn triAp ^c-i C^d^c
bpofn^ije Ajuf Cac S^mp^ice C^c St6tbe TTluf^ij Cac
5^bp^in Cac S«AtnA ^5^r ^^^ Spline -fi^guf C^c Ac^
4080 4^5Uf C^t m^ige Cpdic m^p ^p cuic p^c^i^ Hiogf^tJA.
Ulster. Indeed Tiobraide sent fifty warriors disguised as
women to slay him ; and it was from Eamhain they set out
to do that treacherous deed. Una daughter of the king of
Lochloinn was the mother of this Conn. Mogh Nuadhat
wrested half of Ireland from this Conn, having defeated him
in ten battles. Sioda. daughter of Flann son of Fiachaidh,
one of the Eama, was the mother of Mogh Nuadhat. The
contest between Mogh Nuadhat and Conn arose in this way:
The Eama of the race of Fiachaidh Fear Mara of the race
of Eireamhon had gained supremacy in Munster over the
race of Eibhear, so that three of them held conjointly the
sovereignty of all Munster, namely, Lughaidh Eallaightheach^
Daire Dommhar, and Aonghus. And when Mogh Nuadhat
saw the race of Eireamhon holding the sovereignty of Munster,
he proceeded to Leinster, where he had been brought up by
Daire Barrach son of Cathoir Mor, and brought thence
a numerous host from Daire to assist him in recovering the
kingdom of Munster, which was his birthright. He first
turned to Ui Liathain in the south of Munster, where the
above-mentioned Aonghus had established his sway, and
Mogh Nuadhat defeated him, and drove him from the
territory, so that he went to seek the aid of Conn, who gave
him five battalions, that is, fifteen thousand fighting men.
With this host he proceeded to the territory of Ui Liathain,
where Mogh Nuadhat fought against him the Battle of Ard
Neimhidh, in which he defeated him with great slaughter of
his followers.
After this Mogh Nuadhat expelled the Eama from
Munster, as many of them as would not submit to him,
whence arose a great war between Mogh Nuadhat and Conn,
and Mogh Nuadhat defeated him in ten battles : namely, the
Battle of Brosnach and the Battle of Samhpait; the Battle
of Sliabh Musach ; the Battle of Gabhran ; the Battle of
Suama and the Battle of Grian and the Battle of Ath Luain ;
and the Battle of Magh Croich, wherein fell Fiachaidh
264 ironAS peASA All 6minn. [book i.
Ajuf t)o 1^1 ^n c-iompe^fATi-fO e^cojif^ 5ti|t be^ti TTIos
Huaioac le^c ^ute^nn vo Conn m^p ^zi. ^ bpjil 6n JaiLIitti
^S^r 6 Ac Cli^c bu-d -de^f t)'6i|iinn AJtif 6ifci|\ Hi^'oa.
4096 'n-^ ceojt^mn eo^cojif^ ; ^juf if e ^inm gd^ipmce^it T)on
le^c foin Le^c TTIogA. 6 G-oj^n v^ ng^ijici THoj Hua'o^c,
Aguf Le^c Cuinn g^i-pce^ji t)on leit but) cuA.i'b 6 Conn
CeAX)c-6»c^c ; 5on^t> A.5 f^ifneif n-o^ ]ionn^-fo t)o jtinne pie
eijin ^n ]^^nn-fo :
4100 eo^An ni6|\ fi md|\ a ]\ac
CothAfO ^^ Conn C^At>dACA6 ;
An T>iAf pn fA CAOni a gctu,
pic oile pA]i be^n ITI05 tlu^'b^c le^c Gipe^nn -co Conn
4106 m^p CAj^li^ jopc-d. TTi6|\ fe^cc mbb^'dno. 1 n6i|iinn le n-^
tinn ; ^.guf fut ciimg Aimfe-^|\ n-6. jopc^ foin ^nn "oo
CAi^ipngin T>|t^oi 605-Mn ci^n pe ^n njopc^ vo ce^cc 50
•ociocfA^T? p A|t Cipmn uiLe ^gtif i-p e^t vo pinne 605-d.n
A.ip pn 1 n-oipalt n^ gopc^ c^i^ice^rh ^p feoLTtiid.c ^gtif o^p
4iioi-^|tc^c ^gtif ^t) c-A^pb^p -oo C0151LI; Agtlf pof 5^0 ClOf AgUf
5^.0 CAin t)A poice^'o "66 if o^p ^pb^p •oo-beipe^o e, 5tip
lion^io A locl^nn^ leif, ^gtif m^p ptij ^n ^unfe^p s^nn
Aip ci.njA'OAp Af 5^6 teic m6pAn t)'feApAib ^ipe^^nn 'n-o.
*6iil Agtif -00 g^b^tj^p CI Of Aguf CAin opp^ fein T)'6o5-d.n
4116 cpe n-A mbe^cuj-MO f e^p n^ h^inifipe cpuAit)e pn, ^Mh^it
LeAgc^p f ^n t)tiAin T>o.pAb cof ac, Goj^n TTlop f a mop ^ p^c :
t>o '!E>eApfcntiiJ eo^An ca|\ Conn,
1M Ap Uon ^CAC nA Ap doinlAnn—
f A liA biA^ eo$Ain eAdcpAig
4120 t>A f eolA<) Ai% f{q\eAdcAib
t>oi^cif op|\A An $opcA $Ann—
"pA niAIC.'O'eojAn A CA^Att—
"So n-iceA* CAd A <5^te
Aft pjT) 6ipeAnn Aigrfi^le
Rioghfhada son of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar ; the Battle of
Asa! and the Battle of Uisneach ; and this conflict lasted
till Mogh Nuadhat wrested half of Ireland from Conn, that
is» the part of Ireland to the south of Gaillimh and Ath
Cliath, Eiscir Riada being the boundary between them ; and
that half is called Leath Mogha, from Eoghan who was
called Mc^h Nuadhat ; and the northern half is called Leath
Cuinn, from Conn Ceadchathach. In declaration of this
division some poet composed this stanza:
Eogban Mor» great irat his flocoais.
Was as exalted as Conn Oeadchathach.
These two, noble was their fame,
Shared Ireland between them.
Another reason, also, why Mogh Nuadhat wrested half of
Ireland from Cx^nn is that there was a great famine in
Ireland for seven years in his time ; and, before the time of
this famine came, Eoghan's druid foretold, long before the
coming of the famine, that it would come upon all Ireland ;
and Eoghan, to make provision for the famine, used venison
and fish for food, and stored the com, and, moreover, he
spent on com all the rents and tributes he received, so that
he filled his granaries; and, when the time of scarcity
arrived, many of the men of Ireland came to him from all
sides, and laid themselves under rent and tribute to Eoghan
for his supporting them during that time of distress, as we
read in the poem which begins, Eoghan Mor, great' was
his success :
Eoghan transcended Conn,
Kot in number of battles and conflicts —
More plenteous! J the food of adventurous Eoghan
Was being distributed according to laws of peace.
Lean famine rained on them—
Its Tisitation was good for Eoghan —
So that men eat their kind
Throughout distressful Erin.
266 jTOKAS peASA AU 4mmii. [book I-
4128 6t> ^ AtAif) ca6-^ An ]\o 6a|\—
tionn If biA<> ioiti^4k 45 eo$An»
TlOfOAOpfAT) f^n, peACA AH niof),
t>'6ogAn Ap Tt«A inbeAdtigo'6.
X)o bo^t)-Oi|\ lomofpo ceicpe h^nmid.nn^ ^|t III05 11u^t>^c,
41S0 m^f\ O.CA 6o5<Mi pofe^c^d, 605^11 mop, ^ogo.n C^oi-ole^c
■ » ■ ■ ■ •
Ceicf e liAniHAnnA ^ah b|\6n
T)o bAOAix fO|\" eo§An fh6|\ :
eo^An p-bfeACAd paI, ^a^c,
4135 eogATi CAOr6l»A6 tTlo^ HaA<>AC.
TDo^Y ^-^1^ te^c lomojtpo po|" fi^c^ 50.C p)|t^Tim^ V6.
■oo-se^b^ip iTince i^t). If 1 pi. bAinceite t)' 605^.11 lild|\ .1.
be-o.|\-<^ inje^n ^ibip ttloip mic TDo'on.A -pi n^ C^fCite ^5tif
4140 puj fi in^c -d.guf t)i-6.f ingeo^n t)6. Oililt dlom ^n m^c
d^gtif Scoitni^m ^juf Coinne^t -d^nm^MiTi^ ^n vi^ inje-o^n,
A5 f tjeifmipe^cc ^n Cf e^tico.i'b a|\ ^n ni-f e : '
t>eA|\A ttigeAii ^bip utll,
tnACAi]\ OiLioILa 6ltiini ;
4145 'S tnACAif nA oetf* 'O^ne
Coinnte A^f Scoicnetifie.
If le Conn C6At)c^c^c f6f 00 mo^jtbAt) ITlog TltiAO^c 'n-^
te^b^io cp6 fe^lL (x>o f ei|t ■of uinje pe fe^ncuf), ^jt t)CA.b-
id^ipc lonnftiijce>ne -d^if, ^guf lo.'o- pe hucc c^u^ t>o
4150 c^b^ntc T)^ ceite -o.p TTl^ij l^^^n^. If uime g-o^ipce^p Conn
Ce-d.'oc-^c-^c ^p A.n pig-fe ^p -6. bftntmiT) ^5 Cfii^cc^io 6 n^
ce^OA^ib c^c t)o cuip ^p cuige-d.'O^ib 6ipe^nn ^th^it nocc^f
^t) p^nn-fo :
C4a9 CAC Ap AH mtiiiiAiii lfl6l^y
4155 "Oo b|\if Conn C^AtM^ACAc^ cdfp ;
C^At> CAC A^ tlllCAlb ^O n^Oll,
SeAfCAt) CAd A^ tAi^eAdotb.
If le Uiobp^i'oe Uipe^^c t)o m^pb^^'o Conn 1 bfeili 1
'Vrhen men heard-^lar it ipread —
TbAt EogbAn hid Ale and food in plenty,
They boond themselvet as vaasalt— good the custom—
To Eoghan ior their lustenance.
Mogh Nuadhat had four names, namely, Eoghan
Fidhfheacach, Eoghan Mor, Eoghan Taoidhleach, and
Mogh Nuadhat, as the poet says in this stanza :
Four names without grief
Had Eoghan Mor,
Eoghan Fidhfheacach the generous, the hospitable,
Eoghan Taoidhleach, Mogh Kuadhat.
Now, if thou desirest to learn the reason of each of these
names mentioned in this stanza, read the Coir Anmann and
thou wilt find it there. Eoghan Mor's wife was Beara
daughter of Eibhear Mor son of Modhna, king of Castile,
and she bore him a son and two daughters ; the son's name was
Oilill Olom, and the two daughters' names Scoithniamh and
Coinneal. Here is the seancha's proof of this :
Beaxa daughter of great Eibhear
Was mother of Oilill Olom,
And mother of the two pure ones,
Coinneal and Scoithniamh.
Moreover, Conn Ceadchathach slew Mogh Nuadhat in his
bed, having treacherously, according to some seanchas, attacked
him at early morning, as they were on the point of engaging
in battle against each other on Magh Leana. This king of
whom we are treating was called Conn Ceadchathach, from
the hundreds of battles he fought against the provincial kings
of Ireland, as this stanza sets forth :
A hundred battles against great Munster
Won Oonn Ceadchathach the just,
A hundred battles against Ulster with Talour,
Sixty battles against the Leinstennen.
Conn was treacherously slain by Tiobraide Tireach at
268 T^OttAS peASA All ^Itlltin. [BOOK I.
4180 ^o S^^ Con^i|\e m ac TMog^ l/i^m^. mic Lui^T^e^c ALI^CaM^
mic C<M]\b|te C|toimcinn mic "OAiite "OoftiTh^ii^ tnic C^ijibpe
ponnitiont tnic Coti^ipe ttldiit tnic 6iT)i|tfceoit t)o poL ^i-p-
e^rhoin iiiog^cc 6i|te^nn fe^cc Tnbti^t)n^ ^m^ cuic L^
Tleinii'6 m^^c Sp^ibginn. 6icne itige^n Lui^i^e^c mic t^Aipe
♦Wmic^Ht AwTi Con^i|te-fe. If A]t fliocc ^n Con^nte-fe ^caix)
X)iX tliA^t)^ ALb^n ^5tJf tllo^iJ, bo^ifctiig 6 l^eitn Con
gCul^inn, ^gtjf tnufqtui-oe, ^tti^it ^x)eip ^n pie f^n
AtbAiiAi^ tliAt>A von ]\oiiin,
4170 bAifcnig 6 \Aim Con ^Culotnn,
fllttfcf tii<>e ^An AOi^ A le,
CitieAt) An 6AOiih-ConAi|%e.
X>o 5^b Ape AoiTipe^|\ m^c Cuinn Ce^t>c^c^i5 mic jTeit)-
tiTniii He-6.ccnt^i]i mic Uu^c^it Ue^ccm^ip x>o fiot 6i|te^m6in
4i75|\ ^ipe^nn t)eic mbli^'bn^i. pce^t), Aguf if i bo.
bo.irjceite x>6 .i. tTleo.'bb LeiTOeo^pj ingeo^n CoriAin Cuo^l^nn,
o^guf If uo^iue o^inmnigteo^p Haic TTIeo.'bbo. i x)Co.oib teo.m-
|io.c. If uime '00 5^if ci Ape Aoinyeo^f t>e t>o bfig no^co^f
mo^iji t)o o.|\ e pein o^miin 6 "oo mo.fbo.o
4180 0. i6io.f t)eo.pb|tico.p mo.p^ ConnLo. ^guf Cpionno. L^
hOoco^i'O pionn T)eo.pbpico.ip Cuinn. 'Oio.f lomopp o^ x)eo.fb- -00 bi 0.5 Conn, mo^p o^ca ponn ^juf^ Suig-be, ^suf if leo too cuiceo^xjo^p oi bpACo.ip
Aipc; gono.^ t)o. f^ipneif pn^it> o.n -00. po.nn-fo o.f o.n
4i86feo.nctif :
t>A bpAcAi^ Ctiinn ^An doipce,
eod&ii) pionn pA^Aif) SoiJ^e ;
t>o ffiApbf At) ConntA If CpionnA,
T>A ifiAC Cttinn t>A 6B^oiifi$ioltA.
4190 60^ Ai^ ponn bA pJAC l^ liApc,
A hAicte niA|\bcA An -oa Hiac ;
Oipc Aoin-peA]\ An c*Ainni pof ^Ab
X>'Aldle iflApb^A A "6 A bpACAp.
Conaire son of Mogh Lamha, son of Lughaidh AUathach,
son of Cairbre Cromchcann, son of Daire Dommhar, son of
Cairbre Fionnmbor, son of Conaire Mor, son of Eidirsceol
of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
seven years, and fell by Neimhidh, son of Sraibhgheann.
This Conaire's mother was Eithne daughter of Lughaidh son
of Daire. From this Conaire are descended the Dal Riada of
Alba and of Ulster, the Baiscnigh from Leim Chon gCulainn,
and the Muscruidhe, as the poet says in this stanza :
The Albamant of EUda from the promontory,
The Baiacnigh from Leim Chon gCulainn,
The Muscruidhe heyond, without reproach,
Sprang from the fair Conaire.
Art Aoinfhear son of Conn Ceadchathach, son of
Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar, son of Tuathal Teachtmhar of the
race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland thirtyyears ;
and his wife was Meadhbh Leithdhearg daughter of Conan
Cualann, and from her is called Raith Meadhbha beside Tara.
He was called Art Aoinfhear, for of his father's sons he alone
sur\'ived, as his two brothers, namely, Connla and Crionna
were slain by Eochaidh Fionn brother of Conn. For Conn
had two brothers, namely, Eochaidh Fionn and Fiachaidh
Suighdhe, and by them were slain Art's two brothers ; and
in testimony of this are these two quatrains from the
seanchus :
The two brothers of Conn without faults
Were Eochaidh Fionn and Fiachaidh Suighdhe ;
They slew Connla and Crionna,
Conn's two sonSf two fair youths ;
Art hated Eochaidh Fionn
After the two sons had been slain ;
He took the name of Art Aoinfhear
After his two brothers were slain.
270 poHAS peASA ATI eitiinn. [book l
X)o b4iT)^|t C|\A feife^p clomne 0.5 Conn m^n ^ci^ Ape
4186 Aoitrpe^p Connl^j. ^gUf Cpionn^, Tn43.oin S^t)b o^guj* Sipuic,
^ni^iL te^gt^p Y^r\ "ou^in T>o.p^b cof ac o.n |\Ann-fO pof :
eol OAfh feifeAp cloinne Cuiiiti :
4200 CohtiIa CitiotiTiA A]\c ^d^oinfe^p.
'Do m^pbo.^ ^niAit ^•oubf^m^p Connie ^S^r Cpionn^
le 1i6o<5^it) ponn ^guf Le pio.C4M'6 Sui5t>e. tJo pof^-o
Sipuic le Con^ipe m^^c TTloj^ Latti^ ^S^f T^S V "^ ^T^^
C^ipbpe ^6 m^p ^ci. C^ipbpe Tliojp^t)^ ^S^V CAi|tb]\e
4205 b4\f essoin ^gtjf Co^ipbpe tTlufc. If 10.-0 fliocc C^tpbpe tliog-
po.T)^ "00> 1 TiAlbo^in o^Stif if t)iob go^ifmce^^p X)6X
Xi^^v^. 'Da TT10.C lomopfo vo bi ^5 6oc^i'6 tTluinpe^TTi^f
•00 fbocc C^ifbfe Utogf^t)^ m^f ^ci. 6o.pc ^guf Olcu.
Ap fLiocc 6^pc-6. <^> tD^t Hi^t)^ Atb^n ^guf ^p fliocc
4ao Olcon ^ci^it) 'Oi.l tli^'04S Uli^t) 6 pii'oceo.p o.n "RuCi^. "Oo
pofd^o m^p ^n 5ce^X)n^ S^-ob inje^n Cuinn 16 tn^icni^TO
m^c l^uij'be-d.c -oo fliocc l/Ui5t)eo.c iriic loc^^ ^B^f P^S P
TTiACodtJ^p bVinniLu5^i'^c Con m^c tn^icni^o. Aj;uf
c^p eif bi^if ltl\Mcni-d.t> t>o pofo^o p6 hOilill 6lom 1, o^guf
4216 P^S P no^onbo^p m^c t)6, m^p ^n moippeife^p •bo ctiic
1 gC^c 111-0.156 TTluiSpuiiTie, o^ttio^iI At)eip Oilill 6lom pein fo.n
po.nn-fo :
mo fe^dc mic t>o lii^pb m^c Con,
if cptiAg fno gotl gAibceAd S^f^ ;
4220 eog^n DiibfneAf don tTlog Copb,
Ui^Ai^ eodAii> Oiodopb Ca^^,
^5^f ^Ti -oo. nio.c pe hOilill c^inig 0. Co.c Hlo^ije tllucptiinie
mo.p Copmo^c Co.f o^guf Cio^n. bioi6 lomoppo 50 po.b*
^v^\\ no.01 mic tDeo.5 0.5 Oilill 6lom mo.p no^onbo^p p6
4226So.i'6b ingin Cuinn o^guf t> pe mno^ib oile; mo.peo.'d
Conn, indeed, had six children, namely, Art Aoinfhear,
Connla, and Crionna, Maoin, Sadhbh, and Saruit, as we read
in the poem which begins with thie following stanza :
I eaa name Conn't tiz children :
Maoin, Sadhbh, Samit, mother of the race of Olom ;
The fair, Taliant, biight^ikiiiDed men,
Cozmla, Crionna, Art Aomfhear.
As we have said, Connla and Crionna were slain by Eochadh
Fionn and by Fiachaidh Suighdhe. Saruit was married
to Conaire son of Mogh Lamha, and she bore him the
three Cairbres, namely, Cairbre Rioghfhada and Cairbre
Baschaoin and Cairbre Muse It was the descendants of
Cairbre Rioghfhada who went to Alba ; and it is they who
are called Dal Riada. For Eochaidh Muinreamhar, a
descendant of Cairbre Rioghfhada, had two sons, namely,
Earc and Olchu. From Earc are descended the Dal Riada
of Alba, and from Olchu the Dal Riada of Ulster, from
whom the Ruta is called. Similarly Sadhbh daughter of
Conn was married to Maicniadh son of Lughaidh of the
race of Lughaidh, son of loth, and she bore him a son called
Lughaidh, that is, Mac Con son of Maicniadh. And after
the death of Maicniadh she was married to Oilill Olom, and
bore him nine sons, namely, the seven who fell in the battle
of Magh Muchruimhe, as Oilill Olom himself says in this
stanza :
Mac Con has alain my seven sons ;
Pitiful is my bitter, grievous crj,
Eoghan, Dumbhmearchon, Hogh Corb,
Lughaidh, Eochaidh, Diochorb, Tadhg,
and the two sons of Oilill who returned from the Battle of
Magh Muchruimhe, namely, Cormac Cas and Cian. Now,
although Oilill Olom had nineteen sons, that is nine by
Sadhbh daughter of Conn, and ten by other women, still
272 pORAS peASA AR 4mini1. [BOOK I.
Til ciinig fliocc ^cc ^|\ tjMU|t t)iob, ^rho^il ^tjeip ^n pie f^n
p^Titi-fO :
A^ Oitilt i^ltiinn dlom ;
4250 AomcpiAfi tiAp df\ion cineAf) Atitiy
6^ polA<> fit ode HA f AOpdl^nn
pi cLo^nn t>o S^it)b in§in Cuinn o^n C]iiup-fo ^p ^ t)Co.ini5
fliocc. An ceit)feAp "Oiob 6"05-^n tTldp m^c Oilioll^ too
tuic 1 gC-a^c Tn^ige ITIudputTTie le beinne bpioc m^c p'log
4236 b-pe^c^n, ^guf F^ tti^c vox\ 605-o.n j'oin pi^c^TO muille^c^n
• «
dp pol^t) cl-<Min C<i.ppc-.M5 Agtif pol Suille^bi^m 50 n-^
Tig^bl^ib geine^l^ig ; ^gtif yi. hi ITlonc^ inje^n X)il mic
X)a Cpe-d.5^ ^n t)p^oi fo. mi^c^ip t)6. Ajtif if 0.5 Ac tlifeo.1
^p Siuip pug^-o e ^guf x)o 5^ipci pi^^c^Mt) 'Pe-^p t>i Li^c -oe.
424o1ono.nn lotnoppo li^c o^guf fcex^l -ooilig, ^guf if "ooilij ah
tji f ce^l c^plA t)6-f o.n, m^^p ^ca 0. ^co^ip t>o ni^pb^^ 1 jC^c
TTlo^ije TTlticpuiTTie 50 5pot) i-^p n-^ geme^ni^in 1 Tnbpoinn,
^guf A. rhoiC^ip t)'f^5iil bo^if -oo l^co^ip i^p n-o. bpeic;
gon^-o t)e pn t>o le-6.n pio.c-o^it) peo.p txs L10.C -oe. A5 f o mx^p
4246^t)eip Oilill 6lom fein ^p o.n ni-pe, o^iti^il le^gc^p 1 5C0.C
TTl-Mge tTlucpuiitie :
TTlAp AOti 'pf fc^Al mop,
C* ACAIIt If x>o niACAip,
4250 llo "oot) bAOiif) bf on.
C ACA1|\ If T)0 tflACAip
Saot> ah feA|\ 1 ^cac,
TTlApb AH beAn 500 bp etc.
4256 'Oo S^ipci fof p^c^iio tntiille^c^n loe dip -o^p t)ce^cc T>'ion-
b^m A beipte, m^p -coubo^ipc x^ fe^^n^c-dp 0.11 op^oi pe
tTloncA, "oi gconjb^o ^n Tn-c.c j^mi bpeic 50 ce^nn ceicpe
n-u^ipe bpce^t) 50 m^D pi e; o^guf -oa. mbeipe-^t> t5on leic
ifci5 oon pe pn e n^c bi-o^t) -Owcc 'n-o. t>p^oi. . *' m^.fe^'o/'^i.p
^fmm^mitmn^w^^^mmff V »..mLifnv uiotwhjili '#■«. ^i-^
only three of them left issue, as the poet says in this
stanza :
Nineteen pleaetnt sons bad the chief—
The beauteous Oilill Olom ;
Of one aole trio the race ^d not decay,
From whom ha^e aprung the progeny of the free-bom.
These three who left issue were children of Sadhbh
daughter of Conn. The first of them, Eoghan Mor son of
Oilill, fell in the Battle of Magh Muchruimhe, by Beinne Briot,
son of the king of Britain ; and Fiachaidh Muilleathan, from
whom clann Charrthaigh and the tribe of SuiUeabhan, with
their branches, are sprung, was the son of this Eoghan ; and
his mother was Moncha daughter of Dil son of Da Chreaga
the druid ; and he was bom at Ath Uiseal on the Siuir, and
was called Fiachaidh Fear-da- Liach. For iiacA means ' sad
event'; and sad were the two events that took place with
regard to him, namely, the slaying of his father in the Battle
of Magh Muchruimhe very soon after his conception in the
womb, and the death of his mother immediately after his
birth. Hence the name Fiachaidh Fear-da-Liach clung to
him. Thus does Oilill Olom himself refer to this matter as
we read in the Battle of Magh Muchruimhe —
A two-fold woe to thee tbeir death
Together, and a great disaster,
Thy father and thy mother —
Grief has overwhelmed thee.
Thy father and thy mother,
Two great permanent losses :
The man in battle was struck down,
Died the wife at thv birth.
Moreover he was called Fiachaidh Muilleathan, because
when the time of his birth arrived his grandfather the druid
said to Moncha that if she delayed the birth of her son
for twenty-four hours, he would be a king ; but if she brought
him forth within that time, he would be only a druid.
274 jrORAS peASA AR ^itiiiin. [book I.
426oTTlonc^ **i nt)di5 50 mbi^o mo lii^c-f^ 'n-o. pig ni be^]t e 50
ce^nn deicpe n-uAi|te pce^t) ^cc mtiti^ ci fe cpetn fliof."
Agu-p leif pn ceit) f ^n ac t)o bi ^p Siui^i Liitfi ]t6 •oun ^
h^c^p ^S^r r^^^T ^P ctoid ^nn, gup ^n feo.^ ceicpe n-u^ipe
pce^t) 'n-^ fui'be o^p cloic ^nn ; ^guf 1 50101111 r\^ h^^imppe pn
4265 CAIT115 Af o^n ^b^^intiy 50 pug p m^c ^gtif pj^ip p fein b<s|*
x)0 liiCAtp io.p n-^ bpeic. If t)on lii^c-p) lAp^Th t)o g^ipci
P^c^m TnuilteAC-^Ti ; ^guf if uime ^oeipci muilleAC4i.n pif
6 nititLAC te^roin vo beit Mge. Ap mbeic lomoppo t)o.
iTiAC^ip 'n-^ fui'oe Ap ^n teic f^n ic pe tiucc ^ beipce -co
427ole^CTiui5 b^iueo^f ^n leinb 1 •oce^nnco. r\^ teice ^p ^ pMbe
^ TTiACo^ip 'n-o. fuiioe f^n ic; 5011^.16 t)e pn t>o te^n p^c^it)
Tnuilte^u^Ti t)e.
An t>^p^ m^c X)' OiLiLt 6toni A.p 0. t)ciiTii5 ftiocc m^^p
^CA Copm^c C^f 6 x)ci.Ti5^'0Ap 'OiX jC^if ^S^f rol* A0160.
4275 .1. cl^nn TTlic n^ TTI^p^ ^S^f P^^ pL-Miticuiioe. If ^5 ^n
gCopniAC gC^^f-fo cpi^ t)© fi^g^ib Oilitt 6lom oijpe^cc
ttltntiAii 50 bfUA^ip ^ pof 50 p^ibe p^CA.!*© muitle^c-d.n ^p
n-o^ bpeic 'o'^oj^n TTlop ^guf ^.p n-^ ctof pn if e op'ouj^o
t)o pinne ^n fL^icex^f tj'fo^gbiil -o^^ eif fein 0.5 CoptnAC fe^'6
4280 ^ p^ ^5^r ^ he'it ^5 Pd.c-0.1t) TTltJiLteACAn -o'eif bi.if Copm^ic
fe^-o A p6 pn ^pif ; o^guf m^p pn ^n fl^ice^^f too beic f i.
fe^c 5^0 pe njtun it)ip ftiocc CopmMC C^if ^gtif Piac4M'6
1TltiitLeA.c^in vo pop. , Aguf x)o c^ice^-o^p pe^L glun ^p
^n optJtijo.'O foin 1 bfl^ice^f ITIuni^in.
4285 "Oo b'6 ^n Copm^c C^f-fo tn-^c Oiliott^ <5tuitn ^n CU15-
e^t g^ifce^'OAC If fe^pp vo bi 1 neipinn 'n-^ pe fern. . An
ce^tp^p oile l/UgA.i'O ti.iii^, ponn m^c Cuth^ilL, l^uj-o^i^ tTl^c
Con, C^ipbpe 5^^^'^> ^S^f Copm-d.c C^f ^n cuige^-d g^if-
ce^'b^c. AgtJf ni p^ib ^ontjuine 1 n6ipinn lonconilAinn pe
429oli^ont)tiine "oiob ^^v fein. If 6 ^n Copm^c C^f-fo
c6At)t)tiine vo ctiip ciofCAin ^p cuo^Ci^ib TnuTfio.n o.p -ocuf.
" Then," said Moncha, " in the hope that my son may become
a king, I will not bring him forth for twenty-four hours unless
he comt through my side." And then she went into the ford of
the Siuir that was beside her father's dun, and there sat upon
a stone, and remained twenty-four hours seated on the stone.
And at the end of that time she came out of the river and gave
birth to a son, and she herself died immediately after having
brought him forth. It was this son, then, that was called
Fiachaidh Muilleathan ; and he was called Muilleathan
from the crown of his head being broad. For while his
mother was sitting on the flag-stone in the ford, on the point
of bringing him forth, the child's crown grew broad by the
pressure of the flag-stone on which his mother sate in the
ford ; hence the name Fiachaidh Muilleathan clung to him.
The second son of Oilill Olom who left issue was
Cormac Cas, from whom sprang the Dal gCais and siol
Aodha, that is, clan Mac na Mara and siol Flannchuidhe. It
was to this Cormac Cas that Oilill Olom had left the
inheritance of Munster, until he was informed that Fiachaidh
Muilleathan had been bom to Eoghan Mor ; and when
he heard this, he directed that the sovereignty be left
after him to Cormac during his life, and that it belong after
Cormac's death to Fiachaidh Muilleathan during his life ; and
in this way' that the sovereigntj' belong alternately in each
succeeding reign to the descendants of Cormac Cas and
those of Fiachaidh Muilleathan for ever. And for some
generations they held the sovereignty of Munster according
to this arrangement.
This Cormac Cas son of Oilill Olom was the fifth best cham-
pion in Ireland in his own time; the other four wereLughaidh
Lamha, Fionn son of Cumhall, Lughaidh Mac Con, Cairbre
Gailin, the fifth champion being Cormac Cas ; and there was
no one in Ireland fit to fight with any of them outside of
their own number. This Cormac Cas was the first to im-
pose a rent-tax on the districts of Munster. He gave in one
276 ponAS peASA AH 4ininti. [book i.
If 6 cug no.01 n-uinge ^guf ctjij ce^t) uinge •oViitgeA'O
4296toTnlu^"6 cog^i'b fop L^MJnib ; gup ji^llf^'O L^ijin v6.
An Cjte^f m^c 'o'OitilL ^p 4^ T)Ci^inis fliodc .1. Ci^n. If
6^\K ftiocc ^n CeiTi pn aco. 6 Ce^fb^ill ^gtif 6 TTIeo^c^ip
cub^if CiAnn^cc^.
4300 . 1f e Gill it OLoin c^TOfi ^inmmgce^^p f^n tleim Tliojpui-oe
v^]\ 5o.b fe^tb fl^ice^fo^ -oi. cuijeo.'o TTluTti^n "oo fioL 6ibif .
Ufi bLi^t)n^ pceA^T) t)o bi Oililt i bfl^iceo^f Tnutri^n. dip
fut vo t)ibif Dibit tn^c Con -oo bo^o^p vi^ fliocc i gce^nno^f
inuTho.n mx\p ^CA fliocc *Oo^if\ine vo fliocc Luij-oe^c m^c
4305 loco^ 6 tjci^vnig ITI^^c Con o^guf fliocc 'Oeifgcine t)0 pol
6ibip 6 •oci.inij Oilill dlom. Ajuf ^r\ c^n vo biot)
ltltiiTio.n 4^.5 fliocc X)o.ifine vo biot) bpeice-cnin^f ^guf ci^m-
ifce^cc 0.5 fliocc T)eif 5cine, ^i^guf ^n c^n •00 bio^ fliocc
'Oeif^cine 1 bfl^ice^^f -oo bioo ^n ni ce^'on^ -0.5 fliocc
43io'Oi.ifine, 50 n-oe-G.c^i'O TTI^c Con c^^p bpeiceA.iTin-d.f Oilioll-d.
6luitn o^ih^il if loncuigce ^f ^n ni ^-oe^p^^m 'n-o.p n'
Ttlo^p -oo op-otiij Oilill vo jo^n pi^ipc Tleinii'O tnic Spo^ibginn
■00 JAbi^il 1 gcoinne ^og^in mic Oiliollo. ^ bpi^c^p fein o^gtif
n-d. T)cpi gC^ipbpe; ^guf lonntif gup^b m6it)e vo zm'^p-de
4316 fi^c lonn^pbco. Ttltc Con cuipfe^t) fiof -6.nnfo ^n ni v^
t)CAini5 tn^c Con vo c^cf^nn ^ h^pinn, tn^p <i.c-i cuicitn
Ainjceil tnic X)ei5ilL vo bi 1 bfoc^ip Tleiniiib mic Sp^^ibginn,
^gtif If leif vo TTi-o.pbc.'o Con^ipe m^c ITIoj^ Li^irio. ^5 cofn^m
4ipe^nn -oo neiThm, ^guf if t>o bicm Aingceil vo rh^pbf^o
4320^1^ cpi C^Mpbpe TlenTut) m^c Sp^ibginn fe^p ^ mo.c-d.p fein
S^puic inge-o.n Cuinn. Oip if e tleiThit) -oo tho^pb Con^ipe yi<
day nine ounces and five hundred ounces of silver to bards
and learned men for praising him. He brought thirty preyis
from Britain when he was in exile, stirring up war against
the Leinstermen ; and the Leinstermen submitted to him.
The third son of Oilill who left issue was Cian. From
this Cian are descended O Cearbhaill and O Meaghair,
O hEadhra and O Gadhra and O Cathasaigh and O Con^
chubhar of Ciannachta.
Oilill Olom was the first king of the race of Eibhear who
is named in the Reim Rioghruidhe as having held the
sovereignties of the two provinces of Munster. Oilill held the
sovereignty of Munster twenty-three years. For before
Oilill banished Mac Con there were two races holding
sway over Munster, namely, the descendants of Dairine of
the race of Lughaidh son of loth, from whom sprang
Mac Con, and the descendants of Deirgthine of the race of
Eibhear, from whom sprang Oilill Olom. And whenever the
sovereignty of Munster was held by the descendants of
Dairine, the brehonship and tanistship were held by the
descendants of Deirgthine ; and when the descendants of
Deirgthine held supreme power, the descendants of Dairine
held the other offices, until Mac Con transgressed the com-
mand of Oilill Olom, as may be understood from what we
are about to say. For Oilill ordered him not to take
sides with Neimhidh son of Sraibhgeann against Eoghan
son of Oilill, his own kinsman, and the three Cairbres.
And in order that the cause of Mac Con's banishment may
be better understood, I shall set down here the event that led
to Mac Con*s expulsion from Ireland, namely, the fall of
Aingceal son of Deigheall, who was with Neimhidh son of
Sraibhgheann ; and by Neimhidh, in his struggle for the
possession of Ireland, Conaire son of Mogh Lamha was slain ;
and it was because of Aingceal that the three Cairbres slew
Neimhidh son of Sraibhgheann, the husband of their own
mother, Saruit daughter of Conn. For it was Neimhidh who
278 pOTlAS peASA AH ^ITllTin. [BOOK I.
ho^CAip •061b. • U^plo.t>A.p cpit) pn cp mic CoriA^ipe 1 t)foc^i|t
Aijtc mic Cuinn.
Ueit) C<3.ipbpe Uio^oa. t)on TTIufh^^in 50 ce^c Tleinii'o
4526 ^guf S^ptiit)e injine Cuinn ^ ihACi5.p fein, 6\\\ ^f ^5
rieiiTiTo t)0 bi fi pofc^ -o'eif Con^ipe mic TTlog^ Li^ni^, ^S^f
c^pt^ Aingce^L 1 t)Ci5 tleinn-o ^n C|\iiC foin ; ^^My if
AihLAi'6 -00 bi ^guf 5le4^ctiit>e cpeinp|\ T>o.|t b'iMnm'O-d.iic^'Oo.
'n-^ pocAil^ ^nn, ^guf 5^6 o^ionj ati-mctii^ cije-o^t) 50 ce^^c
455otleiTTii'6 pi heige^n t)'fio]t t>iob t)uL 00 gleic ]\e 'O^^ic^'b^i.
^S^r ^r tnbeic 00 C^Mjtbpe 11i^t)o. 4^5 ceo^cc "o'lnar d. ttiic^ii
50 ce^c TIeiitiix) -oo cuai-o -oo gteic pe 'O^pc-d.TO^, ^gtif
bu^ibf -6.11 piogcoi-pe ^n cije e, gu^i m^pb^t) teif ^nilo.i'b
pn e. A5tif leif pn ciltif 50 Ceo^ttiit^ig ^guf ^|t'nocc-6.o
4358 0^ "6^1 x)'A|tu Aoinpeo^p -^.'0ub*i.1|^c Ape gup pi-o^CA. ^n coifc
pe n'oe^CAi'o p^p ^n6 ^guf cige^cc ^ni-o^p ^niu, gono.'O x>e
pn ^-oe^pi^p C-6.ipbpe 1liA.x)A pip
Ap n-^ clop -oon -oi Cxxipbpe oite m^p ^ci C^ipbpe
triupc ^gup C^ipbpe bo^pc^oin Aingce^L pe p^^^ibe ^ bp^o^l^
4340 pein -00 beic 1 t>cig tleimi'6 ip eo.^ a ■oubpo.o^^p "Ippoipbe
pn loni -oul 1 mbpe-^cn-o^ib -o^ cdpo.i'" -^gwf ^^^V P"
cpi^ll^it) r\^ cpi C^ipbpe •oon ttl* go bptiipmn l^oc
'n-^ bpoc^ip ^gup mo.p pi.ngA'o^p go ce^c TTloip
mic OiLiotL^ 6luim ceit> Oog^n o^gup i^t) pein 1 gcoinne
4548l1eimi'6 ^gup cig t1eimii6 ^gup tTl^c Con 'n-^ poc45.ip -<i.gup
pe-o^pc^p CAC pe-d.bp^t) e^copp^ ^nn- gono^ip C^ipbpe TTlupc
m^c Con p^n Qj^t pom, ^i^gup m-o^pbc^p Aingce^i d.nn, ^gt»p
ceitip neimi'o go p-iinig m^p 0. p-d.ibe S-ipuic. " Com^ipce,
^ tho^CA.," o^p pi, ^g Le4^c^t> ^ tim cimce4i.tL tleimi^. " Di-d.i'6
4360 como^ipce ^g ^ bpuil ix)ip t)o ti. Liim t>e," ^p C^ipbpe TTlupc,
Agup leip pn cug beim v6 gup be-o^n ^ ce^nn t)e, A.gup cug
^n t)^p^ beim lep be^n ^ cop^ "oe. " Ip i^ipc mop pn ^
slew Conaire, their father. On account of this Conaire's
three sons were with Art son of Conn.
Cairbre Riada went to Munster, to the house of Neimhidh
and Saruit daughter of Conn, his own mother, for she
married Neimhidh after Conaire son of Mogh Lamha, and
Aingceal happened to be in Neimhidh's house at that time ;
and there was a strong wrestler there with him, called
Dartadha, and whenever a party who were not known came
to the house of Neimhidh, one of their men was forced
to engage in wrestling with Dartadha. And as Cairbre
Riada was going to the house of Neimhidh to visit his
mother, he engaged in wrestling with Dartadha, and laid him
on the great caldron of the house, and thus he slew him.
Thereupon he returned to Tara ; and on his relating his
adventure to Art Aoinfhear, Art said that it was on a quick
errand that he went westward yesterday, seeing that he
returned eastward to-day, and hence he is called Cairbre
When the other two Cairbres, namely, Cairbre Muse and
Cairbre Baschaoin, heard that Aingceal, with whom they
were at enmity, was at the house of Neimhidh, they ex-
claimed, " That is pleasanter than to pursue him to Britain."
And upon this the three Cairbres set out for Munster
with a company of warriors ; and when they came to the
house of Eoghan Mor son of Oilill Olom, Eoghan and
themselves marched against Neimhidh, and Neimhidh
approached in the company of Mac Con, and the Battle
of Feabhra then took place between them. Cairbre Muse
wounded Mac Con in that battle, and Aingceal was slain
there, and Neimhidh fled till he came to where Saruit was.
" Protection, O my sons," said Saruit, extending her arms
round Neimhidh. " As much of him as is within thy arms
will be protected," said Cairbre Muse ; and forthwith he dealt
him a blow that cut off his head, and dealt him a second
blow by which he cut off his legs. " That is a great disgrace.
~T»t~*» ».i^»'^L. * i^^-v r .«»»s*
280 pORAS peASA ATI 4mint1. [BOOK I.
Ow i.if c loniit) ^ bp^ic]ie, 6i|i if e vo ThA]tb pe^]i ^^ Ttiic^|\,
4S6S 5^^^*^ CjAe ce^ng^t coniinbAi'oe •oo TTl^c Con ]\6 11eithiT>
m-^cSp^ibginn, A^juf cp6 cu|t i gcoinne 605^111 ttloift ^"S^iy ^
bf A^icpeA^c m^p ^co^i-o n^ cpi C^iiAbjte, t)o hionn^pb^t) te
hOitilL ^ h6i|tinn e, 50 -p^ibefe^t ^|t •oeojiAi-oe^cc ; ^juf i^e
linn ^ ^eo|i^it)e^cc^ -oo pinne p^nnc^ ^S^f c^r^^'o "oo pern,
436050 ■oci.tmg fein -^juf beinne bpioc m^c piog n^ biAe^co^me
TTloi^ie ^5Uf lom-^x) e^ccp^nn oile leo 1 n4i|tinn '^u\\
f65|iA'04N|\ c^c ^p Ape Aoinpe^|i pi 6i|\e^nn cpe beic ^5
ne^pcuj^-o le hOitiLL Otom, gup commop^'O C^c tTl^ije
tnucpuithe e^copp-o^ m^p ^ tjCAinig Ape 50 lion Jb^ fl^^'S
4366 -^guf n^oi mic Oilioll-o. 50 gc^c^ib tnuTh^n m-o^p -^.on
piu 00 conjn^TTi le liApc, ^guf TTl^c Con 50 n-^ ^a^llnitippcAib
'oon leic oile 'n-A. n-^g^^io, gup pe^p^-o C^c tTl^ije mucpuinie
e-owcopp-^, jup bpipe^t) x)'Apc ip -00. fluo^g, ^5Uf jup m^pb-o^X)
Ape vo liiih -d^n cpemthilit) Luj^ix) t/^tii^ bpo^c^ip Oilioll^
437oOltiim t)o bi ^5 congno^Th le TTI^c Con ; ^5tip 00 cuice^o^p
Tn6ippeipeo.p t)o cloinn Oilioll^ dltnm ^nn.
Aonjup fii h^inm ^p 'ocup ■o'Oitill Olom ^gtif ip uime
cuj-^t) Oilill 6lom o.ip, feip no pinne pe pe hAine mjin
6o5^b^il ^gtip ^p mbeic 'n-^ co'dIax) 1 bfoc-6.ip Oilioll^ -oi
4375 t)o cpeim pi ^ cluMp 6 n-/^ ce^nn 1 n'oiog^ i^ heignigce ^sjtip
A h^c-6.p DO rh^pb-^'O "OO, 5on-<x'6 cpit) pn g^ipce^p Oillill
Olpm .1. clu^plom 'oe. Ip uime pop g^ipce^p Oilill -oe: lon-o^nn
lomoppo O1I1II ^gup oil oil .1. ^icip ihop, ^gup CAplA.t)^p
cpi ^icipe -A^inrhe^CA. d'OiIiII vo led.n ve 50 bi.p, niift^p ^c-i
4380 -d. beic clu^plom v6 ^gtip ^ •oe^'O t)o ■oubi^'d ^gup ^ o^ni^l
•00 beic bpe^n. tp ^itiI-m'6 ciinig pn, i^p 3C-6.1II ^ clu^ipe
le hAine, -Mh^il ^"oubp^m^p, -oo 5-^b pe^pj e, ^gup leip pn
CU5 pAC-6.t) pleige cp^ Aine 50 c^^^lrti^in 50 -oc^pl^ pinn n^
pleije 1 jcloic gup p-6.p^t> 1, o^gtip ctiipip peipe^^n p-i n-^
O Cairbre," said she ; and hence be used to be called Cairbre
Muse, that is, greater his disgrace than that of his brethren,
for it was he who slew his mother's husband.
And on account of Mac Con's forming an alliance of
friendship with Neimhidh son of Sraibhgheann, and because
of his opposing Eoghan Mor and his kinsmen, namely, the
three Cairbres, he was banished out of Ireland by Oilill, and
was for a time in exile ; and in the course of his exile he
gained supporters and made friends for himself, so that
himself and Beinne Briot, son of the king of Great Britain,
and many other foreigners with them, came to Ireland and
declared war on Art Aoinfhear king of Ireland, because of
his having helped Oilill Olom ; and the Battle of Magh
Muchruimhe was arranged between them, to which Art came
with all his host and the nine sons of Oilill with the seven
battalions of Munster to help Art, while Mac Con with his
foreigners were against them on the other side; and the
Battle of Magh Muchruimhe was fought between them, and
Art and his host were beaten, and Art himself slain by the
hand of the champion Lughaidh Lamha, kinsman of Oilill
Olom, who was taking part with Mac Con ; and seven of the
children of Oilill Olom fell there.
Oilill Olom's first name was Aonghus, and he was called
Oilill Olom because he had intercourse with Aine daughter of
Eoghabhal, and as she slept with Oilill she bit his ear off his
head in retribution for his rape of her and for his having
slain her father. Hence he was called Oilill Olom, that is
ear-cropped. He was called Oilill also, because Oilill is the
same as oiloll^ ' a great blemish '; and he had three deforming
blemishes which clung to him till death, namely, he was
ear-cropped, his teeth had become black, and his breath was
foul, which blemishes he thus came by : when he had lost
his ear through, the means of Aine, as we had said, he got
enraged, and forthwith he drove his spear through her body
into the earth, and the point of the spear struck against a
282 poTiAS peASA ATI eiiiinn. [book i-
^5*i6e^T> v^ t)io|t5A'6 ^n finn, A^gtif zb^x>, ^n neim t>o t>i i pinn
b^^eAnc^f ^ni^ile Af pti v6 vo te^n tje 50 bif c]te coilt tia
ocjti nge^f vo bi ^|t An y^-eij pn, mo^p ^ci j^n ^ finti t>o
<hjp 1 5cloic, 5^11 A pinn t)o cup pi. t>6AT>, ^juf j^n bo^ine^cc
4390 00 oe^tiATTi le; 5011^ 6 tia je^f^^ib pn t)0 coilt|\
n A h Aici|^ peATn|\Aii6ce -66, ^juf 5ti]tAb 6 n-o. h ^icipb mdp^
fOITl AT)Ub|tAi6 Ollllt .1. oil oil .1. AlCIf TTlOf |\1f 111^1^ poit-
Aititn. Ajtif ip 1 5CAC tn^ije tnuqttnThe -oo tno.fvbo.'O A]ac
4396 iDo g^b t/UjAi'O .1. m^c Con TTticTnAicniA-o irnc Luigx^eo.c
tnic 'Oi.ipe mic Pjt tliltne mic 6o.*obuit5 mic 'Oi.ipe mic
Siocbuilg mic P]t UilLne mic 'Oe^s-MTiiiAig mic X)eA5Ai6
'Oeipg mic X)ei|i5Cine mic Hu^io^^c Ai]i5Ci5 mic l»ucco.i|te mic
Ikjja pei-olij mic 4i|teAm6in mic ^^-o-o^m^m mic S^f^^^'^
4400 mic Sin mic TTlAicpn mic tx)$A mic 6'-6.'Oo.mAin mic THo^it mic
l/Ui§6eAC mic ^ot^ mic b^ieog^Mn itiojo^dc ^i-pe-o.nn -oeic
mbti^t^n^ pce^T). 1f i S^-ob inge^n Cuinn yi. mi^t^^\\ vo
ttl^c Con ATTiAit A'Oubjx^mAft jiom/sinn. If uime t)o S^ijiti
HU^c Con vo ttJj-M'O m^c m^icni^o .1. cii vo bi 0.5 OiliLt
4406 6lom v^ ng^i^ici OALoi^t 'Oe^pg, ^S^f ^" ^^^ ^^ ^^ ttlo^c
Con 'n--c^ n^oi-oin 1 -oci^ OitiotL-o. "oo cin^tt^o ^n le^nb o^p
A li^m^ib 'o'lonnpiije n^ con Ajtif "oo jt^c-d^o ^n ct3 'n-^
gtoc^m e -^gtif Tiiop fe^tJAO 4i. ce^f ^pgAin j^n ce^cc 'n-o.
VA^il 00 gni^c, 5onAi6 uime pn j;o go^ipme^ift TTI^c Con -oe.
4410 Ap ng^bi^iL Apit^dc-dwif vo itlxyc Con ^gtif i^p •oce^cc
6 n--6. loeoji-o^i-oeACC ^guf i^p S^^P Caca tn-d^ige tTluc]ttiime
id^iifiAit At)ub|iAmA|t cuo.f ^5 cpACCid.'O ^p Ape Aoinpe^p, t>o
stone and got bent, and he put the point between his teeth to
straighten it, and the venom of the spear's point got into his
teeth and blackened them at once, and thence foulness of
breath came upon him, which clung to him till death, for
he had violated the three geasa that were upon that spear,
namely, not to allow its point to come against a stone, not to
put its point between the teeth, and not to slay a woman with
it And it was from the violation of these geasa that the
forementioned blemishes came upon him, and it was from
these great blemishes that he was called Oilill — that is, oil
oily or great blemish. And Art Aoinfhear was slain in the
Battle of Magh Muchruimhe.
Lughaidh, that is, Mac Con son of Maicniadh, son of
Lughaidh, son of Daire, son of Fear Uillne, son of Eadbholg,
son of Daire, son of Siothbholg, son of Fear Uillne, son of
Deaghamhrach, son of Deaghaidh Dearg, son of Deirgthine,
son of Nuadha Airgtheach, son of Luchtaire, son of Logha
Feidhlioch, son of Eireamhon, son of Eadaman, son of
Gosaman, son of Sin, son of Maitsin, son of Logha, son of
Eadaman, son of Mai, son of Lughaidh, son of loth, son of
Breoghan, held the sovereignty of Ireland thirty years.
Sadhbh daughter of Conn was Mac Con's mother, as we have
said above. Lughaidh son of Maicniadh was called Mac Con
because Oilill Olum had a hound called Eloir Dhearg, and
when Mac Con was an infant in the house of Oilill, the
child used to creep on his hands to the hound, and the
hound used to take him to her belly, and he could not be
prevented from going constantly to visit her, whence he was
called Mac Con.
When Mac Con had become powerful and had returned
from his exile, and had fought the Battle of Magh
Muchruimhe, as we have said above in treating of Art
284 pOtlAS peASA AH ^imtltl. [BOOK I.
COCU15 cpioc^t) bliA^^n e, o^m^il leA5C4N|t y^r\ t>ti/Mn tj^p^b
44i6cofA.6: Cnuc^ cnoc dp cionn Licfe. A5 yo m^p ^-oeip f^n
tl4 feAdc lAicib, lie tiAC ^^nn,
T)o jAb lu^Aif) 1AC Ti^i^eATiti ;
4420 Ci^ 4i|\eAtin |\e )iAOtnf»A^eihAiii.
UpiOi^A'O btr^'b^n ^ax} mine,
"Oo ttlAC Con 1 n-Ai|\'OpiJe;
n6 50 vco|\6ai|\ An cti|\ CAf ,
^An l^An fop A Ai|\eAdAf .
4426 An TM-d^c Con-po ^p 0. bptnlmit) ^5 rpo^cc^io, ni vo pLiocc
G"^nn^ tntiTic-6.oin no piot 6ibip e, m^p ^t>eip o^r\ -ou^in
■oo^p^b cop^c, CoriAipe c^oni cIi^tti^iti Cuinn, ^cc "OO pbocc
Luigioe^c mic loc^ mic bpeoj^in. pi. cL^nn lomoppo -oi
'be^pbpAC^s.p Luj^i^ tn^c loc^ mic bpeogo^in ^gup TPibt)
4450 6^ppi.iniie,t>An5^ipci 54^1^111,111^0 bile micbpeog^in,ioiiTitip
c^p ce^nn ^tip^b t>'pTie $^et)il ptiocc Luj^ip mic locx^,
Ti^c t)o ct-6.TiTi^ib tHite^xb 1AT) coTTimbpiitpe "ooib ^m^iL
Atjeip ^r\ pie ^5 l^b^ipc ^p cpi o.icme^'O^ib t>o pliocc
l^uijiDe^c mic loc^ p^n po.nn-po :
4435 6 CobcAig nA 5C0]\n bfleAt-oit,
6 irtoinn A|\t>A, 6 hei-oipf ceoil ;
C]\iAp n^i f ACAi^ pA^ A feAn,
UpiA|\ nAd T>o thACAib inileA^.
A5 po pop cuix) t>o n^ ploiTincib oile ci^inig 6 Luj^itb m^c
4440loU'0., m^p ^€^ 6 trf^oj^ipe Huip, 6 b-iipe ApA^nti 1 tlmn
mtiiTiTici|ie bi^ipei 5C^ipbpe^c^ib ip 6 Cuipniti ipin45.c Ailin 1
tiAlb^in C4iiTii5 ^p pliocc p^c^i-b C^ti^tin m^c TTlic Con mic
tn^icm^'O. Ip 6 o.n tn^c Con-po ^n cpe^p pi t>o pliocc
t.ui5t)e-^c mic loc^^ -oo g^b ce^nn^p 6ipeo.nn. An ceit)pi
Aoinfhear, he obtained for himself the sovereignty of
Ireland in a single week, and kept it for thirty years, as
we read in the poem which begins ''Ctiucha, a hill over
Lithfe/' It thus speaks in these two stanzas :
In the spAoe of leven dayt, no flight cause of joy,
Lughaidli becune ruler of the land of Erin ;
He came to bis strong kingdom
• The ruler of Bzin in one week.
Thirty years without flagging
Was Mac Con in supreme soTcreignty,
Till the nimble champion fell
With his supremacy unimpaired.
This Mac Con of whom we are treating was not of the
descendants of Eanna Munchaoin of the race of Eibhear, as
is stated in the poem which begins "Fair Conaire, son-in-
law of Conn," but of the race of Lughaidh son of loth, son
of Breoghan. Now Lughaidh son of loth, son of Breoghan,
and Milidh of Spain, who is called Golamh son of Milidh,
son of Breoghan, were sons of two brothers, so that, though
the descendants of Lughaidh son of loth are of the race of
Gaedheal, still they are not of the progeny of Milidh, but
only kinsmen to them, as the poet says, speaking of three
branches of the descendants of Lughaidh son of loth in
this stanza :
Cobbthaigh of the feast -serving goblets,
Floinn of Ard, hEidirsceoil,
A trio who traced not the genealogy of their ancestors (f),
A tzio not sprung from the sons of Milidh.
Here follow some of the other families who sprang from
Lughaidh son of loth, namely, O Laoghaire of Ros, O Baire of
Ara in Rinn Muinntire Baire in Cairbreacha, and O Cuirnin
and Mac Ailin in Alba, who was descended from Fathadh
Canann son of Mac Con, son of Maicniadh. This Mac Con
was the third king of the race of Lughaidh son of loth who
held the sovereignty of Ireland. The first of these kings was
286 tronAS peASA All 4miTiTi. [book i.
4446 "Diob .1. 6oc^io ^o^ogot^d m^c 'Oi.ipe mic Cong^it mic
6^t>^in^in mic ITl^it mic Lui§oe^(3 mic loc^ mic b]teo5^in
t>o g^b ce^nn^f ^itte^nn ceic]te bli^ibnA., jujt cuic te
Ce^]imTi^mic 6ibpic; ^n t>^|tOife^p 8ocai^ Apu^c mo^c Ipmn
mic OiLiott^ '00 5-\b ce^nti^f ^ipe-d^nn n^oi mbli^i6n^ jup
4460 ^uic le ponn m-o^c b|\i.c^ ; ^n cpe^^f pe^p t>o fliocc Luigte^c
mic loc^ x>o bi 1 bfl^ice^f ^n TM^c Con-fo a|\ ^ bruilmix)
^5 l^b<3.ifc ^noif ; gon^^ vi^ ^e^pbug^'d pn o^ca ^n p^nn-
fo Af An y^^nduf :
. C|\i |>4g 6 iflAC 10CA AjXT)
4456 T)^ eo<^4^if> tu^Ai-b tin^^p^ ;
11o<5a piioifijVAf) n^d Uot tiTin
mA|\ T>o 'Oio$Ia<> IOC AOibinn.
If e peif ce^f m^c ComAin ^ige^f a|i po'pi.ileA.m Co]\
mic 4^ipc -00 m-d.fib TTIac Con leif ^n nj^ x>^ nj^i-pci pingcne
4460 Ajuf A i6puim \\e CAij^ce cloice o^p $o]tc ^n 6i|i l^im ]te
'Oe^figpAic 1 m^ij peimei^n -oon Leic ci^p "o'Ac n^ sCApbAX)
Aguf e ^5 by^onn^-o 6i|\ ^gtif Aipjit) -o'^ispb ^gtif t)'otlAm-
n^ib Ann. A|t n-A clof pn o'^eiiiceAf m^c Comi^in ^ige^f
AgUT ^ 'ii-^ comnuit)e i nApt) n^ nJeithteAC |ie pAitbce^p
4466 An CnocAC Amu cij fAn cotttoaiL i meAfc caic Aguf ah
Itingcneleif. Aguf ia|\ poccAin t)o Iacai]i TTIic Con x>6, cug
f ACAi6 t)on Cfleij pn cpit) i t)ceAnncA An CAipce pe pAibe a
t>puim 5tip ^AjAib TTIac Con -oo lACAip -oe pn. Jopc An
6ip gAipceAp t7on ttlAig Ap Ap mAipbAt) TTIac Con on Am
4470 p>in Ale 6 n-Ap bponnA^o t>'6p lAip-peAn t)'ei5pb Agtip
-o'ottAmnAib Ann. Ip e fAC pA tJCAinij TTIac Con -oon
TTItimAin t)o bpij gup CAippngippox) a "bpAOice to nAC
mAipi;«A^ 1 bflAiceAf 6ipeAnn teicbliA'OAin mtinA bf-igbAO
UeATTiAip. Hime pn CAinig 'o'iAppAi'6 commbAit>e Ap a
4475bpAicpib .1. ftiodc OiIioHa 6Luim ; gix^eAt) ^oo cuimnigeAOAp
An cpeAnf aIa t>6, mAp aca mApbA^ OogAin TTloip Agup a
Eochaidh Eadghothach son of Daire, son of Conghal, son of
Eadaman, son of Mai, son of Lughaidh, son of loth, son of
Breoghan, who held the sovereignty of Ireland four years
till he fell by Cearmna son of Eibric ; the second was
Eochaidh Apthach son of Fionn, son of Oilill, who held the
sovereignty of Ireland nine years, when he fell by Fionn son
of Bratha ; the third of the race of Lughaidh son of loth who
held the sovereignty was this Mac Con of whom we are now
speaking. And it is in testimony of this that we have this
stanza from the seanchus :
Three kings sprung from the proud son of lotli,
Two Eocb&idhs, the ferocious Lughaidh,
It is not a deed that displeases us,
The waj in which pleasant loth was avenged.
Feircheas son of Coman Eigeas, at the command of
Cormac son of Art, slew, with the spear called ringcne,
Mac Con, as he stood with his back against a pillar*stone at
Gort-an-oir, beside Deargraith in Magh Feimhean, to the
west of Ath na gCarbad, while he was there distributing gold
and silver to bards and ollamhs. When Feircheas son of
Coman Eigeas, who resided at Ard na nGeimhleach, which is
now called An Chnocach, he came to the meeting among the
rest, having the ringcne ; and when he had come into the
presence of Mac Con, he drove that spear through him into
the pillar-stone against which his back rested, and this caused
his death without delay. From that time to this the plain on
which Mac Con was slain is called Gort-an-Oir, from the
quantity of gold he there bestowed on bards and ollamhs.
The reason why Mac Con came to Munster was that his
druids foretold to him that he would not live half a year on
the throne of Ireland unless he left Tara. Hence he came to
Munster, to seek the aid of his kinsmen — that is, the
descendants of Oilill Olom ; but they remembered their old
grudge against him, namely, that he had slain Eoghan Mor
and his kinsmen in the Battle of Magh Muchruimhe. And
288 potiAS peASA An eininn. [book i.
•Oo 5^b Fe^i^guf 'Ouib'6e^t)^c in^c pionnc^io^ tnic
44ao Og^m^iTi mic p^c^c pinn mic tDo^ipe mic 'OLuc-mj mic
tDeicpti mic 60C0.6 mic Sin mic Hoipn mic Upiuin mic Hoi-
tpitiin imc Aiprroil mic TTlo^ine mic pojigo. mic pe^p^o^ig mic
Oitiolt^ ^Ajt^nTi mic p^co^c pi|\ tTlo^p^ mic Aonguf ^ Uuipbij
Ue^mp^c t)o poL eipe^moin jtiog^cc 4i|Ae<Min ^oin bliid^^o^in
4486^mAiTi. 1|* uime x>o g^ipci ^e^iistif t)tibtbeo.t)4^c ^e .1. vi^
ve^v mojid. -oub^ t)o bi ^156. If e ^n Fe^itguf-fo ciinig
f^ bp-igo.i'o Copm^ic mic Aijtc 1 bpl-d^ice^f 4i|ie^nn i^p
n-ioiin^pbo.*6 Co|\m^ic le htJllco^ib 1 5CoTin^cc4i.ib i<^f\
mb-peic ^ 51 ^Ll o^guf i.s.p tto^^ti^tti no. pleiioe "ooib vo Co|imx5.c
4490) x)ctiAiTce^pc Tno.i5e b^xe-o^g m^\{ ^ t)cu5 gioLL^ piog Vit^x>
o.n comne^l pi^ pole Co]im^ic gu-p loipc 50 mop e.
Cpi mic lomoppo ponnc^j.^-d. mic Oj^^m-d^in mic jTi-i^c^c
Pnn .1. pe^pjuf t)ubt>e^'0<yc pe^pguf C^ipp^ct^d if pe^p-
juf 'PuiLcle-o.bowip t)o imip ^n u-o^npopL^nn-fo ^p Copm^c ;
4406 ^guf ceit) Copm^c T)'i^ppAi'6 cong^nc^ o.p tT^-og m-d.c Cem
"00 bi ne^pciti-o^p ^n cpo^c foin 1 n6ilib. If e^^d ^t)ub4Mpc
U^'65 pif 50 t)Ciubp4^'6 conjn^m "oo vi^ bptiige-o.x) pe^p-o^nn
ti^ii6. "'Oo-be^p t)uic/' o.p Copm^c, "^ •ocimce^LLp^i.i'O -oo
co.pb>t) 'OoTTl^ijbpeo.jf^n loi^sp mbpife^t) c^c^ o^pn^d^cpi
4500 l^e-6.p5Uf ^ib/' "tn^^feA.^," o^p U^'Og, '*bp^icim-fe i6uic ca
bpuijbip o.n cpeinmitmLujo.i'b LoLm-«5. bpi^CAip mo fe-6.n^Ciyp,
Aguf vi^ t)cu5^rp f^n c^t e if cofm^Mt 50 muipbpio fe
n^ cpi pex^pgtiif, ^gtif If 6 iic 1 n-<^ bptiijpp e 1 nC^c^p-
1^15 lAim pe Sli^b gCpoc. Cpi^lt^if GopmAC leif pn 50
4606h6A.c^plA.i5 m^p ^ bpuAip t^ug^it) t^-imo. 1 bp^nboic 'n-o.
luije. Cuipif Copm^c 0. 5^ ^f^f ^" bp^nboic o^gtif gon^if
t^U5^i"6 'n-o. -dpuim. "Cio. jono^f me?" ^p Lug^iT^. " Copm^c
it thus happened that he was returning to Leinster when he
was slain.
Fearghus Duibhdheadach son of Fionnchaidh, son of
Oghaman, son of Fiatach Fionn, son of Daire, son of
Dluthach, son of Deitsin, son of Eochaidh, son of Sin, son
of Roisin, son of Triun, son of Roithriun, son of Aimdil,
son of Maine, son of Forga, son of Fearadhach, son of Oilill
Earann, son of Fiachaidh Fear Mara, son of Aonghus
Tuirbheach Teamhrach of the race of Eireamhpn, held the
sovereignty of Ireland a single year. He was called
Fearghus Duibhdheadach, as he had two large black teeth.
This Fearghus came inside Cormac son of Art in the
sovereignty of Ireland, when Cormac was expelled by the
Ultonians to Connaught, after they had taken his hostages,
and he had made the feast for them in the north of Magh
Breagh, whereat an attendant on the king of Ulster held a
lighted candle to Cormac's hair, and scorched him severely.
Now, it was the three sons of Fionnchaidh son of
Oghaman, son of Fiatach Fionn, namely, Fearghus Duibh-
dheadach, Fearghus Caisfhiaclach, and Fearghus Fuiltleabh-
air, who committed this outrage on Cormac ; and Cormac
went to ask the help of Tadhg son of Cian, who was
powerful in Eile at that time. Tadhg said to him that he
would give his help if he got territory from him. ** I will
give thee," said Cormac, " as much of Magh Breagh as thou
canst go round with thy chariot on the day on which thou
shalt have overcome the three Fearghuses in battle." " Then,"
said Tadhg, " I can tell you where you will find the champion,
Lughaidh Lamha, my grandfather's brother, who, if you
bring him to the battle, will in all likelihood slay the three
Fearghuses ; and the place where you will find him is in Eath*
arlach beside Sliabh gCrot. Upon this Cormac set out for
Eatharlach, where he found Lughaidh Lamha lying down in
a hunting-booth. Cormac stuck his javelin through the
hunting-booth and wounded Lughaidh in the back. "Who
290 potiAS peASA An 6minn. [book i.
m^c Ai]ic/' A|t f6. "tn^ic pj^p^if mife t)o join," i>.j\
tug^i-b, "6i|\ If m^ vo m^fh c'^c^i|t .1. Aj^c Aoinfe^jt."
46io**4i|Mc t)^tn ^nn," A|t Coi^ttiac. " Ce^nn pioj 1 ^Ci^c t)uic/'
Vl^t .1. pe^pstif 'Oubi6e-d.t)o.c t^m ^ciw ^5 cup im ^g^i-b
fein fA ft4i.iceAf ^ipe^nn.*' " 'Oo-je^b^Mit pn," a|\ Lugo.i'b.
Leif pn cpi^ll^it) 50 U^TOj m-o^c C§m 1 n4ilib ^gtif glu^if-
4615 It) fein i^guf U45.t>5 50 Lion a flti^g 50 bput mic ^n 6ir
1 gCpionn-d. Cinn Com^ip Tn4^p ^p comin6p-6.i6 C^t Cpionn^
it)ip Copm^c Ajtip ni cpi peo^pgup^.
X^o bi pop pic oile 4^.5 ^^^5 ^^c Cein pi tut 1 n-o^j^To
tJl^t), -00 bpig gup^b e ^n "Pe-^pgup t)uib'6eAt>AC-po t)o
4620 m^pb A ACAip 1 gC^c S^mrii^. 5^^^^^ r\\o\^ leij UAt)^
Copm^c po.n CAC, acc t)o pigo^ib ^p ctioc ^p cut ^n caca e
o^jup jioILa '11-A pocAip ^nn. Uuj lomoppo UA'65 ^S^f t/irh^ 45.5^1^ ^p n^ cpi pe^pjup^ib 50 n-^ ptu-d.5,
gup cuic pe^pgup puilcle^b^^ip le t/ugo.i'o l/iiiiA, gup be^n
4525 d.n ce^nn x)e, ^gup cpi^i^ll^ip gup <>.n tJcuL^ig 'n-o.p p^ibe
Copm-^^c pip ^n gce^nn. 1p e^t lomoppo t>o pinne Copm^^c
pe hucc ciic -00 t)ul p^n c^c e^o^c 'OeiUonn 'Opuic, a.
gioll^, -oo cup uime pein ^gup 0^ e/M^^c-p^n ^p ^.n ngiolL-o. ;
oip pi -oe^pb leip ATI CAT! t>o pippii.t) lonn l-^oic Luigioe^^c
4630 ^g^p 'oo-ge^bii.'o conpAi6 caca e, n^p b*ioncAobc<i. vo ne^c e.
tDil^ l/Uig^e^c cig leip ATI gceAnn vo bi Aige t)o ticAip
AH giollA Tjo bi 1 piocc CopmAic Agup p^ppuigip -oe n^p
b'e pn ceAnn "pe^pgupA tDuib-beA-OAig. ^^Tli he," Ap ah
giollA, " Acc ceAnn a bpic^p." t^eip pn ceit> LugAi-d pin
4636 gcAC Apip ^gup be^n^ip a ce^nn -o* pe^pgup CAippiAcLAC
Agup cug 'n-A liiTTi gup An -oculAig 1 pAibe An giolLA 1
piocc CopmAic e. ** An epo ceAnn piog tHA-d ? " Ap LugAnb.
SEC. xlil] history of IRELAND. 291
wounds me ? " asked Lughaidh. " Cormac son of Art,"
replied the other. " It is well thou didst wound me," said
Lughaidh, "for it was I who slew thy father, that is, Art
Aoinfhear." " Give me an eric for him," said Cormac. " A
king's head in battle for thee," said Lughaidh. " Then," said
Cormac, " give me the head of the king of Ulster, namely,
Fearghus Duibhdheadach, who is coming between me and the
sovereignty of Ireland." " It shall be given thee," said
Lughaidh. Upon this Cormac proceeded to Eile to Tadhg
son of Cian, and himself and Tadhg marched with their full
forces to Brugh-Mic-an-Oigh at Crionna Chinn Chomair,
where the Battle of Crionna was convened between Cormac
and the three Fearghuses.
Tadhg had, moreover, another reason for going against
Ulster, as it was this Fearghus Duibhdheadach who slew his
father in the Battle of Samhain. But Tadhg did not permit
Cormac to go into the battle, but left him on a hill to the rear
of the battle, and an attendant with him there. Now, Tadhg
and Lughaidh Lamha attacked the three Fearghuses and their
host; and Lughaidh Lamha slew Fearghus Fuiltleabhair and
beheaded him, and took the head to the hill on which Cormac
was. Now, Cormac, when all were on the point of going to
the battle, clothed himself in the garments of Deilionn Dr-uit,
his attendant, and put his own clothes on the attendant ; for
he was certain that when his warrior frenzy should come upon
Lughaidh, and when the rage of battle should seize him, he
could not be trusted by anyone.
As to Lughaidh, he came with the head which he had into
the presence of the attendant who was disguised as Cormac,
and asked him whether that was not the head of Fearghus
Duibhdheadach. " It is not," said the attendant ; " it is the head
of his brother." Upon this Lughaidh went into the battle again,
and cut off the head of Fearghus Caisfhiaclach, and took it in
his hand to the hill on which was the attendant disguised as
Cormac. *' Is this the head of the king of Ulster?" asked
292 vo^^s jreASA All eininn. [booki.
" Hi he," Aft ^n gioll^j., ** ^cc ce^nn ^ bpi.c^|\ oile." Ueix>
4«40'66^t)^i5 leif, ^juf '00 p^p]iui5 ^n c6At)n^ t)on njioll^.
t)o nte-d^s-M^i o.n gioit^ ^S^f ^t)ub^i|\c gup V6 ce^nn piog
tJl^i6 ^. Leif pn CU5 Lug^iTi u|\CAp tjoti de^nn t)on gioll^
5uti bu^it 'n-^ bpolt^c ^, 5ti|t eo.5 ^n 510II-6. -Oo Iacaiji ;
^5^r ^^^'^ t^ti^Ait) f§in 1 ne^ll i^p 'ocpeije^n lom^'o foL^
4646 1>6 cpe liOTiTTi^i|te ^ djie^^du.
'Oil^t^i^g mic Cein -oo cuip ^r\ bi^ifeo^t) ^p fl-w^g tll-o.t>
lonnuf 50 "ocus fe^cc ni^-om^nnA opp^ p^n 16 gce^'on-a. 6
Cpionn^^ 50 5^^T 1^©^!^^ 1 DCAOib tDpoTnA Ine^pclAinn,
^rh^il <^t)eip pl^nn^gin pie f^n p^nn-To pof :
4660 Ca^^ niAC C^m ciiai'6 i ttdic C|\6,
Ho b|\if fOAdc ^CACA 1 Ti*A0nl6,
6 O^c CpiontiA ^o fiA|\'0-Cein.
Ueit) UA'65 i^p pn 'n-<^ c-o.pbii.t) ^Jtif cpi cpe^cc-c 6 cpi
4666fle^5<Mb ^ip ; ^5tif o.'OubxMpc pe n-o. jrott-^ ^n c^\yh<^x> vo
•oiojAJAO "o'lonnpjije n-o. Ue-MTip^c 50 •ocug-o.-d mup Ue^^nip^c
oon leic ifcig tDo amce^ti ^ c^pb^it) ^n ti^ fom. Upi^tt-
^it) 50 peiTTi'dipeA.c pompi^ ^S^f ^^"^S ^5 ^^l 1 n6^lt 50
mime 6 cpeige^^n pol^ ^f ^ cpe^cc^ib ; ^gtif ^p poccAin
46eoliiTh le hAc Cli^c T)6ib t)0 p^pitiig Uo^og t)on gioll^ ^n
TJCtij^'O^p UexMTi^ip leo f-6.n cimce-o^ll foin. "Tli cuj^mo^ji/*
^p ^Ti giollo., t^eif pn bu^ilce^p ^S^f ^^pbco^p te U^'bg
e; ^gti-p i^p m^pb^i6 A.n giolt-d. C15 Copm^c tn-^^c Aipc -oo
lACii.i|i,'pm^p t)o conn^ipc ha. cpi cp^^cc^ mopo. tjobi ^|\
46d6t^t>5 cug ^p ^n 11^15 '00 bi 'n-id. foc^ip xji^p eopn^ ^oo ctrp
1 t)o cp^^cc^ib C^i'bg, ^5Uf -ooipb beo 1 gqt^-o^cc
oite, ^jtif fcolb -00 pinn 5-6.1 p^n cpe^f, ^gup
cne^pjj^io c^|\ goiTh -oo 'oe^n^rh opp^ lonnup 50 p^ibe
U^t)^ peo^o btiA.'on^ t)^ bicin pn 1 feipjlije, 50 n'oe4\c^ii6
457ol/U5^i'6 Latti^ 'oon liltirTi-< ^p ce-6.nn ^n CAicle-G.5^. Uaitiij
AH ti^ig 50 ti-o. cpi •o^lc^'o^ib 50 gcu^t-d^o^p 6A5co.oine
Lughaidh. '' It is not/' said the attendant, "it is the head of his
other brother/' He went the third time into the battle and
brought the head of Fearghus Duibhdbeadach with him, and
he asked the same question of the attendant The attendant
answered and said that it was the head of the king of Ulster.
Upon this Lughaidh aimed a blow at the attendant with the
head and struck him in the chest, and the attendant died on
the spot ; and Lughaidh himself fell into a swoon because of
the quantity of blood he had lost through his many wounds.
As to Tadhg, son of Cian, he defeated the Ulster host so
that he routed them seven times in the same day between
Crionna and Glas Neara on the side of Drom Ineasclainn, as
the poet Flannagan says in the following stanza :
Tadbg SOD of Cian in Eaitb Oro in the north
Won Beven battles in one day,
Against Ulster, with brilliant suooess,
From Ath Crionna to Ard Oein.
After this Tadhg went into his chariot, having three
wounds from three spears ; and he told his attendant to
direct the chariot towards Tara, so that he might include
the walls of Tara within the circuit made by his chariot
on that day. They drove straight on, though 'I'adhg fainted
several times through loss of blood from his wounds ; and
as they were approaching Ath Cliath, Tadhg asked the
attendant if they had included Tara in that circuit. "We
have not," replied the attendant. Upon this Tadhg struck
him dead ; and when the attendant had been slain, Cormac son
of Art came up, and seeing Tadhg's three great wounds, he
ordered the physician who was with him to put an ear of
barley into one of his wounds, and a live worm into another of
them, and a splinter of a javelin-head into the third wound,
and to heal the wounds externally, so that Tadhg was
a year in a wasting condition from this treatment, until
Lughaidh Lamha went to Munster to fetch the surgeon.
The surgeon came with his three pupils, and they heard
294 ponAS peASA All 4minn. [book i.
T)OTt c4^t>t>4^lc^ T)oii C|tiu]i ^n jctof TiA ce^t)rti A^ipje 6 C45.05
qt6A.T> 6 f AC n^ m^iitge pn. "CneA^t) fo," ^^t y^j *'t>o cotg, a|^
467eTnbeit vo cotg eofn-d^ 'n-A. d|t&A<5c." A|t gctop A.n •o-A]tA
m Allege p^fi^uijif T>on T>A|tA •oaIca. qte^t) 6 A'6'bA|t tiid.
m^iltjepTi. "Cne^t) t>o niioLbeo fo" ^^t ^n tj^i^a 'oaIca "^p
mbeit t>o tioi-pb beo f ^n 'o^jt^ 6|t^ACC." A]i gctof ^n ci^e^f
m^ifge t)OTi ci^ictiAig p^ft^wigif t)OTi c^e-o^f •^ c|teAt) e
45flo A'6bA|\ T1A CTieit)e pn. "Cne^T) t)o pinn -o^ipm -po" ^p ^n C]iei^f
Tj^tCi^, AgUf A|t pocc^in T>on C15 'n-o. |\Aibe UA-og-oon c^iic-
I1A15 ij* e^o tjo ]Mnne cotLcA|t lAH^inn vo cti|t f a.ti ceAlL^d
A.p b^itiiTinib tiMiog i^p pn. m^it -DO conn^ipc C-6.^5 at*
4688 c-1-d.p-o.nn 'oeA|\5 •oa itine^ltite <s fic^^t) 'n-^ co-pp t)o 5^b
qiiocnu^^io q^oitbe e, lorintif 50 tJCAinij 'oon u^cbif foin
5ti|\ ceiLg 50 foi-pei^ne^c o.n •oi-d.f o.n ooipb -^guf o^n -pcolb
•00 iunn 5^1 d.f A q^e^ccAib ; o^guf leif pn -oo-ni ^n ci^ic-
iiAig cne^s.pjJA'O lOTnlAfi a|\ 0. Cfe-6.ccii.ib ^tJ^t b^ fli.n
469oCAt>5 g^n pii]ie/vc v^ eif pn.
'Oo pinne ^n Ui^'os-fo j^bi^lc-d^if m6j{<i, 1 teic Cuinn tja:
eif pn. 'Oi ni^c imoppo t)0 bi ^5 ^^"Og in^c Cein mic-
OiltioldL Oluim, m^p o^ri^ ConnL^ ^S^f Copm^c g^il-eo^nj.
6 loTTic-d.i'O m^c Connie ci^inij 6 Ce-Owpb^itl, ^gtif 6 pionn-
4696i^ccA TTiAC ContiW co^iTiij 6 TTle-^c-Mp. 6 Co-pm-^c J^^^^^^S
TTiAC tnic Cein CAini5 O h^^'op^ ^S^f ^ S^'^'P^ ^S^f
6 Concub4M'p Ci^nn-^dc^^. A5 fo n^ cipe 'oo g^bo^tD^p, m^p
Aci. S-^^^^-^^S^ ^^''T ^S^r ^^^r> Ci^nn^j^ccA te^f ^B^f
ctiAit), Luijne coi|i ^juf iiA.p.
4600 'Do j^bf At) pof -oi^ong oile -00 pot 4ibi|\ cpiocA oile
1 teic Cuinn, m^^p ^.ci.i'O ftiocc CoctAin tnic "Loitci^in mic
' tnic Upe-o.cui'pe mic Upein mic Sit>e mic AinbiW
Tadhg's moaning as they approached the dun. The surgeon
asked the first of the three pupils when they had heard
from Tadhg a moan arising from the first wound, what was
the cause of that moan. '' This is the moan caused by a
prickle, as there is a barley-prickle in his wound." On hearing
a moan caused by the second wound, he asked .the second
pupil what was the cause of that moan. ''This is the
moan caused by a live creature," said he, ** for a live worm
has been put into the second wound." When the surgeon
heard the third moan, he inquired of the third pupil what
was the cause of that moan. " This is the moan caused
by a weapon-point," said the third pupil. And when the
surgeon reached the house in which Tadhg was, he placed
an iron coulter in the fire until it became red hot, and then
got it in readiness in front of Tadhg. When Tadhg saw
the red-hot iron put in readiness for the purpose of thrusting
it into his body, his heart trembled greatly ; and, as a
result of the terror that seized him, he violently ejected
from his wounds the ear of barley, the worm, and the
splinter of javelin -head, and thereupon the surgeon com-
pletely healed his wounds ; and after that Tadhg was well
without delay.
This Tadhg made large conquests in Leath Cuinn after-
wards. For Tadhg son of Cian, son of Oilill Olom, had two
sons, namely ,-Connla and Cormac Gaileang. From lomchaidh
son of Connla comes O Cearbhaill, and from Fionnachta son
of Connla comes O Meachair. From Cormac Gaileang son
of Tadhg, son of Cian, comes O Eadhra and O Gadhra and
O Conchubhair Ciannachta. The following are the territories
they acquired, namely: Gaileanga, east and west; Cian-
nachta, south and north; Luighne, east and west.
Moreover, another company of the race of Eibhear took
possession of other territories in Leath Cuinn : these are the
descendants of Cochlan son of Lorcan, son of Dathan, son of
Treachuire, son of Trean, son of Sidhe, son of Ainbhile, son
296 potiAS peASA AR 4mitin. [book i.
tnic big tnic Ao^iin mic "Oe^tb^oit mic C-o^if mic Con^iit
B'^clu^MC mic t/Uig-be^d meinn (-oo Tiinne fe-o.pd.nn clomiih
4M6t)^ 1i|niiL 6 tuimne-o.d 50 Sti-^b ^ccje) mic Aonguf ^. Uiimj
mic p^i Cuipb mic TTlogi. Cui|ib mic Gopm^ic C^if mic
Oilioll^ 6ltiim, A5 fo no. |:eo.]io.inn, mo.p n-o. ^ei^cc
n'Oeo.lbnA ,1. *Oeo.lbn45. itlop, "Oeo^lbno. beo.5, "Oei^Lbn^
6-o.cp^, "Oe^lbnA. 1-6.pc^iTv itli-be, *Oe^lbno. Sice neo.nnco.,
4610 "Oeo.tbn^ Cuile p^bo.!]! ^guf "Oeo^lbno. ti]ie vi^ Loc 1
gCpnn^dc-Mb. 5°^^^ "^^ foilLpugo.t) pn cui|\eo.f o.n pie
no. |ioinn-|*e pof o.f o.n |^eo.ncuf :
nA fe^dc flOeAlbfiA f a •oowi fteA^A,
SfoL AH OeAlbAOtc 'donnAfttnAig ;
4615 Cait> 1 leic Ciainn An ddi^M,
TIa^ bcA^ on6i|\ -o' oltAthnAib :
"OeAlbnA Ttldf , 'OeAlbnA l^eAj b^OA^tA,
OeAibnA eACjiA |\inii|\eAmAip ;
Aicme f A TTieApp'bA tiiot>A,
4620 OeAlbnA An bfO^A bAi|\|\leAbAt|\ ;
"OeAlbnA £lice niAtriglAin neAnnCA,
DeAlbnA nuAt>AC neAm'6o(^|^T31$ ;
OeAlbnA CuIa fionnJlAin pobAip,
nA|\ <>eAlui$ |\e t>eAglo<5Aib.
4625 ^^15 gup^b le t^ug^io to^m^ o.|i po|\o.ile^m Co|\mo.ic mic
Aipc t>o cmc o.n Pe^pguf-fo -o.p ^ bfuilmio 0.5 cpi.cco.'O
. Agup 5upo.b 1 5C.5.C Cpionno. x)o mo.pb^ti e.
of Beag, son of Aodhan, son of Dealbbaoth, son of Cas, son
of Conall Eachluath, son of Lugbaidh Meann (who reduced
to swordland tbe territory between Luimneach and Sliabh
Echtgbe), son of Aonghus Tireach, son of Fear Corb, son of
Mogh Corb, son of Cormac Cas, son of Oilill Olom. Here are
the territories, namely, the seven Dealbhnas, that is Dealbhna
Mhor, Dealbhna Bheag, Dealbhna Eathra, Dealbhna larthair
Mhidhe, Dealbhna Shithe Neannta, Dealbhna Chuile Fabhair,
and Dealbhna Thire da Loch in Connaught To describe
these the poet sets down the following stanzas taken from
the seanchus :
The Mven Bealbhnas of brown spean,
Tbe race of Dealbbaotb of brown arms,
Tbej are in Leatb Cuinn of the feasting,
Where there i« great honour for ollamhs :
Dealbhna Mhor, Dealbhna Bbeag of Breagha,
Dealbhna of Eathra of strong headlands ;
A race of pleasant customs,
Dealbbna of the tall- peaked Brugh ;
Dealbhna of the brilliant Sith NeannU,
Dealbhna of harmless Nuadha ;
Dealbhna of fair bright Cul Fobhair,
Which never was without good lakes.
Know that it was Lughaidh Lamha, by the direction of
Cormac son of Art, who slew this Fearghus of whom we are
treating, and that it was at the Battle of Crionna he was
298 ponAS peASA All ^miriTi. [book i.
'Oo 5^b Co]ini^c Ulf^'oo. tnd^c Aij^c AoiTip|\ mic Cuinn.
Cfe^'oco.c^ij ntic pei'oLiTTiit^ Tle^ccm^ni mic Uu^c^it Ue^cc-
4630 m^iY "00 fiol ^ipe^nioin ftiog^cc 4ipe^nn -oa p&tv bli^t>^n.
If uitne go^ipce^p CofMn^c tllpowtj^ "64, uLca f^x>^ .i. feAfOg
f^v^ t)o bi ^i|i, no on bfoc-a.l-fo "Utp^-oo. .i. tll^Mt) i bp^x)
tn^p 5^r ^^^r ^^ htltlc^iS ^p -oeopiM^e^ccfe^ibfe mbli^oo^n
n-oe^j ^ htlltcAib cpe n-^p innieo^o^p o'uLc ^ip fuL p^inig.
4e56fi^iceo.f eipe^nn e. Ajuf if i po^ mo^c^ip t)on Co|tm^c-
yo e-x^cc^c inge^n tlitce^CAi^ o.n g^b^nn* Agtif if pe hucc
Co^c^ TTIiMJe tnucpuiTTie -oo cup t)o pinne Ape Aoinpe^^p
Copm^c pe hingin ^n j-^b^nn ^Jtip i ^p coibce ^M^e. Oip
pi. nop 1 n4ipinn ^r\ cp-ic poin gibe pi no m^c pioj -oo
4640 ctiippe^^t) -ouit 1 n-injin bpug^it) no bi-o^ibc^^ig pe luige no t)o "oe^n^ni pi^, gup b^ heije-^^n v6 ^ p^ji^it-
g^^n ^cc coibce nd cpoo nu^c^ip -oo '6i.1t t)i. Agup ip ^p.
^n mo^ pom ptio.ip Ape mi^c^ip Copm^ic, 6ip niop Vi yi.
be^n popc^ ^6, -^cc nie^^ob t^eicx)e^P5, inje^n Cu^L-^
4646 o.nn, o^gup ip UAice ^inmnijce^p tli^iu tne-G.^b-6. ti^irh pe
Ip longn^D o.n Kipling -oo conn^ipc e-^cc^s.c u-o .1.
mikC-Mp Coptn'^ic. 'Oo.p le, lomoppo, ^p mbeic n-^ ccol-o^ib
m^p ^on pe hApc "oi, t)o ce^pc^o ^ ce^nn v^ col43.inn ^.gup
4660 t>o pi.p bile ni6p o.f a muine^l -oo le^cnuig ^ 5^^5^ of
4ipinn uile, ^gup CAinig ^r\ rhuip op cionn ^n biLe pn, gup
cp^pcp-d.*© e; ^gup Vj^ §ip p'n pi^p^ip bile oile ^ ppeiih ^n
cei-obile go T)ci.inig pi6e g^oice ^ni^p lep le^g^^ e; o.gup
p6 p^icpin n^ h^iplmge pn be^t>g^ip ^n be^n ^gup mup-
4666cl^ip ^p -0. ccol^-o, gup nocc puim n^ h-o.iplinge t>'Apc. **1p
piop pn," ^p Ape, "ce^nn g^c mni. 0. p©^T^ ^S^f b®^"*
Cormac Ulfhada son of Art Aoinfhear, son of Conn
Ceadcbatfaach, son of Feilimidb Reachtmhar, son of Tuathal
Teachtmhar of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland forty years. He is called Cormac Ulfhada, for be
had a long ulcha^ that is a long beard, or from the word
Ulfhada, meaning Ultonians afar ; for be sent Ultonian chiefs
into exile for sixteen years out of Ulster, on account of the
injury tl)ey had done him before he attained the sovereignty
of Ireland. And the mother of this Cormac was Eachtach
daughter of Uilceathach the smith; and it was when the
Battle of Magh Mucbruimbe was on the point of being fought
that Art Aoinfbear became the father of Cormac by the smith's
daughter, who was then his dowered mistress. For it was a
custom at that time in Ireland, that whatever king or king's
son coveted the daughter of a farmer or biadhtach, desir-
ing to have her as a mistress or paramour, should get
her, provided he gave her a marriage portion or dowry of
cattle. And It was in this manner that Art obtained
Cormac's mother, for it was not she who was his wedded wife,,
but Meadhbh Leithdhearg, daughter of Conan of Cuala, and
from this latter Raith Meadhbha near Tara is named.
Strange was the vision which this Eachtach, that is, the
mother of Cormac, beheld. She imagined, indeed, as she lay
asleep beside Art, that her head was severed from her body,
and that a great tree grew out of her nec-k which extended
its branches over all Ireland, and the sea came over this tree
and laid it low ; and after this another tree grew out of the
roots of the first, and a blast of wind came from the west and
felled it ; and at the sight of this vision the woman started
and awoke from her sleep, and she told the substance of the
vision to Art. " That is true," said Art, " the head of every
woman is her husband, and I shall be taken from thee in the
. 300 potiAS peASA Ati ^ininri; [book i.
bite pAjTr^f ^f^t>, m^c beAi|iAf cu t)ATh-f^ buf |\i ^p 4i|iinn ;
^S^r If e muif biicfe^f 6, cni^irh eifc f^tiigfe^f, ^guf
4eeo pii^eA.|\ |\^ ti-^ tinti pti e. Ajuf if e bite f Aff ^f o. p-peini
^n deTobile ttiac be^jtc^jt 06 foin buf ]ii ^jt 4ipinTi ; ^juf if
§ p^e 5A0ice -^niAjt le^jf^f e, c^t cuifpioe^f itDif e fein
^guf ^Ti p^n ; ^juf cuicp^ fe leif ^n b^ein f^n c^c foin.
Sitie^o Til biA f45.c Aft ^n bpein 6 foin attiax:* Agtif CAinig
4886 ^n -(Mfling pn 1 gcfic x>o Cofin^c ^guf t>^ iti^c Co^ifbfe
l/iCfe^c^Ht, 6if If r^ ^'^^ cni^iTTi 6ifC vo floj^'d "66 -oo
Ci^ccAtj^li n^ p^bf ^^6. e, ^guf if leif ^n bpein t)o cuic
C^if b]\e ticpe^CAif 1 gC-d^c 5^^P^'
If 1 6icne tr^obf ^t>45. inje^n C^c^oif ttloip oo b^ beo^n
4670 t)o Cofm^c -oo feif ^puinge fe fe^nctap 5^*^^^^ ^^ hei-oif
pn -00 beic pfinne^c ^gtif ^ f 0.^ 50 m/^t 1 ^n ^cne pn
mo^cxMf C^ifbfe Licfe4i.c^if. Oif 'oo bi-o^p occ mbti^on-^
If ceicpe pcit) 6 b<kf C^c^^oif guf g-^b Coftn^c pl^ice-6.f
6ife4Min, m^f ^^ci^ ^n pee bli^txi.n -00 bi Conn Ce^vco^tj^c
46761 bfl^Mce^^f Cife^nn, ^juf no. fe^cc mbli^-on^ vo bi Con-
o.if e tii4i.c triog^ L-iiti^ ^5^r ^^ cpioc^t) bli^o^n tjo bi Ape
Aoinfeii.f ^5^r ^^ cpioc^t) bli^^o^n 00 bi Hl^c Con <^5Uf
^n ^oinbti^i.' t)o bi P^^fSuf tDuibibe^o^c 1 bfl^ice^f
Cipe^nn gup g^b Coprnx^c ^ ce^nno^p
4680 Ace ce^n^ if pop gup^b i ^cne OlL^th'o^ inge^n
X)untAin5 tnic c^Ann^ Tix^v m-ic^ip C^ipbpe l^icfeo^d-d^ip ;
^jtif If i fi. t>^lc^ no Duice^t>, bpuj^no b6ice-^T)^c -00
bi 1 Lo^ignib, '00 coiiTie^t)A.'6 coipe feiLe -o.p ceinit) pe
bi^c-6.t> 5^6 AOin 'o'feApo.ib 4ipe-d.nn cige-d.'o -o^ C15.
4686 Aguf If ^TTit^i'6 t)0 bi ^n buice^o-fo 50 n-ioTn^t) f^i'6-
bpe^f^, oip -00 b^t)Ap fe^^cc n-o^ipje ^ige ^guf fe^cc
bpcit) bo 1 n5<5.c ^ipje -oiob 50 n-^ bfopc^inn gpoi'oe
^5^r 5^^ cine^^L fpfei-oe oiLe, lonnuf 50 tjcig-oif UAifte
Battle of Magh Muchruimhe ; and the tree that will grow out
of thee is a son which thou wilt bear to me, who will be
king of Ireland ; and the sea that will overwhelm him is a
fish-bone which he will swallow, and he will be choked on that
occasion. And the tree that will grow out of the roots of the
first is a son that will be born to him who will be king of
Ireland ; and the blast of wind from the west that will
overthrow him is a battle that will be fought between
himself and the Fian ; and he will fall by the Fian in that
battle. But the Fian will not prosper thenceforth. And
this vision was fulfilled in Cormac and his son Cairbre-
Lithfeachair, since the demons choked Cormac as he was
swallowing a fish*bone, and Cairbre Lithfeachair fell by the
Fian at the Battle of Gabhra.
Some seanchas state that Cormac's wife was Eithne
Thaobhfhada daughter of Cathaoir Mor. But this cannot be
true, seeing that she was the mother of Cairbre Lith-
feachair. Since there were eighty-eight years from the
death of Cathaoir till Cormac assumed the sovereignty of
Ireland, namely, the twenty years Conn Ceadchathach held
the sovereignty of Ireland, and the seven years Conaire son
of Mogb Lamha held it, and the thirty years of Art Aoinfhear,
the thirty years of Mac Con, and the one year of Fearghus
Duibhdheadach in the sovereignty of Ireland up to the time
Cormac assumed the supreme rule of that country.
It is, however, true that Eithne Ollamhdha daughter of
Dunlaing son of Eanna Nia was the mother of Cairbre
Lithfeachair ; and it is she who was the foster-child of
Buicead, a farmer with hundreds of kine, who lived in
Leinster, who kept a hospitable pot over a fire to give
food to everyone of the men of Ireland who visited his
house. Now this Buicead was thus circumstanced : he
had vast wealth, for he had seven herds, and seven score
kine in each herd, together with a corresponding number of
horses and cattle of every other description, so that the
302 poTiAS peASA AH 4minn. [book i.
Wige^n 50 n-^ mbuiOTib x>^ te^c^ 50 mbenie^i6 t)]ton5
^4680 oiob fc^oi t)^ bu^ib UAn6, ^stJf "Oj^ong oile ^ictne x>^
gpoi'd, ^guf opong oite fco|t v^ e^c^ib, 50 itug^T)^!^ ^ itiA^oin
uile ^TTit^i-o pn u^i^, lonnuf n^p ^n ^ige fe^cc mb^
^gup ^^ dene, 6 'Oun buice^x) 50 'ooipe coille x>o bi
4686Laiiti pe Ce^n^nnup tia TTliioe, mA.p a. ngriACUije^t) Copm^c
coTtiTitiit)e ^n c^n poin. Agup "00 cdg^ib buice^t> boic 'n-^
jcoThnuige^t) pein ^gup a. be^n ^gup ^ t)-d.lcA ^n c^n poin.
Agup T)o biot) 6icne ^5 cimpipe-^cc no ^g ppioci^ite^ni -o^
hoi'oe ^gup t)^ buimij ^ttiAit b^nogL^oic.
4700 t^i n-^on lomoppo o^p eipig Copm^c ^m^c 'n-o. ^on^p
^p e^c "00 c^ipce-6.L ^n puinn amceALt ^n b^ile 50 bpo.c^i'O
^n inje^n ^l^inn 6icne ^5 bLeog^n no <^5 cpuio nj^
mbo pom Ouice^'o. Agup ip ^.ttiL^itb -oo bi ^gup "oi poice^c, ^gup t)o cpui'6 cop-o.c ^n L^cca 6 5^6 bom p^n ce^t)-
4706poice^c -o^gup ^n o^p-d. l^ycc p^n *o^p-6. poice^c; ^gup tTio^p
pn -oi 50 cpuix) n^ pe^cc mbo "Oi ^gtip Copm^c ^5 ^ pe^^c^m
4i.p rheit) -6. 5e-6.n^ uippe, U15 ^^.p pn -oon boic 1 p^ibe ^
hoi'oe ^gup p^gbo^ip ^n b^mne ^nn /^gup beipip -oa poice^c
oite <^5up copn 'n-^ l^iTh Le ^m^c gup 6^n PP^c -oo bi lAith
•4710 pip ^n mbo^ile no pip ^^n mboic, ^gtJp "OO lion leip ^n gcopn
i^n c6At)poice^c -oon tiipce "OO bi Laitti pe pope, ^gup ^n
t)^p45. poice-o.c -oon uipce t)o bi 1 tip ^n cppoc^ ; -^S^F ^'^I'T
-fi.nn pein -oon boic. U6ix) aitiac ^n cpe^p pe^cc ^gup copp^n
le -00 bu-<Mn lu-6.cp^, ^gup ^\^ mbeic ^g bu^m n^ tu^cp^ -oi
4716-00 cmpex^'o g^c pcoic p-6.t)^ uplu^cp^ -oo^ tnbe^n-o.'O ^p leic
^gtjp ^n lu-d.c^ip ge^pp "oon leic 01 le, U^pl^ ce^n^ t>o
Copmo^c ^p rheit) ^ gp^t*^ "61 beic ^g ^ peiceo^rh ^p ye^t
g^c pe^'om^i. -oiob pn, Agup p^ppuigip CopmAC t^ ci^ t)^
n-oemexi.^ cine45.l ^n uipce ^n l^cc^ ^S^f ^-^ lux^cp^i.. "An
4720 ci o.p A nt)emim/' o.p pi, "■oligi'6 t)iom-p^ cineo.1 but) mo x>i
nobles of Leinster, with companies of their followers, used
to frequent his house, and some of them took away from him
a number of his kine, and others some of his brood-mares,
others again a number of his steeds, and thus they
despoiled him of all his wealth, so that there remained to
him only seven cows and a bull ; and he fled by night
with his wife and Eithne, his foster-child, from Dun
Buicead, to an oak grove near Ceanannus na Midhe, where
Cormac used to reside at that time ; and Buicead built a
hut, in which himself and his wife and foster-child then
resided. And Eithne used to serve or wait upon her
foster-father and her foster-mother as a maid -servant.
Now on a certain day Cormac went out alone on
horseback to travel through the lands that surrounded the
town, and he saw the fair maiden, Eithne, milking these
seven cows of Buicead. And this was her way of doing it:
she had two vessels, and she milked the first portion of
each cow's milk into the first vessel, and the second
portion into the second vessel,* and she acted thus till she
had milked the seven cows, while Cormac kept watching
her, through his great love for her. She then went into the
hut in which her foster-father was, and left the milk there,
and took out in her hand two other vessels and a cup to the
stream which was near the town or the hut, and with the cup
filled the first vessel from the water which was near the brink,
and the second vessel from the water which was in the
middle of the stream, and then she returned to the hut
She came out the third time, having a reaping-hook to cut
rushes ; and as she cut the rushes she used to put each long
wisp of fresh rushes that she cut on one side, and the short
rushes on the other side. Now Cormac, through his great
love for her, was watching her during each of these
practices ; and Cormac aisked for whom she was making
the special selection of the water, the milk, and the rushes.
** He, for whom I am making it," said she, " is worthy of a
.304 POIIAS. peASA ATI 4l til till. [BOOK I.
mbeic ^p mo ctitn^f/' '^Sa h^inm e?" ^p Copm^c.
.f*btiice^b bitugd.i'b/* -o^p p. "An 6 pti buice^t) bi^-dc^d
xxo Lo^igTiib A.CA iotn|\>ce^d i n^ipinn ?" ^p CopniAC. " 1|*
e," ^p pr^- "ITlAfe^*, If cufA 6icne inge^n ' ^
4726t5^Lc^," Ap Copm^c. "1f tne," ^p Oicne, *'m^ic Cii^pl^/'
^p CopniA.c, **6ip bi^i-d ctj ic ^omnino^oi ^g^m-f^." "Hi
h^g^m jrein ^ci. .mo ^lol," ^p ife, " acc o^g^m oit)e." Leif
pn ceix) Copm^c m^p ^on pi^ 50 buice^t) o^guf ge^lLo^ip
ctiTTi45.iti t)6 cpe 6icne -a'p-o^g^iiL 'n-<3. mn^oi -oo pein. Aon-
4730 cuigif buice^^t) 6icne x)o ^o^iit •00 Copm^c *n»^ mn<^oi. Aguf
cug Copm^c CUA.1C O' 50 n-^ popc^inn pDpei-oe pe fliof
Ue^mpA^c -66 pec.x) ^ pe. Aguf leif pn luigif Copm^c pe
hOicne gup coipce<yt> Leif i, ^guf t)^ 6if pn pug p m^c
oipt)eipc "oo "o^ ngoipci C^o^ipbpe Licpe^c^ip.
4736 'Oo bi lomoppo o^n Cop*m^c-fo ^p n^ piog^ib if e^gn^d^i-oe
t)o 5^b 4ipinn pi^m. biot) 0. p^-on^ife pn ^p ^o^n x^Ue^g^fc
II105 po fcpiob vo C-d.ipbpe Licfe-6.cAip ^i^juf o.p mop^in x>o
nof^ib ^gtjf T>o pe^dCA^ib fomolcA v^ bpjil u^itj i^p n-o^.
gcup pof f ^n mbpeice^mn^f Cu^Mce. 'Oo bi Copm^c fof ^p
4740 no^ pioj-o^ib b^ pL^ice^mL^ vo cige^f^c t)o b^ mo muipe^p
^guf muinnce^p -o^ p^ibe vo pigtrib 1 n4ipinn pi^tti. If
cop^i'oe ppinne ^n neice-pe "OO itie^f -o^n cu^p^fjbiit -oo-
beip Aimipjin m^c Am^tj^^o. mic Tn-d.oiipiOwin pie *6iAp-
m^T)^ micCe^pb^iLt ^p tTeiC^g Tniot)CUA.pc^ T)o h^cnu^i^e^o
4746 ^guf "00 hop-ouije-ct) le Copmo^c f em ; 5ix)e^t> if ciA.n pi^
gCopm^c -00 ce^ocogbo.^ Ue^c Tnio<>cuApc^. Oip if ^nn
pj^ip SLAnolLpi 4ipeAnn b^f 1 bf^t) pi^ n-^impp gCopm^ic,
A5 fo m^p le^gc^p f-o^n le^b^p n'Oinnpe^ndtiif po fcpiob
^x\ cAimipgin cu^f .1. gup^b 1 n-o^mpp Copm^ic vo pinne^^
4760 m^p ce^c n-6t^ e, Upi ce^o^t) cpoig 'n-^ f^x), cpioCiO^t) cub^t>
'n-o. ^ip-oe, ^guf c-o^og^t) ctib^x) 'n--6^ cup-d.; Locp^nn ^p l^f^i6
■00 pop <i.nn, ceicpe -ooipfe "oe^g ^ip ; cpi c^og^t) te^b^i-d
-cnn m^p ^o^on pe le^b^it) Copm^ic; cpi c^og^-o l^oc 1 ng^c
greater kindness from me, were it in my power to do it."
*' What is his name?" asked Cormac "Buicead the farmer/'
she replied. '' Is that Buicead, the Leinster biadhthach, who
is celebrated throughout Ireland?" asked Cormac. "It is,"
said she. *' Then," said Cormac, " thou art Eithne. daughter
of Dunlaing, his foster-child?" " I am," replied Eithne. " It
is well," said Cormac; "for thou shalt be my wife." "It
is not I who can dispose of myself," said she, " but my
foster-father." Upon this, Cormac went with her to Buicead,
and promised him presents if he got Eithne as his wife.
Buicead consented to give Eithne to Cormac as his wife ; and
Cormac gave him the district of Odhran beside Tara, with its
stock of cattle, during his life. And then Cormac knew Eithne,
and she conceived of him ; and after that she bore him an
illustrious son, who was called Cairbre Lithfeachair.
Now this Cormac was one of the wisest kings that ever
ruled Ireland ; witness the Teagasc Riogh he wrote for
Cairbre Lithfeachair ; and many laudable customs and laws
devised by him, which are recorded in the Breitheamhnas
Tuaithe. Moreover, of all the kings that ever ruled Ireland,
Cormac was one of those who kept the most princely house-
hold, and the largest number of attendants and followers.
The truth of this may be the more readily admitted from the
account which Aimhirgin son of Ambalghaidh son of ^aoil-
rian, the fil6 of Diarmaid son of Cearbhall, gives of the Teach
Miodhchuarta, which Cormac himself renewed -and regulated,
though it was long before Cormac the Teach Miodhchuarta
was built. For it was in it that Slanoll king of Ireland
died, long before Cormac's time. This is what we read
in the book of Dinnseancbas, which the above-mentioned
Aimhirgin wrote, namely, that it was in Cormac's time it
was made into a banquet-hall. It was three hundred feet in
length, thirty cubits high, and fifty cubits in breadth. There
was a torch kept constantly lighting in it. It had fourteen
doors ; thrice fifty beds, besides Cormac's bed ; thrice fifty
306 FOTIAS peASA AR ^mitltl. [BOOK.L
4756Cao5at> l^o<5 'n-^ fe^f^ni 1 bp^-dn^i^e ^n pioj pe mbeic
^|t A ppoitiTi x)6 ; cpi c6^x) t}ijle'd^ni f^x) vun fom, cpi cao^^tx
copn t)0 c^pprhog^l.o'dp ^guf T)'^i|t5e-6.u ^nn. CAOgAt). ^|\
mile.fe^]\ p6 ^.n--6.ilie^th Uon ^n €6^51^15 pn uile.; gon^io
A|\ niofi^^dc. -d.guf ^|\ ih^ic Copm^ic ^©eiii ^n pie ^n p^^nn-
4780 f :
A^c no^Ajt figAib DO dlottin
A^c Co|Mii^c 6|\i<5e An 6opoinn ;
M t>i^tl f^At)" Ttiof $Ann A ^Iac,
peAt\|\ 'iiA c^AQ QO dlotnn Co|tmAC.
4766 "Oeicne^b^li inje^n ^guf C|tiu|i m^c t)o bi ^5 Co]\m^c,
^iTi^it AT>ei]i ^n pte f ^n |\Ann-fo :
t>eid n-ingeAHA a^ Co^mAC ^cai'6,
If q\iii^ tuAC 50 m^iu ^oitAig ;
tudc. Aifigne CtAi^pe ha sc|\eA<^,
4770 T>Aif e CAipbfe *svf CeAltAd.
1 nt)tib|iof Of boinn 1 tnb|te^5-d.ib -oo tn^i^b^o *Oi^ift e,
At)ei|t ^n pte:
Aon^f ^AOibuAibceAd ^o mbloi^,
4775 flo mA|\4>CeALtA6inAC Copmoic;
b Af t)Ai|\e If Cai'6^ mic Cem dAin,
1 nDtibpof bditine 1 fnb|\eAgAib.
Aguf lonnuf gupA^b m6it>e t>o cuijpoe jieim ^n neice-fe
be^5iiTi t>o C|\^obfCAOileATD n^ Tj^AUinge-fe t)o cti|\ pop
4780 ^nnfo, bio^ ^ pof ^g^c 50 p^bA."0^|^ cpiA|\ ttiac ^5 pei^-
limit) tle^<5cThA.n m^|\ ^ci Conn C6^tDc^c-<i.c, doCAi-o pionn
^5^r P^<^^^^ Suig^e, ^iTi^iL^t>tib|\^m^|i cu-6.p *Oo bi.t)-d^|\
fliocc Cumn 1 •oUe^nii^A.ig f^n |\i05^cc, ^guf "^^ cti^i-b ^n
•o^H-d. biiAC^ip "00 Conn ,1. e^oc^m ponn 50 t/^j^igmb ^guf
4788*00 polfo.t) ^ fliocc ^nn ; ^guf if ^5 ^ fliocc vo hi^v^\\
n^ fe^dc bpoCiO.]ic^ Aci. 1 L^ijmb. If f e n--6. linn -oo bi
Cu Cofb m^c 11105-^ Copb 1 piojo^cc L-d^ijeo^n. 1f 43.5 -o^n
warriors in each bed. Cormac had thrice fifty stewards.
There were fifty warriors standing in the king- s presence as
he sat at his meal. There were three hundred cup-bearers in
that dun, and thrice fifty, goblets of carbuncle, of gold, and of
silver. The total number of that household amounted to one
thousand and fifty men ; so that on the greatness and good-
ness of Cormac, the poet composed this stanza :
Of ehUdren Art left
Only Cormac of the district of Coraim.
In diipenung jewels lie was not close-fisted ;
Better Cormac than a hundred children.
Cormac had ten daughters, and three sons, as the poet
says in this stanza :
Ten daughters had gaotle Oonnac,
And three most prosperous eons,
Plunderers of Claire of the spoils,
Daire, Cairbre, and Oeallach.
Daire was slain in Dubhros on the Boyne, in Breagha,
and Ceallach was slain by Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach, as
the poet says :
It was Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach of fame
Who slew Ceallach son of Cormac :
Daire and noble Tadhg son of Oian died
In Dubhros of the Boyne in Breagha.
And that the sequence of these events may be better under-
stood by setting down here a short genealogical account of
these persons, know that Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar had three
sons, namely, Conn Ceadchathach, Eochaidh Fionn, and
Fiachaidh Suighdhe, as we have said above. . The descen-
dants of Conn were at Tara, and held the sovereignty ; and
the second brother of Conn, namely, Eochaidh Fionn, went
to Leinster, and his descendants multiplied there ; and it was
his descendants that possessed the seven Fotharta of Leinster.
It was in his time that Cu Chorb son of Mogh Corb held the
sovereignty of Leinster. It was, moreover, by this Eochaidh
X 2
308 f onAS peASxx AH eminii. [book l.
6ocAit> ponn-fo vo hoile^t) ^gtif t)0 beAfnii3ineAi6 L^oij-
fe^c CeATin7Ti6|^ m^c Con^itL Ce^pn-d.15. U^pt^ fin ^m
4790 foin 5U|\ 5A.b^"0^p tntHTTiTiig ne^^pc ni6|t 1.1.4^15111^ lonnuy
in^|t tjo conn^i|^c ioniO]t|^o Cu Co|\b tTluiTTiTiig ^^.5 j^b^it
Cfteife 1 L^ignib i^jijt^if ^|t ^oc^itd ponn congn^rri -oo
4796 c-6.bAif c t>6 i^e c^cp^nn tTltiiniTie^c ^ L^Mgnib. Aoncuijij*
6oc-0wii6 pn ^guf cuii^-p ci^umniujo.t) ^|t a CAi'pT)ib •00
5-6.6 leic 5ti|i cionoiL m-6.|^ pn ftu^5 VionTh6.|t 50 h^^ont-i-
c^i|i, ^5Uf "00 iMTine ceAnn flu^ig v^ ■oa.Lca .1. l^^^oigfe^^c
CexMin-mdii, 4^5Uf CU5 fein 6.5Uf Cu Copb |ti l/-6.i5ei6.Ti 50 n-^
4800 flu 6.1 5Cib ucc ^p, 6.5Uf L^oife^^c Ce^nTiTtio]^
1 mbx^po^ncAf cofM5 n^ ftu^j, 5u-p pti^5-^io*^|i nitiiTTinij 6
liltilt6.c ttl^ifce^n 50 be^^fbo., 50 "octi5o.'0^p m^M^m o-pf 0.
6.5 dit Ufoifre<yn pe |\o.iT>ceii.p Ac 1 A5 be^^pbo.. A5Uf
le^.HiM'o xMi Tho.i*6m 50 ■ocu5-d.t>d.p ^.n -o^p^ bpife^.*© oppo.
4806-6.5 Coipceine 1 1116.15 tli 6.06. pe po.mce^^p l-6.oi5if lli6.'0x>.;
-6.511^ Ie6.n6.i'0 6.n pti6.i5 oppxi. 6.f pn 50 'ocu56.t) 6.p 6.n cpe6.f
m^M-OTTi opp6. 6.5 Sti5e '60.I-6. ,1. be6.l4\c ITldp Ofpuige, 5tjp
f6ipe6.o teo 6 bpui-o tia ITIttiTTineAC Cui5e6.t) 1^^1566.11 m6.p
pn. A5tip pj6.ip 8oc^it) '06. bian pn b'Poc6.pc6.
*^o t^^i^e^n 100 pein 6.5ttf -0-6. fliocc, ^^^T fU6.ip 6. •66.1C-6. Tn6.p
6.n 5ce6.'on6. n6. l/6.oi5ife v6 fein 6.5Uf t>6. ftiocc ni6.p
ce6.nTi6.c tAiiTie 1 iroiot 6.n ce6.rtTi6.if "oo pinne 6.5 -oibipc
tiluiTiiTie6.c 6.f 116. ho.icib pn ^t)ubp6.ni6.p.
X>o opt)ui5 fOf pi l/6.i5e6.n u^i-o f§in 6.5tif 6 56.C pig i^yi 6.
^5top5, ^^r "00 P15 Woi5fe, •opuim 56.0^ Tn6.ipc
6.5Uf C6.piiit> 54^.06. muice -06. mtiipbpt)e 1 "ocis piog I>6.i5e6.n
' -oo Ci^b6.ipc "oo, 6.5ttf fe6.p cu6.i5e "oo beic 1 -ocig piog I/6.15-
e6.n "00 pop ^\< cofC6.f 6.n piog f^m pe 5l6.C6.T6 6.n t)u^l5^f-6.
foin 1 5C01T1-6.1P P105 t>o.oi5fe. 'Oo biot) fof pi L6.oi5fe -oo
, . • .
Fionn that Laoighseacb CeannmhOrt son of Conall Cearnach
was brought up and educated in politeness. It happened at
that time that the Munstermen gained great sway in Leinster,
so that they were in possession of Osruighe and Laoighis
as far as MuUach Maistean.
Now, when Cu Chorb saw the Munstermen gaining
power in Leinster, he asked Eochaidh Fionn to help
him in expelling them from Leinster. Eochaidh consented
to this ; and he assembled his friends from all sides, and
thus brought together a large army, and made his foster-
son Laoighseach Ceannmhor leader of the host; and he
himself and Cu Chorb king of Leinster, with their hosts,
marched against the Munstermen, having Laoighseach
Ceannmhor as commander-in-chief of the forces ; and
they drove the Munstermen from Mullach Maistean to
the Bearbha, and routed them at Ath Troistean, which
is called Ath I, on the Bearbha ; and they followed up
this rout till they defeated them a second time at Coirtheine
in Magh Riada, which is called Laoighis Riada ; and they
continued the rout thence till they overthrew them a third
time at Slighe Dhala^^that is, Bealach Mor Osruighe ; and
thus they delivered the province of Leinster from the
bondage of the Munstermen ; and, in consideration of this,
Eochaidh obtained the seven Fotharta of Leinster for himself
and his descendants ; and, similarly, his foster-son got the
seven Laoighises for himself and for his descendants as a
handsel in consideration of his leadership in expelling the
Munstermen from the places we have mentioned.
Moreover, the king of Leinster ordained on his own
behalf and on behalf of every king who should succeed him
that the back of every beef and the ham of every hog
slaughtered in the house of the king of Leinster be given
as a champion's portion to the king of Laoighis, and that an
axe-man should be in the house of the king of Leinster
constantly, at the expense of that king, to receive that tribute
V li j P i w ipy»^i j # »'^iai»— >« >^«3W»w»'^«*»^*'iP^*^*^»i****'*^^**^
310 ponAS yeASA ah einmn. [book u
4«2o <ioih^i|tle pio§ t/^i^e^n, ^guf fi^ he ^n ce^cp^tho^^ ^re^f t>(>
VfOtgfe ooTi |ti5 ^ 1 5COiiii6Ail. Ajuf if ^ije t)o 1^10*6
ii|tl^ih^f 5^6 b]>pnncAnAif t>o-nio* |ti t^A.i5e^Ti p6 ^ ^itt
T)'tiAiflib ^Jtjf t)'oltA.tfiTi-6.ib Agtif 5^0 b|toiiTic^nAf -oo-nici
*oo f 15 t^Aije^n If t>o pij t^oijf e r)o t>Aild e t>^ coif beipc
4826 t>0 f15 L4M5eATl.
t)o bia6 fof m6iffeifeA.p 6 fij L^oigfe ^f cu^f^f*
c^t fiog l/Aije^n fein, ^juf ia^t) 1 bfod^ip fiog L^i^e^n
x>o fiof f 6 h^i'oe^'O ^ ctiif p ; ^^uf o.f rwul ^f ptib^L
flti^g -oo fig l»A.i5e^n ni bio^ 'o'fi^d^ib ^f fig Woigfe
4850 T>o c^b4Mfc x>o toti T)d A.CC TTi^ifc "DO duife^ti 50
p^nboic ^n fio5 fein. 5^^^^^^ t)b5i'd fi t^oigfe fe^cc
bpcit> l^oc ^f 45. dofc^f f6in "00 cocuJA'd -6.f flu ^5 ^r\ f 105^
Aguf f6f oliji-o fe cof^c fluAtg fiog L^ije^n ^5 t>ut 1
•ocif TiAiii^t) ^guf 1 TTibe^fn^ib b^oj^Ml •o'fr^jiiU Ji'oe^o
483B'olri5i'6 fi t^^oigfe coiiti^ifge ^5 coTh^iWib coicde^ntiA. fe
fi5 bpot^fc^, •00 bfij Jtif ^b e 606^10 pionn tn^c pei'o*
limi'6 Tle^ccth^if ptirife^f fiog poc^f C4^ f-i hoir)e mijitice
t>o L-d^oijfe^c deAtinrtidf 6 t)co.ini5 fi t^^oigfe, Agtif "oo
coiin6At)c^oi -00 fiof ^n nof-fo e-6.cofCA 50 5^bi.tcA.f
4840 5^11*
for the king of Laoighis. Besides, the king of Laoighis
belonged to the council of the king of Leinster ; and he took
the fourth next place to the king at a general assembly ;
and it was to him was given in charge every present made
by the king of Leinster for -distribution to nobles and to
oUamhs ; and it was to the king of Laoighis that every gift
made to the king of Leinster was -given to be presented to
the king of Leinster.
In addition to this, there were seven of the king of
Laoighis's men in the pay of the king of Leinster ; and they
always attended the king to dress his body. And when the
-king of Leinster went on tour with his host, the only provision
the king of Laoighis was bound to give him was seven beeves
^which he . sent to the king's own camp. But the king
of Laoighis was bound to maintain seven score ivarriors at his
own expense for the king's host, and he had also the right of
leading the van of the king of Leinster's host when entering
hostile territory and in positions of danger. Again, the king
of Laoighis was bound to malce muster at general assemblies
along with the king of Fotharta, because Eochaidh Fionn
son of Feidhlimidh Rcachtmhar, ancestor of the king of the
"Fotharta, was tutor to Laoighseach Ceannmhor, from whom
sprang the king of Laoighis. And this rustom was ever
•observed by them till the Uorman Invasion.
_ ■ ■ ■ J ill - - - - JL - I - ''*^'
312 fOiiAS pe^SA AR 4mmn. [book.l
"Oo^L^ -d.n 'oe-6.|^bl^i.CA11 oite x)0 Conn ni^|t ^ca p^c-o^it>
Sing-de ti^im p^ Ue^ih4M|\ pj^iji pe^jA^nn .1. T)6ife Ue^IT^|^^c,
^guf niojA 5^b fe pioj^cc 4i|\e^nn.
4845 o^ ngoiyxceo^p Apnguf 5^<^^^^^^^^^^^ ^S^f ^0$-^^ ^"^ ^f.^^r
m;^c» Ace ce^n^ 00 fi^ftiij Aonguf Jo^^ibu^ibce^d 1
5C|\dx) -0. luce coTTi^imp|te. Asuf ci^plo. ^n c^n foin
ne^c ctiTTiACCAC *n-d. biot)b^T6 ^5 Co-pm^c, ^jui* niop ^^^b
^on oiLe 1 fl^n^-o -66 6 Co/ptn^c <^cc Aonju-p 5^oibti<Mbce^c,
4880 o^SUf cug o^n pi Aonsuf f^n'O foin -oo. IDo g^b
Aonguf ^n 'ouine u^f^L-fo ]ie ^ Aif. U^|^Ia -0-6. eif pn gu^t
gowb Ce^lL^c m^c Co|\ni^ic o.n t)uine a-o^f^l-fo c^|\ fl^n^-d
Aon5Uf ^, gti]! be^n ^ fuile ^f g-^^n ce^o.-o •oon j^ij. ' Ap n-^
clof pn -o'Aonjuf 5^^^^^^^^^^^^ ceit) 50 Ue^mji^ig 50
4866 plu^5 lionniO|\ teif ^Stif m^jAb^Mf Ce^ll^c *o'upc^p x^ea. f^^^S
o^p cuL^ib ^n |\io5 Copm^icf^n longpoitc, ^gu-p son^if pofc
^n 11105 F^^^ 5^1^ fi.5v6.1b c^oib |\e leA^cfuil e. Uionol^^if
Copmo.c flu-^5 mdp ^guf ionn^|\b^if Aonjuf 5on-6.b|\o^icpib,
If ionT6(^ jleo cugf^T) ^n fbocc foin pi^c-d.c Suig-oe 00
4860 Cof m^c, 5^'^^^''^ •00 "oiocui]! Co|\m^c 50 L^igmb i^t) ^guf
o.n^iT) bli^' innce, o^guf ^f pn t)6ib 50 hOff uijib, ^gtif
051*0 o.f pn 50 hOililt dloin A.5 ^f ^ibe S^x^b, in^e^n Cuinn,
fi. pup t)6ibfeA.n, 'n-A. mn^oi. UU5 Oitilt n-d. tDeife f^o^n
ttluth^r -ooib, oif fi. hi^*o *0^ife CeA^mpAC fi. 'OUCA15 t>6ib
4886 fuL t)c •oibf e^t) te Copm^c iA.t>,
Roinni-o ^n cpi-^f m^c foin piA.c^c Sui5'6e ^n cpioc foin
1 T5cpi f^nn^ib e^copp^ ^S^f 5o^rce4^p fliocc OiLioLIa
O^p^nn A5Uf ^Afn^ "oiob. J^'oeo.^ ni hiA"o G-^f n^ i^t> acc
fliocc Con^ipe tnic ITIogA t/i.Th^ if -oiob 00 5^1^ ti ^^jind..
" «■•
As to Conn's other brother, namely^ Fiachaidh Suighdhe,
he got land near Tara, namely, the Dei$e Teamhrach ; and he
did not become king of Ireland.
Now he had three sons, namely, Rossa and Aonghus,
called Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach, and Eoghan, the third
son. But Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach surpassed his contem-
poraries in valour. And Cormac at that time was at enmity
with a powerful personage, and no one protected him from
Cormac but Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach; and the king
gave Aonghus to him as a security. Aonghus took this
nobleman under his protection. But after this, Ceallach son
of Cormac took this nobleman prisoner in violation of the
security of Aonghus, and took out his eyes without the king's
permission. When Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach heard this,
he proceeded to Tara, accompanied by a numerous host, and
slew Ceallach by a cast of his spear, as he stood behind king
Cormac in the court, and wounded the king himself in the
eye, leaving him with only one eye. Cormac assembled a
large host and banished Aonghus and his kinsmen.
These descendants of Fiachaidh Suighdhe involved
Cormac in much fighting. However, Cormac drove them
into Leinster, and they remained there a year ; and thence
they went to Osruighe, and thence they came to Oilill
01om» whose wife, Sadhbh daughter of Conn, was their
kinswoman. Oilill Olom gave them the Deise in Munster,
for their native territory was the Deise Teamhrach, before
they were banished by Cormac
These three sons of Fiachaidh Suighdhe divided that
territory between them into three parts ; and tkty are called
the descendants of Oilill Earann, and the Earna. . However,
they are not the Earna, but the descendants of Conaire son
of Mogh Lamha it is these that were styled the Earna. It
314 -pORAS peASA ATI 4miTin. [book l
4670 If 6 Co|ic t)uibne m^c C^ipb^ie inui|*c t>o |\inne ce^nn^^r ^r^
fliocc p^d^c Suij-de x>o. r^^tpAiTij t^on itlurii^in ^.^uy i|*
t)on Cfliocc foiTi -oo s^ij^ci n^ X>e^ye. Aguf if 6 Aonjuf
TTiAC 6oca6 "pmn niic pei'6tim'ii6 lle^cciti-d.i]i t)0 bo. r-i^otreAc-
"Ofi^A ^5 cpi^ll TJOti ttluiho^in -ooib ^JUf cf\i mic p<\c^6
W5Sui5t>e TTiAf A.0T1 fif, ni^|\ o^ci^ Hoff^ 6050.11 o^juf O^onjuf.
Uifto. fi.n o^tn foiTi jtif j^o^b Co.i-pbj^e ITlufc neo^f c ttiota fo.n.
■ttluTTio.iTi o^^Uf 50 'ocApto. miofo^c o^juf tneo^t T:4ylmA.n pe
n-o. linn fo.n ttlurtio^in ; o^^uf -00 bo. neiTriion5no."6 pr.. Ji]t if
C|\e cofbo.'o Ajuf cpe dot t)o pinne fe Cofc pe "Ouibpnn vo
488obo. T5eipbfit3|i t^o fem. Clo.nn lotnopfo "oo Cono^ipe ?no.c
tTlojo. 1/O.iho^ o^guf '00 Siptiic injin Cuinn 660.-000.6^.1 r *ZsV.
tno.p tu5o.T)o.p Tntimo.n "oo. n-o.ipe o.n^ Tnio|io.c "oo 5i ]\e
Unn Co.ipb|ie, po.f|TUi§TO -oe qieo.*© x)o beo.n 0. cottiue ^jur ...
po.^ tDon cfic. At)ubo.ifr Co.ipbpe 5tipo.b coL -00 pmne ;^?'n
4886 pe n-o. 'oeifbfio.ip .1. 'Ouibponn ; ^guf f^5 p x)io.f Tno.c -oo .:.
Cof c o.5t!f Cof mo.c, Ajtip tno.p -oo ctio.lo.x3o.f mt:!7Ti^r!
pn ^o lo.ppo.tjo.p no. mic fe 0. Tnilteo.t> — 50 loifcci leo !^i;,
^S^fF^ 5CtiifT5if 0. luo.ic fe fftit. "'Oeo.ncAf pn lib ; e
CofTno.c/* o.f 'Oineo.c 'Of 0.01 ; "ji-beo.t^ no. Tno.f bco.f Core lib-
4880 o.(Jr cu5to.f •oo.rn-fo. e 50 mbeif inn 0. b6if inn §." "Oo f.i.oino.t>
pn "oo, o.5tif fug teif o.f muif e 50 binif bo.01 50 on^^if.
Teo.c fo.n oiteo.n, o^juf co.itleo.c o.nn -oo. n3o.if ti \)i^i}^. ^.gup
"ctiTfif o.n t>fo.oi Cof c o.f 0. coino.ifce, o.5tif *n-o.
ye^i> btio.'ono. ; o.5tff 1 gcionn blio.'ono. cuj o.n "Of 0.01 Cone leip
4886'o.f como.ifce So^fuice inline Cuinn vo bo. feo^nmic-Mf -oon
Cof c d6AX)no. t)o leic 0. o.5Uf 0. .
"Oo^to. nok nPeife "oo po.ffuigeo.'oo.f x>o. bpleo.t)o.ib cr*
f ocil^e fOf no. comnui^e 1 ^cinneo.t -bdib fein po:n
rugo.'oo.f no. pleo.'ao. "OO ff eo.5f 0. offo. pitfeo.d fo.n cif
4800-Ok5Uf 50 f o.ibe beo.n Cf toihro.inn tnic 6o.nno. Cinnfeo.lo.i5'f 15
is Core Duibhne son of <^airbre Muse who was chief over
the descendants of Fiachaidh Suighdhe who xame to
Munster ; and it was these descendants that were called
the Deise ; and Aonghus ison of .Eochaidh Fionn son
of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar was their leader w!hen xoming
to Munster, and with him were the three sons of Fiachaidh
Suighdhe, namely, Rossa, £oghan» and Aonghus. About
that time Cairbre Muse had acquired great power in
Munster; and in his time adversity and crop-failure had
come upon Munster. Nor was this strange, for it was by
incest and crime that he became father of Core by
Duibhfhionn, his own sister ; for they wer^ the children of
Conaire son of Mogh Lamha and of Saruit daughter of Conn
Ceadchathach. When the Munster nobles xdsserved the
adversity that came with Cairbre's reign, they asked him
what had deprived the country of its produce and its
prosperity. Cairbre replied that it was because he had com-
mitted incest with his sister Duibhfhionnt and she had borne
him two sons, to wit Core and Cormae ; and when the Munster
nobles heard this, they demanded the sons, in order to
destroy them — to bum them, and Jet their ashes go with the
stream. '* Act in that way towards Cormae," said Dinneach
the Druid ; "but do not kill Core, but let him be given to me,
that I may take him oikt of Ireland." This was granted to
him ; and he took him with him to sea, to Inis Baoi ; and he
found a house on the island in which was a crone called Baoi ;
and the druid placed Core under her protection, and he
remained with her for a year, and at the end of the year the
druid took Core and placed him under ^e prot^tion of
Saruit daughter of Conn, who was grandmother to the child,
both on his father's and mother's side.
-As to the Deise, they inquired of their filfe whether they
were fated to have rest or dwelling in Munster ; and the fil^s
told them in reply to stay in the country, and that the wife
of Criombthann son of Eanna Cinnsealach, king of Leinster,
316 poRAS peASA All eiTiinn. [book i.
hoileAiTi^in, A5tJf .tu-d^d 'oo t^b^ipc tjo cionn ^ ^r^ji^Lft.,
ilug^TO ^n inge^n i^p pti, o^juf •oo hoile^t) leif tii. t)eipb
♦905 1. 6icne tl-<i.c^c fi. h^intn -oon in§in, ^guf ^y -^P f^oil
n-6^on6e^n oo bi^c^'bleif TiA'Oeifibi,ionnu'p5U|t^b tu^c^it^e
oo fi.ff^'O 6; 6i|\ vo c^iitungijA •Oj^-o.oi -o^i^niice t)6ib
re^|\4Mnn o' f ^jo^il 6x\ pop pe mbe^o p p6fc^. Ajuy* ^j[
TTibeicionnuAC-o^ip ^i, -oo pdf^'O iiehAongu-ptri^o H^cpix^oic.i.
4910 p tnuih^n 1. Aguf ctig Aonjuf 'ooib-fe-d.n ttl^g peime^n,
' t^coTTiTn^oin n^ mr\i. "O* f o^ji^rL -oo ^rein i^p n-ionnA|\b^iD
-iT! T^o m^|\bit) Aonjtif ^sufCicnele t^isnib i jC^^c Ce^lt
4815 urTT^\t>, ceicpe mile 6 LeicjLinn foip.
An fliocc-fo'PiAC-o.c Sui§6e o^a. n5io|\ceAH t)eife, ni p^^ibe
^.co. ^cc -6.11 •Duc-d.ij |\e pi^ioce-o.]! TDeip 'Oeifceipc Tn^|i ^ca
jn cSiui-p 50 F-^ippS© bu-o -oe^f, ^gtif 6 'Liof Tn6|\ 50 Ce-<Mnn
C|i\i^ guy* ^.n ^m f-ip pof^o 6icne U^c^c pe hAonjuf
-d2omxi.c Tli<^cfp>^oic pi TTluTh^n, dip if fi^n i<Mn foin cuj Aonjuf
.'Oeife tu^ifceipc -ooib, m^p ^ci. on cSiuip ceA.-on-d.go Copc^
Atp^c pe pii-oce^p ni-6.c^ipe C^^ipL Agtif if e 6 p^oti^in
cAinij t5on cine pn f-i pi ^p "Oeipb Uu<Mfceipc; -d^juf if e
^ic 1 n-^ p-d^ibe A "ounpopc ^p bpu-o^c n^ Siuipe t)on leic
4825 ci45.p x>' Inif Le^^ ^S^f T TT P-i^^ce-^p ^niu IDun Hi
] *Oo 5^b coihmbpACAip oiLe '66 'Oeif e "Oeif ceipc
^^uf If x>e vo 5^ipci 6 bpic ^5«f if 6 iir 'n-.o. mbio^ ^
T)iinpopc tiiin p6 f^ip.p5e ce^f f^n i^ic t)^ njoipce-cp ^niti
Oile-fikn tli Dpic. Agtif -oo b4kt>^p n^. 'Oeife m^p pn le^c^c
4830 ioip A.n -0^ fLiocc foin, 50 nt)e^CA.T6 bAC^i6 ^p fliocc. Hi
upic, 50 pi^inig ce^nn^^f o.n vi^ cpioc 6 p^oL-iin, o^guf 50
p^bA.p^p ^inife^p itncio^n 00. eif pn 'n-^ feitbjjtip be^n^x)^|v
whose name was Cohgain, was pregnant, and that it was a
daughter she would bring forth, and that they should ask the
daughter in fosterage, and give a fee in order to obtain her.
After this the daughter was bom ; and she was fostered by
the Deise. The daughter's name was Eithne Uathach, and
she was fed by the Deise on the flesh of infants that she
might grow up the more quickly; for a certain druid had
foretold that they would get territory from the man whose
wife she would be. And when she was of age to wed, she
was married to Aonghus son of Natfraoch, king of Munster.
And Aonghus gave them, in consideration of getting her to
wife, Magh Feimhean, that is, Trian Chluana Meala, and the
Trian Meadhonach after the expulsion of the Osruighigh
from these territories.. And a long time after this Aonghus
and Eithne were slain by the Leinstermen in the Battle of
Ceall Osnadh, four miles east of Leithghlinn.
These descendants of Fiachaidh Suig^dhe, who are called
the Deise, possessed only the district known as Deise
Dheisceirt, that is, from the Siuir southwards to the sea, and
from Lios Morto Ceann Criadain, up to the time when Eithne
Uathach was married to Aonghus son of Natfraoch, king of
Munster. For it was about that time that Aonghus gave
them Deise Thuaisceirt, that is, from the same Siuir to
Corca Athrach, which is called the Plain of Cashel. And
O Faolain, who came from that stock, was king of Deise
Thuaisceirt; and the place in which his residence was
situated was on the brink of the Siuir to the west of Inis
Learahnachta ; and Dun Ui Fhaolain is the name it is called
to-day. Another kinsman of his occupied Deise Dheisceirt,
and he was called O Brie ; and he had his stronghold beside
the sea, in the south, in the place which is now called Oilean
Ui Bhric And the Deise were divided thus between these
two races until the race of O Brie became extinct; and
O Faolain obtained the chieftainship of the two territories,
and held it for a long period afterwards, until the race of
ai8 poiiAS peASA All. ^miriti. [book r
pot 6ibi^ tJ^ife tu^ifceijtc t)e, 50 r\^6. p^ibe 'n«^ feitb jte
txce^dc S'^tL.t n4i|iinn ^cc 'Ofetfe TDeijxeiitc ^ihi^in.
4n$ 'Cu^'^ 5tf|%^b e Aonjtif Ofpuige 50 ti-^ pjif inn x>o j^b
C]teife 1 ITTA15 peimeA-n v^ njoiitct t>^ife tu^ifceipc;
^5^r 5^^^ ^^^ ^^ ftiodr-fo pi^c^c Sui5T6e t>o c^cp^mn ^
^^5 Pemwn- Aon^uf Ofjiuije 50 n-^ fruipinn ; 5onA.i6 on-
nib]tTreA* cti5At)o.|\ ^p AongUTpi^ipceAp b^ile Oplui-be ^juf
484o1Hult^c Inneon^ 1 tn^^ig 'peithe^.n ^niu; b^tle OpLui^e
lomoppo 6 u|tLuit)e r\^ Iaoc f^^n coihtAnn, ^Jtif tTlulLAC
Inneon^ 6n c^cp^nn Aiih-deon^c vo pinneA-o Ap Off\ui5ib
^r S° l^Aijnib.
U^|ttA fAn ^m |X)in ceipce peot^ ^\i CopniA.c m^c Aipc
4946 ]n 6i|teAJin, ^gtjf ^ A|t ^c^ice^ih ciof^ n^ gciJije^t) cpe-
lioniTiAnie tucc^ ^ c:e^gl^i5, ^S^r ci^^^T coih^ntte pe n-^
o.ipt>pe-d.i6TnAnnA.c cionnuf Too-je^b^'O ni te pi^p ^ ihuipip
50 h^m ^ ciof ^ Tjo cogb^il, ^gtif If 1 coih^iple cuj ^n-
pe^'om^nn^d "od, fLu^j tioniii^ft t)0 cionot. Agtif cpi^ti t>on
4860 itluthAin t)o c^b^c |\ijpA.<5^if ciof^ |tio$ ^pe^nn. " 6ip ni
t)iotcA|t leo," ^p f^, " Acc ciop Aomcijigi-o pib-fe^ ^guf ^ci.
T)i cui^e^t^ f-d^n tnuTii-o^in Aguf ceit) ciof cui5i"6 t)© pij
^ipe^nn Af g^^c cijige^id 610b/* Cinnif Copm^^c ^p ^n
gconi^ipte pn ^5Uf cuiitip ce^<5c^ 50 pi^dA.i'b tnuitle^c^n
4966 pi. pi Ap An ^n c^n pom t)o c^b^c ciof^ ^n 'o^p^
CU1510 Aip. Fp^^SP^if piACAi-b T>o no. ce^ccAib, ^Jtip ^-ou-
b^ipc n^c t)iotpA6 b^pp ciofA. pe Copmo^c n-o^c^p •oioL^'o pif
r)j^ piojAib ci^inig poiihe. Agtif m^p p-iinij ^n pce^t pom ,
Copm^c, ctiipip cionot ^p ptu^g tioniti-6.p ^gtip cpi^tt^ip tec
4960 Agup til 'oeApn^iti cortinui^e 50 p^inig 'Opuim 'O^.thj^ipe
]'An ttltimAin, i.ic x>i>. ngo^iprnte^p Cnoc l^uinje ^niu. Ajtip
puii6ip 1 bpopb-6.ip no 1 bpoptongpopc ^nn ; ^gup C15 fiAC^i'O
ITluitle^c^n ]n tnuTh^n •oon teic eite ucc pe hucc "oo.
If AThlAi-o t3o bi Copm^c ^n cp-ic pom ^suf t)pA0ice
Eibhear took Deise Thuaisceirt from him 4. and so he
possessed only Deise Diieisceirt. on the coming of the
Foreigners to Ireland.
Understand that it was. Aonghus Osmighe and his.
followers that obtained sway over Magh Feimhean, which is.
called Deise Thuaisceirt, and that it. was this sept of.
Fiachaidh Suighdhe who expelled Aonghus Osruighe and.
his followers from Magh Feimhean ; and from the defeat they
inflicted on Aonghus are named Baile Orluidhe, and Mullach
Inneona in Magh Feimhean at this day ; Baile Orluidhe from
the urlaidhe or long hair of the. warriors in the battle, and
Mullach Inneona from the Osruighigh having been driven
from it to Leinster against their will.
About this time Cormac son of Art, king of Ireland, felt
a scarcity of meat, having spent the rents of the provinces
because of the extent of his household staff; and he took
counsel with his high-steward, how he could obtain supplies
for his staff until the time of his rent-taking ; and the
steward advised him to assemble a large host, and go into
Munster to levy the head rent of the king of Ireland.
*' For they only pay thee,'* said he, " the rent of one province,
while there are two provinces in Munster, and each of these
provinces should pay the rent of a province to the king of
Ireland." Cormac acted on that advice, and sent envoys
to Fiachaidh Muilleathan, who was then king of Munster,
demanding from him the rent of the second province.
Fiachaidh answered the envoys, and said that he would not
pay a higher rent to Cormac than was paid to the kings
who preceded him. And when this answer reached Cormac,
he assembled a large host, and marched with them, and halted
not till he reached Druim Damhghaire in Munster, which
place is now called Cnoc Luinge. And there he fixed his
tent or camp; and Fiachaidh Muilleathan, king of Munster,
came on the other side against him front to front
At that time Cormac was thus circumstanced: he had
320 jTOHAS peASA AR eiTiitiii. [book I.
h^ij^ice tiiojt pAgb^-o ^on b^iAon uifce tilth pe lonjpofc
1^105 TTluTii^n, lonntif 50 jt^bA-OAii tJA^otne ^juf Aij^neif 1
ngu^if bi^if o'e^fbo.i'b uifce, lonnuf gu^t b'eige^n -oo pig
4»70tTlutTl^n pOf *T>0 cup 1 ITOill itlogO. HUIC "OjlO^OI "00 bi T
jCi^jip^i^e Lu^C|i^ ; ^guf "00 m^\\{ ^n TTloj tluic-fe pe tinn
T10.01 p'105 t)e^5, Ath^iL o^t)ei|t ^n pie f^n ]A^nn-]'o:
n^ haoi t\io£ T>e4k^ T>iAi^ 1 m>i4ki^
4876 6 Hoc iTiAC tlio$Ailt ind|\ bloi^,
50 CAit\b|\e lonn ticfe^^doip.
Aguf m^jA coiinij Tno§ Tluic fi heigeo^n t)on juj t)o. cpiuc^
ce^t) "peApmuije t)^ nsoipce^p qtioc tloifce^c ^guf qnoc
CoTTourio.c t)o to.b4i.1pc t)6. Aguf teip pn fc^oiLif TTloj Kuic
4880 ^n glAf t)o bi ^\\ ^n uipce ^5 ^ congbAit 6 ftud.5 piog
tnuitio^n TTiAitte pe 5^ gemcli-oe t)o bt ^ije t^o ceiLge^j^n
pd.n -d^ep fu^p, 'i'jtif r^n aic *n-^p cuipLing ^n 5^, -oo bnj
cobo^p popuipce ^ipce lep foipe^o pp itltiTh^n on ei^eo^n
c^pc^ 1 n-^ p^b^'O^p. ^Z^V ^®T P^ ^^^5T V^ Xt]um^r\ 50
4986 n-^ f^uAg Ap Copmo^c ^jup ^p ^ muinncip, gup pu^g^tjo^p
Ap ATI niuniAiTi i-6.t> 5^11 CAC t)o c-^b^ipc g^Mi cpeic vo
oe^n^th -ooib. Agup -oo bi^-o^p ^5 cop^i-oe^cc oppo. 50
hOppuige gup b^ heige^n *oo CopniAc cuip ^gup ce^Mitico.
•oo c^b^ipc u^m pe bp^ij-oib vo cup 6 teo^itip^ig 50 tli.ic
4890 TIaoi pe pi^noce^p Cnoc tl^cponn- 50 p^c^i-o TTIuitleACAn
1 ngioll pe cuiciuj-^-o t)o c^^b^ipc 1 ng^c •ooc^p t)^ TToe^pn^^
p^n niuTtiAiTi t>on cup-c.p pom ; gon^t) 'Oa p^tpneip pn -oo
piTine An pie An pAnn-po :
4896 -^ ^i^c Aible 1 teiqxib Cp^oi ;
^o RACfOinn ]\eit/ ^o li&ic n^ot.
'Do bAtJAp "01 Ap niAC Ag An bpACA1t)-p0 HlAp ACA OlliLL
pLAnn TDop Agup Oililt plAnn beAg. Hi pAibe pliocc Ap
druids from Alba with him there, who practised much magic
against the king of Munster and his followers, and in
particular, not a drop of water was left near the camp of the
king of Munster, and so people and cattle were on the point
of death through want of water, and the king of Munster was
obliged to send for Mogh Ruith, a druid, who was in
Ciarraidhe Luachra ; and this Mogh Ruith Uved in the time
of nineteen kings, as the poet says in this stanza :
The reign of nineteen sacceeeiTe kings
Was the life of Mogh Buith with much fighting,
From Roth son of Eioghall, great the fame,
To Cairbre Lithf eachair the strong.
And when Mogh Ruith came, the king was obliged to
give him two cantreds of Feara Muighe, which are called the
country of the Roistigh and the country of the Condunaigh.
And thereupon Mogh Ruith removed the barrier that had
been put to the water witl-iholding it, and at the same time
threw up into the air a magic spear which he had, and in the
place in which the spear fell there burst forth a well of spring
water which relieved the men of Munster from the thirst that
afflicted them ; and hereupon the king of Munster with his host
made a sudden onset on Cormac and his followers, and expelled
them from Munster, without their having fought a battle or
carried off a spoil. And they pursued them to Osruighe, so
that Cormac was forced to give pledges and securities that
he would send hostages from Tara to Raith Naoi, which is
called Cnoc Rathfonn, to Fiachaidh Muilleathan, as a
guarantee that he would make compensation for all the injury
he had done to Munster in that expedition ; and as a
declaration of this, the poet composed this stanza :
Fiachaidh Muilleathan, good the Jdng,
From the land of Aibhle in Leitre Oraoi,
Hostages from great Tara were sent him
To bright Eathfonn to Baith Kaoi,
This Fiachaidh had two sons, to wit, Oilill Flann Mor
and Oilill Flann Beag. Oilill Flann Mor had no issue, and
6000 Oililt pWnn tnop ^K^f ^ m^ipeA^Tiri -oo fliocc p^c^c
Tnutlle^tAiti If o.|t fliocc Oiliolt^ pL^nn big o^ciitD ; gon^t^
uime pn ^oeif ^n pte ^n p^nn-fo :
mic t\A6Ad mtiitle^^CAin tfi6if ,
Oilitl VtAnn m6]\ An nii<y66iL,
6005 Oilill plAnn beAg nA fl6$ foin ;
A (^t^^nn If iii6]\ f An itluiiioin.
Af mbeic lomoffo "o'Oitilt pL^nn TTIof 5^6.11 fliocc, vo
g^b f e n-^ ^e-d.f bf AC^if Oilill "pl^nn be^j m^f m-o^c -^guf
t>o fA5^ib ^ TTiAoin f^og^lc^ ^5^r ^ oijfe^cc ^ige, ^f
6010 e^cc 50 mbeic •o'p^c^ib o^if fein ^guf ^p ^ fliocc a Ainm
fein t)o cuf f^n Cf o^obfc^oile^^ itjif e fetn -^JUf p^c^i-o
iriuilleA^c^n ; ^guf if m^f pn ^ci. fe 1 Pf^lc-o^if C^ipl
o^guf 1 feinlexi^bf ^ib oile. S^*^^^"^ ^^ ^^ T loncuigce ^fC^
50 m^io e Oilill pl^nn ITIof b'^c^if t)'Oilill pl^nn be^g.
5015 Acc If turtle -oo gno.cuije^'b leif n^ fe^nc^i-oib O1I1II pl^nn
TTlof -oo cuf 1 ngeig geine^l-o^ij p^^^c^c ITluille^c^in mA.^
cuiThniug^t) ^f o.n e-^cc 'OO bi it)if e fein ^guf Oilill pl^nn
be^i^g, ^ni-d^il -d.tjubf^Tno.f cu^f. If e Connie Cl^iti m^c
U^i-og mic Cein pnrife^f fil gCe^pb^Mll ^guf fil ITle^CAif
5020 t)o mo^fb pi^CAi-o 1 bfeill ^5 Ac Uife-o^l, f e
f i.i'oce^f Ac Aife^l -o^f Siuif ^n c^n-fo. Aguf if e ni t)^
•oc-iirjig e t)o oe^i^TiAm x\^ feilbeif ce pn, ^f mbeic lomofi^o
•00 Connie ^5^r ^ '^'^ m-o.CAom 65 1 bfoc^if Cofm-6.ic mic
Aifc ^5 fojluim be^f -ft^guf Cf^ice^o, co^fl^ lubf^ tio
502b clo^ime t)6, ^guf niof j^^b leige^f f^n bioc gpeim -oe. If
^r\r\ pn o.t)ub4i.if c Cof m^c f if no^c f ^ibe leige^f 1 gcinne^'b
•66, 50 TToe^fn^-o e fein t)o nige 1 bfuil fiog, ^guf t)^
nT>e^f n^t> foin 50 m^f> flin 6 n-A cl^ime e. 5^ 5P^^ ^-^
^if pn ceile^bf-o^if Connl-6. -oo Cofm^c, ^gtif cfi^ll-<Mf t)on
6050 TTlum-Mn -o^pof ^ bf -ic-o.f p^c^c TTltiilleAC^in fi. f 1 tnum^n
^n-c^n foin. Aguf if e 0.1c *n-A. f^ibe pi^c^it) 1Tltiille/>.c^n
'n-^ comnui'oe A.n cf-icfom 1 tli^ic ll-«5.Cf Ainne, fe f-(^it>ceAf
I J II l l n W f i H I P ■ ■ ■ ■< < «"' ' ' ■* '••' **K»«H"il"" "■«■ '■ ■ ■-«— ^^■^^M^^-" .
it is from Oilill Flann Beag that all who survive of the race
of Fiachaidh Muilleathan are descended. And hence the
poet indites this stanza :
The eons of great I^Achudh ICuflleathan
Were Oilill Flann Hor of the mead-dxinkiDg,
And Oilill Flann Beag of the hoeto;
His progeny are great in Muna ter.
Now, as Oilill Flann Mor was without issue, he adopted
his brother Oilill Flann Beag as a son, and left him his
personal effects and his inheritance on condition that he
and his descendants should place his name in the genealogy
between his own name and that of Fiachaidh Muilleathan ;
and so it is in the Psalter of Cashel, and in other ancient
books. It is not, however, to be inferred from them that
Oilill Flann Mor was the father of Oilill Flann Beag. But
the reason why the chroniclers used to put the name of
Oilill Flann Mor in the genealogical tree of Fiachaidh
Muilleathan was to commemorate the compact that existed
between himself and Oilill Flann Beag, as we have said
above. Fiachaidh Muilleathan was treacherously slain by
Connla Clamh son of Tadhg, son of Cian, ancestor of the siol
Cearbhaill and of the siol Meachair at Ath Uiseal, which
is called Ath Aiseal on the Siuir at the present time. And
the reason why he did that deed of treachery was that when
Connla was a. youth with Cormac son of Art, learning
manners and accomplishments, leprosy or mange came
upon him, and no medical treatment whatever availed him.
Cormac told him on that occasion that there was no cure
destined for him, until he should wash himself in the blood of
a king, and that were he to do that he would be healed of his
mange. Soon after this Connla took his leave of Cormac, and
went into Munsterto visit his kinsman, Fiachaidh Muilleathan,
who was then king of Munster. And at that time Fiachaidh
Muille;^than resided at Raith Rathfainne, which is now called
Cnoc Rathfonn, with his foster-mother, whose name was
324 poHAS peASA All 6ininn. [book i.
Crioc llACforiri Atiiu, i bfo<5o.i]t ^ buitnije t)A^ bVinm, Rac-
sou l^A n-A.oti lomoppo 50 S|iot> t>a 6if pti ^t^gif p^c^i^ 50 lion
A 66^51^15 Iaiiti t^ Siui^, ^S^r Connie. ^5 lomcAjt ^ fl^^S©
pe A. coif, Aguf c6iT> 50 tiikc Aifeo^l 50 tit)eAC^i^ -00
A.|t -Ml bnn, Ajuf piUAinif Connt^ A.p ce^^g^fc Co|tTn^ic,
Agttf leif pti ceiT) ^]i b]i«AC ^.n pui]tc 50 T>cti5 f-icA-b flei^e
5040 ^|i P-d.c^i'd ^guf 6 ^5 ftiATTi, gti^t fiiiO^pb-d^^ ^triLA^it) pn fe.
gi'oeA.'b fut pi^i|\ f6 b-if t)o pinne ^n^c^t ^|t Connie ^S^f
t)o F^S^i'p "0^ ceA^gt^c 5-6.n a. ihApbA.^, ^5^T ^^5^T ^^
liicM|^ vj^ eif pn. 5^^^^ ^^T^ P^ ^^ qiioctiuije/i.'d be^^c^
P^c^c TMuille^c^in.
5045 Aoub' cu^f vo pei|\ 0^11 CfeAncufOw Stiji^b t)eic-
ned.b^p iTije^Ti -oo bi ^5 Co-ptn-^.c. 5^"^®-^^ A^ntifo ni tu^ii6-
pe^m O.CC t)i4^f t>iob, m^|\ o^ci 5P^^^^^ "^^ ^-^ be^n o'ponTi
mjb^c CuthAiLt ^Jtif t)0 cuAi'O 1 n-e-d.lo'b |^^ 'OiA|tTn^iT>
6 'OtiibTie, -d^Jtif Aittbe inge^n Co|\TnA.ic "oo b^ beA.n 'n-^
soM'OiM'o pn •o'ponn.
po|t to e. (5i|\ o.CAi'O ^5o.inn, |\e pii'OiujA.o n^ peine 00
beic ^nn, tia. C|\i tieice le nx)eAfbcA|i p-pinne 5^0^ fc^i]te
f^n mbic teA.c ^mtiij x>ox\ Diobl^, m-o^ft -d^CA b^^Loitje^f n-o., feinfCfibne -^.gtif fe^'ocothi^fc^i'oe v^ ngoifce^jt t
L^iTjin Monumenta. (5if ^cathaoix) v^ clof 6 b^^l 50 be-d^l
50 f A.ibe ponn ^gtif A.n piAti ^nn, ^gtif fOf ^cai'o fqiibtie
50 foif le^CA^n -0^ f^ipieif. Aciit) m^^f ^n 5ce^t>ii^ feA.t)-
coTTi-o.fCA.i'oe -o^f n-^ Ti--6.inmiiiti5^i6 u^c^, mA^f ^ca Sui^e
6000 pnn A.p StiA.b n/s mb-d^Ti, 6 ponn ua b^^oif one, -d^guf S^e^nn
$^f ^it) 1 TitJib p^icce, 6 S^f ^m TnA.c mofn^, Aguf t/e^b^i'6
T3i^f m^ti-^ Hi 'Otiibne ^guf SpAinne ^5 pott Cije Li^o^bAin
1 ntJib p^cf 0.C CiTJne, 'oi ngoif ce^f 'Ouc^ig Hi Se-d.ctiAfA.15
'»« - 1^ —
Rathfonn ; rand when Connla came into his presence, he bade
him welcome.
. Now, on a certain day soon after this, Fiachaidh went
out beside the Siuir with all his household, attended by
Connla, who carried his spear.; and he went as far as Ath
Aiseal, and proceeded to swim in the stream ; and Connla
bethought him of Cormac's instructions. And thereupon he
went to the verge of the bank, and stabbed Fiachaidh with
his spear as he swam, and thus slew him. Fiachaidh,
however, before he died, protected Connla, and forbade his
household to slay him. And he died immediately after
that And it was in this way the life of Fiachaidh Muill-
eathan ended.
We said above, following the seanchus, that Cormac
had ten daughters. We shall, however, refer only to two
of them here, to wit, Grainne, who was wife of Fionn
son of Cumhall, and Aillbhe daughter of Cormac, who was
wife of Fionn afterwards.
And whoever should say that Fionn and the Fian never
existed would not be stating truth. For, to prove that the
Fian existed we have the three things that prove the truth
of every history in the world except the Bible, namely,
oral tradition of the ancients, old documents, and antique
remains, called in Latin monumenta. For it has been
delivered to us from mouth to mouth that Fionn and the Fian
existed ; and, moreover, there are numerous documents that
testify to this. There are also antique remains named after
them, as Suidhe Finn on SUabh na mBan, called from Fionn
descendant of Baoiscne, and Gleann Gharaidh in Ui Faithche,
called from Garaidh son of Moma, and Leabaidh Dhiarmada
Ui Dhuibhne agus Ghrainne at Poll Tighe Liabhain in Ui
Fiachrach Eidhne, which is now called the country of
326 ponAS peASA AH 6miiin. [book l
o^niu, A.5Uf tno^p pn t)o ttkSi^ati T>'Aicib otte i Ti4i|tiTiTi.
5066 Ajuf t)i n-^bj^At) ^oitineAC tiac indneioce tndpAn •o^\i
fcpiob^'O A|t An bpein, if t)eiThin suit^b po^t t)6 e, di]i nt
p-d^ibe piog^dc f^Ti bit If n-6.d fCfiobt^i^e pe tinn n^
p^gikiiCACCA fceoil T)i6. TigA^ifci fabulae. "Pe^c tli-oife n^
5feine, Bevis of Hamton, Huon of Burdex, ^i^guf a f^niAit
5070 oile pn t)o fq\iobA.i6 t6 tmn ^n C]iei'Oim fetn. Jme^'O ni
fUil cpioc f^n bit If TiAf fq\iobA'6 fc^ife fifinne^CA
incfei-oce. tn^ii ati gce^'OTiA, z^\\ ceATin juf fCfiob^o
lOiTiAT) 'o'fiTiTifc^AlAib pli'de-d.ccA Af Ponn ^gtif ^f ^n
bp6iTi, TTiAf ACA Cac pionnci^ikg^, bfuige^n CA^OfC^inn
5075 ^5^f linteiACc A.n $iotlA *OeACA.if ^guf a f ^Th^it oite pn
iTiA^f CAice-c^TTi Aimpfe, c^ifif pn, if T>eAfb 5Uf fCfiob^o
fCAif e pfinne^CA indp eioce Off a. Aguf if T>eAfb fOf no.c
f Aibe d.inTTiei'O 'n-o. bpe^ff^n-^ib acc m^f o^n t>fuin5 -oo
TTiAif fe n-A linn fem ; ^gtif ni f ^ibe lonnc^ ^ccbuAnn^^^
5080 t>o fiojAib 6ifeA.nn f§ cofnA^ni ^gtif f6 CAorrinA n^ q\ice
^6ib, AttiAit bit) co^ipcine o^suf f M5T)iuifit)e ^5 5^0 f 15 ^niu
f e cofn o^ih 6. dp ice fem.
Agtif if Aiht^i'b 'OO bitjif ^n P-o^n ^g coinnnieA.'o ^f
feA.f-6.ib 6ifeA.nn 6 50 beA.ttcAine, ^S^f ^^v f6
6085COfnAiti cof-d. ^S^f fe cofc e^jcofA. tjo fioj-d^ib ^guf "oo
cije^f ni6.ib 6if e^nn ; -^guf fOf f e CA^orrinA ^.guf f e coiTheA^t)
cti^n n^ cpice -d.f foif ne^f c e^ccf ^nn ; ^gtif 6 DeA^Llc-d.ine
50 S^niAin f e feilg A^gtif f e p-^t)A.c vo •, ^guf fif
5^.0 fei'om oite 0-^ n-i^f f a-o fi 6if e^^nn off a, m^^f ^ci. cofC
5090 5'^O4>. Aguf tjiot cinA, fe cofc oibfe-^fg-d^c ^.gtif 5-6.C uitc
oite -OA mbio'd f^n cfic 6 foin ^mid^c; ^gtif cu^fid^fc^it
cinnce ry^ cionn foin tjdib, AttiAit biof ^noif 6 g^c fig f ^n
6of tiip X)o n^ CAipcinib ^gtif t>o n^. ce^nn^ib fOA.'onA. biof
Ag •oe^.n^ih feAi!)Tn-d. f^oi fem. pi. heige^n lomoffo vox)
5096 P^in 6 ue^ttcAine go S^Th^in beic c^oib fe n-^ f^^^S ^S^f
f e n-A bp^-tAC fem ruA^f comnthe^'b ^guf m^f cu^f AfCA^t 6
O Seachnasaigh, and so, too, of many other places in
Ireland. And should anyone say that much of what has
been written about the Fian is not to be believed, he would
certainly state the truth ; for there was no kingdom in the
world in which there were not written tales called fabulcB in
Pagan times, for example, the Knight of the Sun, Bevis
of Hamton, Huon of Burdex, and other such like, which
were written even in the time of the Faith. But there is
no country in the world in which also true and credible
histories have not been written. In the same manner,
although many imaginative romances have been written
about Fionn and the Fian, such as Cath Fionntragha,
Bruighean Chaorthainn, and Imtheacht an GhioUa Dheacair,
and others of a similar kind, for the sake of amusement, still
it is certain that true credible accounts of them were also
written. And it is also certain that their bodies were not
abnormally large, but only like those of their contemporaries ;
and they were nothing more than hired warriors of the
Kings of Ireland, to defend and to protect the country for
them, as every king has now captains and soldiers to defend
his own dominions.
Now the Fian used to be quartered on the men of Ireland
from Samhain to Bealltaine ; and it was their duty to uphold
justice, and to prevent injustice, for the kings and the lords
of Ireland ; and also to guard and preserve the harbours
of the country from the violence of foreigners ; and from
Bealltaine to Samhain to be engaged in hunting, and the
chase, and in every other duty the king of Ireland might
impose upon them, such as putting a stop to robbery,
exacting the payment of tribute, putting down malefactors,
and so of every other evil in the country. For this they had a
certain pay, as every king in Europe gives pay to the captains
and to the generals who serve under him. However, from
Bealltaine until Samhain, the Fian were obliged to depend
solely on the products of their hunting and of the chase as
,'« . M'*i'f<K'^. -« ^^0^"^"^^^^ " ' w> w- *' ■■"^■^1^— a»-i
328 pOnAS peASA AR 4ltlini1. [BOOK I-
piojAib ^i^te^nn, m^p aca ah ^reotih^d vo %e\t tnA.|\ biA^
^CA, ^S^r c^toicne TiA mbe^Ci^^o^c n-^ltc^ m^\\ cu^|\a.|Xa.L
Hi hicci teo Cjtik acc ^onpitoinn f^n t6 50 n-oi-oce, ^gtif pti
6100 um epic non^. Astif if 6 jnicug^^ -oo h\<y6 aca j^c feA.15
t)o-nici leo A^p fn^iT)iii t)o cup cimce^lL me^ooin t^oi teif ^n
njiollAnp^i-o 50 ctiL^ig x>'Aipifce m^p ^ mbioif 1 scothjo^p
coiLte ^SUf pi^fCA, A^guf ceiTince cpe^c^nniop^ t)'^t)TiA.^
Ann, Aguf t)i ct^if c^lniAn vo 'oe^.n ^ni f ^n piA.fC 1 gcpi^m
S106 btiit^e, A^uf lom^T) t)o ctocAib einiip 'oo ctip f^ry ceini'd, ^gtif
ctiiT> t)on feotniAC t)o cup ^p be^i^pAib v^ bpuic pif ^n
oceini-d, Aguf cuit) oite "Oi -00 ceA^ng^t 1 n'otA.oicib pe^f ca le
pjA^gAn^ib Agup A cup x>^ be-d^pb^o f ^n dt^ip fi mo t)on t>i
ct^ip, Aguf beic ^5 biACAO n^ gcloc -oo bioo p^n ceini^
suoopp^, 50 mbe^ncAOi pucA. mime A^pcA 50 beicbe^pbc^ '661b.
Ajup vo bio^o vo TTieit) n^. t)t:einnce-fe 50 bfuiti-o a. Liic-
pe^CA TJubLoipcce 1 mopi^n •o'^icib 1 nCipinn ^niu, o^gup ip
T)iob jii.ipmi'o n^ cpiA-OAipe^iOA pul^cc pi^n ^niu.
'OaIa n^ peine, ^x\ c^n t>o cpuinni5t)if ju-p ^n cut^ij
5U6 ^p ^ mbio'6 An ceine, 'Oo noccAt) 5^0 Aon T)iob e pein, Agup
•00 ce^nglAt) A- l^ne piw caoL a cuim, Agup t)o gAbtJAOip-
cimceAtt An -oApA luig t)o LuAi'oeAmAp cuAp, aj potcAO a
bpotc Agup Ag nige A mbAtt Agup Ag buAin AtlAip t>iob ;
Ajup Ann pin Ag puACAt>- a Lucac Agup A gcuipleAnn, 50
5120 ccuip-oip AmlAio pn A "ocuippe t)iob, Agup DO hicxi A bppoinn
Leo t)A eip pn. Agup lAp gcAiceAm a bppomne "ooib vo
5Abx)A0ip Ag COgbAll A bpAttboC AgUp Ag COpUgAt) A leAp-
CAC, go gcutpx>ip inneAtt puAin oppA pein attiIaid pn. Upi
neice -oa noeineAD gAC Aon t)iob teAbAit) vo pfem, mAp aca
6126 bAppgAlAC cpAnn, CAOn AC Agup uptuACAip ; An bAppgAlAC
1 n-ioccAp p6 tAp, An CAonAC op a cionn pom, Agup An
uptuACAip 1 n-UACCAp ; Agup ip T>iob po gAipmceAp pnA
peinteAbpAib cpi coilceAOA nA feme.
Ag po piop D'pionn mAC CumAilt Agup cia An ptiocc vo
5130 ^Ae-deAtAib 6 t>CAinig pe. Agup AT>eip CAmpiAnup 'n-A
cpoinic go n-AbpAiT) cuit> vo nA hug-oApAib gupAb t>'ponn-
maintenance and. wages from the Kings of Ireland; thus,
they were to have the flesh for food, and the skins of the
wild animals as pay. But they only took one meal in the
day-and-night, and that was in the aftemooor And it was
their custom to send their attendants about noon with what-
ever they had killed in the morning's hunt to an appointed
hill, having wood and moorland in the neighbourhood, and
to kindle raging fires thereon, and put into them a large
number of emery stones ; and to dig two pits in the yellow
clay of the moorland, and put some of the meat on spits to
roast before the fire ; and to bind another portion of it with
suagans in dry bundles, and set it to boil in the larger of the
two pits, and keep plying them with the stones that were in
the fire, making them seethe often until they were cooked
And these fires were so large that their sites are to-day in
Ireland burnt to blackness, and these are now called Fulacht
Fian by the peasantry. • •
As to the Fian, when they assembled on the hill on which
was the fire, each of them stripped ofif, and tied his shirt
round his waist; and they ranged themselves round the
second pit we have mentioned above, bathing their hair and
washing their limbs, and removing their sweat, and then
exercising their joints and muscles, thus ridding themselves
of their fatigue ; and after this they took their meal ; and
when they had taken their meal, they proceeded to build their
hunting-tents, and so prepare themselves for sleep. Each of
them made himself a bed of three things : the tops of trees,
moss, and fresh rushes ; the tree-tops at the bottom on
the ground, the moss upon these, and the fresh rushes on
top; and it is these are called in the old books, the
three tickings of the Fian.
The following is an accoimt of Fionn son of Cumhall,
and of the branch of the Gaels whence he sprang.
Now, Campianus says, in his chronicle, that some authors say
that it was Fionn son of Cumhall who was called Roanus.
' !'■■
330 pOtlAS peASA ATI 6ltl11111. [BOOK L
m^c Cttth^ilt T)o 5Ai|tTnci Roanus. Ji-be^f) rii po^i •06 pn.
bio-o A. pof ^5^c jupA^b e Curh^ll m^c Ut^6^riTh6i|t ^n
6136 Agtif muijin itluncAoni inge^n €^.1-65 mic fluA'b-d.c '0|\a.o>
Cacaoiii TTI6i|^ f^ THAC^ip -od. Ajtif f-i hi Alrii^ t^o^i^ei^n
f A fe^ji^nn t)iteAf 'oo t-^t^g m^c tlu^ii^c, o^gtif if t)^ b'icin
pti t)o PAITI15 AlniA l^ige^n o'^pionn 1 jce^pc -6. Thi.c-o.|i*
5i'6e-^t) If h pi l/Aije^n cti5 pofTtiAOil no. bp^n "oo 1 ntJib
5140 Cinnf e^to.15 TTiAp ^ bfuil Luimne^c Lo^ige^n ^niu.
If e^gcoif X)o-beif heccop boeciuf 1 Sc^ip n-^ liAlb^n
o^c^c o'^mm ^p ponn m^c Curh^itt, ^JUf fof if bpeA^j-i^c
A.t)eip 50 p^ibe CU15 cub^it) x)eA5 ^p ^ip-oe ^r\x\. Oip if
folluf ift. feinle^bpAib ^n cfeo^TictifA no^c p^ibe Ainitjeit>
5146 o.nn C4>p ^ luce cotti^iTiippe, Aguf if foLt^^f 50 p^b^o^p
T)poTi5 "oon pein b^ mo b^ ^pp^cc-d. ^guf bxx>pe iotia e.
If uime lotnoppo t>o pmne^'O Tli peintiit) -oe 6f cionn t^oc-
po.ix>e Gipe^rm, t>o bpi5 50 p^ibe ^ ^^.c^ip A^gtif ^ feAnA.CA.ip
1 gce^nnA^f feAw-bnA. tA.ocpA.i'be Cipeo^nn poirhe. At^bo^p 01 Le
6160 f Of fi. n'oeA.pnA.t) tli jTeinnit) -oe, vo bpij gtip fA^puij a. luce
C0TTiA.iTnppe 1 bpof A^guf 1 bfogluiniji njA^oif ^.^Uf 1 n^liocA^f,
A^juf fOf 1 A^guf 1 5cp6t> 1 gCA^cl^tcpib^
lonnuf gupo^b cpit) pn t)0 hoipneA.t> 'n-o. tli^ peinni-o e, o^guf
no^c A.p A^pp^cco^f 0. cuipp n-i A.p meit) 0. peo^pf A.n feoc c-ic.
6166 If e gn-icfluo^g X)o biot> o^p buo.nnA.c5c f-i pionn cpi C0.C0. no.
5no.iCf6ine, o.5Uf cpi thile fo.n co.c, o.n co.n fo. fioi6o.c p'jK
6ipeo.nn pe ceile. 5^^^-^^ ^^ ^^^ "^^^ i-oip
o.OTilucc v' uo.iflib ^peo.nn ^.juf o.n c-o.ip'opi§, no o.n co.n
fot 1iei5eo.n fluo.5 vo cup 1 vo neo.pcu50.^ p6 'Oo.l.
6160 Tlio.t)o. 1 n-0.50.1'6 o.llTTiuppo.c, "oo bio^ 5C0.C0. 0.5 ponn^
lonnuf 50 mbioio fupco.inn fluo.5 o.i5e pe "oul ■o'
•00.1 tlio.t)o. 1 o.5Uf pe h4ipinn vo coiTneo.t) 6 f oip-
neo.pc eo.ccpo.nn ino.p o.n 5c§o.'ono..
If lonroo. o.p'oco.oifeo.c vo bioij fo. ponn o.p o.n bp^in^
But this assertion of his is not true. Know that it was
Cumhall son of Treanmhor, the fourth in descent from
Nuadha Neacht, king of Leinster» who was his father, and
that his mother was Muirn Mhunchaomh daughter of Tadhg
son of Nuadha, druid of Cathaoir Mor; and Almha of
Leinster was the native inheritance of Tadhg son of Nuadha ;
and hence Alma of Leinster came to belong to Fionn in
right of his mother. However, it was the king of Leinster
who gave him Formaoil na bhFian in Ui Cinnsealaigh,
where Luimneach Laighean is at this day.
Hector Boetius, in the History of Alba, unjustly calls
Fionn son of Cumhall a giant ; and besides he falsely asserts
that he was fifteen cubits in height. For it is plain from the
old books of the seanchus that he was not of abnormal size as
compared with his contemporaries ; and it is plain that there
were some of the Fian of greater size, more powerful, and
stronger than he. Now, the reason why he was made Ri
Feinnidh over the warriors of Ireland was that his father and
grandfather before him were leaders of the warriors of Ireland.
Another reason also why he was made Ri Feinnidh was that
he surpassed his contemporaries in knowledge and in learning,
in skill and in strategy, and also in wisdom and valour in
fields of battle, so that it was on this account he was appointed
Ri Feinnidh, and not because he surpassed all others in
strength of body and size of person. The ordinary host that
served under Fionn consisted of the three battalions of the
Gnathfhian, having three thousand in each battalion, when
the men of Ireland were at peace with one another. But
whenever any party of the nobles of Ireland were at enmity
with the high king, or whenever it was necessary to send a
host to Alba to help Dal Riada against foreigners, Fionn
used to have seven battalions, so that he had a sufficiently
large host to go to Alba to assist Dal Riada, as well as to
guard Ireland from the oppression of the foreigners.
There were many chief leaders under Fionn in command
11^ W 1
332: ponAS ireASA Ati 4mitin. [book i.
6166 m^|t ^z^ c^iuihite^^ 6f ciofin 6^c^, ^iti^il biof colonel of
C10T1T1 regiment, ce^nn feA^i^n^ c^it), ^ih^il biof c^^tpcin
o^noif, co^oife^c C/O^o^^it), ^liio^it biof lieutenant, ^guf ca.oi-
fe^c c|ti n^onbAp, Aih^iL biof corporal, ^guf CA^oii^A^d
n^onb^if , ^th^il' bio^ decurio ^5 ^n ttoih^n^d. 6i|\ ^n
6170 c^n tDO-niti T)eic gape -no tjeid it-d^ngCA T)on c^ao, "oo bioi6
b^^jtAnc^ A]i 5^d ft^ngc t)iob, ^guf if t>e go g^if ci c^oif e^^c
n^onbA^if. Aguf ^n c^n tu^i'6ce^|t 1 fC^|\CAib n^ h6i|\-
e^nn fe^^t cothlAinn c^^t) no c^og^it) no n^^onb^if no ^
fAih^il oile pn t)o beic t)on pein, ni hei^t if loncuigte
8i75-6.fCA gufid^b x>^ ti^ith fein.t)o iTiuiffeA.t> ce^v no c^og^TD no
n^^onbAp, Acc If 6^16 If loncuigte Aif gtif b^jti^nu^ ce^.'o no
CAOg^iT) no n^onb^iji e, ^gtif go mbioij londothL-d^inn go n-o.
bui-oin te n-A f^ih^tt fein ^oo b^fi^nc^ ^g -o. iribiot) f^rh^it
n^ btJi-one ce^on^ ^ige. TDo bio^ ce1C|^e neice o'fid.cA.ib
6180 A|t g-^c Aon T>o g^bcAOi 1 bpiA^nn^n^eo^cc -oo c6TTitionid.o.
An c6it)ni g^n cf^-o t^o g^biit f e innAOi, ^ cog^ ^f
A 'oei^beAf-o.ib Agtif Aft A Cfeicib. An o^fid^ ni g^n be^n
t)o fAptigA'6. An cpeA^f ni g^n ouine *o'eA.f A.'d um fe^t)
ni. um bi^-b. An ce^cf^rh^^ ni gd^n AOinfeA|i ^lob -oa
fiiMceice^'d'fe nA^onb^f l^oc..:
' ^S r^ V^ ^^ coingiLL oile tjo ctii|t pionn m^^c Cuih^ilt
fn^ gf AiOAib g^ifce fi heige^n t>o g^c.^on t>o g^biil fut
T)o glACfAi'oe 1 bpiAnnAi' e. An.cei6.T)doingiotL: ni
g^bcAOi feA.|t f^n bpein 1 m6|\t)iit Uifnig ni. 1 nAon^c
6190 UAiltce^n ni. 1 bjTeif UeA.nif ac, no go tjcug^o. ^ ^c^Mf
Aguf A rtiicAif Aguf A cine ^.guf ^ g^otcA flAn^-o uaca
gA.n 0. bi.f 'oVgf^i6 A|t ne^d oile go bni.c, lonnufin^d bi^<)
^ ftJiL f e otiine ^.f bic "Oa •610g-d.1t e fein ; ^.guf x)i.
nt)eA.fncA0i uilc ihof^ leif»fe6.n gA.n: ^ o'^gp^.'O
6186 6.nn. An t>6.f\A coingiolt: nt g6.bcA6i\neA6 f6.n bpein go
beic ^n-6. file oo, 6.gtif go n'oeineA.p.'oik le^b^ft 'oe-d.g n^
pli<>e6.cc6.. An Cfe6.f comgioll: ni g6.bcA0i fe6.f f A.n bfetn
of the Fian, thus: a caithmhileadh in command of the battalion,
as a colonel is in command of a regiment, the leader of a
hundred like the modem captain, the chief of fifty like the
lieutenant, and the head of thrice nine like the corporal, and
the head of nine like the.decurion of the Romans. For
when the hundred were divided into ten divisions, or ten
ranks, there was an officer over each, who was called a leader
of nine. And when mention is made in the records of Ireland
of a man match in battle for a hundred, or fifty, or nine, or
such like as belonging to the Fian, we are not to understand
from them that such a man would kill a hundred, or fifty, or
nine, with his own hand ; but what we are to understand
from them is that he was leader of a hundred, or fifty, or
nine, and was, with his following, a match in battle for a
similar leader in command of a like following. There were
four injunctions placed on everyone admitted to the ranks
of the Fian. The first injunction was not to accept a dowry
with a wife, but to choose her for her good manners and her
accomplishments; the second injunction, not to force a
woman ; the third injunction, not to refuse a man asking for
valuables or food ; the fourth injunction, that none of them
should flee before nine warriors.
The following are the other conditions which Fionn son
of Cumhall attached to the degrees in bravery which each one
was bound to obtain before being received into the Fian. The
first condition : no man was received into the Fian or the
great Assembly of Uisneach, or the Fair of Taillte, or the
Feis of Tara, until his father and mother and clan and relatives
gave guarantees that they would never demand any retribution
from anyone for his death, so that he might look to no one to
avenge him but to himself ; and that if he should inflict great
injuries, retribution should not be visited on his kinsmen. The
second condition : no one was admitted into the Fian until
he had become a fil^, and had made up the twelve books of
Filidheacht. The third condition : no one was admitted
50 Tit)eA|tTiCAOi Iacai]! lo5ni6]i vo foi<5e^* of ciotin ^ jtun
•06, ^juf t)o cuipa innce e, ^guf ^ fci^c leif, ^guf f^t)
6200 tAithe 1^016 T)o Cf ^nii cuilL 'n-^ tAith ; Ti^oiib^|\ l^oc x>o
cige^cc duije 50 n^oi fLe^g^ib Leo, ^gtjf n^oi Ti-iOTnAi|te
e^copp^ ^S^r ^» ^5^r ^^ c^icci teo a n^oi fte^g^ 1 n-6.0111-
fe^cc |\if, ^5Uf t)i njoiTici c^|t ^.n fceic ^guf c^|t o^n ^qt^nii
gctiitt e ni 5^bc^oi 1 bpiA^nti^i^e^cc e. Ati ceA^cf^th^'o
£206 C01T1510IL : Til 5^bc^oi fe^^it f6>n bpein go ntje^jiTic^oi pje
paitc ^i|t ^SUf 50 5cui|\ci cpe coillcib lom-o^ e, 50 t)ci5t)if
^n p^n uile 'n-^ 161^116 ^|t ci ^ 5011^, o^gtif ni bi^t) t>'*x54M^
e^coup^ ^cc ^0Tic|\AnTi, ^gtjf t)A Tnbei|\ci ai^ vo joinc'i e.
An ctiige^t) coin^ioLi: ni 50.btA.01 pe^f fd^n bpein vi^ jqtioc-
52ionui5T>if ^ ^ipm 'n-o. li^iih. An feife^*© coinjioLL: ni jo^bc^oi
ye^\i lonnc^ •00. ocug^'O Cji^ob f^n coitl "ol^oi o^ poLc ^f
A pje. An fe^cctti^'o coinjiotl, ni go^bc^oi peA|\ lonnc^
t)A mionuijeAt^ qt^nn cpion pi. n-o. cop^ib. An c-occmA.o
coingioll, ni 5^bcA0i pe^f lonnc^, mun^ tinje^-o z^\y C|t-5.nn
5216 buo corh^ptj pe n-^ e^t>o.n Aguf mun^ gqiom^o yi. cp^nn
btii6 coiihipe^L pe n-^ gtun, cpe lonid^t) luic vo beic n-^
cojip. An n^oniAt) coinjioll, ni jA^bc^oi pe^ji p^n b^em
mun^ t)cti5^t> t)eA.L5 ^p ^ coip Le n--6. lAith jo^n coiyxmeo^pc
0. ^e^u^ uitne. An oeicrh^'O coinjioLl, ni 5^bc4.oi pe^p
6220ionnc^ mun^ -octig^o moit) uon tlig p^inni'b pi. beic -oile-d^p
U^pl^ jie linn Co|\in^ic t>o beic 1 bpL^iceo^p 6ipe^nn 50
t)CU5^t)^|i "Ojiong t)*UAiplib tll^x) ]iu^i5pi.inie^Ll n^ hALbo^n,
50 t>c^|\l^ Ci^|\nA.ic inge^n 11105 Cjiuicne^c -ooib, 50 t>cu5-
5226 ^tJ^p 1 inb|\oio c-6.|\ mui|\ 1. A5tip m^p t)o cu^t^no Copm^c
cuA|i^P5bo.ii ^ pceiitie i<xp|iA.ip ^p c-ic 1, A5tif CU5 leip x>^
C15 pein 1 ; ^5up "oo cinn pi ^p Thni^ib a coThxyinip]\e 1 pceitii,
^5^r SP^'o^^ST Coptn^c cpi-o pn 1. UlAp -oo cu^Lmo lom-
into the Fian until a large pit reaching above his knees
had been made for him, and he was placed in it with
his shield and a hazel sta£f as long as a warrior's arm
in his hand ; and nine warriors, with nine spears, were to
approach him, leaving the space of nine furrows between him
and them ; and they hurled nine spears together at him, and
if he were wounded in spite of his shield and his hazel staff,
he would not be received into the Fian. The fourth
condition : no man was admitted into the Fian until,
having his hair plaited, he was sent through several woods
with all the Fian in pursuit of him with a view to wounding
him, while he got but the odds of a single tree over them,
and if they overtook him, they would wound him. The
fifth condition : no man was admitted into the Fian whose
weap)ons trembled in his hand. The sixth condition : no
man was admitted among them if a branch of a tree in the
woods unloosed from its plait a single braid of his hair. The
seventh condition : no man was admitted among them if he
broke a withered bough beneath his feet. The eighth con-
dition : no man was admitted among them unless he leaped
over a tree as high as his forehead, and unless he stooped
beneath a tree as low as his knee, through the great agility
of his body. The ninth condition : no man was received
into the Fian unless he could pluck a thorn from his foot mth
his hand without stopping in his race for the purpose. The
tenth condition : no man was admitted among them unless
he had sworn to the Ri Feinnidh that he would be faithful
and submissive to him.
While Cormac held the sovereignty of Ireland some
Ulster nobles made a raid on the coasts of Alba, and they
came upon Ciarnait daughter of the king of the Cruithnigh,
and brought her as a captive across the sea. And when
Cormac heard of her beauty, he demanded her publicly, and
took her to his own house ; and she surpassed the women of
her time in beauty ; and for this Cormac loved her. But
336 poRAS peAS^ AH emitin. [book i.
cfjk^ Bitne OlL^iM^ tn^e^n t>mtAin5, be^n pofc^ Coptn^ic,
Ci^Iifi^ic XH} beic ^i5e,^t>t]b^i]ic n^ berorp A>f t^on i ti*^oiti-
fe^cc ^t'^e, ^5Uf f^ hei^e^n ^ f'^5^iL o'Cicne, 311]% cmp -oo
^^otftpe ifrppe n^oi in^6 no n^oi ^ce^^n^ ^]tb^t]i -oo bleic
no t>o iheilc ^ b|tdiii 5^0 L&01. Ace c^ijrrf pn, c^pi^
CofHi^c 1 n-a^i^ne^f t>i, ^vp coipce^^ lerp i, ^^uf <^p mbeiu
zon^^6 t>i« mop fe^x> bleic t>o oe^n^^iii ^5«|* ceit> 6f ife^L
50 Copm^c AJtif ititiipf fill t>d. Ctnpif Copm^c pof 50
hAlb^m I ^coinne f^oiji t>o 'oe^n^'d nitnleA^nn. U15 ^n
f Aop ctn^e ^5tif 00 pintie^o ^n fntsile^nn L^if t>o f^op^o
Ci^]ifi4kice ^p ^n t>^oi]ife 'xi-^ p^ibe ^5 dene ; ^on^o t>e
pti 00 CAH ^n pie HA pAinti-fe pof :
ind|i ^ceAD iM biACA'6 A bp6fii ;
3246 CAp|lAfX;A1|l Vtf^e All f1 ^iAII,
lOfiA cot$ '11 -A hAOnA|tAn ;
go pOfCoijideAfCAiii -po teic,
lA]i pn po feimrb ]%6ibieit.
AtpCfpp Vf|i'|t9 OA Cviniiy
Cog r^^'^^ nimLntn ca^ in6[icaiiin ;
C4Ai>finnieAim Co|%inA.ic imc Ai|W,
Ho bA CA^Arp TH} ClA|inAir.
when Eithne Ollamhdha daughter of Dunlaing, Connac's
lawful wife, heard that Ciamait lived with him, she said that
he must not have them both at the same time ; and Eithne
insisted on getting charge x)f her ; and she imposed on her as ^t
work of slavery that she should grind with a quern nine pecks or
nine measures of corn every day. Notwithstanding this,Cormac
met her in secret ; and she conceived of him ; and when she
became pregnant, she was unable to grind ; and she went
privately to Cormac and told him so. Cormac sent to Alba
for an artificer who could construct a mill. The artificer came
to him, and made the mill to release Ciamait from her slavery
under Eithne ; and it is on this theme the poet composed the
following stanzas :
Cianudt, ba&dmaid of jiut Consao,
Fed many bundxedt from a quern ;
Nine pecks ihe had each day to grind ;
It was not work for a friTolous person.
Then meets she the noble king
In his house, where she is alone ;
And she oonceiyed in secret,
And after that she refused to grind.
Conn's grandson went to Tisit her ; *
He brought a millwright from orer teas ;
The first mill of Oormac son of Art
Was a help to Ciamait.
338 roKAS peASA AR 4itiinn. [book I.
If pfc titm Coftm^ic t)o tii^^if pce^t, ^gtif if e f a hA.if t)-
bjieiteAih -66; ^gtif ^.f mbeit T>''pice-^l |te hucc biif t>'pAsiiL,
6266 T)0 <hjif pof 1 5C0111Tie ^ niic -OA. tig^i^tti pl^icfi, ^JUf "OO bA.
t>uitie jtic fogtumc^ ^ti pl^icfi pn. 'Do fi^s^ib pce^l ^
be^nn^dc ^156, Aguf cuj t)o coih^if le t6 ceicf e neice t)o
connect) go f|iiocn^ThA.c, ^Jtif 50 tn^o fOCA^jt -oo pti t)o
^^^nikfh, THAf ^cik g^Ti tn^c fioj t3Vlc|iOTn tia tj'oiie^ni^iTi,
6880 5^11 fun 'n-^ tnbeic gti^if t)0 teigeA^n pe TI--6. ttitiaoi, 50.T1
tn^c mogAi-o TOO TfieA-ouj^io, g^^n 0. cifce ti6 a H'Of t)o
u^b^i]\c 1 t}c^ifcii6 T)^ fiAif . Aguf 1 iTOio.!^ bi^if pat- 00
The^f ^TlAiCf 1 fpoiTi^^ t)o 'oe^n^m ^|\ g^c ni 1610b foiri ;
^gtif niA|t ^e^]tb^'6 0|t]\A gl^c-a^if pi^icpi tn^c t)o Co^in^c
5266 Tn^c Ai|tc ^]\ i3-^, ^giif ' gcionn o^irtip^e 'n-^ oi^it> pn
beifif ^n Le^nb fi coilL leif, ^gttf cug-oo iriuicnoe'OA muinn-
ci|i f§in "00 bi 1 TiT)iATTi^i|t Ti^ coitte e, ^guf ^oub^ipc pif o.n
te^nb TOO deiLc 50 m^ic 50 gctiif e^-b fein coTh^|tc^ annce
ctiige; Agtif teif pn ciltif 13011 b^ile v^ 615 f^in, ^guf
6270 t^igif ctiif fe ^gtif 'Oob|i6Ti Tn6|\ ^if , Agttf p-^piuigif ^ be^n
f-ic A ctiiffe ^gtif A b|i6in -oe. AxjubAipc-feAn hac jt^ibe
^ be^g. 5ii6eAt> TTiAp T)o connAijic pfe o^n bf on ^p xnA^pcAin
^ige, -oo §^b 50 tiofCA Ag te^t)fi^n ^if ^g lo|ig^i|\eACC
^^b^i|t -6. ctiif fe. Atjttb^if c-fe^n t>^ TToeine^'O fun ^if go
6276noccf^^ fi^t -6. bf6in ■on
*Oo rhionnuig pfe go gceilfe^i6 g^c ni -00 nodcf^'O
feife^^n Cf6 fun t)i. "TTl^fe^o/' ^.p feife^n, "c^fl-o. i6-6.m-
f^ feilbe^f c ^n^b^m -oo 'be^n^rti, mA.f ^.c-i mo lo^lc^, m^c
^n fiog, 00 m^fbA.'o." Sq\eAt}^if ^n be^n ^f n-o^ clof pn
6280 t)i, Aguf g-Mf tnif tnumnceA^f ^n age ^guf ^T)tibAif c f iu ^n
pong^t^d x)o de^ng^l cp e trio^c ^r\ fiog tjo th^f b^t) ; Agtif
t)o-nite^f mtiIai^ pn leo ; -d^guf beif ce^^f ce^ng^ilce guf
An fig k. U^fl-d. fof -DO l^-6.iufi guf tTieo.t)uig Tn4>.c fe^c-
CAif e tJA rhuinnaf f6in go f 4.ibe 'n--6. i6uine f ^nobif . Utig
It was in the time of Cormac that Fitheal lived ; and he was
his chief brehon ; and as Fitheal was about to die, he sent for
fais son named Flaithri ; and this Flaithri was a wise and
learned man. Fitheal left him his blessing, and advised him to
observe four things most carefully, and that it would be to his
advantage to do so, namely, not to nurse or take in fosterage
a king's son, not to impart a dangerous secret to his wife, not
to raise the state of a serfs son, not to commit his purse or
his treasure to his sister's keeping. And after Fitheal's death,
Flaithri resolved to test each of these points. And to make
trial of them he took in fosterage the son of Cormac son of
Art ; and some time after he took the child with him into a
wood, and gave him to one of his people, a swineherd, who
lived in the recesses of the wood; and he asked him to
conceal the child well until himself should send him a certain
token ; and then he returned to the town to his own house,
and feigned much trouble and distress ; and his wife inquired
of him the cause of his trouble and distress. He said it was
nothing. But when she saw his distress continue, she began
to importune him to find out from him the cause of his
trouble. He said that, if she would keep it a secret, he would
tell her the cause of his distress.
She swore that whatever he should tell her as a secret
she would not reveal it. " Then," said he, " I have committed
a dreadful act of treachery, that is, the slaying of my foster-
son, the king's son." Upon hearing this, the wife screamed,
and called the house-folk, and told them to bind the parricide
because he had killed the king's son. And they did
accordingly ; and they took him bound to the king. Flaithri
also had raised the state of the son of one of his own stewards
so that he became a rich man. Similarly very soon after his
340 ipOffiAS peASA All 4minn. [book i.
tOTiTiThuf 1 T)CAifa'6 T)^ fi^i|t, lotintif ti^d |t^c^i6 einni t>o
^n pi Ap ci A I^Aftiigce, ni p^ib T)tiine 1610b if cpuime Agtif
6290>ft)6ine -00 bi 'n-A ^g^i-b loni^ m^c ^n pe^ccA^ipe, 1 r)t)6i5
50 bftiis'beA.t^ fein oigpe^dc pt^icpi pe ^ ceo^ntio^c -oo fein.
Cuipif jTlAicpi, ^p mbeic p^n eige^Ti poin t)6, fiop 1 rroi^il
^ fe-^cp-d^c 0.5A i-d.ppA.i'O uippe -g^ti iTieit> lonnnitifA cug 1
'OCiMfCi'6 -61 x>o cup cuige, 50 ntjeine^-b c^p^it) '06 fem citn-
BMece^tL ^n pioj, ^gup mA>p po^mig ^n ce^cco^ipe 1, x)o fe^n
TiAC^p glAc feiti ^ f A^niAit pn ti^i^o pi-Mh. Agup tniO^p piimg
An pc^^t poin pl^icpi Agup e pe hucc ^ bipuigce i^pp^ip a
leigeA-n "oo li^c^ip ^n P105 50 n-oeine^^ corhp-owo pum pip ;
Agtip ^p T) -oo t-ic-Aip CoptTiA^ic tjo, 00 innip 50 p^ibe ^x\
83oom-6.c pl^n, ^sup At)tibid.ipc e pein t)o conjbiiL po.n cuibpe^c
1 p^ibe 50 iDCije^cc "OA •o^lc-fi. 00 l-icAip. CuipcreiO^p pop
Ap ce^nn ^n ttiic, ^Jtap ^.p ocije^cc 00 l-ic^ip tDon te^nb
6n muici'oe aja p^ibe 1 5coiTtieA.t) ^ige, mo^p "oo conn^ic pe
pL^icpi cuibpigte, goitip no gup pc-a^oile^x) -oe. Agup ^p
6»6 mbeic vo "plAicpi pc^oilce, p^fpuigip Copm^c op ipe^^l t)e
qt^At) Ap ^p pulling e pein 00 <5up p-d.n go^bx^^o pom, " t)©
ppoThA.16 n^ jceicpe gcoih^iple^c cug th' A^c^ip V6^m t)o
pinne^p e," ^p ft^icpi, " -d.gup pu^po^p ^p n-^ noeApb-d^^
gup^b cpionn^ n^ ceicpe coih^ipteAC-o^ cug rhVc-d^ip 16^111.
6310 Ap t)cup ni cpionn^ "oo ne^c oile^th^in mic piog -oo g^bi^it
A^p A 10CC, x)'e-A5l43. polite 00 •oe^nAth v^ ■ocioqr^o loc no
.mitte^'o -oo ce-digTTi Alt 'oon t>AlcAy Agup be^CA no b^p ^n oitDe
t>o ^eAn-A-o pAill, Ap cumAp An pig. An x)ApA cothAipte cug
TTi'ACAip •bAthj'oo peip n-itJiSipe ni bi congbiit pum guAipeAC-
6516 CAig 1 mnAOi pAn bic go coicceAnn, Agup uimepn ni cpionnA
A pATTiAil -00 pun t)o leigeAn pe. An cpeAp coniAiple cug
rh^ACAip •dATTi, gAn itiac mogAi^ no t)ume uipipl x>o iheAt)-
father's death he committed some of his wealth to his sister's
keeping, so that none of the four counsels his father had given
him should go untested by him« Now, when the steward's
son found that he was a prisoner, and the king about to
put him to death, none of them was more bitter and severe
against him than he, as he hoped to acquire Flaithri's inherit-
ance for himself
Flaithri, finding himself in this difficulty, sent a message
to his sister, asking her to send him the treasure he had given
her to keep, that he might make friends for himself around
the king's person. But when the messenger reached her,
she denied that she had ever received any such thing
from him. And when that reply reached Flaithri, as he
was about to be put to death, he asked to be permitted
to go before the king, in order to speak to him on a
secret matter; and when he had come into Cormac's
presence, he told him that the child was safe, and
asked to be kept in his bonds till his foster-son should be
brought in. The son was sent for ; and when the child had
come in from the swineherd who had been keeping him in
safety, as be beheld Flaithri in bonds, he wept . without
ceasing until he was set free. And when Flaithri had been
set free, Cormac asked him privately why he had permitted
himself to be placed in this predicament "It was to test
the four counsels my father gave me I did so," said Flaithri ;
" and I found on testing them that my father's four counsels
to me were wise. In the first place, it is not wise for anyone
to take upon him the bringing up of a king's son lest he may
be guilty of neglect resulting in the injury or loss of the foster-
child, while the life or death of the foster-father who had
been negligent was in the power of the king. As to the second
counsel my father gave me, the keeping of a dangerous secret
is not by nature in the power of women in general ; hence it
is not prudent to commit such a secret to them. The third
counsel my father gave me was not to raise or make wealthy
342 ponAS peASA AH 6ininti, [bookl
vij^^t nd x>o WgbAit 50 hintinie, t)o b^tig 5U|t^b jtiacac leo
beic T)eid.|tTnAt)^c f^n coinin-d.oiti cui|tceid.p o|t]\A, ^guf p3-p
5920 5U|t^b olc teo pof n/^ tDeA-f 6ile ^guf ha huipfte Of fr-if ^-OA^jt
T)o beic ^5 At! t)f tiinj nieAt)t;ii5eAf y^v, l-p niid.ic/' ^p fe^
" ;d.n ce-6.C|tAniA'6 coth^iptectigTtiVcAil^ t^m^ g^n mb fco-p t>o
c^b^ifi: t)om fiAi|t 6i|t i-p ec^t if •oaiI -oo tia mriAib eAt)^iL.
t)o •6^AnAm T)^ 5AC lotiTithuf t)^ t)Cti5Ai'o a. gc^ti^io \
6526'0CA.lfC1'6 "Ddlb.'*
-M^iopig t>A tnbeic 1 n6i|tinTi •oeicneAb'6.|t t)o beic t)o fio|t 'n-^
pocAi|t 5^x1 fCAfCAiti fti-p tDo jriAC, mA|\ aca pt^ic, b|tei*
teo^th, t)|\AOi, I1A15, pie, feAnc-d., oi^^p-oe^c; ^juf Cfiujt
^^feA'om-d.riTiA.c: ^n fl^ic niA.|t gu-c.ilb'oe 'oon ^115, ^n b-peiue^th
p§ TiocCA'6 nof Ajuf ' ha qiice t)o l-iCAi|t An pioj ;
T)!!^^ \\e hio'6bA|^CA t)o t>§AnATTi, Agtif |t§ ctiAii TTiAiueAf A no
tiitc 'oon cpid A lof A JAOife Ajtif a jeincLiioeAccA ; I1A15
|\e leijeAf x>o ■oeAnAth ■oon ^tig A5tif -oa |\io5Ain Ajttf ■oon
5^ceA5lAC 6 foin attiac; pie \^e hAoi-p no p6 hA'DtholA^ t>o
^eAnAih t)A jAd Aon "oo |\^|t a thAiceAfA no a thijnioiti ;
•peAncA |t6 coiTTieAtJ cpAob 5coibneAf a fceol Ajtif itnceACCA
nA n-UAf aI 6 Aimp-p 50 hAimpft ; oipp-oeAC p6 feinm Ajuf
|t6 JAbAll -Otl An Agtif "D-peACT: t)0 lACAlft An |\105 ; AJtIf cpuji
®40feA'6TnAnnAC pe pieAfCAl Agti-p |^e piibcolAth An jtioj 30 n-A
bpjpcAinn "00 i^onnAiiM-oib Aguf -00 t>-AileAThnAib -pe a n-Aiy.
"Do bi An nof-fo A|t conjbAil 6 Aimp|\ Co-pniAic 50 bAf
OjtiAin mic Cinn^i-oit) gAn triAlAipc acc AitiAin 6 "oo 5AbAt>A|t
pigte ^ijteAnn opei-oeAih C|iiofC, sti'pAb AntncAjtA eA5Ailfe
5346 1)0 biox> T n-Aic An •O-pUA'D \ke ptlOCAl Agtlf 1^^ fOlllptlgA'd
|teAdcA Agu-p TDlijte t)6 t)on ^115 -d^gtif x)a ceAglAC. A5 f eo
fui-oeAih An cf eAncAit) a^ An ni-f e AnuAf :
5ati impeAf Ain ^n imfnfoth ;
6360 eol t)Aifi A Ti-AipeAifi ttile^
the son of a serf or of a lowly person ; for such persons are
usually unmindful of the benefit conferred on them ; and
moreover, they are hurt that the party who raised them
should be aware of the meanness and lowly state whence
they rose. Good/' said he, " is the fourth counsel my father
gave me : not to give my treasure to my sister ; for it belongs
to the nature of women to regard as-spoil whatever valuables
their friends give them to keep in safety."
It was ordained in Cormac's time that every high king of
Ireland should keep ten officers in constant attendance on
him, who did not separate from him as a rule, namely, a
prince, a brehon, a druid, a physician, a bard, a seancha, a
musician, and three stewards: the prince to be a body-
attendant on the king ; the brehon to explain the customs
and laws of the country in the king's presence ; a druid to
offer sacrifices, and to forebode good or evil to the country by
means of his skill and magic ; a physician to heal the king
and his queen and the rest of the household ; a fil^ to
compose satire or panegyric for each one according to his
good or evil deeds; a seancha to preserve the genealo-
gies, the history, and transactions of the nobles from age to
age ; a musician to play music, and to chant poems and songs
in the presence of the king ; and three stewards with their
company of attendants and cupbearers to wait on the
king, and attend to his wants. This custom was kept
from the time of Cormac to the death of Brian son of
Cinneide without change, except that, since the kings of
Ireland received the Faith of Christ, an ecclesiastical chaplain
took the place of the druid, to declare and explain the pre-
cepts and the laws of Grod to the king, and to his household.
Thus does the seancha set forth the matter just stated :
There are len round the king, . .
WithoQt xiTalry, without anxiety—
I can name them all,
Both prince and oi&eiaL
344 fouas fCASA ATI 4mitiii. [book I.
bfeiceAifi If pie if flAid;
An |\{ A^ riAd biA An q\4rbe ^aIU
6386 111 ^ti$ IP^ne a etneActAiiii.
Oligrb {oc If emeAclAfiTi.
6360 tiAig AH ceAC|Vd^fhAi» t)tiiiie
t>'tiof SaIai^ ^Ad AOin tiite ;
U|tiA^ f]\iod6liiiA mbtirCHieAi) mbAiin
SloinnfeAt) r>o fttsA^Aib ^|\eAnn.
An |\i AS nAd b^t> pn vite
5366 XM tUi 1 R^m Afogt^tii^e ;
1 T>ciS CeAffifVd ni biA a feAl,
dn \ii A^ TiAd biA ATI DeKhieAbAft.
•ocug 'Oi^d. foluf ^n C|\eit)itTi t)6 fe-^cc mbti^^'oiiA. |te tnb^f.
6370 Agtif uimepti "oo 'oitilc ^i6it-6.'6 -oo LAith'oeib, ^gtif t)o g^d^b |te>
^if c-ii6-6.f ^gtjf OTioip "00 c^b^ipc T)OTi fiji-'Oi^, lonntif gtip-^b
e ^n cfe^f F^^r ^^ cixeiT) 1 Ti4i|\inii e ful ciinig P-it)iiAi5 :
Concub^lt m^c TleA^f^ ^mi ce^Dfe^p t)0 5^b cp 61*66 atti . a|\
6376 jane 1ut)A.i'6e, mo|tAnn mA^c TTl^oin ^n t)^|\A. feA.p, ^gtif
CojATTiAc ni^c Aijtt: ^n C|\6Af t)uiti6. If 1 x)U6-6.rh|>4M5 vo
cte^ccA^t Co|tTnA.c aiciuj^to ^]\ tojtj r\A jxiog |\oiiti6 x\6 guft
milte^'o A* pofc t6 hAOTlgUf 5A.oibuA.ibc6^c, AthA^lt A.t)ub-
pA.TnA»|t cu-d.f ; ^guf 6 pn a^ttia^c 1 tiAca^iII 1 t)cis Cteiaj
6380 ^guf t 5C6AnA.nntjf -oo bio^. 6i|^ nio|i niA.if6. ^guf titop
foti^f l6 pe^ftAiib 4i|t6A.nif] pi 50 ri-A.initTi T)'iiciti§Ai6 1
T>Ueid^mA^i|t ; A^gtif uiTn6 pr\ x>o jaa.'O CojimA^c ah jtige tja^ ih^c
.1. CA.ipb|\6 llCp6A.CA1lt, ^gtlf "00 teij U6A.TTIA.l'p T>d, ^Jtlf "OO
dUA.i'o p6iTi 1 'oag Ct6ici5 ^guf 1 n^CA^ilt 1 bfo<5A.n^ <|\AC,
There tie appomted to attend <m gxacioui kings,
A bnhon, a fil6, and a ptinoe ;
The king who hai not the three nasMd,
Hii honoiir*price it not eanirtioned hy Peniaa law.
A ebaplain to esponsd the goipela,
A leaneha who eeti right 9fwj aiihapy
A iniitioia& ikilled in haip-itxings alio :
For these fine and honoar*price are a;
The fourth person is a physician,
To look to each one's disease ;
Three stewards to serve iamoos eompanies,
I shall reoord for the hosts of
The king who shsll not hare all these
Hu no right to be in the Eeim Bioghruidhe ;
In the house of Tara shall not pass his time
A king not haTing the ten.
On account of the excellence of Cormac's deeds, and
judgments, and laws, God gave bim the light of the Faith
seven years before his death. And, accordingly, he refused
to adore gods made with hands ; and he set himself to
reverence and honour the true God ; so that he was the third
man in Ireland who believed before the coming of Patrick.
Conchubhar son of Neasa was the first to receive the faith
when he heard from Bacrach the druid that the Jewish people
would put Christ to death by torment ; Morann son of Maon
was the second person; and Cormac son of Art was the third.
It was at Tara that Cormac usually resided, according to the
practice of his predecessors, until his eye was destroyed by
Aonghus Gaoibuaibhtheach, as we have said above ; and
thenceforward he abode in Achaill, in the house of Cleiteadi,
and in Ceanannus. For the men of Ireland considered it
neither becoming nor auspicious that a king with a blemish
should abide in Tara ; and for this reason Cormac gave over
the sovereignty to his son Cairbre Lithfeachair; and he gave
up Tara to him, retiring himself to the house of Qeiteach
and to Achaill, not far from Tara. And it was there he
346 ponAS peASA AH ^miTiti. [book l
6986 5on^'6 lOTincA foin t)o ]tinne n^ Ceo^g^if c tlioj ^g iniJTi^i6
TnA]i hut Tju^t t>o |\i5 beic, tn^p o.t5ub]tA.niA|t cti^f, ^5Uf
cionnu-p T)o pflA.dcfA»<> n^ cua^ca 'n-6. trolije^'bAib. Ajuf
6ti C|tAC fi.|t cpeij Co]tTn^c ^n pige niop qteit) acc t)on
6580 X,i, t)A |t^ib Copm^c 1 X)ci5 CLeicig t)0 b^o^n n^ •ojiA.oite
'n-^ fiA^bTiAife ^5 ^t^jt^-b ^n 1^015 ojfd^, ^S^f c^<^ '^^
•OjtAOi t)o Cojtm^c cpe^t) ^f x\6^6 ^-t^^i) ah t^o§ oit-OA. ^Z^T
riA -oee mA.|\ ci^c. "Hi -oe^n " o»|t Cojtm^c "Ai6|t^t) x>on
5386 ce^p '00 jtoine mo ce^^it) f6in, ^Jtif "oo b'pe^^i^p ^n 'ouine x>o
ITlAoiLgeAnn t)f ^01 ^n l^og 6pt)A. 50 |to Ling 'n-A. bfiA-otiiO^ife
uile. "An fUT) ^ Copm^ic ?" 4^p TTl^oiLgeA^nn. " Cia.
'oo-citn,'* ^]t Copm^c, "ni 'oe-o.n ^Of^-o vo TDia niirie
5400 ^gtiT c^lihAn ^guf ifpinn."
tDo beA|tb^i6 ^ CHID oon pig i^p foin ^gu-p t)0 g^b ^5
ice Tni|\e "oo bp^-oi^n on mboinn. Leif pn ci^ng-d.'o^it n^.
p^bp^ lA.p n-^ ngpe^^f^cc 100 vltl^oiLge^nn t)|\a.oi ^gup
m^pbc^p ^n pi teo, ptiipe^nn oile ^tjeip gup cni^iiti bp^oiin
6406 '00 \^e^n v^ bp^g^it) ^guf "oo t^cz by 6ip if ^g ice 6ipc t)o bt
An UAip "00 CACCf At) n-ftk p^bp^ no n^ tjeA^Th^in ^ep^^ e.
l^p tjce^cc t)*o.ipge-d.nAib bi^ip 1 nt)AiL ^n piog ^'oub^ipc
p^ n-A o^op gp^i^ g^n A dopp t^'^^n^CAt p An upti§ niAp a-
pAbAt)Ap piogpAi'd teAihpAd poiTifie pn. Ap mbeic lotnoppo
6410 00 CAC Ag bpeit A ctiipp •o'A'onACAL T)on Dptig cuipit) n^
p^bpA 1 n-^b^inn go tjcuile TTi6ip cpi huAipe pompA 6, 6rp
nrop b*-iit teo a copp "OO leige^n 1 peilg 10*6^1 cpe cpeiT>eAih
oon pp-tDiA t6. Agup An ceAcpAmAio peAdc ptigAt)Ap tucu
A lotncAip pAn AbAinn 6, Agup bcApAp uaca An copp p§ pptic
64i6nA Doinne go pAinig Hop nA Uiog Agup pcApcAp An copp pip
composed the Teagaisc Riogh, setting forth what a king
should be> as we have said above, and how he should rule
the people through their laws. And from the time that
Cormac gave over the sovereignty, he believed only in the
one Grod of heaven.
On a certain day, when Cormac was in the house of
Cleiteach, the druids were worshipping the golden calf in
his presence ; and the general body of the people were wor-
shipping it after the manner of the druids. Maoilgheann the
druid asked Cormac why he was not adoring the golden calf
and the gods like the rest. " I will not," said Cormac,
"worship a stock made by my own artificer; and it were
better to worship the person who made it ; for he is nobler
than the stock." Maoilgheann the druid excited the golden
calf so that he made a bound before them all. " Dost thou
see that, O Cormac?" said Maoilgheann. "Although I see,"
said Cormac, " I will worship only the God of heaven, of
earth, and of hell."
After this his food was cooked for the king ; and he began
to eat a portion of a salmon from the Boinn. Thereupon
the demon sprites came, at the instigation of Maoilgheann
the druid, and they killed the king. Others say that it was
a salmon-bone that stuck in his throat and choked him.
For it was eating fish he was when the sprites, or demons of
the air, choked him.
When the king was in the throes of death, he directed
his officers not to bury his body at the Brugh, where the
kings of Tara had been buried up to then. But when the
people were conveying his body to the Brugh to be buried,
the sprites put it into the greatly swollen river thrice before
them ; for they did not wish to let his body into the
burial-place of the idolaters, since he believed in the true
God. And the fourth time its bearers carried the body
into the river ; and it was snatched away from them by the
current of the Boinn, and it reached Ros na Riogh ; and it
348 rOlitXS peASA AR ^IRlTltl. [BOOK I
^fi bfu^t) no Ji^f ^n 5C]i6d^|t, ^on^^ 'oe pn ^ci^ Ac pu^i-o
^1^ bdinn. t)o c^oine^i6 ^nn pn e ^^uf do |iiiitie^i6 ^.u^i5
^S^r ^^ li^^ii^ice^'6 ^5 Rof n^ R105 e. Ui^ini5 Colum Citte
^iin|*e^|t imci^n t>^ eif pn ^tif ^n 1011^16 p>iTi, ^o bpj^ip
94f0ce^fiii ^n P105 Copm^ic ^uti, ^S^f do h^ion^ice^^ teif e.
An^if Colttm Citte f^n i^iu ce^Dii^ 50 n'Ottb^ijic cpioc^t)
^ift^e^nn 6f ^ dionti, 30 bpjit e^^t^if ^fiiu f ^n aic pn.
5 c^]tt^ i&tJinn t^^b^iitc id^f fiA Df^oicib ^ntip), meA^f-
^im 5ti]tid^b oi]tce^f 'ouinn t^^b^ipc j^\i cui-o v/^ r\x)^\^\h
S426^5uf 50 hi^iftiue ^ft ^ n-icdb^jic^ib ^gti-p ^p ^ n^e^f^ib
tn^p buf fottuf 1 n-Af nt)iAi'6. Aci^m iOTno|t]io jte a. bf A^icpn
1 n^]\inn ^mu 1 n-o^icib ioiuda 'n-^ feid^Dcoih^ltc^noib 6
6>ifnp]t TiA. pijATiCACcA. lom^t) De te^c^tb p6*^ ^S^F
S^ttiiin <5tod ^5 ^ n-iomd^lt, ^juf if Diob 5^i|\nice^f\ 'pi^
M90 feinte^b^^ib ^tcoi^e lo^otui^e, ^jtif te^pc-^CA. n^ peine
j^ijie^f An pob^t coica^nn •010b, do bpig n^c fe^f Doib
cpe^D fA|t ho]it)tii5e4^^ iA.t). If A|\ n^ h-d^tcoi-pib-fe do
cte^ccAoi 1 n-^ttox) teif n^ "Of A^oicib /^ n-io'6b4i.fCA -oo
t^^^n^ni m^itte ]i6 m^pbo^D ^ tnbocAn a. DCApb ^guf ^
«3«|\eiceA'6, Ajtif n-A t)|\i6.oice fein •do cige^cc a]\ a nglun^ib
f-i pteAi6 fot^ n^ hio'6b-A|\CA t)^ n^t^n^^D pein 6 f Al-6.C4^|t
0. Sce^n, Aih^it Do-niox> ^n c--A|tT)f A^jA^f c 1 meo^fc ^n ami)
iux)6^}'6e, ^n c^n c6it>e-^'6 fi. •Ofoiceo.D n^ hio'obA.pc^ t>o
t^i^e^n fotA n^ hicob^f ca* do pic ^i^t fein. Jon^t) x>e pn
8440 DO s^ijici Pontifex .1. o|AoiceAt)6ni te.
X>i!i^ n^ nDpuA^D if e fei-bm t)o-ni'Dif do feice^i^o^ib n^
DCAjtb n-io^b^jiCA A. jcoiiheA^D \\h hudc beic A.5 t)
conjuration no Ag cti|t n^. nDeAihA^n fi. ge^f^^ib, Agtif if
lom'bA^ c6itn ^p a jcuifoif ge^^fA. off a, m^f aca plteA.'o Ap
5448 ^ f cikite f fein 1 n-uif ce, no f e tiA^niA^f c ^.f ne^^tt^^ib ninie, no
f ^ fO^Af 5A.oice n6 gtof 6An do ctof ; 5^*^^-^*^ ^fl CA.n do
deiteA*^ 5-6.6 i^ips Diob pn off a., ^.guf f i. h^ige^^n -ooib a.
noide^tt DO t>6A.n atti, if e6.x> -oo-niDif Cf tiinnctiA^CA. CAOf CAinn
DO 'b^ Aguf feiceA^ioA^ n^. DCA^f b n-iot)bA.f ca. do te^^ci^t)
became separated from the fuady or bier, whence the ford
Ath Fuaid on the Boinn is named. They mourned for him
there ; and his grave was made ; and he was buried at Ros na
Riogh. A long time after this, Columcille came to that place,
and found the head of king Cormac there, and buried it.
Columcille remained in the place till he had said thirty
Masses above his grave, and there is now a church in the
As we have spoken of the druids here, I think it will be
meet to give some account of them, and especially of their
sacrifices, and of their geasa, as will appear below. There are^
indeed, to be seen in Ireland to-day in many places, as relics
of the Pagan times, many very wide flag-stones, and pillar*
stones supporting them ; and these are called idol-altars in
the old books, while the general populace call them beds of
the FiaU) as they are ignorant of the reason of their construc-
tion. On these altars the druids were wont to make their
sacrifices in the olden time, and slay their he-goats, their
bulls, and their rams ; and the druids themselves went on
their knees under the blood as it dropped from their victims,
to cleanse themselves from the uncleanness of their sins, as
the high priest did among the Jewish people when he went
under the sacrificial bridge to let the blood of the victims flow
over him, and hence he was called Pontifex, that is^ bridge-
As to the druids, the use they made of the hides of the
bulls offered in sacrifice was to keep them for the purpose
of making conjuration, or laying geasa on the demons;
and many are the ways in which they laid geasa on them,
such as to keep looking at their own images in water, or
gaze on the clouds of heaven, or keep listening to the noise
of the wind or the chattering of birds. But when all these
expedients failed them, and they were obliged to do their
utmost, what they did was, to make round wattles of the
quicken tree, and to spread thereon the hides of the bulls
360 ponAS -p^-^^SA AH 6minn. [book i.
6460 0)111^ ^S^r ^^ CA^ob T>o bioil) |iif ^n bfeoil t>o du^ i n-u^cc^|t
t)iob, A^guf t>tjt mA^jt pn 1 mtJinigin ^ ngeA^f a. "oo cog-d^iitm n^
nt^e^th^n vo bu^in fcfe^^t "o^ob, a^itia^iL t>o-Tii ^n c:o5^]iTn^c
f^n dio|tc^ill A^tiiu; jon^^ t)e pn 'oo te^x\ ^n feA.n-pocd.1
6 foin d»t)ei|t 50 vz^v t\e^6 ^|t ^ cti^c^ib pf ^n CA.n t)o-ti^
'Oik p]tioih-poili5 iofTio|t|^o T)o bio^ 1 n^ipinn 1 n-A^ttot) 1
n-Aimpit Ti^ p^giiTi^ccA, 'n-o. 5ctii|\ci ti|\Th6|t |\io§ n^
h^iiie^TiTJ, mAp Aci. ^T^^5 "^ boinne ^^jtif tloilig n-c. TI105
lAiih |\e Cpu^c^m. If folluf gup Vion^t> ^on^icce t)o
64eo|iio§Aib Ue-6.ih|^A.c b|\ti§ ti^ bdinne ^f ^n fe^ncu-p cu^f,
^juf if'oeA.pb guj^ b'iOTi^i6 coicde^rin ^'6TiA.icte •00 piojA^ib
4i|\eAnii II01I13 n^ II105 1 5CpuA.c^iri "oo |\ 6ip topn^ CigeA^f
S466 X)aci m^^c Vi^<^^Ac feA|\ ^|\ai^ ;
A|\ $AttAib Afv $^e^eAtAib.
Cu^ TiA ^^11 CAf intii|\ AniA|\ ;
5470 ^CAIT) fUC, f Olllpg All X}Atf
Conn UhacaI ^^f ComAlcAd.
C|\4 mic 606416 IperbliJ pnti,
Aciro f At) nTa]\ fnA]\ niAOt^im ;
5475 A|\ n-A tflA]\bA<6 T>0 lfl0(\-TllA0l.
AcA eo^Ai'd ipei^leAd plAic,
IPttC A^f Oeipbfxi T>eA$TTiAic ;
A^f ClocpA, tii c6im AfCy
Aguf tneA'bb A^ttf niiifAfc.
5480 ^|\e p6olA AjUf tjAtibA,
C|\{ ll6^tlA Allrte Alfl'pA,
ACAit) 1 ^C^DAdAin nA ^clAnn,
UpiA|\ bAn iQO CtiAic X)6 "O An Attn,
offered in sacrifice, putting the side which had been next
the flesh uppermost, and thus relying on their geasa
to summon the demons to get information from them, as
the conjurer does nowadays in the circus ; whence the old
saw has since been current which says that one has gone
on his wattles of knowledge when he has done his utmost to
obtain information.
Formerly, in the times of Paganism, there were two chief
cemeteries in Ireland, in which most of the kings of Ireland
were buried ; namely, the Brugh of the Boinn, and the
Cemetery of the Kings near Cruachain. It is plain, from
the narrative given above, that the Brugh of the Boinn was a
burial-place for the kings of Tara ; and it is certain that the
Cemetery of the Kings at Cruachain was a common cemetery
for the kings of Ireland, according to Toma Eigeas in the
following poem :
A fair king of Fail lies beneath thee,
Bathi 800 of Fiachraidh, a man of dignity ;
Croaoha, thou hast concealed thia
Fzom foreignen and Irom Qaeia.
Beneath thee Hea atrenuoiu Dnnghalach,
Who brought the hostages acroas the aea from the west ;
There is beneath thee, make known the gift,
Conn Toathal and Tomaltach.
Three sons of Eochaidh Feidhlioeh the fair,
They are beneath thy wall as I aver ;
Eochaidh Aireamh lies prostrate,
Slain by the mighty great MaoL
Eochaidh Feidhleach the prince
Is beneath thee, and worthy Deirbhri,
And Clothra, not reproachful the dignity.
And Headhbh and Morasc.
Eire Fodla and Banbha,
Three beauteous noble young ladies,
Are in Cruacha of the clans,
Three women of the Tuath De Danann,
352 ponAS peASA ATI 6minn. [book i-
Cfii mte CeA^ifiAOA a Sf^Cptum,
ClAiiti AabA imc An T>a{;^a,
Aciro f At) Ug 'ti-A ltn$»,
CobcA<5 CaoI If t]$tiiTie ;
6400 ^S^r t)A<>b<5Ay p^m go ]\AC.
A^f OltAlil A|\T> UAllAd. ACA.
'Oo s^b 6ocAit> JunnAC m^c P615 mic Ioiticaioa ttiic
b|teAfAil mic SiOjtCA^A mic Piacac ptin 6 piit>ceA|t 'O^t
bpiACAC mic t)lucAi5 mic t)eicpn mic 6ocac mic Sin mic
54«6lloipn mic CpitiiTi mic Tloic|iiuin mic Ai|\TiT)it mic inline mic
pojigA mic TTeApA-OAig mic OitiollA ^ajiahh mic p^CAC
pi|t triApA mic AongtifAUuiiibij UeAm|iA6 x>o fioL 6i]ieAm6in
piogACC CrpeATiTi aoih bliAt>AiTi ATiiAin, gt^i cuic te I/UJtia
The three eont of Oetzmed, from 8ith Truim,
And Lughaidh from liiathdhTnim,
The Kms of Aodh eon of the Daghadh,
And tall hrave Hidhir.
Beneath thy pQlar-atoiiea aie lying
Graoefttl CoUithaoh and Ughaine,
And Badhbhcha of the proeperona reign,
And proud, haughty OUamh. A fair.
Eochaidh Gunnat son of Fiach, son of lomchaidh, son of
Breasal, son of Siorchaidh, son of Fiatach Fionn from whom
the Dal bhFiatach are named, son of Dluthaidh, son of
Deitsin, son of Eochaidh, son of Sin, son of Roisin, son of
Triun, son of Roithriun, son of Airndil, son of Maine, son of
Forga, son of Fearadhach, son of Oilill Earann, son of
Fiachaidh Fear Mara, son of Aongbus Tuirbheach Teamh-
rach of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of
Ireland one year, and he fell by Lughna Feirtre.
2 A
354 pottAS veASA An emm-n. [book r,
AoiTifi|t mic Cuinn Ce^oc^c^ig mic peitblimit) He-d.ccm^i|t
mic Uu^CA.iL UeAcnTh^i|\ mic p^a^CAC ponnoluTb "oo fiot
^|^eA.m6in piog^cc 6i|ie^nn fe^dc mbli-6.t)nA a|\ pcit), ^guf
If uime 5^i|\ce^}t C6.ipb|te Licfe^c^ip t)e, x>o b|\i5 gtip^b
6606 tAtm peUcpei t^^i5nibt>o hoile^'o e.. Aguf eicne Ott^m^^
inge^n X)unl4Mn5 mic 6^nn^ Tli^'6 ipi. mi.CAi|i to ; ^gtif if le
Simeon m^c Ctjtb -a'poitcu^c^ib Wi5e-6.n vo m^j\h<yt C^iitbjte|\ iTige^n pnn mic Cum^iLi po. bexMi t)o Co^m^c C^f
56iomi6.c OilioLl-^ 6Luim> Aguf pi. hi mxic^i|i titine ^gtif ContA
^guf ttlog^ Co|\b 1, -^guf If Cf ef ^n ng^ot foin vo con^^ib
TH05 Cofb bf AC-d.if 0. mi.c^]A .t. Oifiti m^c ptin ^guf CLAtjn^
b^oifcne cxi.|\ fi^pug^t) C^ifbfe Licfe-d.c^ip -^gtif ^oo^
C^oim mic 5^|i^it» StuTTouib "OO cWnn^ib tflof n^, ^guf if
6616 ^5 ct^nn^ib tn6|\n-^ -00 bi buxj^nn-o^cc ^ipe^iMin ^n C|iac foin.
A5Uf -00 b^o^f fe^t) mbli^'o^n 1 n-e^f-^onc^ pe
ponn ^SUf |ie clAnii<Mb b^oifcne ; gotio.t) uime pn -00
5|iiof^'o^]i cl-6»nTi §i6.ftiit!> $tunx)uib C-i^iibfe Licpeid^c^if
^gtif cuige^ibMj ^i-pe^nn m^^ji ^on pif t>'^ic|iio5A.t!> ttlog^
6820 Co-pb, 1 TT0615 50 t)Ciocf^t!> -oe pn cl-^nn^ bo^oif cue t)'ionn-
^f b^^, 50ii^t!> oe pn CAinig c^b^ip c C^t^ $-o^bp^.
X)o ctiA.1^ ^r\ Hlog Cofb-fo luce 300 long 50 qtioc
Loclonn m^p -d^on pe vi. bpi^c^ip ^ mi.c^p (cl^nn t>o pig
Loclonn lift.'o) t>o bu^in ce^nn^if cpice Loclonn ^m^s^c 061b
5625 x)on pig 00 bi ^p l»oclonni6.ib o^p V^d^inm l^puf m-6.c lApnmoip,
gup bpif c^c ^p ^n pig, gup m45.pb-d.16 leif e go n-^ ceicpe
• .
Cairbre lithfeachair son of Cormac, son of Art Aoinfhear,
son of Conn Ceadchathach, son of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar,
son of Tuathal Teachtmhar, son of Fiachaidb Fionnoluidh
of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
twenty-seven years ; and he was called Cairbre Lithfeachair
because it was near the Lithfe in Leinster that he was
brought up. And his mother was Eithne Ollamhdha daughter
of Dunlaing son of Eanna Nia. And Cairbre was slain at
the Battle of Gabhra by Simeon son of Cearb, one of the
Fortuatha of Leinster ; and the reason why the Battle of
Gabhra was fought was: Samhaoir daughter of Fionn son
of Cumhall was the wife of Cormac Cas son of Oilill Olom,
and she was the mother of Tinne and Connla and Mogh
Corb ; and it was by reason of that relationship that Mogh
Corb protected his mother's brother, that is, Oisin son of
Fionn, and the clanna Baoiscne from being overpowered by
Cairbre Lithfeachair and Aodh Caomh son of Garaidh
Glundubh of the race of Morna ; and at that time the clanna
Moma formed the regular army of Ireland ; and they were
at enmity with Fionn and with the clanna Baoiscne for
seven years. Hence the party of Garaidh Glundubh incited
Cairbre Lithfeachair and the provincial kings of Ireland to
dethrone Mogh Corb in the hope that, as a cons'equence of
this, the clanna Baoiscne would be banished. And this led to
the Battle of Gabhra.
This Mogh Corb, with the manning of 300 ships, went
with two brothers of his mother (they were sons of the king
of Lochl^inn) to obtain for them the sovereignty of Lochloinn
from the king of Lochloinn, whose name was larus son of
lammhor, and he defeated the king in battle, and slew him
2 A 2
356 ponAS peASA An 6iiiiTin. [book i.
lA)6ionn ^guf cpi itiile m^^^ ^on |\itj, gujt fig^^ib fe^tb q^ice
6630 "Oo s^b pocAi* AipgceAC ^gtif poc^i-b C^i^tpte^c v^
m^c TTlic Con mic TTlA^CTnAt^ mic Lui§6e^c mic 'Oo.i|te mic
pi|t HiLLne "oo fliocc Luigt^ed^d tnic loc-d. itioj^du ^i-pe^riTi.
Aoitibtio^^Ain odib -^p-d^on 1 gco-mflAiceA^f ; guj^ cuic pocA.1^
C^ijtpce^c le pocAit) Aipjte^c, ^guf t)o cuic poc^ix) Aijtj-
6666 ce^c leif ^n bp^in 1 gC-^c OllAiibA.
Co|\TnxMC mic Ai-pc Aoinp|i mic Cuitin Ce^'OCxi.cAij "oo fioL
6ipe4i.m6in pioj-^cc 4i|te^nn cpi bli4i.t>Ti^ ^^-^5 ^p picit> guyi
ctiic leif T1A. cpi ColLid.ib 1 jC/^c 'Otibctim^i|i. Aoi^e 1115645.11
6540 fiog 5^^^5^^*^^^ be-Mi P-d.c^c S|ii6.ibcine miCi^i|i TTluipeATO-
^i§ ttfij; ^S^r ^T ^^^^ "00 5^i|ici p^c^it) SpAibcine "oe t)o
b^iig 5ti|\A.b 1 n*Oun S|io.ibcine 1 gCotin^cc^ib •00 hoile^"6 e.
lonnuf iomo|iiio guf^b moi-oe -00 cuigp-oe o.n ni-fe cmji-peAm
pof ^nnfo 6 Pf A^tc^ip C^ipt ^'ob^ji C-o^c^ 'Oubcum-o.ip ^guf
5546fe-^iiduf gA^oit r\j^ jColt^ pe p^Cift^i^ SjiiMbcine.
A5 C^i|\b]ie Licfe^Cid^iji C]ia fc^'o Oipgiidl^ .1. ctA^nn^
T1A gCott^ pe ct^niiiiMb TIeill ^^^guf pe ConriACCAib. pi^CA^io
Spi6.i5ciTie lomoppo m-o^c C^ipbpe t/icjre^c^ip, if e fe^o^n^CA^ip
60CAC TTluigTTijeA.'ooin mic tHuipe^'bAig tipij mic pi^c^c
5660 SpA^ibcine e, ^gtif if on intiiped.i6^c f om ^CAit) cl-o^niiA. Heilt
Aguf pp Conn^cc. 6oCi6.ii6 tDoiittl^^Ti lomoppo m^d^c C^ipbpe
lyiCfe^Cid^ip t>e-o.pbpiiCAip 'o'p^c^i'6 Sp^o^ibcine ; -o^gtif t)o
bi.t>^p cpi^p mA^c -0^5 i^w 6ocAi"6 pn .1. n-^ cpi Cotl-6. ^guf if
ti4i.c^ ^co^ Hi IDo^c ll-<Mf, tJi Cpiomc-Mnn, ^guf tTlo'Oopn^ij. )?i
and his four sons and his eight brothers, and the majority of
the nobles of Lochloinn, and left his mother's two brothers in
the possession of the country of Lochloinn.
Fothaidh Airgtheach and Fothaidh Cairptheach, two sons
of Mac Con, son of Macniadh, son of Lughaidh, son of Daire,
son of Fear Uileann of the race of Lughaidh son of loth,
assumed the sovereignty of Ireland. They both reigned
conjointly one year. And Fothaidh Cairptheach fell by
Fothaidh Airgtheach, and Fothaidh Airgtheach fell by the
Fian in the Battle of OUarbha.
Fiachaidh Sraibhthine son of Cairbre Lithfeachair, son of
Cormac, son of Art Aoinfhear, son of Conn Ceadchathach of
the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland
thirty-three years, and fell by the three Collas in the
Battle of Dubhchumair. Aoife, daughter of the king of the
Gallghaedheal, was the wife of Fiachaidh Sraibhthine, and
mother of Muireadhach Tireach ; and he was called Fiachaidh
Sraibhthine, for it was at Dun Sraibhthine in Connaught he
was fostered. Now in order that this event may be better
understood, we shall set down here, from the Psalter of Cashel,
the cause of the Battle of Dubhchumair, and an account
of the relationship that existed between the Collas and
Fiachaidh Sraibhthine.
It is at Cairbre Lithfeachair that the Oirghialla— -that is,
the family of the Collas — separate in their pedigree from the
clanna Neill and the Connachtaigh. And Fiachaidh Sraibh-
thine son of Cairbre Lithfeachair was grandfather of Eochaidh
Muighmheadhon son of Muireadhach Tireach, son of
Fiachaidh Sraibhthine ; and it is from this Muireadhach that
the clanna Neill and the men of Connaught are descended.
Eochaidh Doimhlean son of Cairbre Lithfeachair was brother
to Fiachaidh Sraibhthine ; and this Eochaidh had three sons,
to wit, the three Collas, and from these are descended the
Ui Mac Uais, the Ui Criomhthainn, and the Modhomaigh.
The real names of the three Collas referred to were Cairioll,
558 pORAS peASA AR 4l1lintl. [BOOK L
.Aguf Ao^. A5 f fiof T>eifnii|\ ^n Cfe^n<5^ii6 ^i|t pn :
Z^i rnic OAdAdy Afio A mbWrby
Ha C|\i CotiA A'OdvAlmAi^t ;
CoLLa IHeAmi CoLIa fo tpip
5660 If CoILa tiAif An c-Ai|\t>pi«
If eoL T>Ani AnmAnnA An q\ff »
So f O iflApbf AO An C-Afft>f {$
1 f An ci^ q\eAbA|\$tAin dAlt,
Aofb TTItirpeA^Aii tf CAij^eAtt.
5666 CAi^iott CoILa tiAif An |\i,
mtiif eAf>AC, ColtA fO dpi ;
6iObf CoIIa me Ann, ni6|\ a btAi'dy
r{\4An 6f ^Ad ceAnn An qtiAp f Ain.
pi. hi Allege in^e^n tlTOo^i^e \i\ Atb^n be^n Ooc^c
5670 Ooithlein niAC^ip iiA. •oc|^i gCoLt^, If ^\\ p^c^i-o Sp^ibcine
00 pdtif^t) n^ Cjii CoLIa pong^it,- t>a ■ocaitii^ fL-^^ic-
e^f 6i|\eAnn 'oo fCAf^'6 piu fein. A5 fo ce^n^ |:ic ne^
ponjo^ile pn. A|t mbeic cjaa t)'^iACAi'6 'n-^ fig 6i|ieAnTi
c^f t^ TTiAC niAic ^ije .1. muipeA.t^^c Uijte^c ; A^guf if e fiw
6676CtiAip5neA6 c^c^ ^5 ^ ac^iji, 6i|iTii tei^ci ^n |ii pem 1 jcac.
UeiT) niui]te^'6^c Aimfe^^f 'o'i.i|iite 50 flu^g^ib teif vox\
itltiiti^in, Agtif cti5 5eilt ^guf ^ijijue leip U^pl^ p^c^m
Sf Aibcine 1 n*Otibctim43.i|t ti.^m jte U^ittcin -6.nt)eAf ^gtif
fLuA.5 ^ije ATin. StuAj oite 16 cpiA.|\ m-o^c o. •6e^fb]\AC-d.|t
56M.1. TiA. c|ii Colt^ ^S^r ^^^ ^5 conjn^m Le p^c^fd S(i-Mbcine
1 nX)ubcumA.ip Iaiiti pe CAitlcin. tTl-^p x)o cu^l^t)^]i
Aice^f 'o'ei'pje t)o ltlui|\eA»'6^c y^x) tTltiThAin, ^T>ei|ie^i6 5^.6
AOti 1 gcoitcinne 5ti|\Ab e ^i6b^|\ 11105 ^P^^^ti e. " Cpe^t) •oo
•deA.n^m" ^.p n^ CoIIa "t)^ ji^^^ibe TTluipe^T^Ac t)'6if piAc^i-o
6686 *Ti-^ pig 4i]ie^nn/' " If e^^o if m^ic 'ouinn "Oo •6ei6.nA.Th '* ^|i
pA.t) "c^coo c^b-d^ifC -oon cf eiTijiij A5Uf ^Ti c^n Thui]ibpe^ni
efein 50 n-^ flw^g Airinfein ji^c^i/d ^p ^ ih^c 0.5^.11111 ^n
Muireadbach, and Aodh. Here is the seancha's statemrat
of this matter :
The tfaiM fOBt of Eodhaidb, great their lame,
The thzM CoUas we baTe bettd of :
Colla MeaoB, CoUa f o Chri,
And CoUa Haas the high
The nimei of the three I knoir^
And they ilev the high king
On yon wide bright plain,
Aodh Muireadbach and Oairioll.
Cairioll, Colla Uaia the king,
Muireadbach, Colla fo Chri,
Aodh, Colla Meann, great his fame ;
Theae three were mi^ty beyond all strength.
Aileach daughter of Udhaire king of Alba, wife of
Eochaidh Doimhlean, was the mother of the three Collas*
It was Fiachaidh Sraibhthine these three CoUas slew, though
a kinsman, which resulted in the sovereignty of Ireland being
lost to themselves. Now this was the cause of that murder
of a kinsman : When Fiachaidh was king of Ireland, he had a
good son called Muireadhach Tireach, and he was leader in
battle for his father, for the king himself would not be allowed
into battle. On a certain occasion Muireadhach went into
Munster accompanied by a host, and carried off hostages and
spoils. Fiachaidh Sraibhthine happened then to be at Dubh-
chumair, beside Taillte on the south side, and a host with him
there. His brother's three sons, that is the three CoUas, had
another host at Dubhchumair near Taillte helping Fiachaidh
Sraibhthine. When they heard of the success of Muireadhach
in Munster, people generally said that he was the heir-pre-
sumptive to the sovereignty of Ireland. "What shall become of
us," said the CoUas, " if Muireadhach become king of Ireland,
after Fiachaidh ? " " What we had better do," said they,
"is to give battle to the old king ; and when we have slain
himself and his host, we shall overcome his son when he will
360 potiAS ipeASA All 4minn. [book i.
C|iic foin ^guf •OjiA.oi 'n-d^ fod^ip tj^p b'^^intn tDubcuTn^ip
6690 Aguf If e^-o At>ubo.ifc: "^ |\i," An f§, **t)A n-oe^cAt) aja^c
^11 T1A CoLl^ib Aguf A TtiA^itb^^ ni biA. fi t)oc (Sloinn CAf
c'6if Af 4ifinn 50 bfo^c, A^suf m^o iAt)-f-Mi b^^f ^f bu-6.10
Ajuf Thtii|\bfeAf cu, ni bi a ]ti Af 6if inn x>^ gcloinn 50 bf ac."
"tn^fe^'b," -Af ^n fi, "if fe^fjt tiom-f^ me fein -oo nuiciin
6696 infn^ CoLt^ib -^guf ^n fioj^dc t)o focc^in ■oom fliocc im
' loniw mife t)0 niA|\bA'6 n^^ gCoLl^ ^S^f 'P^oS^cc 6if-
e^nn 'oo f occ^in "oa fliocc t>iA n-eif. A5Uf teif pn cuif it)
4^n "O^s fiu4i.5 inne^Lt caca off 43. pein ^guf bngit) Af ^
ceile -00 5^0 teic ; ^guf bf ifce^f 'o'p^c-^M'o Sf -^ibcine ^Jtif
6600 m^f bc-6.f f -o^n c^c foin e, ATh-6.1L 'Oo CAif f njif t)ubctiTnAif
*Oo j^b CoILa U^if niAC 60CAC 'OoiThtein mic C^ifbfe
l/iCfeACAif mic Cof mAic mic Aifc -Aoinfif mic Cumn CeAX)-
CACA15 t)o fioL ^f eATTioin f iojacc 6if e^nn ceitf e bLiA'onA,
5806 guf hionnAf bA*© le IDuif eAOAC Uif e^c m^c ^iacac Sf Aib-
cine e fein 50 n-A bf iicfib 1 nALb^in, m^f a bfUAf At)Af
congb^it buAnn^ccA 6 n-A mbf-iicfib. Oif f-i hi Allege
inje^n tl'OAif e fi Alb^n be^n 6ocac 'Ooimlem f a m^cAif
t)onA Cfi CoLLAib. If uime JAifce^f CoLIa tl^if -00 C^ifioLL
5610 Af A UAifle feoc n^ ColtAib oite, "oo bfij juf j^b feife^n
fi05ACC 6if e^nn, Ajuf n^f gAbA-OAf cac.
'Oo jAb tTluifeAt)AC UifeAC m^c p^CAc Sf Aibcine mic
CAifbfe LiCfeACAif mic Cofm^ic m^c AifC Aoinpf mic
Cumn CeA'ocACAig vo pot ^f eAttioin f log^cc 6if e^nn cfi
56i5bliA^nA t)eA5 Af pcit), guf cuic le CAoLb^c m^c Cfuinn
b^-of A01. TTIuifeAnn inge^n ^iacac fiog Cineil ^ogAin
be^n itluif eA-dAij; tif 15 mAcAif 6o(5AClTlui5meAt)6in. X)aLa
nA jCoLIa lonnAfbcAf t^ TTItiif e^^AC 1 nAlb^in lAt), ArfiAit
A-oubf AmAf ; A5Uf Cf 1 ceAt> lion a fluAg, Agtif cuj fi
6«2oAlbAn cion mof Aguf buAnn^cc t)6ib Af a gcf o-oacc f 6in ;
<:ome against us." Fiachaidh at that time had a druid with
him called Dubhchumair ; and he spoke thus : " O king/' said
he, '' if thou overcomest the CoUas and slayest them, there will
never be a king of thy offspring after thee in Ireland ; and if
it be they who shall succeed and slay thee, there will never
be a king of Ireland of their progeny." " Well, then," said
the king, " I prefer to fall by the CoUas, and the kingdom
to pass to my descendants after me, than that I should
slay the CoUas, and that the sovereignty of Ireland should go
to their descendants after them." Thereupon the two hosts
igot ready for battle, and made an onslaught on each other
from either side ; and Fiachaidh Sraibhthine was defeated
and slain in that battle, as Dubhchumair had foretold of him.
Colla Uais son of Eochaidh Doimhlean, son of Cairbre
Lithfeachair, son of Cormac, son of Art Aonfhear, son of Conn
Ceadchathach of the race of Eireamhon, held the sovereignty
of Ireland four years, and was then with his brothers
banished into Alba by Muireadhach Tireach son of Fiachaidh
Sraibhthine, where they were taken into military service by
their kinsmen. For Aileach daughter of Udhaire, king of
Alba, the wife of Eochaidh Doimhlean, was the mother of
the three Collas. Cairioll was called Colla Uais from his
being distinguished above the other Collas, since he held the
sovereignty of Ireland, and the others did not
Muireadhach Tireach son of Fiachaidh Sraibhthine, son
of Cairbre Lithfeachair, son of Cormac, son of Art Aoinfhear,
son of Conn Ceadchathach of the race of Eireamhon, held
the sovereignty of Ireland thirty-three years, and fell by
Caolbhach son of Cronn Badhraoi. Muireann daughter
of Fiachaidh, king of Cineal Eoghain, the wife of Muirea-
dhach Tireach, was mother of Eochaidh Muighmheadhon.
As to the Collas, they were banished by Muireadhach into
Scotland, as we have said ; and their host numbered three
hundred ; and the king of Alba received them with affection,
and took them into military service on account of their
362 potiAS peASA An 4minn. [book l
^S^r ^^ bioo^it C]ii bli^^Ti^ Atiti.^it) Af pn 50
h^ifinti .1. CoIIa Ule^nn ^gtif Colt^ t)i C|tio<5 ^Jtif Colt^
ojtf A, ^gtif 50 "ocioq:^* T>e pn pt^iceAf ^iite^nn t)0 f odc^in
««A. jctoitine t)o 'bicin tia. potig^ite pr\; ^juf ni cuj^'OA.p
x)o 'bui'din teo 6 Atb^m ^dc Ti^onb^|\ t^od leif g^^d ti-^on
T)iob, ^gtif ni '6e^|\n^'0^|i ^rap ni^ conintii'be 50 pocc^m
pA.c T>6ib T)o li^c^ijt An |\io5 ttluipeA^^Aig ti-pij. "An
b-ptiitit) fc^o^l^ AjAib-fe i6uinn, a bp^icjie/' ^p ^n pi. "Hi
6630fttit fceA.t A^id^mn '* ^p p^t) " hut cptiA^ije ^uic-pe loni. ^n
gnioTii x>o pon^m^p fein, m^p aca c'6.CAip-fe t)o Th^pbA^'o
linn." "Acik ^n fce^t pom Aj-d^mn f em " ^p nitupe^'OAC
" Agtif if ctitnA ■bA.oib-i^ dip ni •oioj-o.tcxj.p op^^ib e ; acc
o.n miop^c CA^pL^ lo^oib A^p 0. fon ni fc-d^pp^i'd pib '* "If
5856oipbipe TjpoctAOic pn," ^p n-fi. Coll^. "Tli^ bio^ t)Oil5ei6kf
opxj.ib-pe, AC-i police portiAib," ^\\ pe. Uuj^xjAp pe^t fo^-o^
m^p pn 1 jCAip'oe^.p mop ^sup ip iat> no. CoLl^ ri. cu^ip^nij
CACA d.5 An pig.
A'oubAipc An pi piu gup tiiicit) "odib pe^p^nn t)o 'oeAnAtn
6640 1) A ptiocc. " CiA An cip n-Ap niAic leAC-fA pnn 00 t>eAnAih
peApAinn cLoii6itti ?" — ni pAbAt)Ap 615 -oo b^uppAiriAncA lonA
lAT) 'n-A n-Aimpp pem 1 n^pinn. " ^pgi^ ^p tlttcAib/' Ap
pe, "dip ACA piop gCACA A^Aib ctiCA "00 bpig gtip Loipc
jioIIa pioj UIax^ P^^pog no pole CopmAic mic Aipc le
6646COinnill 1 HIaij bpeAg. Ap mbeic lomoppo vo CopmAC
'n-A pig 6ipeAnn CAinig neApc "UIai) go mop 'n-A a^ai'O
jup hionnApbA-o leo i gConnACCAib e, lAp mbpeic a jiaII;
Ajuf t)A eip pn ceAnglA'OAp pioc pe CopmAC Agup ollihuijip
pleA-o mop -oo i t)CtiAifceApc TTI Aige bpeAJ. Agtif ip Ann oo
MfioloifceA'o pole CopmAic le 510IIA piog UIa^o; Agup aca pn
gAn oiogAil pdp."
Leip pn. cug An pi TnuipeAOAC pluAg lionihAp 1661b.
UpiAllAit) nA CoIIa Ap pn 1 gCuigeAio ConnAdc ^^guf.
SEC. xlvil] history of IRELAND. 363
valour ; and they remainied there three years. They came
thence to Ireland — that is, Colla Meann and CoUa da Chrioch
and Colla Uais — ^in the hope that Muireadhach Tireach might
slay them, though being his kinsmen, and that in consequence
of this parricide the sovereignty of Ireland might go to their
descendants. And they brought with them, as an escort,
only nine warriors each, and they neither halted nor rested till
they reached Tara and came into the presence of the king,
Muireadhach Tireach. "Have ye news for us, O kinsmen?'^
said the king. " We have no news," said they, " that would
affect thee more than the deed we ourselves have done, that
is, that we have slain thy father." "We have that news
ourselves," said Muireadhach ; " and it matters not to you, as
it shall not be avenged on you ; but the misfortune it has
brought upon you will not pass away from you." " That is
the reproach of a coward," said the CoUas. ** Be ye not
dejected ; ye are welcome," said he. They spent a long time
after this in close friendship ; and the Collas were leaders in
battle for the king.
The king told them, then, that it was time they should
win territory for their descendants. " In what territory dost
thou wish us to make sword-land ? " — there were no more
daring youths in Ireland in their time than they. ** Rise out
against the Ultonians," said he ; " for ye have just cause of
battle with them, since an attendant of the king of Ulster
burned the beard or hair of Cormac son of Art with a
candle in Magh Breagh. Now, when Cormac had become
king of Ireland, a strong force of the Ultonians came against
him and drove him into Connaught, having carried off
hostages from him. After that they made peace with Cormac
and get ready a feast for him in north Magh Breagh. And it
was there that an attendant of the king of Ulster burned
Cormac's hair. And that deed is still unavenged.*'
Upon this, king Muireadhach gave them a large host ;
and the Colla went thence into the province of Con-
pottAS peASA All 4miiiti. [BOOK r.
6666 ^it) lAf pn pjt Conn^dt: teo 50 tion fe^^cc jca^c 50 jt^ng-
^t)^p C^ltn Adtfi-d teirbeiitj 1 bpe^priThAkig. 'Pe^]i^ix> •
fe^cu 50^6^ on jcnoc foin A]t Uttc^ib .1. c^c 5^0 ^on ti
go ceA^nn feA^dcifi^ine. Se c^t^ ifttob 6 Conti^cc^ib ^ju-p
^n fe^ccrh^-b c^c 6 tia. Cott^ib, niA]t A]t TnA.pb-6.16 Pe^jijui*
6660 Foj^ ]ti 6^tTin^, ^gtif tn^]^ A.]t b]MfeA.i6 t>'tlltcAib 50 p^ibe
puAij 0]t|t^ 6 C^|tii Adtii'6 l/eir6ei|t5 30 Jl^e^nn Hije ; ^juf
iA.|t T)rA.b^i|tc Ai|t ni6i|t opjtA ciLlio n^ Cotl-d. tj^ionnf^ije
n^ li6A.tTin^ jti^i h^iitjeA^X) ^.guf 511]^ toirceA<> lea 1, lonnuj*
50 bpiit 6 foin 5^n 1^15 t>^ hAiau§^'6.\ be^n^M-o C|\-i i^n
5e66CA.ti foiTi n^ Colt^ n^ cpioc^-fo fiof^tJATri-^iTTToeoin -o'tltl-
c^c^ib, mAjt Aci. tnoTO^iiTitiig til CpioniCA^inn ^suj- tli tTli^c
tJ^ip 'Oo 5^b CoIIa. TTleA^Tin 1TloT6A|\ntit5 ^guf Coll^ "o^
Cpiod Hi Cpioihc^mn ^juf Coll^ tt-6.if Hi Hl^c tlAip Ajuf
If le C-<i.olbAi'6 TTiAC Cptiinn U4>.^f A.01 'bo cuic Tnui|\eA.'6<i.c
6670 Uijte^c.
X>o 5A.b CA.otb^i'6 TnA.c C|ttiitiTi b^i6|tAOi m^c ^oc-o.c CobA.
inic Luij^be-o^c mic tloff^ mic 1otnc^i6i6. mic 'Pei'6tiTni'6 mic
Cd^if tnic P^6a.6 ATitiiioe mic Aonjtif^ 5^^^^^^^^ ^^^ "Pe-^jt-
5Uf-6. posl^^if ffl^c Triob]iAit)e Ci^tij mic b]\eAf Ail mic peijib
6676 mic TTIaiI mic tloqiunoe mic CAcbAii6 mic 5'^^^^^'^-^ ^^^
Cutiti<3aw'6a^ mic pi0fin6A.<>Ak mic TTIuiiieA^Aig mic Pia.cac
ponnAmntif mic 1]tiAil $lunmAi]t mic CotiaiII CeA^tnAij
■oo fliocc 1|^ mic ITIileAt) -pioJACC ^irieATin aoitj bliA.T6Ain
Aiiii^in* InneAdc injeAn t^ui§6eA.c yi. m^feA^if -oo CA.olbA.if)
M80 mA.c Cfttiinti bA.'biiAOt ; A^uf if le h6odA.ii6 tntii5meA<>6n 'oo
mA.fbA.i6 §.
t)o §A.b BodA^i-d niui5meA.^on mA.c TTIuif eA.*Ai5 tifij
mic piAdAd Sf A.ibcntie mic CA.ifbfe l^iCfeA.CA.if mic CofmAic
HlfA.'OA. mic AifC Aoififif mic Cuinn C^a.-ocacaij fiogACC
naught, and the men of Connaught took them into military
fosterage. After this, the men of Connaught joined in their
march with a force of seven battalions ; and they reached
Cam Achuidh Leithdbeirg in Feammhagh. From that
hill they fought seven battles against the Ultonians, that is
a battle each day for a week. Six of these battles were
fought by the Connaughtmen, and by the Collas was fought
the seventh, in which Fearghus Fogha, king of £amhain,
was slain ; and the Ultonians were defeated and pursued
from Cam Achuidh Leithdheirg to Gleann Righe, and, after
inflicting great slaughter on them, the Collas returned and
attacked Emhain, which they plundered and bumed, so that
it has ever since remained without a king to inhabit it.
On that occasion, the Collas wrested the following territories
from the Ultonians, namely, Modharauigh, Ui Criomthainn,
and Ui Mac Uais. CoUa Meann took possession of Modhar-
nuigb, and Colla da Chrioch of Ui Criomhthainn, and
CoUa Uais of Ui Mac Uais. And Muireadhacb Tireach
fell by Caolbhaidh son of Cronn Badhraoi.
Caolbhaidh son of Cronn Badhraoi, son of Eochaidh
Cobba, son of Lughaidh, son of Rossa, son of lomchaidh, son
of Feidhlimidh, son of Cas, son of Fiachaidh Aruidhe, son
of Aonghus Gaibhnionn, son of Fearghus Foghlas, son of
Tiobraide Tireach, son of Breasal, son of Fearb, son of Mai,
son of Rochruidhe, son of Catbbbadh, son of Giallchaidh,
son of Cunnchaidh, son of Fionnchaidh, son of Muireadh-
acb, son of Fiachaidh Fionnamhnus, son of Irial Glunmhar,
son of Conall Ceamach of the race of Ir son of Milidh,
held the sovereignty of Ireland one year. Inneacht
daughter of Lughaidh was the mother of Caolbhaidh son of
Cronn Badhraoi ; and he «was slain by Eochaidh Muigh-
Eochaidh Muighmheadhon son of Muireadhacb Tireach,
son of Fiachaidh Sraibhthine, son of Cairbre Lithfeachair, son
of Cormac Ulfhada son of Art Aoinfhear, son of Conn
366 ponAS peASA All 4minn. [book l
Stiif ^Z^V 0\\Aolt^. C^i|t|tiontt d^foub iOTnop|\o in§e^n
A.i§. A^trf If uime txo-SMjtfci ^000.1*6 Uluigtrie^'ddn ve c^p
MWce^nfi 50 f d^ibe ^ ce^nn ^guf ^ b'|ttiinne. copri^it |\if ^.n
pig, niA.fe^'6 fib cofTTiAiL ^ ihe^^on p* moj^i-o -o^ ngMf ti
1f ^\K 6ocA.i'6 inui5TTieA.i66n cuj^^ Ca.6 Cpu^ci^iti Cl^oncA^
16 h^A^nn^. CinTifeA^t^kc ft ^^156^11 gtif 5^.%*^^ A.nn CeiO^ij-
*«MnA.CA.c pie 6oc^c TTluigThe^^oiTi. A5Uf m^\\ f^^n^S ^^"^^
•00 tiiCAif , p^p^tiigif v^ Thuinncif qte^t) Af ^ ntje^f n^oo^p
^Ti^c^t ^f c.n t)f -6.01. "An utit^c-in> ^f a. bpnliin," ^f o^n
•Of-coi, "ni bfiffei^-fo. ^ifce 50 bfi^c -oi. m/^t. beo me." l/eif
pn CU5 6-6.nTi-^fi.c^t> fLeige cpit); ^5tif pe foiiTiA.o r\j^ fleige
«700cpef ^Ti 'op-6.01 T)o The^bui-o ge^n si^ipe A.p 6ii.nnA. "tic," ^p
^n 'opA.01, "if f a^Ia^c ^n geo^Ti foin, ^gtJf btn^ e buf floinne^'o
T)ot) fliocc It) 'oi^i'b 50 bp-ic," jonA.'o uiine pn ^^ipce^p
Hi CinnfeALA.15 oon 6ne pn. 'Oo b^ ne^pctti^p 4-^nnd.
CinnfeA:l^c 'n-^ ^impp f6in, aitiaiI cuigte^p ^f ^n -ou^in
8706 t)o pinne "Otibc^c m^c tli Lug^ip ApT^oLtAth 6^pe-6.nn p6 bnn
]ii.t)pA.i5 "00 te^dc "00 pot^.'b ^n cpeitjini 1 n^ipinn. C^c
ctij^TO le L^ijnib, If cof ^d von tA.0116 pn ; -o^jtif ni dtupe^b
4knnfO ^cc A.n -oi. p^nn-fo "61 ^y a. ouuigp-oe^p 50 p^ibe
^AnnA. neo.pciTiA.p 'n-o. o^impp fein. A5 fo n-o. poinn :
5710 CAin CQ^Aib xio ^amxia
. ^ teiu Cvirni TiA ^ctiT^e ;
.Sc|\eAbAlt ^a6a coije
t>o fionnx>ptiiii» oil*.
^0i mtiTiiAm i:iti ^|\ftAfA ;
Sah bliA'bAifi bA neAfA.
Ceadchathach, held the sovereignty of Ireland seven years.
Moingfhionn daughter of Fiodhach, wife of Eochaidh
Muighmheadhon, was mother of Brian and of Fiachhaidh
Fearghus and Oilill. And Cairrionn Chasdubh daughter of
the king of Britain, another wife of Eochaidh's, was mother
of Niall Naoighiallach. And he was called Eochaidh Muigh-
mheadhon because, as to his head and breast, he resembled
the. king, and, as to his waist, he resembled a slave called
Mionghadhach, and hence he was called Muighmheadhon.
It was over Eochaidh Muighmheadhon that Eanna
Cinnsealach, king of Leinster, won the Battle of Cruachan
Claonta ; and therein Ceadnathach, fil^ to Eochaidh Muigh-
mheadhon, was taken prisoner. But when Eanna came up, he
inquired of his party why they had spared the druid. ** Thou
wouldst never,'* said the druid, "conquer from this hill on which
I am, if I w6re to live." Upon this Eanna transfixed him
with his spear ; and, as the spear pierced his body, a laugh
broke forth from Eanna. ** Alas," said the druid, " that is a
foul laugh, and it is this that will be given as a name to thy
posterity after thee for ever"; and hence that tribe are since
called Ui Cinnsealaigh. Eanna Cinnsealach was powerful in his
time, as may be seen from the poem composed by Dubhthach
son of O Lughair^ who was chief ollamb of Ireland when
Patrick came to propagate the Gospel in Ireland. A battle
fought by the Leinstermen, is the beginning of that poem.
But I shall here quote only these two stanzas of it, from which
it may be inferred that Eanna was powerful in his time.
Here are the stanzas: —
The tribute wbicli was given to Eansa,
From Leath Cuinn of the feasts,
Was a Bcreahall from each house,
All of fionndruine.
The tribute which was giyen to Eanna,
From Mumha with insults
Was an ounce of gold from each lios
In the ensuing year.
368 ponAS peASA Ati emmn. [book i,
A5Uf t>o pent Pf^Lcjt^d C^ipL vo bpif ^n c4-6.nnA-fo C|tt
5720 t)© 5^b Cptomc^nn m^c ^10*6^.15 mic 'Oo.ipe Ce-o.pb mic
OiLioLl-^ "pl^i^nn big mic p^co^c nitiiLleo.Ci5^iTi mic Cog^in
ttloip mic Oitiott^ dluim 00 pot Oibip piog^cc 6i|ie-Min
fe^cc mbliA.'dn^ •06^5. P' inje^n piog Conn^cc y6<
be^n "00. 1f 6 o.n Cpiomc^nn-fo 00 g^b ne^pc ^guf cpeife
57251 TiAlb'd.iti 1 mbpe^^CAiin ^juf f 6.n bpp^injc, ^i^mo^il o^oeip ^n
f e^nc^ f ^n p^nn-fo fiof :
C|\ioiTiCAmi tuAC l?t 0*64^1^ ftiAi-p ceAnn
A]\ IAIC Alb^n If 4i|\eAtin ;
pUAi|\ TJA pei^ C4C^ jtAfmuip Jlotn,
5730 SACfAin peiti Agtsf PpAtijcoiJ.
If e Cpiomc^Tin m^c po-o^ig lomoppo cug pije Leice
ITIoj^s no TnuThA.n t)^ ^^Ic-^ .1. 'oo Con^lt 6Actu-o.ic mo.c
l/UiJTDe^c t/AiTTToeipj ^5Uf "^^ b'otc te cloinn P-^ca^c ^n ni pn, ^.guf ^.'otibp^TO^i.p n^p m-6.ic ^.n
5735bp-iicpe<^f "00 Con^Ltpn.'oo gl^c^t) ^.gup -o.'ob^p "oeigpiog
•DO cWnn^ib P-o.c^c o.n c^n pom .1. Cope mo.c Luij-be^c;
^gtip ip e bpeice^iiin^p -oo ponp^.'O "o-^^oine pogtumc^o. no.
tTlum^^n e6.topp-6. ^.n cp^c pom piog^^cc itltimAn -oo beic ^p
■octjp -6.5 Cope m6.c Luiji^e^c, 6ip ip e pi. pne -cnn, ^.gup 4J.5
5740 cloinn Copm^ic C^ip pi. "beipeAt). Uti56.t)^p cL-6.nn^c
tnuitte-^c^m cuip ^gup ce^nnc-6. u-a.c-6. urn pige TnumAn c^p
eip Cuipc -oo Lei5eo.n -oo Conceit e-o.clu-c.ic, no 0^ m-6.c mun^
mo.ipe-a.t) Con-a^Lt pem, ^.m^it t)o opt)tii5 Oitilt OLom ^ beic
56.C pe ngtun ^5 -6.n -oi. ptiocc pom .1. pliocc
6746 111uille^ -^.gtip pliocc CopmxMC C^ip. Ip 6.p ^n jconnp^-o
pom cpi. -00 lei5 6a.cIua.ic pige TnumA.n *oo Cope
mA.c Luig'oeA.c, A.5UP iA.p n-eA.5 00 Cope "OO 5A.b
And according to the Psalter of Cashel this Eanna
defeated the clann Cuinn in thirteen battles.
Crionihthann son of Fiodhach» son of Daire Cearb, son
of Oilill Flann Beag, son of Fiachaidh Muilleathan, son of
Eoghan Mor^ son of Oilill Olom of the race of Eibhear, held
the sovereignty of Ireland seventeen years. Fidheang, daughter
of the king of Connaught, was his wife. This Criomhthann
gained victories and obtained sway in Alba, Britain, and
France, as the seancha says in the following stanza :—
Oriomhthixm ion of Fiodhach ivayed
The lands of Alba and of Ezin ;
He swayed likewiee beyond tbe clear blue aea
Eren tbe Saxons and the French.
It was also Criomhthann son of Fiodhach who gave the
kingdom of'Leath Mogha or Munster to his foster-son,
namely, to Conall Eachluaith son of Lughaidh Lamhdhearg ;
and the descendants of Fiachaidh Muilleathan were dis-
pleased at this ; and they said that Conall did not show him-
self a g6od kinsman by accepting it, while there was at the
time among the descendants of Fiachaidh one qualified to be
a good king, namtely, Core son of Lughaidh. And the
arbitration the learned sages of Munster made between them
at the time- was that Core son of Lughaidh was to have tlie
sovereignty of Munster in the first instance, as he was the
senior, and that it was finally to go to the descendants of
Cormac Cas. The descendants of Fiachaidh Muilleathan gave
sureties and guarantees that they would allow the sovereignty
of Munster to pass on the death of Core to Conall Eachluaith
or to bis son should Conall himself be not living, as Oilill
Olom ordained that it should belong to these two families in
alternate generations, that is, the family of Fiachaidh
Muilleathan and that of Cormac Cas. It was on that
agreement, then, that Conall Eachluaith allowed the sove-
reignty of Munster to go to Core son of Lughaidh ; and, on
370 POIIAS -peASA ATI ^miTlTl. [BOOK I.
e'^dluAic ^iige TnuTtiA^n ; ^gtif cuj Cjtioiiic^nn tn^c po-b^ig
pinne Co^tm^c tuac n^. ji^inn-fe porhAinn
lAp sC(\ioihCAnii, fA CAin a n«Atl ;
5755 ^C fiAd "09^6 A^i} CA]\ mtiip m An Ann,
IliAifi ni t\of gAb pi bA peApf\. I
A T>co^ CftioifiCAnn ni6it mAC Pio6ai$ .-
00 ^lAttAlb lAlf CA1\ niui|\ tAin, \
t>o |Vd.<o 1 tAirn (SufVAif) dl^ACpiiArb,
5750 ConAiLt oipt)«it\c OAdlflAiC Atn.
turb Con All e^dltiAic 4|\ eAdrpA
1 n^4dcp{<5 lAp 5C|\ioincAnn CAf ;
3o X>6n liAfiinA lAO<i pA YiAinpA, :
1 n-Ap niA|\bA'6 mA'6mA niAf .
5755 l«if l?eAf\CA ConAill i bpeiihion '
T)]\tiini CopniAic Aine T>tjn 5Aip ;
CAireAl CoinceAnn Haic lonn leAinnA
VodAi|\ tflAig Otin CeApmnA CAin. G.
TTIoingfionn inge^n po^Aig T3ei]ibfiuf CptoniCAinn fein
5770 ctij 'oeoc neime "do i nlnif 'OoiinjtAif ^p TMuai-o i ntjoij ,
n A jiioJACCA -00 |toccAin t>A mtii|\nin mic .i. bpi^n m ac 6acac j
ITIuigTheAOOin ; Aguf pjAif CitiothcAnn m^c po-OAij b^f t)o
neith nA -oije pn o.p Sli^b Ui-oe -6.n TI105 ^^^ CAOib cuaii6 xjo ^
LmmneAC, Agu-p b^ m^jib tTloinjponn yein t)o neith n^ t>i5e
6775 pti 1 nlnif 'OojingtAif ^p TTIuaix), Af bfiiOTh^o n^ neiitie <>i
•00 5piof^i6 ^ T>eA|ibpACAp T3A h-oL
the death of Core, Conall Eachluaith himself took up the
sovereignty of Munster ; and Criomhthann son of Fiodhach
gave the hostages of the men of Ireland, of Alba, Britain, and
France into the hands of Conall EachluaitL And accordingly
Cormac son of Cuileannan composed the following stanzas : —
Sacfaluaath receiyed the tribute of Ireland
After CriomUiajiii, it wai a tribute from abroad ;
Though he had not gone beyond the 8ea of Manainn,
Never did a better king reeeiTe it.
As many as great Criombthann son of Fiodhach brought
Of hostages orer the bzimming sea,
He gave into the hand of tbe red-speared ohampion,
. Illustrious noble Conall Eachluaith.
Conall Eachluaith set out on an expedition
Into every territory after pleasant Criomhthann ;
To Dun Liamhna, illustrions was the warrior,
Where noble companies were slain.
To him belonged Fearta Conaill in Feimhion,
lyruim Chormaic Aine Dun Gair,
Casbel Coinoheann strong Baith Leamhna,
Fochair Hhaigh fair Dun Ceaxmna. E.
Moingfhionn daughter of Fiodhach, Criomhthann*s own
sister, gave him a poisoned drink in Inis Domghlas on
Muaidh, in the hope that the sovereignty would pass to her
favourite son, that is, Brian son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhon;
and Criomhthann son of Fiodhach died of the poison of that
drink on Sliabh Uidhe an Riogh, on the north side of
Luimneach ; and Mongfhionn herself died of the poison of
the same drink in Inis Dornghlas on Muaidh, having taken
some of it to urge her brother to drink it.
2B 2
372 ponAS peASA Ati eminn. [book l
X)o 5^b niA^LinA^oigi^Ll^d iiiA.c6ACA6niui5meA.i66in mic
TMuifieA^ibA^ig tTipig mic "pi^d^c SjiA^ibcine mic CA^titb-pe
LiCfe^d^ijt mic Copm^ic tJtp^'oo. mic Ai|\c AoiTip|i mic
678oCuinTi C6^T>c^CAi5 T)o pot 4iiieA.mdiTi ftioj-o^cc 6i|te^nn
fe^dc mbti^^n^ pceA^x). CMfionn C^fDub injeAii piog
b|ie^c^n fi^ mAC^ip t)o tli-^iU Inne in^e^n l^ui^e^c be^n
TIeitt mA^CAif p^d^c. Hiojn^c be^n cite t)o tli^ll te
1^115^16 mic t)6, mo.|t ^ci. t*A05Ai|ie ^guf 4AnTi a, m^ine>
5786 C'ogA.n, -o-i CotiaII ^guf C4Mpb|\e, ^m^il ^-oeiii ^n pie f ^n
|i^nn-f :
lA^ nil>|\eic UftO^Aipe mic n^iil,
^AniiA mAiii* TnoiiA|t n^le,
57gQ eo^Ati, "OA CoiiAllt CAi^b^e.
If e ^n Tli^lL-fo 00 cuo.i'o 50 ftu^g lionm^^p m^iLle pif
t)o ne^fUuJA^ ^S^r ^^ ppe^mtig^ib *0^l Tlio.t)A if cini-o
Scuic 1 TiAlb^iTi "00 bi f^n ^m foin 0.5 g^bxNit neipc ^p
Cfuicne^CAib t>^ ng^if ce^p pica, ^guf if e ce^v t)uine
57MCti5 Scoci^ x>'A.inm ^^p ALb^in 6, ^p impnoe 'O^L Hio^oo.
^guf cmi-o Scuic, o^ji coingiotl'go m^t) Scoci^ iniTio|\ no
Scoci^ b^ tuj^ t)0-be-6.]i c^oi uiff e, -o.guf Scoci^ tn^iof .1.
Scoci^ If mo '00 s^ifpte o'^ifinn. Aguf if cpe b^ix) pe
ScoC'C injeid^n "p^f-a^o tlecconibuf ipi. be^n't)o S^L^m da
seoong^ifci niitit) O^fp-iine, op fi^f^-oo^p f6in, pug^D-^p "0^1
tliA.'OA'Oo pogA ScociA •00 c-d^b^ipc ^p Alb^iTi feoc hibepm-o.
vo c^b^ipc uippe.
Aci C^m-oen ^5-^ pA^ 'n-d. cpoinic ^p bpe^CAin gtip^b
ScociA be^S Ainm n^ hAlb^n ^gup Scocia ttlop o^inm n^
5805h4ipeAnTi, Aguf At)eip n^c f^gc^^p fcpibne t>A f^ifneif
50 -octigCAOi Scuic ^p Atb^tiACAib 50 h^impp ^n^impip
Niall Naoighiallach son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhon, son
of Muireadhach Tireach, son of Fiachaidh Sraibbthine, son
of Cairbre Lithfeachair, son of Cormac Ulfhada, son of Art
Aoinfhear, son of Conn Ccadchathach of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-seven
years. Cairionn Chasdubh, daughter of the king of Britain,
was Niairs mother. Inne daughter of Lughaidh, wife of Niall,
was the mother of Fiachaidh. A second wife of NialFs was
Rioghnach, who bore him seven sons, namely, Laoghaire and
Eanna, Maine, Eoghan, two Conalls, and Cairbre, as the poet
says in this stanza : —
Joyous was tbe bright Rioghnach
When ahe bore Laoghaire aon of Kiall,
Eaima, Maine of bright deeda,
£oghan» two Conalla, Cairbre.
This Niall went into Alba with a large host to strengthen
and to establish the Dal Riada and the Scotic race in Alba,
who were at this time gaining supremacy over the Cruithnigh,
who are called Picti ; and he was the first to give the name
Scotia to Alba, being requested to do so by the Dal Riada
and the Scotic race, on the condition that she should be
called Scotia Minor or Lesser Scotia, while Ireland should be
termed Scotia Major or Greater Scotia ; and it was through
veneration for Scota daughter of Pharao Nectonibus, who
was wife of Galamh called Milidh of Spain, from whom they
themselves sprang, that the Dal Riada chose the name of
Scotia for Alba, instead of calling her Hibemia.
Camden states in his chronicle of Britain that Lesser
Scotia was the name of Alba, and Greater Scotia the name of
Ireland, and says that it cannot be proved by documents that
the Albanians were called Scots till the time of the emperor
374 f onAS peASA ATI 4imnii. [book i.
Confc^incin til6i|t. If fe 6.\x\m p6f §^i|inie-6.f
x)*4itte^nncAib Scotorum Attavi .1. Se^n^iti^eACA n^ Scoc,
T>Ak ihjf 1 5c6itt sti|iA.b 6 6i|te^rmcAib ci^njA^OAit ax\e Scuic
5810 HA. hAtb^n. A5 fo pdf niA|t ^t>ei|t ^p ati ni 5c§a.t)tia.:
a"6n SpAinn," 4^|t fe "cin5^t)A|t Scuic 1 n^jiinn f^n
de^cttATh^'o ^of ." At)ei|\ f6f TlerinitJf, ujjd^^ii bf eAcn^c, 00
p6i|i, sti-pA.b f^n ce^cp^rtiAt> -d.of t)OTi t>oihA.Ti t)o
gA.b^'O^lt TiA Seiche .1. cine Scuic fe^lb 4i|Ae^nn. 1f folluf
6816 fOf ^ h-^nni.lAib 6i|te^nti gu^i^b Alb^ pi. h^itiTn oon
dpic pn 50 h^itnp]\ TIeiLl 11^0151-6.11^15, ^"S^T ^^p pu^p-
^'O^jt 'OaI tliid^t)^ Scoci^ x>o c^b^ipc ^p Alburn 'oo le^n^t>-d.p
p6in ^5Uf A fliocc T)i. tloitrie pn iomap|\o ALb^ n6 Atb^ni^
pA hA^intn t>i 6 Atb^n^ccuf ^n cpe^f m^c t)o D|\ucuf, 6i|i
6880 If 1 ALb^ -00 pAini5 m^|i Thip jionn^ t)o 6 n-^ AC^i|t. Upiup
TTi-d^c lOTnoppo t)o bi 0.5 bpucuf, vo peip tnonotnocenpf, mAp
^ci. 1/Ae5puf C^mbep ^Z^T Alb^n^ccuT; ^5Uf -oo poinn
bpucuf oil^^n n^ bpe^c^n THoipe e-o^copp^, ^sup CU5 -00
t^espuf t/^e5|tiA ^ci^ ^p n-o. flomne^ib u-o.i-o pein, ^5up
6826 If "01 g-o.ifTnce^p ^niu An5ti4^ ; CU5 no C-o^mbef CA^mbpi-o.
x>^ n5^ipceA.|\ bpe-c^c-Mn ^niu; ^5Uf ^n cpe^f mip 00
Atb-6.n^ccuf o ■0CU5CAP Atb^ni-d. ^p Atbi^^in,
Ueit) Tli^Lt n^ 6if pn 6 Alb^in 50 l^^e5]ii^ Vion ^
flu.6.5 A5Uf -00 pinne poflon5popc innce; ^5Uf cui-pif
6830 50 bpe^CAin n^ Ppo.in5ce t3^ n5oipceA]i Apmo-pic^
t) n^ cpice, 50 •ocu5-d.t)^]i x>i^ d^^-o bp^^.ig'oe 00
te^nb-o^ib u^ifte teo 50 h6if inn, -fi^suf if ^nn f-d.n bf oit) fom
cu5A'0d.p P^t)p^i5 loo 1 n-^oif ^ fe mbli^t)^n nT)e^5, ^5t«f
vi. p^ip "06, niAp -ft.CA l/upi-OA ^5Uf 'O^pef c^ ^S^T ^o^^^
5896 -00 bp-^igDib 01 te -6.p ce^n^.
1|t loirno^ ^5^)-^^ ^5 ^ funoiug^t) 5up Scoci^ pi h^inm
•o'^ipinn A.5Uf 5U'p^b T)'6ipeA.nnc-6.ib vo 5^.11161 ane Scuic.
A5 fotn^p At)ei|t 1on-^f ^bb ^5 t-d^b^ipc ^p Cotuin Cille, f^n
'O^p^ CAibitJit. ^" Colmi^n," ^^.p f 6, " p§ pAi'Oce-o.p Cotum, 1
a. Sooti ex HiBpania in Hib«nii&m quarta aetate ▼enerunt.
b, Columbanufl (fjd et Columba vocator in Hibernia ortaa est ; earn
Scotorum gens incolmt.)
Constantine the Great. Moreover, Camden gives the Irish the
name of Scotorum Attavi, that is, the Forbears of the Scots,
thus declaring that the Scots of Alba sprang from the Irish.
Thus too he speaks on the same subject : •* The Scots" says
he, *' came from Spain to Ireland in the fourth age.^ Besides,
Nennius, a British author, says, according to Camden, that it
was in the fourth age of the world that the Scithae — that
is, the Scotic race — ^took possession of Ireland. Moreover,
it is plain from the annals of Ireland that Alba was the name
of that country up to the time of Niall Naoighiallach ; and
when the Dal Riada were permitted to call it Scotia, them-
selves and their descendants kept on that name. Before that
time Alba or Albania was the country's name, from Albanactus,
third son of Brutus, since it was Alba that fell to him as his
share from his father. Now Brutus had three sons according
to Monomotensis, namely Laegrus, Camber, and Albanactus ;
and Brutus divided the island of Great Britain between them ;
and to Laegrus he gave Laegria, which derives its name from
him, and it is this country which is now called Anglia ; to
Camber he gave Cambria, which is now called Wales ; and
the third portion to Albanactus, from whom Alba is called
Niall marched after this with his full host from Alba to
Laegria, and made an encampment there; and he sent a fleet
to Brittany in France, which is called Armorica, for the
purpose of plundering. that country; and they brought two
hundred noble youths as captives to Ireland with them ; and
it was in this captivity that they brought Patrick, who was
sixteen years old, with them, and his two sisters Lupida and
Darerca and many other captives besides.
Many authors testify that Scota was the name of Ireland,
and that it was the Irish who were called the Scotic race.
Thus does Jonas the abbot, in the second chapter, treating of
Columcille, speak : " Colman," he says, " who is called Colum,
376 ponAS peASA Ati 4minn. [book i.
684on4i|tinn ^115^* 6 m^\\ ^ n--iici5it> cine Sctiic." Aca ]:6f
bet)^ f ^n 66A'OCAibit)il x>on cei'ole^b^p x)o Sc^ip n-o. So^c-
f^Ti ^5^ jtA-b gupA^b 1 6i|\e "OtJC^ig '6ilif n^ Scoc. A5 fo
mA.|t ^-oeiit: a*Mf 1 ^i^ie otic^ig oile^f n^ Scoc." At)ei|t
^n c-ug-o^jt c^^'Oii'd^ ^5 fq^iob^t) ^\\ tia. n^om^ib ni C15
6846 leif ^Ti ni gce^'on^. A5 fo Tn^p ^peip : d" A h^ipinti oiLe^n
n^ Scoc," ^p fe, " CAinig Kili^o^nuf nA^orhc^ ^S^f ^ ^^
comcA^c." Af fo If loncuigre 50 tjcugt-^oi cine Scuic ^|i
^|\eAnnCid.ib p6 linn Dex)^ t)o rti-M-p 1 gcionn 700 bli^^^n
•o'eif C|\iOfC. U15 fOf Opopuf •00 TTi45.i|\ tjon leic ifcij t)o
5850 400 blio^iOAn t>o Cpiofc ieif ^n ni jce-o^Ton^. A5 fo m^p
-o.t)ei|\ f ^n "0^11^ CAibit)il^on ce-a.'oleA.bAf : ^"1f i^t) cme^o-o.
Scoc iiicige^^f 6i|ie." Aguf o.n C|\iod-fO |ie pAi-oce^lx Oijie
If foLLuf 50 coicce^nn 50 •ouugu^oi leif n^ hug-o^p^ib
Scocii6. uiff e. A5 fo m-d.p ^*Deif Sep ^fiuf 0.5 fcfiob^o ii.\\
5865 KiliA^ntif n^OTTic^; d?"Kili^n n^oinc-6. x)o cine Scoc 7c."
Aguf Atjeif 50 spot) TOA. eif pn n^ bpi^cp ^ fo: Scotia quae
et Hibemia dicitur. Af fo if loncuijce gup ^b ^inm t>'6ipinn
•00 fiop Scoci^ A^rtiAil if e^o hibepni^a.. Uuigte^p pptnne
n^neice pn ^ bpi^^^cp^ib C^pgp^uitif ^5 fcpiobx3.t> 4^p CoLum
seeon^oihcA. A5 fo m^^p ^T)eip : ^"T)o g^ipci 1 n-^^.ttot) Scoci^
•o'4ipinn 6 bfuil cine Scoc ^co. 0.5 ^iciug^t) n^ bAlb^n
If f oigfe t)on bpe^c-a^in if mo, ^juf jo^ipmceo^p vert Atb^in
pn Scoci^ ^noif 50 ce^5iTii6.ifeA.c 6 Cipmn 6 bfuiL 45. mbun-
^■o^f ^juf ^ n'oi.iU" U15 in^pi4b.ntif Scocuf tistj^p Alb^n^^c
5866 leif fo ^5 fcpiobo.x) i^p Kili^n n^onic-6.. Ag fo m^p ^-oeip :
y*'U^p ce^nn 50 ocugc^p 50 oile^f Scocio. -o'^inm ^p ^n
jcuit) ut) t)on DpeA^CAin, ^co. tjon leic ctiAi-b 'oo S^c^cf^ib
ci^icce pi-o., Tn^fex3.t> foillpgit) beo-o. 50 ng^ipci ^n c-'Mnni
a, Hibemia propria Scotorum patria est.
b, Sanctus SiUanus et duo socii eiua ab Hibemia Scotomm inaula
c, Hibemia a Scotoram gentibua colitur.
d, Beatui Eiliazma Scotorum genere et relq*.
t. Hibemia enim antiquitus Scotia dicta est, de qua gezn Scotorum
was born in Hibemia, which is inhabited by the Scotic race."
Beda also, in the first chapter of the first book of the History
of Sacsa, says that Ireland was the native land of the Scots.
He speaks thus : *' Hibemia is the true fatherland of the
Scots." The same author, writing about the saints, makes a
remark which agrees with this. He speaks thus : '' It was from
Hibemia, the island of the Scots, that St. Kilian and his two
companions came." From this it is to be inferred that the
Irish were called the Scotic race in the time of Beda, who
' lived 700 years after Christ Orosius also, who lived within
400 years after Christ, agrees with the same statement. He
thus speaks in the second chapter of the first book: " It is the
Scotic races that inhabit Ireland." And it is plain that the
country which is called Ireland used to be called by authors
Scotia. Serarius, writing of St Kilian, speaks thus : " Holy
Kilian of the Scotic race, etc." ; and immediately after he
uses these words, "Scotia, which is also called Hibemia."
From this it may be inferred that Scotia was a name for
Ireland in constant use like Hibernia. The truth of this
matter will be seen from the ^words of Capgrave, writing of
St. Colum ; he speaks thus : " Scotia was an ancient name
of Ireland, whence came the Scotic race, who inhabit that
part of Alba which lies nearest to greater Britain ; and that
Alba is now for this reason called Scotia from Ireland, from
which they derive their origin, and whence they immediately
■came." Marianus Scotus, a Scotic author, writing of St Kilian,
agrees with this. He speaks thus : " Although that part of
Britain which adjoins Sacsa on the north is now properly
called Scotia, nevertheless Beda shows that Ireland was
Albaniam Biitmmiae maiori prozimam quae ab eventu modo Scotia dicitur
inhabitans, originem diudt et progreMuxn babuit.
/. Etiamei bodie Scotia proprie Tocetur ea Britaxmiae pars quae ipsi
Asgliae contingent ad Septentrionem Tergit, olim tamen eo nomine Hiber-
niam notatam fuiaae ostendit D. Beda, cum e Scytbia Pictorum gen tern in
Hibei-niam renieae ait ibique Scotoruzn gentem invenisse.
378 pORAS peASA ATI ei til Tin. [book I.
pn tj'^i-pinn i n-^ll6T5, 6ip ^n c^n ^•oeift ane tia bpicu vo 6n Scia^ i n^ipnn, ^■oeiii guj^^b iAt> cine ti^ Scoc
fu^|\^t>^|t pomp^ innce." Aguf -oo b^iig su-p^b 6 6ne Scoc
T)0 ftonn^"6 A^n cpioc, if Scoci^ fi^ hA^inm t)i a^ti c^ti foin.
If loncuijce f6f ^ bfi-6.Cf^ib C^efA^piuf, vo rh^ip tjon
leic ifcig "00 500 bLi-^-o^Ti 1 nt>iAit> Cpiofc, ^up Scoci^o. f^
6875hAiTitn t>'6ififln. A5 fo m^^p ^oeiii, Lib. 12. Dialogorum
Ca. 38** : a" Cibe cuif e^f connc^bo^if c 1 bpuf 5^t>6if , cpi^ll-
^•6 50 Scoci^i., eipge-o^t) ifce^c 1 bpuiAj^-ooif Ha^otti Po.'op-Mj,
^jtif ni cuifpx) coTinc^bAijic 1 bpi^nc^ib pupj^'oopA. 6
foin ^m^c.'* A bfiAcpi^ib ^n u5T)^if-fe if lonctiigce 5ti|\
asaob'^inm coicce^nn t)*4ifinn f^n ^m foin Scoci^, oip ni ftiiL
Aon ^ic 1 nALb^m t>A n545.if ce^p pup g^tjoip pAt)p^i5, -d.guf
if foLLuf jup^b 1 n6ipmn ^c-i ^n 4iic v^ ng^ipce-^p 1, ^guf
•o^ peip pn jup^b -d.p 4ipiTin "oo-beip C^ef^piuf Scociift..
U15 Sep^piuf leif ^n ni 5ceAT)n4i. ^5 fcpiob-a.'O ^p bonif^ciuf
eaasn^orhc^ : ^"t)o bi fOf Scoci-6. ■o'o.intn ^p 6ipinn. Ji-oe^o
ce^n^ "oo bpig 50 t)ci^ini5 on 6ipinn c^^on^ tjpo'ng t)'i.ipice
50 hoipce^p TiJ^ bpe^CAine, m^p ^p iict5e6.t)^p r\^ picci,
•00 fui'oe^tjo.p m^^p ^on piu ^r\ ■opeA.m-fo ce^n^ A.p ■octJf 6
n-^ tJCAOife^c f^n Rheuda (.1. Cxi^ipbpe Hiogf-d^tjo.) pxki-oce^p
8890 Dalrheudini (.1. tDiL Hi^-oa.) pit3, ^^.ttixmI ^-oeip beu-c.. gme^o
■00 ptixx5At)Ap "0^ eif pn n^ picci fein, A.5Uf -oo gA^b^t}^]!
An te^c ctiM^ -oon epic pn uile, -^guf cujo^o^p fe^n^inm
A gcini^ fein uippe, lonntif gtip^b ^oin cine -o^niAin Scoc ^ci^
^nn. 5^^^^^ 'A.CAi'O vi^ Scocixi. ^nn, ^ h^on t>iob i^pf A116
5896t)iteA.f 1 n4ipinn, ^guf ^n v^jk^ Scocia aca nu-a. f^n teic
cuA.ix) -oon Dpe^CA^in."
'Oo-beipim cpi neice 'ootn ^ipe ^ bpi^cp^ib A.n tig-o^ip-
fe. An c6it)ni liiob sup^i^b i^t) n^ heipe^nn^ij 50
a. Qui de Purgatorio diibitat, Scotiam pergat, Puigatorium Sancti
Patricii intret, et de Porgatorii poenia amplius non dubitabiL
b, Hibemia Scotiae dbi xLomen etiam yindicabat, quia taman es Hiber-
Dia lata Scotornm para quaedam egressa att in eaque Britanniae ora
quam Picti iam habebant consederunt; ii quidem principio a duce soo
Rheuda Dairhaudizii dicti fuenmt, ut ait Y . Bada ; poatea taman Pictoa
formerly known by that name ; for when he states that the
Pictish race came from Scythia to Ireland, he adds that it was
the Scotic race they found there before them." And since
it was from the Scotic race the country was named, Scotia
was its name at that time.
It is to be inferred also from the words of Caesarius,
who lived within 500 years after Christ, that Scotia was
the name of Ireland. He thus speaks in the twelfth book of
the Dialogues, chap 38 : " Whoever doubts the existence of
Purgatory, let him go to Scotia, and go into the Purgatory
of St. Patrick, and he will no longer doubt of the pains of
Purgatory." From the words of this author it is to be
inferred that Scotia was a common name for Ireland at that
time, as there is no place in Alba called Patrick's Purgatory ;
and it is plain that the place so called is in Ireland; and hence
that it was Ireland Caesarius called Scotia. Serarius, writing
on St Bonifacius, is in accord with this : " Scotia was also a
name for Ireland. However, since there came from the
same land of Ireland a certain race to the east of Britain,
where the Picti were dwelling, and there they settled down
along with them, and at first were called Dalrheudini (that is,
Dal Riada), from their own leader Rheuda (that is, Cairbre
Rioghfhada), as Beda affirms. But after this they routed the
Picti themselves ; and they occupied the entire northern
portion of that country ; and they gave it the old name of
their race, so that there is but one Scotic race. There are,
however, two Scotias : one of them, the elder and proper
Scotia, is Ireland, and the other, which is recent, is the
northern part of Britain."
I note three things from the words of the author. The
first of these is that the Irish are truly the Scots ; the
inde ipsos exegenmt, et boreale totmn illud latos obtxsueront, eique retus
gentU lOM somen indidenmt. Ita ut Sootomm gens una f uerit, Bed Scotia
duplex facta ait, una vetus et propzia in Hibemia, reoentior altera in
aeptentrionali Britannia.
380 ponAS peASA ATI 4mitiTi, [book i.
p|iinTieA.d riA. Scuic. An x>6>\^^ ni, gup^b •oo "Oil tli^'o^
woo "00 s^ipmeA* Scuic i nAlb^in ^|t ocuf, t)o bfig 5U]\A.b
i^T) t)o pinne gA^b^lcAf 6^x^ n^ piccib i tiAlb^in a]\ -ocuf.
An C|teAf ni m^jt ^'oeift Sti-p^b i 6^\ye Scoci^ loite^f fe^n,
^5^r S^T^t ^ ALb^ Scoci^ nuA, ^guf gup-^b ia.x) cine
Scuic T)o 5Ai|\tn Scoci^ ^p -ocuf t>i. Aoeip buch^n^nuf
6M6U3'Oi6^|\ Atb^n^Cy f^n 'o^|t^ le^b^jt "00 Sc^i|\ n^ hAlb^n,
ni C15 leif A.n ugD^p cu ^f. A5 feo m^\\ ^t)ei|i : a" Scttic t>o
5-6.i|\mci t)'o.ici5ceo|iib n^ h^ifie^nn ^p •ociif, attiaiI poitt-
pge^f 0|\optif, ^gtif ni h^on u^ip ^ihi^in -00 cpi^lt-d^o^p
n^ Sctnc -6. h^ipnn 1, <MTi^tl innipt) ^p n-^nnit-d^d^
6010 f§in e." Af fo if loncuigte n^c 1^0 ViH Hiat)^ ^niAin x>o
ctiAit) ^ h4i|\inn 'o'i^iciuj^t) 1 nALb^in o^cc '0|\on5o. oiLe
lioniTiA.|\^ 'n-o. n-e^jm^if 6 ^impp 50 h^impn*
a. Scoti omnee Hib«niiae habitatores initio Tocabaotur ut indicat
Orosiua^ nee s^mel Scotorom ez EQbernia tranaitom in Aibiam factum
noatri annales ref erunt.
second is that it was the Dal Riada that were first called
Scots in Alba, since it was they who first conquered the
Ficti in Alba. The third is that he says that Ireland was
the older Scotia, and Alba the new Scotia» and that it
was the Scotic race who first called it Scotia. Buchanan,
a Scotch author, in the second book of the *' History of
Scotland/' makes a statement which bears out the author
quoted above. He speaks thus : ** The inhabitants of Ireland
were called Scots, as Orosius points out, and as our own annals
record ; it was not once only the Scots migrated from Ireland
to Alba." From this it is to be inferred that it was not the
Dal Riada alone who went from Ireland to settle in Alba,
but numerous other tribes as well from time to time.
382 TpOn^S peASA ATI eiRiTin. [book I.
6916 n^ hAlb^n.
Ap -ocuf t)o ctiAi'6 Aoriguf OlLbu^'bA.c m^c pi^<5-6.c L^b-
l^uinne t)o cti|\ ^ipx^ciof^ pioj 6i|\e^nn 1 n-^ipitre ^j\ Cpuic-
ne-d^CAib 1 5aonTi vi^ 66^*0 50 leic bli^'OA.n i^ji "oce^ct ttia.c
mite^t) 1 n^jMnn. t)o cti^i-o|^A|t imci^n t)^ eif pn
692otle^cc4M5 Uijioeo^pj pi ^ipe^nn x>o cup ciof^ opc^. 'Oo
cu^it) m^p -6.n jce^'onA C-6.ipbpe Tliogp^t)^ 50 n-<3. puipinn
tjo 5-a.bAil neipc 1 •ocu-d.ifce^pu Alb^Mi, ^sti-p if t)o ftiocc
C^ipbpe tliojpo.t)^ go.iptne^^i' bet)<^ Dalrheudini n^ hAtb-6.n.
X)o .c^^/^^^6 TTI^c Con 'OO g^biil neipc r\^ hAlb^n ^juf n^
8«6bpeAC^n ^juf If o.fU^ CAinij 1 n8ipinn t)0 cup C^ca ITIuije
mucpuiTTie, i.ic o^p tuic Ape Aoinpe^p, gup g^b TH^c Con^f 6ipe^nn uite, ^niAit ^t)ubp^niAp. X>^ eif pn ceit>
p^c^i-o C^n^^nn tn^c TTlic Con 1 nAlb-o^in gup 5-a.b -pe^p^nn
innce, gon^-b -0-6. fliocc m^c C-o.iLin go n^ go^bl/i^ib geine^l-
6«o 4i.ig. Ueit) -6.pif Coll^tl^if go n-^ bpi.icpib 1 nAlbo^m ^guf
g^b^io fe^p^nn mop innce; gon^i.'b on gColL^ tl^if pn
ci.ngid.x)^p cl^nn n'Ootrm^itL n^ hAtb^^n ^guf n^ h8ipeA.nn.
Ueit) Cpiortic^nn m^c pio^o^ig pi ^pe^nn x>o go^bi^it neipc
1 nAlb^in, ^guf 6^pcTn^c 6ocac tTluinpe^m^ip mic Aonguf^
5956 Ppc -00 fliocc C^ipbpe Tliogp^T)^, ^guf if t>A fliocc g^ipm-
ce-6.p cl^nn 6ipc Aguf Cine-^l 5^^P^i^ ' nAlb-o^in, ^gtif fof
Cin^^l Lcb^ipn Cine-6.1 Cothg^ill ^guf CineA.1 nAonguf^
^guf CineA.1 Con Cpice ^n lie go n-o. ng-6.blA.ib geine-a^l^ig.
Ueit) Cope Tn-6.c Luigoe^c go fluA.gbui-bin l-<Mf 1 nAlb^in
5940 ^gtJf If ^ f^c f A n'oe-d.c^it) -6.nn, leA.fniAC-6.ip lomoppo pobA.01
A.g Cope t)A.p b'-6.inni "0^.01 ingeA.n mic Tleill (pi 4ile
t)eifceipc) A.guf cug fi gp^it) eA.gmA<if •06. Aguf m4j.p t)o
•oiulc Cope luige piA., cei-o -oa. eA.gnA.c pe n-A. A.CA.ip LugA.m,
We read in the seanchus of Ireland that the following
tribes went to Alba in succession to conquer that country*
First Aonghus OUbhuadbach son of Fiachaidh Labh-
ruinne went to impose on the Cruithnigh their head-
rent to the kings of Ireland two hundred and fifty years
after the coming of the sons of Milidh to Ireland. A long
time after that, Reachtaigh Rioghdhearg, king of Ireland, went
to impose rent on them. Similarly Cairbre Rioghfhada with
his host went to invade the north of Alba ; and it is the
race of Cairbre Rioghfhada that Beda calls the Dalrheudini
of Alba. Mac Con went to conquer Alba and Britain ; and it
was from these countries he came to Ireland to fight the
Battle . of Magh Muchruimhe in which Art Aoinfhear fell,
and Mac Con assumed the sovereignty of all Ireland, as we
have said. After this Fathaidh Canann son of Mac Con went
to Alba, and took possession of lands there; and from his
posterity Mac Cailin and the correlative branches of that
family have sprung. Also Colla Uais and his brothers went
to Scotland, and they acquired large territories there ; and from
this Colla Uais sprang the clann Domhnaill of Alba and of
Ireland. Criomhthann son of Fiodhach, king of Ireland, went
to Scotland to make conquests; and Fare son of Eochaidh
Muinreamhar, son of Aonghus Feart oif the race of Cairbre
Rioghfhada, and his posterity are called clann Eire and
Cineal Gabhran in Alba, and* also Cineal Lodhairn, Cineal
Comhghaill, and Cineal nAonghusa and the Cineal Con
Crice of the Isle, with their branches.
Core son of Lughaidh went to Alba with an army ; and the
reason of his going thither was that he had a stepmother
named Daol daughter of Fiachaidh son of Niall(king of South
Eile) ; and she was enamoured of him. And when Core refused
to have intercourse with her, she made a complaint of him to
384 potiAS peASA AH eininn. [book i.
AgtJf T)o-ni CA01 -0^ tik6^i|ty ^guf p^FptJigi-p cpe'd.'O ^-bliAii
6045 CAOi n^j. hinjme. " Cope 'oom fi^pug^-b," ^p fi. J^b^if e^v
Lug^i-b uime pti, ^guf 'oo-ni Cope 'o'lonn^pb^'b i n Albion
. • • •
m^p ^ bfti^ip fo^iLce 6 pe^p^^^c ponn no 6 ponn-Copm^c,
pi Alb^n, m^p A. bfUAip lom^o ce^n^ cpe n-d. i6et§be-6.pAib.
Aguf t)0 pof ^ inje-Mi ^ein pip x>^ nj^Mpci TTloinjponn, ^gup
5860 pttg pi cpiup m^c "od 1 nAtb^in, m^p ^ci^ TTI^ine l/e^Thn^ 6
bftnlit) Le^TTin^ij Alb^Ti,i6.5up C^ipbpe Cpuicne^c 6 bpiilit>
6o5^ tiluije S^^Tl^S''^" ^ nALb^in, ^guf Cjionin 6
bpjiLit) Cuipcmg 1 Til-6.pc^p TTIi-oe. Agup ^n^ip Cp6n-<kn c^lt
go hxMTTipp l^A^og^ipe mie Tl^ill, ^jup pi^iriig go h^pinn
6966 Ann pn. Agup ctig l/-6.ogAipe d. mge^n pein tj^p b'^inm
C^ipce '66, gon^TJ u^ite ^zi^ tn^co^ipe Cuipcne, o^gup c^p-
t-o.t)Ap ce^cp^p oile t)o cloinn Cuipc 'n-^ ngi^lt-o^ib ^g
fli^tt TTiAC 6oc-(^c. Anm^nn^ no. gceicpe m^^c, Cope, Jp^^g^i
"Otil^, Agup tn^ine. e-Ag^ip Cope 6g po.n mbpoit>-pe, ^gup
598optiApctAip ^n c-oiCAip o.n cpiup oile, ^gup cug teip t)on
ltltiTh4Mn lA.'o. 1 n-Aimpp neilLtl^^oigi^LliMg "oo cti^i-o Cope
m^c Luig'6eAC i nAtb^in ^gtip ip oo^n -o'eip tIeiLt vo ctix^T)Ap
peipe^p m^c niuipe-d.'OAig mic 6ogAin mic Tleitl i nAlb-^m,
m^p O.CA vi. Loo^^pn vi^ Aongup ^gtip v6^ V^^Vp^T'
68e6 Con^ll pi. ce^-o^inm -oo Cope m^e 'Ltngt)ed.c, ^gup
b^nco^ince^c "oa ng^ipci bolgb^^in bp^^tn-o^c a thAC^ip,
-d^gup niop b'l pn be^n p6pT:A ^ ^c^p, 6ip 'O^ot inge^n
po^CAC mic Tleilt pi 6ile "oeipceipc ^ b^inceiLe. Ag po
p-o.nn T)eipmipeACC-^ 6 $iol-l'^ ^^ Coini'6e O Copim ^p ^n ni
6970 pti :
idi|\ ifiA6 tai^e^d, lioc ^An lode ;
Ceme doi^le lode i4»f\ 16
if 94i> |\0 dO|\C A dAOtfl-O.
89^6 Agup ip Uime piinig Cope ^ip, -o-i Amid.i'o •oo bi p^n
ttlum^in pe mille^'d n-6.oi'6e-^n, Agiip cugAt)v6.p ^mup -^.p A.n
A1C 'n-4S p-o.%b ConA.ll pe ^ p^i'dceA.p Cope, pe ^ milte^t), -^.gup
ctupre^p 1 bpolAC pi. beo^t coipe ^, ^g^f fu^p^t)Ap no.
his father Lughaidh, in whose presence she wept ; and
he asked why the maiden wept : '* For Core has forced me/
said she. Lughaidh grew jealous at this, and banished Core
to Alba, where he was welcomed by Fearadhach Fionn or
by Fionn-Chormac, king of Alba, and where he was much
beloved by reason of his refined manners. He got his own
daughter called Moingfhionn married to Core ; and she bore
him three sons in Alba, namely, Maine Leamhna, from whom
are the Leamhnaigh of Alba ; and Cairbre Cruithneach, from
whom are the Eoghanacht of Magh Geirrghinn in Alba ; and
Cronan, from whom are the Cuircnigh in West Meath ; and
Cronan remained abroad till the time of Laoghaire son of Niall ;
and he then came to Ireland ; and Laoghaire gave him his
own daughter called Cairche, and from her is named Machaire
Chuirchne ; and Niall son of JEochaidh held four other
sons of Core as hostages. The names of the four sons were
Core, Greagha, Dula, and Maine. Core the younger died in
this captivit}^ ; and the father released the other three, and took
them with him to Munster. In the time of Niall Naoighiallaeh,
Core son of Lughaidh went to Alba ; and long after Niall, six
sons of Muireadhaeh son of Eoghan, son of Niall, went to Alba,
namely, two Lodhams, two Aonghuses, and two Fearghuses.
Conall was the first name of Core son of Lughaidh ; and
Bolgbhain Breathnaeh, a censorious woman, was his mother ;
and she was not his father's wedded wife, since Daol daughter
of Fiachaidh son of Niall,king of South Eile, was his wife. Here
is a stanza by Giolla an Choimdhe O Corain in proof of this :
Conall was beion Core
The xuune of Lugbudh, fftnltleM liero ;
Fire which a caldron preeerres through the day,
It was that puipled his lair ear.
And the reason why he was called Core was : there were two
simpletons in Munster destroying infants ; and they made an
attack on the place in which Conall, who is called. Core, was,
for the purpose of destroying him, and he was hidden under an
386 potiAS peASA An 6miTiii. [book i.
soaocLu^f^ ^n teinb teo, gon^-o on cojAqi^t) cugfo^x) ^|t ^ clu^f-
^ib 5^ntce^|^ Co|\c t)e.
Ueit) cpi m^ine Le-d^mn^ m^c Cui|\c mic Luiji^e^c ^
hCi-pinn 1 ALb^in ^guf g^b^if i:e-6.p-6.nn innce x)^ ngoi^ice-o^li
tn^g l,ei6.tTin^ 6 n-^b4i.i|\ce-o.]i Tn6|\nio.op Le^ninA i nAlbo^in,
6986 ^^gtif If x>e jAif ce-o^p ^noif -oiuice of Linox, ^guf if on m^me
l^e^mn^-fo m^c Cuifc vo pot eibif cinj^o^f cine^o^
uo.ifLe age Linox. If 6 ■oe^pbpicA.ijt x)on ltl^ine-fe t)o.|\
b'<Mnni C^ifbfe Cfuicne^ci^n ci^njA^o^^f Cojn^cc itluije
geij^f 5inn i nAlb^in ; o^guf if tj'eif ^impf e TIeilt tl^oiji^lt-
5990 0.15 vo c\^/b^x>^\K ^nn.
TMo^f pn -00 ji^c o^iCTYie oile t>o So.ex)e4^LA.ib 1 nAlb^in, if
6 $^et>e^tAib 6if e^nn ci.njo.'OA.f ^ n-u^ifte. Ace ce^nid.
^n fuif e^nn if foigfe -oo S^scp^ib X)iob 0.5 <^f -oibf e^i^t) le
hiJiLti^m Conctif u^p ceof-Mnn n^ S-^Cf^n 1 nALb^in i/st),
5996 ^guf 50 bfuilit) ^ fliocc oi^i'd 1 n'Oi-d.i'o ^5 fe/^Lbuj^'O
S^lt-o^cc^ n-o. liAtb^n, ni t)o Jo^e'oeid.LMb i^t) t)o fliocc
n^ S^cfo^n^c; ^guf fuife^nn oite cuiffe^m pof 1 n-^p
nt)i^it> t)o f eif Scoo 'n-^ ^nni^t^ib, pagina 153. U15 Leif
A.n ni jce^i.'onA-fo m^p ^ n-innife^nn guf j^.b-c'O HiLIi^mti fi
6000 Atb^n teif ^n 'o-^f-6. henpi fi S^cf^n, juf cuifeii^'o Leif ^
liiTTi e 50 c-^c-d^if llo^n f^n HofniAnt)ie, m^f ^ p^ibe 1
mbp-d.ig'oe-d.n-d.f ^5 <i.r\ fig henfi, guf b^ heige^i^n -oo ceicpe
ce^-o punc "Oo c-6.b^ifC 'o'fu^fctojA'O ^ip fein. Aguf p6
ciLle^'6 1 nALb-Mn •oo, -^guf e poc^^c pif -^.n pig, pug leif
6006ni6pAn "o'og^ib u-6.ifle n^ S-o^cf^n, 6 n-o. bpi-6.ip c^d^mpe^ni
muinnce^pt^id. pe linn a. •deop^noe^ccA, 50 hAlb^in, if cug
lomA-o cpioc If fe-6.p^nn 'odib ^guf v^ fliocc v^ Ti-6if, 50
bpiil tnopAn •010b ^5 iiciug-c.'o 1 nJ^HtJ^cc n^ hAlb^n
-6.niu. A5 feo CU1T) -00 floinncib n^ t)puin5e t5o dti^it) leif
6010 An c^n foin ^ca ^5 i.iciug-^.'o 1 nAlb^^in -6.nit3, ^gtif if t)iob
5^ipmce-6.p 5^tl'o^cc n-6. tiAlb^n, ^5 fo ctii'O "oo n^ floinncib
pn : Baliol, Brus, Soully, Mowbri, Sentcler, Hay, Gifford,
inverted caldron ; and the simpletons traced him, and removed
the caldron from over him, and they burned the child's ears,
and from the purpling they gave his ears he was called Core.
Maine Leamhna son of Core, son of Lughaidh, went from
Ireland to Alba, and there occupied territory which is called
Magh Leamhna, whence the Mormhaor of Leamhain in Alba
is named ; and it is he is now called the Duke of Lenox ; and
it is from this Maine Leamhna son of Core of the race of
Eibhear sprang the noble families of the house of Lenox. It
is from a brother of this Maine called Cairbre Cruithneachan
sprang the Eoghnacht of Magh Geirrghinn in Alba ; and it
was after the time of Niall Naoighiallach they went there.
It may similarly be stated of every other tribe of Gaels in
Alba that it was from the Gaels of Ireland their nobles sprang.
However, the portion of them that .are nearest Sacsa who
were driven by William the Conqueror over the Saxon
borders into Alba, and whose posterity have continuously
inhabited the * Galldacht * of Alba, these are not of the
Gaels but of the race of the Saxons ; and the same holds
of another tribe which we shall mention later on, according to
Stow in his annals, page 153. He bears out the same state-
ment where he relates that William, king of Alba, was taken
prisoner by Henry the Second, king of England, and then sent
by him as a captive to the city of Rouen in Normandy, where
he was kept by king Henry in captivity until he was forced to
pay four hundred pounds for his ransom. Then, when he was
returning, being at peace with the king, he took with him to
Alba a large number of young English nobles from whom he
had received friendly attentions during his captivity ; and he
gave much land and territories to them and to their descen-
dants after them ; and many of these are in possession of the
Galldacht of Alba at this day. Here are some of the surnames
of the people who went with him at that time who inhabit
Alba at present, and it is they are called the Galldacht of
Alba ; here are some of these surnames : Baliol, Brus, Soully,
3 C 2
388 potiAS peASA AH 6minti. * [book I.
Ramsey, Landell, Bisey, Barclay, Wellegen, Boys, Mont-
gomery, Walley, CoUomille, Frizer, Grame, Gurlay, if moiiin
0015 oile; ^n c^n yi h-d.oif'oon ci5e^pn^ II74-
Ac-i buccA^nd^niif ^5 ce^cc teif -6.n ni gce^on^ cu^f
mo^p A n-i^b^ip : «"'Oo bpig," ^p fe, ''gong^ipci ^p "ocuf
Scuic t^'o^iajceoipib n^ h6ipe^nn Agtif t)on fruipitin vo
wwcu^i-b UAC^ T>*0kiciU5^t> n^ hAlb-Mi, lonnup Le hei'Oipt)e^t-
ug^TO eigin 50 mbiA^ oeicpp e^copp^ le^c ^p le^c, x>o
ciOTinpcn^TJAp 6 cuf Scoic-^peAnno^ij t)o 5^ipm •00 opuinj
t)iob ^guf Scoc-Alb 45.11^15 -oon pjipinn oile." Af n^ bpi^c-
p^ib-pe Ouch^n^^nuf ctngceo^p -da ni. An ceit)ni jupo^b
8026 0. h6ipinn t)o cu43.t)^p Scuic ■o'^iciujo^'b no. 1iAlbxi.n ; ^jup-
^n T>^pA ni gup 5TiAC-d.inm ■o'Cipeo.nnc^ib Scuic 6 cup.
A5 po piop neice "oo bexi.n^-6 6. h^nniWib cpoimc Scoo
•00 ne^pcuj^t) Le pipinne g^j^c neicet>A. nt)ubp4.m^p poTTi^mn
pit l^ibeop-o^m o.p Hio.ll tl^oi5io.ll-.i.c, "00 bpig 50 Tned.po.iTn
6030 5upo.b TTioioe ip incpeTOce 50.C 0. luo^it) 0. peo^ncup
6ipeo.nn o^p II10.LL no^ neice-pe piop vo cup 0. cpoimc C015-
cpice. A5 po mo.p o.t)eip Scoo: "An co.n pi pi
ttlo^piup 1110.0 Apuipo^gup, Anno 'OoTnini 73, co^img Tluiopuije
pi no. bpiccpobo^L on Scicio. ino^p o.on te ane Scuic vo now 0.5UP -oo. ho.p50.1n 16 ctoit)eo.m ip te
ceini-o; 50 'OCU5 o.n TTIo^piup cuo.p co.c t>6ib 5up Tno.pbo.T>
tluT3pui5e ^5up lomowT) t)o. ptuo.5 le Tno.piup, 0.5UP o.n T)peo.m
T)o ttio.ip "oiob CU5 1Tlo.piup peo.po.nn T)6ib 1 •ocuo.ipceo.pc
Albo.n pe -iiciujjo.t), 0.5UP -oo io.ppo.t)o.p inno. o.p no. bpeo.c-
6040 5it)eo>'6 niop b' leo mno. x>o 'o6ib.
lo.ppo.1T) mnow o.p 4ipeo.nnco.ib 0.5UP puo.po.t)o.p mno. U0.C0..'*
An ni-pe pcpiobo^p Scoo o.p tlu'6pui5e pi no. bpicc, ip e o.m
co.plo. TOO co.oipeo.c no. bpicc mni T)o*bpeic 0. Ii4ipinn
1 n-o.iTnpip 6ipeo.rTi6in, 0.TT10.1I o.' cuo.p. A5UP -oo
a. Principio cum utrique, id est Hibemiae incolae et coloni eorum in
Albiam missi, Scoti appellarentur, ut discrimine aliquo alten ab alteris
Mowbri, Sentcler, Hay, GifTord, Ramsey, Landell, Bisey,
Barclay, Wellegen, Boys, Montgomery, Wallcy, CoUomille,
Frizer, Grame, Gurlay, and many others ; the age of the Lord
1 174.
Buchanan agrees with the above, in the thirty-fourth page
of the second book of the History of Alba, where he says :
'' Because both the inhabitants of Ireland and the colonists
they sent to Alba were originally called Scots, in order that
by some difference they might be distinguished from one
another, people from the first called the one race Irish Scots,
and the other Albanian Scots." From these words of Bucha-
nan two things are to be inferred ; the first is that it was
from Ireland the Scots went to occupy Alba; and the second is
that the Irish were ordinarily called Scots from the beginning.
Before we treat of Niall Naoighiallach, we shall give here
some events taken from the annals of Stow's Chronicle in
confirmation of the truth of all that we have said above, as I
imagine that the account we shall give of Niall from the
seanchus of Ireland will appear the more credible if I set
down these things from a foreign chronicle. Stow speaks as
follows : " When Marius son of Arviragus was king of Britain
in the year of the Lord 73, Rudhruighe, king of the Pictish
tribe from Scythia, together with the Scotic race, came to
conquer Britain and to waste itwith sword and fire ; and Marius,
above mentioned, gave them battle, and slew Rudhruighe and
a large number of his host; and to those of them who survived,
he gave lands in the north of Alba to settle down in ; and
they asked wives of the Britons, but these were unwilling to
give them to them. They asked wives of the Irish, and
obtained them from them/' As to this incident which Stow
records of Rudhruighe, king of the Picts, it happened when
the Pictish leader took women from Ireland in the time of
distinguerentur, initio coepw'e alteri Sooti lemi, alteri Scot! Albani,
390 pouAS peASA Ati.4miiiii. [book i.
0046 bi pti cuilte^'6 If Cjti 6b^x> tJ^^j bti^-o-^.n fuL t)o bi Tn^|\iuf
Atjeijt A^n c-ti5'Oo.|t c^^'on-^ 5U|t^b fo^n mbliA.t>^in cu^f
t)'^oif ^n Uije^i^n-d. "oo hoijMie^'O Uefpo^p^n 'n-^impi|^, if
gujt^b T)eic mbtiA^nA poinie pn t)o pinne^^ ftint)<3.aon ^\\
eowTh^inifCif StAfcenbti|\i. AT)eip pof gup^b 1 jcionn 276
btiA'd^n ^^J\ njein CpiofC "oo ctiif ^n c-impif t)^f b'^^mm
Aupeli^ntif cof din unpife^ccA fi. n-A. ce^Miti o.f\ "ocuf, ^guf
If e ceit)impif -00 j^^b cof 6in impif eo^cc^ e.
Anno 'OoTTiini 395, t)o cionnfCxMn pel^jiuf bpe^cn^c "oo fiolf4yt) ^p "ocuf ; ^^gtif tf f^n ^m-fo -oa
b-i'oo.f ane Sctiic ^gtif n^ picci ^5 ^pj-Mn <i^5Uf ^5 miLl-
e-d.'O n^ bpe^c^n Hloipe, ^guf ctiipit) r\^ bpeAcno.15 ce^cc^
50 honopitif impip ■o'lAppA.i'b c^bpiO. ^ip, o^suf ni -oe^i^pn^
^cc fcpiobo^t) ctiCA t>^ i^pp^i^it) opc^ x\ ntJice^^tt -oo ^e^n^m
6060 ooib f§in. Aguf CAinij T>e pn 50 n^ bpe^^cn^ij
-d.iTTifeiO.p imci^n t)^ eif pn f a te^ccpom n^ Scon ^.gtif n^
bpicc, ^5Uf t>o. eif pn cuipit) n^ bpe^o^tn^ig cex^cc^^ ^pip
t)on HoiTh, Aguf -oo-nit) c^f^oit) cpu^ijAijttieit ^p cpu^i.'o*
AiL n^ Scoc If r\^ bpicc opp^. Cuipix) Hothin^ig leigion
6066 "00 ftUiO^g -d^ptncA. v^, o^guf o.p no.
t)6ib, c«5o.t)o.p fein o.5tif no. Scuic o^guf no. picct ionio.t>
coinbl.iocc "DO. c^te; o.5tif o.p mbeic ctiipfeo.c "oon Cfluo.5
' o.'oubpo.'oo.p pe mup no cloi^ •oo
t> eo.coppo. fein o^guf no. t)poc-( 'OO bi
6070 If no. po.ib o.p bpeic ooib fein 5o.n cilleo."6 "oon Tloitti.
Eireamhon, as we have said above, and that was more than
thirteen hundred years before Marius was king of Britain.
The same author states that it was in the above year of the
age of the Lord that Vespasian was made emperor, and that
it was ten years before that time that the abbey of Glaston-
bury was founded. He also states that it was two hundred
and seventy-six years after the birth of Christ that the
emperor called Aurelianus first wore the imperial crown ; and .
he was the first emperor who wore the imperial crown.
In the year of the Lord 395, Pelagius, a Briton, first began
to sow heresy ; and at this time the Scotic race and the Picti
were wasting and destroying Great Britain ; and the Britons
sent envoys to the emperor Honorius asking assistance of
him ; and he only wrote to them requesting them to do all
they could for themselves ; and hence it came to pass that the
Britons were a long time afterwards under the oppression of
the Scots and the Picti. And again the Britons sent envoys
to Rome ; and they made a pitiful complaint of the cruelty
towards them of the Scots and the Ficts. The Romans sent
an armed legion to relieve them ; and when these reached
Britain, they had several engagements with the Scots and
the Picti ; and the Roman host, growing weary, told the
Britons to build a wall or fence between themselves and their
bad neighbours, and that they themselves could not avoid
returning to Rome.
392 jTOiiAS tre^SA All eniinn. [booki.
cogbui-o ctoii6 fot) 6 niui|t 50 Tnui|\ it)i|^ 1^*0 fein if Sctiic if
P1CC1. Aguf A.p n-d. clop "oo dine Scuic ^gttf t)o nA. piccib
gujt c|t§i5eAT)^|t Hom-in^ig n^ tjpe^cno^ig, tingiT) ^|t n^
6075b|^eA.cnAc^ib ^5Uf bf if re^-p ^n ctoi^ ^S^f ^'fS^e-o^f o^n cif
Leo, gtif Veijin "oo x)6. bfe^ctiiSCAib ce^cc^ t)o dup ^n
CjAe^f 50 tl6Tti<incAib '5-i i^pf ^1*6 Of f ^ g^n Ow teijeo^n
■oi. ni^iii^it) belt ^5 t)eo.nAni d. tuic 50 x)ibfeAp54^c, ^rh^iL
vo b^TJ/sf. Wif pn ctiifit) HoThin^ij legion oile x>^
eoao bftJf CACC ; ^guf ^f focc^in n^. bpe^^c^n -ooib cug-^o^f fein
If Scuic If picci lonii^t) combliocc "o^ ceite, guf f uo.g-a.'Oo.p
tldTTiAn^i5 Cii.f ceof ^inn ^n muif t)0 lu^M-oe^Mn^p ^m^c i^t).
Aguf 4Sf bfoif icin n^ mbf e-^^cn^c m^f pn "ooib, ^-otibf ^o^f
no. }\iu foco^f "Ooib fein o.f eo.ccpo.
eo85oo. ni bti-o rhd, ^guf ^ cfeo.t) o.n mo'6 'n-o.
bfeo.T)fo.t)o.oif 10.-0 fein vo cuiTit)o.d no x>o "Oion off o., Ap lOTnof f o t)o flu^s no. "oo cionn-'oo.f o.n cloi^o 0.C0. 6 nitiif go muif i-oif if -oo •o'obo.if cLoice, ^gtif occ t>cf oigce 'n-o.
6090 cige, ^guf T)o. Cf 015 t)eo.5 T)*o.if 'oe o.nn, "Oo f eif bet)o. fo.n
5 CO.. t)en cei' t>o Sco.if no. So.Cfo.n. Tno.f x>o'oo.f no. Scuic ^guf no. picci guf cuif eo.'oo.f
■OfuiTH fe 'o' no. Tnbfeo.cno.c o.fif, cuifio
Cf tiinniu5o.'6 if coiThcion6t o.f lomo."© fluo.5, if cugo.'oo.f ucc
6096 ^f ^n TTiijf foin 5Uf bn5eo.'6 leo co.ifif, if 50 •octi5o.'OAp
'oeo.f 5f uo.c:o.f no. bf tiile, lonnuf gup b'eigin -00 0. 5c0.cp0.c0. if 0. n-iptiif x>o cpei5eo.n if t>uL
•OO. n'Oi'oeo.n fein fo. coillcib if fo^ fopo.oipb, 50 no.c
bio^ "OO bio.*© 0.C0. O.CC feoLTho.c no.'do.c n-o.lLco.
8ioot)o-nici -oo feil5 leo ; ^5Uf o.n c-io.pTho.p t)o Tho.ip "oo bpeo.c- "00 fcpiobo.t)o.p 50 cpuo.50.i5Theil 50 conful vo bi f o.n
tloiTh 'oo.p b'o.inTn Boetius 0.5 io.ppo.ii6 fupco.cco. o.ip, ^5ti|*
As to the Britons, when the Romans had left them, they
built a fence of earth from sea to sea between themselves and
the Scots and the Picti. And when the Scotic race and the
Ficti had heard that the Romans had forsaken the Britons,
they made a sudden attack on the latter, and broke down the
wall and pillaged the country, so that the Britons were forced
to send envoys to the Romans a third time, beseeching them
not to permit their enemy to despoil them vengcfuUy as they
were doing. Upon this the Romans sent another legion to
help them ; and when these had reached Britain, they had
several engagements with the Scots and Picti ; and the
Romans drove them across the boundary wall of which we
have spoken. And when they had thus relieved the Britons,
the Romans told them that it was of no advantage to them-
selves to come on any further expedition of relief to them,
and that they should consider how they might protect or
guard themselves against the enemy. Accordingly when the
Roman army had left them, they began to build the wall that
stretches from sea to sea between Britain and Alba, of stone-
work eight feet thick, and twelve feet high, according to Beda,
in the fifth chapter of the first book of the History of
Sacsa. When the Scots and the Picti heard that the Romans
had refused to come any more to the aid of the Britons, they
collected and assembled a large host, and marched towards the
wall referred to, and overpassed it and devastated all Britain,
so that the Britons were obliged to abandon their stone
fortresses and dwellings and betake themselves for refuge to
woods and wildernesses, where their sole food was the flesh of
the wild beasts they hunted ; and the remnant of them that
survived wrote piteously to the consul who was in Rome
whose name was Boetius, soliciting him for aid ; and
394 pooAS peASA AH eminn. [book i.
niniAit) ^gtif All thuiii. 6i|t A.n t)j\e^ni i>\oX> t)o beijte^o
6106 ^> Ap An niui]i, A.5 ceite^'b j\ef ^n ni^ttiAit), -00 biicri i^o
If ATI t>|teAm Toiob "00 atle^'b on Tnui|^ t>o ni-6.|tbcA0i teif ^n
n-irho^it) 1^*0, ATh^il AT)ei|i bet)^ f ^n 13 ca. "oon ceit)leAbAt^
•00 Sc4.i|\ n^ S-d^q'An ^5 MCf|iioCAl bpi^fe^p n^ tnl3|teo.c-
n^c ^5 e^gn^c te TlothAncA^ib ^p foi|ineA]AC n^ Scoc ^gtir
6UonA bpicci 0|t|tA, A5 fo no. biiiAr|tA :
a "UuAgAit) n^ b^itb^p^o^ig guf ^r\ mui|i" ^p p^v 0.5
t^bAipc Ap no. Scoco^ib If o.|t no. piccib " CitLi'6 o.n inuip io.t)
o.p no. bo.pbo.p'bo.ib, i-oip o.n t>o. cineo.L bo.if-fe mo.pbco.f nd|\ pnn," o.p po.*©. Af fo if loncuijce jup o.b mop o.n
eu5foipneo.pc vo bi 0.5 Scoco.ib no. h6ipeo.nn o.p 13peo.cnACo.ib.
AtJeip Tleinnitif, feo.n-u5t)o.p bpeo.cno.c,T>o peip Cpoinic Sbit>^
50 po.ibeleo.ccponi 0.5 Scoco.ib if AgPicabo^p
pe pe 40 blio.'6o.n. Agtif o.t)eip Camden 0.5 Leif fo :
6^*X)o fAgbo.*© 1 gcionn SCXD blio.T6o.n 1 nt) Co.efo.p -oo "oon fA o.imocc no. Scoc if no. bpicci 1."
Aguf If loncuigte pn 0. bpio.cpo.ib be-oo. fo.n 14 co.. t)on
cei' ceo.t>no. tno.p 0. 0.5 o.p 6ipeo.nn-
co.ib : ^"Uillit)/* o.p fe, " o.ip5ceoipii6e o.inT)iuit)e 6ipeo.nno.c
■DO. tjcig Ap ci plLce 50 5pox> co.p 0. n-o.if/* Af no. bpio.c-
6i25po.ib-fe bet)o. If lonctiigce 50 t^cu5t)o.oif 61peo.nno.15 puo.15
50 mime t)' no.
t>o.Lo. nA mbpeo.cno.c t)o bo.T)o.p o.imfeo.p imcio.n 5o.n
oipleo.c If 5o.n 0.5 Scoco.ib ^gtif 0.5 piccib io.p n-A
t>cpei5eo.n vo H6ihAnco.ib. Tliop b'l fO no.
6i50mbpeo.cno.c o.n co.n foin, t>o bi Phelagian.
0.5 f o.obo.t) o.n pobo.1L o.n cpo.c foin ; Aguf if 1 como.iple o.p
o.p cinneo.16 le o.n co.n foin, fiof "oo cup 5a
cteip no- Ppo.ingce Ago. io.ppo.i'6 oppo.>e if luce
feo.nm6po. t)o ctip on bppo.in5c cuco. vo cloi) epiciceo.cco.
a Repellunt barbari ftd mare, repellit man ad barbaroa, inter haeo
oriuntur duo genera funerum, aut iuguiamur aut mergimur.
3. Anno 500 a Caeoaria ingreuu Britannia Fictorum et 3cotorun»
immanitati relinqoitur.
what they said was that they were hemmed in between
the enemy and the sea, for as many of them as took to
the sea, fleeing from the enemy, were drowned ; and as
many of them as turned from the sea were slain by the
enemy, as Beda says in the thirteenth chapter of the first
book of the History of Sacsa, quoting the words of the
Britons when complaining to the Romans of the oppression
they suffered from the Scots and Picti. These are the words :
" The barbarians force us to the sea," said they, speaking of
the Scots and the Picti ; " the sea throws them [us] back
upon the barbarians ; and by this twofold death, we are either
slain or drowned," said they. From this it may be inferred
that the oppression exercised by the Scots of Ireland over the
Britons was very great Nennius, an ancient British author^
says, according to Speed's Chronicle, that the Scots and
the Picti oppressed Britain for a period of forty years ; and
Camden, agreeing with this, says : " Five hundred years after
Caesar came to Britain, that country was left to the barbarity
of the Scots and the Picti." This may also be inferred from
the words of Beda in the fourteenth chapter of the same first
book, in which, speaking of the Irish, he says : "The shameless
Irish plunderers return to their homes," says he, " to come
back soon again." From these words of Beda it may be
inferred that the Irish used often to go on expeditions of
plunder into Britain.
As to the Britons, they were a long time without being
pillaged or plundered by the Scots and the Picti after the
Romans had left them. But this oppression was not the
only misfortune the Britons suffered from at that time. The
Pelagian heresy was then deluding the people ; and the
Britons determined to send to the French clergy, asking them
to send prelates and preachers to them from France to put
e, BeTMrtuntur impudentM grassatores Hibemi domiixn post non
longum temput reTetsuii.
396 potiAS peASA AH 4minii. [BOOK l
6195 Phelagian. Stiit>it> cli^p tia P|\Ain5ce i ^coth^iple tiime pn";
^guf If eA^TO t)o anneAib teo t>iAf nAOimeA^fpog t)o cti^i vo
polA'o A.n 5l^ind|ieit>iiii "odib, TnA|\ aca SepmA^tiUf e^fpog
Atcipot>openpf if tupuf e^^fpoj Cpec^^ff enuf ; A^suf ^p
rit>ut "ooib ^nn p U5^t)d^|t buA.i^ a|\ n^ heip tcicib,
ei40 U^|\ A n-oubf ^m^]^ t>o bioo cog^t^ jni^c^c iTJi|t tia Sctiic
If riA bf e^^CTiAig 50 h^imp|i tlof cijeft fi. fi ^p ^r\ tnbf e^c-
45.111 ^n c^n fi. h-6.oif -ooti Cise^fn^ 447. J^'^e^o ci^inij
tjVinnn^n^ib if t>'tiAiLt if t)o pe^c^i^ib n^ ttibfeA^cn^c
^n cpi^c foin 50 "ocuj 'Oi^ ^n t-irii 1 n-UACCA.|\ ^5 Scoc^ib
6146 If ^5 piccib offc., lonnuf jtif b^ h^igeA^n "ooib TloffUf
If hmjifcuf 50 n-6. ft'^^S Se^fmi^ine^c t5o c^b45.i|\c vo
congn^MTi Leo 1 n-^^^it) n^ Scoc if n^ bpicc, 50 iroe^fn^
'0^^ fciuif fe-6.t)^ t>o tia 5^^!^"^^^^^^ P^ P^ ^^V ^^ mbf e^c-
n^c 6. fL^tce^f iothIati n^ bf e^c-^n 6 foin. AcAit) c|\oinice
6150 n^ b]ieAC-6.n ^5^ f^ifneif, ^rii^iL cuipe^f Scoo f^n c|\eA.f
le-6.c^n^c if 0^.05^0 f^n ce^t)|\^iti x>^ Cf oimc, x>o ctiife^"6
1 gcLot) 1 toniTO^in ^n Z4^r) fi. h^oif "Ooti Uige^^pn^ i6l4»
juf Tn4^fb-6.'6 480 t5*u-(Mflib n^ bfe^co^n 1 bfe^d^llle Sc^cp^ib,
5ti|t cuif Auf eliuf Ambf opuf j\\ n^ bf e^c^ti ^ti z^x\ foin
6166 fi. 'oe^fo. n^s clocA fU5 TTIeflin 50 bfe-d^cn^ib 6 Sli^b
5ClAife f^n itliini^in -oo cd5bi.1l m^]\ fe^xjcorh^fCAib ^p
^n li^c^if 'n--d.|\ m^^pb^TO n^ hti^ifLe pn. Aguf fof if Ann
f ^n i.ic ceA.t>n-o. 'oo hA-onAice^t) e fein. A5tif if e fi h^inm
VOX) i.ic ^n c^n foin Chorea Gigantum. Aguf if e ^inm n^.
6i6ohAice A^noif Scone henje ^f Tno.15 S^lfbuf ie ; ^JUf ^'oeip
^n c-ti5t)Af ce^'on^^ guf ^b on Afjiic cus^o^p 5^^*^^^ "^
ctocA c^A.'onA. ; ^guf ^oeif Hlonomocenpf n^^c cuj^t) x>a
ctoic A heincfic "oiob.
Af fo If ionctii5ce 50 jcleACC^oi Le 5^®^^^^^^^ "^^^
6166 t>on Aippic t>A h^fjAin, ^Jtif t>A f^f pn 50 fA.bAt)A.|i
neA.f ctti-^.f 1 -ocif lb oite 6 ^|\inn ^m^c ; ^.guf cibe 00 cuif -
feA'b 1 n-iong^ncAf n^ neice-fe no -6.5 a. mbi^-d t>icpeit)eAiii
Off-6., bi^t) A mitle^n ^ije o.if fein, cpe g^n n^ fqtibne
•o'f Aicpn no *oo cu^ftjug^'O. Oif if mime biof ^inbpof n^
down the Pelagian heresy. Upon this, the French clergy sat
in council, and resolved to send two holy bishops to propagate
the pure faith amongst them, namely, Germanus, bishop of
Auxerre, and Lupus, bishop of Troyes ; and when they arrived,
they vanquished the heretics.
Notwithstanding what we have said, a constant warfare
existed between the Scots and the Britons to the time of
Vortigem, who was king of Britain in the year of the Lord 447.
However, on account of the evil passions and the pride and the
sins of the Britons at that time, God gave the Scots and the
Picti the victory over them, so that they were obliged to bring
over Horsus and Hingistus with their German host to assist
them against the Scots and the Picti. And God used these
Germans as a scourge to deprive the Britons of the sovereignty
of all Britain ever since. The chroniclers of Britain relate, as
Stow notes in the fifty-third page of the first part of his
Chronicle, which was printed in London in the year of the
Lord 1 6 14, that 480 of the British nobles were treacherously
slain by the Saxons, and that Aurelius Ambrosius, the king of
Britain at that time, ordered that of the stones which Merlin
took over to Britain from Sliabh gClaire in Munster a monu-
ment be raised on the spot on which these nobles were slain.
It was, moreover, in the same place that he himself was buried.
And the place was then called Chorea Gigantum ,• and it is
now called Stone Henge on Salisbury Plain. And the same
author says that it was from Africa the Gaels brought these
stones ; and Monomotensis says that no two of the stones
were taken from the same country.
From this we may infer that the Gaels were wont to go
to Africa to plunder that country, and that they were there-
fore powerful in other countries besides Ireland ; and whoever
should be surprised at these events or disbelieve them let him
blame himself for it, for not having seen or searched the
records. For often one is ignorant of the truth through
398 ponAS peASA AH eminn. [book i.
TiA fe^Tij-oo |i6ip Tn6.|i ^T)ei|\ mo^qiobitif libro 6** Saturnalium,
TTiA]! A. n-A.bAi|t : a" If lOtn^A. ni 'n-^ Ainbpof o|^Ainn n^c
bi^io /n-Aw foiLce^f o|\Ainn t)i mbe^t) c^it)peA.tT} ^g^inn
^p tei6.5c6i|\ec.dc n^ fe^n "; lonnuf •04^ nocc^p tinne 50
ensp^ibe ciofdi^in ^g n^ Scoc^^ib if ^5 r\i>. piccib ^f n^
bpe^cn^c^ib, ^5Uf n^c cfeit)fe^^ ^n t^^gcoif pnn, le^g^'o
fe cfOiTiic C4^Tnt>en ^guf ^o-gfe^.b^i'd n^ bfi^cf^-fo
innce: ^"'Oo cuifei^.'o n^ bpe^cn^ig fi. ciofciin x\£>. Scoc
If n^ bpicc iMi c^n fi h^oif •oon Uige^pn^ 446-" tlo -oo.
6i8olUi6.i'6ceAf Linn jtif muc^t) r)j^ picci Leif n^ Scoc^ib ^n
c^n fi. pi ^jK ALb^in Cinnei'oe m^c Ailpin 1 5Cionr» 839
mbliAO^n i^p ngein Cpiofc, le^g^'o cpoinic CA.m'oen if "oo-
5e^b-M'6 fAifneif o.n neice ce^t)TiA innce. 116 ■oi. tu^i-oci
Linn n-6.p 5^b cine eo.ccpxi.nn f^n bioc upL-<MTii^f lOTnLi^n
8185 8ipe^nn ^cz n^ opong^ "oo o.tci5 i pein t) 1, m^p p^pcoLon cL^nn^ Tleinn'o pp D0L5 if Uu^c^ tDe
"O^n^nn if mic TTIiLe^'O, -oo fe^'Of^i'de no.c cpeit)p'6e finn
mun^ bf-owice^-o ^n Le^gcoip ^n ni fcpiobo^f J^^^^^^'^^f
Hubpijenpf 4^.5 L^b^ipc ^p 6ipinn f^n 26 c^. -oon •o^p^
eiMLe^b-cp x>^ fco^ip, m^p c>. : ^"tliop Luig 4ipe pi^sni
fo. ctini^cc coigcpice." ITI^p ^n 5ce^T)nA. tha. ctiipim fiof
^nnfo ^p Tli^LL n-^oi5i^LL-<i.c neice n^c^sp cLof oon Le^5-
coip poiTTie fo, mex^f^'O 50 bpjiL Laoi no Leicip ^s^inn Le
'oe-o.pbtigo.t) 5^c neice x)^ gcuipceo^p fiof Linn ^nnfo.
a. Multa ignoramus quae noa later^nt si yetemm lectio nobis easet
b. Britanni facti sunt tributuarii Scotis et Pictia anno Christi 446.
e, Hibemia nunqoam eztemae subiacuie ditioni.
not having made himself famih'ar with the old books of
the ancients, as Macrobius points out in the sixth book
of the Saturnalia, in which he says : " We are ignorant of
many things which should not be hidden from us if we
were accustomed to read the ancients"; thus, when we state
that the Scots and the Picti exacted a tribute from the
Britons, if the reader disbelieves us, let him read Camden's
chronicle, and he will find therein these words : " The
Britons were made to pay tribute to the Scots in the year of
the Lord 446 "; or if we state that the Picti were extinguished
by the Scots when Cinneide son of Ailpin was king of Alba
839 years after the birth of Christ, let him read Camden's
chronicle, and he will find there testimony to the same
event ; or were we to assert that no foreign nation ever
acquired full supremacy over Ireland except the tribes that
successively occupied it, namply, Partholon, the clanna
Neimidh, the Fir Bholg, and the Tuatha De Danann, and
the sons of Milidh, perhaps we should not be believed unless
the reader had seen what Gulielmus Nubrigensis has written,
treating of Ireland, in the twenty-sixth chapter of the second
book of his history, in which he says, ** Ireland never sub-
mitted to a foreign power." Similarly, if I make statements
here concerning Niall Naoighiallach which the reader has not
heard hitherto, let him know that I have song or story to
prove every statement I advance here.
400 potiAS peASA AR 4minn. [book i,
6185 l^e^5u^|t linn i mbe^d^it) '|iowT)|tM5, ftt^fto^m^p fq\iobcA.
1 feinteAb^ft me^^mptiini, tn^jt ^on te be^c^i^ 1T1odut>o^
^S^r '^t>bAin ^gtif no^oth oile, gtif ^b b^ie^cn^c piop^ij.
A5 fo b|iiAC|i^ A^n cfeinleA.b^t'P : a" pioi^^ig/' ^\\ ye,
^'bpeAcn^c 1^]^ n-o. bpeic f^n b^^ile t>^p^b ^mm Hempco)\
62001 tn^ij n^ bp^nbot 6 cuiftheiiiceoipib qtAibce^c-o. x)i^i6a/'
Ax)eip Afif f-6.n iic de^on^ no. b|\iA.cp-d^-fO fiof : ^*M^p
n-^P54Mn iomo|A|^o lom^o q^ioc f^n mbpeo^c^in -oo Scoc^ib
6 4i|\inn, m^\[ ^on pe n-o. jtij fein, Tli^Li n^oiji^lL^c, 1
n-^5^ii6 fl^icif n^ 1l6iTio.,t>o h^i-pge^t) 50 m6|t ^n O-peAC^in
6206 Leo ^|\ -ocuf ^n leic cu^i'6 "Oi, ^guf lo^ji nT)ibi|tc n^ fe-<5.n-
poipne ^ifce, 00 AicijeA^o^p CT-peA^nn^ij fein innce."
AT)ei]i <\n c-ujDo^p ce^^-on^ f ^n i^ic ce^'on^ 50 tjcowimj x>e
yo cpi i^ioJA^cc^ tjo beic f^n Tnb|\eAC^in ltl6i|\ mo^p ^co.
ScociA AngLi-Ok If bpiCAnmo.. Ax)ei|\ ^n c-uj-o^p ce^'on-a.
62io5upxi.b p^n c.m-fo, ^p mbeic -00 Hi^lL n^oi^iiO^Ll^c f^n
e^ccpx^-fo -ii.5 plAnt)U3^t> X)i^^ tli^x)^ 1 nAib^in, tjo cuaio
c^bt^c ^ipe^nn^c tjon aic lon-o. p^ibe pitjp^ig 'n^^ cotti-
ntn-be. A5 fO bpi^cp^ ^n tigT)^!^ : c**X)o cti^m," ^p ye,
'•pin c.m-fO c^bl^c Cipe^nn^c "00 cpe^d^-o n^ qiice 'n-o.
82i6p^ibe ^ry T\^om pi'opA.i5 ^guf m^p y^ Stixkc le hCipe^nn-
CAib ctij^'O^i.p lom-o.t) "00 bpo^i^oib leo ^Jtif n^oni pi^opc^ig
m-d.p ^on piu 1 n-AOif ^s pe mbtiA^o^n n'oeA.j, ^juf t)i. fi^ip
oo, m^p -d.c-i t/Upit)^ If 'O^pepc-o., ^guf cu5c.'6 Haotti
PA-op^ig 'n-A bpi5A.1t) 1 n4ipinn ^n nc.oitiA'6 bli^i.'o^in ve
6220ftA.iceAf tleilL piog 4ipe^nn X)o bi 50 ne^pCTh^p fe^cc
mbli^'on-d. pce^T) 1 bft^iced^f ^ipe^nn if lep h^ipge^t) ^r\
a. Patriciua Brito natus in oppido Nemptor in Campo Tabumo .i.
tabemaculorum, ex parentibus derotia et religioaia ortua.
b. Cum Sooti de Hibemia tub rege suo niAlt nAOigiAlt^^d diyenas
proTinciaa Britanniae contra Eomanum imperium multum devaatabant,
contendere incipientes aquHonalem Britanniae plagam tandem, ejectia
yeteribus colonia, ipsi Hibemenaes earn oceupaverunt et baMtayeront.
We read in a life of Patrick, which we found written in an
old vellum book, together with the life of Mochuda and
Abban, and other saints, that Patrick was a Briton. These
are the words of the old book : " Patrick," it says, " a Briton,
bom in the town called Nemptor, in the Plain of the Taber-
nacles, of pious and religious parents." In the same place it
uses these words : " After the Scots from Ireland, together with
their king Niall Naoighiallach, had plundered many territories
in opposition to the Roman sovereignty, they severely pillaged
Britain — the northern portion of it at first ; and when they had
banished the old tribes from it, they themselves dwelt in it"
The same author says in the same place that it followed
from this that there were three kingdoms in Great Britain,
namely, Scotia, Anglia, and Britannia. The same author
states that it was at this time, when Niall Naoighiallach was
on this expedition planting the Dal Riada in Alba, an Irish
fleet went to the place where Patrick dwelt. These are the
author's words : " An Irish fleet," he says, " went at this time
to the place where St Patrick was, to pillage the country,
and, as was the custom with the Irish, they brought a large
number of captives with them, together with St. Patrick, then
aged sixteen years, and his two sisters, namely Lupida and
Darerca ; and St. Patrick was brought as a captive to Ireland
in the ninth year of the reign of Niall, king of Ireland, who
held strenuously the sovereignty of Ireland twenty-seven years,
e. Hoc autem tempore quaedam dkniB Hibemica depredavit patxiam
in qua morabatnr D. PatrioiuB et, oonaueto Hibernonmi more, muhi inde
captdTi ducti sunt, inter quoa erant D. Patzicina aetatis luae aimo deeimo
sexto et duae eiuB eorores Lupida et Darerca ; et ductua eat PatzicinB in
Hibermam captivus anno nono tl^tlt regis Hibemiae qui potenter 27
annis regnaTit ac Britamiiam et Angliam uaque ad mare quod est inter
Angliam et GralUim deTaitayit«
402 pOtlAS peASA All 6lTlinn. [BOOK I.
b'Ft^A.iTigc/* Af HA bf iACii-«Mb pe^Thfi.i'oce if iTic|teiX)ce 50
ntje-i^cAi'b Tli-6.Lt Tl^oijiAllAd tjon Dfe-d^c^m ttloif if jtif
6225 go^b ne^f c innce.
TTlei^fAini fOf 5t>f ^b f e Linn II61LL tjo beic ^5 jA^b^iL
nei|\c f ^n mbf e^c-^in ttloif , "oo ctiip c^bL^c •o'^^iigAin imiLL
n^ l^p^ingce X)on cfic |ie f i^it)ceAf Af tnof ica, v^ nj^if ce^f
^noif ^n Of e^CAin De^g, ^guf guf ^b ^ifce cug^t) P-io-
8230^^15 50 n-o. "oi fiAif 1 mbfoit). If moi-oe ine^fo^im pifinne
^n neice-fe miCiMf ]io.t)f A15 t)o beic 'n-A. p^if ^5 tTlApcAin
■00 bi 'n-d. e-d.fpo5 Uof on f^n bppAingc, if m-^^f Le^^gc^f
Linn 1 feinLe-6.bAf 'n-^s bfuiL beo^c^ pAop ^15 1 n^^e'OiLg
guf^b 6 A|Mnofic-d. cug^^'o pi-of^Mg ^guf ^ ti. fi^i^if 1
6255 TTlbf 01*0.
If cofih-ML fOf o.f mbeic 00 tli^LL ^n c^n foin ^5
g^bi^iLneifC n^ bpe-G^c^ine TTloife, 5U]AAb o.f ^n Tnb|ieACAin
■oo ctiif cxi^bL^c 50 hime^LL n-o. Pf^^ingce m^p o. pxMbe
Pxkt>f^i5 Aguf ^n "Ofong ci^inig 1 mbfoit) Leif. Aguf fOf
624oLeA5CA1i Linn 1 feinLe/ ^ib in cfe^ncuf^ 50 -ocuj^-o
geiLL Af ^n bpp^ingc 50 Hi^LL, ^guf me/^f ^im gup 4i.b oiob
pn pi.'opAig,
'OiL^j. TleiLL lomoppo i^p •oc^b^s.ipc lom^-o "Oo bp^ij-oib
n^. bpe^CAine Leif cij 1 n6ipinn 50 fLu^g mop t>o bpe^c-
«246nACAib Aguf t)*4ipeAnncAib 'n-^ f oc-d^ip ; if T>o-ni cionoL,
uuiLLe^'o fLu^s^g, ^gtif cuipif fce^L^ 50 hALbMn 50 C4^oifeAC
X)iX tliAOA -o-^ p-it) pif e fein 50 Lion ^ fLu^ig v^i. LeA^t^TTixMn
■oon Pp^insc.
Upi-6.LLAif lomoppo Tli^LL Leif pn -oon "Fp-Mngc 50 fLu^g
fl25oLionThAp tn-^iLLe pif, ^gtif ^p mbeic ^5 ^pg^in n^ Pp^injce
Lo^im Le fpnc l/oop to, if o^nn pug c-^oipe^c 'Oi.L TIiatja -6.ip
50 n-A fLuAJ. Agtif CA^pL^ fi^n A.m pom pi t/Ai5ei).n ^p
lonn^kpb^w'O 6 H1-6.LL '1 nALb^in A^p dom^tpce ^^bp^in mic
"OoihAnjuipc c-6.oifeA.c "OaL TIia'Oa. ; ^guf -^.n c^n •00 ctiAii6
6255 ^n 5-^^!^^^ ce^DnA. 1 n-oiAit) TleiLL -oon Pp^ingc, "00 ctio.i'O
Goc-o.iT) m^p A.on pif Aim. J^'oe^'b niop Li.m Cocai*6 t)uL
and who pillaged Wales and Anglia to the sea that lies
between Anglia and France." From the above words we
may believe that Niall Naoighiallach entered Great Britain,
and that he made conquests there.
I am also of opinion that it was while Niall was making
conquests in Great Britain that he sent a fleet to pillage the
borders of France, to the country which is called Armorica,
which is now called Little Britain, and that it was thence
Patrick and his two sisters were brought as captives. I am
the more convinced of the truth of this from the fact that
Patrick's mother was sister to Martin, who was bishop of
Tours in France, and because I read in an old book, in which
is the life of Patrick in Irish, that it was from Armorica
Patrick and his two sisters were brought into captivity.
It is moreover likely that, since Niall was making con-
quests in Great Britain at that time, it was from Britain he sent
a fleet to the borders of France, where Patrick and those who
came with him into captivity resided. And besides I read in
the old books of the seanchus that hostages were brought
from' France to Niall, and amongst these I believe was
Now as to Niall, having taken many captives from Britain,
he arrived in Ireland with a large host of Britons and of Irish ;
and he assembled additional forces, and sent word to Alba, to
the chief of Dal Riada, requesting him to follow him with all
his host to France.
Niall proceeded forthwith to France with a numerous
host ; and the chief of Dal Riada with his host overtook him
as he was plundering . France in the neighbourhood of the
river Loor. And at that time the king of Leinster, having
been banished by Niall to Alba, was under the protection of
Gabhran son of Domhanghurt, chief of Dal Riada ; and
when this Gabhran went after Niall to France, Eochaidh
(the king of Leinster) accompanied him. But Eochaidh did
2 D 2
404 pottAS peASA AH 4minii. [book i.
t>o ticAi|t tleilt, ^gyf i^tt pji^e -00 Tli^Lt ^p b-puc^c ah
innbi|t, c6it) 60CA10 •ooTi teic oile vox\ ^b^inn 1 n'DOi|\e coitte
•00 bi ^nn, A5Uf T)o«Tii f 0156^*0 -o'lnne^tt 'n-^ bog^, 50 t)cti5
wwuj\CA|\ vo Tilsit, 5ti|\ ctii|\ C|t6 n-A coj^p 1, 50 bftiAi|\ bo^f x>o
t>o cog^ip 6ocAiti p^^te 1 t>Ue^Tti|\^i5 *n--6w 1115 pi. b-pi.g^iT)
TIeitl, ^gti-p ^p mbeic no.01 "OcpAC 1 •oUe^m-p^ij -oo, ciirjig
8286t>ii-^oi T)ei5eotA.c 'n-^ t-icMp if -d.t)ubAifC fif n-cf -dligte^c
T)6 5e^fi^ n^ Ue^rh|\o.c -oo 901 II. " 6if if tj-^ se^f Aib," A|t
r^> " 5^^ T^^ ^o fui-oe innce \\e fl-Mce^f 4if e^ni^'oo
50 ng^^b^io no.fc TH^-d fi n-^d. bjti.j^M'o." loti^nn pn pe ^
|\i.^ ^S^f 50 nj^b^^ 5j\i.'6^ Hioife J^ifcit). Oif ^rho^it
6270 ^x5e1|^ueA|^ miles torquatus |ie ttit)ife g^ifa-o, if tn-fi.f pn
A'oeifce^f ni^ n^ifc 1 nj^e^itj fif ^n n5-6.ifce^t>id.c -00
j^b^yo no.fC no fi^bf^ fi. 'n-6. b|>. lon^nn ioTnof]^o
m^ if giO^ifce^'OAC no cf einfe^^f , ^gtif if 'ion-(i.nn n^i^fc if
6276 'OiLo. 8-000.6 m-6.f "00 cti45.l4M'6 ce^gAi^fc ^n -of u^.t), cf eigif
UeATTii6.if If ieigif ^ry pije oe. U15 tli^Lt x>^ eif pn ^.guf
fuiioif 1 ■oTTe-^.TTif ^ig If 5^b^if pt^Mce^f 8if e^nn, o.5tif -oo
hioTin^pbA.'o 80CA116 50 hALb^in leif 1 n-oi^i^ lom^io coin-
ble^ccA "00 cexi.5iTii.1l e^coff^; 501145.16 cpix) pn vo m^pbo.^ le h6oco.i'6, ^Th^il ^tjubf ^Tn45.p cu^f. A-ob^jt oite
f6f e-6.f^onc^ -oo bi, ^f mbeic 'O^Coc^i'o ^5 Cfi^ll 6
te-6.nif-(i.i5 50 tz-cigmb^ 50 ce^c t-d.i'oaTin mic bAi]if-
06^*6^ '0|\o.oi HeitL e, ^5Uf ^p mbeic ib.nn pn -oo, *oo pinne
m^c *5.n DfUAt) iom^fbi.1^ CA.innce fe h6oco.i'6 if m^fb^if
6286 60cA.1t) cf It) pn e,
Uei-o lomofpo ^n t)|\^oi t)^ CAf^oit) pn pe, ^S^f
i45.f f ^if ^if ce^cc •00 '6105A1L A mic ^p Wignib ; ^5Uf
pe 5pe^f^cc ^n tjfu^o C15 tli^lt cfomflu-d.5 c^ifpe^c
'o'4M|A5eAn l^Aige^n ; ^5t»f ^p -pocc^in t^i^e^n t)6ib, ni
8290 5e^b^'6 An "Of 0.01 6 tli^ll cuttiAi'O ni. ceAC|\A 00 5Abi.1t
not dare to go into Niall's presence ; and when Niall had sat
down on the brink of the river, Eochaidh went to the other
side of the river, into an oak grove which was there, and got
ready an arrow in his bow, and cast it at Niall, and sent it
through his body, so that he immediately expired.
The enmity between Eochaidh and Niall arose from
Eochaidh's conspiring to settle down in Tara as king in the
room of Niall ; and when he had been nine days in Tara, a
learned druid came into his presence and said to him*that it
was not lawful for him to violate the geasa of Tara; "for it is
one of its geasa," said he, " that no king should settle down in
Tara with a view to assuming the sovereignty of Ireland till
he should first wear the nasc niadh round his neck." This was
the same as to say that he should have received the degree of
Knight of Chivalry. For as the Knight of Chivalry is called
Miles Torquatus, so also Nia Naisc is applied in Irish to the
champion who wore a nasc or chain round his neck. For nia
means * champion' or ' valiant man,' and ^i^rr means ' a chain.'
As to Eochaidh, when he heard the druid^s instruction,
he quitted Tara and relinquished the sovereignty. Niall
came after that and settled down in Tara, and assumed
the sovereignty of Ireland ; and he banished Eochaidh to
Alba after he had met him in several engagements ; and it
was for this reason that Eochaidh slew Niall, as we stated
above. Another cause of enmity between them was that
when Eochaidh was going from Tara to Leinster, he went
into the house of Laidcheann son of Bairrchidh, Niall's druid ;
and while he was there, the druid's son used defamatory
langue^e towards him, and on that account Eochaidh slew him.
Now, the druid made a complaint of this to Niall, and
asked him to come and avenge the death of his son on
the men of Leinster ; and incited by the druid, Niall went
into Leinster with a strong and imposing host to waste
Leinster. And when they reached Leinster, the druid would
not consent to Niall's accepting gifts or cattle from the
406 potiAS peASA AU Minimi. [book l
Ajtif TOO fe^CTJA 1^^15111 -00 toe C15 6oca.i'6 ^p uftAiiiAf
n§iLt; A^Siif cug ^n •qi^a.oi ipi. "oeAf a. 006^1*6 'oo ceAtijo^L •ooti
CAipce cloide ^ci. pe ^d.. fo^icpn t>oti teic cia]i x)on cSti^me
82Mit)i|\ CiLl D|ii5t)e If UuIaij 6 bpei-olimi-o, ^gtif if ^tht^.i'd
AC-i ^n c-6.ifce pn 'n-o. fe^f^ni ^guf 1 ^ft) LeACA^Ti if 1
colics 'n-<^ hiotnti^ccAp ; -^gtif fo^ heige^Ti -o'docAi-o -6. '6|tuiin
■00 cuf fif ^ry gctoic -fi^guf e 'n-^d. fe^fo^rh, ^guf fto^bp'^
lid^pn-M-oe fo. n-^ com, ^guf oi^ ce^nn ^n Cft^bf a. cp^ ^"
830obpoti •00- bi f^n c-<Mf ce, A^guf tuif5feA|tf6.t> imixe^m^p ia|\-
TiiO.i'oe cpef -^n -oo. luib oo bi ^j\ ce^nn At» CftAb|\A. Aguf
Tn^|t T)o iTiocuij :^n 'Of A01 Af An ofotij^-o foin e, ottniuig-
ce^f leif n^onbo^f l^oc o/^ Th^fb^'O.
tn^f 00 connxMf c ^oc^M-o ^x\ t-^ocp^M'o vo^ lonnf ^ige ^p
6306 CI A th^pbcA, ctij qiiocnuj^-o cuf -0.116 50 c^Lmow ^if pem,
Aguf leif pn fniOThc-6.f ^n fL^bf a if bfifce^f ^n Luifg-
fe^f f AT) teif, Aguf ceit) Af eigin on l^ocf ai-o lAf m^f b-A'O
Ofuinje -oiob; if ni hAicpifueAf a be^g 'Oa fce^lAib 50
poccAin 1 nAtb^in t)6, Af comAif ce $Abf Ain mic "OoihAn-
esiogtiifu, ATTiAil A-oubpAtnAf ; jon^t) e pn An t)Af a fAC
fAtuAnAif x)o bi Aije f e HiaIL.
Leinstermen until they had delivered the person of Eochaidh
into the hands of Niall. And, to prevent the spoiling of
' Leinster, Eochaidh put himself in the power of Niall ; and
the druid ordered him to be tied to a pillar-stone which is
to be seen to the west of the Slaine, between Cill Brighde
and Tulach O Feidhlimidh ; and that stone is in a standing
. position ; it is high and broad, and perforated near the very
top ; and Eochaidh was obliged to stand with his back
against the stone and an iron chain round his waist, with
both ends of the chain passing through a hole that was in
the pillar, and a stout iron spindle-bolt stuck through the
two loops at the ends of the chain ; and when the druid
observed him in this position, he got ready nine warriors to
put him to death.
When Eochaidh perceived the warriors approach, with
intent to slay him, he stoutly shook himself in champion
fashion, and forthwith strained the chain and broke the bolt,
and escaped from the warriors with difficulty, after he had
slain some of them ; and no account is given of his proceed-
ings till he reached Alba, under the protection of Gabhran
son of Domhanghart, as we have said. And this was the
second reason why he was at enmity with Niall.
408 ponAS peASA ATI 6ininti. [book l
A|i mbeic lotnopjAO v'&o6^^'6 f^n T^eop-d^i-be^cc fOin i
nALb^in, A-oeiiMt) opong 50 t)c^|\LA be^n $o.b|\Ain, InjeAn^c
A hA^inm, \y be^n 6ocac fei'dtim, inje^^n Cobc^ig rhic 'O^ci,
0316 co|\|v-6.c 1 n-^oinf*, ^guf if 1 Ti-o.OTioit>ce x>o bo.'OA|\ pe
nio'on^ib. Cui]ice-d.p ^n "oi^f b^n 1 n-o.oince^c, 3^.11 'n-^
bfoc^ip ^cc 1A.T) A.|tAon, Aguf fo-pp^ipe 6 S^bpAti t>^
5coitiiei0.t) "oon teic ^muij. TDil^ n^ mbo^n, puj be^ti $^b-
p-iiTi iTige-G^n ^gtif be^n 6oc^c "Oi^f m^c. Hi bei-pe^^o
8320iOTnoppo be^n $i\bpAin t>o fiop cl^nn injeo^n ; o^gtif
m<yp c-^pL-Ow t)iAf m^c 0.5 mti-^oi 6oc^c t^pp^i-p be^n j-^^^r-^^^^
mxi.c oon t)A rh^c -c.p rhn^oi C'oco.c, ^gup Aonuuijip be^n
6oc^c pn. tn^p t)0 TTiocuige^o^p luce o^n ce^gl^ig t)o
bi p^n bpop^ipe n^ mni. ^p mbpeic cLoinne, p^ppuijit) tjon
8325pio5-d*m cpe^t) ^r\ jein puj. HocCiMf ppe 50 pug m^c if
ingeATi If 50 puj be^n 6ocac mo^c. lpi> lucgAipe^c ci^c "oe
pn. Aguf An m^c foin p-imij ^n piog^n 6 ninAOi 6ocac,
t)o b^ifce^t) e ^guf cugA-o -^o^oin m^c J^bpAin t>VinTn
Aip ; -^guf -^n •o-cpxs. TTi-o^c •o'6ocAit>, cug-^'O bp^n-oub m^c
MM^ocAC •o'^^inm ^ip. Aguf oa eif pn cAimg ^ocAit) ^guf 0.
TT1-6.C leif 1 n6ipinn gup g-6.b pige L^ige^n v6 fein.
Cp6iThfefAt)AiOTnoppo X)6^ 6if pn,pjAip J^li'P^n c-d^oife^c
t)i.L TliA'O-6., f-i pi Alb^n, bi.f; if g^b-o^if Aof>An ft^tce^f
Atbid^n t)A 6if, Aguf ciiinig 'o'ionnpA'6 if -o'^pg^Mn ^ipe^nn if
8555 t)'iApp Alt) A g^b^lA, Ap tnbeic -00 fliocc C^ipbpe HiogfAOA
■oo f§in. Uigit) fuipe^nn mop x^'fe^pAib S^cfAn Alb^n if
bpeACAn teif, Aguf ^p pocc^n 1 "ocip 1 nCipinn t>6ib, cug-
AOAp u6c Ap l^Aignib *oo loc Ap "ocuf. U-^plA lomoppo
Now, when Eochaidh was thus an exile in Alba, some say
that the wife of Gabhran, who was called Ingheanach, and
the wife of Eochaidh Feidhlim, daughter of Cobhthach son of
Dathi, were both pregnant at the same time, and were brought
to bed on the same night. The two women were shut up
in the same house, no one being with them, but both being
together, while there was a guard placed on the outside by
Gabhran. As to these women, Gabhran's wife gave birth
to a daughter, and the wife of Eochaidh to twin sons.
Now, Gabhran's wife never brought forth any children but
daughters; and as the wife of Eochaidh had brought forth
twin sons, she asked her to give her one of them, and
Eochaidh's wife consented to this. When the household,
who were on guard, perceived that the women had been
delivered, they asked the queen what offspring she had
given birth tp ; she said that she had given birth to a
son and daughter, and that the wife of Eochaidh had given
birth to a son. All were delighted at this ; and this son
which the queen got from Eochaidh's wife had a name
given him, and he was called Aodhan son of Gabhran ; and
Eochaidh's second son was called Brandubh son of Eochaidh.
And after this, Eochaidh and his son came to Ireland, and he
himself assumed the sovereignty of Leinster.
And a long time after this, Gabhran, chief of Dal Riada,
who was king of AJba, died ; and Aodhan assumed the sove-
reignty of Alba after him, and came to spoil and plunder
Ireland, and endeavoured to conquer it, as he was of the
posterity of Cairbre Rioghfhada. A large company of the
men of Anglia, Alba, and Wales came with him ; and when
they landed in Ireland, they set to plunder Leinster in
410 potiAS peASA ATI eminn. [booki.
b|tAnt)tib m^c 60CA.C f ATI ^m foin 1 ^156 l/Aige^n ; ^guf
M40Ctiipif Ao'Oii.n ce^ccA duige -o'lApitAi-b ^iaII ai|\ p6 beic
pi ciofdiiTi x>6 f^in n6 50 TToiongTiift.'o q\ioc l/Aije^n uiLe
•o'^l^g-^in. Af mbeic 00 D|\An'Otj'b imfnioTTiAC f-in -oaiL pn,
A.'oubAifC A TTiACAi|^ t^if meifne^c •00 beic ^ije ^guf 50
gcoifcpe^-o fein Ao'OAn 'oe. l^if pn cei-o ^n ttiacai|^ 50
6346 poftongpopc Aot)<ktn, if i^p poccAin Ann pn -oi, fi^piuigif
T)'Ao*6An cpeAt) Af a t)CAini5 00 loc l/AigeAn. "A CAitleAc/
A]i fe, "ni •oleAgAip "oiom fc^^lA "OocAbAiiict^uic-fe Ap pn.'
** m Af A CAilleAc me/' a|\ pf e, " if CAiLtcAC 00 fti ACAif ; ^S^f
ACA coTTif At) cogAip AgAHi f 6 A -oeAnAiti f IOC." Lcif pn cei-o
6360 1 bfo-o fA leic fiA. "A Ao-OAin," Ap p, " t)o innif me trnz
gup CAilleAC -00 TTiACAif, Agtif mnipm Anoif -otiic guf m6
fem 1, Aguf -OA f eif pn guf Ab t)eApbf ACAif louic bf Antjub.
Uime pn ctiip pof ^ nALbAin Af An mACAif aca it> teic, if
Ai-oTTieocAix) p im Lacai^ -fe gtif Ab me f em oo rtiACAif ; Aguf
8366 go noccAin A ceile iftuinn, gAb lomAC gAn milLeA'6 LAigeAn
t)o oeAnAth."
t)o-niceAf teif a ntJubAif c An beAn ; if Af f occAin
t)o lACAif A ceite x>o nA mnAib A-omuijif fioJAn nA
hAlbAn gtif Ab i mACAif OpAn-otiib vo fug AobAn Aguf
6380 Af n-A clof foin -oo, •00 ceAngAit Af nA mnAib fi3n mAic vo
^eAnAth Af An gctjif t)'eA5lA 50 gCAitlfeAti pein fiogACC
Alb An Ag T)At Hi At) A tJA mbeic pof nA xjaIa aca. l/eif
pn ctiifif pof 1 n-OAit Of An'otnb guf ceAn5tAt)Af a|\aoh
CAipt)eAf f e ceile ; if f AgbAif Ao-OAn An cif gAn t>ioc 00
8366'6eAnAm innce. Ji-oeA-b ceAnA niof bA mAC t)on 6ocAi'6-fe
mAC 4AnnA CmnfeAlAig An bf Ant)ub-fo fA fi t^AigeAn,
AihAit buf fottuf fAn t)Af A leAbAf -oon fCAif-fe.
'OaIa fleilt, Af Abfuilmio Ag Cf accaio, if lionmAp acai^o
A ftiocc 1 n^ifinn on occAf mAC CAinig tiAi'6. 5'^^^^ ^^
837oliinneoffAm Annfo ia*©, vo bfig gtif Ab mi An linn 50 foip-
leACAn lAbAifC Off A 1 ngAblugA-o cloinne TTlileA^. If
uime lomoff o gAif mceAf HiaIL TlAOigiAllAd -oon fig-fe, "oo
^'P^S Z^V 5^^ r^ ^'^^^ ngeill, no nAoi mbf Aigioe, a cuig v\oh
the first instance. Brandubh son of Eochaidh at that time
held the sovereignty of Leinster ; and Aodhan sent envoys
demanding hostages from him as securities for his paying
tribute to him, sajdng that otherwise he would waste the
whole territory of Leinster. While Brandubh was in trouble
at this message, his mother told him to take courage, and that
she would avert the attack of Aodhan from him. Upon this
the mother went to the camp of Aodhan ; and when she had
reached it, she inquired of Aodhan why he had come to waste
leinster. " Thou hag," said he, " I am not obliged to give
thee any information on that matter." ** If I be a hag," said
she, " thy mother is a hag ; and I have something to say to
thee in secret." Thereupon he went with her apart "Aodhan,"
said she, '' I told thee that thy mother was a hag ; and I tell
thee now that I am she, and that accordingly Brandubh is thy
brother. Therefore, send to Alba for thy supposed mother,
and she will confess, in my presence, that I am thy mother ;
and until we meet, do thou refrain from spoiling Leinster."
He acted as the woman directed : and when the women
came together, the queen of Alba admitted that it was
Brandubh's mother who gave birth to Aodhan ; and when he
heard this, he bound the women to keep the matter a close
secret lest he should lose the sovereignty of Alba at the hands
of the Dal Riada should they become aware of the affair.
Thereupon, he sent for Brandubh ; and they both formed a
friendly alliance ; and Aodhan left the country without inflicting
injury on it. However, the Brandubh who was king of Leinster
was not a son of this Eochaidh son of Eanna Cinnsealach, as
will clearly appear in the second book of this history.
As to Niall, of whom we are treating, numerous are his
descendants in Ireland sprung from his eight sons. But
we shall not enumerate them here, because we intend to
speak of them at length in the genealogy of the sons of
Milidh. Now this king is called Niall Naoighiallach, from his
having received nine hostages or nine captives, five of them
412 poiiAS peASA ATI 4miiiii. [book I.
8576 ^ipe pti t)o pinne ^n pte n^ poinn-fe pof :
TTIac 6odAr6 Apt> n-ofi>An,
lllAtt flAjl 1 n^Ad ApY>bVA<> ;
^A^Aif ]\i$e ^^ifneADTi
^^eAitn Agtif AtbAii.
0330 S^bAif ^aIL ^Ad c6i%^rt
1 ti6i|\Tnti c]\4 A]\t>$oit ;
Ua^ f A A p^jl ^ATI CA|\b|\AC
Ceic]\« ^eitt A h^ibAiti.
^otiAf^ "oe bAOi M-f An,
6386 1 T>CO]\Alb HA bpACA6,
116 Il6]\ HA ^tlOg ]V&CA<^,
'Oo g^b 'Oaci TTiAC piAcp^c mic Oocd^c TTluisihe^Doin mic
triuipe^o^ig ^17^15 tnic pio.C|\o.c SfAibcme mic C^i^ibpe Lie*
839oF©^c^i|\ mic Copmo^ic mic Aipc AoiTip|\ mic Cuinn Ce^o-
c^Ci6.i5 t)o pot Cipe^MTioin pioj^cc Gi^ie^nn 23 bli^<)TiA..
P^L inje^n 6oc^c 6 jiAi'oceo.p C|\tJAC-in peile ati cei-obe^n
t>o bi o^ige. An -o^^it^ beA^n Cicne inje^n 6|tAC mACia.i|\
OiIioLIa. muitc. An cpe^f be^n 00 bi o^ige o^ njA.i'pci
6386 Ku^o inje^n Aifcig tliccte^c^in mic P]t Conj^ mo^c^ijt
pi-^cjiAC ^^15^15, ^S^r T "^^ bpeic pjAiji b^f. peo.jiA'o^c
f i. h^inm t)ite^f v6 ^|\ "ocuf ; ^juf if uime t>o g^ipci 'Oi^tx
^e, lonA^nn iomo|\|io "OAci if c^a^p^i-b ; o^juf if 6.f ^ c^p^cc
t)o 5-d.b^i6 ^ ^f m i6.i|i x>o te^ft^n ^n faf\i6.inm t)Aci •oe, ^5^f
6400 if AmLAi"6 x>o m^pb^'6 ' .1. f^igne^n ceincije "OO cuicitn
'n-^ mtillAC 6 ne^m Af mbeic 0.5 ■oe^n^d.m conjc^if i6.|\ ^r\
bpf Aingc t)6 ; AgtJf If ii^im f e Sti^d^b Alp^ 'OO mi0.|\b^i6 e,
C|\e. '6io5^lc-^f X)e, m^^jt guji h-Mf 50^16 teif -ouifce-^c 'oi«
cite^b^ij n^omc^ t)^|\ bVinm p^pmeniuf lep m^ttui5e-6.i6
6406 #. Aguf Af n-^ TTiAjib^'b ^mL^i'O pn, cujA.'O^lt ^ muinnce^|t
^ cofp Leo 1 n6i]Mnn, guf h^'ol^ice^-o 1 Hoitig n^ l^iog 1
jCjiu^CAin e.
from the provinces of Ireland, and four from Alba ; and it was
on this subject that the poet composed the following stanzas :
Son of the noble Soohaidh of honour
'Was Niall, modeet in eieh high dietinotion ;
He held the iOTereignty of luoeeiiionB
In Eiin and in Alha.
He got a hoitage from each prorinoe
In Erin through high Talonr ;
He brought nnder his sway, witliont blemish, ,
Four hoatages from Alba.
Hence he was called
In the mansions of the great,
Through the gold of the prosperous kings,
Niall of the jiine hostages, the heroic.
Dathi sonofFiachraidh,sonof Eochaidh Muighmheadhon,
son of Muireadhach Tireach, son of Fiachraidh Sraibhthine,
son of Cairbre Lithfeachair, son of Cormac, son of Art
Aoinfhe'ar, son of Conn Ceadchathach of the race of
Eireamhon, held the sovereignty of Ireland twenty- three
years. Fial daughter of Eochaidh, from whom is named
Cruachan Feile, was his first wife. His second wife was
Eithne daughter of Orach and mother of Oilill Molt His
third wife, Ruadh daughter of Airteach Uichtleathan son
of Fear Congha, was mother of Fiachraidh Ealgach ; and
she died in bringing him forth. Fearadhach was his proper
name at first ; and he was called Dathi, for dathi means
' quick' ; and it was because of the quickness with which he
put on his armour that he was called Dathi. And the
manner in which Dathi was slain was this : a flash of
lightning descended from heaven on his crown when he was
engaged in conquering France ; and it was near the Alp
mountains he was slain by the vengeance of God, since
he had pillaged the penitentiary of a holy hermit called
Farmenius who cursed him. And when he was slain in this
manner, his friends brought his body to Ireland and buried
it in Roilig na Riogh at Cruachain.
[The MBS. referred to here as li, Mi, Ha, &c., are described in the Intro-
duction to this Tolame. Only a small part of the Tariants accomiilated in
the course of the preparation of the work are given, and those are selected for
insertion which seemed most nsefal or characteristic. The vaiiations in the verse
passages are given more liberally. Every gap, however, in the xsb. chiefly
followed is recorded, no matter how smalL A few corrections of errors observed
on a oasual reading are noted below.
Text begins at page a of f ol. cxxv of Ma, being page a of f ol. 8 of the To^f
ICttAf A (including the X>1otib|\ottAd}. The correfponding reference in Mi is p. 42,
more than half-way down.]
5, tmvnm^Aj^A Mf. 6. bAibiotdn MsMi. 12. ^o|\a^eA|\TiA B.
13. iDAc X>6, of course, is Adam, as in certain genealogies. 16. <|ma Mi.
28. 66ro T>iiinTi separate in Mf here; but c^ad is usually united to the
following noun in the same xs. as in text.
37. dotnAOiT) MS. The translation should read * without taking any part
whatever with them in the building of the tower.' comtnAOin is the more
common f onn.
66. tle^nvt in Ma, and this is the fonn adopted in the text throughout, thou^
He^ntiAl is very often met with in Ma and in other mss.
67. <>Ai|\ice (b T>'Ai|\ice) generally in mss.
69. ttii^ is the form used in the Seating mbs. invariably. Scicia £D, as in
text throughout.
60. fOf f An RH ; fof in W ; fop |»An Fi. 61. oif eAf6A Mi.
63-70. Order followed in these two quatrains is that of Mi.
63-^6. Om. Ma. 68. ^a for bA FiFs.
64. in ]\o $. EH. 66. CAn ]\of ^Abf ac E.
67. tn6|\ FiFa ; aj for Ia EH ; Ia W.
75. bLiAi6Ain MjMaFiFa ; but frequently g. pi. after such a word as C]\{ pdit).
78. oo ctiint)Ac EH. 80. Af\ does not aspirate tn of inAi( generally in Ma.
82. An co]\ &H.
82--86. This quatrain follows the previous stanza without intervening proee
in Ml.
88. CAOiiifcoil EH. 84. eocenA E ; eocbenA HW. 86. Apif om. E.
92-96. This quatrain om. MiFEH ; W inserts this quatrain, and om. next.
97-100. FfW om. 97. An q'AOi CfpoAtAd Fi ; An cf. Ma ; An fAOi Mi.
101. Cf\iuY> MiMa.
103. CeAfitif Aolt}i<> Ml ; C«Anii'pAotA Mt here ; bat it generally uses a
coiitraotion : the name ia declined in its flrat syllable.
104. tl|\AiceApc. ^ Accidence ' ia, of course, not an exact rendering of the
▼Old. Elsewhere in the tranalation the word is left as in original.
111. pcdiot) MiMs, the more correct case.
117. CA|\ Aif Ma. Other Mas. generally write CAf\ a Aif in such cases.
121. beld|\niiiitif and belLAfttimtif are used; the fonner is the more
common ; the latter form is adopted in text.
140. eoc^Aib M2. 151. All (Boman letters) MiMs.
156. ^Ai|^ctof Ms ; but ^ generally dotted after tmne in same.
158. ^^5A<^ MiMa (which is the proper form). Read ^p^AgAC.
161-170. tleAttttl is the common fonn here ; rieAnuAl Fi.
164. A|\ tiACAi^ MaEWHFiFs (last two words) ; Mi as in text. noAntil W.
175-202. These lines om. sereral xss., as FiE ; but MiMaF^D giye.
176. mbAibiot5n Ms ; mbAibiotdifi Mi. 177. cuait) ks.
199. |\o in Ms for t>o of text.
200. T1A bAibioidine Ms ; via bAibiot6ii Mi.
201. ccoAti^At M1M3. 212. met) MiMs.
213-14. JA mbAOi ilbeplA An beAcfiA Fi. ja bpjilix) beyvlA in beACAF?.
213. nell Ms; Tiel Mi. 214. ilbetxU RH.
223. jAn f^eiTh ngluinn Fi ; F3 as in text. 233. ai^* pn Ms.
236. 6 ^^iTh Ms. The m is dotted in this word in MiMs, here, and in line 233.
250. SeAnchif A MiMs ; rwd feAn<hif a. 255. etil6t>Ap Ms ; 6ului'6fiOT> Mi.
260. ihAC Ms, which read, 273. tiiAC Ms, which read,
298, &c. The order of the lines is that in Mt ; Ms transposes U. 300 and 301
with U. 304 and 305.
300. An ni 01 a cca 3,, &c. Mi. o- a bpiil RH ; obpiil "W.
301. ceA|\c Ag A bpjil Mi. a q^An^Af Fs.
302. Af for A]\ RH. 304. jAn dOAf Fi.
305. bt]|\tif MiMs ; f^ nAf buTxtif 00 iei§eAf Fs, and so Rnw, with small
309. After this Hne HCiCs continue the poem ; thus H :
t>o f AjAib "oo fOA ctoinn
TtlAOip f A m6 gAd nAcpiinn
3An pefC 5An nACAi|\ jAn mm
1 cn^ t>A ngetibDAO^f S-AOfbit ;
t>o f Aguib fAgbAiL eile
TTlAOip meAnn 50 mo^pgioine »
3An •oititcA* i\e "OAiTh noenft^
"Oo pot §AfCA jle 3aoi*iL.
313. Tl^l Fs ; tleU Fi. 819. fen for f^ne RH.
321. 5lAf 5Ai\CA FiFs. 329. i2*flrft)A|\ V.
335. Head CAifttn^p, the form elsewhere in text and in m8. Mt has here,
however, CAf^njAip.
346. -01 A Ml.
348. Ap pt) thApA Ms ; Anf A'd tnA^ Mi. tlobAi]\ Mi (HorhAt]\ or
^HobA1|^ is from Rubrum ; Tntjiy\ HobAi]^, Mare Rubrum). cuileniAfXA |\obAi]\ Fi.
872. An f aIa K2 ; A fe^nfAlA M] (which is itrictlythe reading txanilated).
. 375. h3ilof>Aj\ Ht. incAU Ksl
378. The title of WalaiDgham'B book is Tpodigma. In the tnmslation, r^d
880. Read B&z^AbAt ; Ms. has 8eeitiA^A6. 391. |*Ait4feMs.
393. 6oiiintiii>MD. 894. i^«iT>ApV.
896. liAilX^tnot 'M.ii B, &c.y as in text. 408. 6 accai^d Ht ; 6 vcato Mi.
406. T>A coi£ M2 ; bAt cuai^ 6 a coi£ FM].' 407. ^xo^Aif P.
408. fttiA^ Mi. 410. CAlt Mr, Af ceA7\c lor if ceAX> M1M3.
415. CA1$ MS.
428, &c., M2'b reading here after ITlAOife u : A^f ^o ^ibe iuac a ihic .1,
S|\^ mAC 0Af|\tt Ajl riA b|\eiC pit "DO C)MAttAt>Af , &c.
434. So perfectly equiTalent are the letters ti and a in certain syllables, that
the word meAftiix), Which is written at the end of the page in ms. as being the first
word on the next page, becomes meAf aiid at the beginning of the next page.
440. 6 ueA6c cuAice t>^ 'DeAY\b Ub £H.
442. JRead fcemtn ; read ititiip meAiin, and in trunslation for the sea of
Meann read the stuttering sea.
443. oif eA|\ H/ori 'oci|\. 463. J2#aifihAC. 469. Sead mAC.
474. oipAtiM2; oi^^n M]. 481. £eadT>Zoi^j»Ar\. 483. Meadhit\r\.
491. piit>e X6. 507. SeAdc inbtiA<>nA bAOi An lomdofnAifi Mj.
509. A'bnoii EH. 511. Hifptt here and generally in ms.
512. neATitiAt is the form here, but see aboTe, 1. 56. 580. ai^at) Ms.
536. mi>'p<>ii3CAiiin Mi ; Ms as in text 538. BeadcAj^fA,
549. Ate or a te generally in ms. 551. -pne B^oitit ^AfOA pt FjFs.
553. t)4obf An Ann f oin PMi ; Ann pn for Ann 6 foin EH ; W puts Ann
before t)4ob ; Ann foin Fi.
560. X>eA]gf'ACA M1M2, but t)eA$ACA in other passages of same. Attoic Fs ;
Att6«) Fi.
583. eAfpAin and eAfpAinn are found in the Mfi. ; the latter seems the
prevailing form.
590. Brigansia Mi ; bp^AnciA EH ; but x>itiice nA b^vA^AnfA in 591.
poi|\cin54t MS.
596. lAfecb MiMs.
612. 6tiihT>tii$. In translation /or finished read erected.
. 619. teif T>o^6nAt t). Ml. 624. £sadmt^f!be,
626. ge belt Fi ; jebe (for Aimne) EH ; cia be "W.
637. t)65Aib FiF2. 638. if om. F1F2. 640. a bp>|\CAin M.
644. Head Tl^AmAin, and in translation Neamain; the same correction applies
to line 646.
653. ■DibeA|\3Ad Ml.
672. m SciciA 1leAft6i]\ pnnjAnn ;
tHop bo |\o AnbfAnD EH.
680. nA Aethiopia ms. 686. 'n-A om. M2. 708. mbjMOCCAin M2» readm6^\^.
709. tAih MS. ; but tAiih generally in such contexts.
727. An 6ipinn M2 ; as in text Mi. 737. feAnctrfA M2.
738. Version of this poem in B. Bal., p. 19 /S 7 : see also LL., opening pages,
for the history of the early invasions of Ireland.
739. RiadvA\Kh\
741. feA* T1A ci^e i t>caii5aca|\ RH ; cia n]\ Af a cca, W ; peAt) ha ci|\e a
ccAn^A'DA]% MsFi ; as in text Mi.
747. qtAigiAW; cpACiA as In text KH. 748. Ssad CtwiiMh,
760. ntJgUA A5 bpeojAn co^Mftof RH ; Tltt^Ai6 aj b|\eo$AflCOi\ nid^ W ;
fti^A^ A^ b^eo^Afi cti'p mop Fi. Ft has the same reading, but it is corrected
to the reading in text in different ink.
753. 1 'OCOco<5c R. 773. CAiT>piobM3; CAi'D|Moni Mi.
774. 'o^^eATiAd 3(8. 782. CAiT>]Mob Ma.
785. olttfitii^reAp ; M1M3 write the word with initial o, as in text throoghout*
It is sometimes found, howerer, with an initial u.
786. CAO^AC M?, and so often.
788. Afnbj\^ncpA4ic M: ; An1b|^6t1CTlA<5c Mi.
799. 'OAnAtin, so generally in M1M3.
814. flifCiot\t> yL6, p^iomfAiiy Mi generally.
819. cuAice Ml ; as in text M2. 824. Tnei|\beoil Ms ; tHilbeoit Mi.
8*^4. nuiUo6 iki}. 831. CAO^A M«.
844. btti|\CAitifi Ma ; bfo|i|\CAiTi Mi. 848. leif Mi ; Ma as in text.
854. 4$ Ma. 863. f ati 3. ca. Ma ; Mi writes the words in full.
866. gt3|\bf eAp Ma ; Sti|\ bfeA|\ Mi. 875. An geiTiiolAd MiMa.
874. £$ad-o*&\i[\e^m6n,
877. peibiiic F1F3 ; peibpi'b Ma ; eibt\ic Mi. aUoio MaMi, but
eAlldic supra.
882. ^-6be Ma ; ^\h6 Mi. l4i§feA<> MiMa. 388. ^itbe Ma.
889. d^TiA Ml. 894. Rheuda MiMa.
904. fAn .16. CA. T)on .3. ■oifntic Ma ; ifiti .10. ca. "oon .3. tJifCiti^Mi, but
the 16th chapter is the correct reference, according to the edition of Cunbrensis
published in the Rolls Series, 1867.
914. Atiittg Ma, but generally Ani«, as in text, elsewhere in same.
930. CAngA-OAtt Ma. S^ ^<* ^^7. ceACpAirhe Ma ; Mi as in text.
961-969. The text in this paragraph is taken from Fi. The passage as giren
in Ma is practically identical with that giren in Fa. I quote it here as giTen in
Fa to giye a specimen of the orthography of that xs. Contractions hare been
lengthened silently. The mss. are, in general, disturbed at this point. I chose the
setting and arrangement of Fi, as it seemed the most logically connected with the
context : —
nd ^t^Ab 6 WAtltllTltl "00 bl fA pTlACllC 5A01*10l 1tl CAn pti '0A]\ CeATIgA
■oiliof in ^AorbeAl^ x>o (hiAt>Af\ auti. Atjeip ioino]\|\o opchetitjf sti|\Ab i An
^AOi^iot^ If ccAti^A ■61I101' A mAnointi if itimeAfOA ^ti|\Ab e oil^ ha
heiiMonn in coit^ pn Af a|\ CfiAttAOA^ tiA T>|\A0ice •oon p^xAinjc x>o b|\i05
3U|\Ab < ei|\e 70bA]t -OlXAOI^IOdCA 1A|tCAip e0|\pA 1T1 CAn pn, Agtlf 5tt]^Ab 1 AH
SAor6iot5 f A ceAn^A triliof t>onA t>]v&oiCAib.
974. Alle Fa ; om Ma. 1001. ci^b6 Ma*
^ 1002. Ma om. if -00 n6f Aib ; Mi as in text.
1007-1070. As stated elsewhere, the forma used here, such as b]\eACAin,
b|\eAcn Ad, b|\eAcn Aif , are those given in Ma in a later passage, and also in one or
two instances in this passage. Here the forms are bfiocCAin, b|MOCCAine,
Brittania, ah b|\ioccAinif, t)o bjMOCCAiTiib, bpioccAimod, 6n tnb]MOCCAine,
except in 1040, 1041, where M2 readi as in text. The forms in text seemed more
calculated to ' conciliate the eye,' as they are more common. The same remark
▼ill apply to the use of these words in the concluding pages of this Tolnme.
1061. bfeo^Ain Ms. 1071*1119. MiFsom. this passage ; KiFi give it.
1148. cio^b^xs.
1 163. Prom Apif in 1163 to 6|\<ofc in 1166 om. WCiE. Ft cm. gap between
t^obcfomcoti, 1162, and the same word 1170, the omiaiioii being evidently a
scribal oversight, and tjrpioal of other similar gape m Fs.
1220. Poem given in B. Lec.^ foL 12, and in D. ir. 3 (Stowe, E.I.A.), p. 16.
TAOtrtJ 11A U)iti5p F» ; C6ipJ Fi.
1221. nA ccAn^At>A|\ Ft ; va ccAngAt>A|\ T\ ; t>A for 'ha HBW.
1222. bA'D meAb|\A Ps ; At> mcAbAif Mi.
1223. A ti-AtiniAniiA xss. generally. 1224. bfeo^A Mi.
1226. t)uAi]^eEH. 1228. ColpcAMi. 1239. CAOipod Mi ; coipod Ms.
1286. i^eACfVAd P ; f^C|\iod Mi ; f eif lod W ; feipic EH.
1297. feAfw«Lib Ms ; An |\{o$A6r a^ ha ftAicib Mi ; ^to]gA6c EH ; ^CA^ib
1336. If btiAn Ml. 1338. tf buAi^e Mi ; Ms ool if.
1339. EH insert ha after Ag.
1347. niApb ^oti inbi0|\ Af^AfttiAti Mi ; as in text Ms ; ^on iTibeA|\ EH.
1349. ^o is inserted b^ore btiti in some mss.
1852-3. Gap between the two words tn4LeA<>, Ps.
1352. A^ ccA^r 1 udi\ Aim f ah toin^ 1 ha ^vAibe ^|ieAih6ii PiE.
1358. mdfu^ Mi ; iheA^A Ms ; t>o ihACAib ino|u^ EH.
1360. ctiAici t>. ID. E; coAite H. 1374. "pAip Af6 Mi. f{^ Fi.
1375. itn^eAfoiTi EH; imfveAfAtH Mi. 1376. iiom Mi.
1377. Atm fA i*)6ifvJli0Hfl Ms ; ipti in6if ^iionn Mi.
1382-89. Text of stansas as in Ms.
1384. beAH lf>itio<) a gcU fA caih Mi ; caih Pi.
1386. CAOib for teic Mi. 1387. f ah H^teATtn HgA]\b d^tiAit) Mi.
1388. 7 AH for iAiiti |\^ Ml, which is the best reading, and the one translated.
1389. 6M> Ml ; CAit> EH ; 6aix> V ; 6oit> Pi. 6h cAOiihlint) Fi ;
coithbiTtfi Ps.
■ 1895. foptif feAfA E ; foptif pf HW. 1408. TTiif om. Ms.
1412-13. For the translation of Uiese lines r$^
We stoutly won a battle
Over the sprites, &c.
1414. 1 ^ceAiiti om. Ps. 1420. tl|\ Ps.
1421. <>eiiiTnHeAd Ms ; t>eimneA6 PiPs ; Mi as in text.
1422. VeACA PMiMsFiFs etc. ; leAC in a few copies.
1449. JUad fe^^jK'oe, 1452. if om. PiPs.
1456. Uobf A Ms ; Mi as in text. 1457. HAd AfifieAf xss.
1468. tK) |\o6ai|\ mAC "S^^me Ati^em Mi ; x>o |\o6Aif Ps.
1475. 'heAt>Aii FiPs; eAt>AH Ms; elsewhere eACAit. •
1484. The initial of f li Ab is here undotted in MiMs, and this is a very general
usage in these xss. : so a^i fU>i^c, Af fitiA^, etc.
1487. £$ad i>f\iiiT)^e, which is the general form, though here Ms has x>f tiiii|^e.
1489. d|\tiii)i Ms. 1494. ^AbAif 'DA|\t>flAic some copies ; flAic Mi.
149$. AH on. Fs.
1496. Ml giTM th« liiw 1500 h««, aad nptrtt it at 1500 ; MsMmtnt.
1498. t>o s^b All t«4C 'deifceAf CA^ Fi.
•1499. In tnoaUtioiifVMf * He obtained fhmitlMBoyiMt' etc. coajic Msfor
1520. IToA^AiS Fs. 1521-26. om. FsMsW ; MiHEFi giro.
1523. iroeAi&Ait Fi. 1531. oite om. HBW.
1544. After ftio^ the naafe raxiw in the xsa. as to the aapixatioa of the
initial letter of penonal namea: aonutiaiea the adjectiTal name, which cornea
Mcond, alone ia asptrated, aa flio^c mmf eA<»Ai$ ^*P^F » •ometimea both worda,
aometiinea none. A name bef^nning with f is nnlj aapirated after fliocc.
1568-70. Agvf . . . tlpihnihAin om. M« ; FiFs gire. 1588. cpAnnco^ 3Ci.
1592. Poem alio giren in 23 K. 32 (R. I. A.). cpAimdAp Ms.
1595. CAOiii for c6i^ Fi. 1596. om. fOf Fi.
1598. ^onAi) t>e pn ciiAr6 po priAdc Mi.
1603. AihAtt Avei^ An fOAiiCAf Ft.
1627. gAD b^dn xa. Poem alao in 23 E. 32, p. 83.
1629. iSAbA]% FsFiMi ; 'OiSAbAjt MiFt ; tiAbAi]% W ; tHiAbAip H ; tiAbo^ Ms
1630. btiAibAin ^aii 6ac Ms ; Mi aa in text. 1633. t>eACAi$ Mi.
1639^ Ml reads here aca ah C)\oinicr6 CAiint6e edlAd a^ coAdc letf aii ni
^c^tniA ^o VIAbAip.
1641. Poem in 23 K. 32, p. 82 ; 23 S. 45, p. 195 : also in LL. p. 211.
1642. Afi bfeAi>AbAi]\ Ml Ms.
1643-4. The tranalation strictly should read, ^Waa won by Eibhear oiFer
Eireamhon'; bnt the question intended and actually answered is not preciMly
why Eixeamhon won the battle, but why he fought it at all ; the sense ia thia :
' Why did Eireamhon fight this battle which he won oyer Eibhear.'
1646. Aft f AC ino iroeA^nA Mi.
1648. If i:eA^\|\ bAQAp Mi.^ 1651. -oa jcofnAih pti Af jldp $1^ Mi.
1655-6. iA]\ . . . bliA-otiA in bracketa in MiMs. Thia will senre aa an
instance of the use of braekets in the acaa., which seemed clumsy and unnecessary
in the piinted text.
1659. ^o clof Ml. 1662. ACCOfdAi^ eibio]t Mi. 1679. obi. fi Fi*
1688. om. 'OothnAtitidAib F1F3BH. 1713. c. ca. for ceA'OCAibroit Ms*
1717. oicciATi Ms* 1718. bpioccAtne Ms*
1725. CAif\T>eAf Ms, but in other passages CAt^DOAf .
1741. coiii|\Ag aca. 1743. c6i$ia6 xs.
1751. Poem giren in Todd's Nennius, Appendix, p. xix, taken from B. Leo.,
fol. 286. f A CAOib coAf Fs r f a d^ Ms ; f ah CAOib Mi ; ipn ci\\ B.
1751. Aon is the inrariable reading of the Keating icaa., but An or An is the
Tfwding; of the older rersiooa of the poem, and is no doubt the correct reading.
1765. Af 4 BFi ; If 4 H ; f^ W. 1757. tja t>tt>eAn B.
1768. n4o|t b4cc6i]\ Ms; fA d6AO^f, the reading in B. Leo. haa been
adopted in text ; piio^ b4gc6if Mi.
1770. iHictiii) MB, ; dtAfoig Mi. 1780. o^ctirb an.
1786-6. t)o ^411^ to SACf An om. Fa ; BFi gire. 1792. "bf «p vs.
. 1800. Poem in Todd's Nennius, p. 274, taken from Mac Firbis^s copy, B. I. A.
1802. x^i \iin Ms ; f\i$ f An Mi. 1828. but Ms ; a contr. Mi.
1829. p^ Aif Ms ; at in text Mi. 1863. Ui( Hoc Ms ; u in text Mi.
1859. iToU^btiite and 'Potcfmne both in Fi ; i:oLcbtii<>e MiFs; Mi as in text*
1885. eicf eoit Ml.
1886. 60 inbtiA<>nA Mt ; 70 bUA<>nA Mi (which giyes noaltematiTe number)*
1902. pAtdAif Ml ; Ml as in text 1926. Zoroaites Ms ; ZopoAfcef Mi.
1968. ToiU MiMsFiFt. 1995. i:oUtii<> Ms ; not given in Mi.
2002. 6in|pAd Ms ; Mi u in text.
2026. A few xse. of Eeating have KotcoAdcAit, which form it aonetimea
found in older books : MiMs, &e., as in text
2034. The quotation marks, of course, are not in text In the translation ' a
black fleet * is a strictly Terbal rendering : the meaning is ' a fierce company of
exiles.* The particular company intended is stated in line 3260.
2040. Om. 6U>CAi£ Ms, but it gives the word in 2041 ; Cioice Mi, which,
has cVoin$ in 2041.
2063. DA om. MiMs ; given in some other copies ; noLtAtiiAii, MiMs*
2085. Poem given in B. Bal., p. 371, and B. Lee, fol. 284. bliAtAn Ms ;
Ml as in text. .
2090. ]>o6aoiii Ml (a better reading]. <
2091. In translation re^ «him'Vo^ <*them".
2093. fiA SAThoiTi Ml. 2097. ^ati ^oit) if ^At) ]g;oiTi T>iiine Mi.
2100. a6|\a^aMs; •ACC|\Ait>e Mi ; ^ah ecc|VAiT>et>ioin)\A<>A^ 8 ; gan eohrada
d'imradadh, B. M. Cat. (from Egerton 154).
2102. cpod Ms ; cpod Mi.
2103. ^^btA Ml ; Ms as in text; ^oAbcA Fi.
2147. c|\i feAdc Fi ; above the oo in Fs tt'oeid is written in fresher ink.
2148. SiO]\nA Ms ; Mi as in text. oypib Mi.
2176. tluA'bAT) Ml ; Hua^ac Ms ; as in text FiFs.
2276. oihntsij Ms ; UAihnAi^ Mi ; |\e feAf Fi ; |\e ^aL Fs.
2819. 'bAipice ju., and so generally.
2331. After 6At>Aif , cfli|\ciOf\ ete., Mi ; pip ce6 t>., etc., Ms (something having
dropped out) ; Ms has ctiipeA'6 (the last three letters being a oontr.) between pi]\
and ceo, and this is probably the correct reading of the modem version.
2334. CAipci'bif Ms; as in text Mi. 2342. ^a ceAnn Ms; f6 a ceAtin Mi.
2357. 6o|\otiii Ms. 2369. p^iuciop MiMs, and so generally.
2372. t>^oniAiii MiMs, but often as in text in the same mss.
2378-9. iA|\pAYf . . . hACA|\ om. MsEH; Mi gives with a slight variation ;
given in several mss.
2393. 1 niboi|Mtiti ConnA^c Mi. 2398. lui^e is the spelling of MiMs.
2414. f Aif BH om. tetf . 2426-29. om. Ms ; given in Mi and in most mss.
2433. |\i^eA]A|^ Ma ; Mi as in text
2434. bun |\iT>e Ms ; Mi |\ij <>eAp5, omitting btin.
2455. neo^ Ms ; tieA^ Mi. 2458. t>A|\b6 Fi ; T>At\bo Fs.
2469. tl]gAiYfi MiMs, which rntd. 2473. Ms om. mAC ItidCA.
2474. Ms om. iuac Sin.
2483. Ms has f6in after in6f , and omits the remainder of par. Mi has An
Ctl.in6f fo, omitting the remainder of paragraph. Several good mss. give the
parts omitted in MiMs.
2602. Some hss. insert \A after CAini^.
2616. E has t>o for Aifil^i'b pn te.
2520. In tnuulatioii /or ** ber young" r&ad ** ita tail*'; and for the sirallowing
of mice, tail and all, and the diaguit caused by the tail, see the Battle of Magh
Muchroimhe, Silya Gadelica, yoI. ii.» p. 352.
2628. <i6if> M), which, however, has <HiAt^ in the previous line.
2639. popiii4kt> Ms.
2661. fi^^inmm^ce Mi ; in M9 the final part is a contraction.
2657. tUtiniAii M1M2, which r^ad, 2561. -oi^ioiin Mi ; Mi as in text.
2690. leACTiA Ml. 2621. b|M0CUAitii$ xs.
2623. xss. waver between it>i]\ and ei-oiix ; Mi and Ma use both forms.
2641-2. A^f . . . flio<5c ; om. Mt ; Mi gives, with its peculiar variants.
2646. q\A'& Fa ; C|^i^t> Fi. 2646. t)|\eAC ni^p MiMi ; b|\eAcnA|\ Ft.
2662. Se^lcA M1M2.
2662. ^t\b Ma; Mi as in text: ctifAb a\s, cvimA cluAifi CApuilt -00 bA'OA|\
A cloAf A K ; ^u^^b A\i durtiA, etc. H.
2676. Ani Ma. 2677. need Ma.
2705-6. A^tif .... tAb|\Ai'6*fe ; om. Ma ; Mi gives.
2730. x>A hhAtAin Mi, but the common reading is as in text. In cases like
this the figures .11. are sometimes read as eleven, and sometimes as two.
2818. The same remark will apply to the number of years as in the previous
2852. ^n 'oeAgjii'op a6c ^e^t, etc.. Mi.
2906. f A ^eilb MiMa. 2907. ^Uf tia fle^'OAib Mi.
2910-22. From the words CiYine mAC Conn^Ad in 2910 to the same name in
2921-2 om. Fa, through a scribal oversight, the scribe's eye having lighted on the
seeond occurrence of the name, instead of on the first — a common blunder in this us*
2919. 6 C|\tiAdAin Mi ; 6 CpuAdiS^iTi Fi.
2961-2. -DA n^oipceAfi EH for t>a n^Ai|\ci. 2971. con^iriAil ms.
3018. meitbe Fa. 3019. ccuill Fa. 3068. ]\e beic E.
3098. lo translation int^t a comma after * jesters '.
3136. i:aicIiai$. The word means skilled physician, and is sometimes con*
founded with CAictiAig, which means surgeon.
3139. AitiTif^n om. EH. 3232. nio^A<> mob Fi. 3236. |\6 HE.
3260. Dubloin^eAf . The word means a fierce band of exiles. See note on
line 2084.
3316. T1A C|\i mic om. Ma ; HE give. 3319. IPocIa F^ ; PocIa Fi.
3334. mo^ ^von 'oeA'O Mi.
3335. le ctiib|\eAnn Ma ; C|\io<iA Fi ; Cf\iu<iA Fa ; le cuibfiionn F1F9.
3336. doithleAn^ Mi. 3426. TTlATiAiiiiAd FiFa. n^le MiMg.
3349. If e An Con(HibA|\-fo to end of paragraph om. EHFi, but giyen in W;
also in Fa, with a little variation.
3441. In translation /or went rsad went on an expedition.
3474. ceAn^Al ha scuig ];caoI, the binding of the five smalls, that ia« d
tho wrists, the ankles, and the neck : so Haliday ; so also Young, Trans* E.I.A. i.
Antiquities, p. 71, where he gives * bound neck, hands, and heels,Vas a translation
of fA cbui^ CAoL fAn Aon clieAn|;At, taken from the lay of Conn mac an Deirg*
See on this subject Sterne, Zeitschrift fiir Celtische Fhilologie, Band vi. Haft I,
p. 188. CeAtis^l nA t>C|\4 ^CAot it alio aometiiiiet m«t with. The three eaol$
appear to be caoL ah T>tii]\n, caoL ah ^omA, CAot da coife, IHd.
8494. Af Aif T10 Af 6ipn» lit. ' hj oonaeat or by loroe ': but the phraie has
aequired a mora' general signiileatioiL
8666-85. Nearly all this passage cm. Mi.
3569-86. From p6eAt> of 8569 to end of 8585 om. Fi.
8584. co$im>e ei^ Fs.
8599. xT^At rvotAi(\^ Hi ; both ^lAb and ffxiA'b are giTen in Mg.
8671-4301. Wanthig in Mi, six pages of the MS. being loet.
3847-61. AihAil/ . . , ApPAonoig om. Ms; D, etc., giye.
3859-60. YiAf A^ in these two lines Ms ; some mbs. write tiAf a^ ; tiAff a^ M*.
See Tol. i., pp. 220-1, where nAf a<> ii written, though Mi has iiAf a<> in loco.
3967—82. Three of these quatrains are given in B. Lee., fol. 300 a, b, in the
course of a poem which begins cro cotfeAcb t>ia |\oibi.
3968. cuccA B. Lee.
3970. AtiTHfceAcb for Af "oeAd B. Lee. (translation doubtful).
3971-4. om. B. Lee. ; translation of line 3974 doubtful.
3976. otcbcA Amne B. Lee.
4025. In translation road Gathaoir for Conoire.
4039. \fi#M{ 6in. 4040. t>ei^eAthAi|\ Ms, &c.
4100. Poem given in Battle of Magh Lena, p. 8 ; also in 23 K 46, and in 23
L 26, p. 17.
4101. ^c^dACAd Ms ; CiiotAtAt Ms, etc.
4102. fA om. Ms ; f a CAOih cV^ M» ; D as in text.
4103. ^|\itin MftD ; Ms as in text.
4118. ni A]\ Uon 6ac da dorfitonn Ms: Ms reads similarly (cac, coih-
totitt Mfi).
4120. fe feotAf) a pt^eApiib 23 E 46 ; jke feotAf> A]\ ficftoAdCAib
23 L 26 ; a|\ feottiib Af pceAcc|\tiib 23 Q 17 ; a]\ Cfoottiib a]\ cpcpoAdc-
Aib Ms ; Afi feottnb Af pCfeAdcnib M^D (with a slight Taiiation) ; a|\ feotAib
Af pcfxeAbAib Ci ; |\e feotAib Af pcf OAdcAib Fi ; and so on for endless
4122. A oif citt for a CA^Att 23 £ 46.
4123. In a marginal note to Ft we read :
Hi Abf Ann CAcb ffltn^e t^A go f Aibe An £of ca Atz i pn TUtrihAin AiiiAin
Ap]f Af AintAi'6 AcA in teACfAnn pn aici
"So nicoA'b ca£ a 6^te
SeA6n6in HltintbAn mlnf ^robe.
4125. ^^ txAn ^Af 23 L 26. 4126. feoil Ms ; bonn MeBCi.
4127. mo$ D. 4133. Af MsM*, etc
4135. CAi^tiod Me; Ms as in text. 4145. 'S om. D.
4172. cineA^A Ms ; as in text Ms.
4193. t)'Aicte bAif A, etc. B ; UAf ^f ihAfb^A, etc. M5.
4197. dloinne D.
4247. A ineic for a n-^Ag D. 4248. Af for 'pf D ; ao fg^l wof P.
4247-54. Text of quatrains as in Ms. These quatrains are given in LL,
p. 147 : see Bev. Celt., vol. xi., p. 44.
4417. lie Ml ; Uoc MsMs, winch read. 4421. biiA^Ain the gen. reading.
4424. b^m M« ; ten DM«Mt. oijxe^^Af MtMs ; as in text Mi. a^ for
f o]\ Mt.
4436. bfleAf^ 6i|\ MfMs ; at in text DMi.
4437. nAd bf ACAit) D, but generally rxAd fACAi'b ; for tranalation rud who
beheld not the land of their anpeston.
4456. Af 6 ^nioni|\A'6 Af Uoc litin M^MftD ; Mi aa in text.
4552. tlllcA M«M«; UllcAib Mi. |\^ti Mi ; |\6iTn MtMsD, etc.
4553. 6cA M|MsM«I)» etc. 4613-24. Theee quatnunaom. D.
4615. ACAit) the common reading. 4617. boA^ Ma.
4621. cpoc Mt ; as in text M1M5.
4624. toA^Ail MaMs ; as in text Mi. 4762. cpice M3.
4763. A^ pot>Ait fe^ pim a $Iac Mi ; a^ t>aiI f^D M5.
4776. Ceic for UAtg Mi.
4864. read TtlufnAiti. 4915. ftad teicgltnn. 4960. r^oi^ 'oeA)\iiAi'6.
4973-6. om. MiD. 4974. jUa* for |\6i JIia* M*. 4978. read ifoAf mtiige.
4994-7. Quatrain giyen in B. Lee., fol. 167 a b.
4994. Ati itiAich |M^ B. Lee.
4995. toAC |\o bAoi MiMsMflDt etc., the usual reading of Seating mss. for
1 lleq\ib cf\Ai of B. Lee., which has been adopted (slightly altered) in text ; the
place, however, has not been identified.
4996-7. Text as in Ms. 499B. -06 um. MiD. 4997. PAfAint) B. Leo.
5067. Af iiAd Ma; if hac F1F3. 5146. but) M5; contr. MiMa.
5071. Af TiAf Ma ; if tia]\ F1F3. 6184. um biAt) as in text MiMs.
5198. Latharlog mor is the reading of the printed version of this narratiye in
Sil. Gad. (from Eg. 1782). A rersion of the narrative is also given in the Book of
Lismore, 193 b (O'Longan's copy), where the reading is ni ^AbcA fOf nech t>ib
GO nt>epnA'o Iacaijx f>olt caLitiaii t)o. All the Keating mss. read as in text.
5244. -Deinmei^ Mi ; -beitifheic MaM^ ; ^o^niheicb D.
5247. fo oleic Mi ; fA leic MaMsI), etc.
5248. Text as in Mt (which, however, writes ^oibleic).
5270. cuipi^p MaD. 5272. coi|x|xp MaO.
5272-3. For tia£ |\Aibe a beAg, Mi has tiAfx ni6|\ A'bbAfv a itimix).
5314. Til bi D, as in text MiMa.
5316. ATI cpoAf , etc. ; this counsel Flaithri does not say was good in this
sentence, but that is implied. In M|S it is stated expressly that it was good, in
the clause beginning ei^c|\ionTiA beof t>'eitiTieA<i niAC moguro, etc.
5330. ^AiUit>e Ma. 5347. fuit>iuSAi> M5D.
5349. iin|\i0f Ain Ma ; tm|iiof ah MlDMs. 5351. |\o mss.
5354. bi Ma ; biA M1M5I). 5362. btii^ne bAnn MaD as in text Mi Ms.
5374. After 9|\aoi M4 reads C|\iofC t>o beic Af\ tiA d^f a'6, mo|XAnii, etc. ;
DMiMa as in text.
5411. AnAbAitin is the reading of the acss^ ; and it should be ah AbAinti (i.e.,
An the article) if we omit the 6 after |\oinf>A, as DFiFa and most mss. do. The
omission of 6 is perhaps the easier reading : but 6 \a given in Mi MaMs, etc.
5464. copy of this poem in B. Bal. fol. 136 ; B. Lee. fol. 139.
5480. 6i|\e, If p6t>lA, if bAnbA Ma ; as in text Mi.
5490. t)A^b<hiiT> Ml ; bA^bcA Ma ; bA^b^A M4.
5522. niAC CotimAic CAif is inserted in Ms before ludc. 5526. lerus M«.
5522-29. om. M]M2D ; giyen in M», etc.
5557. see B. Lee, fol. 86, line 17.
5558. AT>cuAtATnoiY\ seTeral mss. ac 6tiAVATnoi|\ Ks.
5562. gttf for 50 M2 ; jof Mi ; no pif M*; 50 D, etc.
5567. btoi'6 D ; but generally as in text.
5585. <>^AiiAifi Ms ; ^^AnAtn K»D, etc.
5588. 'n-A|\ n-A^Ai^ om. MiMa; given in D, etc.
5592-3. Apif tnAt to b)\^c line 5593 om. HsMs ; given in D, etc.
5598. t>A>om. M^Mft ; given in DMi, etc.
5603. tnic . . . C^at>6acai|^ om. Ms. 5616. ^i Ma.
5628-9. For ati bfoib^, etc., which is the reading of MaM*, C|\^ Af f|get
Apiibp <)uiTin A b]\Aicpe, etc. D.
5695. eodtii^ M2. 5770. a|\ IDisai^ om. M2 ; DM»Mi give.
5787. 1lio]gnA6 Mt ; HiognAd MiM».
5813. t>on t>oiiiAii om. MsMs; Mi gives; and the words are necessary to
prevent confusion between the centuries and the ages of the world.
5828. A bAbbAin M1M5, etc. ; 6 AtbAiti M2.
5831. b|\Ai$i6e M2 ; asin text MiM&, etc. 5940. btii M2 ; bAOi M5.
5942-3. f 1 ^be t>eircef|\c om. M2M5 ; Mi gives.
5948. f 4 AbbAii om M2 ; M5 gives. 5964. toApn Ma.
5982-90. om. M2MS; given in MiD ; D om. C|v& in 5982, but otherwise agrees
with text.
5993. ^Agf Atiuib M2.
6003. psAflo^At M2 ; t>ftiAf^lAf> Ml. 6005. CAit>piob M3.
6013. Bissey Mi; Mi inserts Berday alter Bisey; D also inserts Barclay
which is not in M2 ; D writes Gimhard for Giffard ; M5 has a different arrange-
ment of paragraphs.
6127. Tnb|\iocCAimo6 M1M2M6 ; but ha tnbpoAcnAd in 6130 M2M6.
6134. CucA Ma ; CticcA M5 ; 6ttCA Mi. 6135. 8iii<>ic M2 ; SminT) Mi.
6149. Cpoimcbe M2M6 ; q^01t11ce MiD, as in text.
6151. boACAtiAd MaBMi, etc. I have, howerer, written beACAtiAd through-
out, which accords with the common pronunciation.
6152. bonT>Ain M2, as in text Mi.
6237. bpioccAitie, mbpiocCAin Ma. 6256. VaHi Ma.
6291-2. In the same line in Mi we have ufibAmtif and o|\lAihuf.
6348. TTiAf many copies, as in text Ma.
6385. bpACCA^ M2 ; bfiACA^ Mi ; bpACAd FiFa.
6386. f ACAd M]MaMft ; 7\aca6 FjFaD, etc.
6395. Com^A Ma, as in text Mi.
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